Build your savings with cash you get by selling things you no longer need through a classified ad. mT; iti-lyflTinl finnf i fcrirgr; jKrff TOGETHERNESS With her home, job and baby all in one compact package, Mrs. Clara Hicks of Los Angeles pulls her rig into Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Hicks and a woman employe live in the quarters between the cab and trailer and share the care of the baby. They haul produce to the east coast. Boun Oum snubs peace talks at Luang Prabang ' VIENTIANE (UPI) Pro-Western Prince Boun Oum refused to attend Laotian peace talks A Luang Prabang Friday because of the continued rebel offensive against the besieged provincial capital of Nam Tha. Communist and leftist troops launched a drive against Nam Tha the beginning of last week. The government hastily flew In troops and supplies and its loyal ist defenders stalled the offensive six miles short of its goal. The attacking forces pounded an airstrip with mortar fire Thursday in an effort to knock out food and ammunition supply lines and assure their capture of the strategic city. Boun Oum had been scheduled to confer with "neutralist" Prince Souvanna Phouma about a coali tion government for this divided kingdom. The coalition talks have bogged down over the question of whe Bill control the country's armed forces and police. Souvanna. sup ported by his half-brother, "Red" Prince Souphanouvong of . the rebel Pathet Lao, claims these key ministries should be under his control. Boun Oum has re fused to give them up. Boun Oum said yesterday he would not go to Luang Prabang for the meeting. Later, reliable sources said the International Control Commission (ICC) had been asked to inform Souvanna not to expect Boun Oum. The Indian, Canadian and Po lish members of the ICC flew to the rebel capital of Khang Khay seeking permission to send an inspection team to Nam Tha be fore the fighting spreads. They feared the critical situation Could flame up into a full-scale civil war again. Three divorce cases on file Tiiree divorce cases and a sep aration suit have been filed in cir cuit, court in the past week or so. Donna Steel seeks a divorce from Dale Steel, charging deser tion. They were married De. 19. 1930, in Klamath Falls. There are no children or properly rights. Ellen M. Zelick has filed for di vorce from Ernest Zelick, to whom she was married May 20, 1915, in Astoria. She asks cus tody of the couple's minor child and $75 monthly support. Laura Bartlett is the plaintiff in an action against Floyd Bartlett. They were married Nov. 26, 1959. ;ln Roseburg. She charges deser tion and seeks a divorce decree and restoration of her maiden name. Iiura Morgan. There are no children or property rights. . Irene S. Dandridee filed a sep aration suit against Cecil F. Dan dridge. They were married Dec. 27, 1948, ill Deadwood. S.D., and hove two children. Mrs. Dan- dridge asks custody and $100 monthly child support. Junior high plan approved HILLSBORO (CPU Twelve school districts in Washington County approved a junior high school program, school authorities said Thursday. Vote for the proeram was 1.494 to 605. MAN LOSES CAR HOISTON, Tex. (L'PH-A man came to accident investigator L M. Adams Thursday and asked for help in finding his wrecked car. He thought the accident hap pened on the freeway. They found Hie car crashed at the end of the Houston International Airport. "I sure thought I was on the freeway, but traffic was awfully licht," the man said as he was hey,g bonked on a charge of dnnkeness. iF"" - OPERATION SUCCESSFUL WASHINGTON (UPI) Chrys anthemis Papacotis, an 11-year-old Greek girl brought to this country by Mrs. Jacqueline Kon nedy, successfully underwent a heart operation Thursday at Wal ter Reed Hospital. The White House said "Memi" was "holding her own" following surgery to correct a congenital heart malformation. Mrs. Kenne dy made arrangements to bring the girl to Washington and is now keeping in touch with the hospital. DOESNT LIKE LOVE SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) An annulment was filed here Friday to end the marriage of Shirley and Salvador Love. ... FOR A FAST ACTION CLASSIFIED AD CALL EV 2-1811 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily, Noon Saturdays CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY Deadline: 11 :30 - Saturdays 4:30 p.m. Day before Publication CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Count four average-size words to the line. Include address or phone number in count. BETTER THAN 38,000 Classified Ads in '61. CASH PRICE: (Paid Within 5 Days) CHARGE: Times Lines I 2 to 4 S to 8 9 to 12 I Month 2 $1.00 $1.50 $2.75 $4.00 $ 6.75 3 1.25 2.00 3.75 5.25 9.00 4 1.50 2,50 4.50' 6.50 11.25 5 1.75 3.00 5.50 7.25 13.50 6 2.00 3.50 6.25 8.00 15.75 Times Lines I 2 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 12 I Month 2 $1.25 $1.75 $3.05 $4.50 $ 7.50 3 1.50 2.25 4.10 6.00 9.75 4 1.75 2.80 2.25 7.25 12.50 5 2.00 3.35 6.25 8.00 14.75 6 2.25 4.00 7.00 8.75 17.50 SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING OF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS A & R MOTOR SUPPLY 129 F. Greenwood EV 2-65)41 AUTO WRECKING B 4 B AUTO WRECKING CO. 24 Hour Wrecker Service E Highway 20 EV 2-3825 BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 401 'i Lava Herland's House o( Beauty Mon. & Eve. appts. available 43.i Columbia EV 2-4281 DRESSMAKING JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS Pick-up, delivery. EV 2-33 EASTER DRESSES MADE Children's $3.00 Ladies $4.00 Alterations EV 2-fi0S FURNACES BI-AKE'S HEATING SERVICE Heating Problems All Makes EV 2-1S69 Laundry S Dry Cleaners BEND TROY Laundry & Dry Cleaners. Inc. Phone EVenrreen 2-4.111 MISCELLANEOUS TUPPERWARE DEALER Luciie Chanev EV 2-1484 Rt. 2 - Box 3S - Bend BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps tor home, business. 1434 Davenport EV 2-2876 TREE SERVICE Topping. Trimming, Removing Free Estimates Insured WILEY ELLIS, Sr. 153 Jefferson Place EV 2-1601 APPEAR IN COURT Two persons appeared Wednes day in Judge Joe Thalhofer's Des chutes county district court to ans wer traffic citations. John A. Ha vens, Grants Pass, was fined $43 for a combination overload. El mer Milton Combs. Bend, paid $15 for an improper turn. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES Very to ratei fur monthly tdt. Ads received before 4:30 p.m. 1U appear in In tutluwina dart papal Die Band Bulletin win nut oe resputulDlt tor mure tiua una Incurred Insertion i lines tor 1 time only $1.1)0 2 lines tor 4 times only $1.50 4 lines tor 1 time only $1.50 2 lines tor 8 tunes only $2.75 4 lines tor 4 times only $2.50 4 lines lor 8 times only $4.50 6 lines tor 1 time only S2.U0 6 lines tor 4 times only $3.50 6 lines tor 8 times only $0.25 SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrier One Montb $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Vear $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 l'hree Months $4.00 Six Months $7.30 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL in Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 In Redmond LI 8-4261 In Pnneville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. Member, Audit Bureau ot Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 191)3 1031. The bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1918 Published Every Afternoon except sun- MISCELLANEOUS WROUGHT IRON WORK Of any kind, inside or out. Porch rails, columns. What have you. Free Estimates. BUCK MATSON EV 2-3815 Evenings WOOD FOR SALE Pine 4 Juniper Cut any lengths EV 2-6959 VALLEY VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Sales & Service We Repair All Makes Call EV 2-3364 431 S. Third Mattrcss-Furniture-Rebuilding DAVENPORT'S MATTRESS CO. 1st at Revere. Bend. EV 2-3320 INVISIBLE REWEAVING Free Estimates, Fair Prices 673 Innes Lane EV 2-1948 TOP PRICES Paid for Chicken Feed, Horses EV 2-6094 Rt. 1. Box 358, Bend PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets 8:30 p.m. Thursday EV 2-4780 for Information RADIO TV REPAIR GEORGE'S RADIO 4 TV Walkie-Talkies. Citizens Band, Home It Mobile Sets. TUBES & BATTERIES All makes 223 E. Franklin EV 2-6144 RIES RADIO Good Used TV's 8.-.1 Wall St. EV 2-.V.21 Ore. Liquor Cad Photos While vou wait. 12 to 7 p.m. Lowell Clark 514'i E. Norton days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St., Bend. Oregon. 1 -Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment under provisions of Ordinance No. NS-546, will hold a public hearing on the evening of Wed nesday, February 14, 1962, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., in the City Hnll, for the purpose of considering the application for a variance to the said ordinance as follows: By Ralph K. Thomas, for a variance in the terms of said Ordinance regarding the es ' tablishment of a non-conforming use and a structur al addition to such use on Lots 1. 2, 3 & 4. Block 25, Wlestorla Addition. DATED this 3rd day of Feb ruary. 1962. Julia S. Johnson, Recorder of tlio City of Bond 50-C 4-Funeral Directors HEIDER'S FUNERAL HOME Hill & Greeley EV 2-5552 Bend, Oregon 8-Special Notices RENT A MACHINE Singer Sewing Center 126 Minnesota EV 2-3882 10-Lost & Found LOST- Rlnnlr hint hnireH put White paws, stomach and chin. tiS.n0 reward. Contact R. D. Hus- sey, General delivery, Bend. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 17-Help Wanted LARGE COMPANY Offers career opportunity with exceptional earnings and bene fits. High school and some col lego preferred, We are an old corporation seeking the better than average man. See Mr. Hachenberg. Oregon state Em ployment Office, 952 Bond St., Bend, 3 to 4 p.m. luesoay, lea. 6th. 18-Help Wanted Male ??? SEASONAL WORK 77? We are looking for special type person who is tired of seasonal work and threatened layoffs. Amerlcs's most respected sales organization offers you an inde pendent business of your own at no investment. Person consider ed must be married, over 23 and have pleasing personality. For details write care The Bend Bul letin Box, 203A. 20-Service Directory PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Liv ing Room $45. Bedroom $3a. Bath $20. Exterior Painting, Also Commercial. Harper EV Z-4RC DRESSMAKING and altera- lions, EV 2-4739. PIANO LESSONS. American Music Co., EV 2-1393. 24-Situations Wtd. Male A PAIR of tool boxes for light or heavy duty "mechanicking." complete with two mechanics, years experience. Full or part time jobs. EV 2-0461. -Situations Wtd. Female RETOUCHER. Negatives wanted. Will contact or accept by mail. D. Lord, 17611 S.E. Stark, Portland 33, Oregon, AL 3-3062. 30-Miscellaneous for Sale fOP SOIL, (ill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, exca vations. EV 2-51H. LOCKER MEAT Everv dav low prices. Half young beef 45c lb. Half young pork 39c lb. Cut, pkgd. and fast frozen free. 100 per cent financing-Freezer too. If you EAT Think of MIDSTATE MEAT 37 Greenwood Ave. Bend 1944 FOUR wheel drive Dodge ton flat bed, $300. EV 2-0484 after 5 p.m. Mcculloch products Sale Trade Complete Bar Service Used One Man Saws had's Mcculloch shop 132 E. Franklin EV 2-3051 WESTSLDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. Dally 8-30 to 6 Sunday 9:30 to WASHER & DRYER. Good condition. $8.46 per month for both O.A.C. Ken Cale Hardware, Third and Greenwood. Complete Line of Nationally pro ven appliances for your home . . . Kitchen Aid, Norge. Preway, Tappan and others. Low prices . . . Easy financing. SEE US TODAY' BILL'S ELECTRIC 912 If ill St. EV 2-2S21 21 INCH Arvin table TV., $75. EV 2-3126. model DELUXE Westinghoiife 38 inch range, $75. EV 2-3073. SALE ON miscellaneous sheet music. 10 for SI. Books 5 for $2. Miscellaneous tenor sax reeds 20c each. Miscellaneous guitar strings 10c each. DARRELL'S House of Music Wall at Oregon RADIAL SAW, skill saw, work Ijench, ladder. miscellaneous tools. EV 2-5413 after 5 p.m. FULLY Reconditioned Wash ers and dryers from $59.50 up Full guarantee. Oregon Equip ment Co , 165 E. Greenwood. Stop cursing tint oid furniture. ScU It with A bulletin Classified. 30-Miscellaneous lor Sale TRASH BURNER. Good con dition. S15. EV 2-194S. FOUR WHEEL flatbed trailer with 500 gallon tank. $150. Two domestic overpure T-20 water filters, one year old, $150. apiece. Automatic clurinator, $50. EV 2-2334 evenings. TO TRADE for hay or white faced weaned calves 21 inch TV, Emerson table model, top condition. Hallicrafter short wave receiving set, like new, SXU0. EV 2-0216, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 31-Appliances, Furniture FOR SALE: Hotpoint electric range, $20. Needs minor repair. EV 2-2589. APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS, DRYERS, FREEZ ERS, REFERS. WATER HEAT ERS, FURNACES. All makes. MIKE'S ELECTRIC EV 2-5312 32-Musical Instruments TWO REPOSSESSED Organs, one with Leslie, save $600.00. One repossessed Piano, take over pavments. Write credit Mgr., 830 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Ore. Call TU 2-4883. FOR SALE: Bushncr Elkhart tenor saxophone, $50. One Boardman ft Gray piano. Both in good condition. 2048 E. 2nd. 39-Livestock Wanted WANTED: Fat cattle and hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick up. EV 2-0458. 40-Farmer's Column FOR SALE, barnyard fertili zer, anv amount. We load. Rt. 2, Box 379. Bend, EV 2-2563. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday only. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. GERMAN SHEPHERD Male mute puppies, $20. Male, $15. female. James Keller, P.O. Box 364. Sisters, phono 649-3214. LONG - HAIRED Dachshund pups for sale. EV 2-5554. 46-Swap Column GAS STOVE and refrigerator for boat, washer, motor. EV 2- 3037. 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED: OLD CARS, trucks. cats, farm machinery, to buy. Highest prices paid. B. & a. Auto Wreckers. EV 2-3825. WANTED: Approximately one mile of fence built about 2 miles from Bend. Steel posts and barbed wire furnished by own er. Desire bid on construction. EV 2-3818. CLASSIFIEDS: BARGAINS GALORE HEREI SO-Fuel. Coal, Wood, Oil RED JUNIPER wood, $13.00 cord, EV 2-6861. WASHED UTAH COAL Lump Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 TAMARACK AND body wood, any length. $12. cord. EV 2-0635 or EV 2-2364. FOR SALE: EV 2-5395. Dry Jackpine, GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 a load, approx. 2 cords. Washed Oil Treated Stoker. Washed Lump Coal Robert Davenport, EV 2-1599. 54-Rooms for Rent BEDROOM FOR men, reason able by month. TV cable, close EV 2-2891 or 4402. 56-Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED S rm apart ment near hospital Adults only. $10.00 per month. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. 57-Apartments Furnished LARGE. ROOMY two bed room, garage, TV cable, water, garbage paid. 204 Florida, EV 2- 9970. ONE B. R.. heat, wnter. gar bage pd. Irving Anis., 160 Irving. SLEEPING UNITS. Individ ual heat, toilet, showers. By week or month. Only desirable people need apply. Lrva Motel. TWO UPSTAIRS apartments, $35. month. Water and garbage paid. EV 2-1565. ONE BEDROOM redecorated. close in, EV 2-9971. SMALL CLOSE in, suitable for one, EV 2-3519. FEB. 10th three rooms. Automatic washer, water, gar bage, cable furnished. Good lo cation near Senior High. 921 E. Franklin. DESIRABLE 3'i and i'A room duplex. Automatic heat, garages, utilities, TV included. Wahee Apartments. 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. ONE BEDROOM, washing fa cilities, garage. We pay water and lights. TV available. EV 2 3362. 58-Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM house. Mar guerite's Beauty Shop, EV 2 5263. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnish ed. $45. EV 2-5297. FOR SALE OR RENT fVmfnrtAhle two bedroom house. Reasonable EV 2-3527 TWO BEDROOM, automatic oil heat. Fireplace, wired range, washer and dryer, $50. EV 2 4703. TWO BEDROOM modern on 1 acre. $70 Trap Club Road, watch for sign. Ill H EE ROOM modern house, gas heat. EV 2-2.156 after 4 p.m. TWO BEDROOM modern, 635 E Hovere, EV 2-2835. TWO BEIIHUOM, in, EV 2-5519. close 58-Houses for Rent SMALL FOUR room partly furnished house. 126 Canal, EV 2-4487. FOR IvllNT, six room house. 1332 Albany. Cull EV 2-5263, Marguerite's Beauty Shop. 59-Houses Furnished FURNISHED Stationary trail er house with cabana, $60. EV 2-5297. NICELY FURNISHED one bedroom. Ladv or couple. Closo in, no pets. EV 2-2467. TWO BEDROOM, fireplace. $65. 2425 E. First, Bend, LI 8 4317 or LI 8-2437. 70-Business Opportunities FOR SALE delivery service. Established, piofitable business. EV 2-3S64 or EV 2-0573 after 6 p.m. FOR LEASE in Redmond. All or any part of 300 ft. x 250 ft. deep highway frontage on 5th. north of Greenwood. EV 2-2053 Bend. SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Flvlng A Service Station. Call EV 2-2442, or write P.O. Box 487 Bend. 80-Real Estate For Sale CECIL C. MOORE REALTOR Inquiries Answered Promptly 1132 Newport, Hend. EV 2-3379 TWO BEDROOM house on four lots. Some terms. 1544 E. Sixth. Write to Box 616, Gil christ, Ore. THREE BEDROOM home $4, 500. Will accept good car or pickup as down payment. EV 2 3017. KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 Dick Kerr, Realfor HAVE PROPERTY WILL TRADE Need 2 Bdrm. house on 160 Acres, Have 2 Bdrm. house, Need Acreage. Have 2 Bdrm. house, Need 3 Bdrm. Have 2 Bdrm, house, Need 10' Wide Trailer. $3, 1 50 View Acreage 5 A. 412 A. COI water. Pav ed road, excellent view o( Cascades. $7,350 will buy 40 A. plus 40 A. Taylor grating, 25 A. perm, pasture & hayland, 14 A. of CO! water, 2 bdrm house, tractor & equip. W. Clenf King EV 2-5452 Walt Kitredge EV 2-4492 Ray Cronin EV 2-5656 SPOTLESS COMPLETELY REMODELED INTERIOR Spacious living room, 2 large bedrooms. Garage and fenced yard. $,7500, Assume mortgage low 5 interest. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 Arlelgh Black Broker Joe Tildcn EV 2-2766 Jim Lance EV 2-5756 MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Harold Phillips Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 NICE MOUNTAIN VIEW. Choice east 8th st. location. 2 large bedrooms on main floor, 3rd in basement. Large living room & kitchen, utility, gas fur nace, double garage. Only $14,750 FHA Good I bedroom home, could have 2. Corner location. Imme diate possession. $4150, $500 dwn $40 mo. Eve. EV 2-0571 Hogan EV 2-3274 ONE OF Bend s nicest, tnree bedroom two story house. Will rUA 1117 Ufirmnn TWO BEDROOM, utility, plumbed for automatic, base ment with furnace, wood or coal. TV cable, garage and fenced yard, S3.920. cash or $4,500. with some terms. EV 2-1354. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor 3 BEDROOM ON STATE ST. In a real good neighborhood, nice lawn and fenced back yard, finished basement, all three bedrooms are on one floor, automatic washer and dryer hookup, oil floor furnace. Has 4 Oregon State Gl loan on it at present time $7,500.00. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-6453 Jim Arntz EV 2-5243 Buck Davis Ranches EV 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY ORE. See Hap Taylor at the Lodge Office for information. Phone Silver Lake 576-2230 The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, February 3, 1962 7 80-Real Estate For Sale SALE OR lease: All or part, 660 feet of prime valuable prop erty on new highway coming in to city limits of Bond. Located on West side of E. 3rd and all property north of Vail to rail road overpass. Zoning M-l. Ideal for most businesses. Please call owner, EV 2-0512. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor TAYLOR TOPPERS $10,750... 3 bedroom home just 3 years old. Built-in oven & range. Carpeted 13x15 living room, dining room, convenient, step saver kitchen. Electric heat. Just $350 down plus closing to qlafied FHA buyer. $15,500... 3 large bedrooms, bath & a half. Separata dining room. Extra large service room. Hardwood floors & fireplace. Automatic oil forced air heat. Attached double garaga. Good east side location. $15,500... 3 bedroom home, spic & span. Located on 2 corner lots, good eastside lo cation. Large kit. with built in oven, range & dishwasher. Refrigerator included. Family room and attached garage. Autmatic oil forced air heat. Storm windows & doors. $1700... I bedroom furnished, westsido. Easy terms. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 Wall St. Nitcs EV 2-1761 Arnie. 2-4475 Harvey 2-4686 Jim 2-3594 CHRISTMAS VALLEY ORE. See Hap Taylor at the Lodge Office for Information. Phone Silver Lake 576-2230 REAL LOW COST BARGAINS Walking distance to city center. Duplex, 2-1 bedroom apts. with baths. Completely furnished. Full price only $2500, cash. 4 room house with bath. Full price $1700, $500 dwn. 3 bedroom home. Large new bedroom with hardwood floors & walk-in closets, also space built in for second bath. 2 extra cedar closets. Rest of home very nice. Large tree shaded lot on paved street. . WE NEED SMALL ACREAGES! ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 Bob EV 2-3000 Roy EV 2-4816 Jess EV 2-4317 Emily EV 2-1088 VERN LARSON AGENCY Realtor-Appraiser 1406 Quiney EV 2-5297 INCOME PROPERTY, a money-making apartment house, will take cute duplex in trade. BIG home close in, with small rental in rear that almost pays the payment on BOTH. Will trade for smaller home, will carry contract. With reasonable down payment or trade pay ments would be only $40 per month. Now THIS Is an oppor tunity! Confidentially, I have a good business opportunity. Will take nice home as down payment. It will pay for itself with a living besides. 90-Machinery ior Sale ONE 3500 watt Koehler light plant, AC fully automatic, $400. Like New 300 amp. portable electric welder, trailer mount ed, $350. One 5 h p. 3 phase electric motor, $125. One 9 h.p. Wisconsin gal engine, $125. Mis cellaneous used parts for truck. 6x6 International rear axle parts. Pumice block machine, makes 8x8x18 blocks. HE 3-2340, Roy Jones, Crescent Motel. 80-Real Estate For Sale Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV2-3031 1. EAST EIGHTH STREET BEAUTY. Every home on this well kept street reflects pride of home ownership. Call us now for an appointment to see this lovely 3 bedroom, large living room wfrplc, dinette, "U" shaped convenient kitchen with all birch cabinets, util. plumbed for laundry. Auto, oil perimeter heat. Attached sealed garage. 60x1 10 ft. lot. Across from park. Close to High school. $15,500 FHA terms or assuma state Gl loan of appropriately $1 1,500. 2. OLDER TYPE HOME WITH NEW FEATURES. Brand new family site kitchen with Japanese oak cabinets, double stained steel sink. Sti'l time to choose own colors. New large utility plbd. for laundry. 2 bedrm. Nice liv. room wfrplc. Separate dining room. ' bsmt., new Lennox oil piped furnace, Detached garaga. Walking distance to city center. A real buy at $10,500. Exist ing Gl loan $3200 at $76.64 per mo. incl. tax & ins. 3. BUDGET SPECIAL. See this 2 bedroom plus 2 attic bedrooms. Pleasant living room, modern kitchen & bath. Large one car garago with storage room. Well landscaped lot. Choice east side location. Paved street. Total price $6,800, 4 Gl loan of approximately $4,000, or can be refinanced. Mablc Foster EV 2-5324 Kieth Ramsay EV 2-310! Bill Franck 91-Farm Machinery ONE 8 inch Danuser post hole digger, like new. 1 spiingtootli harrow, 1 rubber tired wagon, 1 Ford scoup. 2 trailers, 1 heavy. LI 8-3504. D2 CAT 5J model, with Holt angle dozer. Good condition. EV 6914 evenings. 94-Mobile Homes TWO STORY Stewart, east ern built, mobile home. 42x8. Three bedroom, IVi baths, wash- dryer, cooler, storm win dows, accessor ies. $4,195. Lowes Trailer Town, South 97. DO YOUR SHOPPING IN THE BEND BULLETIN 95-Trucks, Trailers 1961 DELUXE CiMC pickup and sports traveler camper. Has everything. Bargain. House ot Leather, Bend. TRAILER PULLER for sale,' m ton, EV 2-0402. 100-Autos tor Sale 1961 MONZA COUPE ; 4 spd. trans., big eng., R&H, wwalls. Under 10,000 miles. BEN JACOUES CHEVY CITY 1 5th St Giveaway Redmond, Ore.' Will give CASH or an ; OLDER CAR for your ' EOUITY : I need late model cars and pick ups. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd OR TRADE 1955 GMC W ton( 4 speed pickup. Also 1950 Buick. EV , 1958 HILLMAN. sell cheap, or trade. EV 2-2218. OUALITY CAR 11)58 Hillman 4 door sedan. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS E. Second & Franklin A-1 USED CAR 1061 Ford Falrlane Town sedan. Power steering, Fordomatlc, radio It heater. Very low miles. Safety seat belts. Beautiful tur quoise enamel. Only $2199. R0BBERS0N . FORD SALES 32 USED CARS 52's To 6Ts i 12 ; USED TRUCKS : 49's To 6Ts i ON OUR "OK": USED CAR LOT PRICED TO SELL G MAC BANK : 100 FINANCING . BOB THOMAS ; Chevrolet-Cadillac 23S E. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Across from Wagners EV 2-1273