The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 20, 1961, Page 2, Image 2

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    ! :4 KjVt 'ill j
I -'lav T "." r, . 1 '- -
'OKAY, COME ON OVER HERE BOYS' Sled owneri line up their dogs In preparation for
Sunday1! 1 0-mile slad dog race at Hoodoo Bowl. The first annual race) wat won by Art
Christensan's team of Siberlani and Samoyeds from Jefferson, Ore.
2 The Bend Bulletin, Monday, February 20, 1961
Sports Talk . .
The plan to "save" Portland's
Multnomah Stadium ie, to en
large its capacity to 40,000 has
been greeted with mixed feelings
by loyal Northwest sports fans.
Writes nature-lover J,, A. Coot
head of Beaverton:
"Summer- at Multnomah Sta
dium is one of the quietest and
most serene vacation spots In the
West, By boosting the seating ca
pacity, it should be even quieU
But loyal Portland Beaver base
ball fan R. G. Hotdog disagrees:
"Ifs bad enough to get a cheer
ing section together at the present
plant. With more Beats, the few
fans we've got will probably get
lost. I say we've got to slick to
gether. The only solution Is to
build the Beavers a 250-seat Sta
dium." Football fan Ace McNutt of San
dy wonders pettier there will bo
sufficient parking.
"Right now I havo to leave my
car three miles away. If Uiey add
nil those seats, cars will probably
be stretched clear out to Sandy.
And I'll be forced to hitchhike.
Thank God for telovision."
' Bucky Buckaroo, current Port
land hockey nut, has come up with
jivhat he feels Is an ideal solution.
. "Now. look what you've got a
red-hot hockey town and. an Ice
cold baseball bunch. 1 say throw
out the Beavers and keep the
Bucks all year around. When they
gel through with the current hock
ey season, the Bucks could switch
to baseball. At least they've got
Some following. They couldn't do
any worse than the Beavers, and
ye'd still love 'em for their great
season Uls winter."
' Icey Puck, anoUicr hockey en
thusiast, believes the city should
drop baseball and have hockey all
year round.
"The only thing to do Is to stick
fn an Ice rink at Multnomah,"
ays Icy. "Then maybe you'd have
a reason for enlarging tha sta-
Weekend sports summary
J By UnIM Pratt tnt.rn.tlon.1
I JnALEAH, Fla. UPI -Calumet
Farm's Yorky outdistanced
JVever Give In by a half.'wiKth to
AVln the $1M,buo Widener Handi
cap. , LAKE PLACID, N Y. (trpll -fugetlla
Monti of Italy guided his
four-man team Into the lead of the
world bobsled championships at
Jhe end of two heals.
ARCADIA, Calif. tUPIl - Flut
Jlerby closed fat to heat Olden
Time by a head in the $M,2oO
San Felipe Handicap at Santa
ROME) UPI Olidio Rinsldl of
Italy signed to fight Archie Moore
for the San Diego. Calif, fighter's
light heavyweight title in Nw
York on June 10.
(iOTF.BORG, Sweden (UPI) -
Andre Kourprinnoff of Francs
took tii. lead in the world speed-
skating .championships as W t s t
Germany withdrew from compel! shared the senior men's title in
tion because East Germany wealths National Indoor speed skating
allowed to lly its own (lug t the
ma Rudolph of Tsiinassee AVI let
a new women's world indoor
mark of 7.9 seconds for 70 yards
ia tha Mason-Dixoa track games.
MTAMl Fla (UPI - HarrylssMirWtu'i, heats
Eastern Oregon
, By United Press Internellontl
Oregon College, with Earl Gold
mann, scoring 17 points, knocked
Eastern Oregon out of a tie for
the Oregon Collegiate Conference
basketball lead nidi a 78-70 vic
dium." '
Ivy P. Leaguer, longtime femi
nine football fanatic, thinks the
new stadium plans are Just lovely.
"Oh, think of it. A whole 40,000
cheering all those wonderful hunks
of beef on the Oregon University
football team. And those magnifi
cent mighty males on the pro
squads. SO What if It takes four
hours to get to your parking
place? Just the chance of rubbing
shoulder pads with George Shaw
is perfectly thrilling. Oooh, Isn't It
just tremendous?"
Writes 0. A. Nostalgia, star
quarterback on the 10O3 Medford
"Aw. that's a bunch of foolery.
enlarging the stadium. Why back
In my day, we rarely ever played
before SO neonle. And I tell vou.
it was a lot better game. Those
wore th days you had to he a
man. You had to block - block
block and tackle - tackle tackle.
Now all they do Is run run run
and pass pass pnss. Too com
mercial, that's what it is. I say
tear out the stands they've got
and just leave the field. Lets give
tha gam back to the boys."
Oren P. Squeeze-hard notes thero
Is a plan to sell seat rights for
"SO you've got a right to a seat.
So you ve still gotta buy your
ticket. What do they think we are,
a bunch of millionaires?" writes
"They think they're going to sell
8,000 of these 'seat rights' and
make a million, six hundred thou
sand. Hah, they'll bo lucky to sell
. "Don't they read the papers?
Don't they know we're In a de
pression? Don't they know this Is
a depressed area? Do they ?m
we're a bunch of saps? ilumpf,
200 bucks for a scat right, 1
wouldn't give 200 bucks for the
whole stadium.
(Peanuts Lowrey, a Philadelphia
Phlllle coach, won the baseball
players golf tourney with a 72-holo
total of 2.
Honk Van Der Grift of Holland
captured the l!t world speed
skating championships, giving The
Netherlands Its first world title in
the event since 1903.
DUNEDIN, Fla. (UPD - Paul
rtuny.-in of La Jolla, Calif., won
the 22nd PGA Seniors golf cham
pionship with a new tournament
record of 278.
NEW YORK (UP!) Olympic
distance runner John Kelly of
Groton, Conn., won the 2t-mile
water-soaked third annual Cherry
Tree marathon, defeating runner
up Gordon McKcnzie of Now York
by Hi miles.
WEST ALUS. Wis. (I'PII -Keith
Meyer of Glen EUyn. 111.
and Bob McCarUiy ot New oik
(uial two heats of the world
four-min boh sled championships
' cancelled Sunday because
ol an sU niiml rain, alvintt defend-
'"I champion Eugenie Monti of
''y the frown on (he hasls cf
KO'd from lead
tory Saturday night.
The dlet gave the Mountain
fers one more conference Ioks
imn nregnn Tw.h wni(.n
mie. me Owls ,iad
Kastcnt Oreyon Is .-,.
stw 'S" 1 wrwww
f ip 1
'HEY, WHEN DO I RACE?' This sled dog appears a bit
mournful as he watches his buddies prepare for running of
1 0-mlle race at Hoodoo Sunday (Photos by Parrel Church).
Wresflers clip Sutherlin;
district meet this weekend
The Bend WTestling team, trail
ing all the way, went ahead on
the final match of Uie day against
Sutherlin Saturday to gain a 25-23
The Bend Jayvoes drubbed the
Sutherlin Jayvees 45-6.
Gordon Hogland provided Bend
the victory margin w hen he pinned
Gerald Fugate in the heavyweight
The Sutherlin match marked
Bend's final dual meet competi
tion, with district action scheduled
for Friday evening and all day
Saturday at the Redmond Union
High School gym.
Some 72 matches will be run off
Friday night, with action going
simultaneously on three mats.
Quarter finals and semi-finals
will bo held starting at 12:30 Sat
urday, with finals and third-place
consolation matches starting at 7
p.m. Saturday.
Tha final two wrestlers In each
division will go to (he state tour
nament at Corvallis March 3 and
4. a total ot 26 wrestlers from this
The varsity results:
98 Doug Shorey (S) pinned
Bob Sullivan (B: 106 Joe De
venport IB) pinned Jim Franklin
(SI; IIS Jack Grnbow (SI dec.
Doug Fescr IB; 123 Bud Bran
non (Si dec. Mike Ward (B); 130
Larry Johnson (B dec. Ron
Goertien (S: 136 - Harvey Free
man B drew with Wayne Fag
Sheep & Schulze New Treads
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Phont 6V 2 Jyi
Unheralded Hill
grabs playoff
in Tucson Open
TUCSON, Ariz. (t'PI) - There
was a new star on the golfing
horizon today and the little guy
will take no back-talk from anyone
when it comes tu handling a set
of tlubs.
Hia name Is Davey Hill, 145
pounds of power from Denver,
Colo., who whipped the greaty
Tommy Bolt, and another begin
ner, Buddy Sullivan, in a dramatic
play-off for the $20,000 Tucson
Open golf crown Sunday.
Davey, a baby-faced 23-year-old
with a crew cut, a wife and tiny
baby, rolled in a down-hill, twist
ing 15-fobt putt on the third extra
hole to torn back Bolt and Sullivan
for top money of $2,800. The losers
each collected $1,650.
"I'm going on from here to
compete in the Baton Rouge
Open," said the exuberant Hill
after the victory. "I plan to play
the full tour. This is the life."
It was a spectacular victory for
Davey. He had- started the day
trailing Sullivan, a 29-year-old
sophomore of the tour from Yuba
City, by five strokes. He shot a
five-under-par 65 on his final
round topping it off with a 13-foot
eagle putt on the last hole for a
260 total.
V .
' ', ,
nil rh'iMlaf eyiilifrffiiiirttwyya
en (S: 141 Ellis Thompson (S)
pinned Tom Luellmg (Bl; 148
Roy Peller S dec. Frank Choate
(B); 157 Kim Ward B dec.
Lylo Linton (S): 168 Ray Bar
clay (B) drew with Larry Long-
brake IS); Bill Pedcrson IB) pin
ned Ray Van Cleavo S; heavy
Gordon Hogland (B) pinned Ger
ald Fugate (S).
The junior viaraity results:
Danny Jarvis (B) pinned Allen
Blanton Si 106 Don Marcou
lier (Bl dec. Jim Salisbury (S);
115 Tom Fabler (S dec. Ken
Wolverton (B); 123 Dean Sears
(B) dec, Dnn Blocker (S: 130
Bob Booze (B) pinned Fred Frost
(S; 136 Jim Wingfield B dec.
Chuck Alto (S); 141 Jim Wing
field (B) dec. Gerald Stinnette
S: 148 Benny Dexter (B) dec.
Dick Weber S); 157 Mike Ped
erson (B) plnnsd Harold Wingler
(S); 130 Bob Boose IB pinned
Foster Monlaomcry S; 123
Dean Scars iB) pinned Gary Green
(S; Ken Wolverton (Bi pinned Lc
Roy McKinney (Si; Ralph Fugate
(S) dec. Danny Jarvis B'.
NEW YORK tUPl) - Evegny
Momotkov, the Russian runner
who finished third in the two-mile
run in the New York Athletic Club
Games last Friday, has switched
to the mile run for this week's
run In the New York Athletic Club
national AAU championships.
.hi jij piMwrwrriewis.uijwia,ifw u
& Schulze New Tread
Chances fade for Oregon fives
By Unlltd Prtss International I
If they go by records, Oregon
State, Oregon and' Portland can
just about write off getting an
NCAA postseason basketball play
off invitation.
Seattle's Chieftains made sure
of this Saturday night.
The Chiefs, reversing an 11
point loss to Oregon last month
in Eugene, recorded a 61-57 de
cision over the Ducks Saturday
night at Seattle to almost insure-
by records the Northwest inde
pendents' at-large spot at the
NCAA Western regionals next
The win ran Seattle's record to
Sisters, Culver
tied in standings
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS The Sisters Outlaws
whacked Culver 83-48 Friday night
at Sisters, but lost at Dufur Satur
day night 53-47.
Thus, Dufur won the southern
district 6B "going away," with
Maupln still having a chance for
second if It beats Dufur this week
end. However, If Maupln loses, Mau
pln, Sisters and Culver will wind
up In a tie for the runnerup spot.
All four teams will be entered in
the district 6B tourney at The
Dalles March 2, 3 and 4, with a
(Hp of the coin to decide places in
the meet,.
Sisters winds up Its regular
schedule at home next Saturday
against the Bend Jayvees.
- Bob Hewitt hit 26 points to pace
the win Friday, while Phillips
had 12 In the losing cause Satur
Sisters (83)
Cooper 14
Phillips 4
Hewitt 26
Daniels 13
Demaris 10
(41) Culver
7 Macy
1 Tyrell
15 McDowell
12 Macrostie
3 Bark
Sisters subs: Bowers 7, G. Te
walt 4, Shaw 6, Culver subs: Mat
son 8, Longgrier 2.
Sisters (47)
Cooper 8
Phillips 12
Hewitt 11
Daniels 11 .
(53) Dufur
4 Namie
19 Carpenter
' 14 Albright
7 Parsons
Demaris 4
9 Strafford
Sisters subs: Tewalt i.
DAVOS. Switzerland (UPI)
Willy Forrer of Switzerland set a
new record Sunday In winning
the Parsenn Derby, the longest
downhill Ski classic In the world.
Forrer was timed in 10 minutes,
40.7 seconds for the 11.6 seconds
for the 11.6 kilometers run with
a vertical drop of 2,000 meters.
Westerfeld, first line catcher of
the Portland Beavers of the Pa
cific Coast League last season,
has been given his outright re
" -
Did you know that the VW Panel Truck above holds 830
pounds mora thin a standard half-ton? But costs only half
as much to run?
Wt created this unique vehicle to fill a basic need. A truck
that would carry a big load (7 8 ton), yet would not be a
scaled-down version of heavy, over-theroad trucks, or de
livery trucks that war simply converted sedans. A truck
that Is economical to own and to operate.
This VW Pinel Truck (without Its 1,830-paund leid and
driver) weighs only 2,100 pounds aout half as much as
standard half-ton trueks. Tet the VW gives you 830 pounds
15-7 with three games left. Ore
gon Slate, dropping its second in
a row to Improved Idaho
Saturday night at Moscow, slipped
to 13-9.
Oregn and Portland, which lost
to Notre 80-49 Saturday
afternoon at South Bend, Ind.,
stand 12-9.
Oregon State has four left, two
with Southern California this
weekend at Corvallis and a pair
with Oregon.
Oregon has five games remain
ing, one with Portland at Van
couver, Wash., Friday night, two
with Washington State and the
two with the Beavers, and Port
Iowa just misses
beating Ohio State
By United Press International
All eyes will be on the Big Ten
Conference tonight to see if Indi
ana can finally shatter Ohio
State's 25-game winning streak.
Iowa came close on Saturday,
almost scoring the upset of the
year before fading in the final
seconds as the top-ranked Buck
eyes eked out a 62-61 decision.
Indiana1 hopefuls base their
chances on Walt Bellamy, the
conference's third leading scorer,
and the fact that, the Hoosiers
were the last team to beat Ohio
Ohio State's All-Amcrican Jerry
Lucas plans to counteract any
Ksychological edge Indiana may
ave, however, because tonight's
game gives him an opportunity to
replace Pijrdue's Terry Dlschinger
as the league's leading scorer. HO
trails the Boilermaker marksman
by only two points, while Bellamy
is a distant third.
Lucas Pacts OSU
Lucas was the big gun In over
coming Iowa's 34-24 halflime lead
Saturday when he scored 17 points
after intermission against the
'educated" Hawkeyes, who had
four of their starters out because
of scholastic difficulties. .
A Pair of stolen Dasses bv Larrv
Siegfried and Gary Gearhart in
the closing stages of the game
enabled Ohio State to chalk up Its
20th win of the season.
Second-ranked St. Bonaventure,
which hopes to avenge its only
defeat with a showdown meeting
against Ohio State in the NCAA
tournament, kept- pace with the
Buckeye triumph by making De
Paul its 20th victim, 78-69.
Tom Stith tallied five key bas
kets before leaving on personal
fouls, but his teammates niain
tained the pressure to finally sul
due a stubborn Blue Demon team
that is NIT-bound.
Third-ranked Duke also had its
problems, pressed all the way
before edging Navy, 75-73, with
the help of Art Heyman's 26
points. Heyman is banned from
Atlantic Coast Conference compe
tition for fighting. His sharpshoot-
,J!.,i"--:-J 41 &
Central Oregon Volkswagen Headquarters
South City Limits Phone EV 2-3562
land has four left, one with Wash
ington of St. Louis tonight at St.
Louis, the one with Oregon and
a pair with Gonzaga.
Oregon: Simmons 7, Warren 5,
Moore 7. Hayes 3, Strickland 21,
Mack 8, Kimpton 6.
Seattle: Butler 13, Mills 10,
Miles 18, Shaules 4, Dunston 10.
OSC: Carly 6. Jacobson 3, An
derson 17. Rossi 2, Baker 10,
Flynn 2, Woodland 7.
Idaho: White 8, Carolan 4, Ma
ren 8. James 19, Porter 5, Floan
6. Williams 2. Park 2.
ing, however, benefits Duke in
non-league contests.
Two-Way Battle
Bradley and Cincinnati, ranked
fifth and sixth, respectively, by
the UPI Board of Coaches, con
tinued their fight for the Missouri
Valley Conference title and an
NCAA berth.
The second-place Braves routed
North Texas State, 105-70, as Chat
Walker had 37 pojnts, while Cin
cinnati, leading the conference by
a game, won its 14th straight by
clobbering Tulsa, 81-52.
North Carolina, rated seventh,
took over the AAC lead with a
61-55 victory over Clemson. The
Tar Heels, despite their withdraw
ing from the upcoming league
playoffs, are bent on showing
their supremacy to the rest of
the conference.
Eighth-ranked Kansas State beat
Missouri, 99-70, and the No. 9 St.
John's IN.Y.) Rcdmen knocked
ofl Niagara, 84-64.
Kelly, national marathon cham
pion and Olympic distance runner
from Groton, Conn., Sunday won
the third annual Cherry Tree Mar
athon. He splashed through a Water-logged
26-mile course In 2
hours, 25 minutes and 27.5 sec
onds. en
Monday 12 P.M. 'Til 4 P.M.
Tuesday 4:45 P.M. 'Til 7 P.M.
Wednesday 12 P.M. 'Tit 4 pm
Thursday 12 'Til 3:30 P.M.
iJC D U. (Til A. 4ft a u
-i.irf r.m, ill -vv r.m.
Friday 12 P.M. 'Til 7 P.M.
Saturday 12 P.M. 'Til 12 A.M.
Sunday 12 P.M. 'Til 12 A.M.
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We Cut Out 2,000 Pounds Dead Weight
Found in the Standard Half-Ton Truck
Daad weight in an engint is tht anemy of afflclancy. That's
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Volkswagen's engine Is cast of aluminum and magnesium
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Volkswagen reduces dead weight in still other ways. The engine
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shaft. As a result the engine weighs an honest, efficient 182 pounds
(S.A.E.) and it saves you dollars as long as you own Itl
more load at half the utuel operating costs. You save en
gas, oil, repairs and tires. The VW Truck also saves your
time. Since It Is only 9 in. longer thin a VW Sedan, It can
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VW Truck. The VW Panel costs $2163 delivered locally.
Try one. You'll be In good company, for In the past faw
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100,000 to businessmen whose trucking needs have been
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Linfield holds
NWC cage lead
By United Press International
Linfield's Wildcats, steaming on
in their quest for the Northwest
Conference basketball title, rolled
over Willamette 83-81 Saturday
The victory was the Wildcats'
10th in 14 Conference starts and
kept them a full game in front
of second-place Lewis and Clark,
which also won.
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