STUDENTS - FREE CLASSIFIED - FIND . A JOB -COME TO BULLETIN IN PERSON Nixon praised by President WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi dent Eisenhower has sent Vice President Richard M. Nixon a per sonal message expressing his "ad miration and respect" for the way Nixon conducted himself during his 10-day visit to Russia. White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty said the mess age was waiting for Nixon when he returned to Moscow Friday from a visit into Siberia. "The President," Hagerty said, "has sent a personal message to the vice president expressing his admiration and respect for the manner in which he has conduct ed himself throughout his tour of the Soviet Union." Text of the message itself was not disclosed. Hagerty's office said the mess age was substantially the same as that contained in the press sec retary's announcement. He had emphasized earlier that it was entirely personal in na ture and contained no official in structions to the vice president. Gun accident claims boy, 4 CAVE JUNCTION (UPI) A 4-year-old Bridgeview boy, Daniel Clinton Smith, was fatally wound ed Saturday while playing with a .22 caliber rifle in the back of a pickup truck when the weapon ac cidentally discharged. Daniel- and a 9-year-old com panion found the loaded rifle in the parked truck near the Smith boy's home near here, according to Virgil Hull, coroner for Jose phine county. Hull said Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith, was dead on arrival at a physician's office here. DINNER AL FRESCO BEDFORD, England (UPI) -Fellow airmen at Chicksands U.S. Air Force Base bet Airman Hor ace Pelle $10 that he Vouldn't eat a live frog. They had to pay. No. n il Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31, 19S8 ol the Family Life Imurance Company ei seauie, in tne state 01 warning. ton. made to the Inauranca Com missioner of the Stale of Oregon, pursuant to law: ASSETS Rondl. 14S1.222.01. Deposits In Federally Insured Sav ings as uoan Assns., souu.uw.w. Cash and bank dannstts. 1247.738.91 Premiums due and deferred (life nd accident and health), 112. 657. 711. Interest and other Investment In come due and accrued, $6,262.73. Total assets. S1.217.S61.41. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND nTHKR rtiNns Reserves for life and accident and health policies, t496.21I.64. Policy and contract claims, $48, TKI91. All nther tlahtllllea. t75.S41.8fl. Total llaibilltles, except capital. 1620,816.42. Capital paid-up. t-VK).Sg7 60. Special aurplus funds. S25.000.0I Ifnaaltfnri iirnltm. 1271. 465. 39. Surplus as regarda policy holders, ioyi.uoz.y:'. Total. $1,217,88141. SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (Accrual Basis) Premiums and annuity considers- Hons, 11.230,985 32. Net Investment Income, 138,017-40. Total. 11. 259.00J.73. Policy benefits, I17J.190.74. Pivmfnti on luDolementary con. tracts, dlvldenc accumulations, and Interest. 11.200 00. Increase In reserves. SI61.J68.45. Commissions, claim and general fn surance expenses and taxes, 798, 479 20. , Other operating deductions, (J, (227. . Total, Nit fain from operaUoni, 1115,' S3R.06. Dividends to stockholders, HO,. o a Other Hems effecting surplus and surplus funds met), iis.ebw.jf. r,.t.i toa onfl 57. Increase in surplus and special sur plus funds, 116. 3W. 4t. BUSINESS IN OREGON rem the year Gross premiums and annuity con siderations collected aunng we year, 38 076 10. Dividends paid or credited to pol Ip.hnM.n rftirtntf the VCir. 10. Gross benefits and claims, endow ments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year, lsi.uwi.uu. Principal office in Oregon, 1021 - Equitable Building. Portland, Oregon. No. 165-105 Synopstl of Annual Statement lor the year ended December 31, 195S of the Security Insurance Company of New Haven of New Haven, in the State of Connecticut, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to lawi ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds, 114.510.043 13. Stocks. 110.220.969.82. Mortgage loans on real estate, 171. 172.12. Real estate, less 0 encumbrances, "caata'and Dana deposits, 11.379.057 ,73 Agents' balances or uncollected pre miums. 13,153.4:12.22. ... Interest, dividends and real estate Income due and accrued, 1!3,443.41. Other assets. 11 333.66 49. Total admitted assets, 135.663,356.36. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses. 13.066. 763 53. Loss adjustment expenses, 1371,594- .Oo Unearned premiums. 110.796.764 44. AU other liabilities. 15.756.567 60. Total liabUttlea, except eapltel, IIS, 00.751 57. Capital paid up. 14.309 351 10. Unassigncd funds taurplus). 111, 363.453 69. Surplus as regards policyholders, IIJ.761.S04. 79. Total. M5.6fil.556.J6. STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned. 111.972.367 31. Losses incurred, 16.000 706 06. Loss expenses Incurred. 1667.171.Tt). Other underwriting expenses Incur red. 15,033.064.89. Total under riling deducatlons. 111,. 700 943 65 Net underwrltlni fain or loss. $371, 443 ST. Investment Income, 1080.117.21. Other Income. -134 831.28. Total, before federal income taxes, 11.223 829.61. Federal Income taxes Incurred. 1175 101.76. Net tncom 0, II .OSO.HI S3. Dividends to stockholder -1157.121- Capttal changes fnett, 1700.000 00. Other Items affecuni surplus (net). 1156. 561.61. Total capital end surplus Items fneti. 1186.301 58 Increase In surplus is regards pol- levholrirr. II 1.17.02' 43. ' BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Direct premiums received, 131.6SS- 02 Dtreet Voseef paid. I 376 5J. Principal office in Oregon, law tqultab.e Building. Portland. Blaze brought under control Special to Thi Bulletin PRINEVILLE - A lightning caused fire at Waterman Flat, north of Prineville, which burned through 1850 acres of new timber was under control today, accord ing to Information from Roy Solt, Hudspeth logging manager. Hudspeth officials said that special assistance from efficient state crews called in by Mel Crawford, district warden, to as sist the Hudspeth Pine and Blue Mountain Mill personnel under the direction of Garland Bohannon limited the loss to what could be called a minimum. The fire situation In the Ochoco woods remains critical, mill offi cials said. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES 2 lines for 1 time only $1.00 2 lines for 4 times onlv J1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines lor 1 time only 51.50 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 6 lines for 1 time only $2 00 5 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines tor 8 times only $6.25 Very low rates for monthly ads. Ads received before 4:30 p.m. Will appear In the following daye paper Tlie BulleUn will not be respunsitile for more than one Incorrect InserUoo SUBSCRIPTION . RATES By Carrier One Month 1.50 Six Months 9.00 One Year .$18.00 By Mail In Oregon One Year $14.50 Six Months 7.50 Three Months 4.00 One Month 1.50 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin. EV 2-1811. In Redmond Al Gordon . Suburban Supervisor, U 8-2840. In Prineville-Mn. Ernest Engs trom. HI 7-6550. The Bend Bulletin tWeekly) 1903- 193L The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est, 1916 Published Every After noon except Sundays and certain holidays by The Bend Bulletin, 738-738 wall street. Bena. uregon CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY It-Appliances mratura 13-AucUon Seles 56- Apertments Kor Kent 57- Apartments Furnished 92-Alrplanes as-Auto Pans Service H-Autus Wanted ts-Autos For Trade 100-Autos Fur Sale 13- Uahy Sitters -Bulldlng Contracting 14- Boals Miiturs 70-Uuslness Opportunities M-Uuslness tnvestmenta 61-Husiness Space I9-Huslness Ouos. Wanted 5-Card of Thanks 63-Cuntracta 12-lXimestlc Services f-Dea'h Notices 43-Doss. Pels. Etc. 40-Farmera Column 49- Fuel Wanted 50- FueL Coal. VAud. Oil TB-Farma Acreages ll-Farm Machinery 4- Funeral Dlrecujra St-Frulti 4 Vesetables SS-Kluwers. Plants, aarubs ts-Feeda Sceda 17 Help Warned 18- Help Wanted Male 19- Heip Wanted Female 55-Housekeepins Kuume 5t-Houss tor Rent 59- H'juses Furnished 91-House Trailers 5- tn Memonam SMnnuranre 1-Lesal Notices 3-Uxties a alienee 10-Lost a Found 26-Luons 19-Llvesloclt Wanted T7-Ula. Bulldlns Sites l-Maaunlc Notices 14- Moving. Trkng. Sturase 17-Money to lan 29-Miscellaneuua for Kent So-Miscellaneous fur Sate 32-.Mulcal Instruments aO-Marhlnenr !-r Sale 89-Machlnry Wanted 28-Mimer Wanted S3-Miorcyclee tor Sale 9-Pera.inals 42- Poultrr. Kahbtts 53-Room. Board 50- Real Esia'e For Sale 15- Share-A-Rldo 16- salcs Pe-ipte. Agents in-service Directory 21-Shoe Repair -Situations Wanted 21-sltuarlons Wtd. Male 25-.SituaUims Wid. Female 37-state Regulated Loons 45Spurtsman Column 46 -Swap Column 60- Traller Space , 74-Tlmberlands 95-Truck-Trailers 47-Wanted to Buy 43- Wanted to B-'rrow 51- Wamed to Rent 63-Wantcd Room. Board 4-Funeral Directors Heider's Bend Funeral Home Hill t Greeley Ph. EV 3-5552 24 hour service Niswongsr & Winilow Funeral Directors Hill Irvim Phone EV J-2471 6-In Memoriam IN MEMORIAM W. B. Crawford In loving memory of our dear husband and father, who passed away August 2, 1958. Time speeds on. One vear has oassed since death 'its gloom, its shadow cast, with in our home where all aeemed bright and took from us a shin ing light. Down here we mourn, bu( not in vain, for up In Heaven we will meet again. Ever re membered by his wife and chil dren. 8-Special Notices New Location MASTFRCRAFT CLEANERS 722 E. Greenwood EV 2-1582 S k H Green Stampe 1 Day Service to Tourists 11-Instruction-Schools U. S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Men-Women. 18-52. Start lush as $95. week. Preparatory training until appointed. Thousands of jobs open. Experience usually unnec essary. FREE information on jobs, salaries, requirements. Write TODAY! Lincoln Service, Pekin 8, Illinois. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE -- ONE WAY OR ROUND TRIP , AVIS RENTA-TRUCK Phone Bend EV 2-2151 or Redmond LI 8-2332 18-Help Wanted Male NEED THREE heavy duty me chanics with Cummings Diesel and Mack truck experience. Phone Prineville, HI 7-5623, eve nings HI 7-7994. 800 FAMILY Watkina Route now available. 91 year reputa tion. A top-grade one-man busi ness, and no experience or mon ey required. Write lor lull in formation to The J. R. Watkins Company, 3903 Brooklyn Avenue, Seattle 5, Wash. 19-Help Wanted Female ADDRESSING AT home. Part- full time. Stars, GPO Box 738, N. Y. WANTED: Woman for general housework, modern country home. Also care ol i chudren, 4. 6. 8. Live in. State age, refer ences. Box 801-B, Bend Bulletin. EXCELLENT Opportunity for ambitious, capable beautician. Call 4794 or write Bunny's Beau ty Bar, Burns, Oregon. 20-Service Directory QUALITY RUBBER Stamps. One Day Service. BEND RUB BER STAMP CO.. EV 2-2876. WROUGHT IRON porch rail ing and columns, custom built. Welding repair work. Phone EV 2-2247 or 1646 Galveston. APPLIANCES REPAIRED Washers. Dryers, Electric Ranges, Ironers, Water Heaters All Makes Or Models. BILL'S ELECTRIC EV 2-2S21 SHARPENING SERVICE Saws plain A carbide tipped plan er, shaper 4c jointer knives. Rou ter bits. Hollow ground Knives & shears. 831 S. 3rd. A. E. Ault Your name etched on tools left for sharpening Free! 24-Situation Wtd. Male HIGH SCHOOL boy wants job. Has had experience in gas sta tion. Russell Chase, 1747 W. 1st., EV 2-3478. FARM WORK, service station, or odd jobs on cars. Arthur Hud son, EV 2-3017, Route 1, Box 148. HAY JOB needed for two boys ages 17 years. EV 2-0502, Route 1 Box 139, Btnd. WANTED ANY type part time work. References. Yard work, cleaning, painting. 17 year old high school senior. Eddie Cecil, 320 S. 3rd. EV 2-2005. 25-Situations Wtd. Female HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes ba bysitting job. Experienced, have references. Mary Jo Summers, EV 2-5160, 424 Woodland. DEPENDABLE High School girl wants babysitting. Call EV 2- 4293. Lael Weston, 734 Broadway. TEENAGER Wants babysitting job. Loves children. Can cook. My house or yours. Experienced. Jeanine Cook, EV 2-5317, 354 Florida. SEND IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BY MAIL! USE THE EASY ORDER BLANK SEND TO: THE BEND BULLETIN Daily Deadline 4:30 p.m. day before publication. (Inch rate display classified must be submitted by 2:30 pm.l Write your ad in the form below, using one word for each apace. Minimum Ad 2 lines, including your name, address, or phone number. Rates for various size ads shown below form. TRANSIENT CASH I LLN'ES: 1 day 4 days 8 days i LLNE8: 1 day 4 days I dayt Nam Address Classification $1.00 $1.50 $2.75 . II 25 $2.00 $3.75 Anouni Enclosed (Cash, Money 27-Gifts. Hobbies ALPINE GIFT HOUSE Has a whole new shipment of jewelry by Hobe. See the lovely items today sets A single pieces. 924 So. 3rd. EV 2-4941 30-Miscellaneous lor Sale SELL $97.00 equity in TV ca ble for $35. EV 2-4420. BARRELS, Suitable for burn ing trash. Call EV 2-5601. ROYALTONE AUTO GLAZE Cleans, Glazes, Protects, Acid Resistant. Sold at Service Sta tions only. Floor sender and edqers for rent WEST SIDE HDWE. Open Daily from 8 to 8 1005 C-alveston EV 2-43 II FREE LOCKER with ',i beef or more. 44c to 53c lb. all cut and packaged to your order. Half or whole top hog only 29c lb. Sell yourself one of our new home freezers and save up to half. MIDSTATE MEAT CO., 37 Greenwood Ave. NEW MODEL Shop Smith with almost complete set of accessor ies. Route 1, Box 330, EV 2-16-14. GIRL'S BICYCLE, Firestone Deluxe, 26 inch. $35. EV 2-2956. SALE - TRADE Used One Man Saws McCuiloch Products E & H CHAIN SAW 132 E. Franklin t'INDERS - TOP SOIL - Fill Dirt Dump Truck Tractor leader Work Phone EV 2-5161. FILL DIRT TOP SOIL Truck, Tractor A Back Hoe EV 2-19S6 BOYS AND girls school clothes reasonable. EV 2-3829. 3 1 -Appliances. Purnituie WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Mavtag Appliance EV 2-1481 40-Farmers Column WIRE - TIE custom Phone EV 2-2644. baling. STRAWBERRIES FOR sale. See Charles Burkart, Route 1, Box 303, Alfalfa Road. 41 Livestock, Horses GUERNSEY Yearling heifers for sale. Phone EV 2-5752. AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE Frozen Semen from High Index Proved Sires. 6 Dairv Breeds, 4 Beef Breeds. Phone EV 2-3841 or Redmond LI 8-2115. 42-Poultry. Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOT ESALE EGGS, chickens, tiiikrvs. Custom Doultrv killing. Poultry received Monday through Thursday. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. HALF PRICE sale on Ham sters at THE RANCH PET SHOP, EV 2-3634. FOUR FEMALE German Shepherd pups, $10. 5-17 Ogden. WE1MARANER Pups, AKC. Mrs. Frank Gilchrist, HE 3-2249. LABRADOR Puppiis. 4 weeks old. Give away. EV 2-2693. GERMAN POLICE puppies for sale, silver tip and black saddle. EV 2-5682. DISCOUNT PRICES ' 4 LINES: I day 4 days 1 days I LINES: I day 4 days I days $1.50 $2.50 $4.50 $1.71 $300 $3.50 City Number Oayi to run , Order, Check, Stamps) 45-Sportsmen's column NEW GUNS. . . Get yours NOW ON EASY PAYMENT PLANS. Get your GUN ON LAY-A-WAY PLAN. ALL MODELS -WINCHESTER. REMINGTON. iAVAUt, Mfc.Vh.Ni, tOX-dou- bits. ALL POPULAR PISTOLS. i REE Scope Mounting, (On guns purchased here). S & H Green Stamps. LARGE SELECTION ON USED GUNS. S & 11 Green Stamps. Evans Fly Co., South 3rd. St., EV 2-5741, Bend, Ore. SPORTSMEN ATTENTION. . . Want to buy, sell or trade a boat. Call The Bend Bulletin for prom pt action. Place at ad in classi fied today EV 2-1811. 20 MORE! FOR YOUR USED OUTBOARD Offer 20;'o More Than Book Value FOR YOUR OLD MOTOR ON A NEW 1959 JOHNSON $1.20 for each $1.00 Blue Book Value See the complete line 3 to 35 HP S H Green Stamps EVANS FLY CO. SO. 3RD. ST. EV 2-5741, Bend, Ore. 47-Wanted to Buy WANT TO buy: Baby stroller. Phone EV 2-1928. 56-Apartments for Rent RIVER TERRACE Apts. new ly redecorated, 1 and 2 bedroom unlurnished. TV available, mod ern, beautiful location. 1528 W. 5th EV 2-4691 57-Apartments Furnished TWO BEDROOM modern du plex apartment. EV 2-0785. SMALL ONE bedroom1 apart-1 meni. uose in, garage. t2i Franklin. EV 2-9971. ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. Close in. 137 St. Hel eas. 58-Houses For Rent TWO BEDROOMS. Garage, fireplace, washer - drver hook up. $60. month. Phone EV 2-4703. TWO RF.DROOMS Plumherl for automatic. Range wiring. EV I 2-3444. 62-Insurance GILBERTS INSURANCE AGCY. 1015 Wall EV 2-3752 69-Business Opps. Wanted WANTED: Local dealership for a fut 1 oil savings device guar anteed by the manufacturer to save from 15 per cent to 40 per cent tor domestic and propor tionately for commercial burners Whose efficiency ratings are 70 rxr cent or lower, rrcier o t company with domestic and com mercial service department, Write P. O. Box 412, Lebanon, Oivgon. 70-Business Opportunities LOCAL MOTEL. Well known, well established. 14 units, roofrd for additional 10. On Hiway 97. Good year around business. Priced to sell fast, owner. 1450 S 3rd. EV 2-2781. FOR LEASE Carter Service Center 3rd. & Greenwood, Redmond Outstanding Dealer Program. Days Lt 8-4118 Evenings EV 2-5697 BUILDING FOR sub-lease cor ner lot 162 Greenwood. See Bert FundingsJand at Fundmgsland Motors. NEW ADDRESS 835 Bond. MOTEL, 10 units, local. Write Box 801-A, Bend Buletin. 77-Lots, Building Sites CHOICE Deschutes river front age. 3 miles from Bend near Meadow Camp. By appointment, EV 2-1601, 133 Jefferson. CORNER LOT at W. 10th and Portland. EV 2-5404. DESIRABLE 150x120 foot fenc ed landscaped lots. Has 1 bed room house and spacious build ing snot ror home or apartment. EV 2-3936. 78-Farms & Acreages SMALL 4 room house, 24 acres, located 2 miles south Bend on Highway 97. LI 8-3952. 80 Real Estate For Sale ONE BEDROOM home with basement. See J. D. Ashby, 1303 Federal Street, EV 2-0892. 80-Real Estate For Sale Buy With Confidence At KERR REALTY, INC. Valt Klttredge 2-4492 Office 2-2521 Ales Murphy 2-3084 THREE OUTSTANDING EASTSIDE HOMES CHARMING AND IMMACULATE. 2 bedrooms, drapes, curtains, ventian blinds and storm windows included. Wall lo Wall carpeting In living room. Oil perimeter heat. View lot on wide, paved street. Priced at only $14,000. Buyer may pay owner s equity and assume mortgage at 4!47 Interest. Other terms available through FHA. FOR THE DISCRIMINATING FAMILY. 3 bedrooms, view living room with fireplace, family room, attractive kitchen with built-in oven and range. Oil perimeter heat. Landscaping and lawns are In per fect condition. Ideal neighborhood close to schools and shopping. This is a "best buy". See It today! FHA financing available. Three bedroom house on two corner lots. Completely landscaped, fenced, paved street, separate 20x24 garage, 1400 sq. ft. living space. All Una for $13,700 00. TWO NEW HOMES On Innes Lane Just Off Eait 8th St. (I block North of Seward.) SUMMER FUN ON YOUR PATIO Ihe dining room-family room combination, redwood planter ana lire place in living room with hardwood floors throughout Including the three bedrooms. Oil perimeter heat and attached garage. Price of $14,000 includes paved street. $500 down on FHA 30 year loan. A HOUSEWIFE'S DREAM. Natural wood cabinets In handy kitchen 3 bedrooms, bath and 4 with ceramic tile, native rock fireplace and wall towali carpeting in living room, hardwood floors In bedrooms and tlining room. Oil perimeter heat and attached garage all on a paved sheet, which Is incluvltd in the price ol $14,500. FHA terms low down payment 30 year loan. , 80-Real Estate for Sale FOUR BEDROOM house near schools and stopping. Our equity, assume loan. By owner, 403 E. Franklin. EV 2-3197. NEW LOCATION DUDREY-HILTON Realtors 957 Wall EV 2-20-12 Deschutes Federal Bldg., Rm. 7 Residential Ranches Businesses KERR REALTY INC. Realtor-EV 2-2521 EVENINGS Walt Kittredge Alex Murphy EV 2-4492 EV 2-3084 8th and East Greenwood Over three acres bulldozed land. Over 15 good building sites. Five 4-room houses, city water, elec tricity, sewer in. $9,500, $1,000 down Discount lor Cash George C. Smith 1815 Newmark Empire, Oregon Tuxedo 8.3521 EWING REAL ESTATE Have several buyers for Subur bans improved or unimproved. 18 Room hotel plus 1. Quarters. $7500 down. Will pay for itself plus wages. 2 BR home modern furnace on corner lot. East of River, close to park. $6500 trade for 3 or 4 BR home. Earl R. Ewlng, Realtor 444 So. 3rd. EV 2-2352 MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Don H. Peoples, Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. Ph. EV 2-1871 Lovely new 3 bedroom home, across from new high school. This home has everything you would want in a new home. Price $17,600 Good terms. Nice 2 bedroom home close to new high school, part basement. A real value $7000 Terms Nice 2 bedroom home, part base ment, lawn sprinkler system, large Bal-aSe' Only $3750 Terms Good plastered 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, part basement, close to foundry. Only $3o00 Good Terms Evenings Harold Phillips EV 2-0571 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor GOOD EAST SIDE LOCATION this veiy attractive, 3 bed room home is Just one year old, has front and back yards in plus flowers and shrubs and still like new in every way. Colored fixtures in the bath room -tub and shower. Hard wood floors. Big utility room. Separate activity room. Locat ed on paved street, surrounded by all new homes. Owner leav ing town. Attractively priced at $12,500 with immediate posses sion. RANCHES, FARMS tr ACRE AGES are our specialty with a real ranch man at your serv ice. Call or see Rex Dick. Nights EV 2-5564. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 Wall St. Ph. EV 2-1761 Nites Arnic 2-4475 Harvey 2-4686 . ART SH0LES Real Estate & Iniurance 40 A. near Tumalo. 36 A. In pas ture and alfalfa. Good barn, and other bldgs. Modern 3 bedroom house, separate dining room, liv ing room with fireplace, farm machinery goes. FULL PRICE $14,000. Smal down. 4 bedroom house, Eastslde. Near school. $8750 FHA. ART SH0LES . REALTOR 1123 So. 3rd. EV 2-2743 Jess EV 2-4317 with slkling glass doors to It from The Bend Bulletin, Monday, August 3, 1959 80-Real Estate for Sale Russell's Realty 233 Oregon Ave. Phone EV 2-3031 WPF.:4 I iSif-M'" I'll I Miarf' I HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING FOR: 3 bdrms w-wnrdrobe closets liv rm w-frplc 16 ft family room Birch kit w-built-in dishwasher Double garage w-lots of storagt Fenced back yard w-patio Hardwood floors thruout Plbd & wired for ldry Auto Oil perimeter heat 60 x 110 ft lot Don't delay, see this attractive 2 yr. old home today. An out standing value at $14,200. FHA Terms. Shown by appointment only. Russell's Realty Larry Keown EV 2-2395 Mable Foster EV 2-5321 Bud Russell EV 2-4699 Kieth Ramsey EV 2-3105 Vern Larson Agency- IT MUST BE THOSE ' 'ONE A DAY' VITAMINS! We sold one Saturday! Not a big one, but just a bare acreage. Now do YOU have one for sale? We sold one Sunday! And it was just about our last listing on a real nice 2 B R. for about $7,ixxi. Now do YOU have another 2 B.R. for about $7,000? We need it. We sold one Monday! A 3 B.R. for $7,600. Now we need another one, is YOURS for sale? We have buyprs waiting. We sold one Tuesday! This was modest home, rental properly. We need more SMALLILS lor around $2500. We sold one Wednesday! Now our 3 B. R. listings are getting low, Do YOU have one tor sale? , Missed Thursday! But several buyers were in, one wanted a 2 B. R. modest, one wanted a 3 B. R. modest, another wanted an acreage witn a low down pay ment. PLEASE! We need listings, they arc going so fast we can't keep up. If you have property for sale please call us. BUYERS WAIT ING. After this week's hassle I'm going to the lake, will be bark Tues day, but Mr. -llogiin will be on hand to tako your listing. VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon Ave. EV 2-1132 94-House Trailers CORNET TRAILER house. 17. foot. Good condition. EV 2-4334. 95-Trucks-Trailers G.MC 1 ton truck, 1957. with stock racks. See Glenn Cole banks, by Petersen's Rock Gardens. 80-Real Estate For Sale THE LAND MART REAL ESTATE PH. EV 2-5121 INSURANCE For action; List with Bend's largest advertiser OLDER BUT STURDY 4 bdrm home In quiet 100 residential durt, near Awbrey Rd, 4 blks to City Center. 2 nicely landscaped paved ror lots 100 x 120. Bsmt with low operating coat Williams Oil-O-Matlc piped oil frnc. Lg liv rm, 2 full baths. Ownor tfrd A must sell. FHA tms, or owner will carry contract with low dn pmt to reliable buyer. A real bargain FHA appraisal price of $12,700. YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT It will be well worlh your time to aee this nice S bdrm home with scenic view of Bend It Deschutea riv. You will be impressed with this wrll planned all elec kit chen with built-in range & oven. Appx 1100 sq ft fir space. Part , bsmt, easily converted into full bsmt. We Invite you to compare this value with any others for only $9,000. Gd. tms. OWNER OCCUPIED , owner built this comfortable E side S bdrm with beautiful landscagied patio In setting of atately pines. Lg liv rm with frplc , picture window view of snow capped mta, 2 car gar. An honest value at low price of $13,250. Might con sider small home in trade. Include this one on your "must see" list. WE BELIEVE the lg wood paneled family rm with frplc & glasi sliding doors opening to patio & fenced rear lawn Is the most outstanding feature of this nearly new 3 bdrm home. Carpeted liv rm also has frplc. 2 lg ceramic tile baths with colored fix. tures. Mod kitchen adjoins family rm with birch cabinet, dish washer, & built-in range oven. DM gar. 75 x 125 ft lot. Wall to wall rugs r custom made drapes incl. Choice E aide location with view. Price reduci-d to SiS.500. Low dn FHA tm. ONE STOP MOTEL Here la a natural, adjacent to restaurant. MaJ oil co erv sta, on heavily traveled US hi-way. Ideal location carefully selected with ample parking, plenty of space for expansion & swim pool. 10 new luxurious units, completely fur nished. 2 bdrm liv qtrs. Present owner Just completed A had heart attack. MUST SELL. Priced for quick sale $60,000. 29 dn, easy tms to reliable buyer. APTS WITH A VIEW A-l income property. 5 apts, no vacancies, waiting list. Each apt has sweeping view of Desch Riv A mta from lg picture windows In liv rm. Metlndotw owner keeps thi property in perfect condition. Price $.16,000. Gd tms. Owner leav ing state. EXCLUSIVE METOI.IUS Restricted 1 A summer hrme mln view ss In famous Mctolius riv area. There are a few left. Price $1,250. 29" dn, Sre or call Kilty Korish, The Land Mart branch office at The Pines Resort, Camp Sherman, Ph. LYwood 5-2409. 80 ACRES 68 A COI WATER. Lg mod 2 bdrm homo among tall shade trees. 30 stanchion barn, lg machine shed, bunk hue, good fences, paved Rd. Well at 20 ft. Fenced 20 hd cow 4V calf Taylor permit adjoins property. Machinery Incl In sale. Price $23,500. $8,000 dn Tms on bal. We have a nice selection of homes, acreages, ranches, motets ; retort property, & busineti opportunities. LET US HELP YOU FIND THE RIGHT PROPERTY AT THE RIGHT PRICE Joe Tilden-Asno Broker lit. 2 27h6 Jim Lnnce-Stlrsman Ph. 2-5754 Carroll D, I'iiavc-Broker EV 2-1IC0 1 Offices, in Bend, Redmond A aiders. Licensed In Ore., Calif., A Idaho . 95-Trucks-Trailers FORD V-8 Pickup. 1955, F350. 1 ton with dual tires, stock rack.' Excellent condition. Consider tradi". Write Box 801-C, Bend; Bulletin. .. RIO U ton truck, 1941, excel-, lent condition, 90 per cent rub ber. Or trade for car, livestock.' Box 801-B, Bend Bulletin. 100-Autos for Sale FORD 6 Ranch Wagon, 19541 Real clean. Trade for 4 speed Vn ton pickup. EV 2-4793. BEST OFFER: 1950 Mercury convertible with Cadillac engine. See 736 South 9th, Redmond, or call LI 8-2S05 after 5:30. BEAUTIFUL 1956 Cadillac hardtop. Low mileage, one own er, top condition. $2,345. Will tnuje. EV 2-3483. Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. are proud to have HAROLD HUNNELL handling your BEAR WHEEL & BRAKE problems and RALPH CANTRELL in charge of the LUBRICATION RACK. For the finest In service its Murray S Holt Motors, Inc. E. Second and Franklin ARE YOUR PRESENT CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? DRIVE OUT AN OLDER CAR With a clear title and NO PAYMENTS 100 Financing bank terms ROBBERSON FORD SALES PARTS SERVICES Guaranteed . , RAMBLER Trail Rambler Inc. - Across from Allen School Phone Anvtime EV 2-5511 GO OUT THE HIGHWAY VOLKSWAGENS,: Depreciate 50 less new sedans available , hi most colors as low as $1,742 Immediate Delivery MID-OREGON MOTORS Bend So. City limits EV 2-3563 CONVERTIBLE '58 PONTIAC Chieftan $2695 Gorgeous pale pink and black beauty with harmonizing interiors Has radio, heater, hydrnmarJc, power steering, power brakes, safeguard speed reminder, WSW tires, very clean condition. Bend Garage Co. EXCELLENT TRADE-INS ON THE NEW 1959 Pontiac-Buick-GMC Special attention to trade-ins on lata model used cars Older Used Can from $50 up Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. Used Car lot E. 2nd b Franklin EV 2-2222 DON'S USED CARS So. of Greenwood on 3rd. 1 Blk. 195S OIDS "98" 4 door eedan with radio, heater, and hydramatlc, aL power steering and power brakes. A real buy at $1695.