The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 15, 1962, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, March 15, 1962
Erin Go Bragh
Try traditional Irish recipes
to celebrate St. Patrick's day
! HONOR ST. PATRICK A plain white ceke, decorated with icings and gels in tubes, becomes
a special-day treat. Simply frost your cake all over with a white, butter cream frosting; add
; crushed, mixed nuts to sides. Use writing tip with green icing to form harp, lettering, swirls;
finally, using tube of green gel to form shamrocks from three dots and a line for a stem. Detail-
ed instructions are given on each tube of Cake-Mate.
School lunch
menus given
i It's back to school next Mon
day (or Bend students and teach
ers, and back to the kitchen for
the cafeteria staff. Menus for the
week, March 19-23, have been an
nounced by Mrs. Orvnl W. Barf-
knecht, dietician for the school
lunch program.
Monday: Ham. macaroni and
cheese casserole, buttered corn,
i ice muffin with butler, fruit cock
tail, milk. '
Tuesday: Sloppy Joe, cole slaw,
extra roll with butter, pears, milk.
- Wednesday: Chicken a la king
on buttered biscuit, buttered fro
zen peas, baking powder biscuit
with butter, pumpkin custard,
Thursday: Farmer Jones Spec
ial, buttered spinach, yeast roll
with butter, applesauce cake,
Friday: Tomato soup, egg salad
sandwich, peanut butter cookie,
grapefruit sections, milk.
Give Sunday
beef new flair
Here's something different but
good. too. A new way to cook the
Sunday roast beef. It Is a southern
Louisiana recipe, from the bayou
Acadian Reast Beef
(About 11 servings)
4 tablespoons instant minced on
ion ,
' teaspoon instant minced gar
: .. lie
3 tablespoons water
. i Vt cup cider vinegar
24 teaspoons salt
. lVi teaspoons ground black pep
; per
14 teaspoon ground red pepper
', 5 lb. roast beef
- -1 tcaspam cornstarch
' 1 teaspoon water
Combine Instant minced onion
Slid garlic, the 3 tablespoons wa
ter, vinegar, salt, black pepper
and red pepper. Let stand 5 min
utes to soften onions. With a par
ing knife, cut 1-inch slits about l'i
inches apart in all sides of the
roast, sticking the knife to the
middle of the roast. Open slits
with the index finger and fill
each with about V teaspoon of
the onion mixture, using the point
of a teaspoon. Cover and mari-n.i'-
for 4 to 5 horns or overnight.
riace roast on a rack in a bak
h pan. Cover with aluminum
foil. Bako In a preheated moder
ate oven .(350 degrees F.) 3 hours
or until tender, removing the
aluminum foil 40 minutes before
cooking time is up to brown roast.
Remove roast and rack from
pan. Skim excess fat from pan
, drippings with a large spoon. Mix
cornstarch with the 1 teaspoon wa
ter and odd to drippings. Stir and
cook until gravy is slightly thick-er"-d.
Serve meat with rico or po
t :! '. and gravy.
l" .r a salad suipiise marinate
t p. p -fruit and or. in -a s.c
no.u and sweet onion rings in
your favorite Flench dressing.
Urain and save the marinade.
Arrange fruit sections and onions
on crisp lettuce. Servo with marinade.
By I la S. Grant
Bulletin SUM Wrlttr
Sure, and Saturday is a great
day for the Irish. And anyone
else who needs inspiration to put
a little color and variety into the
menu. Observe St. Patrick's Day
properly with a bit o'green and
some foods that originated on the
Old Sod.
Little leprechauns will dance
with delight when treated to their
own Erin Go Bragh cake.
Whether home - made or store
bought, this plain white cake be
comes, through the magic of dec
orations, a savory symbol in com
memoration of the patron saint
of Ireland. Use Cake-Mate decor
ating icings and gels in lubes.
For other St. Patrick's Day oc
casions, you might like big rib
sticking pancakes made with bak
ing soda and buttermilk, the tra
ditional Irish way; onion crack
ers cut in the shape of pipes and
shamrocks and bowlers, and a
steamed Canary Pudding.
Irish Soda Pancakes
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
. 1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, separated
2 cups buttermilk
2 tablespoons melted butler or
Melted butler or margarine
Sift flour, baking soda and salt
together into medium-sized bowl.
In small bowl, beat egg whites
until soft peaks form. Beat egg
yolks, buttermilk and 2 table
spoons melted butter or margar
ine together until just blended;
add to flour mixture and beat un
til smooth. Fold in egg whites.
Using a M-cup measure, drop
onto hot, lightly greased griddle.
Bake until edges are full of bub
bles. Turn; bake other side until
golden brown. Brush each pan
cake with melted butter or mar
garine. Sprinkle with sugar and
serve immediately.
Golden Onion Crackers
14 cup enriched yellow
V.'t cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon shredded green on
ions V cup shortening
Vt cup dairy sour cream
1 egg
Vi cup milk
Heat oven to hot (425 degrees
F.). Sift together corn meal.
flour, sugar, baking powder and
salt into bowl. Add onions. Cut in
shortening until mixture resem
bles coarse crumbs.
Stir in sour cream blended with
egg and milk. Mix lightly until
mixture is just dampened. Turn
out on lightly floured board or
canvas and knead gently 2 ot 3
Divide dough in half; roll each
half to ?i-inch thickness. Cut into
dejired shapes. Place on ungreas
ed cookie sheets; prick each
cracker well with a fork.
Bake in preheated oven (425 de
grees F.) 8 to 8 minutes or until
edges are lightly browned. Cool;
serve as an appetizer, snack or
with soup. Nice with a green
avocado spread and chilled beverages.
Steamed Canary Pudding
l'i cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon double-acting baking
V teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
"i cup butter or margarine
23 cup sugar
2 eggs
H cup milk
Jam sauce
Sift together flour, baking pow
der and salt. Set aside to use la-1
ter. Blend pure vanilla extract
with butter or margarine. Grad
ually add sugar, mixing well aft
er each addition. Beat in eggs,
one at a time. Add flour mixture
alternately with milk. Beat bat
ter Vt minute.
Turn into a well-greased, light
ly-floured 1-quart shamrock mold
filling it 23 full. Cover with
layers of metal foil. Tie to hold
securely with a strong cord. Place
on a rack in a deep kettle. Pour
in boiling water to come halfway
up the side of the mold. Cover
and steam 2 hours or until a cake
tester inserted in the center
comes out clean, counting cook
ing time after water begins to
boil. Add additional boiling water
to the pan as needed. Serve warm
with jam sauce. (Yield: 6 serv
ings.) If serving for St Patrick's par
ty, sprinkle with sifted confec
tioners' sugar and decorate cen
ter with green sugar shamrock.
To make it, place a shamrock
pattern in the center. Trace
around it with a pointed knife.
Remove pattern and fill in with
green granulated sugar.
fruit v chops
Next time you are broiling
lamb chops, place desert grape
fruit halves with about 2 ta
blespoons apple-mint jelly spread
on each half in the broiler after
you have turned the chops. Serve
with the meat in place of a vege
Prepare a presto pizza for teen
agers by adding sliced ripe olive
rings, instant minced onion and a
pinch of oregano to tomato sauce.
Spoon over slices of French or
sour dough bread and top with
Mozzarella or Swiss cheese slices.
Broil until cheese melts.
Chili, dishes, brisk weather,
go-fogefhers for March day
Several readers ask for chili re
cipes. Say their families ask for
it in winter. Of course there are
countless recipes for chili con
carne. Either one of these two
will make those families happy:
Chill Con Carne
(Chill with Meat)
2 tablespoons olive or salad oil
2 pounds ground chuck
3 cups water
3i teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons instant minced
1 teaspoon instant minced garlic
1 teaspoon ground cumin seed
Is teaspoon oregano leaves
V teaspoon cayenne
Vt teaspoon ground black pepper
l tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons flour
i cup cold water
Heat oil in a 9 or 10-inch skillet.
Add meat, slir and cook until it
is gray. Add water, cover and
simmer 30 minutes. Do not boil.)
Add salt, chili powder, instant
minced onion, instant minced gar
lic, cumin, oregano, cayenne,
black pepper, paprika and sugar.
Cook, covered, below boiling
point 15 minutes. Blend flour with
cold water, mixing until smooth.
Add and cook until slightly thick
ened. If desired, serve with rice
and chili beans.. (Yield: 6 serv
Chili Con Carne
(With Meat and Beans)
ii cup instant minced onion
Vi teaspoon instant minced gar
lic 2 cups water
1 tablespoon bacon drippings
1 pound ground chuck
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin seed
2 cups (1 pound can) kidney
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons water
Soften instant minced onion and
instant minced garlic in '.4 cup of
water. Saute 5 minutes in bacon
drippings in a 10-inch skillet or
Dutch oven. Add ground chuck.
Stir and cook until meat is no
longer pink.
Add salt and remaining l'i
cups water. Simmer 35 minutes.
Stir in chili powder, cumin and
kidney beans. Simmer 15 min
utes. Mix flour and the 2 table
spoons water to a smooth paste.
Add and cook 2 to 3 minutes.
(Yield: 4 to 6 servings.)
Ham, chicken
team in salad
Plan meals next week so you
will have leftover chicken and
ham. Tropical Chicken Salad is a
lovely luncheon dish for guests. ;
Tropical Chicken Salad -2
tablespoons (envelopes) unfla-
vored gelatin
M cup cold milk
2 chicken bouillon cubes
1 teaspoon salt
l'i cups scalded milk
1 cup dairy sour cream
i cup salad dressing
1 cup cubed, cooked chicken
'2 cup finely chopped, cooked
'.i cup cold cooked rice (option
al) 13 cup coarsley chopped chut
ney 13 cup flaked coconut
,i cup drained chopped pimicn
tos Soften gelatin in 'i cup cold
milk. Add bouillon cubes, soften
ed gelatin and salt to scalded milk
and stir until gelatin is dissolved.
Chill mixture until partially set.
Blend sour cream and salad
dressing into gelatin mixture.
Fold in remaining ingredients.
Pour into oiled l'i quart melon or
ring mold. Chill until firm. -
Unmold on salad greens. Gar
nish with pineapple or tomato
slices and serve with toasted sliv
ered almonds. Makes 8-10 serv
Add a handful of slivered or
sliced almonds to your next toss
ed green salad just before tossing.
Join In Bend's Fun-Filled
MARCH 23-24
Bring The Family and Enjoy The Tk,
find - the - msmk
I urur aiita I v x. .. : .1
Featuring 1962 1 Jf ? ZX
models from Bend's s7-' f 5jf jU
Automotive Dealers Mi s iJ
All You Do Is Match Your Ticket Number With The
Numbered Prizes In The Participating Stores Window.
The merchants listed below are participating in Bend's Spring Open
ing, and will have tickets available in each store. These tickets, now
available, will be numbered. Please do not throw them away, as each
participating store will display a numbered prize in their window
starting Friday, March 23 at 6 P.M. The tickets you have received
may match one of the numbered prizes in the windows. Just take
your tickets around to each window and try to match up the num
bers. No obligation! Lots of fun! While you are making the rounds,
be sure to see the many new spring fashions and merchandise now
being displayed by your Bend merchants.
The Participating Stores Are:
Featuring Today's Finest
Travel and Home Conveniences
American Music Co.
Bend Bootery
Bend Curtain Shop
Bend Rexall Drug
Bend Supply Co.
Bob's Sporting Goods
Brandis Thrift-Wise Drug
City Drug
Claypool Furniture
Darrell's House of Music
Dick's Linoleum & Tile
Economy Drug
Ellen's Tots to Teens
Eriksen's Stationery &
Office Supply
George & Red's
Sporting Goods
Health way Specialty Shop
Healy's Bend Furniture
Hobby Haven
Houk-Van Allen Home
& Auto Supply
J. C. Penney Co.
J. J. Newberry Co.
Magill Drug Co.
Mahoney Office Equipment
Masterson-St. Clair Hardware
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Moore's Shoes & Togs
Owl Pharmacy
Piggly Wiggly
Rollie's Jewelry
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Sherwin-Williams Co.
Standifer's Mens Shop
Symons Bros.
The Smart Shop
Western Auto
Sponsored by The Retail Merchants Committee
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