Warm Your Pockets With' Cold Cash Sell With A Classified Ad Some military men believe U.S. fiddling while SE Asia 'burns' By Phil Newsom UPI Staff Wrlttr In Saigon, as in Laos, there are hard-nose U. S. military men who believe that diplomats are fiddling while Southeast Asia burns. These men are not the policy makers and official orders have stilled most of their voices. But they are the ones who believe that if decisive military action is not taken soon, then all the best- 'Big board' officials agree '61 good year By Jesse Bogus UPI Staff Writer NEW YORK UPI All of the final statistics are not recorded, but the officials of the New York Stock Exchange, known as the Big Board, could say today It was a big year. There was a couple of Firsts, some records, and ample oppor tunity in the figures to show the Interest of a large section of the American public in activities of the securities exchanges. In the next to last trading week of the year, on Dec. 21, sales vol ume on the exchange passed the billion-share mark for the first time since another year, remem bered with less enthusiasm 1929. On Nov. 27, the exchange pass ed the 7 billion level in listed shares. The exchange, in its pre liminary chronology of 1961, noted that it took the exchange 137 years to get its first billion shares on the market, but the latest bil lion, which bridged the gap from 6 to 7 billion, came In just 22 months. The first billion listings mark also was passed in 1929. When the first shares were listed, historians noted, sailing ships wore nosing about the tip of Manhattan; the young nations was battling for freedom of the seas and Ameri can industry was an unce.-tain in fant. When the latest shares came to market, billions of dollars were being spent to send craft into space; a mature nation was fight ing for freedom on many fronts and American industry was a lusty grown-up, but with new and modern problems ahead. Last of West's 'bad men' dies TARZANA, Calif. (UPI) - "Al Jennings Outlaw." Had he died in a gun fight in his days as a train robber that might have been his epitaph. But Al Jennings, head of the feared Jennings gang, is dead at 98, the last survivor of a legend ary band of badmen who put the "wild" in the Wild West of a cen tury ago. Jennings died Tuesday of nat ural causes in his modest San Fernando Valley cottage. At his side when the end came was the wife of a nephew, Mrs. T. V. Eg gleston, who had been caring for him since the death of his wife, Maude, a month ago. It was only through the kindness of President Theodore Roosevelt that the onetime outlaw escaped a prison death. Sentence to life in prison in 1895 for train robbery and assault with intent to kill, Jennings was given a pardon in 1907 by Presi dent Roosevelt. Shortly after his release from Leavenworth Prison he married Maude and practiced law. Later he ran for governor of Oklahoma and lost. Thereafter Jennings became an actor, writer and evangelist, mov ing to Tarzana in 1939. Jennings spent his last years living on a small government pension and recalling the good old days of the Wild West. 4 tires blown in plane landing DENVER (UPD-A four-engine United Air Lines plane, carrying 69 passengers and a crew of 5, blew four .Ires on landing at Sla pleton Field Tuesday. None aboard was injured. The undercarriage of the pMon propeiled DC7 plane was dam aged. Capt. Warren Le Hoy brought the plane in for the landing at 6:43 p.m.. EST. The craft re mained upright after the four main tires two on each side were blown. The flight originated in Newark. N.J., and had landed previously at Cleveland and Milwaukee. It had been scheduled to continue to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. A replacement plane left Denver at S:40 p.m.. EST. to continue the fUghL intent ioncd efforts toward govern ment reform cun only go down in a violent sea of Communist con quest. Arrayed against them and in the ascendancy of U. S. thinking are those who believe in a two pronged policy. On the one side it presses re forms upon South Viet Nam's dic tatorial president Ngo Dlnh Diem and on the other a program per ilously close to but still short of war involving U. S. combat units. Showdown Due Socn Whichever policy ultimately is pursued, It seems certain a show down swiftly is approaching in South Viet Nam. It is a faceless war thai is be ing fought in the rico paddies and jungle, fought by men who work as farmers by day and become Communist guerillas by night, by university students trained by the Communists In the ait of sub version. At its core are the dedicated and trained Communist fighters slipped in growing numlers into South Viet Nam by sea and by the new corridor opened to the Reds through Laos. Working on the Communist side Is mounting inflation of Vietna mese currency, a threatened rice shortage and growing dissatisfac tion with the Diem regime which the United States is pledged to support. Diem's early rule led one Amer ican writer to say: "In the midst of the dark storms Uiat threaten Asia, Presi dent Diem stands like a beacon of light, showing the way to free people." Both Sides Change But Diem became impatient of advice. His people, he said, were not ready for democracy. Increas ing authority went to members of his family. And, meanwhile, Uie Commu nists shifted tactics. Unable to win in a frontal as sault, they switched to sabotage and terrorism. New cement fac tories and power projects were blown up. Villagers 'who resisted communism were tortured and slain. Guerrilla bands operated al most on the outskirts of Saigon. Tough U. S. soldiers now are training loyal Vietnamese in their own guerilla tactics. U. S. heli copters help spot Communist hid ing places. U. S. forces are told to fire back if fired upon. Diem at last has agreed both to advice and reforms. Military dissenters say the lat ter has come too late. The policy makers must decide whether, al ready deeply committed over Ber lin, the United States can risk another Korea-type war in Asia. SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING OF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS A & R MOTOR SUPPLY 129 E. Greenwood EV 2-6941 AUTO WRECKING PACIFIC AUTO WRECKING 21 Hr. Wrecker Service S. Hgwy 97 EV 2-3759 B & B AUTO WRECKING CO. 24 Hour Wrecker Service E. Highway 20 EV 2-3S25 D & H Repair St Auto Wrecking Mi Ml. N. Des. Junction EV 2-1693 BEN DAVIS WANTS Metals-Copper-Brass Reed Mkt. Road EV 2-3-102 AUTO REPAIRS AUTOMATIC Transmissions-Rebuilt & Repaired All makes, all work guaranteed. HUTCI1INS REPAIR SERVICE Blakley Heights EV 2 -1416 BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 4014 Lava FURNACES BLAKE'S HEATING SERVICE Heating Problems All Makes EV 2-1S69 Instruction & Schools TEACHING ORGAN LESSON'S On Home, Spinet Church mod els. Kay Thrasher EV 2-5682 Laundry & Dry Cleaners BEND TROY Laundry & Pry Cleaners, Inc. Phone EVergrcen 2-4511 DRESSMAKING JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS Pick up. deliverv EV 2-.T,; PETS PET SUPPLIES Cocketrels. with cage $15.50 Half Moon Conuro and roodlc lounges Orion Dog Sweaters Reed Mkt. Road EV 2-12..I MISCELLANEOUS INVISIBLE REWEAVING Free Estimates, Fair Prices 673 lres Lane EV 2-1318 Young gymnast falls to death MOUNT BALDY, Calif. (UPD A 16-year-old high school gymnast lost his fooling while climbing Mount Baldy Tuesday and tum bled more than 1,600 feet to his death. He was Mlko Dressier of Los Angeles. Two 17-year-old companions Richard Schuster of Monterey Park, Calif., and Brian Milman of Los Angeles said they and Dressier would have taken the ski lift rather than hike but they did not have enough money. FINE FOLLOWS FIRE MILWAUKEE (UPD Clarence Moore Jr. was fined $100 Tues day for refusing to admit firemen to his burning home Christmas Day because "I was trying to see that no damage was done." PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES 2 lines for 1 time only $100 2 lines for 4 times only $1.50 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 6 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 8 lines for 8 times only $6.25 SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrier One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $9 00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Six Months $7 50 One Year $14.50 Vary luw rates lur montnly ad. Adi received Detore i Ml p.m. will appear in Int lulluwlni daya paper ttie bend Bulletin will nut be responsible for more than -jne Incorrect insertion FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 In Redmond LI 8-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS VALLEY VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Sales & Service We Repair All Makes Call EV 2-3364 431 S. Third CARL AUSTIN Schwlnn Bikes New. used, re-built. Lay-away BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps for home, business. 1134 Davenport EV 2-2876 BIGGEST LITTLE STORE IN EASTERN OREGON. One stop store where you find furniture & upholstering at best prices. Mat tress renovating as low as $11.95. Tarps, tarp and tent repair. Army surplus dept. with insulated rubber boots, 9.95. Clothing for the whole family. Other Miscel laneous items. DAVENPORT'S General Merchandise Store & MATTRESS FACTORY 1S00 E. 1st EV 2-3320 AMERICAN MUSIC CO. The Very Finest In Musical Merchandise Complete Teaching Line Pianos Janssen - Gulbransen Story & Clark Organs Hammond Band Instruments Conn Selmer Arconiians All Famous Brands 929 Wall St. EV 2-131)3 TRANSPORTATION PIU1T-CAR Fred Kirksey !-533 1729 E. 1st. EV RADIO & TV REPAIR A-l TV & RADIO ADMIRAL COLOR TV BLACK & WHITE & STEREO Many used sets to choose from 642 Franklin EV 2-4571 1 -Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of FLORENCE M. SAW YER In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, First Na tional Bank of Oregon, a national banking association, has been ap pointed Executor of the last will and testament of Florence M. Sawyer, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly veri fied, as by law required, to the undersigned at the offices of Mc Kay, Panner St Johnson, Attor neys, 1026 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice in the daily Bend Bulletin. Dated and first published De cember 6, 1961. Date of last publication Decem ber 27. 1961. First National Bank of Ore gon, Executor McKav, Panner & Joluison, 1026 Bond Street, Bend, Oregor, Attorneys for said estute. 1-M3-1SC 3-Masonic Notices BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF&AM Tliui-s. Dec. 28th, 8 p.m. Charles K. Davis, W.M. 4-Funeral Directors HEIDER'S FUNERAL HOME lull & Greeley EV 2-5552 BEND. OREGON 8-Special Notices $25.00 REWARD for informa tion on car being run into, at Erickson's Super Market between 5 and 6 p.m. Thursday evening. EV 2-0974. 10-Lost & Found LOST OR STRAYED 1 7-year old Bay Gelding, marked with wire cut on right real- foot. EV 2 216S. LOST 35 millimeter Kodak, in front of Bend Dairv, Sunday night. Reward. EV 2-1571. 14-Moving. Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything. But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 3-2151 20-Servlce Directory VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR AND SERVICE. All makes. Sing er Sewing Center. 126 Minnesota, EV 2-3882. PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Llv tug Room $45'. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting, Also Commercial. Harper EV 2-4692 ALTERATIONS Pat Taylor, formerly with Mas tercraft, EV 2-2338. 26-Loans MONEY AVAILABLE FOR DISCOUNTING FIRST MORTGAGES Write Box 1227 A co The Bend Bulletin 30-Miscellaneous tor Sale Mcculloch products Sale Trade Complete Bar Service Used One Man Saws had's Mcculloch shop 132 E. Franklin EV 2-3051 WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. Daily 8:30 to 6 Sunday 9:30 to ? WASHER AND dryer, both in good condition. 100 per cent fi nancing o.a.c. Payment $7.93. KEN CALE HARDWARE Third and Greenwood ENGLISH WALNUTS for sale, 39c lb.. EV 2-6763. 17 CUBIC ft. chest freezer, de luxe model. Set of twin beds with Hollywood frames. One complete bedroom set, nearly new. 30.06 Remington automatic with scope and extras, was $250., sacrifice for $150. EV 2-2004. HOTPOINT Refrigerator-Free zer. 2 door model, r ull reeondi tionod and guaranteed. Terms. Oregon Equipment Company. 165 E. Greenwood. FOR SALE Monarch combina tion wood and electric range with coils, $50. HI 7-7663. TV CABLE for sale. $30. EV 3- 5358. PORTABLE EMERSON TV, converter. 40 ft. antenna, $100. for all. EV 2-4394. FREE HAM OR Turkey, with each of 3 new 1962 Freezers left and sold by January 1st. Buy where you can get your supply. Midstate Meat Co., EV 2-3f31. MATERIAL SALE TWEEDS, Your choice $2 69 yd. Naugaliyde, y:ar choice$3.98 yd. Tapestries, your choice $'-' 69 yd. Filament Nylon, yr. cn. yd. Foam Rubber Throw Pillows. 14x14, $2.98 Lee's Custom UphoUteiy EV 2-1192 FOR SALE TV cable, $50. EV 2-5241. DOUBLE EDGE Razor Blades. Finest Surgical Steel, honed in oil. Full money back guarantee. 25-30C, 100-85C, 200-J1.50, 500 3.30, 10OO-$5.73. Postpaid. Packed 5 blades to package, 20 packages lo card brings general merchandise carton. COD orders accepted. Post catalog. EMERSON COMPANY, 406 So. Second. Alhambra, Calif. REPOSSESSED 1 m a n u e 1 Thomas Organ. 13 pedals, a 1 1 voices. Blond oak finish with bench. Only $595. 36 mon'lis to pay. SHEPHERD ENTERPRIS ES, 13j Minnesota, EV 2-1719. 30-Miscellaneous lor Sale TOP SOIL, till dirt, dumo truck, tractor loader work. exca vations EV J-5161 PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES If you are building or remodel ing be sure and tee our com plete line of the finest electrical end plumbing fixtures. WESTSIDE HDWE. Open 8 to 8 weekdays 9 to 2 Sunday Green Stamps Always Galveston St Columbia EV 2-4341 HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE PRE-INVENTORY SALE is now in full swing . . . All mdse. drastically re duced. Sale ends Satur day, December 30lh. HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE "Home of Kelvlnator Appliances" Minnesota Ave. next to lire hall EASY TERMS EV 2-3324 SAVE $1 & $2 On Sale Records. . . Store wide clearance on records. ... 45 RPMs at 10c a piece. Darrell's House of Music Wall at Oregon Mill & Logging SUPPLIES Call us for rigging made up Gates Industrial V-Bclts St Sheaves. Hydraulic Hose St fittings Yellow Strand Wire Rope Link-Belt Distributor Sprockets & Pillow Blocks Brass Bushing Stock YOUNG EQUIPMENT CO. 1405 So. 3rd. EV 2-2183 mo CAI V TV okU t'J R year crib. Other miscellaneous items F.V 2-0491 hpfni-p 10 a m. or after 4 p.m. Kirby Brush Rolls fiO per cent off Singer Port. Sew. Mach. $15. Singer Vacuum $15. Singer Vacuum $35. Royal Vacuum $10. Hoover Vacuum $10. Domes-tic desk Sew. Ma. $55. Complete Sewing Machine and vacuum service. 17 Hawthorne Hawthorne House ONE SET of 24 storage draw ers, one set of 18, both wooden. Approximately 6 ft. long, 2 ft. deep. EV 2-1608, 5 Hawthorne. MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer freez. er, refers, water heaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES EV 2-5312. 31-Appllances. Furniture THREE PIECE blond bedroom set. Double bed. $125. EV 2-1990. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. EV 2-2821 DEALER & SERVICE STATION Complete Appliance line. Electric heat. Largest lighting display In Central Oregon. 42-Poultrv. Rabbits BEND EGC, & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Morxfiiy only. 710 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs. Pets, Etc. SALE, SMALL purebred po lice - collie pups, $5. Free col lar, leash. River Kancn, 1837 Hairiman. BOARDING AND CLIPPING SERVICE Poodle Stud Service. Toy Poodles, Pekes & Terriers for sale. RANCH PET KENNELS EV 2-3634 47-Wanteel To Buy WANTED: OLD CARS, trucks. cats, farm machinery, to buy Highest prices paid. B St u Auto Wreckers. EV 2-3825. SO-Fuel, Coal. Wood, Oil WASHED UTAH COAL Lump - Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOOS CITY FUEL CO. MB E. First EV 2-6961 GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 a load, approx. 2 cords. Washed Oil Treated Stoker. Washed Lump Coal. Roliert Davenport KV 2-1599. DRY JUNIPER wood, out to order. $15. cord. EV 2-4303. JUNIPER W(XD, nit any lengths. tV 2-47ti6 Biter 8 p m 53-Room, Board BOARD & ROOM, in private home, close in. No drinking. Call after 2::i0 p.m. EV 2-3133. 56-Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED J rm anart ment near hospital Adults only. $10.00 per month. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. "P.rVER TERRACE" One and 2 hedroom. very clean, spacious grounds $50.00 to $62.50 Manager i.V 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM apartment. Utilities paid. Close In. EV 2-2355. DESIRABLE 3'A and 4V4 room duplex. Automatic heat, garages, utilities, TV Included. Wahee Apartments, 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. MODERN TWO or throe room apartments. Inquire at 40 Irving. EV 2-5142. ONE BEDROOM apartment. Utilities furnished, except lights. 362 Riverside, EV 2-4302. 58-Houses for Rent FOR RENT for 1st time 2 bed room modem. Wired, floor fur nace, furnished or unfurnished. EV 2-2004. TWO BEDROOM house. See owner 15 Gilchrist. EV 2-4878. TWO BEDROOM modern. Wir ed for range, washer, dryer. Oil heat, garage. EV 2-6950 TWO BEDROOM. Modern, clean. Available now. EV 2-4399. TWO BEDROOM modern. Clean, wired for range, plumbed for washer. EV 2-1210. 59-Houses Furnished ONE BEDROOM house, gar age, $30. EV 2-3062 evenings. ONE BEDROOM. furnished. electric heat. TV cable. Available December 18. 303 Riverfront, tv 2-1974. CLEAN. COZY, quiet, one bedroom. Couple preferred. Close in. No pets. Ipis W. and. 70-rJusiness Opportunities SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Flying A Service Station. Call EV 2-2442, or write P.O. Box 487 Bend. 80-Real Estate for Sale KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 Dick Kerr, Realtor READY FOR OCCUPANCY New 3 bdrm home wih attach ed garage. Fireplace, electric heat, sliding glass doors, patio. Beautiful kitchen with dinette space, separate dining room. Price $13,450. Clent King EV 2-5452 Ray Cronin EV 2-5656 Walt Kittredge EV 2-4492 MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Harold Phillips. Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. Ph. EV 2-1871 Eve. EV 2-0571 Hogan EV 2-3274 RIVER FRONTAGE 100 ft. of exceptional Deschutes Kiver Iromage. warning distance from downtown. Excellent home ..ila Itx.nH cfi-nnt Son rhr. lnrs todav, This will sell fast. Price $5,000.00 with $1,000.00 down, bal ance )du.uu a monui. FOR RENT bdrm home on Deschutes River. RanRe & refrigerator and some furniture. $70,000. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-1761 Real Estate & Insurance Arlcigh Black Bi-oker 1 Joe Tilden EV 2-2706 Jim La we EV 2-5756 VERN LARSON AGENCY EV 2-5297 1496 Quincy Realtor Appraiser Colonial home, perfect for nou- plc, close In On Riverside, run basement, nearly new oil furnace, lovely living room, 1 B R. down, m story home has IXrS OF ROOM upstairs. Low FHA down payment. Gracious 3 BR on E. side. Fire place, wwall carpet, tile bath, att. garage, close lo schools, shop ping. Only $13,500 with low FHA down payment, GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 WE NEED LISTINGS! CHARMING ranch style 2 bed room home on 100 x 100 ft. lot, with big pines and shrulra and fireplace, dining space opening Into covered patio. Handy tiled kitchen with birch cabinets arid eating space. Utility room and large attached 2 car garage. Electric heat. A real Deal of The Day for $13,000 cash or no dis count, FHA, N. E. Gilbert Broker Realtor Larry Keown Assoc Broker EV 2-2393 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor OWNER MOVING TO MEDFORD WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR HOME THERE. PRICE $13 250 LOCATION 204 E. 5th FINANCING Slate GI loan this is a three bedroom, near the Hi scnool. Separate dining room, fireplace, attached garage, beau tiful view of the mountains, lots of storage space. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE 315 E. Third EV 2-6453 Nites Jim Arnti 2-5213 Buck Davis Ranches 2-6914 The Bend Bulletin, Wed., 80-Real Estate For Sale $100. FOR my equity in 4 bed room home. Oil furnace. 4 base ment. EV 2-0191 before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. BY OWNER: 2 bedroom home, displace, hardwood floors, atorm windows, range and refrigerator. Below appraisal, for quick sale. $9500. EV 2-rJaS alter a p.m. Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor !33 Oregon EV 2-3031 START THE NEW YEAR WITH A NEW ADDRESS Tills lovely 2 bedroom plus large knotty pine den or 3rd bedroom will be available Jan. 1st. Mod ern convenient kitchen, lots of bullt-lns. Utllltv Plumbed & wlr- ed for laundry'. The new brick siding makes this an exceptionally warm home. Extra large beauti fully landscaped corner lot near park 4 swimming pool. Full price $15,500 & easy terms. Mable Foster Kieth Ramsay EV 2-3105 EV 2-5321 BUI Franck EV 2-U73 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor SOUTH THIRD COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Unusual opportunity to pur chase one block facing South Third in heart of motel area. Not cheap but In a class by itself for a first class commercial development. $42,000. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 Wall St. , EV 2-1761 Nites Hap 2-1318 Arrae 2-4475 Jim 2-3594 Harvey 2-4686 90-Machinery for Sale TD-14 Crawler tractor with Hy draulic tilt dozer and Medford Cab $5000.00. TD-14 Angle Dozer $250.00. D-6N Hyster winch $675.00. D-6 Logging Canopy $175.00. D-6 Brush blade $200.00. D-6 Nnirow width blade $325, Will take wheel tractor or hay ing machinery In trade. TERMS. Call Madras 475-2084, Ron Ochs. 94-Mobile Homes USED TRAILERS 1960 50x10 2 Bedroom 1957 38x8 2 Bedroom KSW MOBILE HOMES S. Hwy. 97 EV 2-4311 95-Trucks, Trailers 1950 CHEVROLET pickup, 'i ton, good condition, $325.00. No down, terms. EV 2-0600. INTERNATIONAL ton pick up. 1918. 4-spccd transmission. EV 2-0464. 100-Autos for Sale 1951 CHEVROLET station wag on, good condition, $285. EV 2 3437 after 5 p.m. CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH!!?? BRING your lata model ear to Mid-Oregon Motors and trade It for a clean older ear. Lower those car payments now. MID OREGON MOTORS Volkswagen Sales & Service 1515 So. 3rd Phone EV 2-3562 100 Autos For Sale "OK" AT Inventory Reduction PRICES '59 Ponllac Catallna Coupe Radio, htr., Hydramatic, pwr. steering, pwr. brakes, Extra nice In and out. '59 Ford "&" 2 dr., std. trans. A real low mileage honey. '60 Chevrolet V8 itation wagon Straight (tick with posi traction. '58 Pontlaa Star Chief H. Top Radio, htr., hydramatic. Sharp. '69 Plymouth "4" 4 dr. sedan Very clean with standard transmission. MANY, MANY MORE ALSO . ft ft ft AS IS SPECIAL '57 Chevrolet V8 "210" 4 dr. Radio, htr., powerglldc. Very Good Condition Needs small amt. Body Work ONLY $891 ft ft ft All Way To Finance GMAC BANK 100 bob Thomas Chevrolet Cadillac (BEND GARAGE) 23 5 ,E. Greenwood Acroii from Wagner's December 27, 1961 100-Autos for Sale WINTER'S HERE See the al new SCOUT and IN TERNATIONAL TRAVELAL for top winter performance. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next to Ore. Equip, on Greenwood bob Thomas efferj PREMIUM Cadillacs 61 COUPE DE VILLE In striking Laredo tan. Full De Ville treatment In ahow room condition. Exceptionally few miles and full warranty. '61-6 WINDOW SEDAN In sparkling San Remo tur quoise. Full power and full warranty. This haa been Mr. Thomas' personal automobile. 57 CONVERTIBLE CPE. A real scarce automobile In marvelous condition. Leather Interior. Blue body with white top. Owned by very prominent central Oregon Business Man. This is your opportunity to own a premium Cadillac at a trac tion of original cost bob Thomas Chevrolet Cadillao 709 Wall across from City Hall EV 2-2911 OUTSTANDING- ONE OWNER TRADE-INS - 61 Ford Fairlalne 600 town sedan. V8 with gaa saving overdrive. Radio St heater. $2399 ;Z 60 Ford Fairl&lne 500 Club sedan. VS. straight stick. A real bar gain at only $1599 R0BBERS0N : FORD SALES 424 E. Third FULL PRICE $1995 I960 Ford Galaxie Club Coupe. V8 with automatic transmission and full power. Less than 19,000 mile. One local owner. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Grenwood on 3rd FREE EQUITY In 1961 Falcon. Take over payments. EV 2-2230. FOR SALE 1958 Ford Fairlane hardtop. Good condition. $895. EV 2-5356. CHEVROLET, 1949, 4-door. $65. 50 W. Railroad Street. SPECIAL 1962 Chevy II 4 door sedan. Automatic trans. $2495 Special 'til January 1st $50 to $100 discount on all used cars and trucks FOR SERVICE WE HONOR ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS murray & holt motors; inc. - E. Second St Franklin EV 2-2222 AAA Wrecker Service EV 2-3216 "OK" USED CAR 1957 Oldsmobile, 4 door Super 88, radio & healer, automatic trans mlsaion, power brakes & steer ing, white wall tires, 6 way power seat. Price $1095 BEN JACQUES CHEV. 5th St Giveaway Redmond, Ore. USED CARS 1991 H991 M291 1191 Full Price EV2-W3I