The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 12, 1962, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bulletin, Friday, January 12, 1962 5
Here and
A girl, weight 7-1, was born
Thursday evening at St Charles
Memorial Hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Bruzelius, 615 Co
lumbia Street. No name has been
chosen as yet
Golden Age Club will hold a card
party tonight at 7 o'clock at the
clubhouse on E. Fifth Street and
Glenwood Drive. Dancing will fol
low. Bend Rebekah Lodge will meet
8 o'clock tonight at the IOOF Tem
ple. Young Cookies 4-H Club met re
cently at the home of Mrs. Walter
Smead, leader, and elected offi
cers as follows: Lori Smead, pres
ident; Janice Dresser, vice-president;
Terry Sanowski, secretary;
Shelley Smead, treasurer, and
Katy Wayman, news reporter.
Other members present were Lin
da Brookfield and Kathy Sanow
ski. Skyline Squares will have a
square dance Saturday night at
the Townsend Hall in Redmond.
Dancing will start at 8:30, with
Russ Kiel as caller. Refreshments
will be served. All square dancers
are invited to attend.
Mr, and Mrs. James P. Read,
Route 1, Culver, will hold open
house Sunday, January 14, in ob
servance of Read's eightieth birth
day. Friends are invited to call
between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m.
The family requested that gifts be
W. J. Baer and his son, Bruno
Baer, left today for F r a z e e ,
Minn., where they will attend the
funeral of Baer's aunt, Mrs.
Adolph Baer Jacobs. Mrs. Jacobs
died yesterday at her home in
Pelican Rapids, Minn., at the age
of 99. Mrs. Jacobs had been in
failing health for some time.
Allied Arts Study Club will meet
Monday at 2 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Robert Koble, Butler Road.
Mrs. Richard Robinson will be in
charge of the program.
Yam Spinners 4-H Club met
Wednesday at the home of Vickie
Hilliard, with Mrs. Jim Dykslra,
leader, in charge. Members pres
ent were Judy Dykstra, Lorrie
Thalhofer and Sandy Dykeman.
Plans were made for knitting an
afghan. The next meeting will be
Group to lead
drive for college
community college for the
Umatilla - Morrow County area
reached a step near reality Thurs
day night with creation of a lay
committee to spearhead its for
mation. Ralph McEwen of Athena was
elected chairman and Gene Pierce
of Heppner vice chairman.
No site for the college has been
proposed but Pendleton, which has
a technical school, has been men
tioned. A meeting Jan. 24 will deter
mine boundaries of the district
with an appeal to the state for
help in its formation to follow.
Gilliam County representatives
attended the meeting. That county
is undecided if it will come in
during early formation.
Speaker thinks
JFK program
will fare well
er John W. McCormack predicted
today that President Kennedy will
be "very successful" in getting
his wide-ranging legislative pro
gram through Congress.
At his first formal news con
ference since his election as speak
er, the Massachusetts Democrat
said Kennedy did remarkably well
with Congress last year and that
he expects him to do equally well
this year.
Most of the speaker's 30-minute
news conference, attended by
about 40 reporters, was off the
His first move was to agree to
see the press daily when the
House Is in session but to lay
down a rule that none of his news
conference remarks may be quot
ed without specific permission.
January 24 at Judy Dykstra's
Order of Amaranth members
will hold their regular meeting on
Monday at 8 p.m., honoring grand
officers. The meeting will be in
the Masonic Temple.
Royal Neighbors of America
will install officers for 1962 at
their regular meeting on January
15, at 8 p.m. in Norway HalL Old
and new officers are to be in form
al dress.
A boy, Daniel Dwayne, weight
7-5, was born Thursday evening
at St. Charles Memorial Hospital
to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garbo
den, 1334 Jacksonville Avenue.
Mrs. Everett Jones, 1325 Daven
port Avenue, will be hostess to
the Central Oregon Licensed Prac
tical Nurses Association Tuesday,
January 16, at 7:30 p.m.
Women of the Moose will hold
an Academy of Friendship meet
ing on Tuesday, January 16, at 8
p.m. The meeting will be in the
Moose Hall, 1033 Division. Re
freshments will be served.
Economic study
of state planned
SALEM (UPI) - Gov. Mark
Hatfield today announced spade
work on a long-range economic
study of Oregon.
The State Planning and De
velopment Department will work
out the master plan, using a $162,
000 federal grant, but various
agencies have been assigned spe
cific tasks.
Hatfield said the purpose is to
"provide for orderly development
of the state."
Initial work is to be done by
four agencies. The agencies and
their tasks, as outlined by the
State Board of Census Do an
historical summary of the period
1900-1960, including an analysis of
growth and population character
istics. Forecast population to 1980
at five-year intervals by age and
Bureau of Business Research,
University of Oregon Project
characteristics of major indus
tries to 1980; indicate those in
dustries which "seem to have
promise for expansion as well as
those which seem to be on the
decline in the state."
Shank found not
guilty by jury
A jury deliberated about 45 min
utes Thursday afternoon, to find
Perry Earl Shank, 1031 Columbia
Street, not guilty of operating a
motor vehicle while under the in
fluence of intoxicating liquor.
Shank had appealed a Bend mu
nicipal court conviction.
Witnesses included Shank's wife
and married daughter, who testi
fied that Mrs. Shank was driving.
Cash Perrine was the lawyer rep
resenting Shank.
Circuit Judge Robert H. Foley
heard the case.
The following served on the
jury: Edward Arthur, C. E. Bush,
Phyllis Bergstrahl, Robert Lin
coln, John Johnson, William Har
dy, Robert Fox, Eric Dunlap, Don
ald McAfee, Pearl Campbell,
Mayme Mills and Marie Broster
hous. The jury vote was 10-2. Only two
dissenting votes are permitted in
a criminal case, for a verdict in
favor of the defendant.
Two divorces
granted, five
others sought
Two divorce decrees were grant
ed in circuit court in the past week
or so, and five more divorce
cases have been filed.
Viola E. Williams was granted
a divorce from H. T. Williams,
to whom she was married Nov.
29, 1959, in Powell Butte. Williams
was enjoined from getting in touch
with the plaintiff, her minor
daughter by a previous marriage,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt
Morris, the place where she is
employed, or her home on Route
1, Redmond.
The restraining order is to be
in effect for 90 days, with the pro
vision that the plaintiff in the
case can apply for an extension
if necessary.
Williams had filed an alienation
of affections suit against his father-in-law,
claiming that he pre
vented a reconciliation.
Sharol A. Painter, defendant in
an action brought by Ivan T.
Painter, was given custody of
three minor children except week
ends and vacations, when they are
to be with their father in Silver
Lake. The couple was married
Sept. 17, 1952, in Alturas, Calif.
Alice Reid has filed for divorce
from Luther Reid, a logging con
tractor, asking custody of the cou
ple's eight children and $50 month
ly support for each. The couple
was married March 8, 1946, in Eugene.
Kay Lynn Hunt, plaintiff in an
action against Vincent Hunt asks
restoration of her maiden name,
Kay Johnson, and $100 monthly
permanent alimony. She charges
that the defendant has been irre
sponsible and given up regular
employment, since coming into a
large amount of money through
the sale of timber lands on the
Klamath Indian Reservation.
They were married Oct 23, 1961,
in Reno.
James S. Tippett filed for di
vorce from Hazel Tippett, to
whom he was married April 26,
1945, in Reno. He asks custody of
the four children, now in his care,
and undivided interest in a cattle
ranch in Wheeler county.
Jack E. Gravon filed for di
vorce from Ola Gravon. They
were married Aug. 14, 1959, in
Reno. The defendant has two chil
dren by a previous marriage.
Thelma M. Lundy filed for di
vorce from Eldon E. Lundy, Sis
ters. They were married Dec. 13,
1941, in Eugene. The plaintiff
asks custody of the three children,
and child support
Lumbermen ask
5-state meeting
SALEM (UPI) A group of
Oregon and Washington lumber
men today asked Gov. Mark Hat
field to call a five-state gover
nors' meeting and express strong,
joint concern to President Ken
nedy over increased Canadian en
try into Eastern U. S. lumber
In addition to Oregon, the
states are Washington, Idaho,
California and Montana.
Hatfield expressed deep concern
over the loss of lumber markets,
but said he would have to defer
action on the request pending an
investigation of the problem which
he ordered at the state level last
week. .
His staff is. making the probe.
The request was made by 18
businessmen, most of them in
lumber, and headed by Robert
F. Dwyer of Dwyer Lumber and
Plywood Co., Portland. The group
is a steering committee of Oregon
and Washington lumbermen.
Without habit-farming drugs
A mw tichniqu combines hundreds
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Induct sleep quickly. The other half
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Nite-Rest tonight for safe, uninter.
ruptcd sleep. Wake up refreshed
You sleep soundly or money back.
Open 'Til 9 P.M.
Evtry Weekday Evening
Economy Drugs
S A H Grn Stamps
Plans made
for probe of
man John C. Stennis called his
special Senate armed services
subcommittee Into session today
to complete plans for its study of
charges that the Pentagon is cen
soring anti-Communist speeches
by military leaders.
The Mississippi Democrat
scheduled a closed-door "policies
and procedures" session for the
subcommittee. He already has
announced plans for public hear
ings starting Jan. 23.
The first phase of hearings will
consider the policies of the State
and Defense departments on the
censorship of speeches by mili
tary officers. Later the panel will
look into troop indoctrination and
participation by military leaders
in anti-Communist seminars and
public information programs.
The Senate Armed Services
Committee authorized the
"study" of cold-war education ac
tivities skirting the term, "in
vestigation" before Congress
adjourned last fall. The commit
tee acted after Sen. Strom Thur
mond, D-S.C, delivered a num
ber of speeches charging the Pen
tagon with aiding a Moscow
spawned plan to gag U.S. mili
tary spokesman. Thurmond pro
posed an investigation.
Thurmond's speeches followed
a lively public controversy over
the removal of Maj. Gen. Edwin
A. Walker as commander of an
Army division in Germany. Sub
sequently, an Army investigation
cleared Walker of published
charges that his "pro-blue" troop
Indoctrination program was mod
eled on the publications of the
conservative John Birch Society.
Walker was officially admon
ished, however, on the ground
that he tried to influence the
votes of the men under his com
mand in the 1960 elections by re
ferring them to a conservative
congressional voting analysis in
violation of official directives.
Lumber damaged
in mill fire
LYONS, Ore. (UPI)- Flames
gutted a dry kiln at the Freres
Forest Products Mill here today.
Some $65,000 worth of lumber
stored in the mill was damaged.
Firemen said the fire was dis
covered about 8 a.m., some two
hours after It ignited.
Plant manager Robert Freres
said a full estimate of the dam
age could not be made until the
building cooled sufficiently for it
to be opened.
Some 32 employes of the planer
and gang saw mill will be laid
off until the dry kiln is put back
into operation, he said.
Fire equipment from four fire
departments was used in combat
ting the blaze.
3 girls escape
again at K.F.
two-state search was under way
today for three Juvenile girls who
have proven to be adept escape
The three girls early this week
sawed their way out of the ju
venile home. They were caught
at Lakeview, returned here, and
placed in a city jail cell,
Thursday night, the three
squeezed through a small open
ing in the barred window of the
ceU, then used an electric wire
to drop 12 feet to the ground.
Police said they may be in the
company of two teen-age boys
who were found with the girls
earUer and who were reported
missing again.
REDMOND Gerald Larsen,
24, Madras, was brought to Cen
tral Oregon District Hospital in
Redmond at 12:05 a.m. today, aft
er his car struck a sign post in
Madras. He suffered multiple con
tusions and abrasions, but is said
to be in good condition at Central
Oregon District Hospital.
women's CANVAS
two pairs only
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black, white
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Values To
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Mother sharply criiicol of army
in the Army after "seeing on
television" how a soldier could
study for a profession. He wanted
to be an engineer, she said, and
enlisted to study engineering. It
was not long after he enlisted
that he was pulled from Uie class
and made a cook, she said.
After her husband's death she
lost the restaurant they operated
in Hood River and came here to
cook. She sought her son's dis
charge to help her pay off debts.
She said she was deluged with
forms and applications to be filed
with only a matter of three days
time in some instances. She said
she sent the forms by registered
mail but the Army said it never
received tium.
Her son has been scheduled for
a tour of duty in Korea until
Morse entered the case in Novem-
vallis mother expressed sharp
critism of the Army today for
failing to give her son a hardship
discharge so she can pay off bills
accumulated during the recent
illness and death of her husband.
Mrs. Mary D. Stewart, a cook
in an Oregon State University
fraternity, described the furor
made over the failure to dis
charge her son, SP Douglas A.
Stone, 20, as a "pretty horrible
Son. Wayne Morse, D-0 r e.,
charged that the soldier was not
being discharged because of "po
litical interference" by Morse.
Mrs. Stewart said she had been
told by Army officers by tele
phone that "the Army is efficient
within itself."
She said her son had enlisted
Narrow surplus
in budget seen
dent Kennedy's new budget will
forecast tax revenues of $93 bil
lion in fiscal 1963 and propose
about $92.6 billion of spending, in
formed sources said today.
This Would lpAVA A nnrrniv fcinn
million surplus, not enough to
permit any signuicani reduction
of the national debt hut onnnoh
to uphold the President's pledge
i i . , ,
w a uuiuncea ouageu
The President will send it to Con
gress next Thursday.
ber. He is now at Uie Oakland
embarkation point awaiting out
come of his case.
The son has been in the Army
for two years and four months
and is scheduled for regular dis
charge next November.
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