The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 09, 1962, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Bend Bulletin, Friday, March 9, 1962
LEAGUE OF WOMEN YOTERS Bend women have been
, organizing a local League of Women Voters group which will
provide voter service information on ballot measures and assist
in primary and general elections. Officers of the group are
from left to right: Mrs. Arthur Burman, director; Mrs. John G.
Stenkamp, director; Mrs. Robert G. Jones, president of Albany
League of Women Voters; Mrs. R. G. McFarland, second vice
president of the provisional League of Women Voters of Bend;
Mrs. Jim Smiley, secretary; Mrs. John Wolfe, member of the
committee from the state board of organization in Corvallis.
Contractor asks
r SALEM (UPI) - George A.
Moore, Portland, contractor for
the multi purpose building at
Dammasch Slate Hospital, has
told a labor group and the State
Board of Control he wants com
pensation for losses from a work
stoppage on the $250,000 project.
The Portland Building Trades
Council put a picket at the front
gate of Dammasch, noar Wilson
ville, two weeks ago, causing un
ion workers to leave the job.
The picket was posted in pro
test of the Board of Control's use
of prison inmates to build a
greenhouse at Dnmmasch. In
mates will have the job com'
pleted in about another month.
Moore said although he Is not
directly Involved in the prison la
bor dispute, he is Incurring loss
es due to extra rental time on
equipment, and other causes.
In another development, Fred
Manash, secretary of the Portland
Building Trades Council, said he
has mailed a written proposal to
the board whereby union workers
might take over the $30,000 green
house job, and complete it.
Manash said the council reject
ed the board's suggestion that the
council's picket be stationed nt
the greenhouse site proper In
stead of in front of Dammasch's
main gate.
Secretary of State Howell Ap
pling Jr. said Wednesday this
would let work resume on the
multi-purposo building. But Man
ash said the coiuicil felt it "could
not endanger the life of the pick
et" by putting him next to the
IOOF Pilgrimage for Youth
confesf planned on Monday
The annual United Nations Pil
grimage for Youth speech con
test, sponsored by Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs, will be Monday,
March 12, at 8 p.m. at the IOOF
Temple. This is the 13th annual
contest sponsored by the IOOF
lodges of America.
Four Bend High School girls are
contestants this year. These are
Jeanine Cook, junior, and Nancy
White, Susanna Arbow and Vickie
Wetle, sophomores, preceding the
speech meet, the speakers will be
guests at a politick dinner given
by the Rebekahs at 6:30.
At 12:45 p.m., the contestants
and a group representing the
sponsors will meet at the IOOF
Hull, to leave for a local area
lour. D. Ray Miller, contest chair-
Fine assessed
on punch boards
Special to Tht Bulletin
PRINEVILLE - Ferris Timpy,
manager of the Princville Klks
Lodge, was fined $25 in justice
court Thursday afternoon on the
charge of possession of punch
boards. Si Taylor, justice of
peace, also stated that Hugh
Dragich had forfeited $150 bail on
a charge made earlier in the week
of permitting gambling in a build
ing. Dragich is owner of the Pas
time. Arrests were made by Cpl.
Ralph Pope, stato police, and
Mike Thompson, chief of police.
In further justice court action.
H. F. Osborne, Mitchell, was
sentenced to 30 days in jail on
the charge of writing a bad check.
I MjVV-.... ... liwiwjf m V
To 1110
With Latest News Selected Music
ABC Network
Serving the area for over 24 years
man for many years, is in charge
of arrangements.
The winner of the local contest
will participate in the district fi
nals March 24, at 8 p.m. in Mad
Each year, the lodges of the
Central Oregon district Des
chutes, Crook and Jefferson coun
ties sponsor one delegate for
the trip to New York City for a
week of study and observation of
the United Nations in action. The
delegates participate in groups of
125 to 150 at a time, during one
of seven six-day periods, plus tra
vel across the continent.
While engaged in the program,
the young people have opportun
ity, as time permits, to seo a
Broadway show, view sights of the
great city, enjoy a boat ride
around Alanhattan Island, ascend
to the top of the Empire State
Building, see Uio Statue of Liber
ty, take in fabulous Radio City
Music Hall and visit other attrac
tions of the metropolitan area.
In the Northwest group last
year, there were 10 students from
Washington. 15 from Oregon, nine
from British Columbia and two
from Alaska.
At the lodge meeting Monday
night, the grand master of Ore
gon, Ellsworth J. Robison of Cen
tral Point, will make his official
visit to the local group. Floyd
Evick of Madras, grand patriarch
of the Grand Encampment, will
also be a special guest.
Overseas paper
being probed
Army told Congress today that
Gen. Lauris Norstad, U.S. com
mander in Europe, is investigat
ing the controversial newspaper,
Overseas Weekly, and will report
to the Pentagon in about two
Maj. Gen. Charles G. Dodge,
the Army's new chief of informa
tion, also said that as far back
as 1953 an "attempt" was made
to discontinue both the printing
and distribution of the weekly by
the Stars and Stripes.
He said lhat move was based
on a belief that Overseas Weekly
"no longer contributed" to the in
formation and education of troops.
The printing setup was discontin
ued at that time, he said.
Dodge gave the Information to
a Senate subcommittee studying
alleged muzzling of the anti-Communist
statements by military
leaders. Dodge appeared to dis
cuss the Army's troop information
Chairman John C. Stennis. D-
Miss., asked Dodge about Over
seas Weekly.
The publication, printed in Ger
many, is distributed to military
installations under contract with
the official service newspaper,
Stars and Stripes. It runs heavily
to cheesecake photos and sensa
Lumber situation
receiving study
win R. Durno, R-Ore., said today
he had been informed the Com
merce Department is studying
various legislative proposals to
help lower transportation costs for
the American lumber industry.
Durno said he was told of the
study by Commerce Secretary
Luther Hodges in reply to a letter
in which Durno had asked help
for the industry.
Lumber producers contend they
cannot compete with Canadian
producers on the U. S. East Coast
market because the Canadians
can ship lumber on foreign ves
sels with lower cargo rates.
Several West Coast congress
men, including Durno, have in
troduced legislation proposing
various methods for lower ship
ping costs for the American lum
ber producers.
Join quickly,
Smylie urges
BOISE (UPI)-Gov. Robert E.
Smylie advised some of Idaho's
unhappy neighbors today that if
they really want to secede from
Oregon to join Idaho quickly while
there still is enough water.
A. R. Herndobler, Milton-Free-
water, Ore., wired Smylie Mon
day inviting him to attend a
"tear shedding party" this Satur
day to "commiserate over the
fate of Eastern Oregon soon to
be disenfranchised and left vote
less in the legislative halls at
"Among those invited to this
party are 14 presidents of state
organizations residing in our
county as well as the legislators
and press, Herndobler said.
"One of the alternatives to be
presented is the possibility of se
ceding from Oregon and joining
Smylie, thanking Herndobler for
the invitation, said that "I am
not well advised concerning the
problem but thought I should ad
vise you that here in Idaho we
are always inviting people to
come up and see us.
"I see no reason why we should
vary our invitation just because
you want to bring your own real
estate," Smylie said.
"If secede you must, then join
us quickly while we still have
enough water.
2 cars collide
in minor mishap
Vehicles driven by-Marvin
Fredrick Johnston. 19, of 1524 !
Fresno, and Charles Lynwood
Holmes, 24, of 314 Hill, collided :
Thursday afternoon at the inter- i
section of Georgia and Sisemore
There were no injuries and the
vehicles received only minor dam
phone tolls
to be lower
SALEM (UPI) Bell telephone
users in Oregon will benefit by a
$500,000 cut in intrastate toll
rates, Gov. Mark Hatfield said
Intrastate means calls within
the state.
Hatfield said he has asked Jo
nel C. HiU, public utility com
missioner, to take immediate
steps to effect a decrease in such
long distance rates.
The reduction comes as a re
sult of a national $46 million year
ly agreement between the Bell
System, and the National Asso
ciation of Railroad and Public
Utility Commissioners. Bell is
shifting that amount in revenue
requirements from its intrastate
to interstate operations.
"We have been concerned with
and have consistently wDiked for
a solution to the problem of intra
state toll disparity it is grati
fying to see that at last part of
the disparity will be removed,"
Hatfield said.
Players select
new officers
Bend Community Players met
Thursday night at the Bowers
Photo Studio, and elected new of
ficers and made plans for com
ing events.
Dr. Willard Bleything was nam
ed president. Others selected as
officers are George Churchill,
vice - president; Sally McGuire,
secretary, and Dorothy Forshey,
treasurer. Ann Marchand was
signed up as a new member.
The group made plans for pre
senting three one-act plays this
summer. Directors will be Gor
don Mouser, Howard Mouser and
Betty Oakley.
The next meeting will be April
12 at Bowers Studio. J
SEATTLE (UPI) Lightning
struck the 600-foot World's Fair
Space Needle here Thursday but
there were no reported injuries j
nor evidence of damage. '
P. S. DeCourcey
dies at age 73
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE - Philip Sheri
dan DeCourcey, 73, died Wednes
day night in Prineville, after suf
fering a sudden heart attack at
Ochoco Bowl.
Funeral services will be h e 1 d
Tuesday, March 13, at 2 p.m. from
the Prineville Funeral Home, with
the Rev. David Abbott, pastor of
me community Church, official-1
ing. Burial will be in Juniper Ha
ven, with ritualistic services by
Prineville lodge No. 76, AF&AM.
Mr. DeCourcey was born in
Ashton, III., on Aug. 8. 1888. He
was a retired agent - telegrapher
for the SP&S Railroad Co. He
was a veteran of World War I.
He was married to Pauline Gra
ver, who survives, Nov. 6, 1922, in
Burbank, Wash.
The family came to Prineville
from Washington six years ago
when he retired. In addition to his
widow, he is survived by Uiree 1
sons, Major Paul B. DeCourcey, j
U.S. Air Force in Germany, Keith I
R. DeCourcey, Gresham, and j
Denis . L. DeCourcey, Prineville; j
two sisters. Mrs. Anneltn Dav and 1
Mrs. Agnes Marks, both of Spo
kane, and seven grandchildren.
He was a member of the Ma
sonic lodge at Goldendale, Wash.,
and also was a Royal Arch Ma
son. He belonged to the Ameri
can Legion at Maupin.
LA GRANDE (UPI) Dr. Clar-1
ence L. Gilslran of I.a nranrin
a former member of the Oregon j
iaie Board ot Aeronautics, has i
died here following an extended
illness. He was 59.
Gilstrap, a physician, died at i
his home. He was suffering from
a kidney ailment. I
Retirement home
plans made
lion retirement home will be built
northeast of here in Multnomah
County, it was announced Thurs
day. The home will be erected by
Grieg Lodge, No. 15, Sons of Nor
way, Portland, in cooperation
with other Norwegian groups.
The nonprofit structure will be
called Nordic Gardens and will
be built on 10 acres on NE 201st
Ave. between Sandy Blvd. and
the Banfield Freeway.
of happy mobile home own
rs are enjoying the care
free life of modern mobile
home living. See IVANCO
VICH's for the whole story
how you too, can enoy this
happy throng. IVANCOVICH
North, Redmond, will trade
for anything of value, from
New Cars
to old cars, to your furniture.
If you make a deal at IVAN
COVICH'S, you can bet your
future will be happy and you
won't be
Burned Up!
Evangelist Richard Martin
Nightly (Except Sat.) March 11-18
14th & Jacksonville Bend, Ore.
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