The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 23, 1961, Page 4, Image 4

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Chip on China's shoulder
4 Saturday, December 23, 1961 An Independent Newspaper
Phil F. Brogan, Associate Editor Jack McDarmott, Advertising Manager
Glenn Cushman, General Manager Lou E. Meyers, Circulation Manager
Loren E. Dyer, Mechanical Superintendent William A. Yates, Managing Editor
Robert W. Chandler, Editor end Publisher
En(4id as Second Ctasi MaHw. January 6. 1917. at Uit Post Omca at Bend, Oregon, under Act u! March 3. Vns. Pub
Uahad dally axcept Sunday and certain huUdayi by The Bend Bulletin. Inc.
That, first Christmas, as it was
related to us by St. Luke, 2-1
. And It came to pass in those days,
that there went out a decree from
Caesar Augustus, that all the world
should be taxed.
(And this taxing was first made
when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
And -all went to be taxed, every
one into his own city.
And Joseph also, went up from Gal
ilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into
Juden, unto the city of David, which is
called Bethlehem: (because he was of
the house and lineage of David:)
To be taxed with Mary his espous
ed wife, being great with child.
And so it was, that, while they
were there, the days were accom
plished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her first
born son, and and wrapped him in
swaddling clothes, and laid him in a
manger; because there was no room in
the inn.
And there were in the same coun
try shepherds abiding in the field, keep
ing watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came
upon them, and the glory of the Lord
shone round about them: and they were
sore afraid.
And the angel snid unto them, Fear
not: for, behold , I bring you good tid
ings of great joy, which lie to all people.
For unto you is born this day in
the city of David a Saviour, which is
Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you;
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swad
dling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the
angel a multitude of the heavenly host
praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and
on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels
were gone away from them into heaven,
the shepherds said one to another, Let
us now go evpn unto Bethlehem, and
see this thing which is come to pass,
which the Lord hath made known unto
And they came with haste, and and
found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe
lying in a manger.
And when they had seen it, they
made known abroad the saying which
was told them concerning this child.
And all they that heard it wonder
ed at those things which were told
them by the shepherds.
But Mary kept all these things, and
pondered them in her heart.
And the shepherds returned, glori
fying and praising God for all the
things that they had heard and seen,
as it was told unto them.
Hassle in Lane county
Two Lane county newspapers view
in completely different light a recent
event on the rainy side of the moun
tains. It seems the director of the Lane
county housing authorify made ar
rangements for his own mother to live
in a low-rent housing project in Spring
field, a project under his direction.
The Eugene Register-Guard called
the decision a "blooper," an "error in
The Emerald Enfpire News, a newly-established
Eugene daily, battling
the Register-Guard for living room in
the Lane county seat, sees the entire
situation in a stronger light.
It would appear the director's
mother not only did not meet the resi
dence requirements for the project, but
also that her assets are considerably in
excess of those allowable for qualifica
tion. The News thinks the whole deal
smells. One would suspect the director
in question has not heard the last of
his error.
Hulteng appointment an outstanding one
The appointment of John Hulteng
as new denn of the school of journal
ism at the University of Oregon has
been announced. And a better appoint
ment would be hard to imagine.
Hulteng is an excellent teacher,
voted the best in the university last
Humor from others
Herewith an act of editorial thiev
ery. But it's too good to bottle up. The
"nlkm lng poem, clipped from the Coos
Buy World, came to that newspaper
ti oin a source unknown, with the under
standing it had been printed earlier in
"a mid-western newspaper."
I sometimes fancy ns I spy
That I excel (lie K B I
Might now I'm making little lists
Ot folks I think are Communists
I have no proof on anyone
And vet the lists are Itvids of fun;
All friends of foreign aid I Ihiflk
Must be set down as rather pink
A little pinker, not far off.
I list, perlorce, the colh'Lie nrnf.
And pinker yet the college crowd
That lauds the Dill of Rights out loud.
Congressmen pull wires
secretly for reservists
By Drew Pearson
Congress don't like to have it
known when they pull wires with
the Pentagon to get their constitu
ents out of military service. How
ever, they have been doing it in
considerable volume, chiefly to
help reservists.
Most of the men involved had
not served one day of active duty
in World War II or the Korean
War but signed up in the reserves
or National Guard to escape the
peacetime draft. v
Here is the partial rollcall of
congressional wire-pullers:
Sen. Prescott Bush, Connecticut
Republican, tried to excuse
George Krall of New Haven from
military duty to help with his
father's coal business.
House Democratic Leader John
McCormack of Massachusetts, the
probable next Speaker, made a
personal phone call to the Penta
gon and wrote a follow-up letter
to keep Charles Monterior of Har
wick, Mass., out of the service.
Congressman Ivor F e n t o n ,
Pennsylvania Republican, plead
ed with tlie Pentagon that John
Hardinger, Jr., of Orwigsburg,
Pa., had a sick grandfather, a
mortgage, and furniture payments
that should come before military
Congressman J. Vaughan Gray,
Virginia Democrat, wired the Air
Force that it would be in the gov
ernment's best interest to let Bil
ly Nix continue his studies at the
University of Richmond.
Congressman Michael Kirwan,
Ohio Democrat, intervened in be
half of Donald Knapp of Athens,
Ohio, who wanted to duck his mili
tary obligation in order to" attend
Ohio University.
Congressman William Springer,
Illinois Republican, put in a cau
tious word at the Pentagon to get
a deferment for Bruce Knicley of
Charleston, 111., to teach school.
Congressman Howard Robison,
New York Republican, tried to
keep CapL Richard Alderman of
Canisteo, N.Y., from being recall
ed to active Air Force Duty after
he had volunteered for immedi
ate assignment, then changed his
Ex-Speaker Joe Martin, Massa
chusetts Republican, asked the
Air Force to consider the case of
Themistocles Anagos of Foxboro,
Mass., so he can run his ailing
father's store.
Congressman Robert Giaimo,
Connecticut Democrat, wrote to
the Air Force in behalf of Richard
Anderson of Old Saybrook, Conn.,
who would like to remain a civil
ian in order to study speech ther
apy at Southern Connecticut State
All the requests cited above
were turned down.
Is Hong Kong Next?
There's alarm in British diplo
matic circles over the possibility
that the Red Chinese will now take
a cue from the Indian precedent
of invading Goa and invade the
British colony of Hong Kong and
the Portuguese colony of Macao.
I Ins, it s believed, was behind
the fact that the Red Chinese,
though at times on the verge of
war with India over the northern
border, publicly supported Nehru
and his invasion of Goa.
British diplomats don't reallv
expect the Red Chinese to pounce
on Hong Kong in the near future.
The island is too good a source of
foreign trade. Also Macao, the
Portuguese colony, is an excellent
outlet for illicit trade chiefly
But when the Red Chinese fic-
ure the time is ripe, they'll have
the excellent precedent set by In
dia for taking over the last re
maining western colonies on Chi
nese shores.
Old Joe Kennedy
One thing most people espec
ially on Wall Street don't know
about Joseph P. Kennedy, once a
Wall Street speculator, is that
he was responsible for appointing
one of the toughest regulators of
Wall Street and one of the most
liberal members of the U.S. Su
preme Court.
When Roosevelt 'picked Old Joe
Kennedy to head up the newly or
ganized Securities and Exchange
Commission to police Wall Street
after the bank holiday, one of the
first things Joe did was to bring a
young Yale professor, William 0.
Douglas, down to Washington to
head up the SEC's reorganization
division. Later, Joe persuaded
Roosevelt to appoint Douglas as
an SEC commissioner.
By this time the President's
father had left the SEC and James
Landis had become chairman. By
this time also, a terrific battle had
developed inside the SEC over
cracking down on Wall Street.
Some of the old fervor for being
tough on Wall Street had evapor
ated Therefore, when Landis left the
commission to become dean of the
Harvard Law School, opposition
developed against Douglas as his
successor. So Douglas, with an in
vitation to return to the Yale Law
School, was about to leave town.
In fact, he was all packed and
about to catch the 10 a.m. train,
when he got a phone call from Joe
"Don't take that train," Joe told
him. "I think you'll get a call
from the White House. Just sit
Later in the day, Roosevelt
called, asking Douglas to become
chairman of the SEC. There he
charted a tough policy of regulat
ing Wall Street, later was appoint
ed to the Supreme Court where
he has handed. down some of the
most liberal opinions of this dec
ade. Celebrants keep
policemen busy
Bend City Police were kept busy
last night by early starting ob
servers of the holiday season.
James A. Bickers, Prineville,
was arrested about 10:30 p.m. on
a charge of being intoxicated in a
public place, the police station. He
came to the station wanting to
talk to an officer, then wouldn't
leave. Officers arrested him. He
posted $27.50 bail.
Boyd Cronen Jr.. 154 Under
wood, was arrested about 10:50
p.m. on a charge of being intoxi
cated in an automobile. He posted
bail of $27.50.
Two young men were arrested
for illegal possession of beer in the
1500 block of Galveston.
They were Robert E. Franklin,
20, of San Diego, Calif., and War
ren Allen Smith, 20, of 1004 East
Greenwood. Each was required to
post bail of $27.50.
Adrian Sterns, Box 124, Bend,
was picked up about 8:40 p.m. on
an intoxication charge. He also
posted $27.50 bail.
PORTLAND (UPD-Plans for a
$250,000 bowling alley at North
Williams Ave. and Graham St.
here were announced today by
Car-A-Van Inc. of Portland.
Airline merger
plans reported
NEW YORK (UPP-Top execu
tives of two United States airline
giants American and Eastern
were reported by the New York
Times today to have indicated
they are studying a merger.
The Times added, however, the
study was far from the stage of
any definite proposal of one air
line to the other.
A spokesman for Eastern Air
Lines, reached by United Press
International, said he had heard
nothing either "officially or un
officially." One source said, how
ever, that when reports of the
merger rumor were raised at
Eastern's New York office Fri
day, they were "brushed off."
No spokesman for American Air
lines could be contacted for com
ment. The Times reported "hints that
highly placed personnel and large
stockholders have been kept ig
norant of the negotiations so that
the denials could be made with
straight faces."
A merger would make (lie re
sulting airline the largest domes
tic air carrier and create a cor
poration with assets of nearly $820
It also would form a generally
complementary route structure,
opening up direct routes now de
nied to one or the other of the
Eastern is generally a North-
South carrier along the East
Coast, but with routes extending
as far west as Minneapolis, St.
Louis and Fort Worth, Tex. It also
serves Mexico City; Bermuda;
San Juan. Puerto Rico and Ottawa
and Montreal, Canada.
American, however, is primar
ily an East-West carrier with
trans-continental routes stretcning
from New York, Boston and Wash
ington to Los Angeles and San
Pearl River
held back
at Flowood
JACKSON. Miss. (UPI) Con
victs and National Guardsmen to
day packed sandbags against a
weakened levee which surrounds
the industrial suburb of Flowood
and so far has prevented the
rampaging Pearl River from in
undating the town of about 400
State Civil Defense Director
Robert Crook said the danger in
creases as the "levee gets more
spongy." He said more breaks
were expected but "if we can
hang on until Sunday the danger
should be over."
About 200 guardsmen and 500
convicts averted a near disaster
Friday night when they rapidly
patched a section of the levee that
succumbed to the tremendous wa
ter pressure.
Only a secondary levee which
supports railroad tracks in the
area saved the main plant of
Knox Glass Co., which employs
750 persons.
Crook said a break about 10
feet wide opened and poured sev
eral feet of water onto an auxil
iary plant of Knox before workers
could contain the breakthrough.
Hie secondary levee is located be
tween the auxiliary plant and the
main plant.
Prisoners help
needy families
This Christmas will be a bright
one for three needy Tulare Coun
ty families because of the savings
of men who make 20 cents a day.
The men are prisoners at the
county road camp at Terra Bella.
They donated about $55 from
their earnings to buy boxes of
groceries, a turkey for each fam
ily, and individual gifts.
The collection was taken with
out the knowledge of Clarance
Barker, who is in charge of the
Baker said the men have also
been working on their own time
repainting' and repairing toys for
the children of other needy families.
ACCRA. Ghana UPD Presi
dent Kwame Nkrumah praised
President Kennedy Friday night
for the U.S. decision to help fi
nance the Volta River dam proj
ect with $133 million in aid.
"The decision showed a U.S.
awareness of the problems and
aspirations of modern Africa,"
Nkrumah said in a year-end mes
sage to the nation.
Army planning
troop rotation
administration is reported plan
ning two steps to strengthen U.S.
fighting forces in the Far East
and Europe.
The Defense Department will
begin rotating small army units to
Europe by air early next year for
short tours of duty. These battle
groups, of about 1,500 to 2,000 men
each, will be in addition to Army
forces permanently in Europe.
The administration also intends
to carry out the plan announced
last May to create airborne bri
gades in the Pacific and Europe.
Each brigade will consist of two
battle groups of about 4,000 troops.
According to present plans, one
will be assigned to Europe, and
will be capable of swift movement
to NATO trouble spots and adja
cent areas.
The Pacific brigade would pre
sumably be based at Okinawa,
from where it could move quickly
to trouble spots in southeast Asia
and other Far Eastern areas.
year. He has an outstanding profes
sional reputation, brought with him
to the school. He has long been active
in professional affairs, in a manner
which reflected credit both on him and
the school.
U.N. supporters, as I've said.
Are also ipso facto red:
And redder ytill on my red lists
Ate all the intrgrationists.
Just for good measure in my 1-ilxirs.
1 add a few of mv good neighbors
Thus I rejoice that loyalty
Resides alone in you and me
Although, before my ork is through.
You may. good friend, be listed too
Those who fail to place in the es-1
say contest on the Impeachment of ,
Chief Justice Warren can address them-!
solves to setting those lines to music. 1
What a splendid thini to play on the
parade ground when the Minutenien
come in after a touch day in the hills.,
Eugene Register-Guard. i
jaoraws ufta tgmgq era cm mi uPfi a iga ufta ore afra una
"HERE IS a young man who was born in an obscure village,
the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another
village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was
30, and then for three years he was an itinerate preach
er. He never wrote a book. He never held an office.
He never owned" a home. He never had a family. He
never went to college. He never put his foot inside a
big city. He never traveled 200 miles from the place
where he was born. He never did one of the things j
that usually accompanies greatness. He had no creden-
tials but himself. e.
WHILE HE was still a young man, the tide of public opinion 2
turned against him. His friends ran away. He was turn- 8
ed over to his enemies. He went through the mockery 3
of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two
thieves. While he was dying his executioners gambled 3
for the only piece of property he had on earth his g
coat. When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed
grave through the pity of a friend. J
NINETEEN centuries have come and gone, and today he is
the central figure of the human race and the leader
of the column of progress. 5
i a k j r a n . 'it t i i i . 3
r i fMvi rt wtintn rne mam wnen I say mat an tne armies
ft that ever marched, and the navies that were ever built, a
and all the parliaments that ever sat, and ell the kings
that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the 5
life of man unnn th earth hat th! DKIP Cf)l ITAPY '
THE AUTHOR of the above is unknown. May we offer it J
as a vnnsrmas greeting and as you read it, may the J
i py rnar mis ootirary Li'e spreaas across rne
nturies of time find lodgement In your hearts, a
peace and
greying cen
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