The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 03, 1962, Page 2, Image 2

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    Passes up 'easy living'
it . i i
Hopes to sharpen game
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awmmiiiiliiinh i-wnirigM
In two-milo race
Galicia set
for indoor
track test
Palmer sets sights on 'big ones'
By Oscar Fraley
UPI Staff Writer
MIAMI (UPD Pride Is a per
sonal commodity, Arnold Palmer
confessed today, which has no
Two years ago, this being 1962,
Palmer was the hottest item in
golf since Invention o( the steel
shaft. He was the leading money
winner In the game but, more im
portant, he captured both the U.S.
Open golf championship and the
coveted Masters.
All he made last year was
Now wait a minute, Palmer
cautions. "I won the British Open
last year and that's one of the big
There was a time. But not any
more. The British Open today is
strictly for the boys from Koko
mo, the prestige seekers who can't
make It on the big time and go
abroad to knock off a flock of
patsies and trade on the prestige
of the past. But the truth is that
the British Open today attracts
only those who couldn't finish
among the top 20 on the U.S. pro
golf tour.
Prove the Point
Exceptions have been Ben Ho
gan, who won It on his only shot;
Sam Sncad, who captured it the
only time he tried, and Palmer,
who finished second by one shot
in a rain-swept fluke the first
time and went right back to knock
it off. Yet the ease of their ac
complishments merely serve to
prove that it has become a cheap,
grab-bag contest in which compe
tition is at a minimum.
Palmer, despite his rich divot
digging in which he participated
last year, now has come to realize
that he no longer can satisfy him
self with "British Open victories."
"I know that my game has gone
to pot," he admitted after an ex
hibition round over his new Coun
try Club of Miami course in which
he could do not better than finish
in a third-place tie with spanking
new pro Jack Nicklaus. "I've just
been doing too much other stuff.
My game has had to suffer."
This was an admission that he
had become like Oscar of Uie Wal
dorf working at a hamburger
stand; like Eddie Arcaro exer
cising cheap platers, or Picasso
painting murals on the walls of
cheap saloons simply because the
price was right.
Back to Work
"I'm turning my back on all
this other stuff," Palmer insisted.
"Right now I'm going out to get
my game in shape and I'm setting
my sights on the big tourna
ments." There Is one he wants above
all others and a grand scheme
filling out the par-busting pattern.
"If there is one tournament I
want to win, I guess I'd have to
say it was the PGA," frowned the
handsome Pennsylvanian. "That's
because I've never won It, and
it's considered one of the big
"But," he smiled boyishly, "I
want them all in one year."
Meaning that he still entertains
the big dream, that of scorning the
"big slam" nobody else ever has
even thought about.
"Why not?" he asked. "If this is
your business, you've got U dream
of winning the Open, the PGA,
the Masters and the British Open
all in one year."
Starving Now
And Palmer finally has ab
sorbed the idea that nobody, not
even a man with his almost
matchless talents, can accomplish
this fairway feat without turning
his back on the money vaults and
playing as if he was starving.
"I'm starting right now," he
promised grimly. "I'm putting ail
this behind me, the easy living,
the collaring of those beckoning
dollars and the outside interests.
That's in my agent's hands now.
I'm going back to work with the
"It's not as far away as you
might think," he bridled. "After
all, I won the Vardon Trophy last
year with a low tournament scor
ing average of 69.75 strokes per
round. But it's not enough."
It isn't, either. Arnold Palmer
is the man who, according to the
evidence at hand, was born to
replace Hogan and take the next
niche in the line of the golfing im
mortals. He is fortunate to have
realized soon enough that money
isn t the total answer.
Ellglo Galicia, Mexican 5,000
and 10,000 - meter record holder,
will represent the Bend Athletic
Assn. In the second annual Ore
gon indoor Invitation track meet
in 'Portland January 27.
- His coach. Central Oregon Ath
letic Director Bob Johnson, had
hoped to enter Central Oregon Col
lege track man Humberto Rodrig
uez In both the 500 and 250-yard
The 500 race Is closed to entries,
and whether a spot will be found
for Rodriguez at this time is still
Galicia placed third in the Texas
Relays last April, running the 5000
meters in 14:58.
His only time In the two mile
was a 9:0fi at Houston, Texas. He
was volcd outstanding male track
athlete in Mexico in 1961 and is
currently employed at a Bend
lumber plant.
40 compete
in training
camp race
A training camp race finished a
week of intensive training and in
struction Saturday at Bachelor
Butte for 40 boys and girls.
The camp, sponsored by the Mt.
Bachelor Ski School, had four
coaches directed by Jack Meis
sner. Mike Metko led the boys 13 and
over on the full-length course with
a combined time of 75.3 seconds
for two runs. Tom Cutter was sec
ond with an 80.5-second clocking.
Three girls competed in the
girls 13-and-over division, again on
a full-length course, with Karen
Skjei-saa posting best time of 75.5,
closely followed by Sherry Blann
in 78 2.
Girls 10 to 12 competed on a
shorter course with Julio Meis
sncr beating out Christina Cut
ter. Miss Mcissner's time was 62.2
seconds, while Christina hud total
time of (18.1 seconds for two runs.
In the boys 10 to 12 division
Mike Ward had combined time of
61 seconds to best out Kicky Fran
cis, who finished with a 66.3-sec-ond
In the girls nine-and under divi
sion (one run on a still shorter
course), Moi'cia Aplin led with a
34.1-second clocking. Second was
Marianne Duberow with a 49.1
In the boys nine-and-umler divi
sion John Snide- loci with a 52.4
secnud time for two runs, follow
ed by Krnie Molssncr in 61.1.
Both junior ami mignty muc :
ikii'i's will practice this Saturday .
iiid Sunday at Bachelor juniors
Idling started at 9 a.m. and
Highly mites at 10 a.m. Bom
jumps will pnidieo until noon.
Next raco of the scasjn for the
SkylimT juniors is th Walker Cup
ace at Spout Springs Jinuary 13 j
mil 14. All entries should be sent 1
in Iwfore January 8.
Next niinlity mite race will be a
slalom at Bachelor Janrary 14. !
On Sunday, Jamiai-y 21, mighty
mitus will race at White Puss, i
near Yakima, Wash.
Others competing in the Irain
InS race Saturday were as follows: )
Gills 13 and over Sarah ,
joodiich. Boys 13 and over
uerry Dulwrow, Steve Foley, Jer-,
ry Blann, Randy Snider and Wally
Jones. Gills 10 to :i Jaiu Mels
sncr. Muurene Ward and Janice
Big five said
after Cougars
to expand loop
By United Press International
A report that the Big Five Ath
letic Conference may take in
! Washington State but spurn Ore-
gon and Oregon State drew varied
reaction today.
The report was written by Ore
gon Journal Sports Editor George
Pasero in a story from Los An
geles, where representatives of
Big Five schools attended a con'
ference with Big 10 members.
Spokesmen for Oregon and Ore
gon State said they had heard
nothing of the report and had
been with officials from Washing
ton State last week In Portland.
They added the report had circu
lated before but had not been
seriously considered.
Pasero quoted Chuck Taylor,
assistant athletic director at Stan
ford, as saying ". . . that's the
way It looks. Our president Is
against It but Washington State
seems to be the one they're look
ing at."
Taylor was quoted as adding,
"We've been battling for the Ore
gon schools. They're the ones
we've wanted all along."
The three were members c( the
old Pacific Coast Confe-ence. The
Big Five is made up of other for
mer PCC members.
Stanford Spokesman Quoted
At Stanford, a spokesman for
Stanford University President J.
E. Wallace Sterling said the
school favors the entrance of all
three former PCC members Into
the Big Five.
"Stanford Is for a larger con
ference," Fred Glover, Sterling's
assistant, said. "We would like to
see all three of those former PCC
schools Washington State, Ore
gon and Oregon State in the
Big Five."
At Los Angeles, Southern Cali
fornia athletic director Jess Hill
commented, "Of course we'd like
to expand. But wo can't talk
about which schools would be in
vited to join our organization."
"I see where Oregon is planning
to build a new stadium," Hill
said. "Maybe the Big Five would
be Interested in them with a
largor stadium. I don't know.
Some people have recommended
Arizona State. But their stadium
isn't very large either."
Dr. Norman Topping, president
oi the University of Southern
California, said it was only a
mattor of time before the Big
Five expanded.
"This whole matter of expan
sion has been under discussion for
some time," ho said.
Oregon prep
cage scores
By United Press International
Tillamook 52 Dallas 51
Forest Grove 55 St. Helens 48
West Linn 68 Tlgnrd 53
McMlnnville CO Oregon City 45
New-berg 60 Lnke Oswego 41
Sllverton 49 Mt. Angel 46
North Eugene 48 North Salem 43
Sheridan 63 Amily 54
Nestucca 52 Dayton 29
Yamhill-Carlton 57 Wlllomlna 30
Philomath 29 Sherwood 25
Hood River 53 Banks 26
Portland Christian 59 Estacada 45
Seaside 70 Clntskanie 55
North Catholic 57 Corlielt 48
Serra Catholic 67 Salem Academy
Central 53 North Marion 47
Scio 44 S.intiam 42
Toledo 60 SileLz 48
Wallowa 41 Enterprise 36
Kuna 45 Nyssa 33
Jefferson 51 Colton 49
Mncl.nren 44 St. Paul S3
I'obiug 52 Camas Valley 48
The Bend Bulletin, Wed., January 3, 1962
ft ( r ' et f V A- -
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BASKETBALL BALLET Don Underwood, left, does neat ballet step In blocking pass by Joe
Lentz (31), former Bend High player In recent scrimmage. Present Bruins tackled former Bend
High players, with alumni coming out on top in unofficial scoring.
Big Ten, Big Five pact looms
Big Five took under consideration
today a proposal from the Big
Ten that the two organizations
Celtics too good
to hold score
By United Press International
It's no use, the Boston Celtics
are iiist ton eood.
Even when Ihey try to keep the
score down, they still run up box
car figures.
That's what happened Tuesday
night when coach Red Aucrbaeh
kept his regulars on the bench for
the entire last quarter, only to
watch the Celtic subs do equally
as well in a 136-99 crusher over
the St. Louis Hawks.
The victory was the 30th of the
season for the runawa Celtics,
who liavo lost only five and now
lead the Eastern Division by 8Vs
Even though Auerbach yanked
four of his regulars with five min
utes left in the third quarter and
Bill Russell left the game at the
start of the fourth quarter, seven
Boston players still scored in dou
ble figures. Tom Hoinsohu led the
winners with 2o points in 25 min
utes. Bob Pettit of St. Louis was
individual high scorer with 36
To meet tonight
Central Oregon Basketball Offi
cials Assn. will meet 7:30 tonight
at the Redmond High School.
All certified officials are asked
to bo present as assignments for
Januarv will bo made.
again sign a contract to act as
foes in the Rose Bowl.
Nothing has been signed and
nothing will be for the next few
weeks. But the chances appeared
very strong that the two athletic
organizations again would see
eye - to - eye on the post season
classic and agree to another
"open end" contract.
The Big Ten proposed a renew
al of a contract that was sub
stantially the same as it had with
the now defunct Pacific Coast
- Conference in previous years. This
1 contract banned any team from
itlie Big Ten from coming to the
Rose Bowl more often than once
in two years. The Big Five can
send Its champion every year.
I Council To Study Bid
There is some talk that some
I members of the Big Five want the
Big Ten to send its champion
I every year, . . "'
! "The Big Ten has its prob
ilems." said Jess Hill, athletic dl
j rector at USC and one of the
imen attending the negotiating
j sessions. "And wo have ours.
eu oe studying tlieir propo
sals." Tom Hamilton, executive direc
tor of the Big Five, said he would
offer the Big Ten proposals to the
Big Five Council, which consists
of athletic directors and faculty
"I don't know when we'll meet
to consider the offer," said Hamil
ton, "It probably will be some
time after the NCAA meeting in
Chicago Jan. 10-12."
Predict New Agreement
The next regularly scheduled
Big Five meeting is in June but
it is expected that the decision
will be made long before then.
Hamilton would make no pre
j dictions on whether the Big Five
I would accept the Big Ten propo
sals. But anotner representative
of the Big Five said:
- "I lhink you are on the right
track if you predict that we'll sign
an accord with the Big Ten."
The "open end" contract woidd
call for a pact that would last
I indefinitely. It would require that
two years notice would have to
I be given by either side before it
could be terminated.
Before 7:00 P.M
Week Days
Sat., Sun.,
Holidays & Evenings
Cascade Bowl
Phone EV 2-1392 For
Reservations 744 Bond
.35' .
Kentucky cans
football coach
after 8 years
tucky was in the market for a
new head football coach today on
the heels of unexpected action by
the school's athletic board remov
ing Blanton Collier from the post
he held eight years.
Collier, under fire from alumni
and fans after a 5-5 season this
year which included a. loss to
arch-rival Tennessee, had three
years of a five-year contract left,
and when no immediate action
was taken at the close of this
season it was concluded that Col
lier would remain at Kentucky.
The decision was : reached by
mutual agreement Tuesday when
the university offered to buy up
the remainder of Collier's con
tract for an estimated $50,000.
Only last month the board had
announced that the rest of his
contract would be honored and
reaffirmed its support of Collier,
Collier, who termed the action
"more or less" of a surprise,
said "it is my opinion that this
is for the best interest of both
the university and me."
"Football has been my life,"
the 55-year-old Kentuckian said,
"ana right now I feel 1 would
like to remain with it if the op
portunity presents itself. I w II
probably relax for a few weeks
before making any decision."
There was speculation that Col
lier, Southeastern Conference
Coach of the Year in his Initial
season with Kentucky, would re
turn to the Cleveland Browns. He
had left a backfield coaching job
with the Browns to accept the
position at his home state uni
versity when Paul (Bear) Bryant
went to Texas A&M.
By United Press International
Southern Division
Portland 26 9 1 53 139 93
Snnlrana 1R 15 4 in 13fi 139
San Francisco 13 20 0 26 95 126 j
Los Angeles 11 22 4 26 137 172 j
Northern Division
Edmonton 20 11 2 42 127 105
Calgary 18 14 2 42 127 105
Seattle 16 16 3 35 125 99
Vancouver 9 23 3 21 92 146
Tuesday's Results
Calgary 6 Vancouver 2
Only game scheduled.
Klamath County Fairgrounds
40 Horned Herefords, 18 Polled Herefords
13 Aberdeen Angus, 1 Shorthorn
Sifted for quality. Good breeding condition.
Sponsored by
Klamath Cattleman's Assn.
P. O. Box 231
- Klemith Fills, Ore. -I
Phone TU 4 8151
Ends Tonlghtl
FANNIE HURST'S most compassionate romantic drama
rt',, ..inil.ll.lH
I UnlWMl Hwruoorjl Mm
' An Unforgettable Experience in Sutpensel
! By-
Gene Patterson
Many of my readers have
probably wondered, especial,
ly if they're in any way con
nected with the building
trades, lust why we use the
word "penny" when referring
to the tiie of a nail. For ex
ample, a twopenny nail is one
inch long; a threepenny nail
is IV4 inches long; a four
penny nail, l'i, and so on.
Some explain it as having to
do with the weight of the
nails, but word experts con
sider this view as erroneous.
The true explanation, they
ay, Is that until about 1400,
nails were sold In England at
so much a hundred, and the
price was determined by the
size of the nails. Nails sold
for tenpence a hundred were
tenpenny nails; for sixpence
a hundred, sixpenny nails;
and so forth. When later on
the prlcet changed, the
names remained the same,
designating site rather than
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