The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 23, 1962, Page 2, Image 2

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mate licks
The tears in Tom McNeeIey'
eyes spoke louder than words. He
had hit rock bottom in the box
ing world.
The Arlington, Mass., heavy
weight, who battled Floyd Patter
son for the heavyweight cham
pionship Just a few weeks ago,
was beaten In 10 rounds Monday
night by unknown Don Prout, 192,
of Providence an old sparring
partner for McNeeley, who
weighed 201'4.
In his dressing room, McNeeley
sat with head bowed, speechless.
"I'll talk for Tom," his manager,
Peter Fuller, told newsmen. Full
er didn't have much to say.
"Naturally we are very disap
pointed at the outcome of the
fight," Fuller said. "What we
want now is to fight Prout
again." McNeeley shook his head
but said nothing.
The 22-year-old Prout took a
split decision with judges voting
for McNeeley 45-44. 45-45 and 45
44. NCAA blasted
for ruling out
summer games
cold winter, even here In Cali
fornia, and now basketball coach
es Forrest Twogood of Southern
California and Sax EUlot of Los
Angeles State say the National
Collegiate Athletic Association al
ready has ruined their summer.
Twogood, whose Trojans are
fourth-ranked nationally, and El
liot Monday blasted the NCAA for
ruling out summer-league basket
ball games something mat will
make their Jobs harder in the fall.
EUlot, never one to hold back
on criticism, told the Southern
California Basketball Writers
weekly luncheon that the NCAA
Is " bunch of baggy pants ad
ministrators." The NCAA recently passed a
nil prohibiting college athletes of
Its member schools from play
ing on outside teams even when
school is not in session.
'The NCAA should recommend
a ruling back to the institutions
for action," Elliot said. "Instead,
they take the action out of a cen
tral body. Why a guy can t even
play church-league ball now.
Normally, basketball players
from USC, UCLA and the other
local colleges as well as some
who live here and attend other
schools play with their team
which Is sponsored by a business
firm. Second team all-Americas
John Rudometkin of USC and Bill
McGIU of Utah played here last
Now, players will have that
much less practice with team
members before school starts.
Twogood, who voiced his discon
tent on the summer league prob
lem, also said another NCAA rule
is reauy going u nun wesi
Coast schools."
"That's the rule," he explained,
"that makes a junior college
transfer sit out a year or miss
j any post-season playoffs the first
I year.
"I'm on an NCAA basketball
committee and I still didn't quite
I know which rules were passed or
how they operate. You don't find
out until you've broken one then
, they open up the book and point
it out."
! Stars ready
for Oregon
Indoor test
PORTLAND (UPD-A flock of
stars including Dyrol Burleson,
Jim Grelle, Jim Beatty, Rex Caw
ley, Lasjlo Taborl, Boh Avant,
Parry O'Brien and others will
compete In the second Oregon In
door Track and Field moet here
Saturday night.
Last year's event drew some
8.000 fans and meot director Bob
Newland said he was hopeful of
even a belter turnout this year.
Burleson and Grelle, two of the
world's best mllers, will compete
in that event while Beatty wi
run hi the 1.000 yard race. Burle
son could threaten the world in
door mile mark of 4:01.3.
Cawley, of Southern California
will compete in the 500 yard run
against Norm Monroe and Gary
Comer of Oregon State and Keith
Thomassen of Santa Clara Youth
Tabor), now of the Los Angeles
Track Club, will run the two-mile
against Bill Boyd of Oregon State
and the Air forces Bob Sclml.
Elino Callcia will represent the
Bend Athletic Assn.
Avant, Southern Cal's spectacu
lar high jumper, will be trying
for seven feet again. Former
Stanford ace Phil Fchlen, who has
gone 6-10, and Oregon's young
Terry Llewellyn, who has jumped
6-8, will compete.
O'Brien will compete in 111'
specialty, the shot put, along with
Lt. Jay bilveslcr. Uarreil Horn
of Oregon State will broad jump.
Some 130 athletes will Uike part
in the 16 events.
2 The Bend Bulletin,
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TOP BEND SCORER Jan Bowlui, 6-1 senior forward, led
Bend scoring with 13 points at Hermiifon Saturday, Bruins,
who lost to Hsrmliton 61-42, hope to get back on win trail
hers againif Redmond Saturday, Team is idle Friday night.
Posts playoff victory
Doug Ford all-time
top money winner
By Hal Wood
UPI Staff Wrlttr
Dashing Doug Ford, the world's
fastest golf player, took over to
day also as the world's greatest
The man from Paradise (Flor
ida, that is) won $5,300 Monday
when he captured the Bing Cros
by National Pro-Amateur tourna
ment while beating off Joe Camp
bell on the first hole of a sudden-
death playoff.
Ford also picked up another
$1,000 in the pro-amateur division
but that doesn t count in the of
ficial standings.
Doug now has a total of $283,-
338 to his credit in the postwar
era since standings were kept
starting in 1947. Dr. Cary Middle-
coff, who finished out of tho mon
ey here, moved back to second
place with $282,948. Sam Snead is
next in line with $268,439, followed
by Arnold Palmer with $283,329.
Ford, who races after his ball
the moment he hits it, and then
refuses to take more than a
glance when lining up a putt, said
he would play in one more tournv
ment on the western part of the
tour the Lucky International at
San Francisco starting on Thurs
day. "1 ve never dono very well In
PRICE. Car sales art booming. It's a
great year to get a great deal. But be
fore you buy, check your Dodge Dealer.
CHEVY BISCAYNE 'X.',"""- 52324
of m ch"dif
hit will
elrtf fr-inil
rvif ff
)(' to-ii tim tit Mf) Jftd
4lti'illKM CfUfgt ttUL
Wall & Greenwood Bend, Oregon
TuesdayJanuary 23, 1962i
the West playing golf," said Ford
after his victory. "1 even consid
ered not coming out here. The
weather is always terrible at
least in tho 14 years I've played
here. They should hold the tour
nament in the fall."
Ford and Campbell ended the
regulation 72 holes with scores of
286 the only men in the field of
162 professionals who broke par
on the three storm-battered cours
es. Young Phil Rodgcrs of La
.Folia. Calif., finished in third
place with a 288 even par for the
Campbell got $3,400 for second
place. Rodgeis, who won the Los
Angeles Open, got $2,200.
Nevada 71 Nevada Southern 51
Stanford 67 Washington St. 51
Lafayette 58 Albright 49
Bottineau 74 Dickinson Tchr 72
Appalachian 81 Atlantic Christ. 61
Maryland 71 Miami (Fla.) 68
Ohio State 91 Purdue 65
Michigan St. 84 Minnesota 79
Texas Coll. 85 Tex. Southern 81
Wayland 71 SL Jos IN.M.) 66
PERFORMANCE. Dart has the most
powerful standard six in the business.
With its standard V8, the car has a
phenomenal power-to-weight ratio.
SAFETY. Dart gives more braking
power-per-pound than any car near its
price. As much as 62 more lining
area. Brakes adjust themselves.
completely rustproofed. You can go
32,000 miles between grease jobs. A
battery saving alternator is standard
equipment for fast, surt starting.
COMFORT. Plenty of headroom and
legroom. Chair-high seats. Man-size
suiitnttd tfUil
t tow MiltriL
tn ft bumpof
x fQQf Qrouncj fnQ cne$f
601 -
By Oscar Fraley
UPI Staff Wrlttr
MIAMI (UPI) Tills fellow
from Arkansas claims to weigh
601 pounds and his wife is a
svelte 225 but "there ain't never
no talk" in their house about
diets or reducing.
That's because Haystack Cal
houn, out of Morgan's Corner,
Ark., is a wrestler billed on the
grunt and groan circuit as "The
Gentle Giant" and he don't take
kindly to those "skinny, scrawny
kind of gals."
There is a suspicion that Hay
stack may be gilding the bucket
of suet a little.
For he looks to be only about
550 pounds, or so. But he's b-i-g,
one of the largest in what he
calls "scuffin' " whether you fig
ure it in pounds or gate appeal.
Haystack drew 33,080 fans into
'Number two'
wrestlers lead
Bruin mat win
By Mlkt Stahlberg
Bullttln Staff Wrlttr
Inclement weather and bad road
conditions forced The Dalles
wrestling team to postpone Its
scheduled meet with Bend Friday.
But the weather wasn't bad
enough to stop coach Tom Win-
bigler's mat squad, wrestling
number two men In varsity posi
tions In the majority of the weight
classes, from traveling to Madras
Saturday and handing the White
Buffaloes a 46-10 defeat.
The win was Bend's third In five
dual meets and Its second over
Madras, beaten by the Bruins 44
8 earlier this year. The junior var
sity won by a 21-12 score.
I thmk those number two men
did a real fine job," Coach Win-
biglor remarked.
The Bears next scheduled meet
Is at Redmond, January 26.
The varsity results (Bend 46-
Madras 10):
98 pounds Madras forfeited to
Dan Jarvis: 108 Ellis (M) pin
ned Dick Marcoulier: 115 Joe
Devenport (B) pinned Gibson; 123
Doug Feser IB) pinned Ruf-
ner; 130 Don Jacobson (B) dec.
Randolph; 136 Bob Booze (B)
pinned Gregg; 141 Harvey
Freeman IB) dec. Attcberry; 148
Mike Ward IB) dec. Surrat;
157 Frank Choato (B) pinned
Davis: 168 Bennie Dexter (B)
pinned Early; 178 Mike Peder
son IB) pinned Farrell; 191
Austin Creson IB) drew with John
son; Heavyweight Hoptowit
(M dec. Fred Hamm.
The junior varsity results (Bend
21-Madrag 12): '
115 pounds Jon Pelers (B)
drew with Calica; 115 Berry (M)
pinned Jon Peters; 130 John
Horton (B) dec. Arthur; 130
John Horton IB) pinned Daughcr
ty; 141 Dell Davis IB) pinned
Lagherty; 148 Mark Luelling
(B) dec. Evland; 148 Ken
Booze IB) dec. Butcher; 157
Pete Marcoulier (B) pinned Alex
San Francisco Forty Niners have
signed their No. 3 draft choice,
fullback Bill Ray Smith of the
University of Mississippi. Doctors
believe he will be fully recovered
from auto accident injuries he
suffered last month.
Chicago's Comiskey Park and
once, at Jacksonville, "played" to
9.000 while down the street the
local baseball team drew only 340
The body beautiful, as personi
fied by Marilyn Monroe, boasts
measurement of 39-23-37. Hay
stack's tape measure screams out
an incredulous 72-62-54. That's six
feet around the chest and five-feet-two
around what passes as a
Pays Big
Laugh at it, if you will, but
Haystack can chuckle all the way
to the bank. He wrestles three
and four nights per week and
earns better than $150,000 a year.
The Calhouns need It, too, the
price of meat and potatoes being
what they are. Because Haystack
considers it a light breakfast
when he puts away a dozen eggs,
Sports queen DeAnna Allen
Is fascinated by a new elec
tronic motorized fish lure,
but we're more fascinated by
Redskins sign
forgotten QB
Hall, Penn State's "forgotten
quarterback," signed a contract
today with the Washington Red
skins of the National Football
Hall, who wasn't on anybody's
All-America team and wasn't even
on the draft list of a single NFL
team, wound up as one of the
outstanding stars of post-season
bowl games.
Tho balding, chunky quarter
back, rated too short by pro stan
dards, wrecked Georgia Tech in
the Gator Bowl with four touch
down passes. He also led a team
of college All-Stars to victory in
the first U.S. Bowl game played
here Jan. 7 beating a squad
coached by Bill McPeak of the
"Ho licked us single-handedly,"
McPeak said, "and I liked what
I saw. He's a fine field general
and an excellent short passer. I
think we've got a sleeper in this
Hall for a while was considering
a baseball career and also was
contacted by the Boston Patriots
of the American Football League
and two Canadian teams. But he
preferred the NFL and according
to McPeak was "delighted" when
the latter approached him after
the U.S. Bowl game here.
Hall, whom Penn State coach
Rip Engle rated "a second coach
when he's on the field," was
named outstanding player in both
the Gator and U.S. Bowl contests.
tires that put plenty of rubber on the
road. Smooth Torsion-Aire ride.
SIZE. The new size Dodge Dart is
two feet shorter than America's larg
est car. Two feet bigger than the
smallest It's sized right In the middle.
two pounds of bacon, a dozen and
a half hot biscuits and a half
gallon of milk. For dinner he has
a five-pound steak, a water buck
et full of vegetables, a loaf of
bread and another half gallon of
It might take a ringful of psy
chiatrists to explain what makes
rasslin' such a big draw, it being
alleged in quite a few corners
that it isn't strictly on the up and
level as a contest. But the Miami
Beach Convention Hall assuredly
will be jammed Friday night
when Haystack and his partner,
Ray Villmer, waddle into action
in a team match against the vil
lains of the piece, Kurt and Karl
von Brauner.
In Ovtrallt
Haystack will "pleasure" his
fans by appearing as usual in
overalls and with his good luck
National League signs most
'61 college football stars
NEW YORK (UPI) - Most of
the outstanding 1961 college footr
ball players have shown a prefer
ence for signing with National
Football League clubs, although
the young American League has
done better in the talent war than
last year.
A United Press International
survey showed that, of the 44
signed players who were among
the top 10 draft picks of clubs in
both leagues, 27 have joined NFL
teams, 13 have gone to the AFL,
3 have accepted Canadian offers
and one is a disputed dual signee.
The champion Green Bay Pack
ers, New York Giants, Los An
geles Rams and Cleveland
Browns have been the most suc
cessful NFL teams in signing
draft choices.
In the AFL, the champion
Houston Oilers, San Diego Charg
ers and Buffalo Bills have had
the best luck.
Of the six players who were
made the No. 1 choices of teams
in both leagues, all six have
signed with the NFL. This group
includes Ernie Davis of Syracuse,
the most highly sought collegian
In this year's crop.
Davis was drafted on the first
round by both the Washington
Redskins of the NFL and the Buf
falo Bills of the AFL. The Red
skins traded Davis' draft rights to
the Cleveland Browns, who signed
him for a record $85,000, three
year contract.
The other top picks who chose
the NFL were: Gary Collins,
Maryland (Cleveland over the
Boston Patriots): Roman Gabriel,
North Carolina State (Los Ange
les Rams over the Oakland Raid
ers); Merlin Olsen, Utah State
(Los Angeles over the Denver
9-oz. Glass Beer QC
Bottle Beer 15'
Pitcher Beer 4QC
64 West 14th St. On Century Drive Arch McPhee & Jim Mc Donald
charm around his neck. This Is a
locket composed of a horseshoe
pendant from a logging chain.
"I got to wear them over
hauls ho evnlains. "Mv pappy
don' tole me long ago it's down
right indecent to take on yore
clothes in front of women folk."
Haystack professes that he got
into rasslin' once when he was
"foolin' around scufflin' " and a
promoter saw him.
"Yo' mean you'U pay me for
scufflin'?" Haystack asked open
mouthed. "Yo' mean I can make
a livin" doin" the things I love
The man assured him it was so,
and "danged if it wasn't"
Haystack's most effective weap
on in the ring is what he calls
the "big splash" when Haystack
hurls his massive poundage into a
recumbent opponent.
Broncos); Bob Ferguson, Ohio
State (Pittsburgh Steelers over
the San Diego Chargers), and
Ron Bull, Baylor (Chicago Bears
over the Dallas Texans).
Podres handed
good pay hike
Podres, dean of the Los An
geles Dodgers' pitching staff at
29, had his reward today for post
ing an 18-S won and lost record
last season with an increase in
The Dodgers announced the left-
handed hurler had been given a
good increase. Podres was esti
mated to have received $25,000 last
year and was believed to have
gone up to around $30,000.
Podres had the best winning
percentage in the National League
last season and might have done
even better despite a bad back
but missed the final week of play
because of the death of his father.
Oregon Tech
hosts SOC five
By United Press International
Oregon Tech seeks to Increase
Its lead In the Oregon Collegiate
Conference basketball race to
night with a game against South
ern Oregon at Klamath Falls. The
Owls now are 4-1.
Portland State plays Oregon
College of Education at Mon
mouth in another counting contest.
You Are Invited
To Help Us Celebrate Our
Saturday, January 27
In appreciation of your valued
patronage during the 3 years
in our present location, we are
celebrating by offering
Only - 9 P.M.
bond issue for five additional
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School on the edge of Portland
was approved 141 to 29 here Mon
ON $ ;
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