This Is National Want Ad Week Join the March of Money Savers The Bend Bulletin, Monday, March 12, 1962 Behan flees hospital for nearest pub DUBLIN (UPI) Playwright Brendan Behan scorned his doc tor's advice Saturday rushed from his hospital bed to the nearest pub and announced: "There's nothing wrong with me." Behan discharged himself from the hospital where he was taken Friday night suffering from a dia betic attack. The burly author scoffed at his doctor's advice to steer clear of alcoholic beverages. In the pub near the hospital, Behan said, "Tell everyone I'm feeling fine." The 39-year-old author of the play "The Hostage" and other books and plays has not been drinking for some time. His wife Beatrice, said Behan had been working hard lately. "I think he probably was overdoing it at bit," she added. Behan was taken ill In a car Friday in one of the city's busiest streets and taken to Jervis Street Hospital. A hospital spokesman said he insisted upon being discharged. "He made It quite definite he would not remain here," the spokesman said. Naval officer says U.S. still dominates seas GROTON, Conn. (UPI) Adm. Claude V. Ricketts, vice chief of Naval Operations, said Saturday the Unites States dominates the seas but must maintain that su periority to "respond quickly and effecively to any militarily aggres sive move by a potential enemy." Ricketts, principal speaker at the commissioning of the Polaris class missile-firing nuclear sub marine Thomas A. Edison, said that a major objective of the Navy was "to use the oceans as a base for striking an enemy who would be foolhardy enough to at tack us. . . "By moving a major portion of the U.S. striking po"'8'' 10 oceans we transfer away from U.S. territory and away from pop ulation centers a major offensive power that an enemy must either Ignore or put forth 'a major effort to destroy." The Edison, the Navy's eighth Polaris sub, became part of the fleet at a docksido ceremony at the Electric Boat Division of Gen eral Dynamics Corp. It is 410 feet long and carries 16 tubes to launch missilea toward target more than 1.500 mile away. Earlier last week, the SSB Sam Houston, a twin of the Edison, was commissioned at Newport News, Va. Both subs are identi cal copies of the lead ship in this class, Ethan Allen, which went in to service here last August. Assuming command of the Edi son at the commissioning were Capt. Charles M. Young of Coro nado, Calif., and Cmdr. Walter Dedrick of Vallejo, Calif., who will skipper the alternating crews of 100 men each. LOST? INDEX Classified Ad To Buy . . . Sell . . . Trade Atrpt&nel n Apnrtmenta Fir KM! ., SS Appllancea-Pornlrora Auction Sale. Anartmcnta rumliheA W Aatna For Trade . el Auto Part Service A otoe Wanted Antoa ror Sale m flab? Sitter. U Boata Motor. 4 Binlnesa Opportunities 10 Bulldlns Contractor. Biislne" Space 61 Binlne. opt. Wanted Biulne. Inveitmenta ' " l-anl el ThanM J. ixjmract lleotb NoMcea Don., ret., Pomestte Srvlea " Farmer. Oolomn rami.. Acreace. '? r.rm Machine! I leed. Seed" S riant.. Shrub. rrultt ruel. Onel. Wood- " J! Kuel Wantee " Funeral lllreeler. Help Wanted ' Help Wantee Ornate Help Wanted Male JT riuuue rumnhrd !J House, ror Kent " HouMaeeptnt Kooma House Trailer. f? liulmrtlon-srboola " In Memortam ln.ur.nce otlce i Uid.e. SocleUe. LIe,ioce JJ roond J" lt, Bulldlmt turn JJ Livestock Wanted JJ M.ihlnetT ror Sale JJ Marhlnerr Wanted " Masonic notice. Mlscelbineou. KM Bern ,... s lli.ceii.miu ror Sala JJ Monej to toan Mooer wanted g MMnrcrcle. For S.I. JJ Movlnc. Tmcklnt. Storaae " Musical lAMrwMMa j Personal. ,5 Pooltir. Bahhite Jj Heal Eite For Sale - Hoora. Bflard Stiare-a-KKle JJ Rale. People. Aaeeta " Service Dl rector. " JJ hoe Repair 11 eitoatton. Wanted ... SltoatMna Wanted. Om. Wanted. Male " tporumaa UHume State Keaetatee Ueae - " Swap (Mama " ! Tlmnerlanda " Trailer Space ...... " TnKkTraOem - J Wanted to Boy - Wanted le Borrow . r: Wanted Bent It Lied. Beeea, Beaj B PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES Vary kw rtei tar ounuily ads. Ads received Detrtr. 4:30 D-ra. Mil in th. tolluwing day. paper rnt Bend bulletin will nut be reipunslhle ftr mora uun jne Incurrvct inxeruun Z lines tor 1 time only $1.00 2 lines tor 4 times only $1.50 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines or 8 tunes only $2.75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 6 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.25 SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year . $18.00 By Mall One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 In Redmond LI 84281 in Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1803-1931. The bend Bulletin (Daily) EsL 1918 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. 1-Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Estate of SAMUEL L. YOUNG In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Adminis tratrix Lucile M. Starkcy, of the estate of Samuel L. Young, de ceased, has filed her final I count In the above entitled court, and that April 11, 1992, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the Court Room of the above entitled court has been appointed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of objections there to. If any, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first pubusnea March 12, 1962. Lucile M. Starkey, Administratrix of said es fa to DeArmond, Goodrich, Gray St Fancher, Attorneys for said estate. ei-Bi-a-J-yy-t- ORDINANCE NO. NS-581 AN ORDINANCE DISPENS SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING OF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS MOTOR&SUPPLY 129 E. Greenwood EV 2-6941 AUTO WRECKING B it B AUTO WRECKING CO. 24 Hour Wrecker Service E. Highway 20 EV 2-3S2a BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 40Uii Lava DRESSMAKING EDNA'S TOGS 'Made especially for you Edna Rives EV 2-3592 JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS Pick-up, delivery. EV 2-3396 FURNACES BLAKE'S HEATING SERVICE Heating Problems All Makes EV 2-1S69 Laundry & Dry Cleaners BEND TROY Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Inc. Phone EVergreen 2-4511 MISCELLANEOUS Mattress-F urniture- Rebuilding nAi-r.-pf1PT'S MATTRESS CO. 1st at Revere, Bend. EV 2-3320 tkpppbwarE DEALER Ijicile Chanev EV 2-44S4 Rt. 2 - Box 3S Bend BEND SHOE CLINIC Leather Goods St Jackets Open Mondays 136 Minn. HEALTHWAY Specialty Shop "Natnrallv the best." 624 Franklin Ave. EV 2-0564 Rug and Upholstery Cleaning and Dyeing FREE ESTIMATES ALLUR-0-CLEAN Serving all Central Oregon EV 2-6921 Eve. EV 2-5747 WATKINS PRODUCTS Cosmetlcs-Vltamlns-Extraets Ma Esllck EV 2-1725 VALLEY VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Salet ft Service We Repair All Makes Call EV 2-3364 431 S. Third ING WITH ELECTION IN THE SUBJECT OF AN ANNEXA TION: SETTING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING; DESCRIB ING THE PROPERTY PRO POSED TO BE ANNEXED: SETTING UP A PUBLICATION SCHEDULE AND SETTING FORTH AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE. THE CITY OF BEND DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Whereas the City of Bend has had presented to it request to annex to the saia City of Bend Uie following de scribed real property to-wit: Parcel No. 1: All that part of the NWV4SEV4 of Section 28. Township 17, South. Range 12, E.W.M., lying within the boun daries of the George A, Jones Road. Parcel No. 2: All that part of the SW14NE1.4 of Section 28, Township 17, South, Range 12, E.W.M., lying within the boun daries of the George A. Jones Road. Parcel No. 3: All of the NEH SEH of Section 28, Township 17, South, Range 12. E.W.M. Parcel No. 4: All of the SEH-NE1-. of Section 28. Township 17, South, Range 12, E.W.M. Except the following describ ed property: Beginning at an iron pipe which Is located S. 89 degrees 19' 12" E. a distance of 30.0 feet from the NW corner of the SEV4NEV4 of said sec tion; thence S. 89 degrees 19' 12" E. a distance of 502.9S feet to an iron pipe: thence S. 1 de gree 15' 48" W. a distance of 442.09 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 89 degrees 19' 12" W. a distance of 495.00 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 0 de grees 07" 52" E. a distance of 441.70 feet to the point of be ginning. Section 2. In accordance with applicable State Statutes the City Commission of tho City of Bend, the City Legislative Body, elects to dispense with submit ting the question of annexation to the registered voters of the City, and by this ordinance does fix the 21st day of March. 1962, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., in the Citv Commission Cham bers at the City Hall as the time and place for a public hearing before the said City Commis sion on the question of annexa tion at which time the register ed voters of the City may appear and be heard on the said question-Section 3. A copy of this ordi nance shall be published once each week for two successive weeks prior to the day of hear ing in a newspaper of general rlrrnlnlion In the City of Bend and shall likewise be posted In fr.ur rmhllc olaces in the City for a UKe period wnicn saiu pub lication and posting shall be no tice of the hearing. , Kr-r-Unn 4. E M E R G E N C Y CLAUSE: That inasmuch as it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health, safety and general wel fare of the City of Bend and the inhabitants thereof for this ordinance to become immedi ately operative upon the pass age hereof in that one of the annexors has a desire to start immediate construction of dwellings in the area which will affect the welfare of this com munity and it is deemed neces sary and advisable for this an nexation to proceed as speedily MISCELLANEOUS BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps for home, business. 1434 Davenport EV isib TREE SERVICE Topping, Trimming, Removing Free Estimates. Insured WILEY ELLIS, Sr. 153 Jefferson Place EV 2-1601 AL'S Appliance Repairs 514 Harriman EV 2-3505 YOUR FULLER BRUSH DEALER Bob Weiimann EV 2-1831 Rt. 1 Box 79 Bend. Ore. SCOTT'S CLEANING SERVICE Complete commercial & Residential. RUG and UPHOLSTERY 1417 S. 3rd. EV 2-3983 INVISIBLE REWEAVING Free Estimates, Fair Prices 675 Irmes Lane EV 2-1948 RADIO & TV REPAIR RIES RADIO Make Music Your Hobby 851 Wall St EV 2-5621 GEORGE'S RADIO & TVt Parts it Service on all makes. 223 E. Franklin EV 2-3900 A-l TV & RADIO Guaranteed-Reliable Service Insured for your protection. New St Used TV-VHF 4: UHF. 642 Franklin EV 2-4571 PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS -3n n m. Thursdav. F"r info. LI 8-3606 EV 2-4V80 HI 7-5882 as posslDle, NOW. THEREFORE, AN EMERGENCY is hereby declar ed to exist and this ordinance shall take effect immediately after its enactment and approv al. Read for the first time this 17th day of February, 1962. Read for the second time mis 7th day of March, 1962. Placed upon us passage mis 7th day of March, 1962. YEAS: 7 NAYS: U Submitted to and approved by the Mavor this 7th day of March, 1962. (s) JACK. D. U.ftir&r.i, Mayor ATTEST: Is) JULIA S. JOHNSON, Recorder of the City of Bend Bi-51-u 8-Special Notices vvmirT sfXRCTION of But tons & Notions in Central Ore gon. Singer Sewing Lenter. uo Minnesota. EV 2-3SS2. 14-Moving. Trkng. Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avia. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 lS-Help Wanted Male MANAGER TRAINEE Rapidly expanding Finance Company desires young aggres sive man, to learn consumer Finance Business. Some College or Experience desirable but not necessary. Attractive salary; Paid vacation; Rapid advance ment 4 Fringe benefits. Must be Bondable & have fulfilled Mili tary Obligation. Call Mr. West cot't EV 2-2621. FULL-TIME Combination bar tender - cook, aga 21 or over. Experience unnecessary. Must be neat, clean, honest and in dustrious. Contact Bob Blakley, 4 p.m. to 12 p.m. Monday or Tuesday, Shakey's Pizza Parlor. JOB SECURITY Plus food pay. $100.00 to start. No layoffs. No strikes. Our average man made $6032.00 in 1961. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box No. 310A. MONTANA. Construction, two new dams. Long projects. Top pay. "Construction News", 30c & stamped envelope. GFCO, Box 1143, Houghton, Wash. 19-Help Wanted Female LADY WITH car for light de livery, two weeks temporary work. Anoly Room 1, U.S. Na tional Bank Building. EV 2-6581. 20-Service Directory PAINTING KITCHEN S45. Liv ing Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting, Also rVMsimftrnial. Harper EV 2-4692 FIND YOUR SPRING CLEAN-UP NEEDS IN BULLETIN CLASSI FIED ADS. COUNSELOR FOR famous Knapp shoes. Call evenings. EV HUGH SIMPSON Painting Paperhanging Save Now Winter Rates Terms Months to pay. 315 E. Irving EV 2-5761 ALUMINUM COMBINATION Storm windows and doors . . . Weather-stripping, siding, awn intrn. Finest materials, expert in stallations. Call or writs for our Low prices. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CONTRACTORS Rt. 1, Box 358, Bend, Oregon. EV 3-1614 NEED REPAIRS DONE? Laree appliances, small appli ances, electric heating, electric lighting. Prompt efficient service, CALL TODAY. BILL'S ELECTRIC 912 Hill St. EV 2-2821 30-Miscellaneoui for Sale CAPEHART Television in ma hogany cabinet with new picture tune, carrying a 1 year guar antee and $0 day guarantee on all other parts. $119.50. Darren's House 01 Music, wan at uregon l'OP SOIL, till dirt, dump truck, traotor loader work, exca vations. F.V 2-5161. LARGE MODEL 14 ft. Up right Freezer. Excellent condi tion. 100 per cent financing o a.c. $8.99 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Tnira ee ureen- ood. NF.W COLEMAN oil floor fur nace, sell for A price, or trade for chain or table saw, Jtv i- 1563. CONVENTIONAL WASHER good working condition, EV 2 6800. WHITE ENAMEL wood range with hot water coils. Good con dition. EV 2-3215, 22 McKay. Quality Used Furniture Buy, sell or trade J & M Furniture 1854 N. 1st. EV 2-2202 WESTS1DE 2ND HAND 723 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Fum. Mlee, Oallv 8:30 to 6 Sunday 9:30 to 5 LOGGING Equipment f o r sale. LaPlne 536-2204, after 6 p.m. FOR SALE Crushed cinders, EV 2-2499. HALF BEEF Half Pork, 39c lb. Cut to order Free. For Freezers St Supplies, e Mid- state Mest Co., EV 2-365L MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer free, er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. AIJ. MAKES EV WB. RECONDITIONED and luar- antecd washers and dryers, all In good condition. Oregon Equipment Company, 16J East Greenwood. SUPER STUFF, sure nut! That's Blue Lustre for cleaning n,s and nnhoistery. Mastorson. jbt. Clair Hdw. " " 30-Miscellaneoua for Sale SIX PIECE bedroom reasonable, EV 2-2066. group, 32-Musical Instruments UPRIGHT PIANO, good con dition. EV 2-2178. 39-Livestock Wanted WANTED: Fat cattle and hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick up. EV 2-0458. 41 -Livestock, Horses AT STUD, Arabian chestnut stallion, Roabel No. 5633. Con tact Shirley Rogers, LI 8-2501 or LI 8-3620. OR TRADE for hay, Shetland ponies. 100 and up. M. S. Biden, 1 mile south of Crescent, Ore., Highway 97. Phone HE 3-2457. FOR SALE or trade: 25 head quarter horse typo colts, good conformation yearlings and two year olds. Dave Pick, Route 1 Box 242, Redmond, LI 8-3852 aft er 6 p.m. 75 SHETLANDS 75 Petersen's Pony Farm Produc tion Sale, Saturday March 17th- 1962. Paso Robles, Calif. Featur ing Get of Silver Lance 23746. Nationally famous Stallion. For Information, Write or Call R. D. Petersen, Templeton, California. Telephone 4d51, 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday only. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs. Pets, Etc. LONG HAIRED Dachshund pups for sale, EV 2-5554. THREE NICE saddle mares. one in foal to Appaloosa. One bred to Arabian. Also yearling half Appaloosa filly. Call Hud son Arabians, LI B-diiu. BOARDING AND CLIPPING SERVICE Poodle Stud Service. Toy Poodles, Pekes & Terriers for sale. RANCH PET KENNELS EV 2-3634 44-Boats & Motors WANTED 12 ft. Aluminum car top boat and motor, EV 2- 148. 45-Sportsmen's Column 308 NORMA MAGNUM, en- field action. Dayton tracer trig ger, Fajen stock, S79.50. Ken Cale Hardware, Third & Green wood. 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED: OLD CARS, trucks, cats, farm machinery, to buy. Highest prices paid. B. & B. Auto Wreckers. EV 2-3825. PROPANE GAS tanks. Ideal Gas & Appliance, Box 706, Bend, EV 2-3823. 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood, Oil RED CEDAR posts. Tama rack and body pine wood. EV 2- 0635. FOR SALE: Dry Jackpine, $12. cord, EV 2-5395. WOOD FOR SALE Pine and Juniper Cut any lengths EV 2-6959 WASHED UTAH COAL Lump Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 a load, aonrox. 2 cords. Washed Oil Treated Stoker. Washed Lump CoaL Robert Davenport, F.V 2-1599. JACKPINE $14., pine, $13. Im mediate delivery, EV 2-2822. 56-Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED 3 rm apart ment near hospital Adults only. $40.00 per month. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, 477 E. Franklin Avenue. 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM duplex, gar age, EV 2-2109. DESIRABLE 3hi and Wi room duplex. Automatic heat, garages, utilities, TV included. Wahee Apartments, 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. EXTRA NICE one bedroom. Available March 10th, EV 2-3372. CLOSE TO school and town, 2 bedroom. TV cablo. water, gar bage paid. 204 Florida. EV 2- 9970. ONE BEDROOM duplex washing facilities available. $45. month. Jf-V z-isos oaynrno oniy 58-Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM, close in. Clean. EV 2-5519. MODERN THREE bedroom oil heat, fireplace, vacant March 10th, EV 2-4711, IMMACULATE Two bedroom near school. $75. month, EV 2- 0303. two bedroom modern, 1074 Albany. Two bedroom mod ern, 635 Revere. EV 2-2835 59-Houses Furnished MODERN, CLEAN small house, all electric, $25. montn Suitable for one. EV 2-0844 A M 70-Buslness Opportunities OPPORTUNITY a eiailnn ti-,p Tne. Equip. St Util. furnished. Out standing rental terms. For tnfor. EV 2-1921 days, EV 2-5643 eves. DEALER WANTED for Bend area: To distribute a new, fas cinating product, manufactured of Alcoa Aluminum. Exclusive franchise $1500.00 minimum Investment, secured by Inven tory. This product is non-competitive, with a long profit. Write Mr. Gerry Goff Address 199 West 6th, Eugene, uregon BY OWNER: unit motel nlu lk-lnff nuarters. some kltch- s. air conditions. spaces. U occupied. On H gn- I way a,, western I 72-Real Estate Contracts CASH For your Real Es tate, mortgages or contracts. Write particulars to P.O. Box 548, Bend, Oregon. 76-Real Estate Exchanges WILL TRADE equity in 4 all brlcl: duplexes In city of Salem. Each Building rents lor ibo per month. Tenants pay all utilities. Price per building is $17,950. Want small ranch, cabin on stream or what have you. Bend area prefered. Write or call Walt Jones Realtor, 605 Che- mcketa St., phone 364-0157, Mort Prominskl. 78-Farms & Acreages ACREAGE With lovely home. City and irrigation water, fine pasture. EV 2-2935. 80-Real Estate For Sale VERN LARSON AGENCY Real Estat-Appralser 1496 Qulncy EV 2-5297 A CUTIE with 2 B.R. new kit chen, fireplace, part basement, close In. FHA says $10,500. A FRIEND wants a 3 BR modest home on west side for six to $7000. He has the money, do you have the house? 2 LOVELIES, one on Eside, one in West Hills. GIVE VERN A TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!! ACREAGE 3 bedroom borne on 13 acres. S shares of water. Near Bend, $10,500, terms. DOWNTOWN 2 bedroom with bath, largs utili ty, on paved corner. Full price only $2950. Easy terms. EASTSIDE Nice 2 bedroom on paved St., double garage. $8,500, FHA or GI terms. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 Rov EV 2-4816 Bob EV 2-3990 Emily EV 2-1086 Jess EV 2-4317 EIGHT ACRES 5 COI water, 111. milpi frnm citv limits. 3 bed room modern home. Plumbed and wired for washer and dry er. $11,500. $2,500 down, jlv 2- 2780. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. HsrnM Phillips Realtor 10S Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 Good 4 bedroom home, close in. fenced yd. Price $4000-$500 dwn, Over I acre of good ground, bedroom home, other build- inqi, city water, also Irrigation, cistern, on blacktop, close In. Price $8000-$2000 dwn. bedroom close in, baiement, fireplace, hardwood floors, for ced air oil furnaea, 75 ft. front- ge, paved street and alley. Only $11,250, prlA SEE US FOR RANCHES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY, Phillips 2-0571 Hogan 2-3274 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor VIEW OF BEND PRICE REDUCED If you have been looking for an older 4 bedroom home be sura and sea this one.. Large living room, beamed ceiling. Full din- ng room. Bath & '2 Separata utilltv. Foread air oil furnace. Garage. Home on two lots, with lots of trees. 511,000, smell down payment on FHA terms. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 WaU St. EV 2-1761 Kites Arnie 2-44 1 i Jim 2-3594 Harvey 2-4686 CHRISTMAS VALLEY . BRANCH OFFICE See Hap Taylor at the Lodge Office for information. CITY WATER Plus I acre of Irrigation we ter on this 1.3 acres In Blakely Height.. Small 2 bdrm house. I ear garage. Wood shed. Paved road. Electric range Included. Price $4,500.00 with $1, 250.00 down. Owner will carry contract at $40.00 a month. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV Z-Slfl Arleign BiacK Kroner Bob LllienUial EV 2-363 Joe Tilden EV 2-2786 Jim Lance EV 2-575S GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 WE NEED LISTINGS! GRADE A DAIRY. 160 acres choice and 106 water. Comfort able beautifully landscaped home St excellent trade A It hay barns. Tine herd of cows 4 replacements. tMu nne oi m rhinerv. Realistically priced ai $75,000, 13 down, balance aasy. V R. Gilbert Larry Keown Rml.r Assoc Broker Realtor EV 2-2395 80-Real Estate lor Sale HAP TAYLOR, Realtor WEST SIDE CHEAPIE Two bedroom with three lots on Ogden. Will take small down payment, may even consider car or pick-up as part down pay ment. Balance at $50.00 par month. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-8453 Nltes Jim Arntz 2-3243 Buck Davis Ranches 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE See Hap Taylor at the Lodge Office for information. CECIL C MOORE REALTOR Inquiries Answered Promptly 1132 Newport. Bend. EV 2-3379 Russell's Realty Bud Russell. Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV 2-3031 I. ACROSS FROM PARK. Every hom on this well kept street reflects pride of horn ownership. Call us now for an appointment to sea this lovely I bedroom wfirplc, dinette, 'U" shaped convenient kitchen with all birch cabinets, util. plumbed for laundry. Auto oil perimeter heat. Attached sealed garage. 60x110 ft. lot. (ioia to High School. $15,500 FHA terms or atiuma state GI loan of approximately $11,500. 2. ACREAGE. Borders City Limits. 2 acres. 3 bedroom modern horn, large living room, separate dining room, utility plumbed & wired for laundry. New aluminum tiding. Full price $11,500, terms. Mable Foster Kieth Ramsay EV 2-3105 EV 2-5324 Bill Franck EV 2-1273 KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 R. D. Kerr, Broker 30 Acres Fair 3 bdrm house, chicken home, barn & other buildings. Approx. 17 A. culti vated & good field of alfalfa. Located on oiled road about 7 ml. from town. Price $9300 $2500 dwn. 2 bdrm home located close to town. This Is an older type home, newly remodeled, & has all new kitchen it utility. Oil foread air furnace & flreplaea. A very ood buy at $10,500. Call us on this one. Walt Kittradge EV 2-4492 tlent King EV 2-5452 Ray Cronln EV 2-5656 100-Autos FARLEIGH LI 8 - Redmond Central Oregon's 1959 Cadillac Cpa Power steering & brakes. Finn 1962 Pickup Camper on a 1960 Ford Va ton pickup 4 speed. Clean 1952 Willys pickup Overhead valve motor 1950 Willys Pickup . Overhead Valve Motor 1956 Plymouth Station Wagon . Overdrive Over 80 Units We Trade for anything that doesn't eatl ATTENTION Prospective Automobile Buyers Murray & Holt will have 7 different Demonstrator models of Pontiac's CARAVAN of cars!!! MONDAY & TUESDAY March 12 - 13 Everyone is invited to come out and test drive the car and model of your choice All credit cards accepted in our service department E. Second & Franklin EV 2-2222 AAA Wrecker Service EV 2-3216 80-Real Estate For Sale THREE BEDROOM home and Income property, close in, pav ed street, EV 2-5647. TWO BEDROOM home. t4 acre. $6500. Prineville, HI 7-4060. WEST SIDE, two bedroom home, near school, low taxes, $3,600. EV 2-C652. J4-Mobile Homes FOR SALE one bedroom 45x8 foot trailer. EV 2-6338. WILL TRADE equity in I960 Kit two bedroom trailer home for cash, pickup or camp trail er. LaPlne 536-2215. 100-Autos tor Sale 1959 Oldimobile 4 dr. $1795 R&H, pwr. brakes It steering BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th It Giveaway, Redmond, Ore. 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door Bel Air, EV 2-0332. 1953 FORD station wagon. Up-. tain's Texaco, after S, EV 2 6009. SELL OR trade equity in 1962 Volkswagen for older car. Cleve Trultt, Box 2. Sisters, Oregon. I960 BUICK LaSabre 4 door sedan, 23,000 miles. Immaculate. . LI 8-2202 after 5 p.m., 955 South 12th, Redmond. FOR SALE 1953 Ford Panel, $200. 314 Hunter Place, EV 2 0759. A-l USED CAR .: 1956 WIlys 6 cyl. pickup. Nearly new heavy duty rubber. Tremen-. dous buy on a truly rugged-uss. vehicle. Only $1099. R0BBERS0N FORD ' $$ SALE $$ j 30 Cars to Choose From ALL PRICES REDUCED Don't Buy "Til You See Don!! DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. Operation "SHOOT, THE MOON" We're "WAY OUT" on TRADES . . . DISCOUNTS... NEW and USED - See Ad Page 5 BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Across from Wagner'l QUALITY PICKUP See the new Studebaker Pickup with long wheel base, V8, twin traction, R&H at DYER'S AUTO SERVICE ' Next Ore. Equip- on Greenwood 19S2 OLDSMOB1LE, 4 door. anor! tires. S215. EV 2-9316 eve nings and weekend. For Sals AUTO SALES 3330 N. City Limits Largest Inventory JttitAAW Maa y ton Uiev. picimp - jiaf 51395 $520 $695 To Choose From