CUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE C'MOW, MISTER STAKE- NO, WAIT HE BET ) I HOLD HMAS66.'tHe LAST MAnl I y-'-HJSrX vtmem'aTi' ( ----v-W-vV WMO TRIED TO SNeAK OUT . V cSlSistSAwyff wBETHirs J u,,1 6Uessi MAYAs ( WITHOUT PAYlntS WSBiLL W0K6 THEM AW'THETAIUT WMUT HE'S POINT, f 77 WELL FOLD UP AW J V UP Inl TH& ACClOEfT WAKO TH' MOSS HE f BIPIM"EMALL- TESiT AND LEANS v ( CARE TO TRY FOR AnI OXVSeiJ I STARTEPOUT AWAITIL H TALKl -r QOIETLY THESE MIC- 1A, TEMT OR DO VOL) HAVe V , TIHr' cup5 KfJGCkED OOT MV TIGHT- S W secomo thoughts 1 t "vL R0Pe EXWBlTIOrl AND JAMMED J v-- 7 -A80UX PAYING ? ' V) VvV. V jk 0PW&MA30RTOO6AD J 7 ' STEVE CANYON "?!BJW&8vT V"V JAKE WILL FLY "VJ fWHEWi THANK M3U.'W"wE WAY BE jS BUT Sl!T. RJBECTS ANP STEVE CANYON HAVB 5Jlksii-v7 VDU BACKWHENj. tIEj IVE HAP JS MOBE TB0UBL6 OTHEE TROUBLES COMINO OVER THE HO yVPLEASE COL TNOW,HIYU THE WEATHER EN0U6H TeoUBLB"J TO Wll BECAUSE EIZON AT ABOUT 60O MILES PEK HOUR.... X3 CANVON )' YOU KNOW . CLEARS BUT Wt) SINCE CAPT. HAHN JAKE AN P I WILL HOT uc hit Tl rKINfiT PT A aSH A PONTEXILEX TM6Sro.BE MUST STAY WITH WAS INVALIPEP OUT I SOON START LOOKING CSJ JjJTugl I KLeI' lIlTOUMD TffS AAB VA A fAMILV IN THE slTH APPENPICTTIS fOK jJjfJJj Krv!!!!!, Tg DICK TRACY vfSffi'"-1""'" I HOW MUCH If HM?? TEN DOLLARS OUOHT fljjj&y COMEJO- JO, WjrH "Mihi,i .j B pQj-p JI LEj5 SEE. TO DO IT." SAYS THE VET. B LETS CO. -Slrf linrnrl1 WfflPrifflfl g Hpg LI'L ABNER ' ' f THIS PITCHER VOJT NEVAH WE DOME A FIKJE MIGHT'S WORK. Jl"" K ( T&lS-IS BREAK TOADLEY SNAKEPIT'S J LE'S GO TO BUD.W I ... " V iJSRS'rW I BALD LI'L HEART, NO r- -. TO rVS?& COMMITTED.'.' . P .:13i jlS BEX MORGAN. M.D, VJaJWrT 1 wont mommy.. V iMiLY...wHATAYzr,. 5;; Vffl Pr(a u rST5" WHA7,S WUR 1 ' -- "Al'MJUSTLOOKIN&V DtLIOHTfUL 1 "S-3iC Vms?5i-"t ---V NAME. S hffi 1 CAPTAIN EASY BUT VOT 010 HC MEAN BV HEK 'APPAKPUT 6II00M Aflniir.F&n: I'M., VtKIVtK f)N mUUIIUIU'Z AOWIT HOPEK YVHl. " J11A DID SEND HIM ;T' " v I SOMEfflWS FKOM f v- I" X SOVIET ZONfcl .gVV i ' Kw v " !iifi 1 HAVE SEARCH COUL0 HIOE MICRDPILW ' OK PAPERS! HE MUST 3 KEEP THE WITH HIM MGHTANDPAVtVELU FINPOUU , fS COUL0 HtDB MICTOPPIM i . N t OR PAPERS! HE MUSTi N P KEEP THE WITH WW jx7 ,.SO IF THE FPL AGREES TO LET EVA TRY TO COKPLtTB 1 HEK MI55IONiPHILtI'LL Httr j HEK IOCATB PU. WERNER WEVE0ECIW0TO I RISK IT, EAS BUT I WATCH HER ClMElYil ir tvu wrev ncurt 1 vj 1 Vest as. onsul! MARY WORTH I THOUGHT THt OLD LADY I "MMi COATH." I 5AID."! HAD iTAKTtD 10 THAW, MRVAovl YOUR NtPHtW W WOUTHl-JO-HtLPfUL 7 WUCH THAT, IF Ht T01B UTTlt Mt-1 5TIPPIO, -3 Wt TO JUMP OFF THt K10HT INTO THt THAP1 W ROOF I'D START ClIMRIN' TWVIM 5Ht 5AI0: '60CD! " rypum A very siNsistt HTUt GIRLl ,1 SHOULD VE SMElLtD A RAT!" H CONRAD tmiLD Bt A 6RIKT ARTIST, PTTl! Ht KNOW nl ANT ' HIS lift WILL Bt DISMAILV UNHAPPY IF Ht IS DENIED THAT r FULFILLMENT r s r , r THt stairs:- . j h f . , r- ALLEY OOP I kNOW..,OU AN' Y . I 1 YEH, "XXI KNOW... OHlVOU WETX.WHYNCWA SAY OSCAR APE CETTIN' I SCRATCH? S'ONDOOLINi J EAN FVEY ? IT WULP ) LOW ON SCRATCHI A SCAKAoE.' r MONEY CERTAINLY BS A V . V CLAMSJ I J v LOT EASIER T 1 V ' MOR Will M3UR OWN IIFE Rt ItSS DISMAL. MV DEAR! UNABLE SHARE HIS INTERESTS -HANGING AROUND HIS NECK HOLDING HIM RALF.; -ur L(XX. POC, VOL) WOULPNT ) &C TRYIN TO CONFUbB J . FOCX? CH.' ALLEY V V.OULO YOU ? SLi CLARIFICATION DUB OLYMPIA, Wash. UPI The Washington Parks Commission agreed Monday to clarify the du ties of Clayton Anderson, new Washington parks director and former Oregon recreation direc tor. Anderson told the commission he wants to know exactly where his responsibility starts and ends. The Washington position previous ly has been a controversial one. The commission agreed to cre ate a policy manual so that An derson will know just what his duties are. I CHRISTIAN I SCIENCE h HEAtfy KPTV TV Channel 12 9:00 a.m. KBND RADIO 9:30 a.m. 1110 KC Jackie urged to add more stops to trip WASHINGTON (UPI) Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy has been ad vised by her sister-in-law to add more stops to her planned tour of Asia. Mrs. Robert Kennedy said Fri day she hopes the First Lady will visit other nations besides Pakis tan and India. The attorney general's wife re turned Wednesday from a trip around the world with her husband that included stops in Japan, Indo nesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Italy, Germany. Mrs. Kennedy said in an inter view that the sight that impressed her most was the Communist-built wall dividing Berlin. She said "It would be terrific if she (Mrs. Kennedy) ever saw the wall. The First Lady's scheduled trav el plans include visits to India and Pakistan with brief stops in Rome and London. i twrc. nw mm KOIN J2 KPTV 8 TVW 6:00 Frontier Doctor Portland Amateur Boxing SaL Newt Beat 1,15 " Sat Report 6:30 Tt CalUornlaM hig Time Wrestling 6:45 " " T: 00 Third Man Fight of the Week Chet Huntley Reporting- T:1S 7:30 Perry Maaoa - Tale of Well Faxao T:45 Make That Spare " 8:00 Calvin and the Colonel " 8:15 " 8: M The Defend em Leave a To Beaver The TmB Man 8:45 " " 9:00 " Lawrence Weik SaL Ntte t the Movtea 8:15 - 8:30 Have Gun. Will Travel " " 9 45 - - 10:00 Gun moke Room tor One Mora " 10:15 " " Premiere PlayhouM 10:30 " Peter Cunn 10:45 - - 11:00 Saturday Reporter Sat. Neva Review " 11:15 Showtime on Six Movie 13 11:30 " 11:45 " ipnn watch repa,r nr ;MH 1 Expert Work Dona On Any Remodel CffTCS 1 Type Warch At Your Old I ROME'S JEWELRY Dlnd aktmJ-tH 1019 Wall Ph. EV 2-4671 6 The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, March 3, 1962 CARNIVAL S 33 C M T TJ.. IN. U-t. F. 'I'm afraid you'll find I'm not such good company tonight, Harold. ... I'm broke!" UNDER ADVISEMENT PORTLAND (UPI I- A federal judge had under advisement to day a motion by rancher Paul R. Martin of Troutdale to move from federal to state court a $300,000 damage suit against Reynolds Metals Co. Martin, In five suits against Reynolds in recent years, has col lected some $100,000, claiming damage to his ranch and cattle from fluorides from an aluminum j plant. Martin said he intended to ! seek damages in state court. CLAIMS YO-YO MARK COTTAGE GROVE (UPI) A Creswell youth is claiming a yo-yo record. Dwayne Day, 15, yoyoed for five hours and 39 minutes here Monday during a marathon spon sored by local radio station KNND. Some 100 contestants entered the contest. 7:00 T:15 T:30 7:45 8:00 Ump LntD My FMt 8:15 8:30 Look Up and Ltv. S45 8:00 Camt TbrM 8:15 8:30 Washington oonvenatlon ):45 10:00 Th. Christopher 10: 15 " 10: 30 Thli la th. Ufa 10:45 " 11:00 Faith tor Today 11:15 " 11:30 Armchair Theatra 11:45 13:00 13:15 12:30 13:45 1.00 TV Hour ol Sura 1:15 1:30 1:45 " 3:00 Your Incoma Tax 3:15 3:30 Sunday Sporta 3 45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 4:00 World at Sou 4:15 4:30 4:45 " 5:00 Great Itocislona 5:15 " 5:30 COUem Bowl 5:45 6:00 Twentieth Century 8:15 S:30 Mr. Ed 45 7:00 Lastla 7:15 7:30 Dennis the Menaoa 7:45 8:00 Ed Suulvan Show 8:15 8:30 " 8:45 " 8:00 G.E. Thmtra 9: 15 8:30 Jack Bonny 9:45 10:00 Candid Camera 10:15 10:30 What's my Una 10:45 11:00 Cmnkile Newa 11:15 M Squad 11:30 11:45 12:00 13:30 Herald of Truth Christian Science Milestone of the Century Oral Koberta Dan Smoot Light Tim. It la Written Gateway Theatra TV Show Ot Homes Stars of Tomorrow Sunday Matinee ABC World of Sports You Asked for tt Maverick Follow Th Sun Adventures in Paradise Prayer V Hymn Town A Country Wunda Wunda Mahalta Jackson Sinn Hola Amigos Bible In Simple Terms Give Thee Peace Think Oregon Of People & Peaca Circus Boy Wild Bill Hlckok What's new at School Community Workshop Fellnw csHzena World Report Viewpoint Great Decisions Championship Bridge Celebrity Playhouse Trarkdown The NaUun's Future Meet the Press One Two-Three Go Buliwinkle Show Walt Disney DuPont Show Brothers Brannagan Parole N! entrap Final 5:45 Prayer A hvmn 6.00 Contemporary Math 6 15 6:30 American Gov. 6:45 " 7:00 College of the Air OE1A Presenta Today 7:15 7:30 Cartoon Time Chi Tile's Roundhouse 7:45 " - 8:00 Captain kangaroo - Curtooners Cub 8: 15 " " R"cky A His Friends 8:30 " Romper Room Telescope 8 15 " " 9:00 Calendar Jack La Lanna Show -8 15 9:30 I Love Lucy Morning Movie pty Your HuncS 9.45 " 10: IX) Video Village - Price Is Right 10:15 in 30 Clear Horizon . Concentration 10:45 11:00 Love of Lite Th Texan Your First Impression 11:15 1130 Sm rrn FW 'Tomorrow yours For a Song Truth or Consequence 11:45 Guiding Light -. 13 00 Hi. Neighbor Camouflage Jan Murray Show 13:15 - .. - 13 30 Aa the World Turn Mat. Fie Lore tut Young Show 13:45 l.tW KOIN kitchen Day la Court Young Dr. Makeia 1:15 - I 1:30 House Party Burns A Allen our rive Daughter ; 3:00 The Millionaire Jane Wjtnan AiUhoky Danny Thomaa Show 3: 13 " ' i 3 30 Verdict U Yours s,ven Xej Here's HoUywood J 00 Brighter Cay dueen Foe A Day Maunee 5:13 Secret Storm - 5 30 Sdge of Night Who Do Yon mat - 8: 45 " 4 Oil Oart,-n Orrus American Ha nn stand 4 15 The Early Show tv, rvrw Anr T8 4 SO " Casper Cartoon Hwk H(rper 4 45 ' 5 no laree afa4ea 5 .15 ' . t 30 - PT- Cartoon s,,t 5 45 New ' 6,00 " Susio tteatl 6 15 tVu Eftward Rew Hur.'ley-BnnkteT Sf I 6 30 Montovanl Central guick Oraw SicUrais 6 45 AHl Nev4s DO YOU HAVE A FROST-MAGNET? YOU DO V? if you own an FREE-O'-FROST FREEZER-plus-REFRIGERATOR Amana has developed an exclusive Frost-Magnet System that gives you fast, efficient contact freezing... AND ENDS DEFROST ING FOREVER. Only Amana has it And with this is a superb 2-in-l appliance! You have a freezer section that will hold 249 pounds of fro7cn food, plus feature-packed, family-size refrigerator. See the wonderful line of Amana Free-O'-Frost Freezer-plus-Refrigeraton today. This exclusive Amana Frost-Magnet is also available in the famous Amana Freezer. S&H Green Stamps KEN CALE HARDWARE & APPLIANCE 253 E. Greenwood EV 2-5241 COD LwieaMMBBMaar i m TONIGHT'S PKOORAM 6:00 K-Bend Musical Patrol 7:30 Grand Ole Opry 8:0O Bandstand Music Npwi 9:0O Thin Evenlniis FavorlLea 10:00 Bandstand Music 7:00 Time. Newt. Temp.; MturtC 8:00 Radio Bible CUss 8:30 Sunday Serenade :0i-Voice of Prophecy 9:30 How Christian Science Beala 9:45 Sunday Serenade. Newa 11:00 First BapOst Churcn 12:00 Sunday Serenade 12:30 Local News 13:45 Sunday Serenade. Newa 1:00 Hour of Decision 1:30 Sunday Serenade 2:00 Voice ol Prophetic Newt 3:00 Sunday Serenade 3:30 News Flashee 3:35 Sunday Serenade 3: 4.S While house Report 4:00 Christians Hour 4:15 Sunday Serenade 4:25 Speaking of Sporta 4:30 Chapel by the tide of the road 8:00 Newt 5:05 Great Decisions 5:35 Sunday Serenade 8:25 Old Fashioned Rivival Hour 6:55 News 7:00Challene to Faith 7:30 Sunday Serenade, news 8:30 Adlai Stevenson Reports 9:00 Sunday Serenade MONDAY 8:00 TNT: Newt 6'45 Farm Reporter 7:00--Fr8nk Hemingway News 7:15 Momlmr Melodies 7:25 Local Newt 7:30 Morning Roundup 8:00 Don Allen With the Newi 8: 10 Northwest Newt 8:15 Honor Roll ot MuslO 8:3n Memo fmm Mary 8:35 Hnnor Roll of Musltt 9:00 Bulletin Board 9:05 Honor KoU ot Muste 9:30 The Song The Star 9-45 Top Tunes 10:00 Music Time 10" 30 Local Newt 10:35 Music Time 11:15 TelJo Test 11:30 Music Time, News 12:00 Nuon Time Melodies 12:10 Today's Classifieds 12:15 Spone Review 12: 20 Noontime Melodies 1:00 Magic in Music. News 1:45 Magic In Music 2:00 Five Golden Minutes 2:05 Music: News 4:00 Frank Hemingway Newt 4:05 Majnc In Music 4:15 Paul Harvey News 4: 25 Northwest News 4:30 Parade of Platters; News 4:45 Speaking of Sports 4:50 stones of Pacific Powerland 5:00 Tune Vendors 5:15 Parade ot Platters 5:25 Local News 5:30 Tops tn Musle 5:55 Weather With Swayxa TIM- to t made ep tiwi tnfwt latlnn rm ! ke istafcje. nielli mm ana i ! 1 rr4 aaanoP -1 John Grower, Norma Zimmer and Hale Sparks, Standard School Broadcast cast members will narrate this week's program of the 1962 musical travel series "MUSIC Passport to the World." The program will be heard Thursday at 11:00 A.M. on Radio Station KRCO. 690 - Chanel - "69" Sf 1M M