0 o 0 i I'.' M I J. C. PENNEY ' James Penney colorful figure At 84, James Cash Penney, founder of the chain of stores that bear his name, has had a career more colorful than any merchant in Baghdad. He founded his first store in the mining town of Kemmerer, Wyo., in 1903. Today, there are 1,700 stores in the J. C. Penney organi zation. , 4 He still puts in long days at his New York office and travels more than 50,000 miles a year inspect ing the nationwide retail organi zation. V. M. Fay, manager of the Pen ney store in Long Beach, Calif., says that Penney visited the new store two years ago. "I was hoping," says Fay, "that Mr. Penney was impressed by the beauty of the displays, and the .bright lights and glamorous set ting. But on the way downstairs, Mr. Penney said, 'Vern, see those ' two customers over there. No one is waiting on them. I'll take one you take the other'," Penney's credit office readied Establishment of a credit office in Portland to serve the J. C. Pen ney Company's forthcoming charge account operations in all its Oregon stores has been an nounced by Jerry Fowler, mana ger of Penney's in Bend. Customer charge accounts will be inaugurated at Penney's 42 stores in the Oregon area about October 1, Fowler said. After 56 years of operating on a cash and carry basis, Penney's initiated credit operations at 24 stores in 1958, he recalled. Last year 1G9 stores were added to the group, and by the end of this year about 600 Penney outlets are expected to be offering credit. Target date for installation of charge accounts at all of the nearly 1700 Penney . stores throughout the nation is the end of 1963. The Penney charge account is a 30-day plan enabling a customer to pay an account in full within 30 days of billing date without a service charge. It also provides an option for customers desiring to spread payments over a longer period. .Lemmon says . car a lemon LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Actor Jack Lemmon filed a $12,000 Superior Court damage suit Mon day charging he purchased an imported sports car he thought was new but which turned out to be used, and a lemon. ; Lemmon said he bought the $6,800 auto last Sept. 11 and later , learned it was a 1958 model pre viously owned by a man in Portland. The suit, filed against J.C. ? Chamberlain Automotive Inc., North Hollywood, contended the ! vehicle required serious mechani i cal repairs only a month after the t actor acquired it in addition to I being last year's model. EXPERIENCED RADIO & TV REPAIRMAN Paid Vacation, Profit Sharing, Health, Accident, & Life Insurance Call In Person At ears TL. n i . .. ne oeng bulletin. Wednesday, June 29. 1960 17 Oregonians on group to study business climate PORTLAND (LTII - Appoint-; in which existing industry niant i- i . " '"I'mDer committee -...j.. .... . by William Wessinger of Port land, who also is a member of the Governor's Advisory Commit tee. Gov. Mark Hatfield said be fore he left for the Governors Conference at Glacier Park, Mon tana: "A great deal of emphasis is being placed on business climate i by business ai.d industry in con- sidering locations for new facili ties. We want to have a climate Young skipper fails to save sinking ship CHARLESTON, S.C. (UPI) -A desperate effort to save a sinking i oil tanker and its valuable cargo from a watery grave off the South j Carolina coast ended in failure early today when the ship sank in the Atlantic about 60 miles from safety. The young skipper and two crew men of the stricken, 10,165 - ton Sinclair Oil Co. tanker SS George MacDonald had hoped to beach their helpless ship in shallow wa ter today and repair it for sea duty again. Until 2:40 a.m. e.d.t, the Mac- Donald wallowed behind a sister tanker moving slowly toward shore. Her stern was under water, her decks awashed to mid-ships, and her bow jutted 29 feet higher than the fantail. But a terse message from die towing tanker, the SS J. E. Dyer, said the MacDonald "at 1:40 a.m. e.s.t. broke its tow in a light rain and 20 minutes later sank." The Dyer's message added that a 30-foot section of the MacDon ald's bow remained above water after she sank. The MacDonald's skipper, 33- year - old tldredge Burnthorn ot Houston, Tex., ordered 40 crew men to abandon ship Monday night and Tuesday morning when a massive rupture in Uie cooling system flooded the engine room and the ship appeared doomed. Burnthorn, his mate and one crew man stayed aboard to keep the MacDonald from becoming a dere lict and a prize for any who could salvage her. Puerto Rican father held for murders CHICAGO (UPI) Police said today a young Puerto Rican fa ther would be charged with mur der in the knife deaths of his wife, three children and a cousin who he said had stolen his wife's love. The five were killed late Tues day night when the father, Ray mond Hernandez, 26, went on a wild rampage with an 11-inch French chef's knife. He was cap tured shortly after the killings. The children, Rosita Gomez Hernandez. 2, Icky Hernandez, 4'4, and Emma Gomez Hernan dez, 6, were found in Hernandez' apartment. Each had been stabbed several times and laid side by side in bed, still clad in street clothes. The wife, Mrs. Maria Gomez Hernandez, 25, was found in her third floor apartment less than four miles away on Chicago's North Side. Hernandez and his wife had been separated for two or three weeks. Catalog Office iU auiuy uregon s business ell-1 be attractive to new industry. To 1 charge. Following the premiere "Por- mate" wr.s announced today by! do this, we must be vi!!i:;g !oj Pavic was arrested at 5:25 p.m., 'h'ai' ' Black" Miss Turner's la Gerald W. Frank, chairman of : "x'ORnize any shortcomings and j when he w as trying to drive the test picture, siic reigned over a the Governor's Advisory Commit-1 sccli corrections where necessary, 'car over, two small fir trees on star-studded party at the sleek tee to the Oregon Department of j The committee will study Ore- which it was stuck. He had torn! restaurant. Among tiie stars Planning and Development. gon's business climate advantages down a section of fence and dam-! werc Robert Taylor, Zsa Zsa The eommiit uill K and disadvantages in economic aged shrubs, according to the ar- .Gabor, Robert Sterling, Ann Jeff- grow and prosper, and which wil ... - development. I Members of the rnmmittiw in. elude: Dr. Wesley C. Ballaine, : Eusene: Don A Kllis Pnnlnnrl- i J. W. Forrester Jr., Pendleton; John M. Fulton, Portland; E. A. Geary, Klamath Falls; Harold A. Holmes, Medlord, John Hoiton, Baker; W. O. Kelsay, Roseburg R- A- Krcnenberg, Springfield N. W. Merrill, Salem; Roy F, Renoud, Portland; Dan A. Thiel, Astoria; E. H. Thompson, Salem; Charles A. Tom, The Dalles; Har old Wendel, Portland; Edward J. Whelan, Portland; and Rudie Wil helm Jr., Portland. Western Wear & supplies ' 1 Western Hats Straw and Felt 1.19 up Western Ties j 98c I ' i Western I Girls' - S-M-L Corduroy i Boys' S-M-L Suede Leather Outfits j'TMtmi " J J A 2.49 2.49: ! . Cowboy Roping GLOVES 1 49 LARIAT ROPE 14-foot 29c ' Indian Head Dresses 29c Bow & Arrow Sets I 49c up r V '-1. Ray-Ben Sun Glasses The finest sunglasses made with Double Gradient Density lenses developed by Bausch & Lomb to protect your eyes. Men's and ladies' styles. "795 from Sea & Ski from Tanfastic from Bronztan from BEACH TOWEL over 2 ft. wide. Heavy quality, large size. 99 50-STAR FLAGS 12" 15", plastic. Get one now for over the 4thl Fence busting ends in arresV Thomas Gorald Davie, 22, of 11131 Fresno Avenue, drove his au Itomobile into a fence off E. Scc , lond Street at Olney Avenue Tiles- dav afternoon, and was booked by , , , ciiv pouce on a aruiiK arivinu resting officer. The car was part- 'y on ,ne e parking strip and partly yard at 1432 E. Second lhe Street. can was set at kz.m), and Davie was held at the city jail. DENOUNCE KING HUSSEIN CAIRO. U.A.R. (CPU- The U.A.R.'s semi-official Middle East,STRIKE TIES UP SHIPS News Agency Sunday night de- nounced King Hussein of Jordan as the "scion of the house of treason" and said he "cannot es- cape the fate of those who pre- ceded him in betraying the Arabs." :5s?!V a!T?S :n.'..'lr.lir v.icr . .r""T. (rtntf ill KIDDIE POOL Fully guaranteed for one yearl 44 inches wide, 8" deep. Ideal for the younger children, Holds 40 gallons of water. REG. 4.00 SELLER STARDUST 90 GALLON PLAY POOL : Over 4Va feet in diameter with 1 giant ring and 1 regular ring. Holds over 90 gallons of water. Has safety valve and base drain. REG. 7.50 SELLER 0 4 Only -Kodak - 1.9 Lens REGULAR 99.50 2 Only - Bell & Howell REGULAR 139.50 I 1 Only - Keystone - 1.8 Lens REGULAR 129.50 4 Only - Keystone - 2.3 Lens REGULAR 99.50 1 Only - Keystone K27 Capri Manual Exposure. With Case. REGULAR 99.50 3-lb. down filled bag with Scotch plaid lin ing, water repellent cover, water-proof bof. torn and head canopy. 36 x 72" size. Reg. 69c 69c 75c Plastic Air Mattress By Hirsch-Weis. Super de luxe vinyl plastic. 31 x 67" siie. Reg. 4.25 Lands friend HOLLVWOOD (LTD - At a post premiere party early today at Romanoff's Restaurant, Lana Turner's date, sportsman Fred May, threw a punch at a Ilolly- wooa f'P 'st he HVOWtMl his lnvf fur Mk Turner - - - 'wes, Janet Page, Jane Powell, Ricardo Montalban and Loretta Young. In the early morning hours May, who identified himself as a breed er of grabbed Connolly thoroughbred horses, gossip columnist Mike by his tuxedo, almost BOMBAY, India (UPI) More than 60 ships, including nine , freighters loaded with American wheat and other U.S. food aid to India, were tied up for the sixth consecutive day because of a strike by tug crews. 69 American Beauty PICNIC JUGS Completely Replacable Parts Reg. 5.50 Reg. 6.50 4.39 4.99 0 M Turret Electric Eye 8 mm MOVIE CAMERAS 64 Be Sure you have plenty of film for The 4th of July weekend ahead! Hirsch-Weis Seeping Bags 19 12.25 3-lb. 100 Celacloud filling, square weave duck cover. Pair model tipper 2 bags lip togeth er. Double air mattress pockets. 36 x 81" siie. 29 Reg. 19.95 fakes punch at columnist j tearing it ftSn his back, "I love this girl and the things 'you are writing about her person- :il lite are unfair. May said. Temperatures Temperatures during the 24 hours ending early today. North Bend had .02 and Brookings .01 inches of rain High Low Bend Astoria Brookings 45 5- 51 " k Fai 88 79 91 81 58 fit 94 82 91 84 89 97 78 83 80 58 ills 49 Medford Lakevicw Newport N. Bend Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem The Dalles i Boise 71 (.1 67 51 .Chicago i Los Angeles . New York San Fran. ' Plain X' Larae Asst. v 1 0 DOX . . IVC DOX . . I3C DUX Doz. . 1.00 Doz. .1.49 W 3-Foot SPARKLERS CAP GUNS W$ HOLSTER SETS . vNxN fffcil jn Double Gun jm HOLSTER SETS - Matching Aluminum ft Strong, yet lightweight tubular aluminum frame. Easy-to-clean col orful vinyl plastic webbing. 95 1 With that May ;ung at Con nolly but was re-trained by Ar mand "Army" Archerd Connol ly's competition. Archerd1 is the gossip colum nist for Daily Variety while Con nolly writes a similar column for tile Hollywowl Reporter. Miss Turner broke into tears crying into a handkerchief, while the combatants exchanged verbal ' blow s. Connolly last week had written attacks nil Mis- 1 uriicr s behavior m raising her daughter Cheryl 1 1 r.iue who has lieen readmitted to a correctional instihilinn fur u;iv. ward girls. Friends halted the fray. BAN REDS, WOMEN DALAFIEI.D, Wis. (UPI) -The raconteurs, an all-male Wis consin writers organization, Mon day shouted down suggestions ! that wives Ik- allowed to organise ;a women's auxiliary. Herliert P. Schowclter of West ! Bend called the idea "tantamount to allowing Communists to join." A..VWUJi t"l. i. I.-' I. ,. Colored Colored Larae Asst. Giant Asst. V AW All Kinds of CAPS fr, Folding style, Tubular aluminum frame. Colorful Vinyl webbing. Redwood arm rests are hot-proof and never blacken your arm. T3 LAWN CHAIRS Heavy Duty Insulated ICE CHEST 8" x 12" x 16' REG. 10.50 13" x 15" x 21" l REG. 20.50 1 Ask Your Doctor To Phone Your Next Prescription To We'll Deliver Free of THRIFT-WISE DRUGS Open Sunday, July 3 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. tax to bill Ike WASHINGTON' H'PI) - The Senate Tuesday approved a bill ex tending present income tax ratej on corporations and continuing a variety of wartime excise taxes 1 on liquor, cigarettes, automobiles ' and the like. . The bill was sent to the While I House where President Eisen- hower must sien it before mid- im.l.f Ti,,irB.i , t t ,n , reductions and a $4 billion loss in ' revenue. I -i. New Philco TRANSISTOR RADIO 9 Transistors Longest Range Portable $59.95 Houk-Van Allen 916 Wall Ph. EV 210721 , : . . Z Jt 47. ea. 29' jJfe fr0m 59c M ., . . rom 98c 0 'J 198 W 5 rrtr-V 99 Lift-Like Insulated ICE CHEST 8-gallon siie, weight less than 2 pounds. REG. 4.98 tJ Us And Charge. Excise tossed , 29' 851 Wall n "V 5 o