The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 05, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Monday, March 5, 1962 An Independent Newspaper
Phil F. Brogan, Associate Editor Jack McDtrmott, Advertising Manager
Glenn Cushman, General Manager Leu W. Mayers, Circulation Manager
Loren E. Dyer, Mechanical Superintendent William A. Yates, Managing Editor
Robert W. Chandler, Editor end Publisher
Enured u second Clan Miller. January . HIT. at Ota Foal OfBea at Band. Oreaon, under Act at litre h I. 1879. Pub
lished dally except Sunday and certain holidays by The Bend Bulletin. Inc.
More than anything else right now, Bend
needs a fi rsf -class convention facility
Last week a story appeared In The
Bulletin reporting on Chamber of Com
merce activities.
The final paragraph indicated that
perhaps the Chamber wasn't working
as hard as usual on securing conven
tions. The information was secured
from a Chamber officer. The reason
given was that Bend doesn't have a de
cent central convention facility.
This story upset some people with
in and without the Chamber who
figured that Bend ought to be positive
about these things facilities or not.
To set the record straight, the
Chamber of Commerce is still seeking
conventions. But employes are getting
pretty tired of hearing groups tell them
that either they won't come or they
won't be back until we provide a decent
place to meet. ,
This doesn't mean sleeping facili
ties either. Bend's motels provide these
In both quality and quantity. This refers
to a central headquarters, such as a
major hotel, where as many as 500 to
1,000 people can sit down and listen to
a speaker, attend a banquet, and per
haps hold a dance ... all under one roof.
Bend had such a place once . . . the
old Pilot Butte Inn. But the Inn has
gone downhill fast, and everyone knows
So now we have nothing. And now
we come to the point of this editorial.
More than anything else right now,
Bend needs a first-class modern, con
vention facility. It needs something
that can also be used as a headquarters
for community activities.
Were noise-abatement turns
Airline pilots may press for an in
vestigation of noise abatement proce
dures in the wake of Thursday's crash
of an American Airlines jetliner shortly
after taking off from Idlewild Airport.
There was no immediate comment
from the pilots' union, the Air Line
Pilots Association, on the accident.
But veteran ALPA safety investi
gators at the scene of the crash recalled
that pilots have been predicting that
noise abatement procedures were
flirting with potential danger.
The American jot made a prescrib
ed left turn after reaching an altitude
of from 600-R00 feet in accordance with
noise abatement rules required by the
Federal Aviation Agency. It was during
this turn that some unknown difficulty
developed, causing the plane to go into
an uncontrolled dive.
Many pilots have publicly and
privately voiced the opinion that heavy
jets encountering any trouble at low
altitudes have too narrow a margin of
Humor from others
When South Florida experienced a
momentary nip in the air recently (add
ing special tang to its wine-like qual
ity), our contemporaries in Southern
California chortled with premeditated
We note simply in passing (hat It
has snowed near Los Angeles aryj that
a golf tournament at Pebble Beach
If anyone doubts the wisdom of
this statement, just let him look at Ore
gon's convention schedule. Bend's share
is fast diminishing. It could be increas
ed a hundredfold if we had a place to
put conventioneers.
And Bend is a convention and rec
reation town. It Isn't and never will be
an Industrial town. Scenic beauty and
the "good life" are the products we
have to sell.
We're doing a pretty good job of
selling these products, but aside from
doing a lousy job of providing facilities
for the groups that come here.
In addition to the convention angle,
there is need for a facility that can also
be used by local groups.
Bend has the same type of service
clubs, lodge organizations, and social
organizations that other communities
have. Most, if not all of those here are
desperate for a place to meet where
they can seat 50 people and conduct a
dinner meeting. We simply don't have
such a place available for general use.
As a start, we'd suggest a modern
motor-hotel, perhaps with as many as
four stories.
We'd also suggest that somebody,
perhaps Don Conner, the aggressive and
effective Bend Chamber president,
appoint a blue-ribbon committee to
launch a crash program aimed at secur
ing such a facility for Bend.
It would mean raising a largo
chunk of money locally. But it can be
done. The need is there and we're
simply wasting time until we satisfy it.
under the auspices of Mr. Harry Lillis
Crosby had to be called off on account
of hail. It snowed there too.
Well, we propose to stand mute.
In fact, we can't even think amidst all
the noise hereabouts. Somebody had
better get the rattle and wheeze out of
that office air-conditioner. Miami
TTiere fa soy
at fault?
At last fall's ALPA safety forum
in Chicago, several speakers warned
that pilots have reached and perhaps
gone beyond maximum compromise
with safety in trying to avoid the noise
FAA Administrator Najeeb E. Hal
aby said the American jet's left turn
was in accordance, not only with ac
cepted noise abatement procedures, but
also to avoid any conflict with La
Guardia Airport traffic. lie indicated
he felt that noise abatement maneuvers
played no role in Thursday's accident.
Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman
Alan S. Boyd said no connection be
tween noise abatement and the crash
could be established until investigators
determine the actual cause of the fatal
ALPA safety experts predicted the
union may ask for a close look at noise
procedures because of the accident.
They said whatever caused the unex
plained dive might have been overcome
If the plane had had more altitude.
Hughes testimony could
decide Nixon's contest
By Drew Pearson
WASHINGTON "A superior
court judge in Los Angeles will
hand down a decision today
(March 5) which might decide
whether ex-Vice President Nixon
will become the next governor of
California; the judge is Philbrick
McCoy and he has been asked to
keep secret the Nixon testimony
to be taken March 9 In the suit
between Frank J. Waters and the
Howard Hughes Tool Company.
In the background, of course,
is the dynamite-laden issue of the
$205,000 loan by Hughes to Don
Nixon, brother of the vice presi
dent, on rather dubious collater
al. The loan is now in default.
This writer, in October 1960,
quoted various letters showing
that Nixon must have known
about the loan and been a factor
in its negotiation. This was de
nied. One of the denials issued
by Nixon's office at the time
stated that the loan had been ar
ranged by Frank Waters, attor
ney for Hughes, because Mrs. Wa
ters had been a schoolgirl friend
of Mrs. Don Nixon s.
Mrs. Waters at the time threw
cold water on this. And the Wa
ters suit for $1,094,000 against
Hughes for back legal fees would
also indicate that money is a lot
thicker than Nixon-Waters friend'
ship; for the suit already has be
come quite embarrassing to Nix
Nixon's deposition Is to be ta
ken March 9 in the office of Arth
ur J. Crowley, attorney for Wa
ters, and the attorneys for Hughes
have moved that the testimony
will be of "a political nature and
should not be made public." They
have requested a court order that
only the principals and their at
torneys be present and the de
position sealed by the court there
after. Medical Lobby
A willful coalition of 10 Repub
licans and a handful of Democra
tic congressmen is holding up
passage of the medical aid to the
aged bill which various polls show
is one of Kennedy's most popular
proposals. In other words, approx
imately 15 congressmen are
blocking medical care for ap
proximately 15,000,000 elderly
Americans unable to pay for the
high cost of private health insur
There Is no question that the
elder-care bill would pass Con
gress if permitted to go to the
House floor for a vote. Enact
ment by the Senate, where there
are freer Democratic processes,
would follow quickly.
But the willful coalition inside
the House Ways and Means Com
mittee says no.
There are two tough factors In
fluencing the coalition. One is
Democratic Wilbur Mills of Ar
kansas, the committee chairman,
once elected as a progressive
young congressman but who has
grown old and conservative In
The other Is the American Med
ical Association lobby, which is
trying to convince the nation that
Kennedy's brand of medical care
for the aged is "socialized medi
cine. Significantly, tne ama s
brain washing is centered chiefly
in the congressional districts of
House Ways and Means Commit
tee members.
Thirteen votes are needed to get
the Kennedy bill out of the 25
membcr committee. Here is how
the members are now divided:
OPPOSED are Democrat Mills
and 10 Republicans Noah Ma
son (111.), John Byrnes (Wis.),
Howard Baker (Tenn.), Thomas
Curtis (Mo.), Victor Knox
(Mich.), James Utt (Calif.), Jack
son Belts (Ohio), Bruce Alger
(Tex.), Steven Dcrounian (N.Y.)
and Herman Schneebeli (Pa.).
FOR the bill are Democrats Ce
cil King (Calif.), Thomas
O'Brien (111.), Hale Boggs (La.).
Kugcne Keogh (N.Y.), Frank
Karstcn (Mo.), William Green
(Pa.), Al I'llman (Ore.). James
Rurke I Mass.) and Martha Grif
fiths (Mich.).
Uncommitted but leaning to
ward the Kennedy bill, or else a
compromise version, arc Demo
crats A. S. Herlong (Fla.). John
C. Walts (Ky.) and Clark Thomp
son (Tex.).
Uncommitted but leaning
against Kennedy are Democrats
Burr Harrison (Va.) and James
B. Frazicr (Tenn.).
In other words, 11 Wavs and
Means members are against the
aged care bill, nine are for it,
and five arc doubtful. Those five
douhtfuls will really decide
whether 15.000.000 elderly citizens
pet medical care. This is h o w
democracy works in the House of
New American Casualty List
A new American casulaty list
has been started at the Pentagon.
Our doughnuts are
Beyond compare
They're oven-fresh
With taste to spare
Although It now has only 15
names, the military chiefs gloom
ily expect it to grow longer. For
the 15 men were killed or are
missing in South Vietnam where
the United States is stepping up
military operations to prevent a
Communist take-over.
Here are the names already
listed on this unhappy honor roll:
Capt. Herman K. Durrwachter
of Daytona Beach, Fla., Army,
killed by a grenade explosion.
Capt. Fergus C. Groves, Jr.,
Louisville, Ky., Air Force,, pre
sumed killed in plane crash.
Capt. Robert D. Larson, Fay-
etteville. N.C., Air Force, pre
sumed killed in plane crash.
Capt. Edward K. Kissam, Jr.,
Plainfield, N.J., Air Force, pre
sumed killed in plane crash.
Capt. Joseph M. Fahey, Jr.,
Houston, Tex., Air Force, pre
sumed killed in plane crash.
1st Lt. Stanley G. Hartson, Cry
stal River. Fla., Air Force, pre
sumed killed m plane crash.
1st Lt. Jack D. Le Tourneau,
Hughson, Calif., Air Force, pre
sumed killed in plane crash.
2nd Lt. Lewis M. Walling, Jr.,
who joined Army in Africa, miss
ing after plane crash.
Sgt. Milo B. Coghlll, Hampton,
Va., Air Force, presumed killed
in plane crash.
Tech. Sgt. Floyd M. Frazier,
Waynesville, N.C., Air Force, pre
sumed killed in plane crash.
Specialist 4th Class Glen F.
Merrihew, Pompano Beach, Fla.,
Army, missing after plane crash.
Specialist 4th Class James T.
Davis, Livingston, Tenn., Army,
killed on secret mission.
Specialist 4th Class George F.
Fryett, Jr., Long Beach, Calif.,
Army, kidnapped by Communist
Specialist 6th Class Fred M.
Steuer, home town in Indiana un
known. Army, killed by grenade
Airman 1st Class Robert L.
Westfall, Meadville, Pa., Air
Force, presumed killed in plane
Thornton raps
press secretary
SALEM (UPI) Atty. Gen.
Robert Y. Thornton Sunday criti
cized Gov. Mark Hatfield for
having a "state - paid political
campaign manager and strat
egist." He was referring to the gov
ernor's press secretary, Travis
Thornton, a Democratic candi
date for governor, said he won
dered how long the taxpayers of
Oregon will "be called upon to
pay this gentleman $258 a week."
He added that no other Ore
gon governor has done this," and
said it was "a dandy arrange
ment for Mr. Hatfield but I say
this is taking advantage of the
public and I intend to keep on
saying so."
He also referred to a recent
report in a national magazine
which said Hatfield is said to be
considering an open campaign for
the Republican vice presidential
nomination in 1964 if re-elected
governor this year.
"It is a remarkable coinci
dence that this should appear in
a national magazine immediately
following the visit of the gover
nor's political campaign manager
to Washington, D. C," Thornton
Action opposes
state sales tax
EUGENE (UPP-A resolution
opposing a general sales tax was
passed as a two-day Oregon Dem
ocratic fourth district congression
al platform convention finished
here Sunday.
The delegates passed a resolu
tion approving a Pacific North
west power intertie with Califor
nia. Also approved were resolutions
supporting the Morse - Magnuson
bill for subsidy of ships carrying
Northwest lumber to eastern
ports, use of Hanford, Wash.,
atomic power for electrical pow
er and the unit basis of produc
tion and marketing control.
Among the speakers were the
four Democrats who have entered
the fourth district congressional
They are House Speaker Robert
Duncan of Medford. State Sen.
Robert Straub, Patrick Flynn and
former Congressman Charles Por
ter, all of Eugene.
Letters to the Editor
The Bulletin weleomee eentrlentfoni
to tele column from ho readers. Let
ters must contain the correct name
and address of the sender, which mar
be withheld at the newstiaper-a dis
cretion. Letters maj be edited to eon
lorm to the dictate ol taste and sale.
Science, technology:
aids or destroyers?
To the Editor:
Once upon a time, as all good
stories should begin, the good
people of a great city arrested
their most illustrious citizen for
teaching the youth of that city
"about false gods" namely,
virture, righteousness, and phil
osophy or the love of wisdom.
They tried him, found him guilty
of this heinous crime and put him
to death. And when he died, the
glory that was Athens died with
him. His name was Socrates.
A short time later in another
city, the good people became un
happy because one of their up-and-coming
young rabbi's was
teaching the youth "about false
gods" namely, to love your Crea
tor and your neighbor as your
self. The good people didn't have
much power so they enlisted the
aid of the proper authorities, ar
rested the young man, had him
tried and crucified. And when he
died, the glory that was the Holy
City died with him. His name was
Several days later, as these
things go, the good people of an
other city became slightly per
turbed because one of their good
neighbors was teaching the youth
"about false gods" namely,
that the earth was round. His
good neighbors obeyed their good
Christian consciences and burned
him at the stake. And when he
died, the glory that was the pow
er of religion over reason died
with him. His name was Giordano
A moment later the good people
of a good Christian community
worked themselves into a tizzy of
righteous indignation because an
enthusiastic young professor was
teaching the youth about false
gods" namely, that the earth
revolved around the sun. His
fame and popularity prevented
the Church from liquidating him.
Instead he was required to kiss
the Pope's toe and recant. And
when he recanted, the glory
which was the power of the
Church to control the minds of
men recanted with him. His name
was Galileo Galilei.
Just the other day, the good
people of a great empire heaped
all manner of abuse and punish
ment upon one of their colonial
subjects because he was teaching
the youth of his country "about
false gods" namely, that the
people of one group do not have
the right to enslave and exploit
the people of another group. Aft
er a goodly amount of imprison
ment and suffering he departed
this world via an assassin s bul
let. And when he died, the glory
that was the British Empire and
colonialism died with him. His
name was Mohandas Gandhi.
Just a moment ago the good
people of a great nation, a Chris
tian nation some might say, cried
in their bier because the people
of another great nation were
teaching their youth "about false
gods" namely, that they had
the same right their Christian
neighbors had to colonize and ex
ploit lesser breeds. The good peo
ple were finally forced into a dev
astating war with the heathen
enemy after helping to proper
ly arm him, of course. To save
lives, to promote justice, and to
fill the wells of mercy the good
people ended the war by drop
ping two bombs which "killed"
two cities. And when they died,
the ability of good, or .bad, peo
ple to ever again "win" a war
died with them. We are the na
tion who dropped those two
It should not be necessary to
point out that in ail but the last
instance, the individual seeking to
enlighten the good people was an
idealist. That is: he was goal cen
tered, life oriented, creative, liv
ing positively. The good "good
people" in ALL CASES were
"hard-headed," "realistic,"
"practical." men of the world.
They attempted to hold back the
clock of time. They looked to yes
teryear. They had no faith in
men: nor in the capacity of rea
son to influence the minds of men.
The pages of history are strewn
with civilizations whose "practi
cal" and "realistic" leaders could
not distinguish between the real
world about them and the Utopian
visions of a dead past existing
only in their heads. Do you think
that that which passes for prac
ticality and realism today is bet
ter than its counter-part in Athens
or Jerusalem? What is Utopian,
anyway? What is power? If you
say that ONLY organized vio-
money pf
O r
lence is power, the above inci
dents will call for lots of explain
ing. Note the word "only" for it
is the trademark of what passes
for realism in every age. We en
joy the highest standard of living
the world has ever known be
cause men of vision entertained
the notion that there might be
some other alternative, some oth
er way of meeting a human need.
Are we so in love with interna
tional barbarism, or so afraid,
that democratic alternatives are
inconceivable? Is American in
genuity reserved for technology
ONLY? If so; know that science
and technology are really very in
different idealistically or rea
listically. They are only tools to
bless men or send them to
hell just a little more rapidly than
Cordially yours,
Harold Bock
Bend. Oregon,
March 2, 1962
Museum for history
materials suggested
To the Editor:
I am an eleven year old fifth
grade student. In our classes we
have been discussing the Commit
tees of Correspondence active in
the American Colonies before and
during the Revolutionary War. We
feel that we have the right to
think about and express our opin
ions about our government. We
hope to start a Twentieth Century
Committees of Correspondence in
order to help keep America strong
and free.
I believe that none of the ma
terials that helped us win the
Revolutionary War, World War
I, and World War II, should be
destroyed. I think a museum
should be built to hold only these
I request that you print this let
ter to help us start our Twen
tieth Century Committees of Cor
respondence, to awaken our citi
zens to our problems and how
they can best be solved.
Yours very truly,
Anna Jo Mulkey
Bozeman, Mont.,
Feb. 28, 1062
JFK may take
hand in stalled
steel talks
Kennedy administration may take
the next step in bringing about
the resumption of contract talks
betweeen the United Steelworkers
of America and the "big 11" steel
Labor Secretary Arthur J. Gold
berg i n di c a t e d the admini
stration's disappointment Friday
night when the negotiations broke
down alter two weeks of bar
gaining. In a statement issued in
Washington, Goldberg said the
failure to reach an agreement
"was to be regretted."
The government was the prime
force in having the negotiations
initiated Feb. 14, the earliest in
the 25-year history of bargaining
between steel and labor. An early
agreement, the administration
said, would prevent stockpiling of
materials and avoid upsetting the
nation's economic balance.
However, chief industry nego
tiator R. Conrad Cooper and USW
President David J. McDonald an
nounced Friday following the on
ly night session held during the
talks that they were unable to
reach a basis for agreement.
McDonald said the negotiations
probably would resume sometime
after May 1. and Cooper said
later that the "big 11" steel
firms would be ready to meet any
time before May 1.
Steele. 71, president of Portland
Traction Co. from 1941 until he
retired in 1956. died in a hospital
here Sunday. He was 71.
Born in Polk County. Steele
came to Portland as a boy.
Survivors include his widow.
National Cash Register
Local Service for Central Oregon
Pleate Contact Mr. R. L. Christensan
In Band Phone EV 2-2580
Factory Trained Sarvice Representative
T-rr-ak.' Bar - .s-tbst , vva t m mm
Si w
31 :F- Vflf
14 Officii In
Hem Offict:
1033 Wall
pickets clash
SEATTLE (UPD Members ol
Harry Bridges' Longshoremen's
Union and pickets protesting the
loading of a cargo of grain des
tined for Poland clashed on the
Seattle waterfront Saturday.
Police said several squads of
officers were dispatched to Pier
25, the Portland of Seattle's Han
ford Street grain terminal, where
the 39,278-lon tanker MS Titan
was being loaded.
However, no one was booked by
The Titan was being loaded with
38,000 long tons of grain for Po
land. The pickets, numbering about
two dozen, called themselves the
"National Indignation Conven
tion." They carried signs which
said, "Stop feeding the Commu
nists," "Why help our enemy de
feat us," "90,000,000 loaves of
bread for Communism," "Grain is
ammunition for Communist rats."
Several persons identifying
themselves as anti - Communists
have been protesting the shipment
on grounds that the grain can be
transhipped to Soviet Russia. -
Air turbulence
causes injuries
TOKYO (UPI) Ten passengers
aboard a Pan American jet flight
from Hawaii to Tokyo were in
jured Sunday when the plane en
countered "unexpected sir turbu
lence" over the Pacific, a Pan
American spokesman said today.
The passengers were given
treatment by a Federal Aviation
Agency (FAA) doctor during a
regularly scheduled stop at Wake
Island. All were able to continue
the journey to Tokyo but two of
the passengers required further
treatment here.
The plane, carrying 118 passen
gers, .arrived in Tokyo Sunday
night. Among the passengers were
movie actress Jean Simmons and
her husband, director - producer
Richard Brooks, and Mrs. Ira
Gershwin, widow of the famed
American lyricist.
The plane encountered the tur
bulence, the spokesman said,
about two hours and 10 minutes
after it took off from Honolulu. It
was flying at about 31,000 feet and
the passengers were eating din
Secretary Arthur J. Goldberg hai
revealed what he received last
I year lor neiping me Metropolitan
Opera settle its labor difficulties.
"I got in once free," Goldberg
told a House appropriations sub
committee in testimony made pub
lic today.
9 4W;s''i
t.M II
Ortgen and Washington
PortUnd, Orgen
Street, Bend