J .',:,KV.ff:.iV(W4Mi,,il..f',4i.ijn.- OUT OUR WAY WHUT DOES zH I'LL BET HE'P JUST IT WU5T BE V "13 IT MAKE YOU fa? AS SOOW BE BACK I UICH TO MAVB '0i TMIWK 41 TOTHE CUBByHOLe A CMAWCE.THO 1 WHEN YOU iSU PAVS-FER BVTM' TVE BUILT ALL J Sf REALIZE THIS ViVS TIME YOUVE BUILT THEM OTHER f -223 LITTLE CUBB- ' UP FROWTH' CUBBY5, 1 THIW6S UP. TOO, I .-3 HOLE U5EP HOLE YOU'VE BUILT I BUT I'M STILL IW iai TO BE YOU. Sl OP RHEUMATISM, A CUBBYHOLE -SlW OFFICE FROM rnr?Kw SLIT, WEAK f V r-?ij1 WHICH THIS EYE&AWP 1 V V3 6REATSHOP I 1 OLPA6E I '-1 HAS6KOWIJT J " 11 JIT.WILllAM . THE FOXHOLg (wn,tu.s' ' STEVE CANYOW DICK TRACT LI'L ABNER REX MORGAN, M.D. CAPTAIN EASY ww ...!LLJj I'ffaWfc riONNA BE "W AMOHTV DIFFERENT I V6Mi4 tawe, h MOVIN' INTO THAT T I IT WAS REAL KINDLY eiRLS'PORM... j I OF YOU r TAKE ME Itf N , OWKDkw1?TH3 BALL SAILED TOWARD 1 THE OLD HOUSE AND A DISAPPEAgED.. ( you GUESSED IT.'?- J th'finaltargeto' r TH" 'PRESIDENTIAL ) 1 XL', jSfVD STILL LIKE TOj T TO f 4r p I KNOW WHAT YDUVE TALK TO YOU. I HAVE A SEAT, A GOT ME HERE FOR J L MR. CAMPOS.' V MR. CAMPOS 1 - I -tmjw V6AH...IT' AFTER SUNUPi VK WOkc POWN TO A NUB1 WU MEAN PUTITSACK,OH6W0WT )U OIVE UP, SUSPECK- ORVlE.WITHOUr faORBllMEYII GET HIT HIS BOX OPSNt . COME'EREl MARY WORTH JSSm - l'A-:si?i ''I"'!'- S ' 1 l I IU 6tT TT!-.. I ----1 if 5LIM?...THI It I HI BE THERE v l ig v-A-LiiJLLu I WAS EXPECTING A CALL! J MAYBELL! COULD wO!N 10 MINUTES-UH-) It THIRt tOMlTHIN6 .7 ,. Mu Wm "FROM THE OFFICE! V TAKE A LITTLE DRIVE? l. MR. C0LDJPRIN6! 1 i ON YOUR MINO, SLIM YOU I . liNt PBMLImTi MT,J ...THERE' SOWETHINfl V- ra-l HARDLY TOUCHED YOUR MOTHER... jLlL FT I-NEED TO TALK 11 K y DiNNtR!...ANo you f YOVERwmnrou 2 ALLEY OOP t&.jLtb-' I ' H6CK r CAN'T, I I IT WAS AN OF OXIRSE, I I CT1 I BUT I'LL RECOVER IN A CM, TVO? O.XOKS LL Jitffi si I'M CVVNG NEAR ACCIPENT1 1 OF CTXlRSE, IT9TH'NV LWY OR TWO, 'THOUGH I CO A LOT FCR YOU, foozy; OL1 PAL, PEAP. FROM I PIPNT V WHATCm ( SAME a' l W BANGEP-UP HEADVL BOYl .Y'ALWAYS WAS J Jf C"MONj.BOY, M"ti 1 6T0TPINI' THAT KNOW ANY-X 6AV 6 TUFF, MTU I PE BLAlX AN" BLUE.' A MITE TCO (ALEIX CANT BE HURT FCC WITH MY BOPY WAS ( 16 SO- V JLIS.T PIPST ,n- .rcKxr0' TOO BAPI VRXRHEAP.' ANTlWETte rV- ? S lKIOW.' Y SAVj IL. 1T1 m -' JtpJppJyfJj iC iiJii Jli taoOP THINS VOUT w PICKEP UP YOUR SEVfcKAL WIKfc ROOM A45HNMENT (TOM AN AiSSIE EARLY. Mi tTUPENT NAMEP CANYON.' IT THE LATT6 LAVACCA LAST IN THE POEM". WHO r I WAS GETTING INTO MV CAR TO LEAVE THE GOLF CLUB WHEN I HEARD A CRY, AND SAW A LITTLS CilWL ANUt n jnyCHML ANU P-Y. r-4 I ( -IS-VAK'-YAKfr-lOU ) f 1 PROLONGED THIS ) KAOH WHO!! li RECORDWTO KEEP 1 AN'VOUKHOW ( YOU HERE. SOMETHWELSE? ) v 1 S I I LOOklT X mil, I SWAN'DAT WOT WE HEARD W& ME LOCKBTO IN PA NISHTi dATTEKBP -lLL RON HIS BOX OUTER SHAPE; By ME OWN LZ rrJ r&il ORVILLEJ OUH BOARDING HOUSE THIS ISA MAP OF KNOTlTHECAI?l88SAsJ THE WHOLft AS WELL CARIBBEAN. At are, THIS NEIGHBORHOOD.' lOrJLVOORtSLAiOO LWA-M-'-FArJCY IT AWSTTBETHe iPRWTEO0MrT,rrBe INO SO SMALL.' PUT BUCCANEER STRAIN FKOM SOME OP MY 0LOPIRAT64MAR Ancestors that OUCISLfVJD IS WEAR those yeuoWAiOD FASCINATES ME VJITHTHEf . CARIBBEAN.' red pots. WAVE HAP M NOW THE MAUMEB STUPENTS ARE POURINS ONTO THE CAMPUS.. .AND 5! f MISS LAVACCA.' r MISS LATT6 LAVACCA, WAS ANXIOUS PLEASE COME TO THE 10 MCVfc IN.' INFORMATION PESK THAT GIRL HELD A GOLF F "1 SAID HIT-J BALL IN HER HAND AND HER GRANNY HAD BEEN KNOW MY RIGHT51 YOU ACT LIKE CXJN'T HAVE TO TALK WHO'S DONE WITHOUT A LAWYER CAMPOS.. .AS YOU'VE KIT TO HIDE NARK IT, VS $ON...A BEP RAIL FELL WrrtRsl you AN1 PcNTEP ITI PONE ITS YOU DK1 ME OL& AQEl Rw -r' ' with MAJOR HOOPLE E6AO, CAPT. 'CAPT. 6hVDYSAFF 5HAWOV&AFR X LOOKS TO ME Like HE 0SEO1&R6MT AS I KNOW , Bowemrs.'ANoiF ,1W'A(A5DRKM0VJS TH CARIBBEAN A WELL AS OUR AieiGHgORHOOO, IT HAS ALLEV5 AnVLAMhI ftoSTS-irt-Sl V . i TTU1 I v AMciEwr VMRINEf?S. AT THE BUS STATION... BUT, MISTER,TV PLEASE TEV A PAGED THAT filRL FEW MORE 0M DIFFERENT I TIMES) ITS ARKIVINO BUSSES1 TOST IMPORTANT! rriif4 ' I WENT TO THE HOUSE WITH HER, AND THERE LAY THE OLD ,ADY-UtAD. A MAN I HAVEN'T SOMETHING EVEN CHARGED TH0U6H YOU WITH ANYTHING SOMETHING a. .YET.' 1 7 WV, UNCLE BERT. PUH-H-H I would i tackle pat giem; PAT t0 FOR A IUNK! YOU'RE -4 A 'cTlf ENOUGH H W TO REACH WASHINTOH, WHERE I, HO DOUBT, vi ri TO COP WOT LITTieVMEASW NEST AO HOLPIHf OUT BRASSISYVEPFCRwT-'ONUS! IT'S P!f-lLF?-11A FULL A BANK ?'.! i'k i aoTi j a TELEVISION IN REVIEW Poe Ciardi does good Job on old year wrapup By Fred Danzig UPI Staff Wrltar NEW YORK (UPI) Nrf longer must we believe that TV wrapups of old years must be presided over by newsmen, commentators or Garry Moore. On CBS-TV Thursday night, they let a poet do it. And he did a bang-up job. John Ciardi wrote and narrated A Memoir about 1961 as "Accent" was expanded to a full hour and slipped into a prime time slot. It was a thoughtful, brightly- paced, occasionally irreverent and funny, sad, sentimental hour that closed with a sturdy jigger of inspiration. The technique used was primarily still pictures of newsmakers making news. Then, with Ciardi putting the event into perspective, the camera would punctuate his remarks by closing upon faces ot ordinary people reacting to news. Some taped inserts were used Roger Maris hitting No. 61, Alan Shepard's rocket ride, songs about the Jackie look, spools ot the John Birch Society and the Peace Corps, some one-line jokes by Dick Gregory (who sounds more and more like Bob Hope on an off night), and some "twisters" in action but basically it was the excellent pictures and Ciardi s script that held the hour together. My only quibbles are that the transitions from serious to funny to commercial moods were too abrupt and that the spread of comedy should either have been intensified or eliminated com pletely. "The Lonely Woman," undoubt- pep o !.u Tilfl TONIGHT'S FK0ftRA.Mil OO Hank Weaver Newt 10 Paul Harvey Newa 15 ML Bachelor Show : 20 1110 Music Time 45 Alex Dreler Newa 00 K-Bend Music Palrol : (10 Bend va Baker :00 BandsLand Music SATURDAY :00-TNT 1:30 County Agent i: 45 Farm Reporter :00 Morning Mel'Kltea Newa :30 Morning RoundUD :0O Honor Roll of Mualo I'jn Local News Honor Roll of Music. Newa :3n Weekend West : 35 Honor Roll of Music :40 Top Tunea : 55 Honor Roil of Music. Newa :30 Local News 35 Honor Roll of Music. Newa : no Weekend West : 05 Honor Roll of Musto 00 Noontime Melodies : 10 Today's Classlfleda 15 Sptrts Review :ro Noontime Melodlea : 30 Noon News 45 Farmers Hour : no Weekend West :05 Tops In Music :30 Paul Harvey Newa : 45 Tops In Music : 00 Weekend West :ns Tons In Musia 30 Weekend West :35 Tops In Music, newa : 30 Weekend West :35 Tops In Music, newl : on Northwest News : 30 Weekend West :35 Tops in Music, newl '00 Tiame Commission Program : 05 Tops In Music :1!5 Speaking of Sporta : 30 Social Securlly Program : 30 Tops In Music. News 00 K-Hend Musical Patrol .30 Grand Ole Opry : no Bend vs. La Grande i: no This Fvenlng's Favorite ':0O Bandstand Music, Newa 6KOD TV 12 6;00 Nevrnc 6: 15 liHfl! Kiiwards 6:30 Highway Patrol 6 45 Ntvs Central ABC Newa 7:u0 Death Valley Days 7:15 7:W Rawhl,.lt 7:45 Peter Gunn Straightaway 8. on 8:15 8:30 Route 66 6:45 The Hatha waia FUntstonet 9:00 9: 15 9:. VI Father of Uit Brldt 9:4 77 Sunset 10:00 Twlliiht Zont 10: 15 10:30 EyewUneit in. 45 Target- LI-00 Portland Wrestling 11:15 11:30 U.45 Nizhtsrent Ntwi & WaaLhw Movie 12 7.00 7:15 7:30 7 4i 8.00 8:15 8:30 8:45 Cartuun Time Sky Kins Char U a Leon Errol Learn to Draw 9 (XI 9 15 Captain Kangaroo Action 9:45 10-00 10 15 10 30 ir.-4.T Video Vlllace Country Style. i-SA p !'"( ha' 1 11:00 11. 15 11:30 11 45 The Pioneer Gateway Jamboree i: oo 12 15 12:30 i; 45 TV Show 1:00 1 15 1 30 1 4 me Of For Sr"-" Mighty Mouse Roy Roger Shotgun SatuHay 3 45 J 00 S 15 S 30 I 43 Sky King My rnefrd ruc-fct 4 ri 4 15 4 30 4 4S Santa Anna Racet Red Punntrg Pro tVwien Tour Oil 5: 15 5 ,1 5 45 R C M P. Adventurt Theattr fi 1X1 6 15 ft) 45 Fronutr Ouckir Tht CaUforniani FwTtiand edly a first cousin to "the trapped housewife" and "the single wom an," issued her call for help, as usual, in the opening scene of Thursday's "Special for Women" on NBC-TV. And, right on schedule again, the leading lady awakened at the end to the realization that she had been lonely all her life. So the final scene, in which Mrs. Martha Sloan pauses to take stock of her loneliness, turns out to be the real beginning for her. The script by George Lefferts and Elisabeth Dutton was well- suited, for a change, to the bar ren reflectivity that marks each of these presentations. However, Mrs. Sloan was so harshly drawn, so incapable of living with her self, that she soon resembled a neurotic basket case and not an everyday member of the lonely crowd community. Nan Martin, given the task of maintaining nervous, wretched desperation all through the play almost all in close-ups, too performed with eloquent understanding and con trol. 'CBS Reports" started off 1962 with some laughs. With "The Land Beyond the Wall," reporter-narrator Daniel Schorr presented a grim, fairly comprehensive picture of life in East Germany and the commu nist showcase city of Rostock. But Schorr also presented unin tentional humor by capturing wild, overwhelming doses of George Orwellian "double-think" in action as he asked his ques tions and got his answers from the adaptable, submissive East Germans. College students, government leaders, businessmen and workers were heard telling Schorr that black Is white. Schorr himself ap peared to have difficulty in con cealing his own amazement and amusement at the comments of the brainwashed Germans. The program ended after Schorr asked Walter Ulbrieht, the East German communist chief, about the destalinization program Schorr had wilnessed and filmed in Ro stock. Ulbrieht denied it had tak en place. Schorr said what do you mean, I saw them tear down the Stalin signs. At that, Ulbrieht ended the interview and a woman told Schorr, "He's finished now." Was she being prophetic in her desire to be helpful? Th Channel Swim: Arthur Ken nedy will be the narrator for ABC-TV's forthcoming series about the Franklin D. Rosevelt era. As announced earlier, Charl ton Heston will speak the words of F.D.R. Fred Clark has the starring role in "Securities for Suckers," CBS-TV's "Armstrong Circle The ater" for Wednesday, Jan. 17. The subject is counterfeit stock certificates. Cornelia Otis Skinner joins a cast headed by Lee Remick, Peter Lawford and Charles Bick ford in NBC-TV's "Theater 62" adaptation of the 1947 film, "The Farmer's Daughter," airing Sun day. Jan. 14. 8 EGW rv New Beat Huntley-Brlnkley Mr. Magoo Show Main Event Internationa) Showtime Beyond The Threshold SLrip Projection 63 Corruptora Miami Undercover Night Beat! Jack Paar Snow Prayer ft Hymn Ton Country Chan Wanda Wunda Theater Shart Lewii Shovf King Leonardo Fury Make Room For Daddy Update Mr. Wizard of Home Slade Movlt Telav-enrure Tale Casey Jones Saturday Matinee DKk Trao Ivanr" buxjni Svene Steal n 6 The Bend Bulletin, tissin.s.Tj.s-"u.a. aw. a. - "Hiegins hasn't been going -X - I J wilt) sne coum nave a. new cgai 11 sua vuum save enoueh for it!" CARNIVAL First Lady again fops best dressed NEW YORK (UPD-Mrs. Jac queline Kennedy heads the list of Uie world's best dressed women for the second year in a row and was joined at the fashion sum mit by her sister. Princess Lee Radziwill of London, and a close friend, Mrs. Charles B. Wrights man of Palm Beach. The New York Couture Group, which conducts the annual best dressed poll among 2,000 fashion experts, added two other new names to the 1961 list. They were Mrs. Herve Alphand, wife of the French ambassador to the United States, and Mrs. Uberto Agnelli, a tnemher of the Italian family which manufactures Fiat cars. Makinff room for the newcom ers nn the list of the most chic dozen were actress Audrey Hep burn and Mrs. Norman K. Win ston, wife of a New York real estate developer, both of whom were elevated to the couture group's permanent fashion halt ot fame. Tu'is ummpn nmmff 1960's best dressed were dropped from the list Mrs. Stavros Niarchos of the Greek shipping family and Mrs. Patrick Guinness of the Irish stout-brewing family. Tho other winners of the fash ion world's highest accolade, all repeats from the I960 list, were Mrs. Gloria Rubio Guinness, Mex ican, hnm wif of banker Loel Guinness of the brewing family. Queen Sirikit of Thailand, peine consort of King Phumiphol Adul-Hot- nnnna Marella Aenelli. wife of Gianni Agnelli of the Turin au tomotive family: Mrs. tvangeune Bell nnice. wife of U.S. Ambas sador to Britain David K. E. Bruce; Princess Alexandra of Kent; Vieomtesse Jacqueline de Ribes of Paris: Mrs. Dorinda Dixon Ryan, wife of New York millionaire John Barry Ryan III. HAND ON POCKETS i.nNT)fN (UPI) A leading banker says Britons wear out their trouser pockets carrying the 20.000 tons of small coins a year -about one pound per aouiu Julian Crosslev. chairman of Barclays Bank Co., urged the government Tuesday lo lane aa vantare nf the DroDosed switch to the decimal system of coinage and to reduce the weignt ot Eng lish small change. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrier One Month $1-50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $150 Six Months $7 50 One Year $14.50 Very rates for migunfy ada. Ads received Before 4:30 Dm. will appear m trie lullowlm days paper The Bend Bulletin will not be responsible tor mora than one Incwrrect Insertion RATES a (hanging OerU. han$eleai Inspiration The soul stirring music .... the heirt winning message DR. CHARLES E. FULLER on the OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL HOUR Sundays 2 P.M. Send for Hfart to Hwrt Tillc P.O. Box 125, Lot Anprfcs, Calif. KRCO Chonel "69" Friday, January 5, 1962 out to lunch. He told his s. It I J 2 lines for 1 time only $1.00 2 lines for 4 times only $1.50 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 6 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.23 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL tn Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 In Redmond LI 84261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. Member, Audit Bureau ot Circulation! The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St, Bend, Oregon. 1-Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate of HILDA V. FRANKS In Uie District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Adminis trator of the estate of HILDA V. FRANKS, deoeased, has filed his final account in the above entitled court, and that 9th day of Janu ary. 1962, at 2:00 p.m. in the Court Room of the above entitled court has been appointed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, if any, and the settlement there of. Dated and first published De cember 15, 1961. Date of last publication Janu ary, 5, 1962. George Franks, Administrator of said estate LOUIS L SELKEN. Attorney for said estate. 9-15-20-25-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of W. J. RUARK In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes Countv. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Harold P. Carlile. has been appointed as Executor of the last will and test ament of W. J. Ruark, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law requir ed, to the undersigned at the of fice of De Armond, Goodrich & Gray, Attornevs at Law, 1044 Bond St., P. O. Box 1151. Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice in the Daily Bend Bulletin. . Dated and first published Janu ary 5, 1962. HAROLD P. CARLILE Executor DeArmond. Goodrich i Gray, Attorneys for said estate. 25-31-37-43-C 4-Funeral Directors HEIDER'S FUNERAL HOME Hill & Greeley EV 2-5552 ESTABLISHED IN 1955 BEND, OREGON S-Card of Thanks OUR SINCERE thanks to all our friends who extended com forting sympathy and help in the recent death of our beloved fath er and grandfather. Mr. & Mrs. Ervil Stigall and daughter Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stigall and sons Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gray 14-Moving, Trkng. Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 17-Help Wanted TYPISTS! Homeivo r k e r 1 1 Make money at home! Mailers, 2 Madison. Greencastle, Indiana.