The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, March 1, 1962 f V V' ""MTV7" " k 8b ; Br ' -V'Oi -. j is - rfSfr: ui1 FATAL TO DOG Firs caused heavy damage to a smell house t l390l2 Cumberland Ave. u$t before noon Wednesday. The house was occupied by a Mrs. Daniels and owned by B. C. Stamper. The ire started in a wall behind the flue and smoke was fatal to a small brown dog in the house. Monthly fellowship meeting attended by 50 at Sisters Special to The Bulletin SISTERS Approximately 50 persons attended the monthly fel lowship dinner at the Sisters Church of Christ an Sunday, fol lowing the dinner, the group viewed films of the Puget Sound College of the Bible and of the Worlds Fair in Seattle which were shown by Conley Silsby. field di rector for the Bible College. A short program, which Included vocal solos and recitations, was given by local church members. Mr. Silsby was guest speaker at the morning services. Linda Pearson and Cheryl Glasson, students at the urover sily of Oregon in Eugene, spent the weekend at the home of Lin da's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Pearson. Linda competed in the slalom ski races held Sunday at Hoodoo Ski Bowl. Mrs. George Movers and chil dren were weekend guests at Die home of her mother, Mrs. Wil liam Thomas in Madras. Judy Roese of Salem was a vis itor over the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orphy Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Demaris and son, Jimmy, made a trip to Eugene Saturday to attend a log ging conference at the fair grounds. Mervin Wolf and Kenneth Evans returned home Saturday night after spending the past two weeks in Portland where they at. tended a speech course at Port land State College. En route home Saturday, they stopped at Cor vallis to attend the Kern Hoppers' Banquet for the alumni of the Forestry School at Oregon State University. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Widmark spent the day Sunday visiting at the home of their son and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wid mark in Lone Pine. Conley Silsby of Seattle was a guest over Die weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smalley. Mr. and Mrs. James Clover and family visited from Tuesday un- til Thursday in Salem with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. unariti Underwood and with her brother, Vilas Royce who is a patient in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Don Trushiem re turned Wednesday from a two weeks visit at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trushiem in Canby. Mrs. Louis Langeliers of Wood- burn has spent the past week vis iting her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landis. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hammack and family were callers Sunday at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Harper in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reinccker and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Currier I of Bend were Sunday evening vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orphy Reose. John Shaw, student at Pacific University was home tor the weekend to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shaw. He also took part in the ski races held at Mt. Bachelor on Friday, Satur day and Sunday. Flouridation film is shown Annual meeting of UF planned Special to Th. Bulletin FRINF.VILLE - The annual meeting of Ihe Crook County Uni ted Fund orgamtation will lie held March 8. at 8 p. nr. at Ihe Crook county high school. At this meeting. final finan cial report on the 1962 campaign will be made. Complete totals had not yel been tallied for release yesterday. New officers, for the coming year, will also be elect ed. Stuart MacPonald. president of the organization tor the past year, will conduct the meeting. APPROVE ECM PACT ATHENS H'PI' - The Greek Chamber of Deputies Wednesday voted final approval of a luil ratifying an agreement f o r Greece's association with the Eu ropean Common Market. PEACE CORP REPORT WASHINGTON UTI - The Peace Corps reported Wednesday n'ht, on its first anniversary, that it m volunteers In in? and working in 12 nations. It said 20 other nations are seeking Teaoe Corps detachments. GRAND OPENING Special te The Bull. tin PRINEV1LLE - A film on the fluoridation of water, titled "Drop in 'the Bucket" was shown at the latest meetings of the two ESA sorority chapters in Prineville. The film was shown under the sponsorship of the Prineville Jay- cces. For the showing lo the Beta Lambda chapter, Mrs. Jack Rhoden and Mrs. Marie Miller were the co-hostesses. At the Beta Tau meeting. Mrs. Don York, president, was the hostess. Both " chapters have recently been concerned in a joint project to establish a new chapter at Madras, with two Madras meet ings held to date. Both chapters are also uniting to send a high school student to Girls' State Una summer. Money-raising party postponed Special to Tha Bull.tln FORT ROCK Four-H club members here have postponed the money raising party scheduled for Saturday evening. March 3, due to a conflict with another com munity activity. The new dale will be announc ed soon. Funds raised are to as sist the Lake County Internation al Farm Youth Exchange partic ipation as well as expenses of the Leathercrafl. Horsemanship and Livestock club groups. Bend delegates to attend meet Bend Junior and Senior High School chapters will participate in the 17th annual state meeting of Oregon's Future Homemakers of America March 2 and 3 at Ore gon Slate University. Nancy Mtteridge is president of the 77-memher junior high chap ter; Mrs. Evelyn Pence is chap ter adviser. President of the senior high chapter is Carol Beaver; chapter adviser is Mrs. Ruth S. Park. Al so attending the stale meeting will be Kathleen Candland of the senior high chapter who has been nominated to run for vice president of projects for the state. Some 400 delegates represent ing the 110 chapters throughout the state will attend the state meeting. Total membership in the Future Homemakers of Amer ica now is 4.056. "Future Homemakers in To- day's Changing World" will be the theme of this year's meeting. Delegates will be working toward furthering the development of Fu ture Homemakers as individuals, as leaders, as citizens and in ca rpel's. HOMEWORK FRESNO. Calif. fL'PP-Fresno State College reported Wednesday that 300 to 350 books were stolen j from its library during 1961 and the hardest hit among the books was the collection on criminology. Wimer services held on Friday Funeral services for I. E. (Genet Wimer, 82, an early-day Central Oregon resident, were held last Friday in Roseburg. where he lived as a young man. He died February 20. Mr. Wimer settled in the Turn alo community in the early 1900's. He took up a homestead near the present site of the Turn alo Reservoir. He farmed there until about 1921, when he moved with his family lo Brownsville, where he farmed until he retired in 1946. He is survived by his wife, Ada. a son, Raymond, and three grand children, who also live near Brownsville. Local relatives are a niece, Mrs. Elmer Spencer; a nephew, Robert Koopman, and a brother- I in-law, Charles Spaugh, all of Bend. Burial was in the Roseburg Me morial Gardens. Forest worker receives award Spaclal, to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE Preston Ream, check scaler for the Ochoco Na tional Forest, has been award ed a $100 prize for development of a special device to be used in cruising timber, according to C. L. Clark, supervisor. The use of Ream's device, he said, will improve materially the quality of log grading in connec tion with cruising forest timber stands. j Awards such as Ream received are made by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in recognition of ; employees' suggestions which have outstanding merit. ! F.yT' r-y--s"r-.i.w ' ' ea : 7ttA v Y".i tTIHE ANSWER 13 YES f rienJlu focWi's Slows ECONOMY 0C06S 6-1 THRIFT-WISE DkUoS OPEN 6VENIN6S TILV- 9 Stop cursing that old furniture. Sell It with A Bulletin Classified. mm made naturally... so naturally it's better GOOD STEER BEEF STEAK SALE Prices Effective Thursday, Friday & Saturday T-B0NE STEAKS ROUND M C ib. U 3) STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS S!,J3C SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS PORK STEAKS RUMP ROAST CITY MEAT i MARKET (SI5tiSHtD IS - CREEN I 9S3 Wall Ph. EV 2-1301 you'll find Bend's best buys at BRANDIS THRIFT-WISE DRUGS $1.98 GENERAL ELECTRIC Al.TY. MkleVV SPOT LIGHT Read read signs . . . spot house numbers easily For emergencies en the road at night Mugi into cigarvtt tighter Throws long powerful beam 12-foot cord reach any part of ear Small, compact, easy to handle and tare Utet lets current than auto dame light Cig 91AftAf a" Popular menu? $173 I brands ctn. BAG CANDY special 49c Qc 39c Qc BAGS afePl BAGS Lw $1.09 METRECAL qt. 87c 73c BAYER aspirin 56' 98c DRISTAN tablets 63c $1.08 C0RICIDIN tablets 77c clear plastic rat-fail COMBS rcg. 19c 4 REASONS A M LJV M - B renin ence 1. Expert profenional car by Registered Pharmacist!. 2. Finest of drugs dated and checked to insure freshness. 3. Service morning, noon and night 4. lowest prices possible atwaysj DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE for changing light bulbs . . . washing windows . . . reaching . the top cupboard shelf . . . You need this little STEP LADDER handy in every home! reg. $2.49 BRANDIS 'f PRICE 1.49 N.P.H. 40 INSULIN ...... 1 .1 7 59c ALCOHOL RUB 39c 89c LAVORIS 78c 1.29 BUFFERIN 100 s 87c 99 LANOLIN PLUS 69c DANDRUFF TREATMENT SHAMPOO 16 ounce size $2 NUTRI TONIC Hp Permanent 1.48 $1.95 value imported from Italy colored glass vases 69c 32 97 budget pak STATIONERY 100 sheets writing paper and SO matching envelopes reg. 69c for A Q( 150 pieces HW H1JHtYTlU.M').,;UW.TJ:j:Hlji use lha new OoVllblss This ii Steam-Dial -ths only vaporim that selects the prapar steam volume loi the specific reeds of the patient. No more water problems! Jusl set the dial and Steam-Dial does Ihe rest produces a steady, 'round Ihe clock supply of steam and shuts off automatically. See it tOdaV at VOIir Oral rfriigail ' far gently medicated steam, use DeVilbiss BeniOGel, the non gumming baniein inhalant. Steam-Dial Vaporiser reg. J9.98 $7.95 model $6.95 model $3.95 model $6.79 $539 $69 $269 p-vr values f aged imported BRIAR PIPES rom $3.50 $7.50 ONLY Scr.w mount filament! Fine assortment of shapes Hard rubber bin Custom finished Aluminum dri-filter $198 l $1 NEW! SUAVE shampoo ... ... 69c $1 BRECK SHAMPOO 73c $1 WHITE RAIN shampoo 69c $3.18 NUTRI TONIC SEpoo $1.19 '2.35 V-05 hair spray M.87 HALF 1IIITDI Tnilir PRICE special SOFTONE SHAMPOO 16 oz. 67c 1.79 SUPER ANAHIST M.29 cough syrup 89c King Size SALTED PEANUTS 77c 1.39 FLASHLIGHTS magnetic, polyethylene 79 BRANDIS THRIFT-WISI Your discount drug store 1020 Wall EV 2-5451 S&H GREEN STAMPS