The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 08, 1962, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, March 8, 1962
Activities toniaht include Bend
Toastmasters Club, at 6 o'clock
at West's Coffee Shop, and Amer
ican Association of University
Women, at 7:30 with Mrs. William
Niskanen, 525 Broadway Avenue.
At 8 o'clock: Sons of Norway,
Norway Hall; Ladies of Elks,
BPOE dining room: Deschutes
Geology Club, district court
room, courthouse; Bend City
Women's Bowling Association,
Junior High School library; Allen
Marshall PTA, Allen School aud
itorium. Alcoholics Anonymous
will meet at 8:30. Persons inter-
ested may call EV 2-4780 for in
formation. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Settelmeyer
are parents of a girl born this
morning at St, Charles Memorial
Hospital. The baby weighed 6
pounds, 2 ounces, and has not yet
been named. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell L. Hirtzel,
1725 W. Seventh Street, Bend, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Settelmeyer,
Multnomah. Settelmeyer is a stu
dent at Oregon College of Educa
tion, Monmouth.
Lucky Loggers 4-H forestry club
will meet tonight at 7:30 at the
home of Tim Smiley, 1514 W.
Third Street.
Tahawus Toastmisfress Club
will have a dessert meeting at
the Superior dining room 7:30 to
night. Bend Community Players will
meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the
Bowers Photo Studio on Green
wood Avenue.
Dress redhearsal for (lie Eagles
Auxiliary Variety Show will be
held 8 o'clock tonight at the Eag
les Hall. All participants are urg
ed to attend.
Nimble Thimbles 4-H Club met
recently at the home of the lead
er, Mrs. A. L. Schatz. Plans were
made for the window for National
4-H Club Week. Members present
were Marjo and Gala May, Ellen
Summers, Michelle Baker, Bonnie
Backstrom and Susan Schatz.
Women of the Moose executive
board will meet tonight at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Vera
Wittekind, 1604 W. Second Street.
Film Wasters 4-H Club elected
'officers Tuesday evening at the
home of leader Nate BulJ. They
are president, Jerry Hensley;
vice president, Phyllis Hensley;
secretary, Jeff Robberson; and
news reporter, John Thompson.
Other members of the new club
are Kevin Domby, John Coyner,
Steve Voos, Steve Mathers, Bruce
Maudlin and Bill Page. Use of a
camera and demonstration of an
cnlarger was shown. Next meet
ing will be held Tuesday, March
20, from 7 to 8 p.m. at The Bend
Drivers' license applicants will
have the services of an exami
ner Friday, March 9, at the
branch office of the Department
of Motor Vehicles, in the S t a t e
Highway Building north of Bend.
Hours will be from 8 a.m. to 12
noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m.
Royal Neighbors of America
will hold a coffee hour Friday at
10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs.
Gwen Stonehocker, 735 Florida
' Broken Arrow 4-H Club m e t
Tuesday at the home of the lead
er, Raymond Morehouse, in La
Pine. Members present were San
dra Morehouse, Leon Shields,
Jimmy Nesbitt, Tommy Day, Su
san, Ferns, Linda Carter, Marilyn
Day, Jim Ferns and Harry An
derson. The group learned how to
string a bow correctly and identi
fied arrows.
Friday meetings include Bend
Garden Club, at 1:30 p.m. in the
dining room of West's Coffee
Shop, ana uie worm uay m
Prayer program, at 2 p.m. at the
Tumalo Community Church.
Work) Day of Prayer services
; will be held 1:30 p.m. Friday at
the First Presbyterian Church.
Golden Age Club members will
hold a public card party on Fri
day, March 9, at the East Fifth
. . . and you're
In carpet heaven at
furniture co.
821 Wall
EV 2-4291
Here and
and Glenwood club house. The
party will start at 7 p.m. There
will be refreshments and prizes.
Dancing will follow.
First-place winners in duplicate
bridge play Wednesday night at
the Library Auditorium were
Mrs. J. K. Bockius and Mrs. Jess
Tetherow, north south, and Mrs.
Don Williams and Mrs. A. C.
Stipe Jr., east-west. Runners-up,
north-south: Mrs. Ethel Smith and
Mrs. Charles Whitcomb, second;
Allen Young and Mrs. Don Fahey,
third. East-west: Mrs. William
Holmes and Mrs. Alan Hollowell,
second; Mrs. Richard Ertle and
Mrs. Lowell Aplin, third. Mrs.
Holmes and Mrs. Hollowell were
Jayeee Auxiliary hostesses for
Bend Rebekeh lodge will have
a re-obligation ceremony at t h e
meeting Friday at 8 p.m. at the
lOOF Temple on Franklin Ave
nue. The ceremony is held once
during each term. At the last
meeting, Mrs. Helen Morgan,
Mrs. Steele Gowdy and Mrs. Dean
Corbin were hostesses for the so
cial hour. Table decorations, em
phasized Washington's .Birthday.
Camino's Rock and Roll Band
will play at the Wallace School of
Dancing ballroom, above Healy's
Furniture, Friday from 9 p.m. to
1 ami. It will be a teen-age pub
lic dance.
A group of Bend girls who be
long to the Clique Clippers 4-H
Sewing Club and the Kitty Knit
ter Club met Tuesday after school
at the home of the leader, Mrs.
Duane Katter, 503 E. Revere Ave
nue. Members present were
Kathy Blake, Donna Harris, Pat
ty Hunnington, Debra, VaLaynn
and VaLynda Katter, Nancy Lat
to, Penny Schilling, Lorene Wiley,
Sharon Jones, Deanna Ludwig
and Jessica Dearth. The Graham
girls have gone on a trip, and the
Coe girls had a music recital at
Cub Scout Pack No: IS parents
will sponsor a rummage sale at
the former Lumbermens Build
ing, Oregon Avenue, on Friday
and Saturday. Proceeds will go
toward the Cub Scouts' trip later
in the season to the Portland Zoo
and the Oregon Museum, of
Science and Industry. '
A food sale will be held by Roy
al Neighbors of America Satur
day at the Montgomery-Ward or
der office. Hours will be from
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Tim E. Hollembaek, at present
stationed at Chanute Air Force
Base in Illinois, where he is study
ing electronics technology and
A tempting trio of toe silhouettes tap briskly,
Deautifully across the spring fashion scene. Choose your favorite . . . square,
crescent or point . . . your heels high or middling ... in the captivating colors
and textures of the season "
in Fashion Time with the Tempo of Spring
HrVOTee Stacked mid
hie ha4
Your Family Shoe Store - Open 'Til 9 P.M. Friday Nite
936 Wall Ph. EV 2-1137
13 music students receive
superior rating at festival
Speciel to The Bulletin
REDMOND Six music stu
dents from Redmond and seven
from Bend received superior rat
ings this week at the annual
Spring Festival, sponsored by the
B. D. Sherman
dies at age 63
B. D. (Bill) Sherman, resident
of Bend for the past 11 years,
died Wednesday at his home at
436 Railroad, at the age of 63.
A native of Liberty, Iowa, Mr.
Sherman was a moulder by trade.
He was a veteran of World War
I and was a member of Bend
Barracks No. 153 of the Veterans
of World War I.
Surviving Mr. Sherman are his
widow, Mary, and two sons, Da
vid L. Richardson, chief petty of
ficer, U.S. Navy Air Corps, Mid
way, and John D. Richardson, a
resident of Pomona, Calif. Also
surviving is a brother, H. L. Sher
man, Fairfield, Iowa.
Services will be held at the Nis
wonger & Reynolds chapel Satur
day at 2 p.m. with the Rev. By
ron Jacobson of the Free Metho
dist Church in charge. Burial will
be Monday at 3 p.m., in the Willa
mette National Cemetery, Port
land. missile maintenance, has return
ed to his base after visiting in
Bend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hollembaek, 1027 New
port Avenue.
George Churchill will be caller
at a square dance to be held at
the Eastern Star Grange Hall on
Saturday, March 10, starting at
8:30 p.m. Women are being asked
to bring potluck refreshments.
Four-H Ranchers livestock club
met Monday at the home of the
leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Dawson, LaPine. Members pres
ent were David Miltenberger,
Hattie Cagle, Cathryn Miltenber
ger, Diane Rivers and Colleen
Dawson. They made rope halters.
Mrs. Mark Ferns was a visitor.
Plans were made for a picnic.
A potluck dinner honoring con
testants in the United Nations
Pilgrimage for Youth speech con
test will be held Monday, March
12, at 6:30 p.m. In the IOOF Hall,
preceding the contest The grand
master of the grand lodge of Ore
gon, Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, will also pay his official
visit to Bend Lodge No. 218 at
the 8 p.m. meeting. Floyd Evick
of Madras, grand patriarch of
the Grand Encampment, will also
be present. The Rebekahs will
serve the supper buffet style
promptly at 6:30.
LENNOX Mid high
tapered heel
Central Oregon Music Teachers'
Club In Bend and in Redmond.
Redmond's superior students
are Harriet Sly, Nancy Roach.
Brad Moyes, Linda McDonald.
Sandra Arnett and Jeff Meyers.
Those in Bend who received the
highest rating were Mary Wit
meyer, Teresa Douglas, Rose Ma
rie Montgomery, Janet Witmey-
er, Peggy Johnston. Cameron
Healy and Kathleen Martin.
Thirty-three students from all
Central Oregon received the next
hiehest rating of excellent dur
ing the two-day festival, which
was adjudicated by Boris Kouba
kine of Vancouver, B.C.
Bend participants were: Mary
Witmeyer, Teresa Douglas, Mark
Hughes, Kerry Thalhofer. Janet
Dickinson. Virgil Bramlctt, Deb
orah Gunderson. Rose Marie
Montgomery, Patricia Maloney,
Vern Harpole. Kathleen Martin,
Marilee Beckley, Kathy O 1 s e n ,
Michael Mahoney, Peggy Donley,
Rence Bochmer, Marta Lundgren,
Barbara Rogers. Nena Mathews,
Mary Martin, Thomas Busche,
Karen Dykstra, Edward Slavkov
sky, Linda Moty, Mark Metke,
Christine Wetle, Janet Witmeyer,
Peggy Johnston, Ann Allen, Stev
en L. Mitchell, Rayetta Scurlock,
Martha Pence. Jane Westfall,
Lorene Thalhofer, Sheryl Storlie,
Cameron Healy, Teresa Hamby,
Elizabeth Slavkovsky, Karen 01
sen and Fred Green.
Students from Redmond were:
Alan Unger, Jeff Meyers, Sandra
Daniel, Sandra Arnett, Larry Hud
speth, Nadine King, Geri Wilson,
Laura Lea Latta, Sandy Bowman,
Patty Andrews, Rebecca Coe,
Paul Unger, Brad Moyes, Steven
McCormick, Mike Ivancovich, Ju
dy Butler. Gary Taylor, Nancy
Roach, Pnscilla Coe,. Lesley
Poole, Karen Copenhaver, Judy
Shopsnire, Gary Lecgetter, Har
riet Sly, Candis Bowman, Shirley
Norton, Gloria Audrain, Linda
MacDonald, Barry . Stranahan,
Glenda Ward and Bill Braly.
From Madras were: Kathy
Huntington, Sally Pendergraft,
Roxie Entrikin, Jack Hatfield,
John Hatfield, Cynthia Tugaw,
Jeffery Murry, Anita Bierly and
Nancy Entrikin.
Fort Rock participants were:
Hugh Coram, Bruce McAllister,
Ralph Cate, Barbara McAllister,
Linda Kittredge and from Silver
Lake, Patsy Carlson.
Teachers are: Mrs. L. J. Han
sen, Mrs. George Warner, Mrs.
Craig Coyner, Sister Ann Chris
tine and Sisters Maria Christoph
er of Bend; Mrs. Charles Boley,
Fort Rock; Mrs. Fred Hodecker
and Mrs. Montelle Coe. Mrs. J.
Pershing Andrews, secretary-
treasurer of the Music Teachers
Club, participated in arrange
ments for the festival. Bend s por
tion of the program, was held in
the Catholic Parish Hall and Red
mond's in the St, Thomas Parish
SAVORV Ultra high,
tm-llm heel
1 1
In and Out
ol hospitals j
In Central Ortgon L
The following arc new patients
at St. Charles Memorial Hospital:
Mrs. Emile Sandoz. Sisters;
Merle Fox, Prineville; Timothy
Negus, 10. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Negus, Gilchrist: James
Wardrope. 15. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Wardrope, 40 Irving !
Fred Wells. Route 1, Bend;
Mrs. Robert R. lc. 1224 T.ift
Avenue; Mrs. Victor Rue. 1520 1
Harmon Boulevard: Kenet Wolfe,
Warm Springs: Mrs. William J.
Levens, Prineville; Patrick Upte
grove, 12. son of Mr., and Mrs.
Earl D. Uptegrove, 1755 Harmon
Larry D. Rue, 9. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Rue. Route 1,
Bend, was admitted and dismiss
ed yesterday.
Also released were Mrs. Louis
D. Ford, Redmond, and the fol
lowing Bend residents: Mrs. Wal
lace Crawford. Phyllis Grindle,
Mrs. Ross Farnham, Mrs. Bern
ard Taylor and Mrs. Gilbert Si
monis. L J. Stephens
services held
Funeral services were held
Wednesday at 2 p.m. for Lester
J. Stephens, 61, a long-time resi
dent of Central Oregon who died
at his home in Medford Monday
morning. He was a native of Fos
sil, and spent most of his life in
Central Oregon.
The services were at the Nis-
wongcr & Reynolds Chapel, with
the Rev. Ronald Lundy of the
Baptist Church in charge. Pall
bearers were Edgar Peterson,
Herm Mcder, Jeff Cloer, James
Mitchell, Louis Sbermer and Clint
Burial was in the Greenwood
Timothy Kelly may be cutting a
rug before he cuts his teeth.
The 6-pound, 10-ounce, throe-
day-old infant was born Saturday
in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital to
Mrs. Jeanne Kelly his father Is
actor-dancer Gene Kelly.
beautiful, portable beauty salon
cuts hair drying time 50
15.95 &
M 1-Vt.r
'Otr (lit Cavnl.r'
f .placm,! Warranty
1.50 VO 5 Hair Spray
.40 VO 5 Creme Rinse
Value I
Plus Tax
39c Value
Battery Operated Woedtn
Complete With Extra Refill
Pover company
honors leeclers
of 4-H groups
Some 90 persons attended a
banquet given by Pacific Power
and Light Co. Wednesday night,
honoring Deschutes rounty 4-H
leaders and co-leaders and their
wives and husbands. The dinner
was held in the newly-remodeled
basement of First Methodist
Miss Ruth Brasher, state 4-H
club agent, spoke on "Oregon's
Grassroots Ambassadors." Edo
Ziring, past IFYE to Oregon from
Israel, gave a well-received de
scription of his reception in the
United States, expressing appre
ciation for the friendliness shown
R. G. McFarland, local Pacific
Power and Light Co. manager,
welcomed the group. Lee Hanson,
director of agricultural sales for
the company, gave a talk on proj
ects, illustrating his remarks with
Miss Janet Baker, county 4-H
extension agent, spoke briefly,
congratulating the leaders and
thanking the PP&L for sponsor
ship of the dinner. The Rev. D.
L. Penhollow, county judge, gave
the invocation. Mrs. Kessler Dres
ser, president of the 4-H Leaders'
Association, presided.
L and half-siies Vf , I i iffa
Dresses EJLrr Lingerie pS
Values to S8.W Srn- T 1 f .. jf g3
E3 j99 BLOUSES h'f.,ii.'.,bb,y. VP
gP JL Values to $5.99 ' do" X' fj
S 3" 99'andl49 P a
V IJiWilSCXlTiYti 931 WALL ST. -J
New concept in hair drying, the Dominion Hair
Dryer gives you unmatched comfort and conven
ience. It's a complete beauty salon in one handsome
luggage case you can carry wherever you go! Five
push-buttons with signal light give you a complete
temperature range. Special vent for drying nails.
Flexible hose and adjustable hood concemrate air
on hair, keep hands free for sewing, reading. Ad
justable mirror. Handy accessory compartment for
combs, brushes, bobby pins. Whisper quiet. Weighs
only 6 Ihs.
1.00 V05 SHAMPOO 86
1.75 REVL0N HAND LOTION.... 1.25
Aqua Marine
Uomesiic vatsr run is planned
Ths Arnold Irrigation District.' cisterns and stock pund?.
wHI have a domtolit- atcr ninj UetUkm of ,he
starting r nday, Mai ch 9. weather , ., , , . . .
permitting. ' "V tl,e cana,s are being asked
Both canals will supply water jl" take full advantjge of the
to users for the periodic filling of I flow.
as high as
for '60 Chevrolet
Impala Hard tops I
709 WALL EV 2-2911 '
Around The Neck
Dm A At
Potted tprpMw
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