Get in the Swing, fix up for Spring-Buy, Sell with Classifieds. The Bend Bulletin, Monday, March 5, 1962 US. has set off 150 nuclear blasts since '45 JACKASS FLAT. Nev. (LTD The United States' next nuclear explosion will be No. 151 com pared to 89 by the Soviet t'nion. The Atomic Energy Commission has conducted 106 tests at this test site two thirds of the total 150. The first test was made at Alafnagordo, N. M., on July 16, 1945, and 41 were made In the Pacific. The other two blasts occurred In Japan In 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending World War H. On Aug. 6, 1945, a 629, the Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Of a total population of 343.969, the bomb killed 78,150 and injured 37,425. Three days later the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, population 252,630, claimed 73,884 lives. Surrendered 8 Days Later Eight days after the first atom ic explosion, Japan surrendered. The United States resumed test ing In the Pacific In July, 1946, at Bikina atoll and then Enlwetok. The tests continued through Au gust of 1858. During the period 41 nuclear devices were exploded. The United States ceased nu clear testing in October, 1958, as part of a three-nation moratorium. Tests were resumed by the United States last year with an underground explosion Sept. 15, af ter the Soviet Union broke the moratorium. The only other major atomic power, Great Britain, staged 19 tests before the moratorium and one since then at the test grounds here. 6 Million Site Russia's 58-megaton device ex ploded last year was the largest in nuclear history. The' largest U.S. detonation waa a 15-megaton device exploded on Enlwetok In 1954. A megaton It equal to a trill ion tons of TNT. Since the Soviet Union broke the moratorium, the United States has conducted 18 underground tests here In addition to the One Thurs day by the United Kingdom the first by a foreign power on U.S. soil. The tests here were conducted on this sprawling 1,123 square mile desert site where the AEC has an estimated investment of more than $8 million. Tests here, about 90 miles south of Las Vegas, Nev., cost about $3 million each. Tests in the Pa cific cost an estimated $14 million each. four divorce decrees granted Four divorce decrees were is sued by Judge Robert H. Foley in circuit court in the past week, and three more divorce cases were filed. Lola Louise Miller filed yester day for divorce from Ralph Dwaln Miller, to whom she was married Aug. 5, 1956, In Redlands. Calif. The plaintiff seeks custody of three minor children, $50 monthly support for each, a division of real and personal property and at torney's fees. Naomi R. Brltt Is seeking a di vorce from Clayton A. Britt. They were married Nov. 20, 1943, In Reno, Nev., and have four minor children. The plaintiff Is asking child custody, 40 monthly sup port for each and farm property on Route 2. Bend. Donavon Kroker, Bend, Is the target of a divorca suit brought by Joan Kroker. The petition was filed in Worcester county, Massa chusetts. Vernon Jalins, defendant in an action brought by Theda Jalins, was awarded a divorce Thursday, on a cross-complaint. The defend ant was given all property except a station wagon, and is to pay $10 monthly support for each of three minor children living with the plaintiff. They were married May 14, 1938, in Vancouver, Wash., and have four minor chil dren. Helen Pearson waa awarded a divorce Friday from Herbert Pearson, but was denied attor ney's fees. They were married Jart. 23, 1960, in Vancouver, Wash. Linda E. Woods, 1363 Ithaca Avenue, was awarded a decree of divorce Thursday from Roland C. Woods, address unknown. They were married July 6, 1939, in Bend. The plaintiff was given cus tody of three minor children. Jack Dewey Fresh was given a divorce from Marcelle Marl Fresh. They were married in 1919 in LaRochelle. France, and had not lived together since Novem ber, 1935. Ljmette Williams was given a divorce from Marvin Williams, to whom ahe was married July 21, 3956. in Vancouver, Wash. She was piven $50 monthly support and culily of a minor child, and at torney fees. Egg buying program due WASHINGTON (UPD-The Ag riculture Department has an nounced an egg buying program designed to remove excess eggs from the market and to stabilize producer prices. The department will purchase dried whole egg solids. The amount to be purchased will depend on offering prices In re lation to producer prices and quan tities offered. The dried eggs will be distribut ed to the school lunch program and welfare institutions. Council okays John Glenn Park ROLLING HILLS ESTATES, Calif. (UPI) - This Southern Cal ifornia commuhity may have the first John Glenn Park. Cotincllmen have instructed the city attorney to draft a resolu tion naming the city's first park John Glenn Park, in honor of the first American astronaut to orbit the earth. "It may sound kind of corny," Councilwoman Mrs. John Clifton said, "but 1 think it would be a good tribute and a good name for a park." FOUND GUILTY PORTLAND (UPD Two wom en were found guilty In U.S. Dis trict Court here Friday of forging an endorsement on a $14,374 check and cashing it. They were Itah J. McCorkle, 27, Portland, and Mrs. Rose Marie Herrera, 35, San Jose, Calif. The check belonged to Theodore O. Moore, 34, a Klamath Indian from Chiloquiri. It was his share of Klamath Termination Act funds paid to the estate of his late brother, Elliot. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES Vtrv to mtet tur munuily adj. Afli (MtlVed ixlura i-SO p.m. will tbiwar (n tl rulluwlns days pater Fho titnd Bulletin will nut h responsible fur mure than una incorrect Insertiun 2 lines for 1 time only $1.00 2 lines for 4 times only $1.50 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 8 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.25 SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Month $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month : $1.50 SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING OF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS A & R MOTOR SUPPLY 129 E. Greenwood EV 2-6941 AUTO WRECKING B & B AUTO WRECKING CO. 24 Hour Wrecker Service E Highway 20 EV 2-3825 BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 401H Lava DRESSMAKING EDNA'S TOGS "Made especially for you" Edna Rives EV 2-3592 JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS Pick-up, delivery. EV 2-3396 FURNACES BLAKE'S HEATING SERVICE Heating Problems All Makes EV 5-1S69 Laundry & Dry Cleaners BEND TROY Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Inc. Phone EVergreen 21511 MISCELLANEOUS Mattress-F urniture-Rebuilding DAVENPORT'S MATTRESS CO. 1st at Revere. Bend. EV 2-3320 Tu'PPERWARE DEALER Ludle Chajiev EV 2-4484 Rt. 2 Box 3S Bend BEND SHOE CLLNIC Leather Goods & Jackets Open Mondays 136 Minn. HEALTHWAY Specialty Shop "Naturallv the bet." 624 Franklin Ave. EV 2-0564 AL'S Appliance Repairs S14 Hsrrimsn EV 2-3505 WATKINS PRODUCTS Cosmetics-Vitamins-Extracts Mae Eslick EV 2-1725 Three Monthj $4 CO Six Months $7.50 One Year $14 50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 In Redmond LI 8 4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, Hi 7-7730. Member, Audit Buriau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 1931. The bend Bulletin (Daily) EtL 1916 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. 1 -Legal Notices CALL FOR BIDS The board of directors of School District No. 18C (Clover. dale) Hereby Invites bids for painting of Cloverdale s C h o ol house. Bids must be received by April 1, 1962. The board reserve's the right to reiect any and all Dias. For more Information, contact Kathleen Bacon, Clerk, School District No. 18C Star Route, Sisters, Ore., Phone Lincoln 8-3006 63-69-75-C NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the District Court of Des chutes County, Oregon, has fix ed the 7th day of March, 1962, at the hour of 10:00 o clock a.m.. as the time, and the District Court room of the Deschutes County Court House, Bend, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections. If any, to the final account o the administrator herein. Dated and first published this 5th day of Februarv, 1962. William E. Hallin, Admin istrator of the Estate of Augusta Burrus. deceased. 51-57-63-69-75-C 4-Funerctl Directors HEIDER'S FUNERAL HOME Hill & Greeley EV 2-5552 Bend, Oregon 8-Special Notices BALLROOM SPACE in Bend available for dances, club meet ings, private parties. Call Wal lace Dance School, LI 8-2785. RENT A MACHINE Singer Sewing Center 126 Minnesota EV 2-3882 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis.- We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 17-Help Wanted SPLENDID SPARE-TIME OPPORTUNITY As Wholesale Distributor Rep resentative to service establish ed dealers, and open new ac counts. Excellent Commissions. No investment required. 45 year old AAA-1 Greeting Card Manu facturer. Applicant should have about 20 hours per week avail able. Wife can help. Telephone and small home storage space required. Car a necessity. Give full details first letter. Write care The Bend Bulletin, Box 303A. MISCELLANEOUS TREE SERVICE Topping, Trimming, Removing Free Estimates Insured WILEY ELLIS, Sr. 153 Jefferson Place EV 2-1601 YOUR FULLER BRUSH DEALER Bob Weismann EV 2-1831 Rt. 1 Box 79 Bend, Ore. BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps for home, business. 1434 Davenport EV 2-2S76 VALLEY VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Sales A Servtcv We Repair All Makes Call EV 2-3364 431 S. Third INVISIBLE REWEAV1NG Free Estimates, Fair Prices 675 Irmes Lane EV 2-1918 RADIO & TV REPAIR RIES RADIO Mske Music Your Hnbbv 851 Wall St. EV 2-5621 GEORGE'S RADIO & TV Parts St Service on all makes. 223 E. Franklin EV 2-3900 A-l TV & RADIO Quaranteed-Reliable Service Insured for your protection. New ft Used TV-VHF & UHF. 642 Franklin EV 2-4571 PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 8:30 p m. Thursday. For info. U 8-3001 EV 2-tiM) 111 7-5682 18-Help Wanted Male S100.00 PLUS PER WEEK For man who qualifies for this job: Over 25. married, neat. Good work record essential. Combination Sales. Service-De- liverv. Write care Ihe Bend Bulletin Box, 303B. NEED CASH? Sell famous Knapp Aerotred Shoes. Full or part time. High commissions plus bonus. Complete line for men and women. Equipment furnished free. Write to W. J. Theisson. Knapp Bros. Shoe Mfg. Corp., 6401 E. Flotilla Street, Los Angeles 22, Calif. Stop cursing that old furniture. Sell It with A Bulletin Classified. SALESMAN Career man for One of largest and oldest Building Maintenance Material Manufacturers, calling on Industrial and Commercial accounts. Established repeat business. Exclusive protected territory, no house accounts. Age over 35, car necessary. No Overnight travel. High earnings on commission basis. Lifetime opportunity for the right man. For interview, mail resume and phone number to: Sales Mana ger, P.O. Box 1960, Cleveland 6, Ohio. 20-Servlce Directory PAINTING KITCHEN S45. Liv ing Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting, Also CommerciaL Harper EV 2-4692 ALUMINUM COMBINATION Storm windows and doors . . . Weather-stripping, siding, awn ings. Finest materials, expert In stallations. Call or write for our Low prices. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CONTRACTORS Rt 1, Box 356, Bend, Oregon. EV 2-1614 NEED REPAIRS DONE? Large appliances, small appli ances, electric heating, electric lighting. Prompt efficient service. CALL TODAY. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. EV 2-2821 HUGH SIMPSON Painting Paporhanging ve No Winter Rates Terms Months tn nnv. 315 E. Irving . EV 2-5761 juu uj iiinsiiiiig worn. Sheet rock, paneling. EV 2-2177, tirir i rri 4..,. 24-Situations Wtd, Male ACCOUNTANT - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Business Un iversity graduate with twelve years experience, full details. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box No. 305A. 30-MisceIlaneous for Sale MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. EV 2-5312. GE WASHER and dryer, like new, S200 for the pair. EV 2- 3980 after 5 p.m. 1015 Columbia. LOCKER MEAT Every day low rjrices. Half young beef 45c lb. Half young pork 39c lb. Cut, pkgd. and fast frozen free. 100 per cent financing-Freezer too. If you EAT Think of MIDSTATE MEAT 37 Greenwood Ave. Bend RECORD CLEARANCE: Ta ble of Hi-Fi and Stereo albums reduced $1. Darrell's House of Music, Wall at Oregon. DO YOUR SHOPPING IN THE BEND BULLETIN WESTS1DE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Furn. t Misc. Daily 8:30 to 8 Sunday 9:30 to 1 PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE Lynch Ranch Off Ward Road EV 2-6160 Antiques Furniture Tools Sunday, March 4, 10 a.m. Lunch on grounds TOP SOIL, fill din. dump truck, tractor loader work, exca vations. EV 2-5161. LARGE UPRIGHT freezer in good condition. Full price $99.- 95. 100 per oent financing oac. S6.13 per montn. Ken c a l e Hardware. Third & Greenwood. SOLID Teakwood double bed headboard. EV 2-1315. WURLITZER Chord organ. $500. and will be yours. Call EV 2-2678. 40" GAS RANGE w-griddle. Was $40.- Now $25. Hawthorne House 17 Hawthorne BEND TV cable HOOKUP given FREE with purchase of a Philco TV set. Hawthorne House IT Hawthorne FULLY Reconditioned and guaranteed wringer washers. Maytag and Zenith. $29.50 and up. Oregon Equipment COm- .,.. till F r.-, SAVE BIG! Do your own rug nd upholstery cleaning with new Blue Lustre. Masterson-St. Clair Hdw. 32-Mus!cal Instruments PIANO TUNING Resident tuner, EV 2-5177. Standard rates. SMALL UPRIGHT piano, made bv Baldwin. Fender Steel guitar. EV 2-2B96. 39-Livestock Wanted WANTED: Fst csttle snd hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick up. EV 2-04.',3. 41 -Livestock, Horses 43 YOUNG ewes snd lambs, EV 2-4601. AT STUD, Arabian chestnut stallion, Roabel No. 5633. Con tact Shirley Rogers, LI 8-2301 or LI 8-3620. TWO HORSES. One good kid's horpe, One registered American saddlebred mare. Call HI 7-5638 days or HI 7-5162 evenings. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Puum-y received Mondav only. 710 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc BOARDING AND CLIPPING SERVICE Poodle Stud Service. Toy Poodles, Pekes & Terriers for sale. RANCH PET KENNELS EV 2-3634 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED: OLD CARS, trucks, cats, farm maiiiinery, to buy. Highest prices paid. B. & B. Auto Wrerkers. EV J-JSPS IMMEDIATELY. Three bed room house, prefer East side. Under $15,000. Mrs. Young, EV 2-5541. PROPANE GAS tanks. Ideal Oas & Appliance, Box 706, Bend, EV 2-3823. 50-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil WASHED UTAH COAL Lump Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 JACKPINE $14., pine $12. Im mediate delivery. EV 2-2822. GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 a load, approx. 2 cords. Washed Oil Treated Stoker. Washed Lump Coal Robert Davenport, EV 2-1599. 53-Room, Board CLOSE IN, good food, TV, laundry. EV 2-3133. 54-Rooms lor Rent ROOM FOR man. Kitchen. bath, private entrance. EV 2 0710. WARM, Clean sleeping rooms In Prineville. 213 E. 7th, HI 7 7252. 56-Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED 3 rm apart ment near hospital Adults only. $40.00 per month. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. 57-Apartments Furnished CLOSE TO school and town, 2 bedroom, TV cable, water, garbage paid. 204 Florida, EV 2 9970. MODERN 2 room apartment, Inquire 40 Irving, EV 2-5142. DESIRABLE 3Vi and 4Vi room duplex. Automatic heat, garages, utilities, TV Included. Wahe Apartments. 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Close in. For one or two. 525 Franklin, EV 2-9971. ONE BEDROOM. electric heat. Redwood Motel, EV 2-9964. 53-Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM, - close in Clean. EV 2-5519. FOR RENT, 2 bedroom home. $55. EV 2-2660. MODERN THREE bedroom, oil heat, fireplace, vacant March 10th, EV 2-4711. 70-Business Opportunities OPPORTUNITY Flying A Station for Lease. Equip. & Util. furnished. Out standing rental terms. For infor. EV 2-1921 days, EV 2-5643 eves. RESTAURANT in fast grow ing town. Punch board machine legal, three year lease with op tion for renewal. Equipment new. Good location. Fhone 367 9008, 2202 Main St., Sweet Home, ore. DEALER WANTED for Bend area: To distribute a new, fas cinatina product, manufactured of Alcoa Aluminum. Exclusive franchise $1500.00 minimum investment, secured by inven tory. This product Is non-comod- tltive, with a long profit. Write wr. uerry uon Aacircss -199 West 6th, Eugene, Oregon. 72-Real Estate Contracts late, mortgages or contracts. Write narticulars to P.O. Box 548, Bend, Oregon. 76-Real Estate Exchanges $14,000, or close in acreage, who win traae ior Daiem property. Have three bedroom home, close to schools and shopping. Price $12,500. Also have Triplex. Price $9,500. Call Arnie Gard ner, 363-9236. Oregon Develop ment Co. Realtor. 73-Real Estate Wanted LAND WANTED Raw and undeveloped land wanted. Saga brush land, juniper land, hiah desert land, O K. But must be fairly level, on or near good road or highway. 1000 for recreational sites. Not farms. No mountain sides. I nave operated this fypa of land business in this area for several years with no known complaints and don't expect any as my tracts are not misrepresented. I bring hundrads of peopla here with my advertising who like what they sea. Many buy from ma and soma repeat in each new tract. Some who come buy from others, desiring improvements, perhaps. I will nover knowingly misrepre sent anything to anybody, or knowingly harm any person. I have purchased hundreds of acres here from the County, from the State and from private individuals through their Broken and PAID FOR EVERY ACRE. I am not a big high powered operator and can not afford expensive promotional campaigns, so I save my purchasers this addtd expense. Everyone purchases upon my Individual representation, put down on paper in black and white. The adverse statements made by some regarding Central Oregon land sales are not true as far as pending a few weeks here this winter. Write me, Manning Bar ber, 4352 Mt. Henry Ave., San Diego 17, Calif. I'll be back in fiend soon and look over the properties you wish fo tell. I'd like to hear from brokers, too. MANNING BARBER "THE OREGON LAND MAN" 4352 Mt. Henry Ave. San Diego 17, Calif, 78-Farms & Acreages THIRTY ACRES, 17 under cultivation. Throe bedroom modern home. Two car garage, out barns. Three acres COI wa ter. Six miles from Bend on Al falfa Road. $2,500 down. Full price $9,300. Terms. EV 2-6908. 100 acre poultry, beef stock farm. Modern buildings. Poul try, stock, machinery, $12,500. Write George Manley, Route 2 Box 520, Rainier, Oregon. BU-Heal Estate tor Sale HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL Two bedroom home, close to town, part basement, utility plumbed & wired. Only $2900, terms. E. SIDE Completely furnished with qual ity furniture. 4 room modern home, $6900, terms to be ar ranged. 80 ACRES Close to town. 20 of Irrigation water. Highway frontage. 2 bed room modern home. $13,000, terms. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV i-2743 Rov EV 2-4816 Bob EV 2-3990 Emily EV 2-1086 Jess EV 2-4317 close to town. Sell under ap praisai ana terms available. JlV 2-2009. BY OWNER, two year old three bedroom, on East side. Family room with fireplace. Living room and hnll carpeted from wall to wall. Price $12,000. EV 2-4694. CALIFORNIA WARM DRY DESERT. Escape cold winters. New small retirement Colony. Unique. Amazing two bedroom, 1052 sq. feet, finished homes, $5995. Or we build exteriors, you finish, save. We lease V acre lot, water, utilities, 99 years, $10. month. Saves buying costly lot. Select clientele. 7 miles to Palm Bprings. Information free. C. Doyle, Box 15, Thousand Palms, California. WHETHER YOU'RE buying 01 selling, you'll save with a Bend Bulletin Classified ad. The cost Is low. . . as little as $1 50 a day. The results fast and sure. Phone EV 2-1811 and let a friendly ad taker help you write Vour ad. SAVE with Bend Bulletin classi fieds. ONE OF Bena's nicest, three bedroom two story house. Will FHA. 1317 Harmon. ONE BEDROOM wired for range, new automatic hot water tank. $29. down. $29. month, no interest or will rent. 15 Revere. Call at 1837 Hamman. KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-252 1 R. D. Kerr, Broker $4900 For sale or leas 2 BR home, East Sido. $500 down, $31505 A.-42 A. C.O.I, wa ter, paved road, excellent site. Ray Cronin EV 2-5656 Clent King EV 2-5452 Walt Kith-edge EV 2-4492 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor 3 BEDROOM ON STATE ST. In a real good neighborhood, nice lawn and fenced back yard, finished . basement, all three bedrooms are on one floor, automatic washer and dryer hookup, oil floor furnace. Has 4 Oregon State I loan on it at present time $7,500.00 HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-6453 Jim Ami! EV 2-5243 Buck Davis Ranches EV 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY ORE. See Hap Taylor at the Lodge Office for information. Phone Sliver Lake 576-2230 acres, 640, or 320 acres. Suitable my activities are concerned. I'm 80-Real Estate for Sale TWO BEDROOM home, i acre. $6500. Prineville, HI 7-4060. AAIDSTATE REALTY CO. Harold Phillips Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 2 bedroom home, edge of Bend, with almost acre of good ground, city water plus Irriga tion, Only $4500, $1250 dwn. 3 bedroom home, close In, fire place, hardwood floors, base ment, forced air oil furnace, paved street and alley, pd. Price $11,250 FHA A REAL VALUE: 80 acres with 54 acres Swalley water, unim proved. 1 1 milts to Bend. Priced at $16,000 TUMALO: 40 aores with 35 A. Tumalo water, good 3 bedroom home, barn, good corrals, most ly in permanent pasture. Price $18,900, $6000 dwn. Phillips 2-0571 Hogan 2-3274 ARE YOU in the market tor a house?. . .Want to buy a car?. . . Looking for a lost pett . . .Want to find a Job or tenant? Solve your problems by reading The Bond Bulletin Classifieds. Shvs Time and Money . . .Shop The Bend Bulletin Classified Ads. Russell's Realty Bud Russell,. Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV 2-: 1031 THIS HAS EVERYTHING you could desire tn a home. Over 3,000 square feat of liv ing area. Formal living room, plus family room both with heatalator fireplaces. Separata dining room. For the most Inv portant room for mother, the kitchen, you will find built-in range, oven, mixer and disposal. Largs utility room it designed with extra space to pleasa the gardener or seamstress. 3 bed' rooms on main floor with I'j baths. One bedroom & full til ed bath in daylight batamant, OH forced air furnace, weather stripped & Insulated, 2 car gar age. Corner landscaped view lot 135 x 100 in choice east side location. Under market val ue at $33,000, terms. Mable Foster EV 2-5324 Kleth Ramsay EV 2-3105 Bill Frflnck EV 2-1273 CHOICE IRRIGATED 80 ACRE FARM All under cultivation, fen ced & cross fenced. Mod ern 2 bedroom home, cabin, barnt & garage. Tractor & equipment in eluded. Paved roed by the door. Just a short walk to the Detehutet River & ex cellent fishing. Price $29, 500, Only $6,000. down. Terms on balance. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 ArlciRh BIsek Broker Bob Lilienthal EV 2-6363 Joe Tilden EV 2-2766 Jim Lance EV 2-575S ' GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 : WE NEED LISTINGS! An older home on a solid foun dation, with 2 bedrooms and bath, larne llvlni? room, kitchen with ample eating space, garage and garden spot. Paved street. Owner will consider clear trailer house in trade. Full price $4,000 plus paving. N. E. Gilbert Broker Realtor Larry Keown Assoc Broker EV 2-2305 100 Autos For Sale WHY NOT $100 off these low prices for no trade 1961 Ford 4 dr. Galaxie, pwr. tteer. & brakes, auto, trant. $2495 1961 Corvair Moma $2195 I960 Valiant 4 dr. tedan, tfandard trans. $1595 I960 Pontiae Catallna 4 dr. tdn., auto, trant. $2195 I960 Ford 4 dr. Galaxie, automatto transmission $1895 (2) 1959 Hillman Huskies. Your eholca at $795 195? Ford 2 dr., V8, standard transmission $I2V5 1959 Studebaker Lark Wagon, standard transmission $1195 1957 Ford Country Seden Wagon, 9 pass., auto, trans. $1095 Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. E. Second & Franklin EV 2-2222 AAA Wrecker Somes EV 2-3216 80-Real Estate For Sale CECIL C. MOORE REALTOR Inquiries Answered Promptly 1132 Newport. Bend. EV 2-3379 VERN LARSON AGENCY Real Estate-Appraiser 1496 Quincy Ave. EV 2-5297 OWNER TRANSFERRED, leav ing lovely 3 B. R. home on E. Side, wwall carpet, lk baths, gracious Uv. room, fireplace, all built In appliances. Priced ri t for quick sale at $16,750. FHA of course, 10 down. VIEW HOME In West Hills, own er will sacrifice this spacious 3 BR beauty with wwall carpet, appliances, everything you could wish for. These are two of the n 1 e e s t homes I've had for a long time. you MUST see them. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor JUST COMPLETED Finest East side residential lo cation on a street with all new quality homes. This very attrac tive three bedroom home fea tures a living room with old brick fireplace. Dining room with sliding glass doors, a dream kitchen In natural wood, built i oven and range. Two full baths . . . one with tub and one with ceramic tiled shower. Full iiied utility wired and plumbed for automatict. Extra built-ins. Overtired double garage with storage room overhead. This fine home It completed and ready to move in. Can be shown day or night. Full price $18,500 with a 30 year FHA loan avail able. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE ' 2 822 Wall St. EV 2-1761 Nites Amla 2-4475 Jim 2-3594 - HarVey 2-4686 CHRISTMAS VALLEY ORE. 8e Hap Taylor at the Lodge Office for Information. Phone Silver Lake 576-2230 100-Autos ioi Sola 1957 Chevrolet 4 dr, $795 8 cyl., stick shift, R&H. BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th & Giveaway, Redmond, Ore. CLASSIFlEDSi BARGAINS GALORE HERE) ' 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door Bel Air. EV 2-0332. 1958 UNIVERSAL JEEP with winch. Steel cab, front hubs. 358 Georgia. EV 2-3731. 1953 NASH. Reasonable. EV 2-4390. Call after 12 p.m. FOR SALE. One owner '65 Oldtmobile 88. Full power equip ped. Sacrifice price $650. Phone LI 8-2151. A-l USED CAR 1958 Willys 8 4 wheel drive pick up truck. Perfect tires and en gine. Make us an offer. ; R0BBERS0N FORD SALES PRICED TO SELL 1IWV) Fnlrnn 4 door Deluxe. Stan dard transmission, low mileaga, one owner. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. "OK" n USED CARS ' 67 Chev 210 4 dr., V8, R41I, Powergllde 1095. '57 Lincoln Pemlere Hardtop, FuU Power $1395 , BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillae 235 E. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Across from Wagner BUY A SCOUT, PULL OTHERS OUT1 . Ail 4 wheel drives. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood BUY NOW? "IT