The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, March 6,1962 FINAL CLEARANCE ON ALL SJPM 1961 MODELS CIAL 4 f v 1 :' A l,: $ IJJ1LP I U iBltll..lljptMj.)iaiJMWWl .1 . v '4- Glenn returns to Canaveral, fit but weary CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPD Spaceman John Glenn, looking fit but admittedly weary after the busiest two weeks of his life, returned to work today to help scientists prepare the na tion's second manned orbital night. Glenn, accompanied by fellow Astronauts Donald K. (Deke) Slayton and Alan B. Shepard Jr., flew back to his "home away from home" at Cape Canaveral Monday night after a brief stop over at astronauts' headquarters in Langley Field, Va. Officials of the federal space agency said Glenn, who orbited earth three times aboard the Friondship-7 space capsule Feb. 20 would remain here "for a day or two" to help scientists decipher the reams of information from his 81,000-mile voyage. The Marine lieutenant colonel will be, in effect, a human ref erence book the one man in the Free World who can give a first hand account of what it is like and what to expect in the eerie weightlessness of travel through the black vacuum of. space. Next to go will be Slayton, 38. an Air Force Major. Glenn will help scientists and technicans pre pare Slayton's Mercury space cap sule, and recommend minor changes to increase the value of the flight. If all goes well, Slayton could be orbited on his three-circuit mission in May or June. GIRL SCOUTS FACE BUSY SUMMER Three Bend girls, pictured here, face a buiy summer, having been named to attend national and regional events. Studying an atlas are, Teresa John son sitting; Judy Branstetter, left, and Kathleen Kemple, right. All are members of Girl Scout troop Uo. 105. They are Bend Junior nign sTuoenrs. 3 Girl Scouts named for trips Three Bend Girl Scouts have been chosen for national and re gional events during the coming aummer. Named an alternate from Jun iper Council to the Senior Girl Scout Round-up at Button Bay, Lake Champlaine, Vt., is Kath leen Kemple, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Kemple. As an alter nate delegate Kathleen stands ready to go to Vermont if one of the delegates can not go. She will also go to a Regional Encamp ment for Round-up alternates Ju ly 22-29 at Pine Creek Ranch, Salmon, Idano. Selected to altcnd a Regional Citizenship Conference is Judy Branstetter, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. B. L. Branstetter. This con ference is to be held on the Willa mette University Campus in Sa lem and will be attended by girls from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Dates are June 18-23. Delegate to the Creative Arts Festival in Eugene will be Teresa Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston. She will at tend this festival from August NI SI on the University of Oregon Campus in Eugene. This event will also be attended by girls from the Region 11 states. The girls are all students at Bend Junior High School and are members of Girl Scout Troop No. 105, whose leader is Mrs. H. M. Kemple. Also accepting a national oppor tunity this next summer will be Mrs. J. R. Meissner, who will go to the Senior Girl Scout Round up In Vermont as a staff member. Band Boosters planning supper to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE The Prineville Band Boosters will hold a chili and chowder supper Friday, March 9. in the Crook County High School enfetorium. Serving time is from 5:30 to 7:30. Immediately after the supper, a concert will bo given in the high achool gym by the combined sixth grade bands, the 7th and 8th grade bands of the junior high achool and the 8th grade dance band. The supper ticket will serve as admission to tho concert, 'tnose who prefer to attend only the con cert will be charged a small ad mission fee, according to Mrs. W. B. Thompson, general chair man for the event. In a variety of fund-raising ef forts, the club provides financial assistance for the school band members, and the group also atages concerts to afford expert ence in public performance to band members. KICK-FREE MILK LOUGHBROUGH, England (UPD Twt 15 year-old boys were cleared of stealing milk when it was testified that anyone who gave an automatic vending machine a hearty kick got a tree carton of milk. Henry Itewman, who said he was losing 50 cartons a day, plans to have the machine fixed. NOT FOR HEALTH ROSTON (ITU The State Sen ale Monday killed a House-passed bill to grant a liquor license to health club. Wallace back in Germany Sp.clal to Tha Bulletin MANNHEIM, Germany Ger ald U Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yordy L Wallace, Route 1, Culver, Ore., recently returned to his home station in Mannheim. Germany, after a month-long tour of duty along tlie East-West bor der in the Fulda Gap area. Wallace and other members of the Bin Infantry Division's 8th Cavalry maintained surveillance along the border through the use of jeep-mounted patrols and ob servation and listening posts. The Fulda Gap, a 100-mile segment of tho Iron Curtain, serves as the gateway to Berlin. A medical nidmnn hi tlie caval ry's llaadqiarters Troop, he en tered tho Army in January, 1958, complotfd basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., and nrrivod overseas in May 1959. His wife, Helen, is with him in Germany. Honors gained by local artist Mrs. Don Burgderfer, art In structor at Central Oregon Col lege, has received new recogni tion for her work. She has been informed that her ink drawing. "Decaying and Molding Pine Bark." has received honorable mention in the 12 national draw ing and sculpture show at Bull Stale Teachers College in Muncie, lnd. Frederick Sweet, curator of American painting and sculpture at tlie Art Institute of Chicago, was tho judge for selection of paintings, and awards. Mrs. Burgderfer's drawing is in black and wlute ink and wash. Parent-Teacher group planned Special to The Bulletin FORT ROCK Fort Rock par ents and teachers met March 2 at Christmas Valley Lodge in a pre-organization session to consid er bylaws and purposes of a Par ent Teacher Association for the families served by the Fort Rock School District Jack Gillette was named tem porary chairman prior to the or ganization meeting scheduled for Friday, March 23 at 7 p.m. at the Christmas Valley Lodge. Working with Gillette in preparing a pro posed sot of bylaws and publicity for the group will be John Payne, principal of Fort Rock School, Mrs. Kenyan Morehouse and Mrs. Bud Parks, temporary secretary. Mrs. Everett Shults of Lake- view, president of the Lake Coun ty PTA Council, will be present at tlie March 23 meeting for the installation of officers. All persons in the community who are interested, as well as parents and teachers of pupils now enrolled, arc invited to be come charter members of the as sociation at tlie organization mooting. Hustler crash takes 3 lives FORT WORTH, Tex. (UPI A B58 Hustler supersonic jet bomb er crashed and exploded in an attempted take oil from Carswcll Air Force Base Monday night. The three crewmen were killed. A Carswcll spokesman said tlie B58 was on a routine train ing mission. The dead were: Capt. Robert Eugene Harter, 34: the pilot, State College, Pa. Capt. Jack D.V. Jones. 29, the navigator, Jacksonville Beach Fla. 1st Lt. James T. McKenzie. 28, the defensive systems operator, Pinehurst, N.C. " The Air Force spokesman said the cause of the crash could not be determined immediately. The B58 was Hearing the end of a 6.000-foot takeoff run when it veered sharply right from tlie runway. The heavy, four-engine jet, designed to fly at more than twice the speed of sound, tore through a metal fence and pulled up on an ammunition storage bunker a quarter of a mile from tlie runway. The B58 was not armed, and 40 millimeter ammunition stored deep In the concrete, earth-cover ed bunker did not detonate. But the jet's fuel tanks exploded, rip ping the aircraft apart and send ing flames 50 feet into tlie air, Figures given on weather FORT ROCK Precipitation for February at The Poplars weather station, southeast of Fort Rock, totalled .91 of an inch. Add ed to .99 in October, 1.68 in No vember. 1.57 in December and .93 In January, this brings the total moisture for the winter months to March 1 up to 6 0B inches. Maximum temperature during February was 60 degrees on the third and the low of minus eight was recorded on the 27th. The winter minimum fell to -38 on January 12. a record low in the 14 years the station has kept tomjicrature records. PRINEVILLE HARDWARE of PRINEVILLE and BEND SUPPLY CO. of BEND HAVE JOINED TOGETHER TO BRING TO YOU THE FINEST APPLIANCES AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES YET ON BRAND NEW 1961 & 1962 HOTPOINT APPLIANCES MOST ITEMS ARE LIMITED TO 1 ONLY ALL ARE FULLY GUARANTEED AND READY TO GO. SO HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION!!! Hrrtpxyini: BE ESKIMO SPECIAL Compact Family Size REFRIGERATOR Only 28" wide 14 Sq. Ft. Shelf Are 50 Lb, Freezer Deep Door Shelve New Magna Seal Door O O WITH " TRADE .SILVER LINING WITH ALUMINUM FREEZER 19.6 Cu. Ft. and every inch usuabl 686 Lb. Capacity Safety Latch 3 Year Food Protection Plan 324 00 CONVERTIBLE Mobile Dishwasher nip Convenience ' Rolls Around Easy BIG CAPACITY Holds Complete Service for 10 Plus Silverware 2 Washes, Fresh Detergent Each Wash Safe Calrod Unit Electric Drying BIG VALUE 22 95 2 DOOR 28" Wide ROLLS CLEANING Automatic Defrost Refrigerator - Full 89 Lb. Freezer Full Width Criiper Handy Door Shelves Magna Seal Door Reg. 349.95 289 00 WITH TRADE 3 CYCLE Fully Automatic WASHER Hot Warm Cold Warm Cold Rinse Select Fill Setting -X Full Time Lint Filter S Year Warranty on Transmission Reg. 259.95 niooo " TRADE BEND SUPPLY EXTRA SPECIAL Reg. 289.95 2 Speed, 3 Cycle . OOjlOO Automatic Washer With Trade Reg. 449.95 13 Cu. Ft. Double Door OCQ00 Refrigerator With Trade OJ7 Reg. 229.95 Family Size Upright Freezer ALWAYS TOP QUALITY LOW-PRICE Reg. 179.95 Top Loading Mobile Dishwasher , 18800 159oo SALE DATES MARCH 7,8,9, 10 4 BIG DAYS PRINEVILLE HDWE. BONUS BUYS Ree. 289.95 HotDoint 13 Cu. Ft. OOOOO Deluxe Refrigerator with trade XX7 Ree. 309.95 14 Cu. Ft. OAdOO Upright Freezer xtt 12 Cu. Ft. O1O00 Upright Freezer 18 Cu. Ft. OAO00 Upright Freezer ww BUILT IN OVEN Both for Only i n o 00 BUILT IN RANGE with trade 1 7 u m 1 ftjTs.r'mr- -.--Yel ir.. FAMOUS Hotpcint 30" RANGE CALROD UNITS ;M f MU I umM I iv. wen timed A ri orir LIFT OFF OVEN DOOR ALL PORCELAIN NO DRIP TOP Reg. 219.95 4 NOW ONLY I MANY OTHER VALUES DOOR BUSTER HOTPOINT DISPOSAL CARBON STEEL CUTTER 1 YEAR WARRANTY ' Vt H. P. MOTOR END ALL GARBAGE MESS FOREVER FOR ONLY 00 DELUXE HOTPOINT DRYER Pushbutton Heat Selection - 111 ' 'Jilii 11 1 r-n. ! i IMH frr ! I f Porcelain Lint Trap in Door HI Speed Le Heat 1961 Closeout Reg. 199.95 HURRY FOR THEY WONT LAST LONG AT THIS PRICE 4400 HOME OF HOTPOINT - FIRST WITH THE FINEST FOR 58 YEARS SUPPLY CO. 4 big days Mcr. 7, 8, 9, 1 0 N Easy terms on approved credit We give GOLD BOND STAMPS PHONE EV 2-1721 922 BOND ST. BEND, OREGON YOU CAN BUY BETTER AT HOME BECAUSE YOU GET Local Delivery FREE Local Service FREE Local Financing, Too! Your Dollars Are Kept In Your Own Home Town!! HARDWAR 4 Big Days MARCH 7-8-9-10 PHONE HI 7-6567 226 N. MAIN PRINEVILLE, ORE.