The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 14, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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The Bend Bulletin, Wed., March 14, 1962
SKIING FAMILY Don Francis and family of Portland are shown as they prepare for a day of
skiing at Mount Bachelor. The Portland family spend almost every weekend at the Central Ore
gon ski slope. Members of the family from left to right are Don, 13-year-old Rick, wife Nadine,
1 1-year-old Ken, and 15-year-old Carole. Another son, Pete, was already on the mountain.
Recent Oregon prisoner facing kidnap charge
A recent Oregon prisoner was
hold today on charges of kidnap
ing a state patrolman in the offi
cer's own patrol car.
Patrolman Ed Durham, 36, fi
nally escaped by swerving the car
from the road and jumping out
as the 'auto rolled 60 feet into
Clear Creek.
The accused kidnaper, Harry
Eugene Rupert, 37, was captured
shortly afterward at an abandon
ed boarding house nearby.
Authorities in Oregon said he
was freed Jan. 11. They said he
was first sentenced to the Oregon
state penitentiary in 1948 for as
sault with a dangerous weapon
and obtaining money under false
Durham said he was kidnaped
after stopping Rupert's pickup for
a traffic violation. He said the
driver lacked any driver's license
or registration.
Durham said as he searched
the vehicle, Rupert stepped out
with a gun and ordered, "Put up
your hands and don't move fast."
He said Rupert forced him into
the patrol car and told him to
start driving.
Durham said at one stop, Ru
pert ordered him from the car
and told him: "I don't like what
I'm going to do now, and I don't
want you to see my face any
longer. Keep your hands up and
turn around."
The patrolman refused, and
they kept on driving until Dur
ham wrecked the car and es
A passerby called officers, who
captured Rupert at the boarding
Several Pairs of lonjfj Range
Binoculars to be Given Awayl
"Spotter Scope.'
Grand Priiel
"Skyrider" Blcyclel
Kodak "Hawkeye
Flashgun Camera with
Bulbs, Batteries, Film and Neckslrap.
921 Wall
KIDS! Watch the "Three Stooges" Mon, thru Fri., 5:00 P.M., KPTV
Program on
is given
The Juniper Garden Club had a
Dropram on hnrtirnltiirn at a
meeting last week at the home
oi mrs. joe iurner, bisters High
way. RcDorts were ffivpn nn
eral flowers suitable for the Cen
tral Oregon area, and garden
chores for early spring.
In March and April, gardeners
will do well to take care of clean
up jobs, do dormant spraying and
dusting and transplant late peren
nials, Mrs. Sid Conklin advised.
These are the months for getting
garden tools ready, browsing
through Reed r.italrHMfe anH nlan.
r 0 1"""
ning for changes in color, she
saia. weeds are easily pulled at
this time of year, and trash can
be removed.
Mrs. Clifton Dunlap gave a re
port on the amaryllis, an easily
hybridized bulbous plant from the
tropics. She described its regular
tubular flowers on lone, thick
stocks, and its dark green strap
shaped leaves. After the stalk
starts, growth is very rapid.
The amaryllis should be shal-
lowly planted, with two-thirds of
the bulb above the soil. Flowers
are pink, red, white and striped.
Mrs. Fred Shepard reported on
the perennial aster, known as
Michaelmas daisy, which is the
largest family of asters, with 250
species, wild and cultivated, found
in America. They can be grown
in partial shade, but prefer sun
shine. The daisy-like flowers, in pink,
white, lavender and deep purple,
bloom in clusters in summer and
fall. Clumps can be divided in fall
or early spring, and should be
well fertilized in fall.
Mrs. C. C. Gillenwater gave a
report on the viola, or English
wild pansy, which is the parent
plant of the familiar cultivated
3 men offer
pleas of guilty
Three men pleaded guilty to
criminal charges Tuesday before
Circuit Judge Robert H. Foley,
and a fourth, Merle E. Willitams,
was placed on five years probation.
Pre-sentence reports from the
State Board of Parole and Proba
tion were ordered for William J.
Stover, 18, Salem; Gary Lee La
Frenier, 20, Pine Tree Motel, and
Roy Orville Fattig, 42, Caldwell,
Stover was arrested February
26 at Vale, in company with a
juvenile, Daniel Peter Williams,
17. Stover was booked for taking
and using an automobile without
LaFrenier was arrested March
9 in Portland, on a charge of ob
taining property under false pre
tenses. Fattig was arrested March 2 in
Redmond, on a forgery charge.
Williams, 23, of Route 1, Prine
ville, was arrested February 9 on
a charge of obtaining property by
false pretenses. He was arraign
ed in Redmond justice court. He
waived preliminary hearing and
was bound over to the grand
jury. Before being placed on pro
bation yesterday, he waived
grand jury indictment.
Residents flooded the police sta
tion with calls Tuesday asking
what was the trouble.
The trouble was that policeman
Charles Weaver ran up a distress
signal when he hoisted the Amer
ican flag upside down at dawn.
pansy. The flowers. In white, li
lac, yellow, purple and apricot,
remain pure in color, and bloom
from March to late fall. The plant
is bushier, with flowers more nar
rowly petaled than the pansy. The
species is self-feeding.
Supermarket business leans f o Hollywood
By Leroy Pope
UPI Staff Writer
NEW YORK (UPD-The super
market business appears to be go
ing Hollywood, Lester L. Wolff,
the industry's chief drumbeater,
admitted today.
Wolff, whose advertising agen
cy, Co-ordinated, Inc., handles 18
large supermarket chain accounts,
said things have come to such
a pass that a supermarket cover
ing half a square block may be
merely colossal and nearly obso
lete. "The bitter truth Is that a su-
Resignations of 5 teachers told
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE Five teachers
submitted their resignations at
the regular Crook county school
board meeting Monday, during a
lengthy board session filled with
assorted problems.
Those resigning were Guy Dela
marter, dean of boys, CCHS, Dan
Browning and Lloyd Baker, high
school teachers; Lucy Jensen,
Ochoco school and Homer Ward,
Oooked River School. Delamar
ter and Baker both stated they
were going into business. Brown
ing plans to continue his educa
tion during the coming year.
Other teachers were accepted
by the board for the coming year.
A citizen's committee, compos
ed of Mrs. Paul Bishop, Dr. Evan
Jones, Miss Mary Howden and
Mrs. Jean Wilkinson, presented
the school board with a request
that the board consider the pos
sibility of joining with the city in
a joint recreation program. The
beard took the request under ad
visement for consideration at a
later date.
The school committee from the
Lone Pine district, near Terrebon
ne, requested of the school board
that their seventh and eighth
FORD. England (UPI)-Bedford
head postmaster Leonard Marsh
was stampeded by applicants be
cause the head for a postal job
mistakenly said that $823 was the
weekly instead of the annual sal
graders be permitted to attend
the Prineville Junior High school.
The move would involve seven or
eight students.
After deliberation, the board
granted the request, beginning
with the coming school year, on a
trial basis. Lone Pine committee
men stated they felt it would give
their older pupils a better prep
aration for high school.
Klamath worker
injured in fall
construction worker was injured
today when he fell about 30 feet
from a scaffolding on the new
Klamath County courthouse addi
tion. James Pappin, 58, Klamath
Falls, suffered a fractured leg,
cuts and bruises. The accident
occurred shortly before 8 a.m.
permarket that costs $1 million to
open can become obsolete in sev
en years," Wolf said.
Moreover the huge emporium
carrying 10,000 or more items,
ranging from steaks and eggs to
girdles, tractors, and perfumes,
no longer appeals to people on
cost alone.
To provide the convenience of
one stop shopping the modern
family demands, the supermarket
has had to lift its overhead mar
gin sharply.
Back in 1930 when Michael King
Cullen opened the first King Kill
len store in Jamaica, N. Y., be
lieved to have been the first true
supermarket, he figured 10 to 12
ronic nn the sales dollar would
cover all expenses and profit.
It takes 18 cents of each sales
dollar to run today's supermarket.
Wolff said. "But that's a lot
cheaper than many small grocer
ies, who need 26 to 3D cents irom
each dollar to cover expenses and
Nevertheless, the supermarKet
with its packaged ready-to-serve
or heat-and-serve foods sell con
venience more than price, Woltt
"There's no glossing over the
fact," he said, "that cereal costs
70 per cent more in the little one
serving boxes than in the big family-sized
boxes, but people like the
little boxes and will pay for
Evangelist Richard Martin
Nightly (Except Sat.) March 11 -18
14th & Jacksonville Bend, Ore.
K i
n v- . s.
, - . 'U x ' fi ,,.
Surprising how simple it is to dry clothes electrically. Try it and see! An
electric dryer dries 'em fast and fluffy no matter what the weather. Fret
ful about fabrics? Needn't give it a second thought because your dryer
' is gentle even with the finest fabrics. The temperature is always just
right in your electric dryer.
See 3-our electric appliance dealer soon. Hell show you how to put an
end to tiresome washday chores. Just buy an electric dryer . . . it's as
easy as that!
You Live Better...