The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 30, 1961, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, Dec. 30, 1961
Host of bowl
games on tap
over weekend
By Dick Joyce
UPI Staff Wrlttr
College football winds up the
old year and rings in the New
Year with a host of bowl games
on tap this weekend almost all
of which are nationally televised.
You armchair quarterbacks can
settle back Saturday afternoon for
the Gator Bowl, East-West Shrine
Classic, Sun Bowl and Blue-Gray
game while on New Year's Day
it's the Rose, Sugar, Cotton and
Orange bowls.
Georgia Tech and Penn Stale
with Identical 7-3 records clash
in the Gator Bowl at Jacksonville,
Fla., to be seen over CBS-TV,
starting at 2:15 p.m., EST.
Ernie Davis and Bob Ferguson
head the East All-Stars who are
an 8-polnt choice over the West
All-Stars In the Shrine Classic at
San Francisco. NBC-TV will tele
vice at 5 p.m., EST.
In the Sun Bowl at El Paso,
Tex., Vlllanova (7-2) Is a one
pqint favorite over Wichita (8-2).
A sellout '.crowd of 15,000 Is ex
pected to be on hand. Some 40
stations will televise the game,
Rose Bowl
rivals in
final drills
.PASADENA, Calif, (UPD-Rose
Bowl rivals UCLA and Minnesota
held their last drills today before
going into seclusion to await tholr
New Year's Day engagement and
there was little question that de
fense received much emphasis.
;Although UCLA coach Bill
Barnes employs the single wing
offense and Minnesota conch Mur
ray Warmath uses the T-formntlon
both were brought up to believe
that a strong defense makes for
a winning team.
And Hurt similarity in tactics Is
not due to chance, for Barnes and
Warmath both learned their foot
ball at Tennessee under Gen. Bob
Neyland who worked his defenses
like he was deploying troop for
a. military engagement.
'"Both Bill and I were trained
to concentrate on the dofensive
game," Warmath explained Fri
day at the 32nd annual Rose Bowl
klckoff luncheon. "Wo hone our
defense on Monday will prove
rough and tough. And, like Gen.
Neyland taught us, we bolieve in
the kicking game to help get into
enemy territory."
Barnes said he did not expect
that his UCLA team would sur
prise Minnesota because War
math was as versed in and fa
miliar with the singlo wing as any
man coaching.
"But we expect to field a team
that is ready for action," de
clared Barnoa. ."We don't try to
hide anything. Wo just try to
make it work."
Whether its opposition has been
weaker or not, as some claim,
UCLA has made its prociso block
ing work by averaging 4.10 yards
per play rushing and has scored
183 points. Minnesota averaged
3.68 yards per play on tho ground
and scored 140 points but played
one game less than the Bruins.
Eastern Division
W. L.
Pittsburgh 19 IB
Cleveland 18 17
Chicago 15 31 .417
Washington 13 21 .383
Wostorn Division
Kansas City 21 10 .878
Los Angeles IB 13 .576
San Francisco v 16 14 .533
Hawaii 13 21 .364
Friday's Remits
Cleveland 124 Washington 98
Pittsburgh !W Chicago 92
Hawaii 110 Kansas City 90
starting at 4 p.m., EST.
The Gray All-Stars seek to In
prove on their 13-S record over
the Blues at Montgomery, Ala.
The annual contest will be tele
vised by NBC-TV at 1:45 p.m.,
Saturday's dial twisting Is only
a warmup for the four major
games on Monday.
Minnesota, beaten by Washing
ton In this year's Rose Bowl,
seeks to make amends against
UCLA, an 8 point underdog. The
Rose Bowl will be telecast by
NBC-TV starting at 5 p.m., EST,
with more than 100.000 fans on
hand in Pasadena, Calif.
TV viewers can get a look at
undefeated Alabama (10-0), tho
national champion for 1001, when
It meets Arkansas (8-2), co-cham-pions
of the Southwest Conference
In the Sugar Bowl. It can be seen
on NBC-TV at 1:45 p.m., EST,
from New Orleans, La.
Mississippi (0-1) Is a 3-polnt
choice over Texas (9-1) in the
Cotton Bowl at Dallas. CBS-TV
will televise at 2:30 p.m., EST.
In the Orange Bowl at Miami,
Fla., Louisiana State (9-1) Is a
13-polnt favorite over Colorado
(9-1) and will be telecast by ABC-
TV starting at 1 p.m., EST.
By United Press International
Here are the facts and figures
for this weekend's college foot
ball bowl games:
Galor Bowl at Jacksonville,
Fla. Georgia Tech (7-3) three
points over Penn State (7-3).
(CBS-TV at 2:15 p.m., EST). Ex
pected crowd: 50,000.
Shrine Bowl at San Francisco
East All-Stars eight over West
All-Stars. (NBC-TV at 5 p.m.,
EST). Expected crowd: 58,000.
Sun Bowl at El Paso, Tex.
Villanova (7-2) one over Wichita
(8-2). (Special TV network to
some 40 stations at 4 p.m., EST).
Expected crowd: 15.000.
Blue-Gray game at Montgum-
eiy, Ala. Blue All-Stars six over
Gray All-Stars. (NBC-TV at 1:45
p.m., EST). Expected crowd:
New Year's Day
Rose Bowl at Pasadena, Calif.
Minnesota (7-2) eight over
UCLA (7-3). (NBC - TV at 8
p.m., EST). Expected crowd: 100,-
Sugar Bowl at New Orleans, La.
Alabama (10-0) 13 over Arkan
sas (8-2). (NBC-TV at 1:45 p.m.,
EST). Expected crowd: 81.000.
Colton Bowl at Dallas, Tex.
Mississippi (9-1) three over Texas
(9-1). (CBS-TV at 2:30 p.m.,
EST). Expected crowd: 75.000.
Orange Bowl at Miami, Fla.
Louisiana State (9-1) 13 over Col
orado (9-1). (ABC-TV at 1 p.m.,
EST). Expected crowd: 75,000.
Bachelor Butte
ski school set
Under the supervision of Joe
Ward, Skyliners will open a ski
school at Bachelor Butte on Sat
urday, January 8, starting at 10
a.m. Grounds of the Mt. Bache
lor, Inc., will bo used, with facil
ities available.
Providing thev are memlers of
the Skvllners, nil school children
between the ages of 8 and 18
years will be eligible for lessons,
with s chargo of $2 per session to
be made.
Pre-registrntlon and an equip
ment check has been set fur Janu
ary 3, from 4 to 8 p.m., at the
Hobby House on Harmon Field.
Beginning skiers should be ac
companied by their parents, Ward
has announced.
SAN FRANCISCO ll'PD -Linebacker
Tony Parrilll of Illi
nois and end Don Coffee of Mem
phis Stalo have signed contracts
with the San Francisco Forty-Nin-ers
of the National Football
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FINE RUNNER ARRIVES Humberto Rodriguez, loft, polnfs out a familiar spot (Mexico
City) to Central Oregon College athletic director Bob Johnson. They met while Bob was
coaching In Mexico City. Humberto, who's ma In aim is to improve his education, will compete
for Central Oregon's track team next spring. Humberto also plays "mucho soccer" a sport
that draws huge crowds in Mexico.
Arrives from Mexico
Humberto rated fine runner,
planning to compete for COC
By Bill Thompson .
Bulletin Staff Writer
Humberto Rodriguez, 20-year-old
resident of Mexico City who ar
rived in Bend this weok, has two
goals In the next few months.
First, ho wants to improve his
education at Central Oregon Col
lege here. Second, ho wants to Im
prove his prowess In track compe
tition while competing for COC in
meets next spring.
Humberto has already made
considerable strides In both endeavors.
He has gained a very fine high-
school education in a five-year pri
vate institution In Mexico Cily
(Israel High School). Ho speaks
some English now, and under
stands quite a bit of English.
Already several Bend residents
have offered to help him polish
his English, and he plans to em
phasize that course at COC.
Ho has also made good strides
in track . .1
Central Oregon College athletic
Today's Schedule (EST)
Cincinnati vs. New York at Phil
adelphia 7:15
Boston at Philadelphia 9: 15
Detroit at Syracuse 8
Chicago at St. Louis 9:30 I
Eastern Division
W L Pet.
Boston 28 5 .848
Philadelphia 28 ' 13 .839
Syracuse 13 22 .371 ;
New York 11 25 .300 ,
Western Division
Los Angeles 30 11 .7.12
Cincinnati 20 17 .541
Detroit 15 19 .441
St. Louis 12 24 .333
Chicago 8 24 .250
director Bob Johnson, who helped
coach Humberto while teaching
in Mexico City, rates him as one
of the fine young Mexican run
nel's in 200 and 400-meter events.
Comparative Time Given
His comparative time in the 220
would be around 21 seconds. His
times were recorded at a high
7500-foot altitude, and could prob
ably be lowered racing at lower
He has an equivalent of about a
9.8 time In the 100-yard dash, but
Johnson oxpects his strongest
events to be in the 220 and 440.
And Johnson hopes to enter
Humberto in the second annual
Oregon Indoor invitational track
meet at Portland's Coliseum Jan
uary 27.
Rodriguez is the second Mexi
can national to come to Bend.
Eligio Galicia, one of Mexico's fin
est athletes and a champion in
both tho 5,000 and 10,000 meter
runs (he holds national records in
both events), is employed at a lo
cal lumber plant and plans to en
ter all-comer competition.
Galicia, 28, will represent the
Bend Athletic Assn.
Rodriguez, distance man Don
Berry and several former Cen
tral Oregon high school track
stars will form the nucleus for
Central Oregon's track squad next
spring the school's first big ven
ture in Intercollegiate competition.
Johnson says meets have alrea
dy been lined up with several
small Oregon colleges.
"Most of the competition will
be away," Johnson said. "But we
will try to have at least one home
meet for local fans."
Local athletes Johnson hopes to
have on his squad next spring include-
miler Dave Vandervert,
javelin ace Curt Jones, broad
jumper and hurdler George
Ilawes, pole vaultcr Harold Still
and several others.
Berry, who previously compet
ed in service meets and open com
petition, scored several firsts for
COC in cross-country competition
last fall.
Bucks back
on track,
win 6 o 2
By United Press International
The Portland Buckaroos were
back in their accustomed win
ning pose today after a two-game
introduction to how the other half
But Portland's 6-2 Western
Hockey League win over Edmon
ton Friday night was expensive.
George Knipleverg of the Bucks
suffered a broken jaw in a mid
ice collision with Lloyd Haddori
of Edmonton.
Portland's victory reversed a
5-2 Edmonton decision when the
two division leaders met earlier
this week. Portland Is atop the
Southern Division, while Edmon
ton leads the northern wing.
Spokane belted Vancouver, 5-1,
In the only other league game
Friday night.
Arnie Schmautz and Gordon
Fashoway netted two goals apiece
in setting the pace for the Buck
aroos, who were never headed.
Schmautz tallied in the second
period, giving Portland a 2-1 lead.
and scored again later in the per
iod after Edmonton had tied it
and Tommy McVie had made it
3-2 in Portland's favor.
Fashoway took over from there,
rapping In a screen shot at 5:16
of the third period and hitting the
final goal after nine minutes of
the period.
The Spokane Comets manhan
dled Northern Division cellar
dwelling Vancouver with two
goals in the first period, one in
the second, and two more in the
third. The Canucks were unable
to stop the big Spokane line of
Bev Bell, Gerry Brisson and Gene
Six teams are in action tonight
around the league. Spokane goes
to Seattle, Portland is at Calgary
and Los Angeles journeys to San
By United Press International
Southern Division
W L T Pts. GC GA
Portland 25 8 1 51 130 84
Spokane 18 13 4 40 131 117
Los Angeles 11 21 4 28 136 168
San Francisco 12 20 0 24 '91 125
Northern Division
Edmonton 20 11 2 42 127 105
Seattle 15 IS 3 33 115 95
Calgary 15 14 3 33 132 115
Vancouver 9 22 3 21 90 140
Friday's Results
Portland 8 Edmonton 2 1 "'
Spokane 5 Vancouver 1 -
Packers hoping for
'solid field0 Sunday
By Norman Miller
UPI Stiff Writer
GREEN BAY, Wis. (UPI) -Coach
Vince Lombard and his
Green Bay Packers were rooting
today for the weather to come
up "mild Sunday for their Na
tional Football League title game
against the New York Giants, and
it looked like their players would
be answered.
The likelihood of a solid field
raised the championship prospects
of the Packers, who more than
any team in the NFL this season
depended on a ground attack for
their yardage.
"If the field is right, we should
win," reiterated Lombardi at Fri
day's workout In 10 degree tem
perature. He agreed that a slip
pery or frozen field would benefit
thj Giants "because their pass re
ceivers would have better control
than our defensive backs.
However, the weather forecast
made all this speculation appear
Clear Weather Predicted
The outlook was for a clear day
with the temperature rising Into
the 20s, which is 20 degrees higher
than at mid-week and considered
normal for this time of the year
In Green Bay.
Groundskeepers took the heavy
layer of straw and the tarpaulin
off a portion of the field Friday
and the turf was as dry and as
soft as mid-October.
End Bill Quintan and halfback
Jesse Whittenton, two Green Bay
defensive stars, left the hospital
beds where they had been bedded
with flu and worked out with the
team Friday. Qulnlan returned to
the hospital overnight as a pre
cautionary measure.
The Packers, beaten in last
year's NFL title playoff by the J
Philadelphia Eagles, gave observ
ers at their practice session the
impression that they were ex
tremely confident of beating the
Giants Sunday. Green Bay is fa
vored by three points.
Pleased With Hornung
Lombardi also was pleased by
the way halfback Paul Hornung,
this year's NFL player-of-the-year
went through his practice paces.
Hornung is on a week's leave from
the Army at FL Riley, Kan.
"Hornung looks a lot better
since he started working out on
Tuesday," Lombardi commented.
"The tougher the game, the bet
ter he plays."
Jim Taylor, who gained 186
yards in the Packers' 20-17 victory
over the Giants Dec. 3, is "doing
much better and should be ready
to go," Lombardi said. Taylor was
running with a bruised hip. Also
expected to be ready Sunday was
defensive safety John Symank
who had suffered rib injuries.
AH of the Giants were in good
shape, except for perhaps all
league offensive tackle Roosevelt
Brown, who still limped from a
knee injury. Brown said, however,
it was no worse than it had been
for the past few games,
Louis Hawks may lose the serv
ices of guard Johnny McCarthy
for the rest of the National Bas
ketball Association season. Mc
Carthy underwent surgery on
Thursday for torn ligaments and
cartilage in his left knee and the
team physician Dr. Stan London
said yesterday it was doubtful he
would play before next season.
Pets are selling every day!
(In Bulletin Classifieds)
IS ,o25
Friday's Results
Detroit 131 Cincinnati 116
New York 110 Boston UK)
Philadelphia 123 Los Angeles 118
St. Louis 120 Chicago 103
Open Bowling
Saturday and Sunday.
Uclore 7:1)0 P.M. -ICC
Week Days OJ
Sat., Sun., nc
Holidays & Evenings'
Now Open Bowling At
Cascade Bowl
Phone EV 2 1392 For
Reservations 44 Bond
Vats off to
it fulfill all your expectations.
Jb, 19621 Applaud
th nttail Miw
til iin ihuj
Morris & Bertha Rothkow
Happy New Year
Enjoy A Safe, Sane New Year
With Good Entertainment At The Movies!
Now Showing
Continuous From
1:00 P.M.
Sundv And Mondw
7-'"'" wn)' wwi nyv
rut i i i an xi.-ujufc.'.iuii
Bend, Oregon
December 30, 1961
Dear Customer:
Happy New Year to you and your familyl
In extending our best wishes for happiness during the New Year, may we take this oppor
tunity to urge you to join with us again in a "Drive for a Safe Holiday!" program.
We hope you will bring the following holiday safe driving tips to the attention of your
family and your motoring friends. If enough of us follow these suggestions we will help
assure a happier and safer season for all.
Allow plenty of time for your holiday travel. On
long trips make frequent stops. Arrive relaxed.
Drive In keeping with road, weather, and traffic
conditions. Remember, most holiday accidents In
volve drinking and speed too fast for conditions.
Make allowances for unpredictable driver and ped
estrian actions. Give yourself and others an extra
margin of safety.
Resolve to "Make Courtesy Your Code of the
Road." It pays!
Drive with good tires properly adjusted brakes
lights and turn signals working windshield
wipers and defrosters functioning properly.
Fasten them when you enter the car. Seat Belts
are "Circles of Safety" for you and your family.
Full enjoyment of the Holiday Season is something to which all of us look forward. With
this enjoyment, however and we know you agree goes individual responsibility to
protect your family, yourself, and your community. Let's all DRIVE for a Safe Holidayl
Cordially Yours,
Bob Thomas Chevrolet Cadillac
. -7