Univ. of Oregon Library EUGENE, OREGOJJ WEATHER Increasing e I e u i t tonight; cloudy Friday with high 35-40; low 15-20. 59th Year K ennedv asks for new economic U. S. president says cold war armistice appears far away WASHINGTON (UPI) Presi dent Kennedy asked Congress to day for an array of new econom ic tools, including discretionary power to cut tariffs and reduce personal income taxes, to strengthen the free world against the Communist offensive. In his State of the Union Mes sage to the newly convened law makers, Kennedy said a cold war armistice "seems very far away." He noted particularly the critical problems posed by Ber lin, Laos and Viet Nam. He cited with obvious pride, however, U.S. military progress during his first year in the White House and said his new defense budget provides for more mis siles, men and substantial in creases in Air Force fighter units. This country, he said, has "re jected any all-or-nothing posture which would leave no choice but inglorious retreat or unlimited re taliation." Prosperity At Horn Kennedy's wide-ranging eco nomic, defense and foreign policy proposals were keyed to the Mine blasf fakes lives of 11 men . - '" - - HERRIN, III. (UPI) Rescuers probing the smoke and fume-filled tunnels of Blue Blaze coal mine No. 2 today found the shattered bodies of 11 men trapped when an explosion tore through the shaft There were no survivors. The bodies could not be re moved until ventilator fans blew the mine free of carbon monoxide left by the apparent methane gas explosion. Recovery of the bodies was to be attempted later today. Relatives of the victims were in formed of the outcome of the tragedy by William Orlandi, Illi nois state director of mines and minerals, in a terse announce ment Wives of two of the dead broke into sobs. The crowd of friends and relatives gradually dispersed Into the 4 below cold. Orlandi declined to discuss pos sible causes of the blast. Mine owner Claude Gentry who was at tending his 45th birthday party when news of the blast came Wednesday night, said he had "no Idea" as to the cause. But state Mine Inspector Ray McCluskey theorized the workmen at the coal face may have cut in to a trapped pocket of methane. The gas could have been touched off by a spark from a machine of an electric short The body of the cage operator was found a few feet from the shaft. That of the motorman lay about 40 feet away. Bodies of the remaining nine were strewn about the coal face, some 750 feet to the east of the shaft FREE DELIVERY THE OWL PHARMACY 151 WALL ST. EV J-J86I BEND, OREGON Fourteen Pages theory that prosperity must be maintained at home to counter successfully the constant threat of military, political and economic aggression by the Communists. His 6,000-word message, deliv ered in person to a joint session of the House and Senate, was carried to the rest of the coun try and overseas by radio and television. The President sought an exten sive domestic legislative package, some parts of which were sure to provoke controversy in this election year. To slow any future recession, he asked for standby authority, subject to congressional veto, to cut personal income tax rates within a specified range. While he did not go into details, it was learned he wanted power to cut the basic tax rate from 20 to 15 per cent The President renewed his re quest for health insurance for the aged financed through the Social Security system a plan op posed by the American Medical Association and many conserva tive members of Congress. He also requested federal fi nancing of mass immunization against disease and a new con cept of public welfare to shift federal emphasis from direct re lief to rehabilitation. Aid For Schools Kennedy renewed in strong terms hi& request for federal aid to education for public school construction, teacher salaries, loans for new college buildings, federally financed college schol arships and a new nationwide at tack on adult illiteracy. He seemed assured of getting a college aid program but the public school plan apparently was dead, killed by last year's con troversy over extending it to pa rochial or private schools. Top item on Kennedy's foreign agenda was trade. He proposed a new five-year plan to replace the expiring Reciprocal Trade Act It would gradually eliminate certain tariffs in return for sim ilar concessions by the European Common Market Tariffs in other areas would be reduced by as much as 50 per cent "The Communist economic of fensive is underway," he said in urging his liberalized trade pro gram. "The opportunity is ours the initiative is up to us and the time is now." As for the military outlook, Kennedy said the United States would have to remain strong "so long as fanaticism and fear brood over the affairs of men." More For Defense He said his defense blueprint called for 300 additional Polaris and Minuteman missiles, two new Army divisions replacing Nation al Guard units now on duty, plus "substantial other increases" to boost Air Force fighter units, pro curement of equipment and the continental defense and warning systems. A Word To The Wise Prescriptions are our special ity. Highest quality is our by word. And no effort is too great in serving you - our customer as our friend! OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P. M. Bend, Deschutes f i SPAN OVER CANALS NEARS COMPLETION One pha$. of the U.S. High way 97 Swalley Canal-East Revere project near the north city limits of Bend Includes construction of a route for the new highway over the North Canal and the North Unit Canal. The crossing of the two parallel canals will be over Audience of 50 Civil defense team explains for study of possib le shelter By lla S. Grant Bullttln Staff Writer About 50 persons crowded into the district courtroom at the Des chutes county courthouse Wednes day to hear Civil Defense experts explain the survey and marking plan for community tauout snei- ters. The audience included public of ficers, community leaders and some of the owners of large build World traveler Don C. Sloan to speak at awards banquet Donald C. Sloan, world traveler and- one of the 11 men selected to go to Europe several years back to assist in showing "How Amer ica Sells," is to be guest speaker at the 1962 Bend Junior Chamber of Comerce award banquet The dinner will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 18, in the basement of the Elks Hall with J. Pat Metke as master of cere monies. Bend's top junior and senior cit izens of the past year, the Jay cees Keyman of the Year and the outstanding member of the Jay cee Auxiliary will be presented at the dinner. Identity of the award winners will be kept secret until they are introduced. The advance sale of tickets to the annual dinner is now under way. Tickets can be obtained from any member of the Jaycees. The Pine Tavern is to cater the din ner. Sloan, educated at Brigham Young College in Utah and at the University of Oregon, is widely in demand in Oregon as a speaker. He is president of Donald C. Sloan & Company, an investment firm in Portland. In past years, Sloan has served as director of National Sales Exe cutives, vice-president of the exe cutive council of the National Se curity Traders Association, prime minister of the Royal Rosarians, president of the Portland Bond OSU economist Using one of Webster's defini. tion of a tax as a forced contri bution of wealth to meet the pub lic needs of a government, an Ore gon State University agricultural economist agreed in a talk Wed nesday night in Bend that no tax is perfect, and quoted the bromide that taxes, like death, are inevit able. Dr. Grant Blanch,' speaking as a guest of the Deschutes County Tax Association, expressed his be lief that the property tax, by BEND CENTRAL OREGON'S County, Oregon, Thursday, crowds courfroom ings in Deschutes, Crook and Jef ferson counties. Several addressed questions to the team of speakers about warehousing, liability of building owners and the utiliza tion of natural facilities such as caves, mines and tunnels, and of potato cellars, which the speak ers said are also to be surveyed. The speakers were Robert Bon ney of Moffett, Nichol and Taylor, consulting engineers, Portland; DONALD C. SLOAN Traders Club and president of the Portland Sales Manager Club. Sloan has filled speaking en gagements in many European countries and was received in Stockholm, Sweden, by King Gus- tav. ' --''y I Si 1 ' K -,. v-..i5 . 1 which real estate is taxed ac cording to value, is perhaps the least equitable of all, yet is the source of income for most of the services provided by government at the local level. He recommended. Instead, a tax base which would take into con sideration ability to pay, benefits received and equality. He said that the property tax should be retained, for services that directly benefit property roads, water districts, protection, BULLETIN DAILY NEWSPAPER January 11, 1962 Leonard Stein, office of Portland qualify as emergency shelters District Engineers; Robert Coop-1 were described. Fire-proof build er Office of Civil Defense. De- L, wjth concrete or maso partment of Defense, Region 8; ' . , , . , Col. L. C. Berry and Gen. Wil liam Coleman, Oregon State Civil Defense Agency, Salem. . Most Talkatlva . . Most of the talking from the audience was done by Mr., and Mrs. William Speth, instructors at Central Oregon College, and Har old Bock, American .Problems teacher at Bend High School At one point Speth asked if it is too late" to notify the federal Civil Defense authority not to in clude this area in the survey, and to give the money, instead, to the United Nations. : Bock said that he Is as concern ed about the future as anyone. That nuclear attack would mean death for Americans, and - that some Congressmen and many nu clear scientists are not in accord with the concept of Civil Defense,' and the fallout shelter plan. . Concern Voiced Mrs. Speth voiced considerable concern about the nature of a pos sible attack, and questioned the team about their statements that two weeks In a shelter probably would be the maximum. General Coleman explained the "7-10 ratio" rule-of-thumb, which indicates that fallout is most viru lent in tha first 48 hours, with radio-active particles losing potency at varying degrees, some remain ing dangerous for weeks, months or years. It is believed that two weeks after a bomb blast, or a series of closely-spaced ones, peo ple would be able to go out doors for short periods, at least, but that in an event of such emergen cy, they would be exposed to "doses" of radio activity that would be unthinkable under nor mal circumstances. Colonel Berry said that the pur pose of the team's visit here was not to discuss the tneory oi uvii Defense, but to lay the ground work for the survey program. The team will be back in Cen tral Oregon next woek, to begin tha survey. Buildings that would would ease tax etc but that costs of elemen tary and higher education, which took 65 per cent of the property tax money in Oregon in 1960 should not be paid for only by per sons who happen to own property. "The property tax Is out-of-date but it gives a more uniform rev enue than does Income tax," he said. "It is also difficult to evade and interferes little with normal flow of goods; in effect it plucks the goose where it will hurt the Ten Cents n.iiynHW Vat; a concrete structure, pictured her. The canal bridge will be 170 feet in length. Just to tha south of this bridge a railroad crossing, 279 feet in length, will be constructed, with bids to be received on January 17. plans sites floors, walls and roofs almost al ways qualify, particularly if they have basements. Buildings with masonry walls, but wood floors and interiors are next best Frame buildings do not qualify. . i U.S. Provisions' The Federal Government Is to provide grain derivative biscuits, water containers, first-aid equip ment and radiological monitoring equipment for the emergency shelters. These are to be ware housed at a central point, and stored at the selected buildings. Fifty cubic feet of storage space is required for storage of these materials for a shelter to accom modate 50 persons.. . ., i Some relief said on way for Midwest By United Press International Bitter cold that gripped prac tically all the nation hung on to day with record low temperatures and deep snow dipping into Dixie. But forecasters said relief was on the way for the Midwest, which has staggered under one of the longest cold spells in years. The forecast was for gradual warming. The mercury stood at 12 de grees at Pensacola, Fla., lowest since Weather Bureau instruments were installed at the present loca tion 21 years ago. But the citrus area around Lakeland, Fla., was saved from freezing temperatures by a wind shift. Citrus farmers around Browns ville, Tex., were less fortunate. Millions of dollars worth of un- harvested oranges and grapefruit may have been damaged in tem peratures six degrees below freez ing. least." Blanch suggested an increasing share of state-collected taxes com bined with a per-capita grant from the state to local services. He sug gested county and city sales tax es, but admitted that one can't justify a tax based upon spend ing in the same way as one based on earning. Federal grants-in-aid for educa tion are one answer, he suggested. But on the theory of using fed No. 30 tools Bid opening due on rail crossing over new route The Oregon State Highway Com mission this coming week, on Jan uary 17, will open bids for an overhead railroad crossing on the new route of U.S. Highway 97 in to Bend from the north. This will be part of the Swalley Canal East Revere project on which preliminary work was start ed in 1981. Grading of the first section, construction of a span over the North Canal and the North Unit Canal and preparation of approaches to the overhead crossing are now nearing comple tion. The overhead crossing of the Oregon Trunk at the north city limits of Bend will be steel and reinforced concrete structure, 279 feet in length and with a clearance of 24 feet It will be handled un der a separate contract. The concrete structure over the canals is 170 feet in length. Much heavy construction has been Involved In work on the Swalley Canal - East Revere sec tion of the highway which will move through Bend along East Third Street Heaviest work was encountered in the rocky area south from the Swalley Canal First work on the project in cluded the placing of the new Swalley siphon under the highway just outside the city limits. Big lava blisters ' were encountered In work south of this point The railroad overcrossine when completed will closely resemble the new structure at the U.S. 97- U.S. 20 grade separation a short distance north of town. DOW-JONES AVERAGES Dow Jones final stock averages: 30 industrials 710.67, up 4.65; 20 railroads 148.05, up 0.40; 15 utili ties 124.13, off 0.03, and 65 stocks 241.16, up 1.00. Sales today were about 3.39 million shares compared with 3.3 million shares Wednesday. TEMPERATURES High yesterday, 41 degrees. Low last night, 16 degrees. Sunset today, 4:48. Sunrise tomorrow, 7:38. load on eral taxes for local services, he said that "If you send a dollar to Washington, you only get 15 cents back." He said that Oregon Is the only state In the Union which has neither a sales tax nor a cigarette tax. He said that units of govern ment are too small that there would be a great saving of money if road departments and other county services were consolidated i Six villages engulfed, aid sent to area HUARAZ, Peru (UPI)-An ava lanche of mountain ice and snow thundered down towering Mt Hu ascaran late Wednesday, engulf ing six villages and causing heavy loss of life. Estimates of the dead and missing ranged from 2,000 to 3,000. The Peruvian Red Cross esti mated that between 2,000 and 2,500 persons wero killed. Red Cross President Roberto Thordike said there were only a handful of survivors. An esti mated 3,100 persons lived in the area, 30 miles north of here and about 200 miles from Lima. Col. Humberto Ampuero, direct ing rescue operations, told UPI that an estimated 3.000 persons were dead or missing. He de scribed the scene as reminiscent of Dante's "Inferno" and said the crushed villages were buried in a wall of mud, ice and rocks 40 feet high and half a mile wide. A similar avalanche destroyed Huara2 20 years ago, killing 5,000 persons. Radio Appeal Made In a radio appeal, Ampuero asked for all possible aid. He said he needed a battalion of engineers with earth-moving machines to clear the rubble. The threat of floods added to the horror of the disaster scene as the swollen Santa River threat ened to burst over its banks. First reports of the disaster came from Dr. Leoncio Guzman, who saw the slide hurtling down the mountainside as he returned from a nearby hospital He tried to reach his home to warn his family, but it was too late. Guzman said he was driving barely a mile away from his home when he saw the slide start. At full speed he raced for the vil lage but the landslide got there first "Everyone Was Dead" "I was too late," he said. "Ev eryone was dead." He said he barely escaped. Guzman owed his life to the fact he practiced in Hua rai, although living in 'Ranrahir-" ca, and was making tha hospital call at the time of the slide. The entire residential section of Huaraz was wiped out by the landslide of Dec 13, 1941, which dumped a sea of mud, rocks and volcanic lava 150 feet high and a half a mile wide into the city. Landslides in November, 1946, killed at least 500 persons in north central Peru, including 300 miners entombed at their work. An earthquake in May, 1940, killed 249 persons and injured 3,000, most of them residents of Lima and its seaport. El Callao. Avalanches are not unusual at this time of the year in Peru as the thaws of the spring and sum mer release the winter's accumu lation of snow and ice from the Andes. Quakes Jolt wide area of Yugoslavia BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (UPI) Earthquakes jolted the central and coastal sections of Yugoslavia today, triggering landslides, wrecking villages, cutting commu nications and touching off mass flights of residents. First reports said at least one person was killed. It was the sec ond series of quakes to hit tha country within a week. Several days ago earth shocks destroyed 75 per cent of the houses In the coastal town of Makarska and killed two persons. Makarska, on the Adriatic, was badly hit again today. Truckloads of refugees fled to Split, farther down the coast Belgrade Radio said inhabitants of villages in the areas were or dered Into the open country. Army and navy units were ordered in to help victims and a call was made for 2,000 beds, tents and food for the homeless. The first fatality was reported from the village of Podgora hit by a landslide triggered by the quakes. The nearby village of Mainovici was "entirely de stroyed." the radio said. property on a several-county basis. "The demand for publie serr cies Is predicated on the premise that someone else will pay the bill," the speaker said. "The hea vy burden of taxation has caused exempt poultices but the exemp tions flow over to tha remainder of the taxpayers." He recommended that the tax base be increased by bringing back the exempt properties to the tax roll