The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 21, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Bend Bulletin,
fr.- .
ley, Marin private, com
pleted II weeks of recruit
training et San Diego recent
ly. He it ion of Ray T. Blake
ley, Rts. I Redmond; now it
ready for training at Camp
'Count down'
for hobby
show is set
Hobbyists and collectors of all
ages and fields of Interest are re
minded that the count down for
Reid-Thompson's 12th annual Hob
by Show will begin on February
23. the deadline date for applica
tion blanks to be in at the City
Recreation Office or at the office
of the school.
On that date the Hobby Show
will be just a week away, and
that much time is required to
make up the programs listing
every exhibitor by name, and to
budget the space in each room.
Exhibits may still be entered aft
er the deadline date, but the
names cannot get into the pro
gram. Mrs. James Dykstra, gen
eral co-chairman, said today.
Preparations for the show, co
sponsored by the Reld-Thompson
PTA and the City Recreation De
partment, have been moving
along steadily since mid-January,
when a Japanese decorating
theme was given the go-ahead by
the committee. Mrs. Dykstra's co
chairman is Nick Norton.
Early on Friday evening, March
. 2, and again on Saturday morn
ing, Thompson School will be
open for exhibitors to put their
displays into place to be ready
for the official 1 p.m. opening of
the show on March 3.
Handcrafts, treasured collec
tions and exhibits of all kinds.
hobbies In progress, a bakod food
sale, and a Sunday afternoon re
past In an oriental tea house are
expected to attract record crowds
once again to the show.
Several popular exhibits which
have been missing from the show
In the past few years will be in
place again tills year, while new
exhibits are always encouraged.
Application blanks arc available
at the Chamber of Commerce.
Hobhy Haven, Thompson School
and the Uocroation Office at the
City Hall. A phone call to Mrs.
Dykstra at EV 2-3484 from any
one who cannot get to one of these
places to pick up a blank Will se
cure a blank by mail.
BOISE, Idaho (UPD Western
Sales and Manufacturing Cp.,
Inc., Boise, and 16 individuals
were named today in a federal
indictment charging use of the
mails to defraud and conspiracy
to use the mails to defraud.
escapees from the kitchen detail
at the Indiana Bovs School were
recaptured a few hours later
when they went to a farmhouse
Vi quest of fond.
Weather Frightful?
Traveling's DELIGHTFUL
via S.P.sS.!
Old Man Winter isn't your problem when you
travel on the Spokane, Portland and Seattle
Railway. The thermometer always says SPRING
inside your cozy, air-conditioned coach or com
partment Dining car meals are served to gour
met standards and priced to family budgets.
There's a spacious club car lounge where you
can relax with fellow travelers and a viewing
car for scenery unlimited. Don't settle for less
for InformoHon CoA
E. A Koskela G. A. Silkworlh
MOO Division General Agent
Phone EV 2-391 1 Phont EV 2-2901
General Office: American Bank Bids.. Portland, Oregon
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1962
Story of fort
to be told
on radio show
A fort that's really not a fort,
where there's never been a cas
ualty and the shooting's all done
with cameras, will be the subject
of "Stories of Pacific Powerland."
over Central Oregon radio sta
tions Monday, February 26.
Fort Benham on the Deschutes
is the "Fort" that has been the
home and sanctuary of great and
near-great movie and television
stars during its seven years of
It's story is one of the 78 talcs
of local history, unusual commun
ity projects and interesting per
sonalities in PP4L service areas
heard on the series, according to
R. G. "Packy" McFarland,
PP&L's Central Oregon district
Sal Mineo, Kirk Douglas and
Richard Boone are among the
'name" stars who have appear
ed in celluloid classics produced
at this contemporary copy of an
old frontier outpost
But it is Boone. TVs Paladin in
Have Gun. Will Travel." who
has made the biggest contribu
tion to the area through his de
votion to a hearing aid program
for needy children. The story of
the fort will be narrated by Nel
son Olmstead, veteran raconteur
of radio.
McFarland related tliat Pacific
Power "has created these pro
grams specifically to widely pub
licize Interesting places, persons
and events of communities serv
ed by the company."
Arrest follows
two shootings
Bolar, 21, was arrested and
charged with assault with a dead
ly weapon Tuesday following the
second street shooting in two days
in the Williams Avenue district
of Northeast Portland.
Bail was set at $3,000.
Police said Bolar had a .22 cal
iber rifle but threw it under a
car as police closed in on him.
Officers said he offered no re
sistance. A bullet struck a license
plate of a parked car, police said.
Monday, a blast from a shot
gun sent Charles Williams, 20.
diving for cover on the same cor
ner. Williams Suffered pellet
i wounds in his back. Two other
men were taken into custody in
connection with this shooting.
Pomona Grange
session held
The first and second degrees
were exemplified for a class of 11
candidates, at a Pomona Grange
meeting recently at the Eastern
Star Grange Hall. About 65 per
sons attended, including a group
from Lookout Mountain Grange in
Crook county.
The women's degree team of
Eastern Star and Alfalfa Granges
conferred the degrees. Miss An
nette Chesehro was musician and
Mrs. Arthur Suchy was soloist.
Tableaux were presented by Mrs.
Peter Klobas, Janioe Dresser and
Rosemarie Smith.
Members of the degree team
are Mrs. Marvin Chesehro, Mrs.
Larry Crawford, Mrs. John Par
Un and Mrs. James Smith from
Alfalfa Grange, and the following
from Eastern Star: Mrs. Robert
Davis, Mrs. Kenneth Dresser,
Mrs. Marion Dubuis, Mrs. Hoop
er Dyer. Mrs.' Wayne Hiuiiby.
Mrs. Walter Manner. Mrs. Ruth
Lalley, Mrs. Berlon Merrifield,
Mrs. Milton Thompson. Mrs.
Clarence Torkelson. Mrs. Myron
Shelley and Mrs. Mike Vodvick.
Plans to pay braceros $1
an hour drawing criticism
LOS ANGELES UPI -Depart-ment
of Labor plans to pay Mexi
can nationals $1 an hour were
criticized Monday by growers as
being unfair and arbitrary and by
labor as inadequate.
Many opposing views were
heard at tiie Labor Department
hearing attended by nearly 400
representatives of labor and man
agement from California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington. The hear
ings will resume in Sacramento.
Calif., Wednesday. .
Robert Goodwin, head of the La
bor Department's Bureau of Em
ployment Security, said the Mex
ican braceros imported to work
on farms was having an adverse
effect on wages and working con
ditions of domestics.
He said the use of braceros has
kept tiie prevailing wage of both
imported and domestic workers
depressed. Goodwin called this
"artificial stabilization" of work
er's pay for both groups.
He said tile primary purpose of
the hearing was to get informa-
Fair board
meeting due
in Portland
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Delegates from
county fair boards and other
shows across the state will meet
at the Sheraton Hotel in Port
land Saturday for a hearing be
fore the legislative committee of
the Oregon Fairs Association, re
ports Claude Tate of Redmond,
OFA president.
Purpose of the hearing is to
glean ideas from all the delegates
on what type of recommenda
tions should be made to the Legis
lative Interim Committee for new
legislation governing distribution
of pari-mutiicl funds and other
controls of fairs and shows. .
Members of the legislative com
mittee are Harold Clarno, Myrtle
Point: Victor Peterson, The Dal
les, and Tate. The committee has
set July 1 as its deadline for sub
mitted first recommendations to
the Agriculture Interim Commit
tee's sub committee on fairs.
Among questions to be discuss
ed arc: 1. Should fairs be placed
under a special division of the De
partment of Agriculture? 2. What
form of standardized auditing
should be adopted? 3. How shall
we so about forming a classifica
tion system, whereby fairs and
shows are allocated lunds accord
ing to their-meril?
Delegates named to attend the
session by the Deschutes County
Fair Association arc Manager
George McKinnon and Directors
Ben Smith and Laddie Jordan.
Dick Hemingway
picked by group
Special to Tha Bulletin
Richard William Hemingway of
2085 W. 5th, Bend, has been se
lected for membership in -the for
estry honor society at Oregon
Slate University.
Seven outstanding upperdass
men were named as members in
Xi Sigma Pi this fall. Selection is
based on high 'scholarship and
demonstrated leadership. Hem
ingway is a senior tins year at
Oregon Stale.
gate C. Harrison Mann of Arling
ton. current home of astronaut
John Glenn Jr., appealed to a
House committee Tuesday for
more representation for his grow
ing county. The area is expanding
so rapidly, Mann said, that "I
even have a consittiont in space."
:.,v i ip' n f $ A? -r-
tion about (lie new $1 hourly wage
which he said would not make it
necessary to depress the domestic
wage rate. Goodwin said other
actors had been used other than
the so-called prevailing wage in
determining a bracero hourly rate.
The wage was criticized as too
low by the AFL-CIO Los Angeles
County Federation of Labor and
the Emergency Committee to Aid
Farm Workers. A spokesman for
the group asked the department
to increase the rate to 11.50 and
slait work now to eliminate the
bracero program when it comes
up for renewal in Congress in two
J.J. Miller, of the Citrus Grow
ers of California, said the pro
gram has been a strong factor in
bettering over-all working and
wage conditions. He charged La
bor Secretary Arthur J. Goldberg
attempted to usurp his authority
by fixing a wage rate for bra
ceros. William Gilbert, a spokesman
for AFL-CIO County Federation
Secretary W.J. Bassett, said the
$1 wage was "absurdly inade
quate." He called the bracero pro
gram "a windfall for the corpora
tion farm, reaped from the des
perate adversity of the agricultur
al wage earner and his family."
Tim Gottlieb, executive vice
president of the Salinas Farmers
Cooperatives, also contended the
labor department was not empow
ered to limit the wage in the
manner proposed. He said bracer
os were imported because there
was a shortage of domestic
"It is foolish to think we would
use bracero labor if we could get
domestic workers to do the same
job," he said.
However, a licensed labor con
tractor, Gilbert Valle, said nearly
3,000 domestic workers in Imperi
al Valley were out of work.
Lcland J. Yost, Thermal, was
speaking for the Coachella Valley
Farmers' Association when he
said there was no competition be
tween domestic and foreign work
ers. "Every able, willing, compe
tent domestic worker available
has been hired and given pref
erence over foreign workers," he
He said wages in California
wera higher than in other states
but domestic workers did not
"flock from those areas to Cali
fornia. If they did. we would not
need foreign workers."
Party given
for enlistee
Special to Tht Bulletin
ALFALFA Roger Stoican,
who enlisted in (lie regular Army,
was honored Friday evening at a
surprise farewell party at the
home of Jimmy Williams. Guests
were a group of Roger's class
mates at Redmond Union High
Games were arranged and led
by Jessie and Wayne Singhose.
Gifts were presented to the hon
orce, and refreshments were serv
ed. Others present were Delorcs
Stoican. Lois Hohnstein, Margery
Williams, Lloyd Howden, Ronnie
Loeher and Mr. and Mrs. J i m
Jimmy volunteered to be host
when illness prevented Charlotte
Falk from having the party at her
home as previously planned.
Roger left by bus Sunday for
Portland, for his physical exami
Ten-dollar fines were paid re
cently in Deschutes county dis
trict court by James Wcstley
Malson. Bend, obstructed rear
vision, and Earl Irving Smith,
Burns, no muffler.
Time, energy
program given
The Nite-Away extension u n i 1 1
had a program on time and cner-1
gy management, at a meeting
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Louis Rogerson, 1334 E.
Fifth Street. Mrs. Jeanene Bur
mcistcr was co-hostess.
Mrs. Bob Lcngcle and Mrs. Ed
Spring gave hints for storage in
various rooms of the home, and
showed slides on improving kitch
en arrangement to save steps and
eliminate clutter.
Mrs. Vincent Wanichek. presi
dent, appointed Mrs. Robert Len-
gele as librarian, and named tne
following chairmen: Mrs. James
Roley, health and safety: Mrs.
Virgil Hendrix, Associated Coun
try Women of the World. The
women will take pennies for
ACWW to the next meeting.
This will be March 20 at 7:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ed
Spring. 424 Federal Street. Mrs.
Don Hoagland and Mrs. Stewart
Bennett will have charge of the
program on "Exploring the Spice
Mrs. Leonard O'Kcefe was wel
comed as a new member.. Guests
were Mrs. Frank Morton, Mrs.
Carl Wiles and Mrs. Jack John
son, a former member who has
returned to Central Oregon for a
short time. Fifteen women were
Glenn's parents
finding if hard
to relax today
Astronaut John H. Glenn's parents
said today they were finding it
difficult to relax with all of the
attention being showered on them
and this community.
"The telephone has been ring
ing all morning." Mrs. John H.
Glenn said. "Telegrams have been
coming in from all over the
country. '
The Glenns, who said they nev
er had any doubts about their
son's safety in the space pro
gram, indicated they may go to
Washington next week when their
son is to receive a hero's wel
come. Plans for a family reunion
have not been completed, how
ever. "We'll be seeing John before
too long," his mother said.
Mrs. Glenn said she had not
talked -with their only son since
his epic flight Tuesday but they
talked with the astronaut's wife,
Ann, at her home in Arlington. Va.
"Annie says John is just doing
fine," Mrs. Glenn said.
Town's 2 cops
put in jail
GRANGER. Wash. (UPD -Granger
is without a police force.
The town's only two permanent po
licemen are in jail on a lumber
stealing charge.
Chief Ellsworth Wright, and his
assistant. Howard Goodell, were
arrested Tuesday and jailed In the
county jail at nearby Yakima.
They were charged with steal
ing plywood sheets from a con
tractor who was working on a
mill here.
Sheriff's deputies who made the
arrests said the plywood, stolen
last December, was found hidden
in a barn 16 miles from here.
I3 Wall Ph. EV 1-377J
Agents for Airlines and
Steamships. Hotel'Reser
vatiotu Car rentals.
Thompson rites
held on Monday
Graveside funeral services for
Mrs. Dora May Thompson, 78, a
leng-time Central . Oregon resi
dent, were held Monday morning
at the Kellcy Cemetery in Mau
pin. The Rev. D. L. Penhollow of
ficiated. Mrs. Thompson died last Thurs
day at a local nursing home. She
was born in Umatilla, grew up in
the Maupin area, and had lived
in Alfalfa and Bend the past 37
years. She is survived by eight
children, including Amos E.
Thompson, Mrs. Rennie F. Davis,
W. L. Thompson and Mrs. Dora
M. Fitzgerald, all of Bend, There
are 29 grandchildren and 24 greatgrandchildren.
The Niswonger-Reynolds Funer
al Home was in charge of ar
Short, long and sleeveless beauties?
In Sixes 32 to 40. Cottons, wool jer
seys and'silks. Odds and ends . . .
mostly odds. You come, you get 'em
and you keep 'em because we don't
and you keep 'em because we don't Tl l "" J I A
rot or" V J V y M
want 'em no morel
1 Large Rack DRESSE
These beauties have been looking at
us too long! Won't you take them
off our hands at this ridiculous Geo.
Washington Price?
More Dresses
3 Only Lilli Ann
Talk about lillysl
Com quick for
these bargains. -
Beautiful leather
scuffs that have
been here for ??
Sleeveless Sweaters, Odds
& Ends. Grab up these
odd values.
TO 5.98
6 only. Yes, we confess they're last
year s style
this low.,
ft r KM Jf Nat jf"J tt
Mercury tariff
men for West Coast mining inter
ests appealed to the Tariff Com
mission Tuesday for an increase
in' the $!9-a-flask U.S. tariff on
imports of mercury.
The appeal met immediate ob
jection from representatives of
Spanish, Italian and Mexican mer
cury exporters.
One of the strongest appeals for
a tariff increase was made by
Mollis M. Dole, director of the
Oregon State Department of Geol
ogy and Mineral Industries.
"If the United States is to have
an effective and reliable source
for mercury, something must be
done to level out the rapid fluc
tuations which have become typi
cal of the mercury market."
Dole said "It is my opinion that
an increase in tariffs is absolute
ly necessary for the establish
Added Daily To Our Big
Don't cover much
but then this price
wouldn't either.
Grandest buys in the Westl Bras, gird
les, pajamas, jackets, capris, . sweaters,
skirts and what have you!
Slightly Soiled but noth
ing that soap won't cor
TO 10.98
but who cares at
low price!
900 WALL
appeal is made
ment of a more stable price.
"Without an increase in mer
cury tariffs tiie United States can
be certain tliis highly strategic
metal will not be available when
needed," he said.
Air Lines reported Tuesday that it
showed an approximate loss of
$9.1 million during 1961. compared
to a $3,611,000 deficit in 1980.
The preliminary financial report
of the merger-bound airline said
the loss last year was after a
special credit of $5.3 million and
a $1 million capital gain on tiie
sale of equipment. Operating rev
enues totaled $295 million and op
erating expenses were $316 million
compared to $293 million in reve
nues and $301 million in expenses
in I960.
Vi Price Rack!
Waitress White
7 Only Sixes 2, 3, 4.
Snow keeps coming but
these bargains won't lastl
399 HURRY! 99 S3
I HURRY! i a