OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE TELEVISION IN REVIEW 8 Tb Bend Bulletin, Wed., December 14, 1960 ISHOUIPTONK, AFTfcKA OH, POKT SPD.L IT.' IJ.a ) I WWWVT, WHATS. UP TO ? HE S STUCfIN I SISTER HAS LEFT hC, LJ WAWT TO GIVE HER A T,, . ,u. TUT OLD CLOCtf UK6 A M6MU AX A - ) HER BROTHER WOULP BE W LITTLE PIG ABOUTMIWDlWM u ii 1 FREMCH REbTAURAhlT.'l VJONDEK WHY 7 SLAP TO SEE HER WHEW SHE H MER OWN KIPS--SHE 'LL J -I66ERED I2tUVV tUIMBUB sIeS J VISITS HOME-MOW WHAT- V GITMAPAN' PO IT FER V 5TICVIM ARDOfJD Ll5 1 rni CrTacot. wc V H EVER THAT STUWT 15. STOP; A WHILE--! WOWT6AV J jRANiy SfiJTS Ol "TH J T.,, SJ.SSSSSS- V 1,1; 'V IT, RI6HT NOW.' OWE WORP X MEST'NOT' SO STRIPES Ol HIS POLICE K6C0CD.' IF K Vi .. . -tf" TTn mwmacx'Z r know JAK6,Tere-s A oaLAH ' ' ' ' 'iiii' 'whs 60 ESS si-,v STEVE CANYON 4 K DICK TRACY MARY WORTH in VvW ME WE GOING 10 '- DO WITH THl CWY MO, MM, WORTH? WE CAN'T CHMN HER TO BED-TOST mmwing cm conrao l JUST ANOTHER OF SUTTON'S flUIXOTIC IMPUWEi.W.WtlDOM! WITHIN A WEEK, K Off ON ANOTHER INTHU5IAM!-"UKE ORIENTAL ART. OR AttR0L06V 7 MEANWHILE, OF COURSE, WE MINT PREVENT HER FROM COMMUNICATING WITH CAM AND VICt VEMA! AND IN BUTTONS ROOM-I . -1 1 Mipvia w urn k win. pc u.r i i t I Sh 'JKJrltii ON ANOTHER ENTHU5IASM1.--UKE JT -"- rhYW yOAlART.ORWTROLOOV Pi ALLEY OOP ntllSTASrwilH FfcSLlAMIN IKY lUMi . W yT,.,7N Nri."?REfcT Wl'NMLkl , J IcVATHTN, f IR&LlNG GANPFATHE, BcXN urSEAT E B MY l.NtAlCV.Y WO WAS A - FJTW MTRk I ( VvlTH THE TIME- I MINISTER. . y-ywi--WJiSK I MACHINE IS A f7 i " - 1 .VFV W SO, DR. ELBfcRT WMMlXi, PWSATIST, INVtNTOR of Tur iivr cam- TASTIC CF THE 20TH fLm CEMTURY MECNAN- CT K'AL NIARELS,PREIARi.V'l ir embark urCM WIK sua ANOTWEH PIT P Of UMORTHOtWH RESEARCH PRETTY WEIL Eoinrrtpa' KKiST AMY CONTINGENCY I OKAY.. YEP.' "" I ALL 5ET) I UT ER NBC-TV comes up with another pilot film flop tj'f- i - - I T SPWPKLEf MY, MVf "P f HOW DID SHE f IT'S A 1 f FIFWTOPF. TJT I MUST '"VES, LITTLE WINGYS AUNfX f "OW S" If DO THAT, 'LONG STORY, BRACV, ARE- tj ADMIT, Bl6 T FROM AUSTRALIA TOOK HEP f 1 A' ?!7,JtZ J ' v MACV-SET VOU OUT HEPE ( ITS BUSINESS I back: home with her-so; V awed some weight b yn?ZT$C oom. on businessI -a nasty I CllESS LI'L ABNER hi 7 RU V w -m- mjm mm mm v . u HERE'S TH'MAWNIN' PAPER, JO. .Z', L' .BWItt,H v.i.-nm-iTr-TmTi liESra0 fife PANIC AT IDLEWILD AIRPORT!! NYClty: The fist In the upper left corner Is BoomchiK, the cn SSpWi 'if- -s FUjsslanChampion.-ReadlngfroiTilefttoright.ereallof xp - '"..j.-j.y.. America's toughest prizeflghtei-s !.' g-g, eftf REX MORGAN. M.D. - I7 SEND HIM BB YOU'RE Q 1 THINK SHE'S LXUNS I '" IT'S SOMETHING HER Y I KNCW THAT. .X I ' -v VIN,JUNE LOOKINS WELL, X NICELY OF CXXIRSE, AU HEART REQUIRES TO 1 BUTNOWSHE'S . WARREN HERE FOB X. , V MR. WARREN HOW'S J SHE DOESN'T LIKE FUNCTION PROPERLY J TALKIN6 ABOUT 1 HIS ANNUALCHECK-UP J 2- MR5. WARREN J THE IDEA OF TAKIN6 I 1 TREATMENT TO v c MF5T r li . r rn-rff V. HER OAILY DOSE M I frAW U RCTUVINATI t NTftlr i f I OFPfelTAU5' I I Y T 00 I CAPTAIN EASY - HOPE I' NOT f YOU AREiMcKEE,..iUT I IM ER TO HEAR. Y BUT 1 CANT I tl flFlb VOUR VEiTERNS REUXINO V' .',,"1 r- -1 2'JF,5R!iT,lil?.vi6UESS 1,011 CMt3 how soon your ion I heuritabovb voul ( toan exhausted wnoi buti -;'' n Mcer ISi.lSfif, tL TTTrnnnTT enswe mi m readihiii..wouip u wnm, I must see e THRU! i vul p MRAPS PHASE OF U M iTlrt, TO TEST-HMWl CAN YOU jT rrTi V BE WIS YOU n0RTLY & AT THE iORK, NOVAKS M j HEAR W ABOVE THE OIN jl 727 M " gnVK'LI- ' ' f DR JSPnrS H OF 1HM lWT flV - 7T7Fi T By Frd Dnzig UPI Stiff Wrlltr NEW YORK (UPI) - I like to think there is a reason for show ing unsuccessful pilot films on TV. I like to think the reason is that the industry wants us to re member that things can always get worse. If we think the TV se ries that made it are bad, just take a look at the ones that didn't sell, the reasoning might go. Tuesday night, the NBC TV channels undammed "O'Conner's Ocean," billed as a mystery spe cial translation: A pilot film that flopped. Heaved into this foaming sea of eyewash was a large cast headed by John Payne, a sea-going lawyer named Torin O'Conner. He's a mixture of such TV characters as Adam Troy, Grey Holden and Roy Markham, and he is at home be fore bars of all sorts. His assign ment Tuesday night was to find out if the husband of a shattered authoress was dead or alive. The show opened with what is intended to introduce the charac ters the so-called comedy re lief. We met an inebriated parrot, the sober, gold-bnckmg 0 Conner, his impish deck hand, his excited colleagues from the law office one of whom kept falling into the water, briefcase and all. Fist fights, solemn, terse con versations and a couple of violent deaths were inserted into the pro ceedings with predictable regular ity. They came up with an exotic death for the villain, though. He was hit in the back by a picador's lance, hurled at him by a re tired matador. Ole! As O'Conner, Payne was given ample opportunity to purse h i s lips, flex his muscles in his bare- chested scenes, throw punches and raise his eyebrows. He encount ered full-lipped women and tight- lipped conspirators. He picked up blonde from Vienna in a Mexi can cantina. She said, "Outsiders are always suspect. I know." He said, "You're a long way from Vienna." She said, "I know." By time Payne got to her apartment lo keep their date, she was dead. Murdered, you know. Early in the show, Payne dis covered a dynamite bomb aboard is yacht and flipped it over board just seconds before it went off. I think he should have thrown himself overboard instead, let the yacht and pilot film go "boom" and spared us the nonsense that followed. was flapping around in the repeat showing of "Harvey" on CBS-TV and also on "The Garry Moore bhow, which tollowed. The Channel Swim: "The Garry Moore Show is going on tour. The Tuesday night CBS-TV varie ty hour will be taped at the St. Paul, Minn., Winter Carnival for Jan. 31; from Hollywood for air. ing on Feb. 7 and 14, and from Winter Haven, Fla., for March 14. "I've Got A Secret," Moore's Wednesday night CBS -TV show, will originate at Winter Haven on March 15. Jimmy Stewart will narrate "Tribute to a Patriot," the NBC- TV special that honors President Elsenhower, on Tuesday, Jan. 10. "The Will to Victory," an hour long documentary special based on Winston Churchill's World War II memoirs, pre-empts "The Is landers" on ABC-TV for Sunday, Jan. 1. Ron Ely has landed the leading role in CBS-TV's "Aquanauts," replacing Keith Larsen, who with drew last week. Ely will portray a skin diver named Mike Madi son. Jeremy Slate continues as Larry Labr. Warning sounded on dangers of office parties CARNIVAL Dialing and Filing: No. Charlie, you weren't seeing double Tues day night That was the same ac tress, Beverly Garland, on rival programs. Miss Garland portrayed a bloodthirsty killer on ABC-TV's "Stagecoach West" and, across the dial, on NBC-TV's "Thriller," portrayed, simultaneously, a gam bling man's wife who was nearly murdered. Marion Lome also had a big night on TV, although she didn't compete with herself. Miss Lome The next three weeks will see a large number of parties and, if history repeats itself, these par ties will be the last for several Oregonians. This was the opinion of Bend police chief John Truelt today as he cautioned Bend business firms and individuals planning holiday parties that drinking and driving do not mix. Truett said the incidence of drinking involved in accidents al ways climbs during December. Safety officials say a large part of this increase is due to holiday season parties. Last December, a drinking driver was in evidence or strongly indicated in 10 of the month's 56 reported traffic deaths. "If a party simply wouldn't be a party without drinks, the least businesses and individuals can do is organize methods to gel celebrants home safely," Truett said. A special car pool with non- drinkers behind the wheel, or an arrangement with taxi companies or buses to and from the party location were suggested by Tru ett as ways for hosts to protect their guests' lives. RED PESTS COMFORTABLY HOLLYWOOD (UPI Red Skelton, 47, was reported resting comfortably today at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital where he under went a successful three-hour op eration Monday to close a rup tured diaphragm. KII55ILS W6tFSJ C00lPiNATo. I tlffl "This is our most powerful rocket! With H we can hit just about every bankroll in the country!" KOfN TV 12 KPTV 8KGW TV WEDNESDAY 6:00 Weather-Sports-Newt S: IS Dmis Edwards. Newt 6:30 Highway .Patrol 6:45 7:00 Tightrope 7:1b 7:30 AquanauU 7:45 8: 15 8:30 Wanted: 8:45 Dead or Alive 9:00 My Slfcler Eileen :15 " 9:30 I've Got A Secret 9:45 10:00 Steel Hour 10:15 10:35 10:45 " 11:00 Cily Desk 11:15 Showtime on Six U 30 Topper KPTV Newi Central Coronado 9 Hons Koni Ozzle and Harriet Hawaiian Eye News and Weather Movie U News Beat Huniley-tirinkley Newt Ivantioe Succe&a Story Wagon Train Price li Right Teier Ltnei Mary Johnny Midnight .Night Beat I Jark Paar Show Auxiliary holds Christmas party The auxiliary of Pondosa Pine post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, held a Christmas party last Fri day at the VFW Hall. Gifts were exchanged among "secret sis ters," and a drawing for next year was held. Mrs. Floyd Brandon and Mrs. Elmer Whipple were in charge of refreshments and entertainment. Tables were beautifully decora ted in the Christmas theme, with Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus as the dominant features. Nineteen members were present. CLASSIFIEDS RATES 1 lines for 1 time only $1.00 1 lines for 4 times only S1.50 I lines for I times only S2.7S 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for S times only $4.50 Vtry low tmiM (or monthly adj. ( lines for 1 time only $2.00 ( lines for 4 times only $3.50 ( lines for I tunes only $6.25 Ads received Dea 4:20 p.m. WUI eppear In the fuUowtnc day paper. The Bulletin wtu nut be responsible tor more than one bicorTect insertloa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By MaO One Month ... fhree Months . Six Months One Year $1.50 $4.00 $7.50 $14.50 Member, Audit Bureau el Circulations FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin. Christmas Gifts from Rollie's! Ladies' and Man's Stone Set and Lodge Rings Ladies' Jewelry All types pearl and diamond pendants, etc' Clocks Lighters ROLLIE'S JEWELRY Ev192' THLRSIUV ! 6:15 8:30 Contemporary Math 6:45 Tflerourse Prayer unci Hymn 7; " Omsl Present Today 7:15 7:30 Cartoon Time Ey Opener 7:45 " 8. no Morning Nei Cnarlie i Cartuona Telescope 8:15 Capt. kangaroo :30 " - 8:45 9:00 December Bnde Romper Room Dough Re Ml 9:15 9:30 Video Village Better Half Play Your Hunch 9:45 ' " 10: IW 1 Love Lucy It s a Great Life Price U Right 10:15 " " , 10:30 Clear HorUon San Francisco Beat Concentration 10:45 - " 11:00 Love Of Lite Morning Court Truth or Consequence 11:15 11:30 Senrrh tor Tomorrow Love That Bob It Could Be You 11:45 Guiding Light NBC News ir.00 Hi Neighbor The Texan Jan Murray Show 12:15 13:30 A The World Tumi Beat The Clock Loretta Young 13:45 " " 1.00 KOIN Kitchen About Faces Young Dr. Ms lone 1:15 1:30 House Party Mike Hammer From These Roott 143 " " 3 iw The Millionaire Day In Court Danny Thomas sto a: re " " 2. 51 Verdict It Youri Road to Reality Here's Hollywood 3 45 " 3.00 Brighter Day Queen (or A Day The M tinea 3: 15 Swrel Storm " 8 30 Udge of Merit Who Do You Truitr 3:45 " 4 ii I Led Three Lives American Bandstand " 4 15 " 4 M) Cartoon Orcus Uncle Charlie's Den Circus Boy 4 ' " 5 ') iveiity-SLx Men Three aiooget HetA Harper ft 15 . " wild Rill HKkk 5:4 - - ' TONIGHTS PROGRAM 6:00 John Daly News 6: lo Paul Harvey News 6:151110 Music Time, News 6:30 Edward P. Morgan 6:45-U:00 Bandstand Music. News THURSDAY 6:00-T. N. T. News 6:45 Karm Reporter 7:00 Frank Hemingway 7: 15 Morning Melodies News 7:30 Momlna Roundup 8:00 Cliff Enitle 8:15 Northwest News 8: 'JO Honor Roll of Music 9:00 Bulletin Board 9:05 Honor Roll of Music 9:30 Song and The Star 9:45 Top Tunes. News 10:00 Honor Roll of Music 10:15 Tello Test 10:30 Local News 10:35 Honor Roll of Music 10:4O Golden Record 10:45 Music. News 12:00 Noontime Melodies 13:10 Today's Classifieds 13:15 Sports Review 13:30 Noon News Farm Hour 1:00 Flair 1:30 Music In Mustr 3:00 Five Golden Minute 3:05 Magic In Mumc, News 3:30 Flair 3::i5 Magic In Mustr. News 1 4:15 Paul Harvey News 4:35 Northwest News 4:30 Maalr In MuMc. News 4:45-Speking of Sports 4:50 Magic in Music. News 5:25 lral News 5:30 Magic In Music EV 2-1811 In Redmond U 8-4261 lo Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens. HI 7-7730. The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 I93L The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est 1916 Published Every After noon except Sundays and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin. 736-738 Wall Street. Bend. Oregon. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Sl-Appllovnces-Furnlrure 56- ApartmenU For Rent 57- Apartment Furnished 9'J-AJrp lanes 33-Auction SaJes 96-Auto Parts ServlC 9H-AuLos WantM 99Autoa For Trad 100-Auios For Salts 13- Baby Sitters ' 22- Bmidlng Contmctint 44- Boats & Motors 70- Buslnesg Opportunities 61- Busuiess Space 6- Card ol Thank 63-Contract 12Domestic Service 69-Buslness Opps. Wanted 71- Businesi Investment 7- Death Notice 43-Does, Pets. Etc. 40-Farmera Column 49- Fuel Wanted 50- Fuel. Coal. Wood, 00 78-Farms. Acreages 91-Farm Machinery 4- Funeral Directors 84-Fruit & Vegetable 36- Flowers. Plant, Snrubf 88- Feedi Seeds 17-Help WantM IS-Help Wanted Mai 19-Help Wanted Female 55-Housekeeptng- Room SS-Houses for Rent 59- Houses Furnished 94- House Trailers H-Instnictton--3cJaOOla 62- Insurance tvln Memoriam 1-Legal Notice .Lodges & Societies 10-Lost and Fount! 6-Loans 89- Liveitock Wanted 77-Lols. Bulletins Site W-Machlnery for Sale 89-Machlnery Wanted 5- Masonlo Notices 14- Movtng, Truckinx, Starag 37- Money to Loan 29-Miscellaneous for Rent 50- Miscellaneous for Sale 32-Musical Instrument 28-Money Wanted 93-Motorcycles lor Sal 9-Personals 42-Poultry, Rabbit 53-Rcom, Board BO-Real Estate For Sale 15- Share-A-Ride 16- Sales People. Agent 0-Service Directory 31-Shoe Repair 23- Sltua Lions Wanted C4-Sltuation Wanted Male B5-Situations Wanted Female 37-State Regulated Loan 45- Sportsman Column 46- Swap Column 60- Trailer Space 74-Tlmherlands 95- Trucks-Traile rs 47- Wanled to Buy 48- Wanted to Borrow 51- Wanted to Rent 62-Wan ted Room. Board 1-Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate of Bert E. Cromwell, Deceased, In the District Court of the State of Orpgon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undorsignod. Executor of the last will and testament of Bert E. Cromwell, deceased, has , mtu ins ujiiu accuuiu in me I above entitled court, and that vveonesnay, January 11, 1961, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the Court Room of the above entitled court has been appointed by the court as Hie time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, if any, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published De oniber 14, 1960. William Flanipan, Executor of said estate DeArmond. flooHrinh & r.i-aw Attorneys for said estate. K-14-13-?--C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of SUSIE ADATH HUD SON In the District Court of the Stat TM toe to marte tip from (nfnrrftattttn nimUhrel ht televUMtst SUUes asd He eervrae eanooi be iMrutswd tv Tbe Vend Bvllettm. Hear "LADY LOOKOUT" With Jackie McRae 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Each Tuesday & Thursday A program of commentary, recipes, home making hints, and conversation with men and wo men In the news direct from the home ol Jackie McRae. K ' ' ' & Nasi!: KRC0690 On Your Dial