CLASSIFIED ADS BRING SUMMER VACATION MONEY! The Band Bulletin, Monday, May 18, 1959 11 She found new significance in Bible following accident Editor's Noli: This U one of a series of dispatches profiling America's maor religious bodies. . ' By Louis Cassels UPI Staff Writer One Thursday evening in Feb ruary, 1868, a frail young wid ow named Mary Baker Eddy was seriously injured by a fall on an icy sidewalk in Lynn, Mass. She was carried unconscious to a nearby home. For two days she remained in critical condition and her friends despaired of her life. Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Eddy asked for a Bible. She read (in the ninth chapter of Matthew) the account of Christ's healing of a man with palsy. Although she had read the fa miliar passage many times be-! fore, Mrs. Eddy found in it, on I this occasion, a new significance, i After a brief prayer, she closed ! the Bible, arose from bed, dressed herself and walked into the parlor to greet her startled friends. Out of this event, and Mrs. Eddy's subsequent reflections, grew one of America's major re ligious denominations The Chris tian Science Church. Formally es tablished in Boston in 1879, it now has more than 3,200 branches in 48 countries. In keeping with Mrs. Eddy's wish, the church does not publish membership statistics, but it is known to have several hun dred thousand adherents. Christian Science is usually identified in the public mind with spiritual healing. But the church's distinctive teachings about health can be understood only in the con text of its basic theology, which is outlined in Mrs. Eddy's book "Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures'." Concept Of Reality Christian' Scientists believe that God is "infinite good" and that all "reality" in the universe is necessarily good, because God created it. The evil, sickness and death which men think they see in the world could not have come from ' God: hence they must be "un real." They afflict men only so long as "erring human belief" causes them to seem real. When men achieve true "spiritual under standing," the "illusions" of sin and sickness vanish, just as a bad dream evaporates when the dreamer awakens. Christian Scientists say that thousands of people have been healed of every kind of disease and ailment, from cancer to brok en bones, by the application of this insight They do not regard these healings as "miracles" but as the natural working of divine laws which are impartially avail able to all men. It should be emphasized that, in Christian Science teaching, the . "healing" that flows from appre hension of spiritual truth is not SEND IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BY MAIL! USE THE EASY ORDER BLANK 'SEND THE BEND BULLETIN Daily Deadline 4:30 p.m. day before publication. ' (Inch rale display classified must be submitted by 2:30 pm.) Write your ad In the form below, using one word (or each space. Minimun Ad I lines, including your name, address, or phone number. Rates (or various size ads shown below form. TRANSIENT CASH 1 LINES: 1 day -4 days I days J LINES: 1 day 4 days I days Name Address Classifi cation . $1 00 . fl.50 . $2.73 . $1.23 . $2.00 . $3.73 Amount Enclosed (Cash. Money confined to physical illness, but also applies to family and busi ness problems, social injustices, psychological tensions and "moral confusions" the Christian Science synonym for what other churches would call human sins. When Christian Science denies the reality of sin, it parts com pany with the main stream of Christian tradition. This holds that evil, however it got into God's creation, is a very real thing, and that Christ's mission on earth was to deliver men from its bondage and enable them to enter into a new relationship of love with God and each other. Views On Christ Although Christian Scientists acknowledge Jesus in their formal creed as the Son of God, their favorite term for him is "The Way shower." They believe that Christ saved men, not from their sins but from their misconceptions, by demonstrating in his healing min istry and in his resurrection "the allness of soul and spirit and the nothingness of matter." The Christian Science Church has no ordained clergy. The heal ing ministry ij entrusted to "prac titioners," men and women who are licensed for this service after careful examination of their un derstanding of Christian Science doctrines. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES 2 lines for 1 time only $1.00 -2 lines for 4 times only $1.30 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 6 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for g times only $6.25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month 1.50 Six Months 9.00 One Year : $18.00 By Mall In Oregon One Year $14.50 Six Months 7.50 Three Months 4.00 One Month 1.50 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations FOB CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin. EV 2-181L In Redmond Al Gordon Suburban Supervisor, LI 8-2840. In Prineville-Mrs. Ernest Enge trom, III 7-6550 TO: DISCOUNT PRICES 4 LINES: 1 day 4 days 8 days 9 LINES: 1 day 4 days 8 days . $1.50 . $2.50 . $4.30 . $1.75 . $.300 . $3.50 City Number Days to run . Order. Check, Stamps) The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903 1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916 Published Every After noon exfcept Sundays and certain holidays by The Bend Bulletin, 736-7:8 Wall Street. Bend. Oregon. CLASSIFIES DIRECTORY SI Appliances Fuitfturt S3-AucUuO Sales 56-Apartment Pot Kent M-Aitartment jrumiiiwd GC'-Airplanes rt-Auto Parti Service fti-Autoi Wanted M-Autus k'or Trade 100-Autui Fur Sale 13- Haby Sitters ..-Building CuntracUnj IMJoaii St Muturs TO-Kuslness Opportunities n-Buslness Investments tfl-ttusine&s Space 69-Busmen Odds. Wanted &-Card ul Thanks &i Contracts 12-Domestic Services 7 Death Notices 43-Dogs. Pets. Etc. 40-Karmers Column 49-Kuel Wanted AO-Fuel. Coal. Wood. OU 78'Fanms, Acreages 91-Farm Machinery 4- Funeral Directors 84-Frults A Vegetables SG-Flowers. Plants. Shrubs 88- Feeds A Seeds 17- Help Wanted 18- Help Wanted Male 19- Help Wanted Female W-Housekeeping Room 58- Homei lor Kent 59- Houses Furnished 84-House Trailers 6-In Memoriam 11-Instrucilon-SchooLs 62-Insurance 1- Legal NoUces 2- Lodges St Societies 10-Lost k Found K- Loans 33-Livestock Wanted 77-Lois. building Sites 5- Masonic Notices 14- Moving, Trkng. Storage ,17-Muney to Loan 29-Mlscellaneous for Kent 80-Miscellaneous lor Salt 3J-Musical Instruments ao-Machlnery tor Sale 89- Machlnery Wanted 2K-Money Wanted 93- Motorcycles lor Sals 9-Persona Is 42-Poultry. Kabbits 53-Riwm. Board 80-Real Estate For Salt 15- Share-A-Rlde 16- Sales People. Agents JO-Servlce Directory 21-Shoe Repair .'Situations Wanted 24-Sltuatlons Wid. Malt ?5-SiluaUons Wtd. Female 27-SLate Regulated Loans 45- Sporlsman Column 46- Swap Column 60- Traller Spact 74-Timberlands 9S-Truck-Traller 47- Wanted to Buy OS-Wanted to Burrow 51-Wanted to Rent 82- Wanted Room. Board 1 -Legal Notices NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE IN USE, PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION OF WATER Notice is eiven hereby that Harry V. and Clara Kerns have filed an application lor the ap proval oi a cnange in use, place ol use and point of diversion of water irom Deschutes River. In the adjudication proceed ings determining the relative rights to the use of the waters of Deschutes River and its tributar ies, a walfr right was establish ed In the name of the Arnold Ir rigation District for the Irrigation of, among other lands, 243 acres thru the Arnold Iium Des diutes River with dales of prior ity of Feb. 1, 1905 and April 25, 1903, said 243 acres described as follows: 20 acres in SW'i NWH. 21.5 acres in NW'i SVf,i, 31.7 acres in SE'i SW!, 25.8 acres in SWJi SEi, Sec. 24 and 12.9 acres in NE',i NE!4, 35.8 acres in NWV. NEVi. 5.7 acres in SW14 NE'4. 0.1 acre in SE'i NE'i. Sec. 23. T. 18 S., R. 12 E.. W. M., and 27.5 acres in NE'4 NWU. 37.5 acres in NWVi NW14, 9 acres in SW?4 NWV4. 15.5 acres in 5E!4 NWy., Sec. 30, T. 18 S., R. 13 E.. W. M. These lands also have a supplemental right to the use of water stored in Crane Prairie Reservoir under Permit Nos. R-1687 and 23256. The point of diversion of the Arn old Canal is located as follows: From the quarter corner be tween Sec. 28 and Sec. 27, T. 18 S.. R. 11 E., W. M., N. 87 degrees 45' E. a distance of 1700.24 ft.; thence S. 14 de grees 26' 30" W., a distance of 123.59 ft. The applicants herein, owners of the land above described, pro pose to iransier ine waicr rights appurtenant thereto for Irriga tion purposes, without loss of priority, to that of Industrial use for the operation of a pulp and paper mill in the NW'i NW1, SW'i NWJ4, NWH SW'4. NE' SW!i, Sec. 5 and the NEK NE'i. SEU NEW. NEK SEU. Sec. 6, T. 18 S.. R. 12 E., W. M and to pump the water from the river for said Industrial use at a point located as ioiiows: Marling at the quarter corner between Sec. 31, r. i( s., K. i E., and Stc. 6, T. 18 S., R. 12 E., S. 67 degrees 00' E. a distance of 4780 ft. to the point of diversion, said point be ing in the SE'i NWU. Sec. 5, T. 18 S., R. 12 E., W. M. Ail persons interested bik iw tided hereby that a hearing will oe nera at ine county courthouse in Bend, Ore., on July 15, 1939, beginning at 10:00 a.m. All ob- jeclions to the proposed change. ii any mere are, win De heard at said time and place. Any objec tions shall be prepared in writinB. one copy to be served on Harry W. and Clara Kems, Bend. Ore., and one copy mailed to the Slate Engineer. Salem. Ore., together with a 12 tiling fee. at least 10 days prior to the dale set for neanng. It no objections arc fil ed, the application may be ap proved oy ine Mate kngtnoer without a hearing. Dated at Salem. Ore., this 14th day of May. 1939. LEWIS A. STANLEY -State Engineer 138 144-149-C 4-Funeral Directors Niiwonger & Winslow Funeral Directors Kill A Irving Phone EV 2-2471 lleider's Bend Funeral Home Hill A Greeley Ph. EV 2-5532 8-Special Notice TEN DAYS Rummage Sale, across from Troy Laundry. 10-Lost & Found BROWN ALLIGATOR key con tainer. Lost between Deschutes Federal and Trailways. Call EV 2-2102 or The Bend Bulletin. 1 1 -Instruction-Schools PRIVATE GERMAN lessons beginning and advanced stu dents. Write Woltgang I'aul. HI. 1. Box 339. Redmond or call U 8- 3062. . 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage LOWEST RATES Rent by the hour day . week AVIS KENT-A-TKUl K Phone Bend EV 2-2131 or Redmond LI 8-2332 18-Help Wanted Male ARE YOU IN DIRECT SELLING Earn $150 a week. Largest line of clothing for entire family. Call on our customers in your area. $1,000 actual samples furnished. No investment. Northwestern Woolen Co., 403 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, JUmn. ATTENTION AUTO MECHANICS Need 2 first-class mechanics. also experienced aulo salesman, Ford-Mercury dealership. Closr est town to John Day Dam Site. All the work you can do. Per centage plus commission. Inter views to be held May 20th, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Pilot Butte Motor Court. Steve Citron, service man ager. Spieckermans. Inc.. Ford- Mercury, Goldendale, Washington. 19-Help Wanted Female PART TIME women with pleasant and pleasing voices who enjoy telephone work. Perma nent part time work. Call EV 2 2031 between 9 and 10:30 a.m. 20-Service Directory , Pump In A Slump? Complete Sales & Service Fairbanks Morse Authorized Dealer Eastern Oregon Willi Ph. EV 2-3311 APPLIANCES REPAIRED Washers. Dryers, Electric Ranges, Ironers, Water Heaters All Makes Or Models. BILL'S ELECTRIC EV 2-2821 CONTRACT PAINTING sat isfaction guaranteed. LI 8-2785, Redmond. SMITH ELECTRIC Residential-Commercial Industrial Sales & Service-Since 1927 1183 Wall Bend EV 2-1371 QUALITY RUBBER Stamps. One Day Service. BEND RUB BER STAMP CO,. EV 2-2876. 24-Situation Wtd. Male CARPENTRY. PAINTING and odd jobs. EV 2-3166. Classified ads will help you find a job. 2 lines for 4 days just $1.50 in The bend uuuetin. f none lv 2-1811. 27-Gifts, Hobbies ALPINE GIFT HOUSE FOR THE GRADUATE Lovely jewelery in copper & silver-beautiful costume sets South Third or EV 2-4941 29-Miscellaneous for Rent EXCELLENT SUMMER pas ture, will take up to 40 head. Crescent Lake Area. Write or call Paul Neil. 3420 Fillmore. Corval- lis. 30-Miscellaneous for Sale 8 - GRIZZLY TV 8 See II? Like It? I have receipt OOOK. LAivLi AUSTIN. MAKE THE test, vou II like it best. Get Glaxo asphalt tile coat ing at MASTERSON-ST. CLAIR. RESTAURANT Equipment for sale. All items in A 1 condition, reasonably priced for immediate sale. 1021 Wall Street. BARNYARD fertilizer by sack. Pulverized and delivered. EV 2 4878. CINDERS - TOP SOIL - Fill Dirt Dump Truck Tractor Loader Work. Phone EV 2-5161. ABUNDAVITA . Natural Supplement for people. Protein Hunza Tea Aloha Glo Bob It Wuma Ixwe EV 2-1032 1355 Harmon SALE TRADE Used One Man Saws McCulloeh Products E & II CHAIN SAW 132 E. Franklin WEST SIDE HDWE. WIRING SUPPLIES Switch boxes, meter boxes, con duit & fittings, interior & exter ior wiring, range wiring, wall & ceiling fixtures. WEST SIDE HDWE. Green Stamps Always Open Daily from 8 lo 8 Sundays from 9 to 2 Galveston ft Columbia EV 2-4311 Repossessed Sale Singer Sewing Machines and Singer Vacuum Cleaners Just Take Over Payments Slant-o-malie-lovely blond finish Fully automatic (Singer mod. 3111 in walnut desk Featherweight Portable AUTOMATIC SINGER CONSOLE In solid walunt cabinet A good selection of portable. t terrific savings cell credit manager or EV 2-3882 SINGER SEWING CENTER 126 Minn. . LV 2-3822 30-Miscellaneous for Sale SCREENED CINDERS fill dirt top soil. Phone EV 2-2499. FILL DIRT, top soil. Truck and tractor work. EV 2-13S6. PORK half or whole, top grade, 33c lb. Cut to your order. Beel half, from 41c lb. freezers as much as $200 off other prices tor same sizes. MID STATE MEAT CO. SPECIAL Three piece used bath set $49.50. New i piece bath set 5119.50 com plete. Sttel septic tanks, 500 gal. S67.50: 300 gal. $47.50. s ' sheet rock $1.99 each, this week. Lay tex Wall paint 53.65 gal. House paint, while and colored $3.65 gal. . u Day s balvage and supply N. Hwy 97 EV 2-3S01 TWO TWIN size box springs and matlrcsscs, 1645 W. 5th. TV CABLE. Auto luggage car rier. EV 2-0672. UI1F Antennas, 53.95 each. 18 Rebuilt 17" . 21" TV Sets. I RCA Motorola - P. Bell - Admiral - Hoffman) 550.00 and up. Those were traded on new 1959 Zeniths at TRI CITY TV SERVICE 508 S. 61 h, Redmond Phone LI 8-2624 " Sell your used furniture or what have you. It's spring cleaning time and The Bend Bulletin will do your selling job for you. Call EV 2-1811. TV CABLE for sale, $75. EV 2 0928, 401 Riverfront. 31 -Appliances, Furniture WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Mavtag Appliance EV 2-1481 COUCH. PLATFORM rocker: matched set, $20. EV 2-3201. 36-Flowers, Plants, Shrubs COYNERS Chrysanthemum plants. 57 Pinecrest, Saturdays, Sundays, afternoon until 8:00 and weekdays, evenings, a to 8:00 p.m. 40-Farmers Column 160 EWES with lambs. $25. pair. EV 2-1480. WEANER PIGS for sale. EV 2-3815. FOR SALE bred sows EV 2- 2644. WEANER PIGS for sale. SIX Phone EV 2-3824. 4 1 -Livestock-Horses AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE Frozen Somen from High Index Proved Sires. 6 Dairy Breeds. 4 Beef Breeds. Phone EV 2-3841 or Redmond LI 8-2115. FARMERS ATTENTION Sell direct to slaughter. We pay highest cash prices. CITY MEAT MARKET, EV 2-1301 TWO GENTLE saddle horses, 1 Shetland pony.gentle for small children. John oage. Powell Bulte, Ore., phone PrineviUe HI l-IKU. HOLSTEIN MILK cow for sale. EV 2-5366. 42-Foultry, Rabbits BEND-EGG & POULTRY WHO! ESALE EGGS, chickens, tuikeys, Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday through Thursday. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. COCKATIEL, talks whislles, tame. EV 2-0672. BOXER, 2 years, male. Fawn with white blaze. AKC. EV 2- 0717. 44-Boats & Motors FOR SALE 16 h p. Scott. Like new, call EV 2 0740 alter 5 p.m. 13 FOOT Wizard glass boat, and custom-made trailer. $300. Can be seen at 610 Trenton. 45-Sportsmen's column FOR SALE: Glass Spin Rods 2-pc. OnlJ $2.95 Spinning Reels Only $3.50 & $3.95 Spinning Outfit Complete Only $6.95 (rod, reel, Une) Hollow Glass Spin Rods 2-pc. Only $6.95 3-pc. Bamboo Fly Rods 2-tips Only $5.95 SAH Green Slamps (at all times) JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Get them Easy Payment Plan. 3 H P. Motor Only $166.00 5'i H P. Motor Only $239.00 10 H P. Motor Only J.U1.00 IS H P. Motor Only $ 108.00 35 H P. Motor Only $:vl4.00 35 H.P. Motor Elcc. Only $648.00 50 H.P. Molor tlnlv S773.UU (SH GREEN STAMPS) Easy Payment Plans (Charge Accounts) EVANS' FLY CO. 732 So. 3rd St. BEND, OREGON SPORTSMEN ATTENTION. . , Want to buy, sell or trade a boat, Call The Bend Bulletin for prom pt action. Place an ad In classi fied today EV 2-1811. For Your SPORTING GOODS NEEDS See BOB'S SPORTING GOODS 519 E. Third BOATS - THE BEST Only Bellboy has a complete line, 13 It. bantam to 21 It. cabin cruisers. 14 ft. Alumcraft self hale ing transom, rated for 35 h. p, and car top loader. $425.00. See us before you deal. Free demon stration ride. Your Bellboy and Evinrude Dealer, Oscar's Sporting Goods, .Main M. Phone 2062, Madras. Ore. 24-1 lour Bait Service Night Crawlers And Salmon Eg?s KEN CALE HARDWARE 3rd. tc Greenwood EV 2-5211 FISHING at Tumalo Lake. No license required, boats, nib ins, camping. Take Tumalo Falls Koad. TWELVE FT. aluminum boat motor and trailer $523 00. Like new. EV 2-1315 or inquire 454 E. Burnside. 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED . CALVES . day old or older. Need between 15 or 30. Whiteface preferred, will take others, EV 2-0386. SO-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil DRY JACKPINE wood. Week end delivery. Any length, EV 2- 51-Wanted to Rent. WANTED June 8th. 2 bedroom unfurnished house. Woman teach er, son, pels. Preferably near high school. Write 9803 Whitlier, Spokane, Wash. 53-Room, Board ROOM AND board for retired or working men. Extra noon meals served to non-Boarders. EV 2-3039. 54-Rooms for Rent SLEEPING ROOM. private home. Phone EV 2-3357. 56-Apartments for Rent RIVER TERRACE Apts. new ly redecorated, 1 and 2 bedroom unlurnisheel. IV available, mod ern, beautiful location. 1528 W. 5th. EV 2-4691. 57-Apartments Furnished TWO ROOM cabin. Electrical ly equipped. Access lo shower. 623 Hill Street. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Clean. 425 Columbia, EV 2-3959. EXCELLENT 3 room, close in. garage. TV cable, heat, water. EV 2-4318, evenings. MODERN 3 room, close in, washing facilities, TV available. Inquire 36 Irving, EV 2-4966. FURNISHED Apartment, close in. Also garages. EV 2-9971. FOUR ROOM, modern, furnish- ed apartment. Available May 21st.. Inquire 160 Irving, Apt. 4. CLEAN, furnished apartments. Fair rent. 745 Colorado. EV 2- 3532. THREE ROOMS. Utilities, ex cept electric, paid. Walking dis tance. Adults only. 312 Harriman. ONE BEDROOM, modern. Util ities paid, except electricity. Only $45. 362 Riverside. EV 2-3054. 58-Houses for Rent MODERN 7 room partly fur nished. Close to school, 1615 W. jili. TWO BEDROOM house, base ment. Will redecorate to suit ten ant, immediate possession, EV 2- 4S32 alter 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM, clean, close in, plumbed lor automatic, EV 2- SS19. 59-Houses Furnished SMALL HOUSE with garage. Westside. EV 2-9971. . THREE ROOM Furnished, Lights paid. 137 St. Helens. OR UNFURNISHED three bed room house in Redmond. EV 2- 62-Insurance GILBERTS INSURANCE AGCY. 1015 Wall EV 2-3752 70-Business Opportunities COFFEE SHOP for rent. Phone EV 2-4662. MAJOR OIL heating oil and gasoline distributorship $10 $12.- 000. year lncone. J6.-J.SO00 capi tal needed to handle accounts re ceivable only. Trucks, plant, ser vice station and equipment fur nished. Call Portland BU 9-5558 or write P. O. Box 569A, Kenton station. MODERN SERVICE station for lease. Double bay lube room Excellent location for tune up ana ngnt repair, smnn invest. ment. Phone Leo Peltier. Red mond. Signal Oil Co. Dist. LI 8- 2614 or 4266. 80-Real Estate for Sale TWO BEDROOM house, very clean, westside. EV 2-0706, eve nings. TWO BEDROOM home on West Side. Corner lot. $3,800. EV 2-2368. KERR REALTY INC. Realtor EV 2-2521 EVENINGS EV 2-3009 8th and East Greenwood HIREE BEDROOM house, Rest easlslde location. $9000., FHA. EV 2-2818 eveninea. week ends. VERN LARSON AGENCY VERN LARSON-REALTOR A NEW ACREAGE LISTING, 5 acres, 3 acres water, 3 bedroom home with electric heat, sprinkler system, chicken houre, tool house good garage. You could raise al most everything you need on this acreage, with beautiful mountain view. Priced right at $10,500. WE HAVE TWO NICIES on the East Side, both are 2 bedroom, one has a fireplace, nearly new homes, small down payment un der FHA, one Is $11,500. the other $11,700. YOU SHOULD SEE THESE. THREE DREAM ACREAGES, all have beauliful homes. Any one would suit a Country Gentleman. These are not cheapies. ANOTHER J BEDROOM on the east side. Full basement, beauti ful lawn and trees, double garage. Owner will sell for FHA appraisal. TWO DUPLEXES-Both are In good rental locations. Ideal in romc property as they are al ways rented. THREE BEDROOM HOME on West Side, only $8,000 wilh $1,000 down. This one is for you, Mr. ramiiy Man. fine construction, big kitchen, big utility room. ' VERN LARSON AGENCY New location tt the High Det er! Lend Ofit, 135 Oregon Ave. EV 21 132. 80 Real Estate For Sale LOANS ON Real Estate to $2, 500.00. COMMERCIAL IND. FI NANCE CORP. 107 Minnesota, EV 2-2621. LOVELY EAST side home. Three bedrooms with 2 lull b.ilhs. Custom drapes throughout. Wall to wall carpeting in living mom and hallway. The kitchen is housewife's delight with built in range, oversized oven and dish washer. Two fireplaces. Large family room, 2 car garage. The large backyard adjoining Pilot Bulte Slate Park, is fenced. EV 2-41S5. IN Drain, Oregon, 8 nxim house for sale. 3'a acres fruit and garden. Make offer, write F. W. Berg, 431-12, Fortuna, California. FOUR BEDROOM at 459 Broadway. $7500. EV 2-3357. HAP TAYLOR Realtor - , EAST REVERE AVENUE BEAU TY just listed. This home is one year old but as perfect as new. Yes, it has three bedrooms, spacious living room, U-lype kitchen and dining area, balh with colored fixtures, tub, and -shower, and a king-sized utility. Oil perimeter heating. $12,100 F. 11. A. with $400 down and nor mal closing costs. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 822 Wall St. Ph. EV 2-1761 Nites Arnie 2-4475 Harvey 2-4686 MIDSTATE REALTY CO- Don H. Peoples, Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave . Ph. EV 2-1S71 40 acres, 10 acres water, close to Bend, good highway, nice view. uniy s:muu Terms. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY . 2 apartments. Front one has 2 large bedrooms,' basement, tircplai-e, not furnished. The oilier apart ment has 2 smaller bedrooms and completely furnished. Automatic furnace heat. Price $89j0 Reason able terms. Nice 2 bedroom home. Wall to Wall carpet in front room and bedroom. This home is on paved street, close to school and church, also town. Only $5750 with $600 awn. Good 2 bedroom home, nice fenc ed yard, good garage, on paved street half basement. Only $3500 -jaw awn. Good trailer location, 2 room house on concrete foundation, shade. Only $1500 Terms. EVENINGS Harold Phillips EV 2-0571 Russell's Realty 233 Oregon Ave. Ph. EV 2-3031 N:t: irr--- OWNER LEAVING; must sell this Immaculate 2 bdrm, full bsmt wfruit room, plod & wired for ldry, 24 ft. liv. & din. comb. Con venient kit, wired for range, piped wood or coal furnace. Elec range, refrigerator and auto washer in excellent condition Included in price. 100 X 100 ft. paved corner lot. Full price $S,Ono.OO. FHA terms or assume existing Stale GI Loan. Russell's Realty Larry Keown EV 2-2395 Klelh Ramsey Mahle Fojter EV 2-5324 Bud Russell EV Z-3105 EV 2-4699 80-Real Estate For Sale THE LAND MART : REAL ESTATE Ph. EV 2-5121 INSURANCE FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER ARE YOU LOOKING AHEAD? Then secure your future by Invest ing in this 100 ft. fmnlnge on Greenwood w ith nice 2 bdrm home. An investment that Is sure to enhance in value as good com mercial property. Price $15,000. Terms. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to trade your well located smaller home lo be used as income for this luxurious older well kept home, located in choice residential dist, close In. 3 hdrms, spacious liv rm wfrplc, din rm, full bsmt, 2 car gar, beautifully land scaped with flowers, shrubs, berries, A underground sprinkling sysm. Price $13,750. Owner will trade for smaller home & carry balance. Shown hy nppm't only. YOUR HAPPINESS will be assured In Ihis lovely 3 bdrm home In choice E dido residential. It is lust 4 yrs old with every re quirement for modern living. Try & duplicate this one for $12,500. Call for appm't A JI.S.'iO HOME In a $15,000. E side residential area, near rhl & shopping. Out of town owner will sell equity, accept low dn pmt, or lesre for 1 yr with option to buy, ACREAGES BUSINESSES INCOME SACRIFICE 80 ACRES Owner leaving, wants fast sale. Nicely located . Just off paved rd, appx 5 ml to Bend. 29 A swalley water (oldest b cheapest rt $3.00 per A) Crops in alfalfa, grain, & nature, all fenced. 5 rm home, garage, & bam. Taxes only $93.00 yr. Price only $8.5(10. 1w dn pmt will handle. 2 ACRES CITY WATER Owners home, plus 3 separalc rentals. Total Income mo.. Waiting list for rentals. Price $2.3.500. 7 ACRES 6 A WATER,, plus City water. Deluxe 4 bdrm home, 1400 ft of water frontage. 2 car gar. hay bam, cow barn, shop, sprinkling svsm. alfalfa A pasture. Price $17,000. , COUNTRY ESTATE NEAR 'CITY Deluxe 4 hrlrm home, cost $35,000. 52 acres with 25 A water plus city waler. A bargain at $12,000. DAIRY QUEEN A money m.iker. Owners son does not like business. Must sell. Act now on this one. Price only $13,000. Easy terms THRIVING COUNTRY GROCERY E.'t.ililWiid 24 yrs by present owner, who Is p'lirlng. No comKMilion nice living qtrs. Another bargain at $16,000. Terms. SPORTING GOODS STORK. Key location, great potential In fast growing recreational area. HMg 38 x 54. 2,000 sq ft floor space. Nice liv quarters. Blilg it all fixtures Incl in selling price of $10,000. Terms to reliable p.uty. Joe Tilden-Asso Broker Ph. 2-276K Jim Ijtnee-Salesman Ph. 2-5756 Carroll D. Pierce Broker EV 2-1S30 Offices In Bend, Redmond & Swlcrs. Licensed in Ore., Calif. & Idaho 80 Real Estate For Sale LOCAL MOTEL. Well known, well established. 14 units, roofid for additional 10. On Hiway 97. Good year around business. Priced lo sell fast, owner. 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-2781. DUDI'.EY-HILTON Realtors' 1050 Bond EV 2-2042 Residenlial Ranches Businesses 91-Farm Machinery D7 CAT 3T Series B & D. Will sell or trade for cattle, Red mond, I.I 8-3353. 34-House Trailers Need a trailer for your summer vacation? Put an ad in the classifi ed. The Bend Bulletin for results EV 2-1811. 95-Trucks-Trailers JEEP PICKUP, 1955, 4-wheel drive, 25.000 miles, $1200.00. Keith Cutstorlh, Sisters, KI 9 2103. TWO-WHEEL utility trailer A-l condition. Can lie used as bout trailer. EV 2-1218. 100-Autos For Sale DODGE, 1916. Cut down to pickup. Also a V-8 motor with 4 speod transmission. EV 2-3633 or 2.'4 K. Ke-nrney. PARTS SERVICES Guaranteed RAMBLER Trail Rambler Inc.; Across from Allen School Phone Anytime EV 2-5511 LESTER HOUK CENTRAL OREGON MOTORS QUALITY USED CARS E. 7th 4 Greenwood EV 2-2792 R0BBERS0N FORD SALES For Better Used Cars Open till 8 p.m. Mon-Frl. Open Sun. 12 noon-4 p.m. Used Car Lot Across From Bruin Field 100 Finance Bank terms Phone EV 2-2842 . MID-OREGON MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN Lowest depreciated car In the world. Bend So. City Limits EV 2-3562 Don't let your car be Repossessed Let lis lower your payments from $90.00 to $20.09. Come in and sea how easy it Is, George & Bobs Used Cars Redmond LI 8-3215 OR TRADE: 1928 Model A coupe LI 8-3356, Redmond. CHRYSLER. 1949 4-door. Ra dio, heater. Good condition throughout. $150. EV 2-3397. 1946 FORD Station Wagon. hClean, motor excellent. $125.00 cash. Mile nortn Drive-In-theater. Bloomer. , WARD MOTOR CO., INC. Across From Pioneer Park 1954 CMC Panel. 4 speed $895 1950 DODGE 4x4 box $995 1917 STUDE 2 ton truck $193 See Frank Cran . EV 2-3981 Take Your Choice! SO P.UICK Sdn.. Std. trans $195 50 PONT1AC Sdn., RAH, Hyd. $195 50 FORD Sdn., R&H, Odr $195 Bend Garage Co- OK lot across from Wagner's DON'S USED CARS 1 blk. so, of Greenwood on 3rd. 1953 OLDS "98", 4 door sedan, radio w-lth rear seat r-peaker, fresh air heater, hydramatio transmission, power steering, pad ded dash, tinted glass, especially good mechanically & excellent body condition. A real buy for $793.