Buckeyes' Lucas first unanimous AII-UPI eager NEW YORK (UPD-Jerry Lu cas of Ohio State, college basket ball's "Mr. Wonderful," today was elected to the 1962 United Press International All-America team by a unanimous vote the first play er ever so honored. This was the third straight year that the talented 6-foot-8 Buckeye center was voted All-America. Lu cas thus matched the feats of La Salle's Tom Gola 11953-54-55) and Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati (1958-59-60). Every one of the 202 basketball writers and radio-television broad casters who participated in this year's nationwide UPI poll made Lucas a first team selection. The four other players selected were Terry Dischinger of Purdue; Billy (The Hill) McGiU of Utah; Lucas' Ohio State teammate, John Havlicek, and Chet Walker of Bradley. Dischinger and Walker, like Lu cas, were repeaters from last year's UPI All-America. McGill and Havlicek moved up from the 1961 second team. All five players are seniors. Unusual Honor Squad This is an unusual honor squad, averaging 6-foot-7 per man and possessing a scoring average of more than 27 points per-man per game. McGiU, Utah's 6-foot-9 beanpole, led the nation in scoring with a 38.8-point average that was the second highest ever recorded by a major college player. The 6-foot-7 Dischinger aver aged 30.2 . points and led the Big Ten Conference in scoring for an unprecedented third straight sea son. Walker's average was 26.4, Lucas' 22.3 and Havlicek's 17.0. Although Lucas was outscored by three members of the All-America team, he was by far the most valuable player in the group. He had the best major college field goal shooting percentage (65 per cent) and ranked third nationally in rebounding by grabbing more than 21 per cent of all the shots made in the 24 games he played. Not only that but Lucas is a superb team player. He is a na tural leader on the court, has an ideal athletic temperament and has proved a truly unselfish star. His comparatively "low" scoring average is due largely to the number of times he preferred to pass to teammates for field goals. Eye NCAA Title The 21-year-old Lucas now can climax perhaps the greatest ca reer in American collegiate his tory by leading Ohio State to the NCAA championship, a feat that eluded the Buckeyes last season. Lucas was a member of the vic torious U.S. Olympic team in 1960. All five All-Americans ranked among the nation's top 20 in field goal shooting accuracy. McGill, Havlicek and Walker hit on slight " ly better than 55 per cent of their shots and Dischinger on 54 per cent. Havlicek was undoubtedly the standout defensive player in the group. This "bulldog" invariably was assigned to guard the oppos ing team's high scorer. These op ponents included Dischinger, who scored only 9 points against Ohio State. This season's honor five were overwhelmingly popular choices in the nationwide voting. Dischinger was a first or second team selec tion of 90.9 per cent of the voters, McGill's name appeared on 82.3 per cent of the ballots, Havlicek's on 76.9 per cent and Walker's on 70.4 per cent. South Well Represented Four of the five players chosen on the UPI second team were from the South. Cotton Nash of Kentucky and Rod Thorn of West Virginia were the highest vote getters in this group. Next came Len Chappcll of Wake Forest, Art Heyman of Duke and John (The Shot) Foley of Holy Cross. A third team was comprised of: Jim Rayl of Indiana, Dave De busschere of Detroit, Paul Hogue of Cincinnati, John Rudometkin of Southern California and Don Nel son of Iowa. This was the first year that two , players from the same school were chosen to the UPI All-Amer- j ica first team since Dick Rickctts and Si Green of Duquesne were honored in 1955. College Basketball By United Press International Cincinnati 61 Bradley 46 NCAA Tournament (First Round) East Regional at Philadelphia NYU 70 Massachusetts 50 ViUanova 90 W est Virginia 75 Wake Forest 92 Yale 82 Mideast Regional at Lexington, Ky. Butler 56 Bowling Green 55 Western Kentucky 90 Detroit 81 Midwest Regional at Dallas, Tlx. Creigliton 87 Memphis St 83 Texas Tech 68 Air Force Acad. 66 NAIA Tournament at Kansas City, Mo. (First Round) MoT. Harvev 95 Ouachita Bapt. 70 Savannah SL 84 Pacific Luth. 75 At (flag.) St, Buena Vis, 73 BUSY DAY OF WRESTLING Eight matches are simultaneously conducted during first-day action at state A-1 wrestling meet at Gil Coliseum In Corvallis Friday. During initial day of two- viSSSS Fifth Nighters League W L Young Equipment - 23 9 Pine Tavern ..... 20 12 Rose Pharmacy 18 14 Moore's Shoes & Togs 15'i 1614 Cinderella Salon 14 18 Rock 'n Wood 13V4 18'4 Westward Ho Motel ... 12 ' 20 McCulloch Chain Saw 12 20 Last week's games: Moore's Shoos 4, Westward Ho 0; Cinder ella Salon 3, McCulloch 1; Pine Tavern 3, Rock 'n Wood 1: Young Equipment 3, Rose Pharmacy 1. Team leaders: Moore's Shoes and Togs, 865 game; Young Equipment, 2498 series. High scorers: Delores Conaway, 190 game and 495 series. Monday Owl League W L Eagles Auxiliary 30 14 Brandis Drug 28 16 Rock 'n Wood 25 19 Pilot Butte Inn 21 23 Coca Cola 20 24 Trailways 19 25 Cascade Bowl 17 27 Murray s Holt 16 28 Here's list of '62 UPI cage squad NEW YORK (UPD-The 1962 United Press International All- America basketball team: (Player and School, height, age, class, hometown and average.) Jerry Lucas, Ohio State, 6-8, 21, Sr., Middletown, Ohio, 22.3. Terry Dischinger, Purdue, 6-7, 21, Sr., Terre Haute, Ind., 30.2. Billy McGill, Utah, 6-9, 21, Sr., Los Angeles, 38.8. John Havlicek, Ohio State, 6-5, 21, Sr. Lansing, Ohio, 17.0. Chet Walker, Bradley,' 6-6, 21, Sr., Benton Harbor, Mich., 26.4. Second Team Cotton Nash, Kentucky Rod Thorn, West Virginia Len Chappell, Wake Forest Art Hevman, Duke John Foley. Holy Cross Third Team Jim Rayl, Indiana Dave Debusschere, Detroit Paul Hogue, Cincinnati John Rudometkin, Southern Cal. Don Nelson, Iowa Honorable mention (2 or more votes): Aiken, St. Bonaventurc: Appel, Southern California: Armstrong, Arizona State U.: Beckman. Mem phis State: Benson. Miami (Ohio); Bento. Loyola (Calif.); Bolyard, Indiana; Bonham, Cincinnati; Brewer. Iowa Slate: Brotissard, Texas A&M; Campbell. Princeton; Caity, Oregon State: Charlton. Co lorado; 'Christie, Wake Forest; Counts, Oregon State: Downey, Illinois; Drysdale, Temple; Duffy, Colgate; Ellis St. John's: Ernst, Providence; Fedor, Florida State; Feldman. George Washington; GalbreaUl, Westminster (Pa.); Gardner, Kansas; Glenn, Niaga ra: Green. Colorado State U.; Green. UCLA: Green. Utah State: Hadnot, Providence; Han son, Washington; Harger, Hous ton: Harkness. Loyola (III.); Hoo ley. Boston College; Hudgens, Tex as Tech. WIN SKI EVENTS V1LLARS, Switzerland TPI) The Soviet Union won both the men's and ladies ski relays on the final day of the world students winter games Monday. TO PLAY VIRGINIA ATLANTA. Ga. ( L'Pn-Georgia Tech will play the University of Virginia in football for the first lima in history ia 1965, . Alhy WW 11? . k JE , N V s WrriM This week's games: Rock 'n Wood 4, Coca Cola 0: Trailways 4. Murray & Holt 0: Eagles Aux iliary 4, Brandis Drug 0; Pilot Butte 3, Cascade Bowl 1. Team leaders: Rock 'n Wood, 886 game and 2424 series. High scorers: Byrl Brandsma, 215 game; Arline Matheny, 570 series. City League W L Medo-Land 27 12 Elks 23 17 Seven Up 23 17 Pepsi-Cola 21 19 Duncan Brothers . . 19 21 Jim's Electric 17 23 Joe & Bea's 15 25 Lelco 13 27 , This week's games: Medo-Land 4, Joe & Bea's 0; Duncan Broth ers 3. Lelco 1: Pepsi Cola 3, Jim's Electric 1; Elks 2, Seven Up 2. Team leaders: Duncan Broth ers, 2734 series; Seven Up, 994 game. High scorers: Ned Douglass, 232 game; Elmer Brown, 618 series. Starlighters League W L Mahoncy's 26 14 Bend Bottling 24 16 B & C Cafe 23 17 Denning's Richfield .... 21',i Wi Erickson Market 19',i 20V4 Oregon Trail Box 17',4 22V4 Banty Shanty 15V4 24'A Cascade Glass 13 27 This week's games: Mahoney's 3, Denning s 1; Cascade Glass 3, Erickson's 1; Bend Bottling 4, B & C Cafe 0: Oregon Trail Box 2'i. Banty Shanty l'i. Team leaders: Mahoney's, 898 game and 2448 scries. High scorers: Joan Evans, 202 game; Barb Bergseng, 576 series. Building Trades League W L Cen. Ore. Welders 26 14 McCulloch Chain Saw ' .. 26 14 Gateway Motel 23 17 Southgate Union 22 18 Dyer's Auto Service .... 20 20 Mastcrson-St. Clair 16 24 Metro Barbers 15 - 25 The Ponderosa 12 28 This week's games: Dyer's Au to Service 4, Mastcrson SL Clair 0; Central Oregon Welders 4, Pon derosa 0: McCulloch Chain Saw 3, Southgate Union 1; Gateway Motel 2, Metro Barbers 2. Team leaders: Gateway Motel, 948 game; Metro Barbers, 2681 series. High scorers: Andy Stoudt, 216 game and 597 series. Skyline League W L Medo-Land 26 18 Seems Barber Shop 25 19 Coca-Cola 24',i 19Vi Redmond 24 20 Bend Bulletin - 24 20 Bob's Archery 19 25 Provident Life Ins. 18'a 25'4 George's Blacktop 15 29 This week's games: Coca Cola 4. Bob's Archery 0; Redmond 3, Provident Life 1; Seems Barbers 4, Medo-Land 0; Bend Bulletin 3, George's Blacktop 1. Team leaders: Bend Bulletin, 956 game and 2766 series. High scorers: Bob Douglas, 211 g;ime and 592 series. NERVES? NOW RELAX KERYOiJS TENSION Now, quickly iranquihze anxietiei, womes, sireu, strain, "Nerves" . . . due to common, everyday nervousness . . . ich tranquiliztng, sedative-calming Aiva-Tranquh, tablet!. They're 100 ufc, taken as directed. Insist on genuine AlvvTranql'.l tablets, $2 at Druggists. ran ALVA- iranouil tabi m-TmW.' - day meet some 312 separate 10:30 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. George May, Santa Claus of pro golf, dead at 72 By Ed Sainsbury UPI Staff Writer . CHICAGO (irpi) Flamhovant George S. May, who lifted pro golf into the big money bracket was dead today after a career in which he paid over $2 million in prizes to the great and near great of the links. May, 72, died Monday of a heart attack in the club house of Tarn O'Shanter golf course the course where his bonanza tour neys began with a $15,000 inau gural war bonds event in 1941 and where they ended with a $205,000 jackpot in 1957. ' May built the dual tournament structure, the "All American" and the "World," into the most lucra tive stop on the almost year around pro golf tour. He finally gave up his sponsorship in a huff, because the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) couldn't see eye to eye with him on entrants. appearance money, and oilier clauses of their co-sponsorship contract. May canceled his 1958 tourna ments with a bitter statement out lining his differences with the PGA, and the disputes between the PGA and the Tournament Sponsors Association, of which May was a founder. May was known by many names and "Mr. Moneybags" was a fa- matches were run off between vorite since, dressed In the color ful Hawaiian sports shirts he fa vored, he frequently accompanied players on tournament rounds of fering cash awards of $50 for a birdie and $100 for an eagle on individual holes. He on naiH a Sin nnn nri in ! ,is 0wn protege, nro Llovd Man- grum, for breaking the course rec ord at Tarn O'Shanter. And almost every year he increased the tour nament prize money until it reached $25,000 for the "All Amer ican" and $100,000 for the "World." May wanted to run his tourna ment his way and he did, often losing players as contestants be cause tliey didn't like his meth ods. Ben Hogan steered clear of the events, because he didn't want to wear a number. May insisted on players wearing -the numbers, and refused, entry lb those who wouldn't comply. .... , ' TRAIN AT ANDOVER BOSTON (UPI) - The Boston Patriots of the American Football League will train at Ahdover, Mass., next fall so that the team can be within closer range of its fans. The Patriots had trained at Amherst, Mass., the last two years. . ' - . 1 -1 jv Phone your !..; . t.p f ;! - ' Iff" Rookie e on homer Early-blooming Mack Jones after spot with Milwaukee By Tim Moriarty UPI Staff Writer Mack (The Knife) Jones is cut ting himself in for that vacant left field spot with the Milwaukee Braves. The 23-year-old speedster from Atlanta hit his fourth home run in three exhibition games as the Braves handed Uio Cincinnati Reds their third straight defeat, 5-1, Monday in Bradenton, Fla. Jones now has collected six hits in 11 at-bats and has driven in eight runs in his bid to succeed Frank Thomas, now with the New York Mets, as the Braves' regular Lakers set NBA record in West race By United Press International The Los Angeles Lakers grabbed their National Basketball Association record Monday night. and this evening the Boston Cel tics attempt to get a mark of their own. - Holding Uie game in Seattle, Wash. coincidentally Pfc. El gin Baylor's Army station the Lakers got a 37-pomt performance from Bavlor and defeated New York. 119-106, to set a NBA West ern Division mark of 52 wins in a season. In the only other NBA action ' Monday night. Detroit staged a final-quarter scoring binge to ral-1 ly and defeat the Chicago Pack ers, 121-116. i Boston, which tied its own NBA victory record of 59 Sunday night against the Lakers, takes on Syr acuse tonight and aims for a new standard of 60.' j The Knickerbockers trailed at half, 54-51, but pulled ahead in : the Uiird quarter. However, Bay-1 lor and Rudy La Russo opened ' up and snot Los Angeles nacK i into the lead. Richie Gucrin fin-1 ished as the New York scoring leader with 29. Tlie Packers-Pistons game, also taking advantage of modern transportation, was played in Green Bay, Wis. Detroit trailed 97-87 going into Uie fourth quar ter, but took tlie lead in the final three minutes. Chicago's Walt Bellamy led both teams with 31, while De troit's Baily Howell scored 29 including the Piston's final two points. "letter" home tonight i The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, March 13, 1962 spree left fielder. In a brief trial with Milwaukee last season, Jones batted only .231 in 28" games but rated another look after clubbing .326 and knocking in 61 runs with Louis ville of the American Association. A lefly swinger, Jones never has hit more than 15 homers in one season since he broke into or ganized ball with Salinas of tlie California League in 1958. How ever, he has opened the eyes of Milwaukee Manager Birdie Teb betts with his long-distance slug ging this spring. Howard Blasts Two Elston Howard, who doesn't have to worry about his job w ith the New York Yankees, also has gotten off to a fast start in tlie exhibition grind. Tie sturdy catcher, who beat tlie Baltimore Orioles with a three-run homer Sunday, hit two more as the Yan kees downed the Washington Sen ators, 7-3, at Pompano Beach, Fla. Both of Howard's drives Mon day cleared the 400-foot wall in left-center at the Nats' training quarters. Robin Roberts worked (he first two innings for tlie Yan kees, giving up three hits, includ ing a homer by Dale Long. Don Zimmer staged a one-man show as Ihe Mets ripped the Chi cago While Sox, 8-4, for their sec ond straight victory. Zimmer ri ORBIT OVER! SHOOT THE MOON trade-ins as high as . $1100 for '56 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtopsl BOB THOMAS CHEVROLET 709 WALL I 1 1 r. VU :,'".-M.. "V., II. I PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL. fled four singles in four at-bats, scored three runs, sparkled in (lie field, and stole home on the front end of a double steal. Rookies Star A handful of rookies including Gary Rushing of tlie Pirates, Pur nal Goldby of tlie Tigers, and Ed Charles of Uie A s also enjoyed their day in the sun. Rushing hit a two-run double in U;e seventh inning off Uie Thillies' Ed Lunsford to earn tlie Pirates Uieir first victory of tlie spring, 64; Goldby collected Uirec hits, including a key triple, as the Ti gers handed the Twins Uieir Uiird straight defeat, 9-7, and Charles hit a pair of triples in helping Uie A's to a 4-1 victory over the Orioles. Wally Moon and Daryl Spencer, who once toiled for St. Louis, drove in two runs each to spark the Dodgers to a 5-4 triumph over Uie Cardinals. Bob Gibson, the Cards' starter, dug his own grave by issuing eight walks in Uie first five innings. Elsewhere, Uie Angels downed the Red Sox, 7-3, for Uieir third straight victory as Steve Bilko and Leon Wagner each drove in two runs, Uie Indians handed Uis Cubs Uieir Uiird straight one-run loss, 5-4, in 12 innings, and a two run homer by Manuel Mota helped Uie Giants down the Colts, 6-1. HURRY! 5 DAYS LEFT! CADILLAC EV 2-2911