The Bend Bulletin, Wed., January 24, 1962 Brief s Here and There Actlvitlei tonight include the following: Jobs Daughters, Ma sonic Temple, 7 o'clock; Eagles Auxiliary, Eagles Hall, 8 o'clock; Xi chapter, Beta Sigma Phi soror ity, with Mrs. James Smiley, 1514 W. -Third Street, S o'clock; Skyline Squares, Wallace Dance Studio,' 8:30. The dessert meeting of the .Bend BPW Club has been cancelled, Duplicate Bridge play under sponsorship of the Bend Junior Chamber of Commerce Auxiliary Boys spend chilly nighf af Millican A trip in a car taken from the parents of one youth ended up as an unexpected all-night stay In the car near Millican for two 15-year-old Bend youths last night. Larry Musgrave, 15, son ef Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Musgrave, .1205 Davenport, and Kenneth Ogle, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogle, 1231 llEaca, took the Musgrave car friMut 9:30 p.m. last night. They headed toward Burns. In side .'Uje, car were extra clothes the boys had taken from their homes. When they got to Millican, the pair decided to call off the trip and .return to Bend. In turning around, they became stuck in the snow alongside the road. So they spent the night there. When morning came, they hitch hiked back to Bend. They turned themselves in to the Juvenile Court of Judge D. L. Penhollow about 10 p.m. They told Judge Penhollow they didn't know where they were go ing. They said they just wanted to "get away." But when they got away they said, they decided that they would return to Bend instead of continuing on. Neither has a driver's license. C. M. Rasmussen dies at age 89 Chris M. Rasmussen, 89, who lived at 1034 E. 10th in Bend, died at the Ebenezer Nursing Home this morning. He was born Oct. 1, 1872, in Denmark and had been a school teacher and musician most of his life. Survivors include brothers An drew P. Rasmussen, Montesano, Wash., and Arthur Rasmussen, address unknown; a half brother, Charles A. Robinson, Portland; a nephew, Frank R. Rasmussen, Exira, Iowa; and a niece, Mrs. Elsie Gault, Reno. Services will be announced la ter by Niswonger and Reynolds. &!ffjvimMmm mux. Markets : Mrs. Carles, 34, accident victim PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) -Livestock: Cattle 400; good 880 lb heifers 23; few standard 19-21; utility cows 13.50-16; canner-cutter 12 llSO; 79 head choice 730 lb feed er steers 25. ' halves 75; good-choice vealers 28-33; standard 23-27, POTATO MARKET PORTLAND (UPI) Potato market: .Ore. local Russets No 1A 100 lb 2.75 3.00; Deschutes Russets No lA 2.85-3.10; 6-14 oz 3.25 - 3.50; bakers 3.00 3.25; Idaho Russets No 1 2.00-2.15. DAIRY MARKET PORTLAND (UPI) Dairy market: Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 50-S3c; AA large 47-50c: A large 46-48C: A A medium 43-46c; AA small 35 37c; cartons l-3c higher. will be held tonight at 8 o'clock, at the Deschutes County library auditorium. Auxiliary members serving coffee will be Mrs. E. S. Strother and Mrs. Madison Davis. Cub Scout pack No. 25 will meet tonight at 7:30 in the fellowship hall of the new First Presbyter ian Chinch, 230 Woodland Lane. Squara dancers will meet to night at the Rimrockers ilall in Prineville, with dancing to start at 8:30 p.m. Larry Musgrave will be caller. Refreshments will be served. All interested in square dancing will be welcome, those in charge report. Jerry C. Panstian, airman ap prentice in the U.S. Navy, report ed earlier this month to the Naval Air Technical Training Unit at Jacksonville, Fla. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. X;. Panstian, 840 Portland Avenue. Before en tering the Navy, in September, 1961, he was graduated from Bor ah High School at Boise, Idaho. Seventh-Day Adventist Dorcas Society will sponsor a food sale Thursday. January 25. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Montgom ery-Ward order office. One of the specialties will be home-made bread, with both white and whole wheat varieties to be offered, ac cording to those in charge. Thursday calendar: City Rec reation Department hobby class sign-up, 1:30-3 p.m., Harmon Craft House; PEO Sisterhood Founder's Day luncheon, Pine Tavern, 1 p.m.; NOW Thimble Club with Mrs. Dave Carlin, 1 Deschutes Place. January meeting of the Des chutes County Humane Society will be Thursday, January 25, at 7 p.m. in the district courtroom at the county courthouse. Reaular dessert meeting of the Tahawus Toastmistress Club will be Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Superior Cafe dining room. Ladies of Elks will meet Thurs day at 8 p.m. in the dining room at the BPOE Temple. R. J. Haf- stad will show slides of last sum mer's convention in Bend, includ ing the style show presented by the local women. Alcoholics Anonymous members and others interested in work of the group will join in an open meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. Per sons calling EV 2-4780 will re ceive additional information and the meeting place. Central Oregon Pacers, go-kart racing club, will meet Friday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the district court room at the county courthouse. All interested In go- cart racing are invited. A rummage sale will be held January 26 and 27 by Circle 4 of the Catholic Altar Society, in the former Lumbermens Insurance Agency quarters on Oregon Ave nue. Hours will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. L J. St. Claire dies en route from Portland Margaret E. (Bond) Carles, 34, Leslie J. St. Claire, 61, LaPine, born July 9, 1927, in Bend, died died of a heart attack Tuesday Monday morning from injuries I evening while returning home suffered in an auto accident in 1 from Portland. Boulder City, Nev. i Mr. St. Claire, driving home Mrs. Carles, who lived in Bend with his wife, slipped off the a oirl u,a oroHnaiwt frnm Fn. I road near M a u p i II . He was gene High School in 1945. For the i brought to a past six years she was a nurses doctor's office in aid at the University of Oregon Hospital in Portland. She was married December 9 to Harold Carles, making his home in Los Gatos, Calif. Other survivors include her mother, Mrs. Minnie Bond, Bend; four sisters. Mrs. William Ander son of Redmond, Mrs. Norman Brandvold of Portland, Mrs. Da vid Phelps of Berkeley, Calif., and Mrs. Howard Brandvold, Salem; several niees and nephews. Services are tentatively set for 2 p.m. Friday in the Niswonger and Reynolds Chapel. Burial will follow in Greenwood Memorial Cemetery. Pl.ans for rural area group'made A preliminary meeting of the Rural Area Development nomi nating committee was held last night at the courthouse. Judge D. L. Penhollow is chairman, and other members are Kessler Can non and Donald Conner, Bend, and Jack Eberhard, Redmond. All but Cannon were present. The area development group is to work under Extension Service guidance in making long - range plans for coordinating industrial, agricultural, recreational and cul tural growth. All phases of the economy are to be represented on the permanent committee. Judge Penhollow left today for Phoenix, Ariz., where this subject will be one receiving attention at the western region convention of the National Association of Coun ty Officials. Mrs. Penhollow ac companied him on the trip. They are traveling by bus. Polio benefit due at LaPine Special to The Bulletin LaPINE Final arrangements are taking shape for LaPine's po lio benefit party, set for Friday, January 26. The party will be at 8 p.m., in the LaPine school gymnasium, with Central Oregonians invited to attend. A varied program has been planned. There will be volleyball and basketball. Games will be played, and prizes will be award ed. Women attending are asked to bring pies. In and Out I of hospitals A In Central Oregon j. BEND New patients at St. Charles Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Lew b Beall, 18 Broadway; Merrill Ross, Route 1; Mrs. Herbert Ty cer, Madras; Mrs. Phillip Dilley, Route 1; Mrs. A. W. Hansen, Route 1; Miss France Tliomp- nn 1lAnl V. M.. Benu wnere ne was ueui on wimam McMillan. 1422 Ithaca: nval- Mrs. Emil Stripling. 1220 S. Third: Mr. St. Claire had a heart con-1 Anton ftad, 529 Delaware; and dMon. j R0geri $, and Gregory, 10, sons Born Dec. 22, 1900, In "Winne- of Mrs. Wilma Marcoulier, Route mucca. Nev., he worked as a boil-1 1, for tonsillectomies, er maker for the Southern Pacific 1 Reccntiy dismissed were Bern railroad and had resided In La-,ard Bcnd. John iIoppcr, Pine the past year. j Ben(1. Mr. Frfmces Veran. Bend; Survivors include his widow, ; Mrs. William Davis, Bend; Alex Lora C, LaPine; a stepson. W. Aschenbrenner, Madras: Mrs. El L. Taylor, Portland; and three roy Waldron, Bend: Mrs. Joseph grandchildren. j Sellers, LaPine; and Jeanice Kof- Catholic services, under the di-' ford. Bend. rection of Niswonger and Rey nolds, will be announced later. Contributions to the heart fund would be appreciated. Johnson rites held on Tuesday Graveside funeral services for Mrs. Hilda M. Johnson, a former Bend resident, were held Tues- REDMOND REDMOND New patients at Central Oregon District Hospital are: Thomas Gibson, Mrs. Cora Lucas, Mrs. James Estep, Dian na Cuddeback, Mrs. Richard Bow man, Madras; Henry Kuhl, Mrs. Guinn Peden, Mrs. Marion Smith, Elaine Martin, Mrs. Robert Whit aker, William Hughltt, John A. Smith, Dcbra Felkins, Mrs. Bertie Coolcy, Georgo Fairfield, Red- day afternoon in Pilot Butte ceme-1 mon! tumta winisnut, wa tery. She died January 16 in San ! Pok- Wa Springs; Jack Robin- DIcco, Calif., where she had made her home since last September. She lived in Bend two and a half years before that. Mrs. Johnson was the aunt of Mrs. Carl H. Krook, 750 Ogden Avenue. The Rev. R. E. Ylvisaker of the First Lutheran Church officiated at the rites. Pallbearers were A. S. McCulloch, George Thompson. A. B. Lingerfelt and Otto W. Hei- der Jr. Heider's Bend Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. HELD IN JAIL A 15-vear-old Bend girl was held in the county jail yesterday, after being called In for questioning by juvenile authorities for truancy and incorrigibility at home. She was continued on probation by Judge D. L. Penhollow, rather than being committed to Hillcrest Home for Girls. son, Metolius; Anna Loftin, Prine ville; Mrs. Pete Ulam, Culver. Dismissed were: Mrs. Don Hood, Dorothy Simpson, Mrs. Bea trice Lowry, Mrs. James J. Estep, Clifford Ward Sr., Diana Cudde back, Nancy Hamilton, Thomas Givson, Madras; Mrs. R. K. Hag lund, Sisters; Mrs. Paul Hess, Culver; James Dent, Terrebonne: Lasco Gilbert, Warm Springs; Warren Gridley, Mrs. Marion Smith, Mrs. Zula Mooney, Mrs. Guinn Peden, Mrs. Charles Brint nall, Henry Gardner, Debra Fel kins, John H. Smith, Mrs. Pete Petleawich, Mrs. William Doan and baby girl, Mrs. Bertie Cooley, Redmond. Born January 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lochrie of Terrebonne was a daughter, Nancy Hope. Birth weight was 6 pounds, 8 ounces. It's a girl, Pamela Ann, for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitaker of Redmond. Born January 21, sho weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. PEOPLE STOP TO ENJOY ITS FLAVOR A MILLION TIMES A DAY mm Square dance lessons will be given again Saturday, January 27, at the VFW Hall, with Wiz Wis dom to be the caller. Instructions will start at 8:30 p.m. Organization meeting of the tailoring course offered winter term by Central Oregon College will be Thursday, February 1. at 8 p.m. In the Junior High School sewing" room. The meeting was postponed from tomorrow night because of the weather, according to Mrs. John Stenkamp, instruc tor. The Rim Rock Riders will hold a dance Saturday, February 27, at the club house. Music will be by the Earl Drake Trio from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. All adult members and their families are invited. Ladies are asked to bring sand wiches. The club house will open at 9 p.m. ASK ABOUT 'BILL-PAYING" LOAN 59c ALKA SELTZER any 44' 1.25 ANACIN TABLETS Only 93c 69c RUBBING ALCOHOL my 23 2.85 EMPIRIN COMPOUND 250's Only 2.19 Reg. 7.95 General Electric PLASTIC VAPORIZER Quick, Friendly attention. Save time. Pay all your bills at once. A First National Loan costs less than other monthly payment plans. fa FIRST NATIONAL H1N IS cr origon 'fyUfgK to oviw eoaooo omooe) pior.ii 1.25 COUGH SYRUP decongestant omy89c 53c IPANA TOOTHPASTE Giant omy43c 1.39 WHITMAN ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 1.19 NASAL SPRAY Abiotic1"5.1 ...omy93c Reg. 3.95 QO CORICIPIM TABLETS IL Only $119 1.69 DRISTAN TABLETS i nn mp rra h aird RESSING For Men nn183 2.00 QUICK PINCURL PERMANENT a only$1.39 A9C POLIDENT DENTURE CLEANER 53 1.00 ALBERTO V-05 HAIR CONDITIONER 2&831 1.09 LIQUID METRECAL YniSE... Qt 95 MAG ILL DRUG CO. Your Friendly Family Gold Bnd Drug Stor 1 1 7 Oregon Ave. Phone EV 2-5361 m Many More Added Tohh Group p 1 COATS & SUITS I I Re-grouped and-Re-priced S J 3M5E"olU0.00 Y2 PRICE 1 iForExample: 100 Wool Betty Rose Coat For As Little As" $20 Vj U " V -Rack-Cocktail & U ?S,n . I Large KacK IdubseOiI Safe! Ladie,' , 1 SHOES G2 J"G TABlK I ffe...- d00 JijWCE M i Values 700 fiSF -m l2 PKIU TABU Jeans, Odds n At Snow and Jeans, -M Going Half P"cel A Few Ueti - to 1 Off liRL;rDR5sK REDUCED 4 p3 Be Sure To Vote College District Election Tuesday, Jan. 30 900 WALL GV . IV r