' " "' ') ' ' I OUT OUR WAY ' wrltw TH' TH WOODS WANTS TO GETAWAY FROM evEKVTHIWci HE ' l'CMES POWkl AND SITS WITH OLO PAV1-" tit WHY POWT rlfc GfcT OFF ALONE SOME WHERE WO COMPANY" HE NER STEVE CANYOH PICK TRACY ! 5?HE ODDEST ENTRAPMENT ii i r . r. in Fn U'LABNER MOT THAT I'M CALLIN' YOU MOSCRAWWV, SAVJED-OFF LITTLE LIAR, SAA'SA-BUT VJHAT PWH PROOF HAVE VOL) GOT L CAPTAIN EASY MARY WORTH LL. I Bl ... oOTTA ONE-TRACIC AJ Mr nz . mind; IF I ALLOW . inni I -r.sA-V-HE I. rL awselpt'oetmixep- Vf M Pj fp " T IgV UP IN THI SNOW QUEEN ) PlM'.pil M, Ib-Trr-rilr-. IVY VINE? Vt5 1 EVIL-EYE FLEEGLE IS L i ....,.-....... r j REX MORGAN. M.D. FT A WE'LL BE RIOHT v"l I rVftACIC, MR. LAETONfl I- .ii .a II X.W "i'V puh-M-VeP. peys ovea twelv grakiO 1 1 wot a reliefi I ap duh-H...hommuch I Over two muionwow,Two milLIOMiEH? "J IN PAT FUNP-AN' SAftR'N r. B S IM WRACKEPM6 WAIN FORI l PAT IN MONEYi DOLLAR! P0 K5U I SJRE-IORIER Be ALE TO ''OW JOLLY rOV'ORT KN0)C THANK TO ME PO&SEP HONEMfl A SYFE SPOT TO KI6P V UNCLS BERT? 'AVE R00 ti VER kCROUHSE IT IN S3MEWEJ KWTHEgEOHErirtWNlll)fl nmwf-T' M 937,000 9U0 TILL W TREASURY SYFB .If- T KAUIKAK HONEST iX---- L I M B TH' HEAT I ORFjAN Wf IT. WO7? Lffi'R-jH,; 3H!!uiJ? rji1 irrry . rwswfw 'li Ur UiX an 1 hope-friendly -j w-Jijt (VSVi b r!5 I VV. TALK WITH YOU... lf"vn .i (X? ALLEY OOP -tl I'M oJINQ TWET 1 I ...OR PINNVLL EAJ I I ...I'LL LEARN THOSE TVSO i 4 I J NOW LOCV PEAR. 1 PINNY, THAT 8 'IM IN ONE BV5 A THING OR THREE, f OK.KOTi. I w .-",(-. KNCW LXJR6 ANtiW VStlAT I AM.. BrTE ...OR MABE ABOUT MAK1N1 A IVMSHUXJ 1 V rAAI yfifylM..C WITH ALLEY, BUT OU I 1HEN tXVS A COUPLE IF HE 9ANPWICH A. HOULDNT.' V - vj'itv- , wVUi I JUST MUSNT PO CRITTER HAD SHOWS FIGHT... OUTAM6!-f S, -S A V'"' V A M.W V HTTER LAMi ' HO A WAV IT'S KINO OF AM IN SULT TO DAN IF HE Ifl& TS WITH HIM TO GETAWAY FROM EVERY THING --THEM HE CAN'T CON 7 OL" HAN 3 SIDER RAW ANYTHIN& TALKS LOOK A IP MY 'T...SO THE 0000. OLP PAL TSKKIE tUHi PONT H OONNA WIN IT , ALWAYS... POTEET PONY START THINKIN THERC ' HES A WE IS- TRICKY ONE. UP 1 KEEP THAT THERE. A TOMMY PROOF'S BULL ' mm kSI , i FASTEN ALU 5 ft N? WAT RFLTC fr COMIN' NOW, SON.'.' AH FEELS 4 2-r x5iwr-ii'fr" tXJUDNfcSi A . GLANDS A I a-tremblik!! J-x BtW YOU TAKE HIM V 70 HEADQUARTERS TV I LIKE TO HAVE LAETOH MAKE A TELEPHONE C CALl, LIEUTENANT OUR BOARDING HOUSE UP MO SAY--l f PUT YOU OH A WHAT ISTHTS.) MAMRTAKBTHe MONEY BACK A 6AQ ? WHY M FROM HIM AND Iare you pottinJmack- well,"?altimore burt, TH HEAT v- WE FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH YOU, ON AA ? ) AMD 60TYOO WITH YOUR FINGERS DRIPPING HONEY YOU KE DUE FOR A 20-YEAR STRSTCH C TH' LI8RASY ISP SO STAY 1 NO PLACET' OUT OF l JL BREAK UP POLITICS' 3 oinP:.' a control a V-..V- TO WHOM! n I I with MAJOR HOOPLE VN1TM 'EM.BURT, AND UMF-H-J FAST PLAY OR I'LL : FOM-F-F-F SLAB.' HERE ESAO, FAIRFIELD, PHOHS FOR TH" HADNT VIE AM YOU BETTEf? TIE OR 4 mflNACLt HIM ? ' UTMAT'S L.THIS ? ...THE CB0S5-REEERENCE BOOK POTEET HA PRAWN WOA THE LIBRARY CONTAIN SOWS VERY INTERESTING VOTING NEW;!.. iND UPSTAIRS, TRACY. THE COUCH AS A BATTERING RAM TO POUND AWAY AT THE CLASS WALL. THE if PLANE'S OUT OF Reds again caughf in act of doctoring photograph WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Communists again have been caught in the act of doctoring a photograph for propaganda pur poses. This time the sleight-of-hand was performed by "The Worker," official newspaper of the U.S. Communist party, published in new York. "The Worker" devoted a large portion ot trie Iront page of its Nov. 19 issue to a picture bearing the headline: "U. S. war planes invade Viet Nam skies." It showed a U.S. Air Force jet, apparently in the process of tak ing ott from an airfield. In the foreground stood a bamboo-hatted coolie with both fists rajsed over his head in a gesture of anger or protest. Charge Violation ' The caption said that "scores of U.S. jet bombers and fighters have arrived in Saigon" in a U.S. military "intervention" which vio lated the Geneva agreement of 1954 for a truce in Viet Nam. To a casual reader, the picture might seem like photographic "proof" that American warplanes were operating out of a Viet Namese airfield to the disgust of a local citizen. To sharper eyes, however, the picture tells an entirely different story. A photographic analysis shows that both the plane and the coolie are in almost perfect focus, al though they obviously are separat ed by considerable distance. At the same time, some bushes in the bottom of the picture are in very poor focus. As anyone reasonably familiar with a camera knows, you do not come out with results like that rONiUUT'S rKOOKAAU 6:0O Hank Weaver Newi 8: 10 Paul Harvey Newi :15 Mt. Bachelor Show 6:301110 Muilc Time :4S Alex Dreler Newi 7:00 K-Bend Music Patrol S:0tt Bend VI PrlnevlUe 10:00 Bandstand Music SATURDAY (:0O-TNT S: 30 County Asent S:4S Farm Reporter 7:00 Morning Melodtef Ntwi 1:30 Momlns Roundup S: 00 Honor Roll ol Muile 8:20 Local Newi 8 25 Hoonr Roll ot Mmlc Nawe 9: 3o Weekend Weat 9:35 Honor Roll ot Music 9:40 Top Tunel 9 55 Honor Roll ol Music. News 10:30 Local News 10-35 Honor Roll of Music. Newi 11:00 Weekend West 11:05 Hitnor Roll ot Musle 12:00 NoonUme Melodies 12:10 Today'! Classifieds 12:15 Sports Review 12:20 NoonUme Melodies 12:30-Noon News 12: 45 Karmeri Hour 1:00 Weekend West 1:05 Tops In Music 1:30 Paul Harvey Newi 1:45 Tops In Music 2:00 Weekend West 2:05 Tods In Music 2:30 Weekend West 2:35 Tops In Music, news 8:30 Weekend West 8:35 Tops In Music, news 4- 00 Northwest News 4:30 Weekend West 4:35 Tops In Music, news 5- 00 Game Commission Proa-ram 5:05 Tops In Music 5:30 Social Security Prolrram 5:30 Tops In Music. News 6:00 K-Bend Musical Patrol 7:30 Grand Ole Opry 8:00 Bend vs The Dalle! 9:00 This Evenlns-'i Favorite 10:00 Bandstand Music, News - 1 me m m i g KOLK 2 ""TV g K&W FRIDAY 6:00 Newscene Susie New Beat 6:15 wmm Edward! " Humley-Brlnkley 6-30 HUhway Patrol News Central Mr. Maaoo onow 6:45 " ABC News " 7:00 Death Valley Um Paler Ounn Ml Evenl 7:30 Rawhldt TBA International Showtlnw 7:45 " :IU The Rtha ways Z t:V The Good Years runUUxua Th Detective! 8:45 " 9-00 " 77 unset strip " 9- 15 - - 9:30 " - Kennedy Report 9 45 " - " 10:00 Twilight Zone Target-Corruptora " . 10- 30 Eyewttnesa Miami Undercover 10.45 - " 11:00 Portland Wrestling- News A Wealher Nlaht Beatt 11:15 " Movie 12 ' U:30 - Jack Paar Snow U 45 Nllhlscene - 8.4 TL KI14 V Prayer Hymn 7 30 RKD 6 Town A Country 715 " 8:00 Cartoon Time CharUl Chan Wunda Wunda 8.15 8:30 Sky Kirn Leon tnvl 8:45 Learn to Draw 9 IV Captain kangaroo AcUop Theater S"" L"" 9 30 - " King Laonardo 9 15 " 10 00 Vido VUUse Fury 10 w Mighty Mouse . " MaX Room For Daddy IP 45 ' 11 m AllaWasan The Pioneer Lpdata 11 so R.y Rostra Gateway Jamboree Mr- Wlxard 11 4 12 00 Sky King Telavmlurt Tales li: Jo My Fnend Fllcka TV Show ol Homes Mero -Go-Round 12 4 ' l:i) Saturday ews " Community Workshop l-.io Accent Dan'snW. . Wild Bill Unto 1:45 " Social Security " 2 no Armchair Theatre Paris Precinct Citrus B-w ; Saturday Movlt Tales ol Texas Rangers 2 15 " ' 3 w - Casey Jones ' - Saturday Matinea 3 43 Red punning " 1 i ' " - 415 Santa Anita Races 4 .tn Pro Bowlers Tour m 4 45 Country Stle. I'SA " s t ; 5 30 Ad-enture rneatar 5 45 6 0J etvuiuar Uucu Portland bong Sat htAl 9 U - Sat. Repnrt 6 30 ma csullormani " &u .J1"" wtUrg ln ll made av em m tnrnrmatleei esrobhed mhm. nr I m rne Mn4 SatlaeS unless the negative has been al tered. Different Shadows Notad Another interesting feature of the picture is that the highlights on the plane are along its topside, indicating that the sun was approximately overhead. But. the shadow of the coolie s left arm lies straight across his hat, at an angle which shows that the sun was fairly low in the sky to his left - ! Unless there are two separate suns in the skies over Viet Nam, this means that the coolie's pic ture was taken at a different time than the picture of the plane. In other words, the picture is known politely as a composite, or more bluntly, a fake. This is the second time this month that Communist propa gandists have been caught with their fingers in the photo-dootoring glue pot. Earlier, the Soviet government distributed a picture which was supposed to be evidence that West German Gen. Adolf Heusing- er took part in World War II atrocities. It purported to show Nazi soldiers burning a Russian village at Heusinger's order. The only trouble was that the Soviets earlier had distributed the same picture and had identified it as a shot of Japanese soldiers burning a Chinese village. Porter may get federal post EUGENE (UPI) Former Congressman Charles 0. Porter said Thursday he was being con sidered for a federal job which would take him out of fourth dis trict congressional race this year. Porter said the lob was the of fice of assistant director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency of the State Department. He said it carried the rank of assistant secretary and paid $20, 000. However, lie said there was nothing definite and, "meanwhile I'm continuing to campaign." Porter served two terms in Congress before he was beaten by Rep. Edwin Durno, R-Ore., in 1960. He is seeking the Demo cratic nomination in the fourth district along with House Speaker Robert Duncan of Medford; State Sen. Robert W. Straub of Eugene and Patrick M. Flynn, a Eugene fireman. Porter said he also was being considered for a Latin American consultant role. This, he said, would not take him out of the race. KENNEDY KIN RESIGNS WASHINGTON (UPI) The State Department announced Thursday the resignation of Pres ident Kennedys brother-in-law, Stephen E. Smith, -as deputy di rector of the department's opera tions center. The White House said Smith was in New York, managing fam ily business affairs. Lucius D. Battle will be new head of the center, which handles crises. 8 The Bend Bulletin, f-r2 "Sometimes I just don't t-tZ " A A B T OA s. says vou can honk your horn for ma to v, . J come out all you want? wH CARNIVAT. TELEVISION IN REVIEW Groucho used ammunition bigger than his targets By Fred Damig UPI Staff Wrlttr NEW YORK (UPI) - Groucho stepped up to TV's peashooter range again Thursday night for another display of Marxmanship, He made the mistake of using ammunition that was bigger than his targets. Result: Groucho? Glib. Contest ants? Glub. "Tell It to Groucho," the new est CBS-TV feature, opened with the legendary comedian doing an impersonation of a dancing "shark" from "West Side Story." As it turned out, that was the funniest comment Groucho made all night. For his new show, Groucho no longer sits on a stool, wiggles his eyebrows and his cigar. Now, Groucho slouches on a coucho, puts his feet on a coffee table, unbuttons his jacket, keeps the cigar at the ready, and puts down his impervious guests with a steady barrage of disparaging declarations. The carefully screened guests are permitted to sit down, too. They bring with them "fun prob lems," chat with Groucho about them for a while and then play a fast flash-picture identification game for up to $1,000 in cash, and move off. Groucho's first sparring part ners were a mother and daugh ter who were both talkative, hus band-hunting cat lovers. They brought 13 cats on stage and Groucho remarked that he hoped they lived on a beach. No, we live in Hollywood Hills," said the mother. No matter how deflating Groucho's comments or questions get, his thick-skinned guests can be counted on to smile, play it straight and serious. Even when Groucho said, "Could you keep your trap shut for just a second?" the guests kept rolling along. It seems to me that Groucho doesn't really believe in his guests, his format, his jokes, his mission. Although this time around, the game and the money occupy smaller parts on his half hour, this new show is basically the same thing that had lost its punch last season. It's a grievous loss when TV keeps Groucho around as another bland time-waster. Since such wits as Bob Hope, Mort Sahl, TV SET MISPLACED DENVER (UPI) Members of 'he Colorado Senate had to listen to President Kennedy's State of the Union address on the radio Thursday. The television set ordered for the renovated Senate lounge had been delivered instead to "The Senate Lounge" a nearby bar. FLAW PEOPLE ENJOY 1,000,000 TIMES A DAY (JiaMflc(eJ Jutpiratien The soul stirring music .... the heart winning message DR. CHARLES E. FULLER on the OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL HOUR Sundays 2 P.M. 1 Send foe Heart to Heart Talk, P.O. KRCO Chanel "69" Friday, January 12, 1962 eMktafta,MM,e understand Daddy! Now faft Bob Newhart, Jack Paar, Dick Gregory, Lenny Bruce and Alan King are relating material to re ality, and making us like it, I'm disappointed when a mind such as Groucho's shies away from bigger targets. Fun problems, phooey. - Charges brought against two union officials WASHINGTON (UPI)-A federal grand jury in Philadelphia Thurs day indicted one Teamsters Un ion official on perjury charges and accused another of demanding and receiving an illegal $1,000 payment from two employers. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy, announcing the indictments in Washington, said the perjury charge was made against Anthony J. Kenney, a shop steward of highway truck drivers and Helpers Local 107 in Philadelphia. -- Another indictment accused Sam Bakely, secretary-treasurer of Newspaper and Magazine Chauf feurs and Handlers Local 62S. of violating a Taft-Hartley Act ban on illegal payments to union repre sentatives. Bakely was charged with de manding and receiving $1,000 from the United News Co. and the Unit ed News Transportation Co.. both of Philadelphia, Sept 20, 1960. Kenney was accused of Ivlne be fore the grand jury last Dec. 6 by denying that he asked his em ployer to buy a $100 ticket to a teamsters' dinner in October, 1960. The indictment said that Ken ney had asked George Leno, op erator of Michael J. Bobb, Inc., a Philadelphia trucking firm. The indictments were linked to a fund-raising dinner held in I960 to raise funds to pay legal expens es of Raymond Cohen, secretary treasurer and business manager of Local 107. Cohen, a trustee of the Interna tional union and an ally of Presi dent James R. Hoffa, is awaiting trial in Philadelphia on state charges of conspiring to defraud the local. The state indictment followed disclosures by the Senate Rackets Committee. Two other teamsters' officials in Philadelphia were indicted last Dec. 6 on charges of demanding and receiving money from em ployers in connection with the Co hen dinner, Kennedy said. They were Lawrence J. Mullen, secretary-treasurer of Local 161, and Joseph Westenberg, Local 107 organizer. Box 135, Los Ansctej, Calif. I ar WMlte-. ra atj2S-. A A