The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 10, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' : 'l 111 II' '
4 . Wednesday, January 10, 1962 ' ! An Independent Newspaper
fhll P. Brogan, Associate Editor Jack McDermott, Advertising Manager
lonn Cuahman, General Manager Lou E. Meyers, Circulation Manager
Leren I. Dyer, Mechanical Superintendent William A. Yatei, Managing Editor
Robert W. Chandler, Editor end Publliher
Entarrt u Swond Clan Maltar. Jtnoarr . U1T. at Ui Plat onto at Band. Oraaun. under Act ut March 8. 1S79. Pul
UhM dallr cI Sunday and ctrtam nolldayt by Tn Band BullaUn. Inc.
There's no automatic tax levy tied to
the junior college vote on January 30
The ballot Issued to voters In the
community college election on January
30 will give voters an opportunity to
express themselves on two things: First,
should a Central Oregon area educa
tion district be formed? Second, who
should serve as its directors?
Assuming for a moment the district
is formed, and the directors elected,
does this mean a stated amount for
the support of the district will appear
on your next year's tax bill?
Not at all.
The directors will have to meet
and organize. They will have to study
financial affairs of the institution. They
will have to prepare a budget, Just as
any taxing body must prepare. And the
budget will have to be approved by the
voters at still another, separate elec
tion, In the Spring.
It would appear that a majority
of the candidates for the board are
committed to voting for a college ex
penditure of two mills or less. Whether
this majority Includes the majority of
those who will win posts on the board
remains to be seen.
What form would the institution
take, if voters approve the formation
of the district later this month?
California's junior college system
is the most highly developed in the
country, and the embryo Oregon sys
tem is largely patterned after it. If the
California system is followed pretty
well, it's possible to see what kind of
school would be in operation here In
the future.
Over a period of the next half-dozen
years college operations would be
centralized on a new campus, hopeful
ly to replace the half-dozen locations
presently being used.
Both day and night programs
would be offered. Students from out
side the immediate area of the campus
would be transported to school by bus.
Dormitories may be a gleam in the
eye of some, but are unlikely expendi
tures in the foreseeable future.
Education programs would contin
ue largely as they are now, with some
classes for those interested in voca
tional skills and others for those in
terested in more academic subjects. '
Can this be done on two mills? .
. Quite probably. State funds and
student tuition fees would still contin
ue to represent the major portion of
the school's income, leaving a relative
ly small part to be made up by local
taxpayers residing in the district.
Do students really benefit from the
present college?
Based upon the only two measures
of benefit we have, the answer is an
. unqualified yes. Students from Central
Oregon have done better work at other
Institutions of higher learning than the
average of those schools. A number of
persons have been enabled to get bet
ter jobs, and perform more highly-skilled
work, as a result of vocational train
ing at the school.
There are really two groups of
electors Involved on January 30. One
is composed of residents of the Bend
school district, who have been support
ing the program for a number of years.
The other is composed of those outside
the boundaries of the Bend district, and
within the area education district, who
will bear part of the cost of the school's
operation for the first time.
What it does to, and for, each
group will be discussed tomorrow.
Wheels of regulation grind slow
The Federal Trade Commission has
ruled TV advertisers may not use
'camera trickery" in setting up shots
of TV commercials. The original com
plaint was issued against a company
which long since has dropped the of
fending commercial.
One field which the FTC could in
vestigate, it seems to us, with consid
erable expectation of success Is the cur
rent rash of commercials selling toys
to youngsters.
(Well, they actually don't sell toys
to the kids. But they make toys look
so good, and sell them so hard to the
small fry, that it's a strong parent in
deed who can keep from buying.)
To watch the commercials you'd
swear the toys were real. But when the
product comes home, it's often a dif
ferent thing.
One sorrowful six-year-old, after
a highly-touted toy failed to operate
according to promises, wanted to know
why no one punished the man on the
TV when he told lies. .
And her parents had no good answer.
Neither Thornton nor Pearson will get help
Prominent among those about
whom nothing was said, good or bad,
at last week's political session of the
Oregon AFL-CIO were the two an
nounced aspirants to the Democratic
nomination for governor.
Neither Robert Y. Thornton, pres
ent Attorney General, nor Walter J.
Pearson, state senator, were given la
bor's nod, even though the unions
usually make their primary recommen
dations known. A spokesman said labor
would "sit out" that contest.
We'll go one step farther. We'll
New CIA chief has record
of 'conflict of interest'
bet that when the primaries are over
labor will endorse the present holder
of the office, Republican Mark O. Hat
field, rather than help the winner of the
Democratic primary.
Thornton and Pearson have both
angered labor in the past, so far In the
past that most persons have forgot-1
ten the cause of the original rifts. Hat- j
field has been scrupulously on the ,
fence, well-balanced, in any questions
involving labor and management, as he 1
should be. I
8 Drew Pearson
WASHINGTON - One of the
first problems facing the Senate
Armed Services Committee will
be to review the record laid down
by its late, much-loved senior Re
publican, Styles Bridges oi New
Hampshire, regarding Kennedy's
new chief of Central Intelligence.
The new CIA chief, John A. Mc-
Cone, was appointed by Kennedy
just a few days after Congress ad'
journed last September and it is
now up to the Senate Armed Serv
ices Committee to confirm him.
If Sen. Bridges' colleagues turn
to their own subcommittee hear
ings of June 2, 1953 and there
after, they will find some amaz
ing testimony by and about the
new CIA chief.
Amazing as it is, the testimony
is not quite complete, because la
ter testimony by McCone before
the Joint Atomic Energy Commit
tee, July 2, 1958, shows that he
must have been guilty of a con
flict of interest when as Under
Secretary of the Air' Force he
awarded a flying boxcar contract
to the Kaiser-Frazer Company for
three times the price the govern
ment was paying to Hie Fairchild
Corporation. -
One Republican, Rep. A I v I n
O'Konski of Wisconsin, charged
his fellow Republican, McCone,
with being "merely on leave of ab
sence from his position of presi
dent of the Bechtel-McCone Corp.
. . .Becomes Under Secretary of
the Air Force and arranges a nice
fat gift for Kaiser; and that is how
Kaiser manages to continue to
suck defense dollars while our
boys in Korea die for lack of
McCone denied the statement.
However, he did not deny that the
Bcchtel family owned 4,200 shares
of Kaisor-Frazer common stock.
He also had a hard time putting
a good light on the highly unusual
chain of facts which Sen. Bridges
placed before the Senate Armed
Services Subcommittee as to how
Kaiser got the flying boxcar con
tract. At that time, 1950, Henry J. Kai
ser's attempt to rival other auto
manufacturers with the "Henry
J" small-sized car and other Kai
sor-Frazer makes had been a
flop. He had a heavy overhead,
a factory at Willow Run, Mich.,
which was closing down, and a
large supply of machinery on
hand. He had to get off the hook.
According to the testimony un
earthed by Sen. Bridges, Kaiser's
close associate with whom he had
boen engaged in West Coast ship
building. John A. McCone, got him
off the hook. McCone produced a
quickie contract to manufacture
the C-119 or flying boxcar.
The contract was consummated
in the record time of ten days.
The deal was even sewed up four
days before Kaiser submitted its
estimate as to what the flying box
cars would cost.
The cost per plane as built by
Kniser was to be $688,365, as com
pared with $260,000 per plane as
built by Fairchild in Hagerstown,
Md. The Air Force, under Me
Cono, however, took part of the
contract away from Fairchild, de
spite the higher cost. McCone, try
ing to explain this to Sen. Bridges,
alibied that the Defense Depart
ment wanted to develop second
ary suppliers. He had to admit
under cross - examination, how
ever, that Secretary pf Defense
Marshall had issued the directive
on "second suppliers" only after
the Kaiser contract had been negotiated.
In the end Kaiser charged the
Air Force not $(108,365 as estimat
ed, but $1,339,140 per boxcar. It
even charged up to the Air Force
$78,000 for liquor, food, and the
cost of a dedication party for its
first C-119 though this was
caught and disallowed by Air
Force auditors.
Fester Than Fast
The amazing, high-speed negot
iations began on Dec. 5, 1950, when
Kaiser, hard-pressed from his un
successful auto venture, applied to
the Reconstruction Finance Cor
poration for a $23,000,000 loan. He
was told he could get it if he had
a government contract.
Later that same dav. thanks to
his old shipbuilding partnership, '
he had lunch with McCone, then
Under Secreaty of the Air Force
in charge of procurement. Son Ed
gar Kaiser was also present, to
gether with IX Gen. K. B. Wolfe,
deputy chief of staff for mater
iel. At this luncheon, Senate hear
ings showed that the plan to
build C-119s in the Kaiser Willow
Run plant was discussed.
On Dec. 6. one day later, the
Kaisers appeared at the Fairchild
plant In Hagerstown and demand
eded engineering data on the C-119
which Fail-child had developed
and was then producing. Under
an Air Force contract Fairchild
was required to give the data to
a competitor.
Nine days later, Dec. 15, the de
cision was reached to award the
(lying boxcar contract to Kaiser.
No facilities or cost studies had
been niScle, and the Air Force had
no idea what Kaiser was going to
Custom cabinet work, stair
ways, woodworking, beverage
bars, new construction.
No Job To Small
207 Willow Lane
EV 2-0372
charge Uncle Sam for being bail
ed out at Willow Run.
All this caused Sen. Bridges to
ask McCone:
"If i the Air Force's records
should indicate that the decision
to award the contract for the C
119 to Kaiser-Frazer was reached
on Dec. 15 and that the proposals
were delivered by Kaiser-Frazer
to the Air Materiel Command on
Dec. 19, four days later, what
would you say?"
"I would say that the action,
though apparently fast, was prop
er under the sense of emergency
that we were operating," replied
"It is even faster than fast, is
it not?" asked Bridges.
"It is pretty fast, you bet,"
agreed McCone.
In all the testimony, however,
McCone would not admit that he
had any continuing financial re
lationship with Kaiser. What was
disclosed on this point in a subse
quent congressional hearing will
be reported in this column tomorrow.
to the Editor
The Bulletin welcomes contribution
to - Uila column from It reader, tat
ter mm! contain the correct oarue
and address ol Uie avnder. nhlcb mar
be HlUilield at the oen'ftpaper'a dlt
cretlon. Jitters may be edited to con.
turmto tbe dictates of taste and style.
School year around
Bend man's proposal -
To the Editor:
I have read lots of comments
on our school, and I agree It sure
is a big problem. It is true we
have a nice high school, but in
less than ten years we are in need
of more class rooms. Are other
things being put first?
At our present growth must we
have a million dollar bond issue
every eight or ten years? If so,
you will have other disappoint
ments. We should be -thinking
about other ways. We are living
entirely in a new era.
I don't believe our school year
has changed the last fifty years.
With our growth as a nation, will
we ever keep in step with our
class rooms? Have you ever con
sidered 12 months school (two six
months sessions)? We have the
equipment for this method.
. Also you could consider a sales'
tax to be used only for education.
Thanking you,
L. R. Pruet , ,
Bend, Oregon, - -'
Jan. 9, 1962 i
Study of milk
pricing sought
COOS BAY (UPI) The head
of the Oregon Dairymen's Asso
ciation called on dairy farmers
Tuesday for a joint milk pricing
study and for resistance to the
Teamsters Union.
Louis Wettstein, an Ontario
dairy farmer, addressed the ODA
convention which winds up today.
He said dairymen should get to
gether to decide what to do when
the Oregon milk pricing law ex
pires Dec. 31. Wettstein listed
three alternatives: A federal or
der, a state order, or a strong
producer organization in a non-
regulated market.
Westtstein also told delegates
the Teamsters Union threatens a
conflict of interest for dairymen.
One group can t serve both ag
riculture and consumer," he said.
Wettstein Said the Teamsters
have recruited more than 100
dairy producers in Oregon and
southwest Washington. There arc
some 1,800 dairy farmers in Ore
HOUSTON. Tex. (UPD-The pa
trol car pulled alongside the sput
tering auto and Officer H. O. Wen
dell asked, "What's the trouble?"
"The tinfoil keeps drop
ping out of the ignition," replied
the driver, fumbling under the
darti with one hand and steering
with the other.
Wendell arrested him and a pas
senger on suspicion of auto theft.
Silverton man
accident victim
CANBY (UPI) A Silverton
man was thrown to his death in
a two - car accident near here
Tuesday night.
Killed was William Robert Mc
Claskey, 44. A passenger in the
car, Francis R. Shepherd of Sil
verton, was hospitalized.
Officers said McClaskey was
trying to pass another car when
his car sideswiped the second ve
hicle and hit a culvert, throwing
McClaskey out
Three persons in the second
car were uninjured.
The accident occurred on High
way 99E near Seven Acres.
Boaters gain
50 more miles
California boaters gained another
50 miles Tuesday on their jaunt
down the Oregon coast in a 21
foot boat.
The trio tied their outboard-
powered boat to a buoy at Port
Orford about 4 p.m. Fog had kept j
them in Coos Bay until 10:25 a.m. ,
They are en route from Kelso, i
Wash., to Sacramento, Calif., aft-
er buying the boat to be shown j
in a boat show. 1
Drug suspects
are rounded up
VANCOUVER, B. C. (UPI) -Police
prepared for a possible in
crease in crime today as a re
sult of panic among the city's
drug addicts after Tuesday's ar
rest of 23 suspected drug traf
The arrests were part of an
extensive roundup which also re
sulted in two persons being
charged in Victoria, B. C, and
two in Calgary, Alberta.
Bail totaling $400,000 was set
for seven of the suspects here.
The Royal Canadian Mounted
Police here expected to make 11
more arrests.
District court .
fines assessed
Fines for traffic violations were
paid Tuesday in Judge Joe Thal
hofer's Deschutes county district
court as follows:
Maurice Orley Barker, The
Dalles, bus speeding (radar), $10.
Thomas Albert Zoeter, Rose-;
burg, disobeying traffic signal,
incnh Warren Acklen. Bend,
failure to drive to right side of
highway, $15.
Gifts at
Myrtlewood or Juniper weed
Open 1 p.m. to S e.m.
1322 S. 3rd Next Stan. Ste.
Klamath County Fairgrounds
40 Horned Her.forda, 18 Polled Hereford.
13 Ab.rdeen Angus, 1 Shorthorn
Sitted for quality. Good breeding condition.
Sponsored by
Klamath Cattleman's Assn.
P. O. Box 231 Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone TU 4-8151
of :
heists :
.t- Til '
They've added more items
to the sales tables . . .
and reduced prices even
further on lots of things!
women's COATS
values to 69.95
99 ' $
4 n
to ij t7
women's DRESSES 3
values to 39.95
values to 13.99 SHOES .
women's DRESS
AND SPORT SHOES values to 13.99
women's FLATS
AND CASUALS values to 7.95
children's BUSTER BROWN
values to 7.95
men's and boys'
values to 11.95
men's 8-inch
values to 17.95
921 wall
EV 2-1092