The Bend Bulletin, Monday, January 22, 1962 OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE TELEVISION IN REVIEW 'American in Orbit' also offers listeners a bonus car cun way CARNIVAL . ,,.a,B. IMMIUJIJJ MllliMH ' LJIllll J I i -. . t-THlUXHOU CAMAW6LL,A1.L right f-r .!. ?1T .h'-Cxi i X'Tt "T r ESATiLAOS.T. REALIZE THAXt oe n Mt&t He- flM TuT aiife j" fws" yir" ' TO STEVE CANYON ' ; . '.. '-?iANP SHE "1 fWwT IT'i-Wxx) BSTCHA) AND I THE SPSaATOBS ATTH6 SNOW PALL ARE BUT FOTSET KNOWS WHAT :ihlTyi---aQ2jM wUCDCf B-iHE'S- liHEi BEUISTEKEP -4 STVNNEP...THEV PONT KNOW WHETHER, To PO-tHE WALKS AWAY I I iF WINNEK ISY&I V ACOW' ilNTHEAOeiCULTUES TO LAUOH.OE CEV FOR THE TWO-LEOOSP FROM THE 6YM SO SHE -2 !l mi atte : (1S)ri "(. SCHOOL ALL LtVSAL. . CANPIDAT6S WHO HAVE LOST1D THE BIO, WON'T HAVE TO SEE 1HS iiVTe BLONPEANP BROWN-EVEP BOVINE.... FACE OF THE HUMILI- DICK TRACY . AND SO AS THE TWO tAKb MAIC-H WHEN PROJECTED OVER EACH OTHER IIARY WORTH i ill, i I I I I ii'-cvh x j n I mm - . . i j r. .v wi LI'LABNER " THAT KJOSV OLD DOLl") 1 -NAMELV.TO CONTROL ? ( MAKIN' ME, FLEEGLE, ) V I CAN'T WASTE ONE. K. I AINTGONNASTANdV "VOU KNOW WHO" TH'POWERBEHIKJD V MORE PRECIOUS VOLT OF BETWKN ME wftJvY BVTH'PfXESIDEKlTIAL: I TH' ROCKIM' CHAIR.'.' HR-f LIFE'S AMBITION V WHAMMV jff, V RESOTO CRUDER REX MORGAN. M.D. :. ' i i ? ."fl TOLD YOU. !13 r IDONTUKEAYOU D0NTKN0W1 I HERE, DRINK THIS TVi" ik - - "fmiiZiJ VIRO-NOTUHTIUT WHAT WtVE bEH ) HORACE LAPTON LIKEY ( 1 DON'T LIKE MEN I Jp, " PLEASE. 10RA...WHYW WE TAKE OVER JL DOINO TO HI, 1 I .DO, DARUNG. 'HE'S ) j WHO ARE SOFT L . DO WE WAIT? LET'S -PK HORACE LAETONS ftil . LORA-. A ONLY 0ETTIN6 WHAT g - . . V f CAPTAIN EASY WHY, I AIN'T SEEN HIWTOPAY, SOW. "'HI I OUH-H.,.BAWI0Ey! HftX UT. SON-HfO WEVEKl IIW SUSISR'S 80SS1 AUDI 0ONT7 PUH-H...M0! POP, TT. HB WA 60IW PISHIN' AT PAYSREAK, f OOT Wt TO LOAM W PA TRUST N0B0DV WIO SWALLOW WS COCK ANP BULL PEY WASN'T WJTW PUH-H...P0P! vZ remeuBBM up.. T WHITeWINSS'FUMP.AN1 HI SWAS-.MUCH L6M STORY EITHER'. HE 8BTRAVEP 1 IN UNK'S BOX 8UT WHERE'S PAT 'iif-c rnrfe!3FM '"" PIT UP HIS LOOT-BOX TRY LEAPW'YOU ASTBAY1 OUR TRUST, ANO STOLB THAT 1 PAPER! AN' NOW HE LOW-POWN SKUNK. KTOalPCB J AS SBCURITYiONLY-y HE PR0MISEP-HMW1 r llrOOO HllASELFl TEsk RUN OPF WIP PA .r 1 'VvtelT. .Ml" 'FSBjl I l.lMfl wmi J. . I lUCAtlufUlir All iicad,.,. uh iirrr.i' I V.f' I : .UiyS--, WTdM SSSl,E 'MARyArACTDiWny'g, .k'J.W. ICO! I THOUGHT I t FORGOT ) MONEY !..IU N?EO K w, wtNT T DRIVER ! f0N THE STEPT YOU WERE W YOUR 50METHING, J I6000BYE! r-tnouCH TO 61T THE ,, ur fnsr MV WAln ' ' PLEASE!-- S0f CITY HAIL- WAY OUT HOME TO 1 Cr H" CAR ACROSS THE IT0J, C". JfN . ,WE'RE IN A 1 KlEZSST CICKUP THE CAR! jtsMcr-l BORDER-AND PAY T OURSELVES' MUSI HANOlU TERRIBLE J y ALLEY OOP " 'J- . t22IR, FRIEND OOP, j Y'KNCW, FCCZY, YLXI I I ..AN' TWES6 I'M SLAP T NEAR, THOSE ) I'M 50NNA LEAVE THEM ) Or MAN O MAN, THAT EVERY SINCSL6 I JUST DONT KNOW WiTS OP ( W0RP3 FROM OU I'LL I IN YOUR CARE, WHILE J i WAS A etXO . I BnE WirE ZEL V WHAT A LLO.Y6UY OURS V TELL YAVHAT I'M j-S ME AN' 2EL GO VK PINNER...VEZZIR.' CAN COX, 6HES YOU ARE.- FINE (OYS? v. SDNNA DO J V6RAB SOME AIR.'Jv'' I ' SURE ALL RH3HT? y -J ANY MAN WXJLoVr- rT (Cw W Vr wy -y k ' ' S' WE SEE THAT THEV BELONGED TO THE SAME! MAN, IN THIS CASS, TOMMY W-CONNY. m m i . . . . . : r . i- . i d t r r SOON THE PREFERRED WAV OF IDENTIFYING NEW BORN BABIES WILL BE BV .PHOTOGRAPHING THE EARS. KS- rTHE PHOTO WILL BE MADE THROUGH THIS TRANSPARENT PLASTIC HELD AGAINST THE BABYS EAR, THE LOWER , OiOT RPABIMT, TUF UnTUFD THUMB PRINT. By Fred Danzig NEW YORK UPI When you turn to a one-hour TV show for background on America's first man-in-orbit flight, you come away with a bonus. During the serviceable "Ameri can in Orbit" special on NBC-TV Sunday, some pertinent, interest ing bits of information came from a look at a few of the 10.000 companies now engaged in getting the $400 million Project Mercury off the launch pad. We also learned a little about a few of the U.S. tracking stations that are ready to check astronaut John Glenn's physical condition as he orbits by on Wednesday, or is it Whirrsday? , The bonus? During a visit to the tracking station at Guaymas, Mexico, the TV briefing branched off. Suddenly, we were touring the city and looking over shipments of cotton and shrimp, the princi pal exports of Guaymas. As Frank Gallop would say, "H-r-really." If thats how an hour must be filled before the big flight, can you imagine what encyclopedic gems must await us on Wednes day, when the networks have from four to six hours to fill with the Glenn story? "American In Orbit" also took us to Glenn's home town, New Concord, Ohio, for some sparkling anecdotes about the astronaut. And just before the big finish which was, of course, the intro duction of the news team that will be at Cape Canaveral for NBC-TV on launch day we sat in on a filmed interview with Glenn, whom narrator Frank McGee cor- I GEDl JONIUUI ruouaAM : 00 Hank Weaver New! 6: 10 Paul ltrvey New 6: IS 1110 Music Time 6:45 Alex Drier Newi . 7:no K-Benrt MunU-aJ Patrol S:3ft From the Capitol :SSNewa 9:00 Alex Drier Ood New 9:10 This EvenlnB'a Favorite! 9:20-Blll Owen-i Sports File 0:35 Thli Evening's Favorites News 10:00 Bandsland Mustc TUESDAI B: 00 TNT. News 6:30 Local News 6:4S Farm Kepurter 7:00 Frank Hemingway T.1S Momlna Melodies. News 7:30 Momlnar Roundup 8:00 Don Allen with the News. 8: 10 Northwest News 8:15 Honor Roll of Music. Naws 9 00 Bulletin Board 91 05 Honor Roll of Music 9:30 Tne Song and tha star 9 45 Top limes 10:00-On The Lllhw Side 10:15 Music Time 10:30 Local News 10:35 Music Tim 10:40 Golden Record Program 10:45 Music Time, News 11:15 Tello Test 11:30 Music Time. News 12:00 Noontime Melodies 13: 10 Today's Classifieds 12: 15 Sports Review 12:20 Noontime Melodlaa 12:30 Noon News 12:45 Farmers Hour 1:00 Magtc In Music 1:30 Preview hi Reading 1:45 Marie In Music News. 3:00 Five fjolden Minutes 2:05 Magic In Music. News 4:00 Frank Hemingway Newt 4:15 Paul Harvey Newg 4:25 Northwest News 4:30 Parade of Planers. Newt 4: 45 Speaking of Sportj 4:50 Parade of Puuters. News i:25-Locai News 5:30 Parade of PlAtter S: 55 Weather with Swayw 6.00 Newscer 30 Mantuvanl 6:4b 6 " 12 KPTV 8 KTVW News Central ABC News 7:00 Se Hawk 7:15 7:30 To Tell Tht Truth 7.45 Report to Cheyenn S 00 8 lb 8:30 8.45 Pet & Gladys Window on Main SL 9:00 9: 15 0:45 Danny Thomas Show Andy Griffith Show 10:00 10:15 10:45 Henncsey rvt Got A Secret Dr. Hea 11:00 U.15 U 30 1145 INLZtitscen ShoM-tlms on News A Weather Muvle U 6 45 6 00 15 6 30 6 45 7.00 Colkge ol the Air 7: 15 7 30 Cartoon Time 7:45 OEA Presents Charlie's KuundiKMisa 8 00 Captain Kansaroo 8:15 S:M 8:45 " Romper 9:00 Calendar 9: 15 9 30 I Love LtKT 9 45 Jack La Morning to 00 Video VtUae 10:15 to 30 Sutrrli Packam 10 45 " U : on Love of Lira 11:15 " 11:30 iVarvh trc Tomorrow 11 45 Guirttnt Llrht The Texan Yours for a Song 12:00 Hi. Nelshbor 13: 15 17 30 As ths World Turns 12 45 Cajnouflaga Make a rc 1 00 KOlN Kitchen 1 15 J.30 Howie Party 1 45 Day In Burnt 3 00 The Millionaire ? 15 2 w Verdict is Yours 3 45 Jane Seven 8 00 Brlihter 0y 8 15 Seen Sturm W Cdec of Nilht 8 45 Queen tor a Day Who Uu You rrustr 4 V ft!erfnjnl 4 15 4 Cartoon Circus 4 45 Ame'Van BAndi'sml Addie Uuotcns Shuw 5 00 RTky iM !,( Friends 5 15 Bruken Arrow 5 30 9 45 Newsrens Three Purer Thli Ins la mad up (mm tnftrmthi arctwu-y cannot he )iarnteie! hy Th rectly called, "the most important element in the effort." See, it wasn't shrimp or cotton after all. The interview with Glenn was cheerful, revealing and too short Glenn does very well on TV. But he's an old hand at it Remember in 1957 when he set a transcon tinental speed record? He took a bow, I believe, on "The Ed Sulli van Show." And about then he also had a successful run on "Name that Tune" as a contest ant. To an old TV watcher, it's almost as if they were sending Garry Moore aloft Dialing and Filing: A dramati zation of "Focus," Arthur Miller's unusual novel about the suffering of those who are mistaken for Jews in a neighborhood infested with militant anti-Semites, brought an hour Of vivid, withering com mentary to the TV tube Sunday afternoon. The NBC-TV special was adapted by Lee Pogostin and directed by Fielder Cook. James Whitmore, Colleen Dewhurst and Tom Bosley were effective in the starring roles. Although the tight TV script changed Miller's ending, it mattered little. The frightening, irrational behavior, the reign of terror that struck a neighborhood, remained firmly in focus. We couldn't keep the children awake late so they missed "Cir cus," Sunday night's sugar-candied and dandy "Project 20" pre sentation on "Du Pont Show of the Week." Anyhow, now the kids are sore at Mom and Dad, and Dad is sore at the schedule-acrobats for doing this to them. Only a re-run, fast, and at a decent hour, will set matters aright "All-Star Golf," on Saturday an ticipated Sunday's "Twentieth Century" and the subject of jet noise. The golf show had Arnold Palmer trying to concentrate on a 10-foot putt The gallery was quiet. But a jet, one of many that flew over during the match with Gary Player, roared and Palmer went ahead with his putt Missed it, too. And he was still able to smile. Th Chanrwl Swim: "Hollywood: The Talkies," a two-part special now being prepared by Wolper Sterling Productions, will pick up the story of motion pictures from the point where the recently aired "Hollywood: The Golden Years" left off. Rock Hudson and Hugh Downs are the guest stars for CBS-TV's "Jack Benny Program" of Sun day, Feb. 18 . . . Eduardo Cian nelli turns up as a patient in Blair General Hospital in "The Stepping Stone," a forthcoming episode in NBC-TV's "Dr. Kil dare" series. From the "CBS Reports" shop comes this programming report: "Carl Sandburg on Lincoln's Prair ie Years," filmed last year at New Salem and Galesburg, 111., is set for Thursday, Feb. 8. "Ei senhower on the Presidency, Part III." which includes the former President's views on contempor ary world leaders, the Supreme Court, farm issues, aid to educa tion, politics and the space race, will be aired Thursday, Feb. 22. New Beat MavTr Shrunk Reports Quirk Draw McUraw Portland National Velvet Price Is Right STUi Precinct Cuey Night Beat I Best of Parr Contemporary Math. American Gov. CarttJuner'a Club Teleeeupa Room Lanne Shuw Movlt Play Your Hunch Five U Riiht Conren'rtJi Your First Imprlm Tru'h or Consequences Jan Murray Show Loretta Young Shuw Young Dr. Maluna Our Flv Daughters Court A Alien Danny Thomas Show Here's HoUywout) Vman Ant ho lory keys Stuutfes Theater fttntlahod by TetoOstnn fttattone ant Us rA BnlttMfn. "A dime! Do you think this is answering the President's call for sacrifice?" Court reverses Beck convictions SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The U.S. Court of Appeals Saturday re versed four income tax evasion convictions against former Team sters Union President Dave Beck. However, the court af f i r m e d Beck's conviction on two counts of filing false information returns for Joint Council No. 28. Building Association. Beck was charged with saying the council had spent "substantially" more for building payments and alterations than had actually been spent. The tax counts covered income of Beck and his wife for 1950-53. Mrs. Beck was not involved in the charges. The counts charged that Beck failed to report $344,167 in income and failed to pay $240,857 in taxes for the period. The court ordered the convic tions set aside and a new trial be held on the income tax charges. Beck was convicted in 1959 at Tacoma, Wash. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment and ordered to pay costs totaling $11, 000 and fines amounting to $10,000. The Court of Appeals said in its opinion today that during the period 1950-53 Beck had embezzled $3fi5.000 from various unions with which he had been affiliated. GETS GHANA OFFER DUBLIN fUPlt-Former U.N. official Dr. Conor Cruise O'Brien said Sunday he will go to Ghana next month to discuss with Presi dent Kwame Nkrumah his offer of an academic post. O'Brien, former chief U.N. representative in Katanga, resigned from his post and from the Irish civil service in a protest against the alleged opposition of Britain and other powers to U.N. Congo policies. FIRE LOSSES RISE NEW YORK ( UPI i Fire losses in the United States increased 9.1 per cent to about $1.2 billion in 1961, the National Fire Under writers Board said . Sunday. The board said Die increase over 1960 was partly due to the disastrous forest fires in Los Angeles in November. . . John Grover, Norma Zimmer and Hale Sperk$, Standard School Broadcast cast memben will narrate this week's program of the 1962 musical travel series "MUSIC Passport to the World." The program will be heard Thursday at 11:00 A.M. on Radio Station KRCO. 690 - Chanel - "69" Liquidation of Castro favored SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) -Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., said Sunday the United Stales should proceed to liquidate the government of Cuba's Fidel Cas tro. "Castro's government is a full fledged, Kremlin, Communist ouU post," Goldwater said in a neU work radio broadcast. "We must liberate Cuba if we wish to preserve our own free dom," he said. "Our objective, like our enemy's, must not be peace or coexistence, but victory." In the past 10 years, Goldwater said, the United Slates "has fallen from an undisputed world power to the brink of disaster." License urged for TV station WASHINGTON (UPP-A state ment of findings on file today with the Federal Communications Commission urged the granting of a permit to W. Gordon Allen to build a television station at Sa lem. Ore. The proposed findings, filed by Washington attorneys Samuel Miller and Mark E. Fields, said Willamette-Land Television. Inc.. would be financially qualified to build the station. The federal broadcast bureau had not yet filed a proposed find ing. The statement filed in behalf of Allen's corporation said the com pany would need $SO.O0O for ini tial construction and operation costs. It said the money would come from a $60,000 stock subscription by Allen and a $20,000 loan from the First National Bank of Ore gon. Allen's attorneys made no men tion of a petition by the federal broadcast bureau to enlarge the issues to include Allen's charac ter qualifications to operate a TV station. No decision has yet been made on the petition.