o OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE LOWER. THAT ChiM Music AH.WALDO.THE SPORT OP KGSh' A 'CJI A CAM CF VNCZMS I VN'MekI I PICK A SOUfJD Vlfc?!?ATiOMS WIGHT SHAKE MY FiMSEK KlSHT III iff- ( THAT TH' FlK&T NO) WELL, If BOSH WHAT jj I J nTl"tJ. '" SPDILEPINTIMFMTV ) IHATTMEritE 1HOPEOAADEB 1 I IrtftHJ- -'V EE awmw'to ) to make A vvoulp vviu--i I SiNCE THE-DAVS OF WlLUAfA TkeM If ViatTl - ''EELSDSICK WEWFORE- yHOPEPMyOL- 1 flUEROR.' OME OP MY ANCESTORS 1.B A I--f .. - 1 HE HAP 1AMOMTHERSO I pcurrci nuurLC, lc I nurcRSUNALIJ '"VI PfciZZ C Lit- 1i.t;e ikl ia.ii I lie r we Live oki Hopg , ,T" . I PlirVrl-4 Lr.T!.tJ',.,'y yiQ", WOKIr STEVE CANYON 9 VI 17 T6V6. Ml CANVoN WIUL tJftjH I-I fcSmCHAeOE YOU TV V Enill POUBLB FOE THE MUSEUM PI- Y WE 4ENT THE ZJ HECTOR TOLD MB LOCAL OFFICIAL THEKE WAS 0A POLINIT6 IN THE HU.L4...SO SCRAP SOT AIR PHOTOS OP THE MINE ON THE SECRET ROAP BEHINPTHE BARN,' A WiRE OVER PR. VAlP'J NAME TELL- INS OP THE MIN ERAL'PBCOVfcRV -ANP OFFERING THE ENTIRE PROJECT 70 THE GOVERNMENT.. Demon int Dnr-l riwjevi ms 2Wv.60V6KNME"T'- W Jf , Jfi ,v.jae; its' t i anu theTpzontd! ps,valp cant offer was j beef withoot revealing ACCEPTEP that his'euzopean k. ? SCIENTIFIC 620UP"US5 1 nV KREMLIN STATIONERY.' AT THIS MOMENT A LIGHT AIRPLANE IS APPROACHES THE ARCHEOL06ICAL. EXCAVATION ... DICX TRACY . I T ,T HAS RUNNING WATER? "1 fBUT THIS- Yiny IT'S A "N fci STEP ON THAT HOOK W "tu7c uinDi nwioX-i AND ELECTRICITY. I'LL ISA 1 LITTLE-USED rA AND HANCi ON ? Jy!"f Iwoan V Tell you about it when publc Iff"-? J-ri .- vdTi VMvlino i'a WE OET INSIDE. ITS . PARK. - SSjSte My"'' ftiit '''Jhsii "" Mfei r'-l ; i't'.V- w LI'L ABNER f-SO' A MAN IS -SOVOUll THAT'S RIGHT; SOYOURTHtORV '"qtSaCtEC? J DEMAND INNOCENT I HAVE. FOSDICK.C- IS THAT HIS i Jn HE ATTEMPTED ID 'T YOU UNTIL HE'S NOLE6AL ?-vWILLrOU HAMBURGER So SHOOT MY HAMBOIGER ARREST r PROVEN "i RIGHT j EXCUSE US.SIR? STAND IS HAVING THAT 1 STAND UP INTO SFPCE!f TuVq. 1 GUILTY.''- I TO CALL n IVISHTO A ROMANCE J LT -jwjwjO,? 1 ME A J HAVE A PRIVATE WITH AN EARTH-frA LED 1 NUT.VJ NUTr J SWORD WITH CIRCLING J A NUT'' -J J lZi , REX MORGAN. M.D. -TL.iajESsI I rAN CALi.EP ie saJNrrD Xpr:F:nArsXl 1 f that wouidnt oNn-.wa; je2fe52 - 0WW...'fc5 IV KtALEXCimP...5AYSHE W MfcSFOUNP 1 V. irWOUO EAN1P H,S i--;2'.! IPm? TINA TOLD ASF. "lOU (COfi AHSAD.'A?, F HAS OYt MIC1 KI'UL A A PI AY FGK J3 Ut ll-Bi, M! St Tf.o WERE ANSWERING THE FHONE. -XSL IW OK aTV Y0U V -1 7 , FORDR.M0H&ANCANI J -ne -, rrf if-1 2-t I f rivS T ipSsra Ssfeia CAPTAIN EASY I IT' POSSIBLE, 6UH1 A JAP AIR. I I HE SUTTEREP UP 8 S FOR T THIS 15 CNCE I ... .APEfENSB PILOT NAMED WILLIp WEBKS.,.PERHAP PICKINfl UP WHEN WE MUSlL YOU WBA.W WU YAAT0i WHO' WATCHCO BACH POINTERS ON FLYING A U-ll GRMP AT HUMS- 1 "'J TAKE-OFF RBCPMTLV WITH AND IT WUST'VE BEEN HIM HELLOl GET W THE FLYING THAT U-Z fcg-r ABNORMAL INTBRBST1 T WHO STOLE TH' SPAC8 SUITi JA60P 1RNNIN3 MM! NT VA(AT0 IS MISilWil LET4 SET OUT TO LSLEjUHAS BEEN SinCE B6F0RBUHE FLIGHT LINE PAYLIGHT1 I OKPEKEP IFYAMATO lb 1 HE TUF R4AF SFABCHCOI PILOT.WS'UF HOT .... - . m ,r 7- j TO FINf PIP, y '-iS' MARY WORTH fS - -1-AA.-. M ' .tYll 1 I MILLtR- JUDY MILLER.' " M I .... HOUSEWORK'... I'M T3E1 astStlMW'-" -i"''-,JN --&0ODNFM! I'M SURPRISED M JX '""r 7.u,,if' REPLACING A WIFF T 1 iWHATlVlR MUST YOU "" rSv?0 TOEWIkSmI BECOMING SO FAMOUS-;) ACTIVE DUTY! THINK Of Mt, MR. CLARK?.1 Y ASARmu . JH& JvY, AND EVERYTHING? V rCL ...BUT MY BROTHER AND I 1 WRAID, MISS-UH"? VL -v V'dZr- just moved in at j!6.'- im7s?-rrX j '"Vt ' "s rVf r-t 7-X I HAD NOIOEA Wt HADjAA M-JjJM TV JV 7 f V f- Jl vjfA sp .t K -i HI 7 ft W ALLEY OOP C. OH, YES, ITS MU-X-1 V I I I THAT THE KJNu OP SFKXlLD I I I ...ANYWAY, IM BfillfcVE ME, KNT IT VVCPERFULA BETTER. FCR DOT YC1I AGREE 1 THt CAVE MEN CANV A5(JES TO RESfCNSiSLE JshS CAN TAKE MY GUZZY BEIMG ) HEI? TO 6ET I AfiKEE, TO WHAT.3 TCU THE REIWTliRX ANYTHIKX3 FOR HER A LOT PATTER V INTERVIEWED FOR f HER MATERIALV ALLEY f , MOKE ABOUT CAVS ( LIKfi THAT? WfLFARE.' J CASE OF THAT THE NENVSPAPEKS DIRECT FSOM r-1 J MEM THAN ANY V. ' siTTlV THANNCVCAN! 7ar3ir--thc wn3 P tTjL 0ther cave man yV' ff - TELEVISION IN REVIEW Well, bleak months for television now in past By Fred Danzig UPI Staff Writer NEW YORK (UPI) Hi, Sep tember. The parched, bleak months of network TV July and August are behind us at last. Until next July and August, at best, and sooner at worst. I sometimes have the feeling that the summer re-run cycle is inflicted upon TV viewers in or der to make us look with eager, panting ancitipation to the so called "new" shows that will comprise much of the so-called "new" season. It's a little like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop. However, as a public service, I propose to look on the brighter side of tilings. I'm handing out August goes in record as cool month Most Central Oregonians realize this fact, but it must go into the record: August, 19G0, was a cool month. The mean temperature for the 31 days was 58.2 degrees, which compares with a long-time aver age of 62.8 degrees. The August chill was attributed to two periods of low tempera tures, at the start of the month and in the final 12 days that dropped the mercury to 27 de grees in Bend one night and kept the daytime temperatures in the sixties on six different days. Highest temperature recorded here in the month was 92 degrees. the lowest was 27. The mercury tumbled to freezing or below on three different nights. Only 0.23 of an inch of ram was recorded in the period. Actually, that rain fell on the final day of July. Observations at the Bend station were taken at 7 a.m. daily, and precipitation measured is for the previous 24 hours. Two Sessions This Saturday Ages 4-13 ... 1-4 P.M. All Ages . . . 7-10 P.M. One Session Open Skating Sunday . . 7-10 P.M. Adm. Child. 35c Adults 45c Skate Rental 25c JUNIPER GARDENS 624 E. 1st EV 2-2231 small puffs of appreciation for July-August programs that dis played some greenery amid the general summer-time desolation. My "cactus" awards go to the following: Best summer variety series "The Spike Jones Show," CBS. Best detective series "Diag nosis Unknown," CBS. Best sets "Moment of Fear," NBC. Best musical program "Music For a Summer Night," ABC. Best new series "The Robert Herridge Theater," CBS. Seen only in the New York area. It'll be a proud moment for TV when and if it gets into network pro gramming. Best public ' affairs show "Lippmann on Leadership," CBS. Best full-hour drama "Shadow of a Pale Horse," on the "U.S. Steel Hour," CBS. With Dan Dur yea and Frank Lovejoy. Best re-run series "Silents Please," ABC. Most welcome summertime re run "Hollywood Sings," NBC. With Tammy Grimes and Eddie Albert. Nicest horse The spotted ani mal that Jason Eversi rides on "Wrangler," NBC. As for the low spots of the July August famine period, I nominate the following: Sloppiest series "Chevy Mys tery Show," NBC. Worst casting Red Buttons as a Cockney detective in a "U.S. j Steel Hour" play. Sickest play of the summer, non-Western variety "The Third Party" on "Moment Of Fear" se ries, NBC. Worst comedy pilot "Mag gie," with Margaret O'Brien, seen on "New Comedy Showcase," CBS. The Channel Swim: Teen-age idols Frankie Avalon and Fabian will join dancer Gwcn Verdon and comedian Shelley Berman on the opening Perry Como show, Wednesday, Oct. 5 ,on NBC-TV. Como is taping a show with Bob Hope in Hollywood next Wednes-, day for viewing on Nov. 16. j Dick Clark's final Saturday night show for ABC-TV, on Sept. I 10, will include filmed highlights : of the series. Jackie Gleason hopes to star in a one-hour CBS-TV sports special in which he would play golf against Arnold Palmer and bil liards against Willie Mosconi. 6 The Bend Bulletin, Friday, September 2, 1960 ft 1960bE. T.M. Btg. 0.3. fit. W "Thosa drugs you prescribed do have an unpleasant side effect, Doc they keep me broke!" THEY PAVED THE WAY to greater listening satisfac tion by having their radio & TV repaired by . . . A-l TV & RADIO SERVICE We Give S&H Green Stamps 642 Franklin EV 2-4571 g KOD KFTV g KGW TV 8:43 Woittlipr-Sivrts-News IX'iia Kdwards News KawruJi 7:lW f: 15 T45 8; 15 8 46 Ylihit Vllldtitf December Britit 9: IX) 9:15 9:30 9:45 Twiluht Zone Thli Man Dawson 10: tX II): 15 111:30 10:40 (Jiumi Jury Portland Wrest tint U.tX) 11:15 11:30 11:40 City Dck Showtime on Six K1TV .News Central Walt Disney Presenti Man from Blackhawk 77 Sunset Strip The Detectives Black SarirJlt Union Pacific Weslern Itarn Dance News Bfat Huntley-Bnnkley News Wa.ua Train Play Yuur Hunch Masquerade Party Moment ot fear Sea Hunt Nicht Beat Lock Up Jack Paar Shot g. 15 Pmyer and Hymn 6 30 Karrmng 6:45 " 7 oo Teli'Yentur Tales 7:15 7-30 R r D Ruff nd Reddy 7:45 ' 8 00 CaW- Kaiiuroo Breadbasket USA Fury 8:15 " " " 8 30 Jet Jackson Fury 8 45 " ' 9.00 01niHii Hawkey Hovdy Doody . 9'1S " " 9 30 Red Dumlnr Shnw EhxMs and Saddle Cartrmri Fesitva) 9 14 C level d at New York " On IVck Curie in ( " Gnem LJ New- York at Baltimore 10 15 Milwaukee-New York " nvso " 10 45 " : 11. 00 " Z 11:14 2 2 m It: 44 " B1 Leane Baseball 12-00 " Miiwmikie ,l Fran. " UM5 ; " 1 i:-30 " " 17:45 - 1:00 Two-Gun rehouse " Community Workshop lis " Community Workshop 1:45 " " 3 no 3; 15 Press Bot 3 30 Mtchty Mouse -tre Gu- Lombardo Saturday Matinee 45 " ; S.OO Lone K-intjer Top Plajs True Story a: i " " S :w Armchair rheatre Famous Plaj-hiuw Detectlvrl Diary S 45 " ' ( t Charipioiulup U.nj ShirU-) TrmWe 4 15 i 2 4 30 - J' 4 45 m . 5 00 tkiwhri4 Suit Top Pro tiolt " ft 15 ft 30 Mr. a A. - Wbl'e Himtef 45 - Program given by swimmers Special to The Bulletin . PRIXEVILLE - A Water-De-0 with a Mardi Gras theme was held at the city swim pool yester day evening at 7:30 p.m. as a special program to mark the ap proaching end of the summer swim season. The hour-long program was staged by swimmers from the summer swim program under the supervision of all pool personnel. Lighting and other mechanical arrangements for the c o 1 o rful show were managed by Tom Van Etten, pool supervisor for the summer, assisted by Robin Gerke and Curtis Siscel, life guards. Jean Edwards, a life guard, was in charge of formation swim ming. Carolyn Burr supervised a comedy routine, and Judy Wheel er, the pool cashier, managed the racing part of the program. Enid Bolton was in charge of a water ballet, one for boys and two for girls. Miss Bolton was an other lifeguard at the pool this summer. In charge of the diving perform ances was Mrs. Earl Bankofier, water safety instructor. Each number in the show was given a title pertaining to a Mardi Gras. RATES By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Months 59 00 One Year 118.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES J lines for 1 time only $1.00 2 lines for 4 tunes only $1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 4 lines lor 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 Very luw rates cor murmur aril. 5 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.25 Ad received Defure 4:30 p.m. Will appear In the following aayi paper. The uulleUn wtu not be responsible lor mure than one Incorrect Insertion. SUBSCRIPTION f matt tnm tnlnrmntMni rnrnHh fcf fetevlftiM cam fee nanawetj few I he tweal Uettvk ten iim.iv.ii. awVTwi,: t:r . nms TONIGHT'S rrtOORAMS 8: (10 John Daly News 4:10 Paul Harvey 4: 15 Munlc-Neiv 7:0O 1110 Music, news T:30 Tren Town 7:45 Music Time-News 8 0O Braver Bflft-hal 10:00 bandstand and News SATIHDAT 5 CO T N I News 6 .10 Coun'y Agent 6 Is r arm ReDiners 7 (l Mnmii-a ilelod'es Newt 7:30 Morning Roundup 8 IS Local News 8 a Hivwr Roll of Music: New 9.40 Top Tuns News 10: m Honor Roll ol Music 10. 30 Ux-al News ll:no Mainly tor Women 11:09 Honor Roll 12:00 NoonUme Melodies 12: in Todays Clsssineds 12: lj Spons Review 12:30 Noon News: Farm Hour l:Pv-Nerts: Music l:JO-r-ul Harvey News 1:S-Tips In Music. News 2 30 irts News J vvM.ic . 1:30 iMvrta News :.U-To; In M'JilC 4:0O rir'tiwest News 4 03 Ti-ps in Mustc-Netva 4 30 Sports News 4 3i-T.ii In Music-News 5 M',,im Oonmilskw S 0-T is In Music S -oS:.,ns .News i 3A T m In Mulc 5 So s isl Security S n U10 Music t - H r-rvsmn o Tops In Music 7 ."S Crard Ole upery 7 VV-Nows 8 00 rtcaver Rasenall 10 00 Handstand-News Member, Audit Bureau ol " Circulations FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin. EV 2-1811 " In Redmond A! Gordon Suburban Supervisor, U 8-2840 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 1U31. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916 Published' Every After noon except Sundays and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin. 736-738 Wall Street. Bend. Oregon. 1 -Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER EXECUTION BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECU TION issued out of and under the Seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, to me directed and dated August 16, 1960, in a cer tain suit wherein Alvin L. Main and Rose Marie Main recovered judgment against the defendants William Richard Priest and Frances V. Priest, husband and wife, in the sum of Five Thou sand Two Hundred Sixty - seven Dollars and Twelve Cents ($j, 267.12), together with . interest thereon at the rate of six per cent (6 per cent) per annum from the 22nd day of October, 1959, until paid, and the further sum of $25.00 title report charge, and the further sum of $425.00 at torneys tees, and plaintiffs costs and disbursements assessed at $20.70, and for a further decree foreclosing a mortgage held by the said Alvin L. Main and Rose Marie Main against the said de fendants above named, covering certain real property more par ticularly described in the Decree mentioned, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the terms of said Execution I will, on the 16th day of September, 1960, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. at the front door of the Court House at Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, offer for sale to the highest bidder, and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real proper ty: The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), Section Thirty-one (31), Township Fifteen (15) South, Range 11, E.W.M., in Des chutes County, Oregon, to satisfy the judgment hereto fore described, insofar as the amount received at said sale will satisfy the same, together with the costs of tliis sale, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendants William Rich ard Priest and Frances V. Priest, husband and wife, have or had in and to the real property above described. DATED and first published this 19th day of August. 1960. F. C Sholes, Sheriff 217-223-229-234-C MINUTE 76 TIPS BY JACK ROUNDTREE 1 C.ir "Lamms Ka ftv quiis. Five quarts five gallon? or five pounds . . t whatever your car needs, we are only too happy to be of service. We like to KNOW your car drive in regularly. J & E 76 SERVICE WE GIVE THRIFTY wKccN STAMPS 3rd ft Emtrton EV J-992S Ti a c c qq '