The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 02, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
Incnasing clouds tonight, part
ly cloudy Wednesday; snow
flurries mountains; high Wed
nesday 40-45; low tonight 25-30.
High yesterday, 50 degrees. Low
last night, 28 degrees. Sunset
today, 4:38. Sunrise tomorrow,
59th Year
Vest pocket
riot crushed
in Portugal
LISBON, Portugal (UPI) -Portugal
gave a hero's funeral today
tu the army undersecretary killed
in crushing a vest pocket New
Year's Day revolt against the
With the country still in a state
o,' military alert in the wake of
the uprising, President Americo
Thomaz and Premier Antonio Sal
azar led the mourners at a req
uiem mass at Estrela Church for
Lt. Col. Jaime da Fonseca.
The army undersecretary was
killed by a burst of machinegun
fire when he rushed to the scene
of the abortive insurrection and
led the battle for recapture of a
military barracks seized by the
rebels at Beja in southern Portu
gal. In Flowered Hearse
After the mass, the coffin was
placed in a heavily flowered
hearse and moved slowly through
city streets lined with armed sol
diers and thousands of citizens.
The Army Ministry had urged a
"massive attendance" at the fun
eral. The cortege, led by a mounted
unit of the Republic Guard on
horseback, headed for Leiria,
north of Lisbon, for interment
during the afternoon.
Neither Salazar nor Thomaz
went to Leiria for the burial.
They paid their respects at the
church, where Da Fonseca's body
lay in state before the funeral
Rebels Captured
A total of 20 rebels was report
ed captured after loyal troops
broke the back of the revolt Mon
day. Two rebels also were killed
and five wounded. The semioffi
cial Diario da Manha said those
captured included former youth
leader Manuel Serra, who fled to
Brazil after discovery of an anti
government plot two years ago.
Fonseca was the only known
government casualty of the revolt-Troops
throughout the country
were still alerted today, but the
nation appeared calm.
Fonseca, who was an army un
der secretary, was shot down as
he hastened to the scene of the
uprising, a town about 125 miles
south of here, where 40 to 50 reb
els, mostly civilians masquerad
ing as soldiers, had seized an
army barrack.
Woman, foster
daughter beaten
mah County sheriff'3 deputies to
day were searching for a man
who beat a 31 - year - old woman
and her 17-year-old foster daugh
ter with a tire iron.
The woman, Mrs. Elwyn G.
Compton, said the man wanted
the girl, Kay Gray, to accompany
him. When she refused the assail
ant struck them with a tire iron,
Mrs. Compton said.
The woman and girl were ad
mitted to Providence Hospital
where their conditions were re
ported as "fairly good."
Officers said the man appar
ently entered the Compton home
through an unlocked door or win
dow some time before 2:50 a.m.
Mrs. Compton told officers he
started beating them and then
dragged the girl from the house,
but she escaped and fled. Mrs.
Compton ran to a , neighbor's
house and called police.
Police said the mother was
awakened by the assailant stand
ing near her bed. He was de
scribed as blonde, 6 feet tall and
wearing a light colored jacket
with dark trousers.
forces mobilize
at Vancouver
VANCOUVER. Wash. (UPI) -Some
200 copies of a referendum
petition opposing a fluoridation
ordinance adopted by the Vancou
ver City Council last month were
circulated over the weekend.
The petition asks that Ur coun
cil repeal the ordinance and that
u this is not done the question of
fluoridation be submitted to a
vote at either a special election
or the next general municipal
Cecil D. Roberts, spokesman for
the group sponsoring the petition,
said more than 500 signatures had
been obtained.
SALEM (UPI I The Oregon
Highway Department said today
there were spots of ice through
Santion Pass and bare pavement
through Willamette Pass.
i'J.S. 99 was opea and normal.
Ten Pages
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DERBY WINNERS Mrs. Philip H. Shoemaker cuddles daughter Anna Lin, first baby born at
St. Charles Memorial Hospital this year. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker are winners of varied gifts
from Bend merchants. Baby Joins three broth ors. Shoemaker is a forester.
Britons shiver
in worst cold
spell in century
LONDON (UPI) Britons were
chipping their way out from un
der a blanket of ice and frozen
snow today as the worst cold
spell in more than a century con
tinued to slow air, rail and road
Fog in some areas added to the
chaos created by snows over the
weekend. In parts of Wirral, Che
shire, visibility was down to four
At Liverpool, airports were
closed when visibility was reduced
to less than 50 yards.
It was sunny in London, but
temperatures hovered at the
freezing point at noon. At London
Airport, incoming and outgoing
flights were confined to a single
runway. Crews using mechanized
sweepers and snow plows worked
to clear others.
Julian Amery, secretary of state
for air, had to cancel plans to
fly from London Airport for a
meeting with Canadian officials in
Ottawa. Icy conditions prevented
his Royal Air Force Comet jet
from landing to pick him up and
he had to use another airport
Commuters and city travellers
in the British capital had another
rough morning getting to work.
Some trains were canceled and
others were delayed up to 40 min
utes. But a spokesman described
the situation as much better
than it was Monday.
Crews had worked through the
night chipping ice from under
ground (subway) cars to get the
doors opened.
Elsewhere in Europe, southern
West Germany was blanketed
under a heavy snow. A snowslide
blocked railway traffic over the
Gottard Pass between Switzer
land and Italy. i
In Munich, 14 inches of snow
had fallen by noon today and
more was on the way.
Slade, 82, died Sunday at the
wheel of his car while taking
friends for a ride. The coroner's
office said he apparently suffered
a heart attack.
More marriages
By lie S. Grant
Bulletin Staff Writer
Romance took a turn for the
better in Deschutes county in
1961, and marriage licenses ex
ceeded divorce filings by 25 per
cent But June, traditionally the
month for cupid's arrow to hit.
j trailed September and August in
the number of marriage licenses
More divorc cases were filed
in March than in any other month.
Children with
matches blamed
in Monday fire
Children playing with matches
were blamed for. a general alarm
fire that destroyed contents of a
storage shed shortly after 6 p.m.
Sunday at the D. C. Stamper resi
dence, 1390'4 Cumberland.
. Monday morning at 7: 18 fire
men received a report of a man
setting fire to a building three
miles north of Bend on U.S. High
way 97. '
Firemen discovered a man had
built a wanning fire very near a
building and the blaze was stop
Early Sunday at 1:28 a.m. fire
men checked a flue fire at a resi
dence rented by Marie Hobson,
219 Franklin.
U.S. holiday
traffic foil
set at 337
By United Press International
The New Year's holiday, which
once appeared headed for a safety
record, wound up today with a
higher traffic death toll than the
safety experts bad feared.
A United Press International
count between 6 p.m. Friday and
midnight Monday showed 337 traf
fic deaths. In its preholiday esti
mate, the National Safety Council
had estimated a traffic toll of
only 330.
The over-all holiday death
Traffic, 337.
Fires, 84.
Planes, 5.
Miscellaneous, 57.
Total, 483.
California, which has more cars
on the highways than any other
state, had the most holiday traf
fic fatalities, 42. There were 31
in Texas, 24 in New York, 21 in
Florida, 19 in Oklahoma, 14 in
Illinois. 12 in both Pennsylvania
and Wisconsin, 11 each in Arizona
and Virginia, and 10 in Ohio.
Nine states had no holiday traf
fic deaths. They were Alaska, Del
aware, Maine, North and South
Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Ver
mont and Wyoming.
It was a good
and the second greatest number
went on file in June.
There were 166 marriage li
censes issued in the year, accord
ing to a tabulation of figures at
the county clerk's office. In the
same period, 125 divorce cases
were filed. While most marriage
licenses that are issued are used,
many of the divorce proceedings
are dropped and decrees are not
September led in tha number of
Deschutes County, Oregon, Tuesday, January 2, 1962
First '61 baby
born in Bend
to Shoemakers
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Houston
Shoemaker, 312 E. Fifth Street,
Bend, are parents of the first baby
born to Central Oregon parents at
St. Charles Memorial Hospital.
They are winners of the annual
Baby Derby sponsored by Bend
merchants, and will receive 24 ex
citing gifts.
The first baby of the year was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker
just 33 minutes after midnight
January L The baby, a girl
weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and
has been named Anna Lin.
Shoemaker, 44, is a forester
with the Deschutes National For
est headquarters staff in Bend,
His wife, Erma, is 38. The Shoe
makers are parents of three other
children, all boys. They are
Brady, 9; Ray, 8, and Carl,
Missing the "first baby" desig
nation by a little over seven hours
was the girl born to Mr. and Mrs,
Leslie Norton, 1411 E. Third
Street, at 4:40 p.m. December 31,
The Nortons, although losing out
in the Baby Derby, were winners,
anyway. For little Gay Lynn Nor
ton can be calimed on income tax
returns as a dependent for 1961
She weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces,
Second runners-up were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles R. Cox, Lowe's
Trailer Court. They are parents
of a boy born this morning at
2:50. He weighed 7 pounds, 11
The Shoemakers will receive a
host of gifts ranging from layette
items, food and milk for the baby,
to dinners out at restaurants,
items for the home, and personal
gifts for the parents. Singer Sew
ing Center gave a pair of pinking
shears, which should come in
handy for making hcmless dia
By United Press International
Dow Jones final stock averages
30 industrials 724.71, off 6.43; 20
railroads 144.00, up 0.16; 15 utili
ties 128.10, off 1.06, and 65 stocks
244.34, off 1.66.
Sales today were about 3.12
million shares compared with 5.37
million shares Friday.
year for
marriage licenses, witti 27. August
was second with 22, and June was
third with 2L
In February, which contains St.
Valentine's Day, traditionally a
time for hearts and flowers, the
number of marriage licenses drop
ped to four, the low for any one
month of the year. Second less
conducive to romance were March
and April, with eight marriage li
censes each.
December ws tha month with
Gas company
ready to tie
to new line
By Phil F. Brogan
Bulletin Statt Writer
Cascade Natural Gas has com
pleted construction of some 31,000
feet of additional line for its Bend
system and only awaits word from
Pacific Gas and Transmission
Company to tie into the Canadian-
California line just east of Bend.
Tie-in with the PGT line Is ex
pected to take place early in the
year. When the north south line
goes into operation, natural gas
from Canada will be available for
the Bend area, Nick Hollamon, lo
cal manager of Cascade Natural
Gas, has announced.
Adds to System
He noted that the new system
will be an addition to a present
grid of some 23 miles that has
served Bend for some time. The
new system, however, will bring
natural gas directly from the Ca
nadian fields to the area. Former
ly, gas used here was "manu
factured, with liquid brought to
Bend in tankers.
The new system includes about
20,000 feet of six inch high pres
sure une from the city limits east
to the big 36-inch PGT steel Une.
Inside Bend, Cascade Natural
Gas has constructed 8.500 feet of
four inch and some 2,600 feet of
two inch line.
2 Regulating Stations
Also constructed were two regu
lating stations. One is at Wood
land and Alden. The second sta
tion is at the company's original
plant here, at Scott and Sullivan.
Purpose of the stations will be
to reduce pressure from 150
pounds to 10 pounds, for use In the
city grid.
Considerable heavy construc
tion was involved in extending the
six-inch line in a rocky trench
east from Bend to the PGT main.
It is estimated that about 26 per
cent of this construction was In
Cascade Natural Gas will obtain
its supply from El Paso Natural
Gas, which will "pipe natural
gas into California.
Annual drive
for dimes
starts here
The annual March of Dimes, for
the National Foundation, starts
today to continue through Janu
ary, me Foundation, originally
formed to fight infantile paraly
sis, has now branched out Into
two other areas as well birth
defects and arthritis and rheuma
tism. Letters went into the mails to
day, informing residents of the
drive for funds. Bennie Russell,
Bend, is Deschutes county chair
man, with Dr. Herbert R. Borreth
as co-chairman, in charge of the
City of Bend.
Area chairmen are Dr. Dean
Dowd, Redmond; Pat Kelly, Sis
ters, and Mrs. Pearl Lechner, La-
Activities for the month will in
clude drives in the schools and
special activities such as includ
ing benefit "coffees" at restaur
ants, and a Mother s March as a
wind-up feature.
The National Foundation holds
its drive traditionally in January.
In addition to raising funds for
its work, one of the goals is to
inform the public of the nature
of the ailments Included, and tne
advances being made in their con
Although polio is considered
more or less "controlled," there
are still 85.000,000 unvacclnated
persons in this country, although
three types of vaccines have been
In the United States, 11,000,000
persons are suffering from the ef
fects, in various degrees, of arth
ritis and rheumatism.
Research in the field of birth
defects is one of the major goals,
One in everv 16 babies in this
country has a congenital defect.
. . . than divorces
the fewest divorce cases filed. In
that month, seven couples headed
for the divorce court
Income at the clerk's office to
taled $28,086.92 for the year. Peak
months were February and
March, when the coffers were
swelled with the sale of dog li
censes. In February, $5,223.90 was
taken in, $3,685 of that amount for
dog licenses. Income In March
was $3,479.90.
The low for Income was hit In
July, when $1,610.40 was taken in.
to negotiate m
Initial talks
with Russians
bassador Llewellyn E. Thompson
announced that he began explora
tory talks today with the Soviet
government on the international
situation and the Berlin crisis.
There were no immediate details
of what was said during the talks.
But there was every indication
they were merely exploratory a
renewed sounding out of basic po
sitions. Any proposals for olving out
standing East-West problems
which could include a Four-Power
meeting on Berlin were not ex
pected to come until later, de
pending on the progress of the
Western diplomatic probe.
Thompson conferred for 2V4
hours with Foreign Minister An
drei Gromyko and Ivan Ilichev,
chief of the Foreign Ministry's
German department
The meeting was held in Gro
myko s office at the Foreign Min
istry. Thompson was accompanied by
Kempton B. Jenkins, second sec
retary of the U.S. Embassy nere.
. Reports T President
The U.S. Ambassador declined
to discuss details of the conver
sation. But he said he will report
to Washington immediately and
wait for instructions for the next
Thompson said there will be a
series of conferences, but no date
has been fixed for the next one.
He also said the British and
French governments will be fully
advised of the proceedings both
here and In Washington.
The ambassador said the gen
eral international situation was
discussed in detail. No written
communication was exchanged,
he said.
When he emerged from the
conference, Thompson looked
cheerful. But he declined to Indi
cate how he felt, one way or the
Workers out
at Studebaker
strike of 6.500 United Auto Work
ers halted production at the Stude-
baker-Packard Corp. today.
The strike over union contract
demands was the most wide
spread walkout in the history of
the auto manufacturing lirm. for
the first time, all employes cov
ered by the union contract walked
Previous strikes covered pro
duction workers only. Guards and
maintenance workers were al
lowed to stay on the job.
The Dlant had been closed tor
the holiday weekend and only
about 150 workers were actually
affected by the midnight start of
the strike. But it gained full force
a few hours later when 6,500 pro
duction workers failed to report
for the day shift.
Supervisory employes moved in
to the plant at midnight to take
over the duties normally per
formed by guards and mainte
nance employes.
A company spokesman said the
company and union were close to
agreement on shift premium pay
and vacation pay but the big
stumbling block was the relief or
washup time. The company wants
to reduce the 39-minute relief
time now in effect to 25 minutes,
which they say Is still a minute
more than their competitors al
bandleader Xavler Cugat and his
singer wife. Abbe Lane, were
busy entertaining New Year's eel-
ebrators early Monday, burglars
slipped into their apartment and
made off with more than $50,000
in gems, furs and cash. The cou
ple told police the loot included
about $46,500 In jewelry and furs
and about $500 in cash.
Ten Cents
Bend man dies
at wheel of
car on Monday
A 76-year-old Bend man was
apparently dead at the wheel
when his car crashed into the
First Christian Church on New
port Avenue Monday morning.
Police said a medical exami
ner said that Ira Cooper, 76, of
844 Qumcy, apparently suffered
fatal heart attack while at the
wheel of his car on Newport.
The car veered across the street.
struck telephone pole, and
veered Into the church.
The accident occurred about
10:40 a.m. Police said that Coop
er was en route to the downtown
area from his home. He was
alone In his car at the time of
the crash. There were no other
cart Involved.
Arrangements for the funeral
will be announced by the Nis
wonger Reynolds Funeral
Balmy weather
seen near end
for mid-Oregon
Central Oregon's balmy New
Year's weather appears near an
Winter storms are again wheel
ing in from the North Pacific and
snow flurries have been predicted
for the Cascades by Wednesday,
with increasing clouds In pro
spect for tonight
Bend's minimum temperature
tonight has been predicted for the
25 degree range.
Weather over the long New
Year's weekend was ideal, with
daily maximums of 50 degrees re
corded. All parts of Central Ore
gon on Saturday, Sunday and
Monday received close to their
maximum quotas of sunshine, 8
hours and 46 minutes.
Nights were clear and starry.
Golf was played on a number of
Central Oregon golf courses on
New Year's day, despite the fact
that bowl football televised games
kept most people at home.
An estimate from the Cascade
ski bowls indicated that hundreds
of skiers enjoyed the sunshine and
snow In the high country.
Bend's Harmon playfield was
the scene of considerable activity
as youngsters., joined by their
parents, tried out motor - propel
led planes on Harmon playfield.
All mountain roads were in good
condition this morning, aside from
some icy spots. No snow fell in
the Central Oregon Cascades over
the three-day weekend.
Drop noted
in building
permits here
The 192 building permits Issued
in Bend during 1961 totaled $1
093,910 a drop of $184,779 from
the 1960 total when 215 permits
were issued for a $1,278,689 total.
New dwellings in '61 totaled 42,
a drop of seven from 1960 and 29
below the record of 71 in 1956,
New dwellings in Bend last year
totaled $555,800, compared with
the $585,100 spent for new homes
in 1960. Dwelling permits topped
the $700,000 figure in Bend from
1956 through 1959 with peak fig
ure Of $791,350 In 1956.
The total figure for '61 building
permits was the lowest since 1954
when 250 permits totaled $732,598.
The half million-plus figure for
new dwellings last year was the
lowest since 1955 when $473,100
was spent on 46 new dwellings,
And the total number of pel'
mits for new dwellings was
lowest since 1954 when 41 were
Top year in the past decade
1955 when the new Bend High
School swelled total building per
mit volume to $2,222,645. Next
best year was In 1957 when build
ini'permita totaled $1,810,604.
No. 22
New crisis
building up
in SW Pacific
government announced today it is
ready to negotiate the tuture of
West New Guinea with Indonesia
without preliminary conditions.
Premier Jan E. De Quay said,
however, at the start of a two-
day debate in Parliament that the .
basis of our policy still is the
recognition of the native Papuan
population to the right of self
determination. De Quay's statement came
amid these other developments in .
the growing Indonesia crisis that .
threatens to set off a war in the
Southwest Pacific:
The Dutch announced that In
donesia has cut off all postal.
telephone and cable links with
Warning Sounded
In Jakarta, Indonesian Defense
Minister Gen. Abdul Haris Nasu- '
Lion warned Holland that Indo
nesia is determined to liberate)
West Irian (Dutch New Guinea)
by force If necessary. "We lova
peace, but we love freedom
more, he said, at a veterans
rally. ' : ' '
In Hollandia, the Dutch gov
ernment assured its civil servants
in New Guinea that it would
guarantee any personal losses
should the Indonesians set off mil
itary action in the area.
In Singapore, an Indonesian
consulate official said scores of
Chinese residents of that Far
Eastern city were among the in
creasing numbers of persons who
have responded to Indonesian
President Sukarno's call for vol
unteers to help "liberate" West
In Canberra, an opposition
member of Parliament termed as
"spineless" Australia's note to the
Dutch and Indonesian governments
last Saturday warning them to
settle their dispute peaceably.
Australian newspapers said the
Canberra government faces a
terrible dilemma" over the issue
since it would like to remain on
peaceful terms with both coun
In his statement here, De Quay
listed what he called "these three
essential policy points" on the
Dutch New Guinea issue:
Recognition of the population s
right to self-determination.
Holland s readiness to surren
der sovereignty over the area,
provided there is an intermediate
phase of administration under
United Nations' auspices.
Continuation, if desired by the
Interested parties, of Holland's
financial support of the territory.
This now amounts to about $40
million a year.
Holidays quiet,
officers report
It was a lone, auiet weekend in
Central Oregon, as 1961 faded and
the New Year came in.
Oregon State Police reported
this morning that, so far as their
records show, there were no ma
jor accidents in the area. Nor was
any crime reported.
The quiet weekend touowea ui
busy period of the previous week
when Oregon State r once soivea
series of burglaries in Deschutes,
Crook and Jefferson counties
through the arrest of three Terre
bonne youths, now in the Des
chutes county jaiL
Police noted that televised foot
ball games from various bowla
and the Rose parade In Pasadena
appeared to result In a drop of
traffic, especially around Bend, on
New Year's day.
However, there was a heavy
movement of travel into ski areas
of the snow covered Cascades.
Labor Department reported Mon
day night that about 5.7 million
workers covered by major union
contracts received wage increases
average 7.5 cents an hour in
196L j