8 The Bend Bulletin, Friday, October 6, 1961 ill: ' A -t Mmhm WHMHaMj tl ' '"'Wl jf.Iii.iu.-t,rlt . Ruling issued on picketing WASHINGTON (UPI) - The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that a labor union may picket a firm organized by an other union to protest wage rates. The board split 3-2 Wednesday In reversing an eight-months-old ruling handed down by board members appointed by President Eisenhower, Two members ap pointed by President Kennedy helped form the majority in to day's decision. In the new ruling, the NLflB upheld pickoting by the Hod Car riers' Union directed ' against a Hammond, Ind., construction site of George Dejong, even though De jong's employes were represented by another union. "A union may legitimately be concerned that a particular em ployer is undermining area stand ards of employment by maintain ing lower standards," the major ity said. Shippers told of reduction PORTLAND (UPD- Northwest shippers were told Thursday a freight rate reduction worth up to 20 million a year is expected to go into effect, at least temporari ly, Dec. 1. K. C. Batchclder of the West Const Lumbermen's Association predicted the drop following two weeks of hearings before the In terstate Commerce Commission in Washington, D.C. The reduction would benefit Western lumber and plywood I shippers.' Nilsen critical of plan to use prison laborers SALEM (UPI) Oregon Labor Commissioner Norman O. Nilsen Thursday night called Uie State Board of Control's 2-t decision to use prison labor on two state projects "penny wise and pound foolish." Addressing the Kennedy Club of Salem, Nilsen said the board's decision "violates the spirit" o( a state law which requires pay ment of prevailing wage rates by contractors on public works proj ects. Secretary of State Howell Ap pling Jr. and State Treasurer Howard C. Bellon outvoted Gov. Mark Hatfield several weeks ago and ruled that convict labor would be used to build the new women's unit at the state prison and erect a greenhouse at Dam masch Slate Hospital.. Nilsen said the board's decision compounds a "serious" unemploy ment problem in the construction industry in the Willamette Val ley. The September report of the State Employment Department lists 1.363 construction workers on unemployment compensation of which 856 are in the Willamette Valley, he said. CERTIFICATES PRESENTED Central Oregon Apprentice Committee member Jay Scott, left, received a meritorioui service citation, and Ronald Mastrud, right, received hit comple tion certificate Wednesday. A, C. Hoggan, center, made the presentations, Service award goes to Scott Jay Scott was presented with a certificate of meritorious service by A. C. Hoggan, apprenticeship representative from Portland, at the meeting of the Central Oregon Apprenticeship Committee Wed nesday evening. Scott has served on the local committee for the past five years. Ronald Mastrud received his completion certificate for the car penter trade. This presentation was also made by Hoggan, McCoin Construction Co. of Red mond was approved as a training situation and Charles Carlson was approved for apprenticeship in the carpenter trade with the com pany. Clarence Bells of the 0 r e g o n Employment Service, a new mem ber of the committee, was among those present. Other members at tending were Andrew Pounds, act ing chairman: R. S. Johnson, sec retary, and Dick Patterson. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. El don J. McCoin, Norman Ullrich and Charles Carlson. Divorce laws called farce PORTLAND (UPD A Marion County Judge termed some of Oregon's divorce laws a farce Thursday, and said Uiey tail to protect families. Circuit Judge Joseph B. Felton said 95 per cent of the divorce cases in Oregon are default cases where one party never appears in court. He said this makes It Impos sible for the court to learn both sides in an effort to reconcile married couples. Kelton spoke before a legisla tive subcommittee studying di vorce laws. Ho termed the six-month wait ing period between divorce and re-marriage "farcial." One day recently, ho said, two divorcees received decrees, traveled to Washington, and were remarried the same evening. Felton said a waiting period prior to entry of the divorce de cree would bo more effective. Felton suggested the courts niako increased use of psychiatry, psychology, and social knowledge in an effort to save marriages. !e said counseling services are limited because the only office In the state is in Portland. Guest speaker named by church The Church of the Open Bible, which meets at the VFW Hall, M" E. First Street, will have a guest speaker Sunday. Ho is the Rev. Morlin Nelran, representative for the denomina tion's Oregon Emerald Empire, section. His visit here is In con junction with national Sunday school enlargement month, being Observed throughout October, Services Sunday are Sunday school at 10 an., worship service at 11 o'clock, and evening wor ship at 7:30. The public is invited. Ribicoff cracks at educators WASHINGTON (UPI) - Abra ham Ribicoff, secretary of health, education and welfare, said Thurs day the Kennedy administration "took a licking" on its school aid bill because educators failed to fight for the measure. Addressing 900 college presi dents from all parts of the na tion at the annual meeting of the American Council on Education, Ribicoff threw away his prepared ! text and gave the educators a sharp scolding. "Where were you educators as aid to education was done in at this last session of Congress?" he demanded. "Every person in the education field was busy looking out for his own small t iece of the program. None of you was very interested lit doing some thing for education as a whole." Ribicoff said the administration will renew its fight for a broad based program for federal aid to education at the next session of Congress. "President Kennedy isn't a quit ter and neither am I," he said. "We got licked, this past summer but we're going to make that fight again next year." In his prepared text, Ribicoff said that failure of Congress to enact the administration's school program "threatens our strength as a nation." He announced he would undertake a cross-country tour to build up public support for the legislation. Temperatures , Temperatures during the 24 hours ending early today. High Low Precip. Bend 78 42 Astoria 60 Baker 81 60 79 84 65 PIGGLY WIGGLY GREAT CANNED FOOD SALE! FOR RENT Huge D8, D6 Cat and Dozer Blade. Ph. EV 2-0512 .'. fine quality 1 From . 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