OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HGOPLE If . I I 1 predictX villIdon1t let that WELL, I PAC-KEPTM." DON'T VOL) THINK 1 N A on Kup7 VU AGFpTNl TlOOOl: tlMDt TWO KIPS HOME, BUT V 1 HAVE EUOUSHTO I HA YOU DOLTS SCOFFED) ?3r vir A VV " : I I DIPN'T HAVE TH' NERVE WORRY ABOUT WITH-1 AT MY TRAINING PPO-Vl.?,. S, '36ES , vgs V TOASTMERTOPACK OUT YOU PUTTIW& J I siwm POR LIP MAGF-e 1 THAN A PIN6-M rKACHUTEM FOOL Y9U, .Ji3 MB BACK HOME, CUZ 1 ON A SHOW LIKE K" j MPMHWJ 1 NmJ I FONCS 6ALL AA30R,0R L KWS j ; S - V 3 rfy rr tSktt7 fejf ,) 1 h,m l ?; ( STUFF--THAT SHE'S ) V 0ETH6 FEATURED PA9?5y UN"t HIM WORK A ? Vin as rap a shape; ffSATrSSr teteSSv ASIAMy (, j ANNUAL FIELD DA t vfV VF'a V f ' 1 1 1 p WHY MOTHERS SET 6BaV e,,',,?..", I V .L.. ..f. . 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PAVTON 1(1' AKRIVLD- A ' iiTTB 1 I I I I'Vt GOT THE DOUGH CUMINS. "M f -nji nuiu ur CKrtr I .. "--vLAi 1 ;,J ill MMNTFNANCF MOUrV .. ... ..-.I .'., , A WC .' , I YOU'JE AIN& Mt 'I u. a,.u.... VRq ITWAV IN THE VEIHtMENT... I TO COME THROUGH I-..ANP W iTXl K RNt i 0, PATH f 4 U,,"YOa ,0E HOmiHOLO I? ?? ,?J CAH LIVE ON -06. . WlTpXl ALLEY OOP S'S-nS '.t'Z-Je JZrM-1 D,DN"rl' FRNKnY, I I I COHYES..MY COMPLAINT-' N VE5, ANO.OOOLA. V . VOU TALK TO J JkNOWS TH OH, AlOOK FOR I DON'T THINK DIONT IS APOUT THAT POV , tvulYOU D JUST NEVER Ir" ' ALLEY LIKE SCORE-AN' f HELLO, I YOU TWO V WE oOT (YOU HAVE I FPIENP Of YOURS I "U-EY- BELIEVE WHAT V?" I TOLD YOU 1 ONLY HOPl AcOMH JtACK FRv BACkSoN (CVK i WITH WHOM UFT V HE 010 1 L. L"' . .i XV Hfc T toET A EL-' 1 YlXJRTKlP VSNOUGHI VtmE?X TH6 CHILDREN.' h g 7 -T 3 - 12 The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, Feb. 21, 19621 Benefit crab Spring vacation is planned for Alfalfa school children Sptclal to Th Bulletin ALKALFA Spring vacation at Alfalfa Grade School will begin .March 9, with classes to recon vene on Monday, March 19. Last week the rooms had sep arate valentine parties. The up per grade students surprised their teacher, Mrs. Marshall Swearin gen, with a heart-shaped box of chocolates and decorated heart shaped cakes. The cakes were brought to the schoolhouse ear lier by Mrs. John Parton. Students in grades five through eight showed the progression of work in the language arts, science, music, arithmetic, art and social studies areas, at the "Lights on for Education" pro gram last Thursday. The teachers, Mrs. Blanche Trent and Mrs. Swearingen, were introduced by Don Miltenberger, chairman of the school board. Mrs. Clyde Carlson outlined the Radio & TV Logs Will Be Found On Page 3 In Today's Bulletin school lunch program which is un der the supervision of Mrs. Mar vin Chesebro. Marvin Chesebro spoke on his duties as bus driver. After the program, wives of school board members served re freshments. To Sorvo Dinner Alfalfa Home Economics Club members are completing plans for the spaghetti dinner Friday, March 2, at the Alfalfa Grange Hall. Serving will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets will be $1.25 for adults and SO cents for school stu dents, with pre-school children to be admitted free of charge. The upper grade students of the school will present a program, and the primary pupils will have a fish pond to raise money for their school fund. In a real estate transaction completed last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wick became new owners of the Clifford Dickson farm in Powell Butte. It will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sonnerberg and son, Peter, for merly of San Diego, Calif., and now of Bend. The Wicks will oper ate the Earl Byrom farm this year. Grange Meets Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garcia and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cusick were voted in as members of the Alfalfa Grange at a meeting Fri day evening. Clyde Carlson pre sented Marvin Chesebro a past master's pin. The new brand Inspection law feed planned Specie! to The Bulletin REDMOND Members of the Redmond Lions Club will hold a benefit crab feed Friday in the American Legion Hall to provide eye glasses for Redmond area children whose parents are un able to pay for them. Fresh, cracked crab will be served from 6 p.m. until 10 o'clock, says Hugo Ford, Lions Club president. Tickets are avail able from any member of the club or may be purchased at the door. Last year, the Club purchased 13 pairs of glasses for children and an eye screening machine for the school. SAYS POWERS COOPERATING WASHINGTON (UPD U2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers has been "cooperating fully" with his in terrogators and has volunteered to take a lie detector test, accord ing to the State Department. Department spokesman Lincoln White, in making the announce ment Tuesday, gave no indication when the questioning of Powers would end or when he would be available to newsmen. will go into effect March 1, Don Miltenberger reported. Square dance lessons will begin Thursday, March 8, at 8 p.m. at the Alfalfa Grange Hall, with John Parton as instructor caller. Each couple attending will pay a dollar an evening, and all inter ested are invited. Refreshments will be potluck. Next meeting of Alfalfa Grange will be March 9 at 8 p.m. U.S. cautioned against speedy steel accord PITTSBURGH (UPD The two top negotiators in the steel con tract talks cautioned the nation against undue optimism over hopes for a speedy settlement. ". . .We have just gotten into the difficult matters in the area of economic settlement," United Steelworkers President David J. McDonald and industry negotiator R. Conrad Cooper said following Tuesday's session. "Because these matters are so tremendously involved, we are fully aware of the fact that there are no quick, easy or automatic solutions. They can be arrived at only through the serious, responsi ble collective bargaining we are conducting here," they said in a joint statement. The two repeated their earlier hope that an agreement would be reached before March 1, "and we do intend to continue to press w ith all our might toward that goal." The talks began , here last Wednesday, 4'i months before the present contract expires June 30. It covers more than 430,000 work ers in the basic steel industry. REPUBLICAN ELECTED CHARLESTON, S.C. (UPD Re publican G. Fred Worsham, 52, swept to victory Tuesday in a spe cial election to fill a vacancy in the South Carolina House. Wor sham is the second Republican to be elected to the legislature since Reconstruction, joining GOP Rep. Charles E. Boineau who broke the ice last August. Les Schwab Says: For Wholesale! p.n.'.i.i-. . , , i in ii riT i ti.H)w.i.jmi i H, w St ii sni ,1- 4 J" . . . 1 " li'tmrfiiT koihi r" i '? vjj LOAD PRICES! HERE'S PROOF That EVERYONE buys at WHOLESALE PRICE from your Les Schwab Tire Center. JET CHIEF -LOW CONTOUR - TUBE TYPE BLACK NYLON YOUR COST JET JET JET New Site 15x7.3 15x7.7 15x8.3 CHIEF LOW 15x7.3 15x7.7 15x8.3 15x8.6 CHIEF - LOW 14x7.8 14x8.2 14x8.6 15x7.3 15x7.7 15x8.3 15x8.6 CHIEF - LOW 14x7.8 14x8.2 14x8.6 14x9.1 15x7.3 15x7.7 15x8.3 15x8.6 Replaces Size 67015 71015 76015 CONTOUR - TUBE 67015 71015 76015 800-82015 List Price 25.55 28.35 30.90 TYPE WSW 31.25 34.65 37.95 41.60 Code Dealer Price 23.95 25.80 28.12 NYLON 28.44 31.53 34.53 37.86 17.89 19.85 21.63 21.88 24.26 26.57 29.12 CONTOUR - TUBELESS BLACK NYLON 75014 80014 85014 67015 71015 76015 800-82015 CONTOUR TUBI 75014 80014 85014 90014 67015 71015 76015 800-82015 28.80 26.21 20.16 31.55 28.71 22.09 34.65 31.53 24.26 28.80 26.21 20.16 31.55 28.71 22.09 34.65 31.53 24.26 38.55 35.08 26.99 S WSW NYLON 35.30 32.12 24.71 38.65 35.17 27.06 42.45 38.63 29.72 47.20 42.95 33.04 35.30 32.12 24.71 38.65 35.17 27.06 42.45 . 38.63 29.72 47.20 42.95 33.04 Plus tex and old tire off car. ms Les Schwab W TIRE CENTERS Dick Turner John Edwards Jack Defoe Carl Ylvisaker I