This Is National Want Ad Week Join the March of Money Savers The Bend Bulletin, Wed., Job situation turns upword WASHINGTON (UPD-The La bor Department reported Tuesday that manufacturing employment and the factory work week in creased in February, reflecting a sharply improved job picture. The ' department said manufac turing jobs increased bv 55,000 to 16,423,000 last month. They usual ly remain unchanged at this time of year. The factory work week rebound ed from a sharp drop in January and increased by IS minutes to 40 hours in February. This was the highest February level in live years. The number of workers on non- farm payrolls, which normally falls in midwinter, climbed by 22,000 to 53.747.000, an all-time high for February. CO AHEAD DUE WASHINGTON (UPD-The Air Force has instructed Army Engi neers to go ahead with construc tion of a radar tower at Condon Air Force Station in Oregon's Gil liam County, Sen. Mauiine Neu berger, D-Ore., said Monday. The Air Force is releasing $450, 000 for the project. Army engi neers will advertise for bids in the near future. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES Very tow nui tut monthly adj. Adt nclvd Mora 4:80 p-m. will appear tn th tolluwlnt dura paper Tha Hand UullaUn Mil nut tw mpunalbla tor mura than una tncurract InsarUun 2 lines tor 1 time only $1.00 2 lines tor 4 times only $1.50 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 8 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.25 SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrltr On Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year J18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7 50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING GF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS MOTORSWPLY 129 E. Greenwood EV 2-6941 AUTO WRECKING B & B AUTO WRECKING CO. 24 Hour Wrecker Service E. Highway 20 EV 2-3825 BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 401H Uva DRESSMAKING EDNA'S TOGS "Made especially tor you" Edna Rives EV 2-3592 JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS Pick-up, delivery. EV 2-3396 FURNACES BLAKE'S HEATING SERVICE Heating Problems All Makes EV 2-1869 Laundry & Dry Cleaneri BEND TROY Laundry 4 Dry Cleaners, Inc. Phone EVergreen 2-4511 MISCELLANEOUS Mattress-Furniture-Rebuilding DAVENPORT'S MATTRESS CO. 1st at Revere. Bend. EV 2-3320 TUPPERWARE DEALER Lucile Chaney EV 2-4184 Rt. 2 - Box 38 - Bend BEND SHOE CLINIC Leather Goods Sc Jackets Open Mondays 136 Minn. HEALTHWAY Specialty Shop "Naturally the best." 624 Franklin Ave. EV 2-0564 Rug and Upholstery Cleaning and Dyeing FREE ESTIMATES ALLUR-0-CLEAN Serving all Central Oregon EV 2-6921 Eve. EV 2-5747 W ATKINS PRODUCTS Cosmetics-Vitamins-Extracts Ma Eslick EV 2-1725 VALLEY VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Sales A Service We Repair All Makes Call EV 2-3364 431 S. Third March 14, 1962 CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 tn Redmond U 84261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 19031931. The bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1918 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St.. Bend, Oregon. LOST? INDEX Classified Ad To Buy... Sell ...Trada Airplanes fS Apartments ftt Beat . M A ppl lane-KurnJtar II Aacttoo Seles 33 Amrtments famlsbeil 57 Ante for Trade .. tt Auto Parts Serrloe H A tttot Wanted M Autos rnr Sale 100 Babr Sitters ..,....,.... 12 Boats ft Motors 44 Bustness Opportunities W Bnltdlni Contractors . M Business Space . II Business Ops. Wanted ...... Business Investments .. 71 Card of Thanks 6 Contracts ItoaUi Notices Itosa. Peta. etc. 43 PomMtlo Servlres Farmers Column 4" Farms AcreaKes . 18 Farm Machlnary Feeds 8eeds W Floker. Plant. Shrubs 56 FrulU A VesntablMi Fuel. Coal. Wood. Oa l Fuel Wanfeo O Funeral Directors 4 Help Wanted 1' Help Wanted Female U Help Wanted Mala 1 Houses Fumlihd M llnuses For Kent W Housftkeeplns Kooms 65 House Trailers W InttrortrtHi-VhooIa .. U In Memnrtam Insurance I! Notice Andres ft doeletles 2 IJvktock 3 Lost ft Kound lu Lou Bulldins Sites TT Livestock Wanted 3 Loans ftlachtnery For Sal 90 Machinery Wanted W Masonic Notices 3 Miscellaneous For Kent t Miscellaneous For Sal 3U Money to Loan ... 37 Money Wanted U Motorcycles For Sal W Having, Trecktn. Storacs) U Musical InstrumeoU 32 Personals " Poultry. Kabbfta 42 Keal Estate VM Sale SO Koom. Board 3 Share--Hide 16 dales People. Areata 14 Service Directory W Shoe Kepatr 31 Situations Wanted 33 Situations Wanted. Pern. tfi Situations Wanted. Male 34 Sportsman Column ... 49 State lie an (a ted Loans 37 Swap Column .... 4B Ttmbeiiands . 74 Trailer Spue SO Tracks-Trailers 9S Wanted to Buy 47 Wanted to Borrow 48 Wanted to Kent U Wanted. Room. Board 63 1-Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of CHLOE K. MOS- LEY In the District Court of the MISCELLANEOUS BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps for home, business. 1434 Davenport EV 2-2876 TREE SERVICE Topping. Trimming, Removing Free Estimates Insured WILEY ELLIS, Sr. 153 Jefferson Place EV 2-1601 AL'S Appliance Repairs 514 Harriman EV 2-3505 YOUR FULLER BRUSH DEALER Bob Weitmann EV 2-1831 Rt 1 Box 79 Bend, Ore. SCOTT'S CLEANING SERVICE Complete commercial c Residential. RUG and UPHOLSTERY 1417 S. 3rd. EV 2-3983 INVISIBLE REWEAVING Free Estimates, Fair Prices 675 Innes Lane EV 2-1948 RADIO & TV REPAIR RIES RADIO Make Music Your Hobby 851 Wall St EV 2-5621 GEORGE'S RADIO & TV Parts & Service on all makes. 223 E. Franklin EV 2-3900 A-l.TV & RADIO Guaranteed-Rellable Service Insured for your protection. New it Used TV-VHF it UHF. 642 Franklin EV 2-4571 PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 8:30 p m. Thursday. For info. U 8-3606 EV 2-4780 HI 7-5882 State of Oregon for Deschutes Lountv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Dewey E. Mosley, has been appointed as Executor of the estate of Chloe K. Mosley, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law requir ed, to the undersigned at the of fices of McKay, Panner & John son, Attorneys, 1026 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice in the daily Bend Bulle tin. Dated and first published Feb ruary 28. 1962. Date of last Dublication March 21, 1962. Dewey E. Mosley, Executor of said estate McKay, Panner St Johnson, 1026 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, Attorneys for said estate. 71-77-83-89-C CALL FOR BONDS THE CITY OF BEND hereby gives official notice of its inten tion to redeem Four Thousand Dollars ($4.0001 of the Citv of Bend Improvement Bonds as follows: Series No. 9. dated April 1, 1960, 4i per cent bonds, numbered Nine (9) to Twelve 12, inclusive amounting to Four Thou sand Dollars. Payment for said bonds will be made by the Recorder-Treas urer, 710 Wall Street. Bend, Oregon, and interest on the aforementioned bonds will cease April 1, 1962. Julia b. Johnson, Recorder-Treasurer 77-83-89-C NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES DEPART. MENT OF THE INTERIOR, Bureau of Land Manacement. Land Office, 710 N.E. Holladay, roiuana a, uregon. Oct. 4, 1961. Notice is hereby given that Deschutes County, Bend, Ore gon, filed application Oregon 05575 to purchase Lots 3 and 4, SWV4NEV4, SEV4NWV4 Sec. 7, T. 17 s.. R. 12 W., W.M., Oregon, containing 150.86 acres, under the Recreation and Public Pur poses Act of June 14, 1926 (44 Stat. 741) as amended, for pub lic recreation purposes. This no tice is for the purpose of allow ing all persons having bona fide objections to the proposed sale an opportunity to file their objections with this office 30 days from the date of first pub lication together with evidence that copy of such objections has been served on the applicant M. M. Gorecki. Chief. Lands Ad judication Unit 83-89-95-101-C 8-Special Notices WIDEST SELECTION of But tons & Notions In Central Ore- eon. Singer Sewma Center. 126 Minnesota, ev 8-SpeciaI Notices WE ARE no longer collectine from Keystone Reader custom ers. W. Prichard. I0-Lost S Found LOST: 900-20 tire, tube and 6 hole bed wheel, in vicinity of Allison's Diesel Shop, toward Arnold district, KV z-2489. 13-Baby Sitters BABY-SITTING in my home. 1084 Federal. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avu. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 17-Help Wanted SMALL AD Big opportun ity. EV 2-3141, 9 to 11 a.m. 18-Help Wanted Male JOB SECURITY Plus good pay. $100.00 to start No layoffs. No strikes. Our average man made $6032.00 in 1961. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box No. 310A. 19-Help Wanted Female CLEANING LADY for house and dental office, one day each week. Must be honest, efficient, and have own transportation. 708 E. 4th St., evenings. 20-Service Directory PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Llv- tog Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting, Also CommerciaL Harper EV 2-4692 FIND YOUR SPRING CLEAN-UP NEEDS IN BULLETIN CLASSI FIED ADS. COUNSELOR FOR famous Knapp shoes. Call evenings. EV 2-6552. HUGH SIMPSON Painting Paperhanging Save Now Winter Rates Terms Months to pay. 315 E. Irving EV 2-5761 APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL SMALL APPLIANCES Irons, mixers, toasters, coffee makers, waffle irons. Any make or model. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. EV 2-2821 24-Situations Wtd. Male RELIABLE Married man, 26, wants permanent employment. Farm, ranch, etc. Various ex perience. LV 2-0409. 25-Situations Wtd. Female EXPERIENCED Baby sitter wants baby-sitting days or eve nings in your home, tv z-jawi 30-MisceIlaneous for Sale TOP SOIL, 611 dirt. dumD truck, tractor loader work, exca vations. FV Z-DlSl. NEW COLEMAN oil floor fur nace, sell for M price, or trade for chain or table saw, EV 2- 1563. CONVENTIONAL WASHER good working condition, EV 2- 6800. 30-Miscellaneous for Sale REPOSSESSED!! Singer Dressmaker, with full set of attachments. Was $169.50, now $139.50. SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-3882 WHITE ENAMEL wood range with hot water coils. Good con dition. EV 2-3215, 22 McKay. Quality Used Furniture Buy, sell or trade J & M Furniture 1854 N. 1st. (N. Hiway) EV 2-2202 MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. EV 2-5312. AUTOMATIC RCA Portable record olaver. 45 only. $17.50. Darrell's House of Music, Wall at Oregon. USED COMMODE and tank. EV 2-2565. ELECTRIC RANGE in excel lent condition. 100 per cent fi nancing o.a.c. $5.34 per month. Ken Cale Hardware. Third and Greenwood. A SAFE bet. tried it vet? Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. It's tops. Masterson - St. Clair Hdw. FOR SALE: Wood heater, ex cellent condition, $35. EV 2-4738. LIONEL ELECTRIC. Four- teen 9-inch sections of track, two sections of switch track with control, one regular and one heavy-duty transformer, four cars. $40. 708 E. 4th St., eve nings. FENCE Electrifier. electric stock tank heater. EV 2-3654. WESTSLDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Fura & Misc. Dally 8:30 to 6 Sunday 9:30 to 2 FOR SALE Crushed cinders. EV 2-2499. HALF HUES' Half TWU 39e lh. Cut. nrriai TTrea Vnr- Freezers & Supplies, see Mid- siaie meai lx., ilv Zsjeol. RECONDITIONED and Buar- anteed washers and dryers, all in good condition. Oregon Equipment Company, 165 East Greenwood. REDUCED!! Domestic Console, sews very good. Was $ 1 09.50, now $79.. 50. Tale over payments after a small down payment. SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-3882 TV CABLE for sale. $55. EV 2-0759. SEALY MATTRESS, like new. $35. EV 2-5474. FOUR PLACE setting. West moreland Sterling Silver. Mil- burn Rose pattern, Dormeyer mixer, sandwich maker, two floor lamps, library diner, con tour chair, swing rocker, single bed complete, two rural mail boxes. New lu uelta Band &aw, standard motor, 29-4 Singer sew ing machine, guitar with case, three doors, toilet and tank. EV 2-1527. WALL GAS heater, brand new, won contest Retails $150. Sell for $125. EV 2-1265. POLAROID CAMERA, instant picture with light meter, good condition, $40. EV 2-5567. LIONEL ELECTRIC train, O gauge, $25. Jeb Boyd, EV 2-2798. FANTASTIC!! Singer C o n t o I e , straight stitch. Full set of attachments. Was $89.50, now low, low, price of $68.88. SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-3882 31-Appliances. Furniture 1955 MONARCH electric range. Excellent condition. Also Spark circulating oil heater. EV 2-5690. 32-Musical Instruments UPRIGHT PIANO, good con dition, EV 2-2178. FOR SALE Estey upright pi ano, $150. EV 2-2379. 39-Livestock Wanted WANTED; Fat cattle and hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick up. EV 2-0458. 41 -Livestock. Horses AT STUD. Arabian chestnut stallion, Roabel No. 5633. Con tact Shirley Rogers, LI 8-2501 or LI 8-3620. TWO Onartpr.tvn mares With colts at side. One registered Hereford bull. EV 2-2219. PINTO MARE saddle horse, EV 2-1634. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday oray. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. LONG - HAIRED Dachshund pups for sale, EV 2-5554. BLACK MINIATURE Poodle service, EV 2-1190. BOARDING AND CLIPPING SERVICE Poodle Stud Service. Toy Poodles, Pekes ft Terriers for sale. RANCH PET KENNELS Ey 2-3634 43-Dogs, Pets. Etc. FOR SALE: Baby Parakeets, cages and supplies. 1034 Albany, 44-Boats & Motors FOR SALE 14 font Plvvrvw glassed boat, trailer, controls, Sleerinff. ranvae n r, u a r anA lights. EV 2-6883. ' lt FOOT Larson aluminum boat. 14 horse power motor and trailer. To trade for 12 font hnnl 5 horse power motor and trail er. EV 2-6586. 45-Sportsmen's Column DOCTOR SAYS no more hunt- ing. 1-300 Savage, fired 4 times $70. 1-Davis double 16 gauge $20. 1-Savage O.U. 22-410 $20. 1-Mosburg 22 automatic $15. EV 2-6004. 1958 SCOTT 40 horse electric motor. Battery, controls, extra prop. Excellent condition. 100 per cent financing o.a.c. $19.83 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Third & Greenwood. 28 GAUGE Spanish Double, Mint condition, $119.50. Ken Cale Hardware, Third & Green wood. 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED: OLD CARS, trucks, cats, farm machinery, to buy. Highest prices paid. B. & B. Auto Wreckers. EV 2-3S25. PROPANE GAS tanks. Ideal Gas Si Appliance, Box 706, Bend, EV 2-3823. 16 FOOT CaniD Trailer. EV 2- 2269. GOOD USED nnrioht niano. EV 2-1415. SO-Fuel. Coal. Wood. Oil RED CEDAR posts. Tama rack and body pine wood. EV 2- 0635. FOR SALE: Dry Jackpine, $12. cord, EV 2-5395. WOOD FOR SALE Pine and Juniper Cut any lengths EV 2-6959 WASHED UTAH COAL Lump - Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 a load, approx. 2 cords. Washed Oil Treated Stoker. Washed Lump Coal Robert Davenport. EV 2-1599. JACKPINE $14.. Dine. $12. Im mediate delivery, EV 2-2822. DRY OR half dry Juniper, EV 2-5272. 51 -Wanted To Rent TWO OR three bedroom at tractive home. Local business man. Adults. By June 1st. Write care Bend Bulletin Box 31JA. SMALL Acreage with house. close in. EV 2-4601. 56-Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED 3 rra apart ment near hospital AdultG only. $40.00 per month. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, 477 E. Franklin Avenue. THREE ROOM duplex, piped for gas. Near Congress Grocery. Adults only. EV 2-2379. 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM duplex, gar age, EV 2-2199. DESIRABLE 3Vs and 4tt room duplex. Automatic heat, garages, utilities. TV Included, wahee Apartments. 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. EXTRA NICE one bedroom. Available March 10th, EV 2-3372. CLOSE TO school and town. 2 bedroom, TV cable, water, gar bage paid, 204 .Florida. v 2- 9970. ONE AND two bedroom, util ities furnished. Bend Park Apartments. 1130 So. 3rd, EV 2 4226. ONE BEDROOM, close in. EV 2-9971. FURNISHED 18 foot trailer house, utilities included. Water at sink. Access to shower. 623 Hill Street. TWO BEDROOM, oil heat. clean, close in, $40. month. 412 Hill Street. 58-Houses tor Rent TWO BEDROOM, close in. Clean. EV 2-5519. MODERN THREE bedroom, oil heat, fireplace, vacant March 10th, EV 2-4711. TWO BEDROOM modern. 1074 Albany. Two bedroom mod ern, 635 Revere. EV 2-2835. TWO BEDROOM house, close to schools, nice location. $65. EV Z-1BZ7 after 5:30 p.m. or EV 2-0829. 59-Houses Furnished NICELY Furnished one bed room. 'Lady or couple, close in, no pets. 1516 W. 2nd Street THREE BEDROOM house. close in, $40. month, EV 2-9970. 70-Business Opportunities OPPORTUNITY Flying A Station for Lease. Equip. & Util. furnished. Out standing rental terms. For Infor. EV 2-1921 days. EV 2-5643 eves. BY OWNER: 9 unit motel plus living quarters, some kitch ens, air conditioned, li trailer spaces, all occupied. On High way 97. Western Air Motel, Red mond. FOR SALE. Block plant in Burns. Columbia block machine, mixer, pallets and racks. On five cilv lnt. Will consider sell ing machinery separaicij. viu trade for acreage in right loca tion. Don Robins. Box 1082. phone 4533 Eurns or 366 W Slh Street, Prineville. 1.67 ACRES Modern Trail or Court. 14 snaces. room for more. Rest rooms, metered laundry, three room modern furnished house. l4,ooo. - nwu. down. One like new Maytag gas clothes drver, $100. Bert ton. nell, Box 176, LaPine, Oie. 70-Business Opportunities FOR SALE: Restaurant drive in. Land, building and equip ment, living quarters with three bedrooms, lots of parking. 50 miles from Portland, JCV 2-6748. 76-Real Estate Exchanges WILL TRADE eouitv in 4 all bricl: duplexes in city of Salem. Each building rents for $160 per month. Tenants pay all utilities. Price per building is $17,950. Want small ranch, cabin on stream or what have you. Bend area prefered. Write or call Walt Jones Realtor, 605 Che- meketa St., phone 364-0157, Mort ProminskL 78-Farms & Acreages EIGHT ACRES 5 COI water. ll4 miles from city limits. 3 bed room modern home. Plumbed and wired for washer and dry er. $11,500. $2,500 down. EV 2- 2780. ACREAGE With lovely home. City and irrigation water, fine pasture. EV 2-2935. FOR SALE or trade: 640 acres grazing land in Harney Valley. About 200 acres level. Remain der bunch grass hill land. Con tains several thunderegg depos its, mineral rights included. Will consider trade on good 3 bedroom residence or acreage in Bend, Redmond, Prineville area. Don Robins, Box 1082, phone 4533 Burns, or 366 W. 5th Street, Prineville. OR TRADE 169 acres. 42 acres water, 3 bedroom house. Take 3 bedroom in town. EV 2 4336. FIVE ACRES with COI water on Denser Road, EV 2-5272. EIGHT ACRES, one acre wa ter, good mountain view Bache lor to Hood. Live TV. Four miles from citv center. Harry Myers, Denser Road, EV 2-2963. 80-Real Estate Fox Sale VERN LARSON AGENCY Real Estate-Appraiser 1496 Quincy EV 2-5297 A CUTIE with 2 B.R. new kit chen, fireplace, part basement, close in. FHA says $10,500. A FRIEND wants a 3 BR modest home on west side for six to $7000. He has the money, do you have the house? 2 LOVELIES, one on Eside, one in West Hills. - GIVE VERN A TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!! THREE BEDROOM house in Redmond. Good terms, phone LI 8-2769. WELL LOCATED, smaU bus iness to trade for farm. EV 2- 6426. CECIL C. MOORE REALTOR Inouiries Answered Promptly 1132 Newport, Bend, EV 2-3379 KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 R. D. Kerr, Broker 30 Acres Fair 3 bdrm house, chicken house, barn 4 other buildings. Approx. 17 A. culti vated & good field of alfalfa. Located on oiled road about 7 mi. from town. Price $9300 $2500 dwn. 2 bdrm home located close to town. This is an older type home, newly remodeled, & has all new kitchen & utility. Oil forced air furnace & fireplace. A very good buy at $10,500. Call us on this one. Walt Kith-edge EV 2-4492 Clent King EV 2-5452 , Ray Cronin EV 2-5656 GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. , EV 2-3752 WE NEED LISTINGS! Family home, close to mirror pond, and downtown. Immacu late and well mainiainea. ims home has 3 bdrms, tiled bath, separate dining rm. large kit chen with nook, utility plbd and wired and has extra toilet, gar- aee and carport. 2 full lots witn plenty of shrubs and trees. There is plenty of space lor i King size bdrms and bath in unfini shed attic with perfect space for stair well in hall. Oil furnace. Don't miss this fine expandable family home priced at $16,500. N. E. Gilbert Broker Realtor Larry Keown Assoc. Broker EV 2-2395 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED Three bedroom tn good east side location has bath and half, fireplace, good sited utility room plumbed for automatic washer & dryer, two car gar- age, good sized lot. Home Is about three years old. Assume present FHA financing of about $13,000.00. Total price $15, 500.00. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-6453 JirnArntz EV 2-5243 Buck Davis Ranches EV 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE See Hap Taylor at the Lodge oiflcs for iniormtuon. 80-Real Estate For Sale Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV 2-3031 1. ACROSS FROM PARK. Every home on this well kept street reflects pride of home ownership. Call us now for an appointment to see this lovely 3 bedroom wfirplc, dinette, "U" shaped convenient kitchen with ell birch cabinets, util. plumbed for laundry. Auto oil perimeter heat. Attached sealed garage. 60x110 ft. lot. Close to High School. $15,500 FHA terms or assume state Gl loan of approximately $11,500. 2. ACREAGE. Borders City Limits, 2 acres. 3 bedroom modern home, large living room, separate dining room, utility plumbed & wired for laundry. New aluminum siding. Full price $11,500, terms. Mable Foster Kieth Ramsay EV 2-5324 EV 2-3105 Bill Franck EV 2-1273 i ACRES With city water for domes tic use also I'j acres Irri gation water rights. Attrac tive 3 bedroom modern home, electric heat. At tached 2 car garage. Pav ed street and drive way, excellent location. Near golf club. $17,500. terms. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 Arleigh Black Broker Jim Lance EV 2-5756 Bob Lilienthal EV 2-6363 Joe Tilden EV 2-2766 KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK That is opportunity waiting for someone. 19 A. adj. city limits. COI water it city water can be had. You can make $4 for $1 on this as it has wonderful layout for home sites. Very good terms. JACK HALBROOK Real Est. & Ins. 545 Congress EV 2-0364. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Harold Phillips, Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 3 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors, forced air oil furnace, basement, paved st, and alley, close in. Immediate possession. A buy at $11,250, FHA 3 bedroom home, forced air oil furnace, fireplace, close to Kan- wood School. Immediate pos session. Reduced Price for Quick Sale. $5,700 $1,000 dwn. Phillips 2-0571 Hogan 2-3274 TWO BEDROOM modern. partly furnished, large utility, basement, gas furnace, corner lot. double garage, close In. In quire 155 Delaware, EV 2-0568. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 4 acres, 4 acres water. 3 bed room home, combination dining & living room, bath it half, elec tric heat, 2 Rainbow Rock fire places, double garage. Very lovely well kept home for only $25,500. 80 acres, 45 water, 25 acres al falfa, 20 acres pasture, 2 bed room home & outbuildings. $21,- 000, $2,000 down. Bob EV 2-3990 Roy EV 2-4816 Jess EV 2-4317 Emily EV 2-1086 BY OWNER. Two bedroom. carport end garage. Two lots on N. 1st Street. Low down pay ment. CV 2-ZJ&.1. TWO BEDROOM house. Ao. pralsed for taxes $4920. Price $4400. $1400. down, $45. per month including Interest or $3820. cash. EV 2-1354. 100-Autos E. Second & Franklin EV 2-2222 AAA Wrecker Service EV 2-3218 1961 Ford 4 dr. sedan Galaxle, pwr. steer. $2495 1961 Corvair Monza 52195 (2) 1960 Pontiacs, 2 dr. auto, trans. 52195 1960 Pontiac Catallna 4 dr. - 52195 1960 Ford 4 dr. Galaxia 51895 1959 Ford 2 dr. V8, std. trans. 51295 1959 Studebaker Lark Wagon 51195 1957 Buick 4 dr. hardtop, power 51195 1958 Pontiac 4 dr. wagon. Auto, trans. 51395 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air 4 dr. hardtop 51195 MOO off on the above cars for no trcrdslll 80-Real Estate tor Sale FOR SALE at appraisal price. 3 bedroom modern, 2 lots. 8-0 Federal. FOR SALE or trade: 3 bed room residence in good locat'p in Burns. Will consider trade on suitable residence or acreage in Bend, Redmond, Prineville area. Don Robins, Box 1032, Phone 4533 Burns or 366 W. 5th Street, Prineville. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor GOOD E. SIDE LOCATION Owner transferred. Cute 2 bed room home. Nice siied living room. Completely plastered. Big kitchen with breakfast nook. $10,500, 3 down on FHA terms. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 Wall St, Nites EV 2-1761 Arnie 2-4475 Harvey 2-4683 Jim 2-3594 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE See Hap Taylor at the Lodge utnce for information. income property, close in, pav ed street, EV 2-5647. TWO BEDROOM home. i acre. $6500. Prineville, HI 7-4060. 94-Mobile Homes WILL TRADE eauitv In I960 Kit two bedroom trailer home for cash, pickup or camp trail er. LaPina 536-2215. 1960 TWO bedroom Kit trailer 45x8 foot, like new, EV 2-2392. KIT REGAL 35x8 foot. Excel lent. Inquire 955 Wall, Apt. 8. Ben Ohling or call EV 2-5581 after 9 p.m. CAMP TRAILER, 15 - foot, sleeps 4. 5150. EV 2-4336. 1953 36x8 foot Safeway trail er house. Two bedroom, good condition. Call HI 7-4073, Prineville.- 95-Trucks-Trailers I960 DODGE truck, good con dition, 1084 Federal. TO TRADE i ton pickup for Vi ton pickup or car. EV 2-6586. 100-Autos tor Sale 1957 Ford 2 dr. $795 ; V8, auto, trans., real clean " BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th & Giveaway, Redmond, Ore. SALE 30 Cars to Choose From ALL PRICES REDUCED Don't Buy 'Til You See Don! I DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. 1952 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, good tires, $215. EV 2-6316 eve nings and weekend. 1956 FORD RANCH wagon, Thunderblrd motor and over drive. Sacrifice. $550 cash. See at J & E Union Station, 442 E. Third. QUALITY USED CAR r '53 Chevrolet Hardtop Coupe. Bel-Air. Radio and heater, stan dard transmission. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood "SHOOT THE MOON" '61 Greenbrier Bus Red & White Nice . $2195 BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Across from Wagner's A-l USED CAR 1961 Ford V8 Falrlane Town Sedan, power steering, lock dif ferential, tinted glass, seat belts. Only $2149. R0BBERS0N FORD FOR SALE: Equity in 1960 Corvair, $300 cash, or trade for older car. EV 2-4738. 1951 CHEVROLET four door. 47 Gilchrist, EV 2-4295. For Sale MOTORS, INC. Frank Cran EV 2-3090 Frank Settlemeyer EV 2-2548 Walt Kirbs EV 2-2258 D. Hall-Prinevlllo HI 7-6219