The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 15, 1962, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bifietin, Thursday, March 15, 1962 5
Activities taight include the fol
lowing: Toasmasters Club. West
Coffee Shop, 6 o'clock; Pythian
Sisters dinnr honoring grand
chief. Pine Tavern, 6:30, follow
ed by meeing at Library Audi
torium, 8 'clock; JOE teenage
"beatnik" ance. Eagles Hall, 7
o'clock; R$al Neighbors song
test, home of Mrs. Ed Aronson
405 Federa 7:30: High Desert
Gem and Mineral Society, room
306. courtiousc, 7:30; PAL Club
with Mrs. Wilfred Fordham, 824
Federal, MO: VFW and auxiliary
Veterans Hall, silent auction, f
o'clock; Alcoholics Anonymous.
8:30, ca EV 2-4780 for informa
tion. .
Mrjnd Mrs, Charles Conaway,
459 foadway Avenue, are par
ents of a boy born Wednesday
nigljat St. Charles Memorial Hos
pita! The baby weighed 7 pounds.
12 flinces, and has been named
Shnnon Bruce.
(riven license applicants may
hre the services of an examiner
Iflday, March 16, at Uie branch
if ice of the Department of Motor
f nicies, in the State Highway De
fcttment Building north of Bend,
loirs will be from 8 a.m. to 12
nam and from 1 to S p.m.
I '
Mr. and Mrs, Perry Waterman,
Siters, are parents of a girl born
dnesday morning at St. Charles
Imorial Hospital. The baby
vighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and
b not yet been named,
Solden Age Club will hold a pub
) card party Friday, March 16,
I 7 p.m. at the clubhouse. E.
;fth Street and Glenwood Drive,
lere will be refreshments and
rizes. Dancing will follow.
' A boy was born Wednesday
lorning at St. Charles Memorial
fospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Volden. 1220 a Third Street. The
jaby weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces,
ind has been named David Vern.
, Sagebrushers Art Society will
meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the
clubhouse on Trap Club Road. All
who are interested are invited to
Missionary Volunteer Society of
; the Bend Seventh-Day Adventist
Church will meet Friday at 7:30
p.m. at the church school, 1455
E. Third Street. "Prayer" will be
the subject for the study.
Visiting In Bend for the rest of
their spring vacation are the chil
dren of Otto W. Heider Jr., 58
Greeley Avenue. Otto III, George
and Martha arrived last night by
bus from Nyssa. They will return
home Saturday afternoon.
Bend Golf Club will hold its reg
ular Saturday evening skiers'
dinner on St. Patrick's Day, with
serving from 6 to 9 p.m. The din
ners are held especially for visi
tors who. are in town weekends
for skiing, but members and other
local residents arc invited to at
tend. Because of the special day,
a large turnout is expected. The
club serves the meal, at a charge
of $2 for adults and $1 for children
under 12. A social hour starts at
5:30. .. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hohnstein,
Lowe's Trailer Court, are parents
of a girl born Wednesday morn
ing at St. Charles Memorial Hos-
Sanfa busy in
San Bernardino
mysterious out-of-season Santa
Claus"wbo has been warming the
hearts of lucky residents here
with colck cash the last two days
may have to return to the North
Pole for more money.
.. The "unidentified Santa, com
plete with a white goatee, left
envelopes Wednesday containing
$C bills at several homes. The
dsv before he distributed $20
bills. I
Mrs-Donna Chalk, a housew ife, j
told police someone entered her j
home while she was hanging out j
the wash and dropped an envelope
containing 5 $1 bills in the play
pen of her 18-monUiold daughter.
Police adniitted curiosity in the ;
spendthrift Santa but said the ;
bills were genuine in all cases, i
made naturally...
Here and
pita). The baby has been named
Corina Sue.
Square dancing will be held Sat
urday night, March 17, at the
Rimrockers Hall in Prineville,
starting at 8:30. Larry Musgrave
will call. Women are to take pie.
All square dancers are welcome.
The Rev. John Phillips, Port
land, Presbyterian National Mis
sions representative for Oregon,
will conduct services Sunday,
March 18, at 9:30 a.m. at the Tum
alo Community Church. Sunday
School will follow at 10:30.
It's a girl for Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey DeVore, 1374 Kingston
Avenue. The baby weighed 6
pounds, 15 ounces, . and has not
yet been named. She was born
Wednesday morning at St. Charles
Memorial Hospital.
Bend Study Club will meet for
luncheon Monday, March 19, at
12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Jack Halbrook, 545 Congress
Street. Mrs. Bert Hagen will be
in charge of the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Loy, 335
Portland Avenue, are parents of
a boy born Tuesday evening at
St. Charles Memorial Hospital.
The baby weighed 8 pounds, 7
ounces, and has been named Mark
Deschutes County Committee
for school district reorganization
will meet next Tuesday at 8 p.m.,
in the circuit court room at the
county courthouse.
Plan to protect
health offered
dent Kennedy today proposed
sweeping new federal controls to
protect the consumer's health and
pocketbook in the purchase of
food, drugs and cosmetics.
In a special message to Con
gress, Kennedy urged passage of
bills to provide the government
with a tight check on misleading
advertising, packaging, sales and
other practices aimed at bilking
the buyer.
The presidential message is Uie
first of its kind to deal entirely
with the interesUTaWTfeeasTdT
the consumer.
Kennedy also announced an ex
ecutive order to give Uie consum
er "whose views are not often
heard" in Washington, a voice in
Fulfills Campaign Promise
Fulfilling a campaign promise,
he directed the creation of a con
sumers' advisory council to keep
the Council of Economic Advisers
posted on the needs of purchasers
of goods and services. He also
ordered the head of each appli
cable federal agency to pick an
assistant to keep him advised on
consumer interests.
He also directed the postmaster
general to set up a pilot project
by displaying in some 100 post
offices, samples of publications
usefid to consumers.
"The housewife is called upon
to be an amateur electrician, me
chanic, chemist, toxicologist,
dietitician and mathematician,"
Kennedy said, "but she is rarely
furnished t h e information she
needs to perform these tasks
Kennedy said the cost of his
consumer proposals would be
"modest." Officials estimated the
cost would run about $10 million
for the added staff and programs.
Barbara Stanwyck, 54, underwent
minor surgery Wednesday at Ce
dars of Lebanon Hospital and was
reported "recovering very well."
The nature of the surgery was
not disclosed.
25 Lb.
. . . . Load
10 Minutes
OWNERS: Stanley
& Hazel Bowden
'If C.'
4 v- r , i
l -, MM.
252 Kearney Ave. Ph. EV 2-1 324
f f , ' Mt . '
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Sir .l & c
WRITES BOOKLET Edwin L. Mowat of the Pacific Northwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station at Bend recently had
research booklet entitled "Growth After Partial Cutting of
Ponderosa Pine on Permanent Sample Plots in Eastern Oregon"
published. Mowat compiled information for nearly ten years
for the publication.
Hetie B. Majors
dies at age 74
Hettie B. Majors, 74, died this
morning at her home at 1354
Cumberland Avenue. She and her
husband, William S. Majors, cele
brated their 50th wedding anni
versary on Monday.
Mrs. Majors was born Nov. 30,
1887, in Clark county, Ark. In ad
dition to her husband, she is sur
vived by a daughter, Mrs. Dick
McRae, Prineville, and two sons,
Terry of Redmond and Hoyt of
Newport. She also leaves a broth
er in Arkansas and four grand
children. Funeral services are tentative
ly set for Saturday at 10 a.m. at
the Niswonger - Reynolds Funeral
Home. The Rev. Thomas Shelton
of First Christian Church will of
ficiate. Burial will be in Green
wood Memorial Cemetery.
Special to The Bulletin
" PRINEVILLE The spring
term of circuit court in Crook
county opened Wednesday with
the drawing of a grand jury of
six men and one woman.
John Solitz was named foreman.
Other grand jurors are Herman
Gillen, Richard L. Moore, Flora
Gilmor, Fred F. Morris, Angelo
Federico and Raymond Schuette.
A civil case was heard by Cir
cuit Judge Robert H. Foley, after
attorneys agreed to waive selec
tion of a jury.
American Sheet Metal is seek
ing to recover money for mater
ials furnished to a subcontractor
on the Prineville Dam. The de
fendant is Maryland Casualty Co.,
a bonding company.
Party attended
by President
dent Kennedy, an Irishman, made
an unscheduled appearance
Wednesday night at a traditional
St. Patrick's Day party.
The President arrived at the
National Press Club's ballroom
unannounced and virtually unex
pected. He slipped into the ball
room by a rear entrance and
watched the revelry on the floor.
He seemed to enjoy himself and
even sipped some beer during a
15-minuie visit.
The party is an annual affair
sponsored by Rep. Mike Kirwan,
Hazel Bowden Says:
Laundry day problems
vanish in a swirl of
washed and dried cleanli
ness when you use our
automatic laundry. Try us
and you'll see.
i . . fit i
7CC j
sf26iH IE5S1
Portland rape
suspect caught
lano Taylor, 20, Portland, wanted
in Portland and Oakland, Calif., on
kidnap-rape warrants, was arrest
ed in a motel here today.
Seattle detectives said Taylor
was picked up after police found
an automobile believed to be his
near Uie scene of a supermarket
holdup last night.
Taylor was wanted in Portland
in connection with attacks on two
Portland girls last week and sim
ilar attacks in Oakland.
The Portland girls told officers
they were taken to a point east
of the city and repeatedly assault
ed at gunpoint.
Police in Eugene, Ore., were al
so searching for a man fitting
Taylor's description after a 25-year-old
nurse said she was raped
by a man who forced her into an
alley with a knife.
He is wanted in Oakland, Calif.,
on charges of kidnap and rape
and on a federal warrant for
flight to avoid prosecution.
Portland police said Taylor
placed a long distance telephone
call to his father here early to
day. Taylor reportedly told his
father he was trapped and would
shoot his way out.
Hotels and motels were system
atically checked out in W ashington
and highways from Seattle to
Portland were watched before his
Public Health Service has ap
proved a s.15,000 grant for the
University of Oregon Medical
The money will be used to de
velop a program of professional
educational activities emphasizing
the treating of cells.
veu woe rivoH
. SMART SETS are seen on "American Bandstand ABC-TV
Bend Bootery
Your Femily Shoe Store Open Frldey Nitei 'Til .
637 Wall Ph. EV 2-1137
In and Out
of hospitals
In Ctntrtl Ortgon
Ten Lubcke, 6, underwent a ton
sillectomy this morning at St.
Charles Memorial Hospital. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Lubcke, 1352 Elgin Avenue.
Other new patients at the hos
pital are: Harold Davidson, Gil
christ; Mrs. Walter Schmidt, Cres
cent; Sheryl, Terry and Lynn
Storlie, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Storlie, Route 2; Mrs. Lee
Ivanoff, 1425 Fresno Avenue; Mrs.
Jerry Settelmeyer, 1725 W. Sev
enth Street; Percy Winishut,
Warm Springs.
Kevan Kiel, 2, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Kiel, 455 E. Emer
son Avenue, was admitted and re
leased. Also dismissed: Mrs. James
Palmer and Kathleen Morelli,
Maupin: Mrs. Robert Stwyer,
Warm Springs; Mrs. Willie Page
and Joseph Pickens, Gilchrist;
Mrs. W. M. Loy Sr., James Ward
rope, Mrs. Robert Lee, Mrs. Carl
Aikin and Arlene Wingfield, all
PRINEVILLE New patients
at Pioneer Memorial Hospital are
Mrs. Sidney Miller, Warm
Springs; Mrs. Otto Young, Rod
ney Harris. Hubert Haworth, Mrs.
Clarence Simpson, Robert Cape
hart, Kevin Stovall, Mrs. Zelma
Norman, Bart Noble, Dan Hend
rix. Carl Farrand, Mrs. Charles
Craddock, Angela Burris, Frank
McGirr, Prineville; Mrs. Otto
Silvery, Mitchell; Lewis Orrcll.
Released have been Cherry
Gunder, Mrs. Joe Hardaway and
twin sons, Robert Jay and Rod
ney Ray; Angela Burris, Mrs. Ot
to Young, Rodney Harris. Prine
ville: Mrs. Kip Culpus and daugh
ter Wilma Ida, and Mrs. Sidney
Miller, Warm Springs; Jess
Wood, Antelope.
Marcoulier rites
held on Tuesday
Funeral services for Eva M.
Marcoulier, 71, who resided at
958 E. Second, were held at the
Catholic Church in Bend Tues
day morning with the Rev. Wil
liam Coughlan officiating.
Mrs. Marcoulier died at St.
Charles Memorial Hospital in
Bend Sunday and was buried in
Deschutes Memorial Gardens be
side her husband, Peter, who died
in 1059.
Pallbearers were Jack Massart,
John Smit, Bart Perini, Nick
Schaedler, Dan Shannon and Joe
Annala appeals
for support
ALBANY (UPI) State Rep.
George J. Annala of Hood River
appealed for Albany backing on a
proposed legislative reapportion
ment constitutional amendment at
a meeting with civic leaders here
Representation in both the Ore
gon Senate and House now is
based on population. The new
plan would consider land area as
Annala said the current pro
gram has meant gross inequi
ties" for some parts of the state.
He said unless it Is changed
four key counties could combine
to swing an issue in the 1963 Ore
gon legislature.
You're heading for a spring ro
mance . t love at first sight
, , . when you see and then
try on the new Smart Set
dress flats. Each a charm- .
. . . so gay, so viva
cious. Mart a new
romance today with
Smart Set flats.-
98 kJ
Adenauer seen paying price
for cooperation of parfy
By Phil Newsem
UPI Stiff Writer
When Chancellor Konrad Aden
auer failed to win a parliamen
tary majority in West German
elections last fall and was forced
to enter into a coalition with the
Free Democrats, it was predicted
that a subtle change in West Ger
man foreign policy would follow.
The change, it was predicted,
would be the price Adenauer
would have to pay for coopera
tion of the Free Democrats who,
with 67 scats in the Bundestag,
were the smallest of the three
major political parties but held
the balance of power.
Recent events have suggested
that Adenauer now is being asked
to pay that price, particularly as
regards his dealings with the So
viet Union.
It was regarded as particularly
significant that he did not slam
the door outright on Soviet sug
Cozier services
held on Tuesday
Funeral services for Christine
Marie Cozier, youngest of Uirce
children of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Cozier, former Bend residents,
were held Tuesday afternoon in
Moscow, Idaho. The baby died
suddenly early Monday morning.
Bend residents attending Uie
funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Fountain and daughters. Sue and
Sharon, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cozier. Mr. and Mrs. Fountain and
Mr. and Mrs. Cozier are Uie ba
by's grandparents. The baby's
lather is a student at the Univer
sity of Idaho.
The Rev. Jack Adams of Uie
Christian Church officiated at Uie
Annual speech
contest planned
Special te The Bulletin
FORT ROCK Six young peo
ple will represent Uie Summer
Lake, Silver Lake and Fort Rock
elementary schools in the annual
speaking contest to be held at
Christmas Valley Lodge this eve
Sharing speaking honors will be
Fred Greenfield, Bend, represent
ing Uie Soil Conservation Service.
Supervisor Nick Klerk of Fort
Rock will preside over the annual
meeting of Uie Fort Rock - Silver
Lake Soil Conservation District.
Mrs. Anne Sprague, Laku County
Superintendent of Schools, will
preside over Uie speaking con
test. The winner's name will be
engraved on the rotating plaque
which remains with the school
represented during Uie ensuing
year. Last year's winner was
Marvin Markus of Silver Lake.
2.98 Craftmaster Numbered Oil Painting Set 2.11
1.50 Johnson & Johnson First-Aid Travelkit . . . 1.13
5.00 Howard Natural Bristle Hair Brushes 3.88
23.50 Otter
1.00 Sportsmen
AFTER "j-j,
1.35 Noxxeme
CREAM on.v
49c Certer'l
1.00 Prell
39c Beyer
1.59 Vicks Formula 44 Cough Syrup
Vitamin C Tablets 100 Mgm . .
.98 Gillette Foamy Shave Cream 78
gestions that there should be di
rect talks between Moscow and
Bonn on the German question.
Vague Opening
He rejected immediate talks but
did leave a vague opening for the
Throughout his chancellorship,
Adenauer has stood steadfastly
for German reunification which
automatically would restore Ber
lin as an all-German capital, and
return of the territories beyond
the Oder-Neisse occupied by Po
land. Final settlement of these ques
tions would be accomplished at a
' four-power peace conference to be
held by the United States, the So
viet Union. Britain and France as
provided by the Potsdam agree
ment. Free Democrats under war hero
Erich Mende campaigned bitterly
against Adenauer, whom they ac
cused of intensifying the split be
tween East and West Germany,
and entered into coalition with
him only on the promise that he
would resign within a "reason
able" time.
The campaign had brought out
other differences.
Policy Reversal
The Free Democrats demanded
a "moderate" approach toward
both the Soviet Union and the
Oder-Ncisse question.
The implication was that they
would recognize Polish possession
of the "Western Territories" as
an accomplished facL They also
would establish diplomatic rela
tions with Soviet satellites other
than East Germany. Both would
mean a total reversal of Adenauer
While advocating continued
close cooperation with the West
ern allies. Uiey demanded greater
German initiative in settling dif
ferences with the Soviet Union.
In the history of Uie Cold War,
differences among the Western
allies have become accepted as a
way of life and relatively unim
portant except in moments of
stress brought on by Soviet pres
sures. OEA meet
is underway
annual Oregon Education Associ
ation convention got under way
here today.
About 7,000 educators were ex-
pected for the three-day meeting,
Most of Uie sessions of Uie con
vention will be held at the 10,000-
seat Memorial Coliseum,
Dr. ArUiur S. Flemmlng, presi
dent of the University of Oregon,
and Ewald Turner of Pendleton,
president of Uie National Educa
lion Association, were scheduled
I to appear during Uie opening day.
not as many by prescrip
tion, of course, because
surgery is now THE recog
nized treatment for hernia
. . . but we know that for
so many of you, your own
personal, individual solu
tion either temporarily or
throughout the foreseeable
future is a comfortable,
well fitting, sure holding
TRUSS. VVe know that,
and we're equipped to take
care of your need Will
fully, experUy. Let one of
our trained technicians
select end At an OTC
TRUSS that will hold your
hernia surely, safely,
Cattle 100; good slaughter steers
23-26; cows canner-utility 12-17;
dairy 14-17.
Calves: No test of trade.
Hogs 50; classes steady 19.23;
sows 16.
Sheep 25; sales steady.
Slaughter ewes few cull to good
Ore. local Russets No 1A 100 lb
2.85-3.25; Deschutes Russets No
1A 3.20-3.60; 6-14 OZ 4.10-4.25:
bakers 4.10 - 4.25; Idaho Russets
No 1 2.15-2.25.
Eggs To retailers: AA extra
large 46-50c; AA large 43-47c: A
large 42-45c; AA medium 39-43c;
A A small 31 - 35c; cartons 1-3C
Butter To retailers: A A and
A prints 67c lb; cartons lc higher;
B prints 66c.
Cheese (medium cured) To
retailers: 47'i - 48'ie; processed
American 5-lb loaf, 45-46hc.
Shortage of
box cars due
PORTLAND (UPI)-A shortaca
of railroad cars looms for Die
west coast forest products indus
try, II. V. Simpson of the West
Coast Lumbermen's Association
said today.
Shippers are receiving less than
half of Uie wide door box cars
they need, he said.
A shortage in all classes of can
is likely Uiis summer, he said,
when lumber shipping picks qp
and agricultural shipments are at
their peak.
Simpson said Uie Southern Pa
cific Co. has told him it can fill
only 40 per cent of the requests
for wide door cars. The wide door
cars facilitate loading and unload
ing. Some buyers penalize ship
pen u tney are not used. i
Simpson said Uie current shortv
age of wide door cars comes at a
time of year when such cars
have previously been in plentiful
supply for shipping lumber and
forest products.
- He said this indicates a severe
shortage later. ,,
City police arrested Warren Ray
Orr, 15, 138 Florida Street, at
10:55 p.m. last night on a charge
of driving without an operator's
license in his possession. Orr was
released to his parents. . ......
30 Turns
3 ROLL c
o9e Ceihmere
1.75 Revlon
1.6V Preparation
H 123
to natutelly it's better
117 Oregon Ave.
Phone EV 2-5361