The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, Feb. 15, 1962 3 They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo The verv upper clawss mi?. and mgs.&ilted6e feel so noble on those trick diets 1mVTJE ALSO ON A CITIZENS' COMMITTEE THAT BEEFS ABOUT HARSH DISCIPLINE IN STATE PRISON Ptfi. JUST VERV " f LW HAVE DRV TOAST. LftOOn.nFAU.' Vs ITS COME TO IS 1 SKIM MILK AND Y AND I'LL HAVE OUR ATTENTION THAT I I I BLACK COFFEE- THE 54ME, ) I PRISONERS IN SOLITARV 1 I LI I FEEL WONDER- WAITAH I 6ET ONLV DRV BREAD, f f I ay Cl FUL SINCE I'M V NOTHlNc LIKE L I SKIM MILK AND BLACK 1 1 DIETING-" J EATIM6 , P COPFEE.' IT'S INHUMAN, L V SENSiBLV.' jfc I CRUEL AND A CRYING J Downhill ski run demands expert style CHAMOMX, France (UPD Barely a quarter of the world's best skiers will master the famed "green track" downhill course here Sunday, according to experts who watched final workouts for the world games windup evenL Some 65 racers will compete in the downhill but only 15 appeared capable of a trouble-free run on the demanding track, the experts said. "Tile others will eiUier end up on a stretcher or finish very slowly," a former Austrian down hill champion, Egon Schocpf, said. "The track is just too difficult for most of the entrants," he add ed. "Most of them are simply not used to such tricky and steep courses. The 3,270-mcter long "piste verte" at nearby Les Houches is considered the most difficult trail in the world of experts. It will be the scene of the closing event of the 1962 world ski games ex pected to be reinstated as official world championships before the weekend. The downhill run is traditional ly considered the climax of every international Alpine ski meet. The winner is regarded unofficially as "the king of world skiing." Weekend 8 A-1 games pushed CORVALLIS (UPD A recom mendation that inter-high school sports contests in district 8 A-l be limited to week ends has gone out to all high school principals in the district. Ray Hardman. Corvallis high principal, made the recommenda tion, the Corvallis school board has been informed. He said mid week games have an adverse ef fect on classwork of students. His action followed a similar proposal made by Springfield school authorities, the board was told. Hardman would limit basketball to 18 games a season. Women's Major Laagua W L Smoke Shop 20 8 Wetle's 18 10 Duncan Brothers 18 10 Healy's Furniture 15 13 Smart Shop 13V4 Wi Ladies of Elks It 17 Mcdo Land It 17 Bend Heating 54 22,'b This week s games: Duncan Brothers 4, Ladies of Elks 0; Healy's 3',i, Bend Heating M Smoke Shop 3. Smart Shop 1; Wetle's 2, Mcdo Land 2. Team leaders: Duncan Broth ers. 854 game and 2413 series. High scorers: Vickie Campbell, 201 game and 555 series. Other 500s: Betty Heckard, 533: Loretta Reasoner, 509; Doris Huber, 507. Merchants Ltagu W L Eagles 20Vi T,i Metro Barbers 17 11 Oregon Trunk 14V4 1314 Hufstader & Wallen 14 14 Jim's Flying A 14 14 Claypool Furniture 12 16 Sisters Merchants -. 12 16 N.W. Ind. Laundry 8 20 This week's games: Eagles 4, N.W. Industiral Laundry 0; Met- LDS quintet, tops Episcopal LDS defeated Episcopal 29-16 and Presbyterian topped West minster Presbyterian (score not available) in junior high church league games ednesday at Allen gym. Busier Stilwell led LDS with 10, while three players managed four points each for Episcopal. LDS (29) Stilwell 10 Raymond 6 McClanahan 9 Round 4 Crowell 0 (16) Episcopal 4 Henry 2 Wayman 4 Valley 4 Hutton 2 Damon LDS subs: Mooers, Larson Episcopal subs: Pierce. Snider. City recreation schedule THURSDAY 9:30 11:30 AM Peasant Painting and Class Etching at Harmon Hobby House 1:004:00, 7:0010:00 PM Ctramics at Studio (Adults) 1:303:30 PM Shollcraft at Harmon Hobby Houst 7:159:15 PM Sonlor High Church Ltagut Basketball: . pre Mtthodist vt Baptist and Catholic vs Lutheran FRIDAY oinll'in AM Conner Toolina at Harmon Hobby Hous 1:303:30 PM Copper Enanwling at Harmon Hobby House Now Thru Sunday! ffSffTSS" "POCKETFUL OF W fl J A 1 tl ' e MIRACLES" Showing W ' '"J!U h'TZ Nightly At 8:30 P.M. L!li2! 'V'i! GLENN FORD BETTE DAVIS HOPE LANGE ARTHUR OtJONNElL FRANK CAPRAS Pocketful ,of Miracles ITS THE FUNNIEST CPE FRANK OPft EVER PULLED! PETER FALK THOMAS MITCHELL EDWARD EBEHHORTON MICKEY SHAUGHNESSY (MtfUII SHaDCNlEOI0 hUjjm WRRrlUGCT) (SfRfES KetlMMM ffiffiwffi PANAVISION' COLOR Swam fill3 ALSO Wiiltrn Action Co Hitl ropolitan Barbers 3, Hufstader & Wallan 1; Sisters Merchants 3, Claypool Furniture 1; Jim's Fly ing A 3, Oregon Trunk 1. Team leaders: Jim's Flying A, 1043 game (new season's high); Sisters Merchants, 2834 series. High scorers: Ken Blackburn, 253 game and 60S series. Gene Pitts, 621 series. Smith' leading OCC scorer PORTLAND UH Sammy Smith of Oregon Tech tops scor ing among Oregon Collegiate Con ference players with 234 points in 12 games. Dave Hughes of Southern Ore gon is second with 189 points in the same number. Hughes tops field goal accuracy with .493 while Larry Eickworth of South ern Oregon leads free throw ac curacy with 22 for 24 for .917. Smith is the rebound leader with a 1S.S average. SIGNS COLT PACT BALTIMORE (UPO - Aubrey Linne, a 6 foot, 7 inch offensive end acquired by the Baltimore Colts as a free agent last season, has signed a contract for . the 1962 season with the National Football League club. Top golf pros split on 'speedup' of PGA meets TUCSON, Ariz. UP1 - The ranks of the golf professionals were split today over whether the speed of play should be regulated by the PGA. On one side are National Open champion Gene Littler, former PGA champ Bob Rosburg, and Doug Ford, the latter rated the fastest moving golfer in history. On the other side are PGA champion Jerry Barber, who puts blame on "the younger element" for demanding the speedup. But he is backed by Davey Hill, 23, Dave Ragan, 27, and Joe Camp bell, 26. And in the middle is Jim Ga- quin, the PGA tournament bureau supervisor. "As long as we are playing courses in four hours or less, says Gaquin, "there is no problem. But if it takes as much as four hours and 20 minutes, we run into trouble." Barber is feuding with tourna ment supervisor Joe Black, who has been pushing Jerry to play faster under new PGA rules that levy a two-stroke penalty for any one slowing up play. "This is one of the most dis- j criminatory things ever placed against slow players," said Bar ber. "We older players spend a lifetime perfecting our game, and all our work often is ruined by be ing forced to play too fast." Among the noted "slow" play ers are Barber, Dr. Cary Middle coff, Mike Fetchick, Gardner Dick inson, and Jay Hebcrt. Littler firmly believes that the average game of golf should be completed in well under four hours. "There's no reason why we should take so long to play a round of golf," says the open champion. "There should be a lim it on the time allowed to play 18 holes." But Campbell, just starting his fourth year on the tour, agrees with Barber. "If they were guaranteeing us a salary and told us we had to play 18 holes in 3:40," says Camp bell, "it would be different. But we are out there gambling that we can make some money. We should be allowed to make it the best way we can." Wt Rent BIS Little Trailer. 1 yr or longer wiui OPTION TO BUY You mrk trailer anyplace In Oregon. Perfect answer lor tha conatrucUon Job away from home. While you build tor tha ranch or temporary olflce. Wo also huy. Bell, equity, open Wed., Thuri.. Fri. A Sat. 10 to a. Check ua tor Irallpr InMiranre. Trailer merchant Highway 97 N. City Limits MOTHERS .TORY! CHILDREN UP TO 16 YEARS I PER LB. THIS AD ENTITLES HOLDER TO RECEIVI v .VIS f I One 11x14 Vignette Photograph aire size) trine ymr cfciW fa Auefla buglet nal naU a lonly 1114 rvrln far only It peuivdl tranplet If year chM waillla 14 puat, ym 16. rear chiUren Comblnarf watflht AS paal, 45c. Creupt up to 5 children welcome Generous Stltctien of proofs Limit one to family Satisfaction or your monty rtfundtd SOc Mailing Charge . . Minors Must Bt Accompanied by I Parent OUR PHOTOGRAPHER WILL BE AT: PILOT BUTTE INN Bond, Oregon 3 DAYS ONLY Fri., Sat. & Sun. Feb. 16th, 17th, & 18th HOURS 10 A.M. TO 8 PM. mt Tout rtiiNDi - 0N7 mm thm ofrcarruNnri shop BRANDIS THRIFT-WISE DRUGS for $1$ 1 3 PJ J Liriiiia lr- & -fir sbziiA ,ft AOc lilaal 111 "aaa. YNSS J ank CUbll a?kc1Inc stereophonic Bovmd iroria Bioudwuya Lhe concert ball, th nlaht dnb xcenent ntertcdnmtmt and Bn BinWrhyj. Yoata at thU amazincj low zastl aibwuintkB outstanding assortments Notebook FILLER PAPER 500 sheets QQ reg. 1.39 M My Fair Lady Glenn Miller Gunfightar Ballads Heart of France Saltctiom from CAN CAN CHA, CHA, CHA Danny Walton Harmonica Scores more CURITY adhesive prL 2.98 Sucaryl 1.99 98c Dristan ,ableti 66c 1.19 Dristan w 77c 89c Deep Heat -59c 3.11 Unicap Vi,amins 1.99 1.59 Pepto Bismol 1.09 im i Combats: frizz, snarls f 'dry, new permanent j. .. .. CfllfCSi 1R v i -j I LtrCHAIR TREATMEN1 AT NOV EXTRA COST INSIDE NUTM-TONIC PERMANENTI $2.75 VALUE only $59 iBiHin mil sperti portable SUN LAMP reg. SI 4.95 fixture $99 Lsxxilrjf .I! and that feel.' 1 iviwancnt J 11 ' nr'ifr liaMt" ...1 All 2.00 HOME PERiMANENTS $1159 Plut Tax KING SIZE TV TRAYS Q29 4 King Size trays with roll-away standi 12.95 VALUE 'round the neck MIRROR reg. 98c 44' OYf'iCjJ , ( W I plain and magnifying DeVilbiss 'Zf.'Z' VAPORIZER 69 5) 3.95 Value awlSrtmtet J PEPSODENT TOOTH BRUSHES reg. 69c 2,73' GLEEM TOOTH PASTE reg. 83c 59' 63c PHILLIPS Knesia 49c APIRINS 10Rfrn?.EET .. 19c' 1.50 GET SETR 99c 1.00 RINSE AWAY . 69c 1.75 BRECK SHAMPOO 1.29 STEAM IRON .71-95' 1377 famous PROCTOR brand STEAM SPRAY IRON S 1577 PLASTIC TAPEaiue 377c colored ... in. x 33 ft. BOOK MATCHES 13c carton of 50 . . . reg. 19c hflVF ffiND re8 2 9 90c UUC SOAP for 39c.... for Z7 Spray Paint 14 ei. aaroiol can reg. L Qc $1.09 Chamois Skin apprex. It x 24 Inchaa $1.59 07c value ' BRANDIS 1020 Wall We give S&H Green THRIFT-WISE DRUGS Stamps EY 2-5451 Your discount drug store "FIVE GUNS TO TOMBSTONE'