The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 11, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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Heel paradise
4 Thursday, January 11, 1962 An Independent Newspaper
Phil f. Brogan, Associate editor , - Jack McDermott, Advertising Msnager
Glenn Cuihman, General Manager Lou W. Meyers, Circulation Manager ;
Loron 8. Dyer, Mechenlcal Superintendent William A. Yates, Managing Editor
Robert W. Chendlor, Editor and Publisher
Enltrad u lawful CUm Malttr. Jtntury HIT. at Uit Pui t Utile al Hand. Orcfun. unatr Act ot March I- 'Pub.
lwitd dJly aept Sunday and certain holiday by The Band Bulletin. Inc. '
Junior college district is probably a
'goocf buy' for all within boundaries
Residents of Deschutes, Crook, Jef
ferson, and parts of Wasco, Lake, and
Klamath counties will vote on January
30 whether or not to establish a Cen
tral Oregon Area Education District.
Purpose of the district will be, if ap
proved by the voters, to take over op
eration of the Central Oregon College
from the Bend school district, which
has operated the school since It was
.At Its inception, the college oper
ation was not a costly one. But the
school grew, and grew. For a few years
the Bend district was spending a good
ly portion of Its annual budget for op
eration of the college.
In recent years the state of Ore
gon has made funds available for par
tial support of the school. As a result,
costs to taxpayers of the Bend district
have dropped to the present level,
around two mills each year.
For those residents of Deschutes
county within the Bend district, then,
the question on January 30 will be
something like this:
Do I want to vote to establish a
larger district, to pay about the same
amount I am' now paying, for the op
eration of the college?
From a strictly selfish point of
view, the answer should be in the af
firmative. For the formation of a larger dis
trict will furnish the school a much
more solid base than it now has, and
allow it to function on a more usable
basis than it now docs.
There have been times in past
years when the entire future of the in
stitution was In doubt. Whenever vot
ers turned down the Bend district's
budget the natural question was wheth
er or not the district could continue to
afford the luxury of the college opera
tion. The larger district should elimi
nate this question in the future.
Then, too, formation of a new dis
trict will allow the school to set up Its
own campus and offer both day and
evening programs, Instead of confining
itself to evening programs as it has' in
the past. The chances of the Bend dis
trict alone establishing a separate
campus, building new buildings. etc
are poor, if recent Indications are any
guide. . ... v
What does the new district offer
to those persons who now are not in
volved in the operation of the college?
For one thing, it offers the. oppor
tunity to build a stronger Institution for
the young people of the area. A regu
lar college day program. vith: sche
duled system of bus transportation, will
draw considerably more students from
Crook and Jefferson counties, in parti
cular, than it is possible -to attract at
Second, it offers an opportunity to
build a financially and educationally
sound institution, at a very minimum
of cost. This will be no "country club"
institution, if we judge prospective
board members correctly. The admin
istration of the school apparently has
been cured of the grandiose idoas.whicli
led to the formation of the 111 - fated
basketball team a few years ago. There
is little intention that the first perma
nent building the school put up should
be a student union, as once was the
Third, it offers an opportunity to
make sure the school remains open to
youngsters from.their community with
out any tuition charges. There has been
snnio feeling expressed in the past that
the Bend district should make extra
charges for those students from outside
the district, who were, in effect, only
paying about two-thirds as much for
their education as youngsters from
within the district.
Fourth, it assures youngsters from
these areas of at least two years of
college. In California, now, about half
of cacli high school's graduatltiK class
finds it can go on to school only at a
local junior college. Other institutions
are too crowded for thorn.
New CIA chief had record
of war prof its from U.S.
By Driw Pearson
WASHINGTON. With eight
high officials fired from the Ei
senhower administration for con
flicU of interest, it would seem
mandatory Uiat both Democrats
and republicans take a very close
look at tiie conflict-of-interest is
sue before appointing and eon-
firming new men.
John A. McCone, picked to re.
place Allen Dulles as head of the
vitally important Central Intern
gence Agency, has a record which
is interesting on three counts:
1. He has made more money out
of Uncle Sam on war contracts
than perhaps any other man now
working for the government.
2, He has had a continuing close
financial connection with the Hen
ry J. Kaiser interests to which, as
Under Secretary for Air. he gave
a very interesting quickie contract
for making (lying boxcars C-11P
in the record time of 10 days, at
a price three times greater than
that of Kaiser's competitor, Fair
child. 3. He I shrewd and ablo, which
accounts not only for his capacity
for making money but for his agil
ity In keeping high government
positions under both Republicans
and Democrats.
When MdCone came up for con
firmation as ' chairman of the
Alomie Energy Commission on
July 3, 1958, he let slip one inter
esting fact which puts him in a
position of having had a possible
conflict of interest. Answering a
question from Sen. Clinton Ander
son (D.. .N.M..), he said: i
Still Close to Kair
"Yes. I have some business re-
lalionships with Kaiser, inasmuch
as a jointly owned company. 25
per cent of which is owned by
liondy (Joshua licndy Corp. of
which McCone owns all the stock)
and 50 per cent is owned by Kai
ser Aluminum, has a long-range
contract to transport Kaiser s
bauxite from Jamaica to Baton
Rouge.'" . ...- .;v . t ,
Vet when McCone was being In
vestigated by the late Sen. 'Styles
Bridges R., N.H.) and the Senate
Armed Services Subcommittee re
garding his quickie C-119 contract
to Kaiser, ha claimed: i have
had no business relationship with
Kaiser for years. . '.I ; havo .no
benefit to gain from the affairs of
his companies. The statement
therefore that I was a link in Hen
ry Kaiser's 'chain of influence'
should bo corrected."
Nonetheless, , Senator Bridges
showed Jliat McCone went, , to'
amazing lenguis to swncn part or
a C-119 flying boxcar contract
away 'from Fairchild in Hagers
town.. Md., to Kaiser at Willow
Run. Mich., at a cost figure which
turned out to be $1,339,140 per
plane as against Fairchild s 260,-
000. It all began over a luncheon
between Henry J. Kaiser and Un
der Secretary McCone after Kai
sers venture in the auto industry
had been 'a flop.
A third congressional hearing,
Sept, 25, 1946, shows the close fi
nancial kinship between McCone
and Kaiser'and why it was possi
ble lor Kaiser to barge in on Mc
Cone, have luncheon with him, and
walk out witli a multimillion-dollar
contract as good as signed.
This third hearing prolwd the
phenomenal war, profits rolled up
by bolh McCone and Kaiser when
Uie.v..w'cre shipbuilding partners
during the war, and when Ihey
parlayed tut investment of $100,-
000 into a profit of $4,423,000.
McCone was then president of
tlio California Shipbuilding Co.,
organized about one year before
Pearl Harbor when Todd Ship
building put up $30,000," with an
other $30,000 coming from Uie
Betchcl McCone Parsons 'Com
pany, Henry Kaiser, and other
companies associated with Kaiser
and Bctcliel McCone in building
Boulder Dam.
Phenomenal War Profits
This combino made a killing.
Uncle Sam needed slrtps. was will
ing to pay any price for them,
and the Todd - McCone Kaiser
combine went to town, though la
Irr Todd got out and left the West
Coast field to kaiser and McCone
This was really the start that put
Kaiser into steel, aluminum, and
various oilier bminesse today,
and which made McCone one of
tiie wealthy independent ship oper
ators of the USA. .
According to the sworn state
ment of Ralph E, Casey of the
General Accounting Office before
the House Merchant Marine Com
mittee in 1946:
"II would seem when profits
from government contracts paid
from public funds soar to such
astronomical heights in proportion
to invested capital, someone
should come forward with a satis
factory explanation."
He went on to testify: "The Cal
ifornia Shipbuilding Corp. was in
corporated Jan. 6. 1941, and the
entire cash Investment represent
ed by 1.000 shares of capital stock
at a par value of $100 consisted of
$50,000 invested by the Todd Ship
yards and $50,000 invested by 10
companies affiliated with Henry
J. Kaiser.
"About a year later, on Feb. 19,
1942, a meeting was called for
the purpose of declaring dividends
out of the surplus." The minutes
of the meeting said:
" 'After a full discussion, upon
motion duly made. . .it was unan
imously resolved that a dividend
of $1,000 per share be, and the
same hereby is, declared."
- This, concluded GAO executive
Casey, was a profit of $1,000,000
on the investment of $100,000 with
in one year all at the expense
of Uncle Sam's shipbuilding busi
ness. Tin profitable partnership be
tween Kaiser and McCone contin
ued until it rolled up a war profit
of $44,423,000 and, according to
McCone's own testimony, the as
sociation Is' continuing in the form
of a joint' shipping line today. In
between McCone, as Undersec
retary of Uie Air Force, helped
swing one of the juiciest airplane
contracts in history to Henry Kaiser.-
arrest .
California man
; A 'California, man was arrested
By State Police at 5:30 p.m. Wed
nesday and charged with driving
whllo -under Uie Influence, of in
toxicating liquor.. -
John L. Sullivan, who gave a
Garden Grove. Calif, address, was
arrested-on Third Street, police
said. Ball "was set at $300.'
In other police action Wednes
day, Thomas Robert Myers,
Mitchell, was arrested for speed
ing. He Is accused of driving 50
in a 25 mile zone. Bail was set at
- Glen Miller, Fdssi!, was arrest
ed about 8 p.m. and charged with
being intoxicated on a public
highway. Bail was set at $30.
Two men were arrested for vag
rancy. Robert Leroy Lemer, Isa
bel. S.D., and W. J. Witcher.
Calumet, Okla., were jailed under
$22.50 bail. ; ..;
Cars damaged
in; minor smash
There was only minor damage
Wednesday at 4 p.m. when two
cars ' collided at the. intersect ion
of Riverside and Tumalo streets.
Drivers of the cars were George
R. Conner, 24, of 18 McKay Ave
nue, and Liono Leslie GrandPre,
70, of 501 Riverfront.
Conner told police that the sun
blinded him just prior to the accident.
U.S, aid. sought
by lumbermen ,
. SEATTLE (UPD-Tlie Simpson
Timber Co. Wednesday appealed
to the Department of Commerce
to help the West Coast lumber in
dustry in Uie United Stales in Its
'unual battje witl . British Co
lumbia imports."'
V7 G. Rcetf. chairman' of the
Simpson, company, submitted a
report on Uie condition of U.S.
cargo lumber mills on Uie West
Coast at the request of Clarence
D. Martin Jr., undersecretary of
commerce for transportation.
Reed said Uie invasion of Amer
ican markets by British Columbia
mills has become so threatening
in the past three months that only
prompt action by Uie administra
tion and Congress can avert eco
nomic calamity for lumber-dependent
communiUes on Uie U.S.
West Coast. - ,
Reed told Martin Uiat Uie Brit
ish Columbia mills took 56.5 per
cent of the Atlantic Coast market
In the United States in 1961 and
increased their share to 68 per
cent in November.
Mrs. Hofstetter
sets retirement
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND - Mrs. Sophia Hof
stcttcr, a nurse in the Central
Oregon area for nearly four dec
ades,, announced this , week Uiat
she is retiring.
She will be honored Friday at
an open bouse and tea at Central
Oregon District Hospital,
Mrs. Hofstettcr was graduated
in 1923 from the Deaconess Hos
pital in Spokane. She and her hus
band, George, purchased Uie little
hospital in Redmond in 1930 and
remodeled it to a 17-bed capacity.
The, building, next to Uie Hofstet
ter'homc, now is an apartment
When Dr. Raymond Jones left
Redmond for duty as a naval med
ical officer in 1942. Mrs. Hofstet
ter closed her hospital and joined
the staff at Uie Medical-Dental
Clinic, which had been construct
ed by Dr. R. W. Christiansen tiie
previous year. When Dr. Jones re
turned in 1945, Mrs. Hofstetter
was his office nurse for four
years, then spent two years nurs
ing her mother, Mrs. Minnie Hen
ske, who died in 1951.
Special nursing duUcs Uirough
out Central Oregon kept her busy
until Central Oregon District Hos
pital opened its doors for business
in 1952. She was put in charge of
the medical-surgical floor" during
Uie 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift, a posi
Uon she has held until this week.
Mrs. Hofstetter says she is re
tiring "soon enough to have a lit
Ue fun," but still plans to serve
relief shifts at Uie hospital.
NEW YORK (UP1) The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-TJay
Saints (Mormons) will build a 30
40 story skyscraper on Manhat
tan's Fifth Avenue, it was an
nounced Wednesday. The building
will be a center of missionary,
administrative, cultural, recrea
Uonal and informational activities
as well as a place for worship.
Time and energy programs;
might be all right at that
By Ha S. Grant
Bulletin Staff Writer
The extension service Is making
big plans 'for a series of time and
energy management programs.
"Management is Uie 't b I n k'
part of Uie labor in homcmaking,"
says Jane Schroeder, home etd
nomics extension agent.
So the first thing you do is get
SAC Jet breaks
1 1 records in
historic flight
giant eight-jet Strategic Air Com
mand bomber landed here at 5:10
a.m. PST today after a 12,519
mile hop from Okinawa in Uie
Pacific Ocean. It smashed 11 dis
tance and speed records for non
stop, nonrefuelled flights.
The gleaming B52H bomber, pi
loted by Air Force Maj. Robert
Carson, 45, Flint, Mich., hit Uie
runway of Uie U.S. Air Force
Base here exactly 22 hours and
10 minutes after takeoff from Uie
Kadena Air Force Base on Oki
nawa. 8
SAC Commander-in-chief Gen.
Thomas S. Power, in a message
to Uie eight-man crew of Uie
bomber, hailed the flight as "his
toric." Ho underlined its cold war im
portance by saying Uie flight
"proved Uiat SAC aircraft have
the capability of reaching target
destinations in any area of Uie
The biggest mark broken today
by the bomber from Uie Minot,
N.D., Air Force Base, was Uie
previous record for a nonstop,
nonrefuelled flight by any air
craft.. It. was set in 1946 by the
Navy Neptune bomber Truculent
Turtle, which flew from Perth,
Australia, to Columbus, Ohio. 11,
235.6 miles in 55 hours and 18
minutes. . , .
Sum netted for
prison chapel
SALEM (UPD Secretary of
State Howell Appling Jr. said to
day a benefit basketball game
here last Friday netted $1,000 for
the prison chapel fund. The game
featured the Harlem Globetrot
ters. Appling said Uiis means Uiat
Uie existing chapel can be remodeled.
one of those little signs that says
Think." and never let it out of
your sight.
The opening session is enUtled, 1
"Keep up with Uie Kitchen
There are several ways you can
do Uiis. You can gel a clock Uiat
runs backward, and save all kinds
of time. Say you start the. hard
day in the kitchen at 8 a m. When
it's 12 noon, and Ume to put Uie
lunch on Uie table, the clock will
say 4 o'clock (a.m.). This will al
low you Uiree extra hours of sleep.
The second meeting. is called.
"Win the Game of Hide and
Seek." In this meeting, you jearn
why your house is cluttered. .
Once you know why, Uie solu
tion is simple. You send your cliilr
drcn off to boarding' school, get
your husband to join a few more
service clubs and lodges, so his
time at home will be kept to i
minimum, and give your pets
away for birthday presents.
Then you move all Uie furniture
out of Uie house, make a big bon
fire with Uie contents of drawers
and cupboards, and hold an auc
tion sale. If there's anything left,
haul it off to the dump and move
to a furnished apartment.
The fourth meeting is called,"
"Beauty Treatment for Your
Home." (If you still have a home.)'
Start out by tiking a two-week "
camping trip. Cook your meals
over an open fire. Sleep ou an
army cot, or better yet, on a'
stretcher of chicken-wire over a
rock pile. Go wiUiout baUis, or .
take a daily early-morning plunge
in icy water. Forget about the
irritations of plugged-up plumbing .
drains, burned out lightbulbs,
screeching television and radio,
and ringing telephones.
When you get back from Uie
trip you will say, "This place looks .
pretty good to me. There's no ,
place like home."
The final program is called.
"Minute slicers for the laundry."
First, omit starching the collars '
and cuffs. If Uiis doesn't save '
enough time, omit Uie ironing.
Dry Uie garments on hangers, and
let the family wear 'em rough-diy.
If this still doesn't give you
enough time for interesting hob
bies and self-improvement, omit
Uie washing.
Join a bowling team and send
your husband off to the laundro
mat on bowling night.
If Uiese suggestions don't seem
to answer all the questions, sign
up for Uie course. The deadline is
January 20. Ask any extension
unit chairman, a member of Uie
steering committee, or an exten
sion office staff member.
447 Greenwood ,
Phone EV 2 5162
For Appointment
Oregon to have to lift own bootstraps
The University of Oregon's Bureau
of Business Research each month sur
veys economic conditions In various
lines of endeavor in the state. Each
year It tries to make some sense out of
scores of economic indicators, and tries
to give a short-range forecast of the
state's economy. Past predictions of
this nature have been pretty accurate,
particularly when compared with other
predictions in the same field.
This year's predictions were han
dled very quickly. The Immediate out
look for Oregon, according to Wesley
Ballalne, the bureau's director, is for
solid progress, but not as rapid progress
as (he country as a whole.
Ballalne then went on to examine
a number of factors, to sec what lie
could come up with over the next dec
ade. Ills examination and method is
too lengthy to deal with here, but here's
his answer:
"The outlook for the next decade,
as seen in the closing days of lOtil, is
for a continued growth of business, em
ployment, and population in the Paci
fic Coast states. However, it will be at
a diminished rate compared, to the
past two decades and will be opposite
to the national growth, which will be at
an Increasing rate, ir the Pacific Coast
is broken into t lie northern two states
and California, it appears that the Cal
ifornia rate of growth will continue to
exceed substantially the rate of growth
of Washington and Oregon."
The basic reason for the prediction,
In the case of Oregon, is (hat the state's
Income depends in such large part on
lumbering and fanning, both of which
continually are seeking to reduce em
ployment through greater efficiency.
In other words, those who expect
a groat growth in Oregon In the next
few years will have to help pull up on
the state's bootstraps, if much progress
is to be made.
4r juAT
Neva Ketcham
. Bowden's friendly at
tendant invites you to
use our 11-50 lb. clothes
Our Philco Bendix Automatic Washers Feature
Pre-Soak, Wash, And 3 Rinses For Only 20c For
9 Lbs. Your Laundry Is Cleaner, Whiter And
Brighter When You Wash At Bowden's Self Ser
vice Laundry.
WASH 9 lb. 10AD only 20c
WASH 161b. LOAD ..... only 35c
D.1Y 10 MINUTES . only 10c
Owners: Stanley and Haiel Bowden
252 Kearney Ave. Ph. EV 2-1324
. - 1 .
KM . P-T. : 51 -t I.7M
: l-wciT-
f I '..''.'it.
' '. , , .'-it
Coldspot 16.8 Cu. Ft.
Stores 51 Ibi. ol (reicn foodt.
Porcelain lintd Interior rotiitt
rusts, 4 open grill freezing
shelves lets lero-cold lir scoot
II around foods for even (reel
ing. 5 reguler plus 3 ulce can
shelves in doors, and a yeers
food spoilage warranty.
Coldspot 20.5 Cu. Ft,
Hold 718 lbs. of Froten
Guess The Weight
Of The Giant King
Crab At Sears.
Some Luck Will Win.
No Purchase Necessary.
Coldspot 15 Cu. Ff. .
Hold 535 lbs. of Froien
Now $10Q95
851 Wall
Ph. EV 2-3421