The Bend Bulletin, Monday, January 15, 1962 2 T3 y -v - - - Eh REX TIES 'EM UP Typical of Bend Bruins' fighting play again.t The Dallas Saturday wai thii action where Re Chambers, lecond from left, fights with The Dalles' Loren Schacher, Watching are K. C. Kortge (30) of Tha Dalles, left, and Larry Golbrich (30) of Bend, far right. Bruins point for Pendleton Baker takes over IC hoop lead Inlermounra'n Conference W I. Baker Pendleton Hermiston La Grande Redmopd The Dalles Prineville Bend 0 , Saturday's scores: The Dalles 74, Bend 64 ', Baker 53, Pendleton 42 ' Redmond 51, Prinovlllo 47 OT) '. La Grande 53, Hermiston 52 By Bill Thompson Bulletin Staff Writer Bend fHgli basketball coach Chuck Hudson figures he learned a couple of things In Saturday's 74-64 loss to The Dalles Indians. "For one thing, Uiey can have tills two-platoon stuff," said Hud son. "J guess I out-coached my self In that second quarter, But, after you lose six games in a row, you start looking around. '"In practice, the second unit had kept pretty close to the first group all week. It didn't work out Uiat way in the game." Bend, after jumping to a 22-18 first-quarter lead, was drubbed 23 6 in that second quarter with, Uie second unit in. The Indians, leading 41-28 at the half, increased that margin to 63 46 after three quarters. 'But I was real proud of the way our boys fought back," Hud son added. "They got within eight points of The Dalles in the fourth quarter (66-5)1) and, if they could liavo closed it to six, we still would have had a chance. "And I learned another tiling. We're coming along. The fellows never gavo up Saturday, and, if it hadn't been for that second quarter, they might have won. We're just liable to give Pendle ton a little compel Hum this week end." Pendleton, Bend's foe next Fri day (there), lost to Baker 53-42 Saturday so the Bucks will be hun gry when they host Bend. And Hermiston, 53-52 victim at La Grande Saturday, will also be hungry for a win when it hosts Bend Saturday. But right now Ba ker, with a 4-0 record in league play, Is in the driver s seat. Bend, out of it as far as a berth in the A-l tourney at Eugene is concerned, still could play spoil er. The Bruins really hit the boards Saturday and scrapped for all they were worth. And they got fine performances from two big men, 6-5 Hex Cham bers (IS points) and 6-2 Lloyd Grant (16 points). Both were tough on the boards. It was The Dalles' first "away- from-home" win in more than three years, and the Indiana can thank big Ken Bailey. Bailey, who looks more like a football player than a hoopster, hadn't been able to crack six points in recent games. Saturday he hit nine of 17 from the field and two free throws for 20 points. Jerry PUand, who scored 13 of his IB points in the second half, propelled the Indians in tlie sec ond half. And it was Piland's steal and layup, with Bend trail ing only eight points midway through the fourth quarter, that cinched the game for the Indians. Bind (64) Bowlus Grant Chambers Hendricks Underwood Gclbrich Peterson Allison Olson Slate a 9 . 7-3 . 84 . 21-8 . 0-3 . 18-4 . 4.1 . 4-1 . 1-0 . 3-1 . 0-0 a-f 2-0 88 5-2 1- t 2- 1 0-0 10 2-1 00 2-1 pf-tp 2 6 75-25 23-14 IB 44 The Dalles (74) a-g a-f pf-tp Anghilante 8-4 3-2 4 10 Piland 13-7 7-5 1 19 Schacher 14-4 5-3 1 11 Bailey ..., 17-9 6-2 4 20 Kortge 2-1 1-0 3 2 Bilson 10-5 2-2 4 12 44-30 24-14 17 74 The Dalles 18 41 63 74 Bend 22 2C 46 64 Tlie Jayveo box: Bend (37) (34) The Dallas G. McKinncy 7 Gunderson 6 Oatman 9 Brummit 4 Shelton 4 10 Rowland 11 Compton 3 Cordray 0 McCoy 2 Jacroux Bend subs: De Sully 7. The Dal les subs: Craber 8. MEET IN FEATURE WORCESTER, Mass. (UPD- Larry Carney, unbeaten Lowell middleweight with a record of five straight knockouts, will meet Peachy Davis of Hartford, Conn., in an eight-round feature at Me chanics Hall Friday night, It was announced today by promoter Sam Silverman. ARRIVES FOR BOUT DORTMUND, Germany (UPD Pele Rademacher, former heavy weight challenger from Columbus, Ga., began final training prepara tions today for Saturday night's bout with Karl Mildenberger of Germany. Rademacher arrived here Sunday. MULLOY WINS TITLE ORLANDO, Fla. I UPD Gard ner Mulloy, now a frisky 47, won the Florida invitational tennis championship Sunday by defeat ing Ed Rubinoff of Miami, 3-6, 8-6, 6-1, 6-4. Ohio State lone unbeaten quint in dribble derby By United Press International Ohio State's magnificent Buck eyes reached the halfway mark of the 1961-62 college basketball season as the nation's only major unbeaten team, and from the looks of things they may wind up the campaign the same way. The Buckeyes were left all alone on the perfect record list when Mississippi State, a threat to Kentucky's bid for southern su premacy, lost to Vanderbilt, 100-86, Saturday night while Ohio State, the nation's top-ranked team, was making Michigan its 12th straight Victim, 88-64. Ohio State, still smarting from Its loss to Cincinnati in the NCAA finals last season the Buckeyes' only loss in 28 games now be gins pursuit of the Big Ten title. The victory over Michigan was Ohio State i second In conference play and left the Bucks tied with Wisconsin for first place. This week, Jerry Lucas & Co. tackle Minnesota in the first of 12 re maining games all against Big Ten rivals. Must Win Title The Buckeyes must win another Big Ten title outright to pursue another NCAA crown, because conference rules insist that in case of ties the team which last repre sented the conference must step aside. Ohio State got off to a sluggish start against Michigan, but once Lucas, John Havlicek and Mel Nowell began finding the range, it was strictly no contest. Lucas finished up with game high hon ors by scoring 21 points, while Havlicek had 18 and Nowell canned 14. Second-ranked Cincinnati, locked In a tough battle for the Missouri Valley Conference lead with Brad ley and Wichita, was idle Satur day as was fourth-ranked Ken tucky. The third-place Bearcats, who already have lost to praaiey (3-0) and Wichita (4-1) in confer ence play, hope to rebound against Dayton on Tuesday and Duquesne on Thursday in non-league games. Cincinnati is 3-2 In league play and 11-2 overall. Gains Revenge Third-ranked Southern Califor nia, upended by Washington on Friday night, gained revenge in a return match against the Huskies on Saturday, handing them a 78-64 beating to run Its record to 12-3. Oregon prep basketball Saturday Prep Basketball Marshfield 66 Springfield 40 Astoria 49 Beaverton 43 Willamette 57 North Bend 54 Thurston 42 Cottage Grove 39 North Eugene 51 South Eugene 45 Medford 76 Ashland 63 Klamath Falls 54 Crater 41 Baker 53 Pendleton 42 La Grande 53 Hermiston 52 Redmond 51 Prineville 47 The Dalles 74 Bend 64 Pleasant Hill 74 Central Linn 31 Oakridge 71 Drain 45 Elmira 54 McKenzie 39 St. Francis 61 Junction City 54 Sutherlin 50 Myrtle Creek 27 Riddle 50 Glendale 41 Eagle Point 57 Rogue River 44 Phoenix 51 Lakeview 50 Henley 50 Illinois Valley 47 Sherman 57 Grant Union 40 Bums 51 Heppner 50 Emmett (Idaho) 71 Vale 37 Ontario 64 Nyssa 29 Warrenton 46 Concordia 44 Bandon 67 Maplelon 48 Crow 53 Creswell 45 Myrtle Point 57 Douglas 47 Brookings 43 Pacific 33 Enterprise 43 Cove 23 Milton -Freewater 47 Dayton 41 Cascade Locks 44 Dufur 38 ALASKA COLOR MOVIES by JIM and BARBARA CLARK In Person H Hour Movie I Jim and Barbara Are Back Again with Exciting "NEW" ALASKA HUNTING & WILDLIFE FILM I Taken Last Summer & Fall HUNTERS TOOK 7 RECORD ANIMALS ON THIS TRIP BEND ARMORY WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17-8 P.M. Adults $1.25 Students 50c COME AND BOOK YOUR ALASKAN HUNT Preview Scenes On Outdoor Sportsman Channel 8 TV 6:30 P.M. Wednesday 1 "J a f Vi MY I k L' jjr h H 1 1 1 b f L Beat Pokes 51-47 Panthers take overtime win BRIAN MASSEY Hot in overtime PETTYJOHN TOP WRESTLER EUGENE (UPI) - Len Petty john of Portland State won his third straight 130-pound champion ship and was named the outstand ing wrestler of the third annual Oregon collegiate wrestling tour nament here Saturday. Four other defending champions gained titles. They were: jerry Perez, 123; Ron Finley, 147, and Tobe Zweygardt, 157, all of Ore gon State and Pat Clock, Lewis and Clark, 191. SOLVES LIGHT MYSTERY MOUNT CARMEL, 111. (UPI) -Mrs. Earl Allison solved Uie mys tery of Uie floating goosefeathers Friday.' For some time the feathers had been floating around the house. Mrs. Allison couldn't figure out where they were coming from. Then she discovered that her dog, Browner, couldn't find a place to bury a bone in the frozen ground. Instead he had been dig ging a hole In a feather mattress. Special to The Bulletin REDMOND Pretty soon they will be calling the Redmond Pan thers the "overtime kids." For the second time this sea son the Panthers nulled one out in overtime, beating the Prineville Cowboys 61-47 here S a t u r d a y night Hero of the game was Brian Massey, who dropped in a short side shot with six seconds left in regulation play, then hit two key baskets in the extra session. Prineville was hampered when ace forward Dick Nicholas, who had a tremendous night with 19 points and 19 rebounds, fouled out in the fourth quarter. Redmond also lost one of its top scorers in the fourth frame, Stan Beestey fouling out after contri buting 12 points second high U Massey's 13. The game was close all the way with Redmond holding a 9-8 first quarter lead. The teams were tied 16-16 at the half and 32-32 at tlie end of three quarters. The teams were even in re bounds, 37 to 37, and almost even in shooting. Prineville hit 18 of 51 shots for a .333 perecentage from tlie field, while Redmond hit 20 of 33 for a .377 mark. And both teams were cold from tlie gift stripe, Prineville convert ing only 11 of 27 and Redmond 11 of 26. Twenty-two personal and one technical foul were called against Redmond, while Prineville was whistled down for 19 personals. Ed Sturza picked off 13 rebounds for Redmond. This weekend Redmond is on the road, meeting Hermiston Friday and Pendleton Saturday. Prinevil le hosts La Grande Friday and Baker Saturday. Redmond (SI) Moor 8 Sturza 5 Frenzel 9 Massey 13 Beesley 12 (47) Prineville 19 Nicholas 16 Nielsen 0 Isaacson 5 Barrow 5 Larson Barrow faces Green tonight SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Kirs Barrow, Spokane's in - and-out heavyweight boxer, squares off against Leroy Green of Phoenix, Ariz., in a 10-round bout tonight at Kezar Pavilion. In his last local .appearance, Barrow was outpointed by Roger Rischer who now holds the Cali fornia state heavyweight title. Green, a boxer since 1954, stopped the veteran Bobby Boyd in his last outing. Redmond subs: Watrous 4, Fer guson 0. Prineville subs: Bishop 2, Vaughan, Flowers. Redmond 9 16 32 43 51 PrinevUle 8 16 32, 43 47 Hornung tops in December NEW YORK (UPD-Paid Hor nung, who played a key role in helping the Green Bay Packers to the National Football League championship, was named winner today for the month of December in the balloting for the Hickok "Professional Athlete of the Year" award. The winner of the SIO.OOO diamond-studded belt will be an nounced Jan. 22 at Rochester, N. Y. BULLDOGS BEAT CHIEFS SPOKANE (UPI) Bill Wilson sank two free throws after the final whistle had sounded to give Gonzaga's Bulldogs a 67-65 vic tory over Seattle University in a tight, hard-fought basketball game Sunday. DUMMY Not as dumb as it sounds, a dummy is a printer's hand-made "blank" of any booklet or folder. It's one of the important steps in Fowler Printing's careful handling of every job. From fresh new ideas to rush deadline deliveries, Fowler Printing can give you that extra quality touch. We'd like to show you a dummy! Fowler Printing Company 936 Bond St. EV 2-4261 Where you want to When you want to Regardless of weather All winter long tomtftflmfy WINTER TREAD Applied on sound tire bodies or your own tires Jf r,r.- w-irf-au. a CAy. &2MgS! 81 9 ill P ""o'lir Winler Treads, idrnlifitd lj f fa by Medallion and shop mark, an s ' V EiVMl iS5r P f r QUARANTIID TtWf 'Vb W I. 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Jrd- pn m ,.m9 Northgate Union Service N. Dalles-Calif. Highway Ph. EV 2"9966 Superior Shell Service 550 W. 3rd. Ph. HI 7-5606 Distributed by Moly A Van Dyke, Inc. Bend t