CAUTION Read Slowly The Money You Save May Be Your Own o YOUR CLASSIFIED RATES 2 linos 2 lines 2 lines 4 lines 4 lines 4 lines 6 lines 6 lines lor l time lor 4 times lor 8 times lor 1 time lor 4 limes lor 8 times lor 1 time lor 4 times only S1.00 only $1.50 only S2.75 only Sl.50 only $2.50 only $4.50 only $2.00 only $3.50 only $6.25 lines for 8 limes Very low rales tur muntMy a.ts. ii-ivitt'u iierjie ;du p.m. Wtll appear tn Hie tullowins days paper. The lltilleUn will not be responsible lor more Iran one Incorrect Insertion. SUBSCRIPTION RATES - By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year .. $14.50 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin. EV 2-1811 In Redmond Al Gordon Suburban Supervisor, LI 8-2840 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. Tho Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916 Published Every After noon except Sundays and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin. 736-738 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. 1 -Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Minnie A. Oliver In Ihe District Court of the Slate of OroRon (or Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersignc d, United States National Bank, has been appointed as Executor of the last will and testament of Minnie A. Oliver, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All pci-sons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the un dersigned at the office of De Armond, Goodrich, Grav itick ok, 3014 Bond Street, Bend, Ore gon, within six months from the first publication of this notice in llie Daily Bend Bulletin. Dated and first published Jan uary 16, 1900. Date of last publication Febru ary 6, I960. s) United Slates National Bank, Executor De Armond, Goodrich, Gray & Illekok, Attorneys for said estate. 34-10-46-52-C NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate of GLADYS B. DAVIS In the District Court of the Slate of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Executrix of the Inst will and testament of Gladys B. Davla, deceased, has filed her final account in the above entitled court, and that Mondav. January 23, 1960. at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Court Room of the above entitled court has been appointed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, If any, and the settlement thereof. bated and first published De cember 28, 1959. Date of last publication Janu ary 16. Iflso. DOROTHY B. McCARGER, Executrix of said estate De Armond, Goodrich, Gray t Hiekok, Attorneys for said estate. 17-?2-2-34-C BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the Coun ty Court held this 16th day of De cember, 1959, all members being present, the following business was transacted: IN THE MATTER OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL Fl'ND: Rose Pharmacy. Health Dept. Supplies $ 8-38 Honk-Van Allen. Health Dept. -Suppllfs - 4-60 Cent Wise Drug Slews, Health Dept. Sup plies 3.jS Mahoney Office Equip ment. Health Dept Supplies - H-fc Eriksen's Stallone r y , Health Dept. Sup plies i 3-93 Northwest Telephone Co., Health Dept. Tele - - 13.90 Farley Elliott, Postmas ter. Health Dept. Postage 900 Northwestern University Traffic Inst.. J. P. No. 2 Supplies 2.) Donald L. Ellis, .J. P. Dist. No. 2 Phone 10.62: Postage 8.00 .. 18.N Robert L. Bristol, D.M. r . .in y.xn - 9.00 Mire Plumbing ft. Heat ing. Jail Exp - 16.30 Robert V. Young, Juvc nile Exp '-30 Shell Oil Company. Shfr' Iff 6 4": Comm. 81c; Co. Judge 38.49 " Bowers, Davis & Hoff- mun. Audit - 2100.00 Louis L. Selken, D. A. Conv. Exn - 37.90 Standard CM Co. of Cal- il., Sheriff-Travel - 13. Mvr1ck Photocr a p h f . Sheriff Fingerprint Ident 196 Children's Farm Home, Juvenile Exp Union Oil Company of Calif., Sheriff-Travel.. ZL F. C. Sbolcs, StKritf Com-. Exp. ro Department of Motor Vehicles, Sheriff Ter etvpc Terrv Sears, Assessor Travel - Helen M. Dacey, Elec- tiori Fxp - G. W. Winslow, Coroner -Mileage - Pacili" Power & Light Co.. Courthouse Liehts 1M.70 Troy Laundry, Jail Exp. 11.55 Gonlon Randall Agency, Coroner's Bond 13.00 llHloid Xerox, Inc., Clerk Mach. Supplies 6S9.20 Lumbermens Insurance Agency. Sheriff Bond 50.00: Clerk 30.00; Dep uty Clerk 7.50 . 107.50 Gilbert's Insurance Ag ency. Sheriff-Bond 100.00 Gordon Randall Agency, Courthouse Boilu- lr.s. 113.63 Lumbermens Insurance Agency, Constable Bond 10.00 Union Oil Co., Sheriff 25.30; Reappraisal 30. 22 55.52 Uptain & Evans Texaco, Reappraisal 33.14' Traasport Clearings of Oregon, Sheriff Tele type 2.31 Eriksen's Stationery, Treasurer 81c; Co. Ju dge 10.71; Dist Judge 4.99 . 16.51 Mahoney Office Equip ment, Sheriff Sup plies 11.03 Pacific Telephone, Tele phone Various Ofti ces .. 232.76 Robert E. Lyons, Asses sorTravel I 125.35 Korish Construction, Re appraisal Exp 1506.45 Dept. of Motor Vehicles, . D.A. ORS Replace ment Parts 35.00 Robert V. Young, Sher iffTravel 3.73 Robert V. Young, Sheriff-Travel 18.23 Department of Motor Ve hicles, Replacement Parts ORS 227.50 Slate Motor Vehicle Dept., Binder for Re placement Parts 2.50 DOG LICENSE FUND: Union Oil Company of Calif., Gas 17.01 Richfield Oil Corpora tion, Gas 14.38 Trail Rambler, Inc., Chev. Pkup 495.00 TAYLOR GRAZING FUND: Bureau of Land Manage ment. Range Imnvt. .. 1118.83 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUND: Kenneth Shank. Rent .. 30.00 State Public Welfare Comm., Public Assist ance 13,393.39 GENERAL ROAD FUND: Transport Gearings of Uregon. Oen. txp. .. 2.31 Northwest Industr i a 1 , Laundry, (jen. i,xp. 6.00 E & H Chain Saw Serv ice, Parts 12.10 Ballou ft Wright, Parts 5.50 Howard Cooper corpora tion, Parte 48.01 Feenaughty Machinery Co., Part 87.39 Cramer Machinery Com pany, Parts 94.28 Shuman Auto Electric, Parts 10.27 Mldstate Tractor & Truck, Parts .. 1.30 Downs Sales ft Service, Parts 493.78 Robberson Ford Sale, Part 38L03 Frank's Radiator Serv ice, Part 14.00 Mallck Bros.. Parts .... 4.00 Cummins Diesel Sales of Ore., Parts 17.81 Cent. Ore. Welders Sup ply. Parts 1.20 O'Day Sleel Yard, Hdw. 8.34 .loseph hgg, Hdw 24.73 Miller Lumber Co., Hdw 2.14 Cent. Ore. Fir Supply Co., Lumber 124.44 Hubs ft Stake, Mfgrs., Lumber Eastern Oregon Mills, Lumber 40.00 The Texts Company, Lube 42.00 Tidewater Oil Company, ruei zra.r)7 Helerman ft Janes, Fuel 57.80 Les Schwab Tire Center, Tlreg 1153.00 Pacific Telephone Co., Phone 18.30 Pae. Power ft Light Co., Power ..... 23.61 Bend Aggregate ft Pav ing Co., Rock 31.96 Pacific Paving Co. Inc., Rock 8.23 Union Oil Co. of Calif., Lube 215.72; Fuel 1,- 714.34 1960.26 IN THE MATTER OF DEEDS TO COUNTY OWNED LANDS: The Court signed the following deeds: Paul Swager Lots 4. 5 ft 6, Block 33. Laldlaw, $150.00. Willism N. Wells et ux - Lot 4. Block 1, Mt. View Add. (This deed given to release property from Judgment lien for personal property taxes levied and assess ed against prior owners of said premises.) IN THE MATTER OF SALARY FOR ED RISEN: ' .The Court ordered Ihe Clerk to pay the December salary of Ed Risen to Mm. Doris Risen. IN THE MATTER OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT CLERK: The Clerk was instructed to put Neva Ferguson on payroll at $100.00 per month as pan time typist for Trl County Health De partment. IN THE MATTER OF BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSES: At this time the Court approv ed Ihe following appllatlons for beer and liquor licenses: G. V. WIIon Terrebonne Grocery Package Store Class B License Bend Golf Club Clan B Dis pensers Ucena The Court recommended that the application of Paul A. Slutz et ux of Star Route Redmond, for a Package Store Class A License be not granted. IN THE MATTER OF APPLI CATIONS FOR BUSINESS 1.1- ! CENSE AS A WRECKER OF i MOTOR VEHICLES: i The Court Rpprovcd the follow. j ing applications for license to wreck motor verncies: Pacific Auto Wrecking Huetll Repair Shop C. W. Hutchlna et ut dba Bend Sahsge IN THE M'TTER OF REFUND OF TAXES: The Court ordered the Tax Cot- lector to make the following re funds for overpayment ot taxes: John Paused $26.33 Khiil Bohr - $.11.1.1 IN THE MATTER OF TAX ADJUSTMENT: The Court ordered Ihe fat Col lector to accept the sum of $34.17 in full settlement ot the osck tax es on Tract S, Norwood. ' Tlxra being no further busi ness, Court adjourned. D. L. Penhollow, County Judge F. C. Shepard, Commissioner G. F. Baker, Commissioner 4-Funeral Directors Niswonger & Winslow Funeral Directors Hill & Irving Phone EV 2-2471 8-Special Notices l WILL not be held responsible for any debts otlicr than my own. Owen Jack Ulam AUCTION SALE near Deschutes Center JANUARY 16 7:00 P.M. JANUARY 171:00 P.M. Following tales every 2 weeks on Saturday night. Furniture of all kinds, miscella neous items. 4-H Clubs serving lunch. George Corliss, Owner Charlie Johnston, Auctioneer 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage NEED A TRUCK? Rent new Ford vans or other fine trucks from AVIS. AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Phone EV 2-2151 17-Help Wanted MIDDLE AGED couple for apartment managing. 2002 E. 8lh. 18-Help Wanted Male ONE OF America's 3rd largest companies now starting In Ore-J goti win ni-i'ti iwu tiittiui.-i a nun desire of $15,000. year. Must be able to bear personal investiga tion, be bondable and have tx- cellent transportation. If accept ed, must he able lo start im mediately. For confidential inter view, contact Frank P. Smith, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., in person, Pilot Butte Motor Inn, ATTENTION We are building with Oregon. Ground Floor Opportunities with National Organization, interview ing for one slate Supt. $15,000 to $20,000 per year. 3 state mana gers $11,000 to $14,000 per year and 5 salesmen $7,000 to $9,000 per year. All interviews strictly confidential. Mlot tsuue Motor Court, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Moll, ft Tues. only. Ask tor Mr. Jay Aten. 20-Service Directory ENGINE LATHE work. Arma tures, trailer spindles, etc. Mis cellaneous repaii"s on bievcles, etc. EV 2-0315, 1645 Galveston. DRESSMAKING, Alterations, tailoring. 631 E. 12th, EV 2-3396. SPECIAL CARE for convales cents or bed patients. Mary's Guest Home, III 7-5854, Princ-ville.- QUALITY RUBBER STAMPS made to order. Warner elec. method used. 1 day service, free delivery. Out of town ordert shinned by mall. Bend Rubber Stamp Shop, 1434 Davenport. EV 2-2H(H. 25-Situationa Wtd. Female IRONING IN my home. EV 2 0714. 30-Miscellaneous tor Sale CINDERS - TOP SOIL Fill Dirt Dump Truck Tractor Loader Work. Phone EV 2-5161. FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, 8 foot. Excellent condition. Take over payments of $8.34 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, 3rd and Greenwood. RENT A MACHINE Singer Sewing Center 126 Minnesota EV 2-.18S2 UPRIGHT PIANO and stand ard size pool table. Each $75.00. EV 2-3775. FREE LOCKER with "i beef at 39c to !9c, cut and packaged to your for ireezeii, com pare here M IDS TATE MEAT CO., 37 Greenwood. STEEL FRAME. 2-wheel box trailer. Inquire 1399 Galveston. SHOPS.MITH and bench, jig saw and accessories. Reasonably priced, KV 2-0:114. MAN'S LARGE diamond ring. $500 below appraisal. EV 2-1198 after 6:30 p.m. COMPRESSOR AND tank; headlight adjustor; Spark plug cleaner; brake riveter; Ford Canopy; Model M John Drere tractor, excellent thape. EV 2 0582. SALE TRADE Used One Man Saws McCulloch Products E & II CHAIN SAW 132 E. Franklin 30-Miscellaneoui for Sal Now at Darrell's USED TV'S and PHONO'S Admiral 21 inch TV. Likcnew mahogany eat. New picture tuba and NEW GUARANTEE. ' $119.90 Zenith TV in hardwood cabinet on cattert. 24 inch screen, 6 months warranty on picture tuba & 30 days on parts. $159.50 Stromberg-Carlson radio-phonograph. Mahogany cabinet. $49.50 NEW SELECTION 45 RPM'S jutt racaivad , , , aicallent selection 4 for $1.00 CLEAN UP SALE of 78 t 5c pieca Darrell's House of Music Wall and Oregon 30-Miscellaneous for Sale ONE PAIR 6 ft. skis and poles. 2 pair ski boots 7 and 9. Red mond t.l S-2114. ANTIQUE CHINA closet, da venport and chair, miscellaneous tables, etc. EV 2-4530. after 5. BUILDING?? Galv. Iron Roof. $10.00 sq. 6', 7', 8', 9', 10' and 12' lengths Nails per keg $10.20 Comp. Roof 1, 215-lb. . $8.15 sq. la-lb. felt paper $2.15 Kraft paper . $2.45 Roll Roof. 40, 43, 55, B3, 90, 105-lb. CHEAP x10 Rustic Cedar Siding $125 M 1".12" Vert. Redwood Siding $148 M ?bxl0 Gr. A Redwood Siding $169 M Painted Cedar Shakes Wu.c. $11.50 Asbestos Siding $14.93 sq. 32"-12"-20 rods fence $13.73 32"-6"20 rods fence $18.75 39"-6"-20 rods fence $20.75 47"-6"-20 rods fence $'-'2.95 Barb Wire 80 rods ... $6.45 & $8.15 Steel posts 75, 82, ft 90.c New berry wire 100-lbs. $11.50 Glass lined water heaters .. $62.50 Bath tubs complete wtrim $59.93 Quality toilets w seats $26.93 20x18 basins wtrim $19.50 Dhle Kit. Sinks .... complete $39.93 Galv pipe l'a" 35c, V 16c H"-12'ic Plastic pipe 1" 13'iC. .;"-9'ic Septic tanks 844.50, $59.50 4" soil pipe 80c, Orangeburg 36c 5i" Chapwood 4xS $3.00 Prefinished Mahog. paneling $5.75 V A-2 sides Birch plywd .... 42c Fireplace HEATFORMS CHEAP Genuine FORMICA .... 63c sq. ft. Loose Rockwool Insul $1.30 bag Fiberglass roll blanket 4'zc sq. ft. 4S0O watt portable heaters $35.00 3000 watt wall healers $38.95 Baseboard Electric Heaters . CHEAP Oak Floor, random length $150.00 Plastered CERTAINTEED brand with fiberglass core $1.40, $1.65. $1.95 23-lbs. texture paint $2.95 Floor tile 1. 9"x9" 10c 100's Lite Fixtures CHEAP Foundation bolts, reinforce rod, form ties, concrete mesh Quality Garage Doors $19.30 Cement, per sack .... $1.43 ft SI. 55 Latex paint, per gallon :. $2.93 100's windows, doors in stock Alum valley 50'xl4" $7.63 C. G Long & Sons I Mile N. of Keller EM 4-5051 Salem, Oregon LIGHTING FIXTURES Largest Display - Most Complete Stock in Central Oregon. Lower prices because of direct factory purchases, i See Us Today! BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. KV J-2S21 ) UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with Saca-Pelo. Saca-Pelo Is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of unwanted hair. Lor-Beer Ijb. Ltd., Ste. 5. 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B. C. SINGER Gold Tag Trade-in CLEARANCE OUR GOLD TAG machines are checked, oiled ft adjusted ... in food operating condition. WE'RE , O A D E D! Terrific Sales at Christmas of our Slant-o-matic have left u over stocked with trade-Ins. PORTABLES from $29.50 CABINET Models from $39.50 Come In early for BEST SELECTION EASY TERMS SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minnesota EV 2-38S2 31-Appliancet-Furniture WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Maytag Appliance EV 2-1481 ARE YOU In the market for a house?. . .Want to buy a car?. . Looking for a lost pet?. . .Want to find a Job or tenant? Solve your problems by reading The Bend Bulletin Classifieds, Si"e Time and Money. , .Shop The Bend Bulletin Classified Ads. EV 2-I74S 31-Appliances, Furniture GIVE AWAY equity on 23 ft. fax) freezer. Take over pay ments. EV 2-4163 or 1J33 Hart ford. FREE! FREE! $39.93 TRANSISTER "6" pocket size Radio EREE with purchase of Zero Freeis FREEZER 21 cu. ft. upright $.119.95 23 cu. ft. $309.93 Liberal Trade-Ins Easy Terms Deschutes Farmers Co-op Redmond LI 8-21S1 32-Musical Instruments AKC Chihuahua at stud. 403 E. Franklin, EV 2-3197. COME IN and see the new Baldwin, the only spinet witli en semble pit-sets, its tonal re sources are unlimited. Here is a real organ. BENSON PIANO CO., 63 Gilchrist Avenue. 41 Livestock. Horses RELIABLE PROVED SIRE SERVICE. Frozen semen from ABS great Proved Sires, 6 dairy and S beet breeds. Phone EV 2 3841 or Redmond, LI 8-2113. NEED EXTRA money? Get it with a Bend Bulletin Classified. Here's how. Gather up outgrown clothing, unused appliances and furniture around the house. Phone EV 2-1S11 and place your ad. Convert clutter to cash with a Bend Bulletin classified today. 42-Poultry, Rabbits REND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday through Thursday. 710 E. First EV 2-1012 NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, YOU'LL SELL IT FAST WITH A BEND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD. EV 2-1S11. 45-Sportsmen's column SKJERSAA'S SKI SHOP Open 9 lo 5 p.m. at Mt. Bachelor Thur., Fri.. Sat. & Sun. 714 E. 10th Open 5 p.m. lo 10 p.m. (Closed Sundays! 46-Swap Column TRADE NEW furniture includ ing Thomas electric oi'Ran for equily in 2 bedroom trailer house. Inquire 1139 W. tilh. 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED: HORSES, any type. Also saddles. Phone Madras, 261V 50-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil GREEN OR dry Juniper, any lengin. f.v Z-I7tu. -- JUNIPER AND jackpine. In mediate delivery. EV 2-0877. ROUND AND slab jacknine, immediate delivery. EV 2-3361. JUNIPER, PINE, any l.nitlh. Immediate delivery. EV 2-3215. DRY JACKPINE. Immediate delivery. $12 per cord. EV 2-2S22. Si-Wanted to Rent WANT TO rent 3 bedroom home. EV 2-5.198. 56-Apartments tor Rent ONE AND two bednjom apart ments. Nice location. 1528 W. 51 h. EV 2-4G91. NEW 2 bedroom duplex on East Fourth. Adults EV 2-1.106, evninss. ONE BEDROOM anarlment. Gas ranrje, electricity furnished. inquire S4 Gilchrml., DELUXE Anarlment. unfur nished. Adults, no pets. 323 Tum alo. 57-Apartments Furnished MODERN 1 and 3 room apart ments. Clow in, washing facili ties, TV available. 36 Irving. LARGE MODERN lumished duplex, close in. 522 Hill Street. SMALL APARTMENT, close in. Also enrages. EV 2-9971. NEW, DELUXE apartment, 2 blocks from city cenler. Well fur nished, all electric, parage. Re.T- sonanie rent. f;v z-rciBi. MODERN 1 bedroom duplet, $55 month Including utilities. EV 2-4778. THREE Renm furnished apart ment. Ivabd 913 E. Franklin, EV 2-0187. SMALL MODERN furnished ajwrtmcnt. 344 Delaware. WARM. CLEAN, I room. Close In, 610 Hrrwaway. 80-Real Estate For Sals Low Down Payment Financing Available KERR REALTY, INC. E. 8th and Greenwood Ample Parsing EV 2-2521 HOW SOON CAN WE MOVE IN? Today Is OK on this attractive 2 bedroom Eastsldc cottage. Drive by 1.127 E. 9th and notice Ihe well-landscaped lot, fenced back yard and separate garage. Just redecorated irwide and out. Generous s;f bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout, ulility porch, oil furnace. FIIA 25 year loan. Full price $10,750. HERE TODAY", but maybe gone tomorrow. Fotir bedroom. 2 story home In prime Eastslde location. All electric heal. Rpaclous living room and dining room with a wonderful view. Much below the mar ket at $16,300. Excellent terms. IDEAL FOR TWO. All brlrk construction one bedroom home, close In on Westside. Spacious living room, fireplace, dinette and full basement. In perfect condition arid only $6,300. - REST RUY. The most for your money In this 4 bediwm two story home, Just a block from Kingston school. Paved street, fenced lot. Sec it now for $8,250. TWO BEDROOMS ENOUGH? Tt,en you won't have to look ny further. Positively the nicest In town, In desirable E. lllh loeatlon. Truly Ihe klnr! you must ft to apiireciale. Offered at appraisal price of $11,500. Al. Murphy EV 2-3084 57-Apartments Furnished THREE ROOM modern. Close in, utilities paid. $10 month. Phone EV 2-9970. TWO AND FIVE Room, new ly decorated. Laundry and car port available. EV 2-2617. CLEAN, WARM, inexpensive housekeeping quarters. Also sleeping rooms. Monthly winter rales. LAVA MOTEL. WAHEE MOTEL APTS. Quiet, 3',!i room duplex, auto heat. Garage, TV. Also single rooms. 1450 So. 3rd, EV 2-4151. THREE ROOMS on Riverside. TV available, no pets. $47.50. EV 2-3721 or EV 2-4426. 53-Houses tor Rent TWO BEDROOM, cxlra room, basement. Good location. See 203 Tumalo. EV 2-51.17. TEACHERS! Here's a lovely and comfortable largo home. Ar ranged that 3 or 4 teachers can share and still have privacy. Year around tenants preferred. Near grade and hicii school. $125. month. EV 2-1969. 59-Houses Furnished ONE LARGE bedroom, lame living room, fireplace, kitchen, bath. Inquire 1114 Ogden. ONE BEDROOM, oil furnace, good condition. EV 2-4431. FOUR ROOM modern, In. Garage, fenced yard, $10 month. Phone E:V 2-9970. SMALL Furnished house. Gar age. KV 2-9971. bZ-Insurancs GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY. 1015 Wall EV 2-3752 70-Business Opportunities MAJOR OIL Co. service sta tion in Bend. Good location and gallonage. Call EV 2-3931. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 30x70, on E. Greenwood near 3rd Si. Owner moving to Calif. This valuable income property at $13, 000. Kerr Realty, EV 2-2321. 78-Farms & Acreages TRADE $85.0110 Crude A Dairy with excellent buildings and 1200 pounds quota for a I f a I f a and stock farm in Bend urea with $10,000. to $80,000 valuation. Dun Ion Realty, Rt. 2, Mnlalla, Ore. OR TRADE for Bend proper ty: 4 acres, chickt n ranch, Red mond area. Irrigation and city water. Phone LI 8-4113. jj-ticai tlstate tor Sale See ROGNSTAD About 3 Bdrm home at 958 So. 4th. 1'i baths, built-ins Including garbage disposal. Small down, will trade. KV Z-2HIT EWtNG REAL ESTATE 4II So. 3rd KV 2-2332 Quiet Country living. 3 11. R., 16x2.1 L.R. all rooms are large well located, two car garage Willi work shop. 2 acres with water al so cltv water, room tor your horse. No big Irr. ditch close by. Buy this ranch 4 miles from Bend. 100 acres 60 water. .1 B R. mod. home and only $25,000 with $6,300 dn. Earl Kwing Realtor TO BUY. SELL or TRADE see Bill NI'man eve. EV 2-28(8 Gene RowleV eve. KV 2-20rX1 Evelvn Sampels eve. EV 2-1792 Russell's Realty 233 Oregon Ave. Phone EV 2-3031 CENTRAL OREGON ACREAGES BUTLEIt MARKET ROAD 10 acres 5 acres. CO! water. 3 bed room home and 1 bedroom cot tage. Large garage and barn. $10,500. Some terms available. BEND AIRPORT ROAD 80 acres 6.1 acre COI water. Large 2 bedroom home plus 1 bedroom collage. Good dairy barn, well fenced. $28,500. Some terms or trade considered. CULVER AREA 160 acres 1.11 acres Irrigaled. Good 3 betli-oom home. barn, well fenced. $45,000. 525,000 down, baance at $1,330 per year. Russell's Realty Iirry Keown MnMe Foster EV 2-3.124 EV 2 2.195 Kieth Ramwy EV 2-3103 Bud Russell EV 2-4699 Walt Kittrtdge EV 2-4492 The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, January 16, 1960 7 80-Real Estate for Sale COMFORTABLE II O M E on paved road. Well built. Good heating system. EV 2-261.1. CHEAP 2 bedroom house on Columbia needing repairs or rtAild be moved from lot. EV 2 1306 evenings. KERR REALTY INC. Rcaltor-EV 2-2321 EVENINGS Walt Killredgo Alex Murphy tV 2-4 192 EV 2-3084 8th and East Greenwood VERN LARSON AGENCY HOMES: 2 br. E. side, appraised for $8,000. Will sell for $7,500. .1 br. Awbrey rd. Basement, wired for washer & dryer, big living room, dining room, nice bath. unly $12,3W. 3 br. E. side. V' bath, fireplace, near llieh School. Tiled bath and over 1200 sq. ft. $18,500. ACREAGES: 26 A. close to town, 16 A. water. I br. house. Barn is il II. by (2 ft. $20,000. LISTINGS WANTED! I ! ! I WE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF SEVERAL GOOD THREE BED ROOM HOMES. ONE OF THESE PROSPECTS WILL GO AS HIGH AS $15,000. LIST WITH US FOR ACTION, Vera Larson-Realtor 135 Oregon Ave. EV 2-11.12 Erv 2-3274 NITES Jim 2-5213 MIDSTATE REALTY CO. 103 Minn. Ave., Corner of Bond St. Don H. Peoples, Realtor Phone EV 2-1871 List your Property For Sale With Miditate Realty Co. CITY LIVING in the country. Good three bedroom home. Locat ed close to city limits, oil furnace, family room, fireplace, large at tached garage, big workshop, nice lawn and shrubs, excellent gar den, Price $10,500 Terms EXTRA GOOD 2 bedroom home. Close in, located on 2 large level lots. Automatic forced air oil fur nace, colored bath, largo fire place, Youngstown kitchen, auto matic dishwasher, low up keep. Orjy $8,900 Fit A or GI GOOD 2 BEDROOM HOME. Walking distance to town, paved si., lencen yard, utility minding, extra nice garage, sidewalk. Just $5,750 Terms SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER . . . SEE US FOR RANCHES. EVENINGS - HAROLD rilll. LIPS KV 2-0571 IIAP TAYLOR, Realtor THIS VERY NEAT Ihree-bedi'Oom home on the Eastsldc can be yours for just $9,000. Located on two lots In a good district of new homes. Iirge garage and work shop, Owner will con sider good car or trailer house clear as part down payment. Shown by appointment. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE S27 Wall St. Ph. EV 2-17(11 Niles Arnie 2-4473 Harvey 2-lfiW Hap 2-1.118 Rex J-S5M 91-Farm Machinery OR TRADE, 1958 Model 40 John Deere tractor and mower, for au tomobile, EV 2-30.11 daytime, EV 2H05 nfter 6 p.m. 84-Mobile Hornet SACRIFICE EQUITY: Com fortable, modern 35 foot trailer home. $.100, assume balance. Bend Trailer Park, space 27. JEWEL Trailer house, 1959. 18 foot. Completely equipped. Will lake Irarte or ca.nh. v rv reason able. Call EV 2-2133 before 5:30 p.m. 95-Trucki-Truiler FORI) PICKUP, 1955, '4 ton, excellent condition throughout. Can be seen South Highway 97, KW Mobile Homes, Only 80-Real Estate For Sale THE LAND MART REAL ESTATE PH. EV FOR ACTION: List with Can. Or. Uraait advertiiar Licenied in Or., Idaho, & Calif. IF YOU KNEW where you could l.ixlK hv rm, also 10x13 din rm and a large basement, would you be interested? Il l on paved st k 50xSo ft lot 1 bki from achl, Prlre S1 1 000 LET THE SNOW FALL k the wind blow, while you relax on cold winter nights by the fireplace In you own 3 bdrm home, appx 4 yrs old. Ceilinir ft walls Insulated so you get the most from your electric heat. Garage. Lot 100x140. Appraised by FIIA for $1.1.000, SACRIFICE SALE Tills very comfortable home has 3 bdrms. also very Ig llv rm with fireplace. Lennox auto ol" furnace, p'bd A wired for auto, on H)xl20 ft lot. Appx 9 yrs old. Out ot town owner has reduced price liom $12,000. to $9,500. for quirk sale. II you need a "family home" don't pass this one. It won't last Ion?. 4 YRS OLD S bedrooms with 1200 sq ft of living space, near hi scjih 15x24 llv rm with hdwd fir ft 9 ft Roman Brlrk frplc with heala lator. 14 kilchen dining area. Dbl cedar backed closets, car port with storage. Fenced IS lots. Price $12,000. REPAIR FOR PROFIT This 2 bdrm home needs a new owner who is handy with a paint brush ft hammer. Lots of possibilities. Price only $3,000. A HOME FOR YOUR TRAILER HOUSE or build on for a ham. This unusual piece of fenced properly 50x120 surrounded by lawn and 8 fruit trees In bark. Parking space for your trailer house with a covered cement patio. Adjoining 1fix20 building plbd for washer ft dryer. Septic ft drilled hole. Must see to appreciate. Price $1,200. with $7X1. down. WE HAVE A CHOICE SELECTION OF ACREAGES, CATTLE SPREADS, MOTELS & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Jim Lance Salesman 2-5756 Joe Tilden Asm Broker 2-27CS Carroll D. Pierce Realtor Ph. EV 2-2345 lqrj-Autos For Sale 1953 CHEVROLET Belnir, mo tor good shape, will sell below Blue Book, wholesale. I will fi nance, 54 Gichrisl. TODAY'S SPECIAL 1959 FORD Falrlane Club Sedan, 9000 Actual Miles. $2199 ROBBERSON FORD SALES Across from Bruin field Car Payments Too High? Come to George & Bobs Used Cars In Redmond and trade your '. lale model car for an older one and get rid of high payments. GEORGE St BOB'S USED CARS Redmond Lf 8 .1215 SEE HAROLD HUNNELL and Let Him Solva Your Bear Wheel & Brakat Problems. The Finest In Service MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. AAA WRECKER SERVICE E. Second & Franklin WHETHER YOU'RE buying or selling, you'll save with a Bend Bulletin Classified ad. The cost is low. . .as little as $1.00 a dav. The results fast and sure. Phone EV 2-1811 and let a friendly ad taker help you write your ad. SAVE with Bend Bulletin class! fleds. SAVE SALESMAN'S COMMISSION on thi. fin . used car. Deal direct with OWNER. 1959 Olds 88 four door hard top. A clean car with only 12,000 miles. Well equipped and was turned in on a new 190 Olds. PRICED TO SELL t DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next to Ore. Equip, on Greenwood PARTS SERVICES Guaranteed RAMBLER Trail Rambler Inc. Across from Allen School Phone Anytime EV 2-5311 - GO OUT THE HIGHWAY VOLKSWAGENS" Depreciate 50 less now sedans available in most colors as low as $1762 Immediate Delivery MID-OREGON MOTORS Bend So. City Limits EV 2-3562 CONVERTIBLE 1959 Chevy Impala ? 7900 actual miles V8, overdrive, radio tc heater. Save many hun dreds under new. Bend Garage Co. Your Chevy Dealer 43 Yearn Pickups Hiccups $999 56 the Fords did roar, 6 little pistons Jumping for Joy, 4 big speeds to give it more, needs nothing else that 1 am shore. $995 54 Is my year, Willys pickup inais no smear, 4 wheel drive what a ride, i cylin ders Is nothing to hide, come on out and take a peer, even you may give a cheer. $793 5.1 remember then, Fords were built to run again, A new motor helped a lot, nothing left to be bought, ' ton a popular size, this one la a real prize, VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits LET US PUT YOU IN A TOP VALUE USED CAR 1956 Pontine Star Chief 2-dr. Hard top $1.-l, 1971 Studehaker Hawk $1195 1955 Pontlae 2-dr. Hardtop . $1295 1955 Pontiae I door $1195 MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. E. Second ft Franktin EV 2-2222 AAA Wrecker Service 2-5121 INSURANCE find i very nice 3 bdrm home with