PRINCE or PAUPER' Everyone Turns to Classified Sooner or Later. 6 line (or 4 times only $3 50 8 lines lor 8 umes only $ti io A4 rei-eivel iwiuic w.m. Will ypi in me tuil twins ueti. The Bulletin oe reiAinutlt br mure mi wit incur rwci uiMruun SUBSCRIPTION RATES by Carriir One Month Six Monthi One Year 11.50 $9.00 118 00 . (1.30 . $4.00 . 17.50 By Mail One Month Three Months Six Monthi One Year 114.50 Mtmber, Audit Bureau of Circulation! FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL . In Bend The Bend Bulletin. EV 2-1811 In Redmond U 8-4261 In Pnneviile Mrs. Gary Stephens HI 7-7730. The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 193L 1'he Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1!)I6 Published Every After noon except Sundays and certaio holidays by the Bend Bulletin. 736-738 WaU Street. Bend. Oregon CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Sl-AppUances-Kumlturs 66-Aiiartmentj Kor Rent 57-Apartments k'umlahed 92- Alrplanes 33- AucUun Sales 96-AuU) Parti Serine SS-Auus Wameu 99- Autoj for Tram 100- Auios for Salt 13- Baby Sillers 2-j-Buildlns Cuntractlna 44- Boats A MuUrs 70- Buslnesa OppurtunlUei 69-Buslnei(S Opp. Wanted 71- Buslneta Investments 61- Buslneas Space 5-Card ot Thank 63- Con tracts 12-DomesUc Service 7-Death Notices 43-lXwa. Pels. Em. 40-Farmers Column 49- Fual Wanted 50- Kuel. Coal. Wood, Oil 78-Karms, Acreage 91-Karm Machinery 4- Funeral Director 34- Frults & vegetables ss-Flowers. Plants. Shrubs 38- Feeds & Seeds 17- Help Wanted 18- Help Wanted Mai 19- Help Wanted Femals SHousekeeplns Rooms SB-Houses lor Rent 59- Houses Furnished 94- House Trailers 11-lnstructlon-Schools 62- Insurance 1- Lezal KoUce 2- Lodges A Societies lo-Lost and Found 26 Loans 39- Llvestock Wanted 77-Lots. Bulldlnc Sites 90- Machlnery (or Sal 89 -Machinery Wanted 5- Masonlo NoUces 14- Moving, Trucking, Storac S7-Money to Loan 29- Mlicellaneous lor Kent 30- Mlscellaneous Cor Sal 32-Muslcal Instrument 28-Money Wanted 93- Motorcycles tor Sal 9-Personals 42-Poultry, Rabblla 53-Room. Board SO-Real Estate For Sal 15- Share-A-KIde 16- Sales People. Axent 20- Servtce Directory 21- Shoe Repair 23- Sltuatlons Wanted 24- SltuaUons Wanted Male 25- SltuaUons Wanted Female 27-state Regulated l,oans 45- Sportsman Column 46- Swap Column 60- Trailer Spac 74-Tlmberlands 95- Trucki-Trailers 47- Wanted to Buy 4S-Wanled to Borrow 91- Wanted lo Rent B'-'-Wanted Room, Board 6- ln Memorlam 1 -Legal Notices EQUIPMENT FOR SALE . Public Auction Sale ol 38 units of equipment consisting of Sedan, Sedan Deliveries, pickup, Vi and ton, 4x4, 1 ton pickups, Stake Trucks, 1 and VA ton, Carryalls, etc. Inspection may be made from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 18 and 19, and from 8:00 a.m. to sale time on October 20, 1960. Payment must be made by money order, certified or cash ier's check or bank drafts, pay able to the Forest Service, U.S.D.A. (Personal checks or cash cannot be accepted.) In spection and auction to be held at the U.S. Forest Service Shop, CLIP THIS AD of Typical Display Classified Type Faces To assist our advertisers in planning their display classified ads, we ara printing all of our types & sixes available in the classified columns. This is 8 point, standard body text type THIS IS 8 POINT CAPS 10 POINT CAPS & lower case, Vogue 12 POINT CAPS & lower case 18 POINT CAPS & lower case 24 POINT CAPS & lower case 30 POINT CAPS & lower case 36 POINT CAPS & lower case TRY CLASSIFIED ADS: TO BUY, SELL, TRADE OR BORROW Phone EV 2-1811 and ail our trained parsonnal to help you THE BEND BULLETIN 2nd and Davis Streets, Bend, Ore gon. Sale stalls at 10:00 a m. Thursday, October 20, 1960. Full information available at the For est Supervisor's office, Deschutes National Forest, Post Office Building, Bend, Oregon. 264-26S-C 2-Lodges & Societies GET YOUR favorite bridge partner and come to the library at 8 p.m. on Wednesday for a pleasant evening of Duplicate Bridge. Sponsored by Bend Jay eeettea. 4-Funeral Directors Niswongsr & Reynolds Funeral Directors Hill & Irvin Phone EV 2-2471 HEIDER'S FUNERAL HOME Funeral Directors Hill & Greeley . Ph. EV 2-5552 8-Special Notices AMERICAN Legion Auxiliary rummage sale, Oct. 21st 4 22nd at 139 Oregon, next to Smoke Shop. RENT A MACHINE Singer Sewing Center 126 Minnesota EV 2-3SS2 9-Personals FROM THIS date, I will not be responsible for debts contracted by anyone other than myself, Allyn R. Line 13-Baby Sitters CHILD CARE my home. 621 E. 11th, EV 2-6368. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage NEED A TRUCK? Rent new Ford vans or other fine trucks from AVIS. AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Phone EV 2-2151 HOUSE MOVING AND RAISING Experienced! Call Ken Holman. EV 2-3372 or 540 Glenwood Dr. BEEHIVE UDRIVE trucks and trailers. Mel's Shell Service, 764 E. Greenwood. EV 2-2293. 19-Help Wanted Female BABYSITTER, from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m., in exchange for apart ment. Can be employed else where in addition. EV 2-6548. 20-Service Directory GOLD BOND STAMPS at Bend Troy Laundry and Dry Cleaners. EV 2-4511. WELL DRILLING. Drain holes drilled and repaired. Chuck Ru by, EV 2-2170. EASY WAY window washers, Door and woodwork cleaned. EV 2-4245 after 5 p.m. CARPENTRY FINISH, rough, EV 2-3166. SADDLES Riding gear, made and repaired. Reed's, 1142 Gal veston, EV 2-0646. ELECTRIC HEATER 117 volt with thermostat and fan, nearly new. Trade for 20 or 24 inch girls bicycle. Call EV 2-4675 or see at 1137 Federal. Expen sive Philco table radio to trade for girls 20 or 24 inch bike, or will pay cash. Carl Austin. BULLDOZING $7.00 an hour. Leonard Moo, EV 2-1254. NO JOB too small Additions, remodeling, repair. Also will build furniture, kitchen cabinets my specialty. EV 2-6597. NUTRI-BIO DISTRIBUTORS Ken and Elizabeth Gulick, 1435 Albany, Bend. Phone EV 2-3168. QUALITY RUBBER STAMPS Made to order. 1-day service. EV 2-2876. PAINTING KITCHEN $35, bath $15, bedroom $25. living room $35. Harper, EV 2-4692. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES AND CALENDARS Also Christmas Cards Gifts. Bob Gardner, 4-10 Riverfront 20-Service Directory RESIDENTIAL House painting and decorating. Free estimate. We aim to please. EV 2-6199. 23-Situations Wanted SECRETARIAL, Publication type work. Accuracy paramount. Full time. EV 2-6381. WANTED IRONING and sew ing in my home. EV 2 1857. 24-Situations Wtd. Male FARM, DAIRY work, or other. Experienced milker. U 8-3084, Redmond. 30-Miscellaneous lor Sale TV CABLE for sale $75. Write to 6617 S. E. 30th Avenue, Port land 2, Oregon. TWO 89 ft. Timber Structure Trusses, 10 posts 20 ft. and ap proximately 60 purlins, minor daniage. Located at Prineville. Reasonable. Call Portland BE 6 2173. PORCELAIN OR pottery kiln, Kress 3 way. $100.00. EV 2-2494. YVESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Buy, Sell, Swap Daily 8:30 to 6. Sun. 9:30 to 3 SALE TRADE Used One Man Saws McCulloch Products E & H CHAIN SAW 132 E. Franklin MIKE'S ELECTRIC REPAIRS: Washer, dryer, freez er, refers., water beaters, furn aces. ALL MAKES. EV 2-5312. Ideal Gas & Appliance Co. PROPANE GAS Gene Patterson EV 2-3S23 APPLIANCE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS Repair work done on all small appliances. Your dealer for SUNBEAM. . KITCHENMAID . . UNIVERSAL & OTHERS. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. EV 2-2821 MOVING WHAT is left of furnishings of a 6 room home. EV 2-4319, 321 Drake Road. TV CABLE for sale $60.00, EV 2-5530. BEND TV cable for sale. Call days, EV 2-1611. $50. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader work, exca vations. EV 2-5161. HEREFORD BEEF, or whole. Cut and packaged to your order, 39c. Lockers, $8 to $12 a year. Zero-Frees, 25-foot freezers. 10 year warranty. Special $315. ' MIDSTATE MEAT CO. 37 Greenwood, EV 2-3651. One Repossessed SLANT-O-MATIC Take over paymentse of $9.74 per monin. SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minnesota Ave. WINTERIZE NOW! Weather strip your home. Sup plies available. Door bottoms. Also clear Plastic 28, 30, 36 and 48 inches wide. Window kits 6 ft. by 10 ft. WESTSIDE HDWE. Green Stamps Always Galveston & Columbia EV 2-4341 TWO EXCEPTIONALLY good combination Freezer . Refrigera tors. One Norge and one Amana. t ully reconditioned and guaran teed. Terms on approved credit. Oregon Equipment Co., 165 E. Greenwood. 21 INCH Strombc-rg Carlson console TV and cable. New pic ture tube. Take over payments of 510. per month. Ken Uale Hard' ware, iniro: and oroenwooa. O'DAY'S STEEL YARD 1307 E. FIRST EV 2-1942 Suppliers ot New & Used Steel & Supplies. SAVE Vz on used bolts, steel supplies, etc. Top Prices For Scrap Iron St Metals CLOSED Sun & Mon. SOUTH THIRD FURNITURE EXCHANGE Trasn burners $25 up Heaters $17.50 up Wood Ranges $12.50 up We buy and sell Used Furniture and appliances. 1417 S. Third EV 2-3515 USED PHILCO 400 TV. 21 inch in mahogany case. Priced to soil. Other used sets to choose from Darren's House of Music, 1001 Wall, phone EV 2-1745. USED METAL working lathe in good condition, LI 8-2ol0, Red mond. PIANO MVM'Q ch civo 11, lathe's fur coat, 3 pair skis, sled. 2-rtml. 31 -Appliances, Furniture SPECIAL Factory Liquidation Sale on 1960 Upright Freezers. 25 cu. ft. upright freezer $299 95. Only a few available at this low price. See them at Deschutes Farmers Co-op, Redmond, Oregon Prine ville reed More. Prineville, Ore. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Maytag Appliance EV 2-1481 32-Musical Instruments RENT A new Wurlitzer spinet piano for only $9,75 per month plus drayage, 3 to 6 monthi. To tal amount paid in will apply on purchase price. SHEPHERD'S PIANOS & ORGANS, 135 Minne sota, EV 2-1719. ELEC. ORGAN to be picked up In this area. Will sacrifice for quick sale to responsible party. Also spinet piano. Cash or terms. Write Tallmun Piano Slorn, Inc., Salem, Ore. 41-Livestock, Horses FEEDER STEERS 600-700 lbs. EV 2-34GJ. 41 -Livestock, Horses RELIABLE PROVED SIRE SERVICE. Frozen semen from ABS great Proved Sires, t dairy and i beef breeds. Phone EV J- J841 or Redmond. U 8-3418. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens. turkeys, Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monaay through lhursday. H0 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. FOR SALE: Golden Sable male Collie. AKC registered. 147 Flor- PUREBRED SPRINGER Suan- iel puppies. EV 2-4403. BOARDING CiiDoini! Ped. Igreed puppies. Ranch Pet Ken nel, EV 2-3634. 45-Sportsmen's Column BROWNING Automatic. 12 gauge, 30-inch rib barrel. Priced for quick sale. Like new. EV 2- iwl, Between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. 50-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil EXTRA SPECIAL stoker coal. Washed, dried, and oil treated. No dust, high in heat, low in ash content. Also green slab wood. Brokings Wood Yawl, EV 2-5141. DRY PINE bodv wood. $12. nor cord or $14. per thousand ft. EV 2-2719. WARM UP QUICKER STANDARD HEATING OILS Call Vern Hnrley EV 2-4561 or 19 E. Olney JACK PINE and iunioer wood. cheap. EV 2-5766 or EV 2-1808 evenings. DRY BODY wood and iack- pine. Prompt delivery, EV 2-3525. BONE DRY Ponderosa bodv wood. EV 2-4766 after 6 p.m. COAL & PRES-TO-LOGS Delivered to your Door EV 2-5641 BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER FOR SALE: Tamarack. 1uni- per and pine limbs. Phone KT 9 2563. Si-Wanted To Rent EXECUTIVE WANTS to rent two bedroom unfurnished home. No children. EV 2-2351. THREE BEDROOM unfurnish- ed house by business man mov ing to Bend. Will lease if house suitable. References. Call Carl Whitmire, EV 2-5670. 54-Rooms For Rent BUSINESS WOMAN to share home. Close In EV 2-3746, Doro thy L,una. 56-Apartments For Rent THREE ROOMS, one block from town. Heat, water and gar bage paid. 160 Irving, Apt. 4. RIVER TERRACE APTS 1-2 BEDROOMS Ranges, refrigerators, TV Cable KV 2-4691 1532 W. 5th. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex close in. $55. per month. No children or pets. Gilbert's Real Estate. 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM duplex, gar age. EV 2-2199. FURNISHED DUPLEX apart ment. Two bedroom, close In. 418 Newport. $45. ONE AND two room apart ments, everything furnish' d. Close in. The Barn Motel, High way 97 South. ONE BEDROOM, close in, also garages. EV 2-9971. TWO 3 room apartments, clean, TV cable, garage. EV 2-9981. THREE ROOM, ground floor, near hospital. EV 2-1521 utter 7:30 p.m. CLEAN DUPLEX apartments. Close in. Water, garbage paid. Laundry and TV. 945'i E. 2nd, EV 2-0246. SINGLE AND 2 room apart ments. Everything furnished. La va Molel. COMFORTABLE 3 rooms and heat. Walking distance. 312 Ifar riman. DESIRABLE 3'4 and 414 room duplex. Individual heat, garages, utilities, TV included. Wnhco Motel, 1450 S. 3rd., EV 2-4151. 58-Houses For Rent ONE SMALL bedroom with full basement and furnace, EV 2-9971. TWO BEDROOM house, gar age. 425 Columbia, EV 2-39."9. TWO BEDROOM, garage, fire place, cable, wired lor range, washer and dryer. EV 2-4703 alt er 5 p.m. TWO BEDROOM house, re-dec orated, double garage, close in Delaware, college and schools. DESIRABLE 4 room house, good location. Inquire 1506 Har mon, EV 2-5217. ONE 2 bedroom unfurnished house, and one bedroom furnish ed house. TV available. EV 2 5787 or 4359. TWO BEDROOM house, elec tric range, oil heater. $55,00. EV 2-0928. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom fur nished. Close In. immediate pos session $10. 1 bedroom unfurnish ed, very clean, wired for range, immediate possession. $23 per mo. EV 2-1761, Harvey Olson. FOUR ROOM modern house. Inquire 1314 E. 2nd; WARM 2 bedroom, close in. Washer and dryer hookup, oil furnace, basement, carport. Available Nov. 1. $62.50. EV 2- 0203. TWO ROOM, very clean, partly furnished $20. One bedroom, comfortable, unfurnished. Wired for range, bath, electric water heater. Close In. $25. Jack Dud ney Realtor. EV 2-2042. 59-Houses Furnished ONE BEDROOM mod.-rn at 215 Bn tatlway, EV 2-2135. CLEAN ONE iK-dronm house. EV 2- Water and garbage paid. 3228 or EV 2-2471. 59-Houses Furnished ONE BEDROOM collate for couple. Cute, close in, carport. See at 1516 W. 2nd. EV 2-2467. 60-Troiler Space SPACES $20. and mi. Onti-ul Oregon's finest. Woodland Trail er Park, 520 South Third. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY. 1015 Wall EV 2-3732 70-Business Opportunities FLYING A Service Station. Bend, for lease. Ftnaneine avail. able. Write Box 4S7, Bend, oall EV 2-1921 or EV 2-24-12. Evenings and weekends EV 2-4353. INDEPENDENT Service Sta tion for lease in Culver. Call 475 3217 Madras, or Portland AV 6 1611, collect. UNION OIL CO. Has service stations for lease In Madras, Oregon, and Goldendiile. Wash. Paid dealer training. For further information call EV 2 3624. C. C. Slimkosky. SISTERS TAVERN for sale or lease. Inquire Sisters. Oregon. FOR SALE: Coin . oneraled Laundromat now in operation in gixxi locition in Central Oregon. All equipment in excellent condi tion. Terms. Write Bend Bulletin Box No. 1015A. 78-Farms & Acreages FOR SALE: North ot Red mond 3'i acrus with 3'j acres water, on highway. Watch for sign. Nice home, laree livins room with fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, two bedrooms. City water, Out buildings all painted white, have good reason for sell ing. Ideal for an auto court. 526,000. $5,000 down. M. New- house, Terrebonne, Ore. 80-Real Estate For Sale iuvjuciu-n t oearoom nome. uuuuiv Baiae, leuoeu yuru. $o, 000. 347 E. Kearney, EV 2-4885. SALE OR trade for large trail er house, 8 room home, 1 acre, city water. h.v 2-0433. MODERN TWO bedroom home. fenced yard. $7500. EV 2-4885. 347 E. Kearney Street. TWO BEDROOM home, lire- place, full basement. Inquire 1034 Columbia. Sacrifice lor quick sale. BY OWNER, 3 bedroom home l corner lot. close in. Fire- place, floor furnace. Under 4 per cent loan. EV 2-5317. ONE BEDROOM house, elec tric heat, modern. $375. down on $5900. No interest. $45.00 month. Located 854 E. 12th. Write to Fred Popoff, Port Orford, Ore. THREE BEDROOM, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in oven and stove. ,v 2-041B or 304 D. 12U1. SIX ROOM Shevlin . Hixon movable house located at La- Pine. L.A. Bruner, 942 E. 10th Bend. Telephone EV 2-2182. FOUR BEDROOM home, living room, large kitchen, family room, 2 baths, laundry room, Arizona Flagstone double fire place. EV 2-1618. THREE BEDROOM home, large kitchen, dining room, ce ramic tile kitchen and bath, built in range and oven, fireplace. WaU to Wall carpeting. EV 2 1618. THREE BEDROOM home, ex tra largo kitchen, dining room, tile bath, fireplace. EV 2-1618. HAVE CLEAR title to two one bedroom homes. Would like to trade upon acreage or 3 lied room home. EV 2-2778 evenings. ONE BEDROOM house. Equity for sale. 1165 Roosevelt Ave. THREE BEDROOM, large rooms, fenced yard, utility, near Allen school. EV 2-3055. TWO BEDROOM house, attach ed apartment. EV 2-1524 aflor 7:30 p.m. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Don H. Peoples Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 BRAND NEW 4 bedroom home. Auto Washer-dryer, electric heat bath & la. Paved si., tidewalk close to school and down town Priced at only $13,500 FIIA A REAL VALUE. Just at the So. edge of Bend. 7 A. with 6 A. wat er, good house and barn, other outbuildings. Will consider town properly. Priced at $1 1,500. Good terms. 160 Acres with 35 A. COI water. Could be made into a nice ranch. Only $8,500, $2,500 dwn. $1,000 yr. HAROLD PHILLIPS EV 2-0571 80-Real Estate For Sale THE LAND MART REAL ESTATE PH. EV 2-5121 INSURANCE 811 Wall St. 180 ACRE RANCH located in beautiful secluded gren VHlley with 77 A Water Rt. 40 A in Alfalfa & bal In pasture. Very good 4 bdrm ml home with built-in range, oven, A dishwa.sher. Attrac tive selling surrounded by Ig shade trees, picturesque mtn viiw, 2 tractors & complete line of farming equipment incl in price of $30,000. with $8,000. dn. AUTUMN WINDS tell us winter Is near. But you will feel snug & warm in this 5 bdrm home hilcd with forced air furnace & fire place, located on E Franklin. In addition to all this room Is a 15 x 30 family rm & Ig dining area m kitchen with dishwasher. Meal home for the growing family. Priced $15,950. Financing available. SWEET SIXTEEN ft this one Is kissed with location, comfort, value, & terms. Silling on a 50 x 120 ft lot with underground sprinkling system. This white bungalow features a FULL bsmt, p dining rm, & oil piped furnace. Oarage. The monihly pmts will not exceed the rent reclepLs you are burning each mo. Price $10,500. Be first to iwe this new lisling. EVERY OCTOBER kids bob for apples It a real Halloween special has bobed up at The Land Mart, In this 2 bdrm home on GO X 101) ft lot. A perfect "Ircat" for just $1,700. with $500. dn. NOTHING LIKE A HOUSE to home lo after n busy day. Iwe. ly NEW 4 llrm homo with elec l-iit l'i ballm. Plumbed laundry, nice li-v.l lot wilh shade trees. You'll like its location and you can have the key in yr hand for $13,500. Jim lnice Assoc. Broker 2-57.7! Joe Ti.di-n Broker 2-2766 Eugene Riwl- y Salesman '2Wf Branch Offices; Redmond & Camp Sherman 100-Autos For Sale KERR REALTY INC. 8th and East Greenwood EV 2-2521 Lots for sale in new Bear Creek Addition on E. 10th St. south ol Franklin. 75 fool homesites. $1750 Paving, curbs and citv water. Alex Murphy Wall Kittrodqe EV 2-30S4 EV 2-4192 W. Oent King EV 2-6528 EWING REAL ESTATE 414 So. 3rc Bend EV SPACE FOR THE GROWING CHILDREN 3 B R. firplc, oilier extras. $13,. 000. FI1A, Gl. Quiet retreat, 4 lots, beautiful view. 1 B.R. home, only $4,950, trnis. CALL US FOR ACREAGES Earl Ewing-Flying Realtor Emily Busche eve. EV 2-10S6 GILBERT'S 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 CLOSE IN: Large living-dining area, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath. Glassed sleeping porch, or utility. Improved yard, paved St. $1500. with $500. down, $40. per month. NO CAR NEEDED to get up town from this neat 2 liechtxmi. Living room dining room, kitchen with breakfast area. Part base ment with furnace. Paved St., al ley, and sidewalks. $9000. STOP! DON'T OVERLOOK this new 3 bedrm beauty on a quiet corner lot. One of Bend's best bargains In this 1280 sq ft. of top flight construction, including ceramic, tile bath and kitchen counter tops, hardwood floors, plastered interior. Full wall and ceiling insulation. Corner fire place, electric heat. Attached gar age. At the unusually low price of $13,000. Will qualify for FHA, or conventional financing, N.E. Gilbert Larry Keown Broker Assoc Broker Realtor EV 2-2395 KERR REALTY, INC. 1002 E. 8th St. Tele. EV 2-2521 BEST BUY AND BRAND NEW. A floor plan ot exceptional con venience places this 3 bedroom family home in a class by itself. Floors are firsl-giaclo oak, the bedrooms are not too small, and the spacious living room is en hanced with a big fireplace and mahogany paneling. Model kit chen, built-in oven and range, gen erous cabinet space. Full tiled bath with tub and shower, plus halt bath in nenerate utility room. Lifetime redwood siding, electric panel heating, and many other features. One look will convince you that here is real value, Let us show you how much you can get for $13,600, Alex Murphy Walt Kittredge Clent King EV 2-3084 EV 2-4492 EV 2-6528 VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon Ave. EV 2-11.12 EVENINGS Jim Arnh EV 2-5243 Erv Hogan EV 2-3274 ATTENTION VETERANS: Wo have a brand new 4 bednxm home, eleelric heat, I'-a baths, close lo schools and shopping. Tins has everything. Moots G.I. requirements. You MUST SEE THIS home. NICE 2 B.R. home, big living room, combination kitchen and dinelte, wired for dryer, plumbed tor washer In utility room. Only $9,300. Equitablo loan available. RETIRED COUPLE would love this 2 B.R. home, two lots, gar den in, fenced, has had a LOT of work riotm on it. Priced at only $5750 with $750 down. BRAND NEW HOME on E. side, wwall carpet, fireplace, family nxan, 3 B.R, with ceramic lile bath, and kitchen. Built-in range and oven. THIS IS A STEAL at $16,500 with LOW DOWN PAYMENT. VERN LARSON AGENCY The Bend Bulletin, Wed., 80-Real Estate For Sale DESCHUTES RIVER HOMESITES Alxmt V3 acre. Tracts start $S00 Ji up. 10' i down. RUSSELL'S REALTY Bud Russell-Realtor 2.13 Oregon EV 2-3031 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor 1610 WEST SECOND IS THE LOCATION of this home that you should see. ALL SEV EN rooms are spacious and de signed for easy living. Sure, there is a basement with pleity ot room for that hobby or work shop. Extra nice lawn and shrubs-the back yard is en closed and includes a covered patio. A fine property in one of Bend's better residential dis tricts. $16,500 and you may have immediate possession! HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 Wall St. Ph. EV 2-1761 Nites Arnie 2-4-175 Harvey 2-46S6 Hap 2-1318 Jim 2-359-1 91-Farm Machinery MODEL D-John Deere tractor, gtxxi condition, or trade for stock and some cash. Phone EV 2-0598. 94-Mobile Homes SELL ON terms, equity bedroom trailer. EV 2-3872, in 2 MY EQUITY 1956 ABC 1 bed room trailer. 8x46 feit, air condi tioned, automatic washer. HI 7 7585, Prineville. 96-Auto Parts, Service B & B AUTO WRECKING CO. Over 2000 Cars, Pickups, Trucks, Cats To Choose From. 1926 to 1958 Models Cars Bought For Wrecking WRECKER SERVICE Bend-Burns Hlway Across from Sunset Home EV 2-3825 Eve. EV 2-3136 99-Autos For Trade 1959 DODGE Sierra slation wa gon. Over $2000. equity. Will trade for an older model pickup. liV 2-6D97. 100-Autos Fot Sale 1951 JEEP station wagon, 4 wheel drive. 15 ft. trailer house. EV 2-1647, 373 E, Quimby. 1951 MERCURY wagon $95. '49 Bulck 2 door $95. '49 Ford Con vertible $14.i. Single horse trailer $95. EV 2-1052. CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Trade your late model car lor a clean older model and lower your payments. We also have a bill consolidation plan on approved credit. GEO. & BOB'S USED CARS REDMOND, ORE. 1960 STUDEBAKER Lark con vertible V-8. Power pac, radio, heater. Trade equity for older car. EV 2-1907. 1958 DODGE CORONET 4 door hardtop V8 automatic transmission - one owner - A little over 26,000 miles $1,295.00. lO''n Discount with No Trade-in MID-OREGON MOTORS So. City Limits Bend GOOD TRANSPORTATION At Low Prices 52 Dodge 4 dr. Cor. R&II $195 52 Slude. Champ. OD $295 52 Olds 88 Dlx. 4 dr. R&H S245 52 Dodge Cpe. R&H $295 52 Chev Dlx. Fl 2 dr. R&H $295 51 Ford V8. 4 dr. Heater. $195 Bend Garage Co. OK Lot 2.15 Greenwood EV 2-6131 80-Real Estate For Sale A STRANGE RUMOUR IS MAKING the rounds. We hear it every day: "Something is hap pening here. What is it?" people ask. "Something is causing this outfiide money to suddenly appear in the area?" We don't think that is because of some secret Industrial phenomenon; we think it is long overdue. A lot of folk have finally discovered what Central Oregon has to offer. SPEAKING OF offering!?, we have a few of our own. This 350 acre ranch with 311 irrigated, 250 alfalfa, 30 seeded pasture, fenced and cross fenced, large house and bam, excellent location, deep sandy loam, rock free, fronting paved highway at $250.00 per acre on vei-y easy terms is a real investment. This ranch has been operated for years by one ol the best limners in Central Oregon. He would like to continue leasing it. The absentee own er says "Sell!" We are exclusive on this one. IF THAT IS a bit too large we have one of the best 40 acre deals to be found anywhere for $28,500 on gtxxi terms. All irrigated by Swalley wilh a buried sprinkler system, a lovely 2 bedi-oom mtxlern house, milk barn, liay shed woven wire fencing. This is a productive little farm and u thing of beauty. Call Evelyn Samiiels about this one (It's her pet) IF YOU ARE looking for a really nitre home In Bend,' ask Mrs. Sampels to show you Uiis one at $15,500. This is a choice East Side residence in top location and has everything: electric heat, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, wall to wall carpet, built in range & oven. Nothing has been spared in design and construction in making this one of the outstanding home values on the Bend market today, BY THE WAY: If you are looking for a real acreage value, give Mrs. Sampels a ring and ask her almttt this 60 acres with 16 acres Irrigated out East of Bend for $6500 with $800.00 down. It's a goodun. ANOTHER "by the way" Is that we have sold an interest 0:1 our Redmond office lo two capable brokers who are well known in the Oregon Real Estate field. We are very happy about this as It gives up the assistance we needed and assures a continu ance of the "Shelley" office there. We will tell you more about it later. WE HAVE many good listing of homes, Irrigated farms, stock ranches, residences in Betvl and Redmond, some for trade. If you have something to sell or trade it may pay you to call us. Bend EV 2 0783 or Redmond LI 8-2515. WE SELL THE EARTH . WILLIAM B. SHELLEY Bend South Highway Broker Redmond 61 7 South 6th Phone EV 2-0783 EVELYN SAMPELS Phone LI 8-2515 Sales EV 2-1792 ! October 19, 1960 11 100-Autos For Sale 1958 THUNDERBIRD locally owned. Iiw mileage. Like new. You must see it to believe this one Sre at Trail Rambler, Inc. 637 E. Third. GO OUT THE HIGHWAY VOLKSWAGENS Depreciate 50Tj less new sedans available in most colors as low as $1762 Immediate Delivery MID-OREGON MOTORS Bend So. City Limits EV 2-35G2 DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk, So. of Greenwood on 5i'ii. 1957 Dodge Royal 4 door sedan. Radio, heater automatic trans mission. Two lone gray mill matching interior. Oood tires. Special this week. $1295. FORD VALUES 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 Club Vic. loria. Power Steering, 2-4 bar rel. SHARP $1599 1957 Ford Fairlane Club Victoria. Radio, heater, automatic. Spec ial bargain price $l;i'.)9 ROBBERSON FORD SALES 424 E. Third 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4 door sedan 6 cylinder standard transmission Low N.A.D.A. Book Value $1,050.00 MID-OREGON MOTORS So. City Limits Bend DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next to Ore. Equip. On Greenwood 1959 Ford VS two door sedan. Equipped with radio, healer und automatic transmission. Low mileage. Priced to sell. 1955 Olds 4 door sedan. Low mil eage. Top Condition. AS IS SPECIALS We Need More Room 56 GMC la Ton, 4 spd. $390 53 Hudson Hornet 4 dr. ,$190 52 Olds Holiday Cpe. $290 51 Chev Bel Air Hd. Top $ 99 50 Nash. Runs good $ 69 49 Pontiae 4 door $ 59 51 Rambler Convert, $ 99 Trail Rambler, Inc. 637 E. Third 1959 PLYMOUTH STA. WGN. 2door Deluxe 6 cylinder slardard transmission 14,000- plus miles extra clean $1,595.00. 10 Discount with No trade in. MID-OREGON MOTORS So, City Limits Bend '60 OLDS HARDTOP $2895 Dynamic 88. Radio, heater, auto., pwr, sfeenng & brakes, 8700 ac tual miles. Near new condition, TRAIL RAMBLER, Inc. 6.17 E. Third Winter Service Time See ED GAEDE our service manager. See HAROLD HUNNELL our Bear wheel & brake special ist. , , specializing in front end alignment. See JAY KOFFORD our top lubrication expert. CALL EV 2-2222 For Pickup & Delivery Service MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. E. Sccotid & Franklin AAA WRECKER SERVICE s