The Biggest Used Car Center In Town Is In Your Newspaper . . . Shop The Classified The Bard Euiistin, Wednesday, Anarch 4, 1959 9 Survey of U. S. school bus silualicn made after crash By United Prest International There are no national standards for school buses and a United Preis International survey showed today the bus t.'.at carr.ed more than 80 children into a Georgia pond Tuesday nv.ght be typical of hundreds in operation. The Georgia accident killed nine children. The maximum number of chil dren that can be packed into a school bus varies trom slate to state, the survey found, and in some states there are no specified maximums. A school bus is overloaded, ac cording to the National Safely Council, when there isn't a seat for every pupil aboard. A council spokesman said his organization had established operating prac- tices for school buses and that the state of Georgia did not provide regulations in conformity with these standards. Georgia School Superintendent Claude Purcell said even if the bus were overloaded his depart ment could do nothing about the situation because the buses are the responsibility of local school systems. California Bans Standing Alabama, Wyoming and Florida laws do not specify maximum load, but Dade County (Miami), Florida, considers three children to a seat and one to a pole as a limit. In South Carolina the max imum load is "23 per cent above the authorized overload," that is above the manufacturer's rated capacity. In California there must be a seat for every pupil and in Illinois and Wisconsin the lop number is 72. Indiana permits four pupils to a scat. Elsewhere, West Virginia per mits some instances of 33 per cent overload, and the North Car olina Board of Education allows a 25 per cent overload. The max imum bus load in Nevada is 72. in Tennessee 48 to 50. in Ohio 73 with a 10 per cent overload, and in Massachusetts the limit is 60 with 15 standees. Driver Requirements Vary There also is variance in school bus driver requirements. In Phil- Dog license business brisk Sale of dog licenses boomed business in the office of County Clerk Helen Dacey in February. The coffers were swelled from this source to the tunc of $3041 last month. Total receipts in the clerk's of fice were $4568. Of that amount, $1279.80 was for recordings and filings. The balance, not including the dog licenses, was from miscel laneous sources. Nine marriage licenses were is sued in February, and eleven di vorce actions were filed. SEND IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BY MAIL! USE THE EASY ORDER BLANK SEND THE BEND BULLETIN ' Daily Deadline 4:30 p.m. day before publication. (Inch rate display classified must be submitted by 2:30 pm.) Write your ad in (lie form below, using one word for each space. Minimum Ad 2 lines, including your name, address, or phone number. Rates for various size ads shown below form. TRANSIENT CASH 2 LINES: 1 day St. 00 4 days I-50 8 days 3 LINES: 1 day ... 4 days 8 days $2.10 . S1.25 $2.00 S3. 75 Name Address Classification Amount Enclosed (Cash, Money adelphia school bus drivers get the toughest physical test of any city employes. They must have no chronic ailment and must be un der 55. In Buffalo drivers must be between 26 and 34. In Florida the age limit is 70. In Alabama the only requirement is that at least 16 years old and have a driver's license. , Doctors await results of new Dulles treatment WASHINGTON (CPU Secre tary of State John Foster Dulles' physicians today suspended mas sive radiation treatment of his abdominal cancer to observe his reaction to an injection of radio active gold. They planned to resume the six-day-a-week treatment with a million-volt X-ray machine in a few days. The injection of radioactive gold in a coffee-colored liquid into 1 Dulles' abdominal cavity Tuesday I morning was a one-shot treat ment. It was decided upon hy Maj. Gen. Leonard D. Heaton, j commandant of the Army's Wal ter Reed Medical Center, and a panel of consulting physicians. They had decided tentatively on the injection when the radiation treatments were started at the ; hospital Feb. 20, although it wasn't announced at the time. After Dulles showed "satisfac tory response to X-ray therapy," the physicians went ahead with the radioactive gold injection "to reinforce" the radiation treat ments. A medical spokesman said ra dioactive gold has been used "quite commonly" as a one-shot treatment of intestinal cancer for several years. 6 appropriation bills approved SALEM (UPII Six appropria tion bills involving no money from the general fund were pass ed by the House today and sent to the Senate. They provided budgets for the Stale Land Board, the Board of Architect Examiners, the Board of Naturopathic Examiners and the State Veterinary Medical Ex amining board. The boards are all self-sustaining. TO TEACH SEX BUDAPEST (UPI) Hungari an youths between 10 and 14 years of age will learn "norms for sexual life" as well as Marxism-Leninism in a new Hungarian school text book, it was reported today. TO: DISCOUNT PRICES 4 LINES: 1 day 4 days ft davs 5 LINES: 1 day 4 days 8 days $1.50 $2.50 $4.50 $1.75 $300 $5.50 City Number Days to run Order, Check, StampsI Danger of spies and kidnaping noted on sign By Phil Newsom , UPI Staff Writer BERLIN ( LTD The sign over the entrv wav to the Marienfeld Refugee Receiving Center says: I i "Beware: Danger of spies and kidnapping. "Beware of conversations and ! invitations. "Observe border when near East Zone." 1 This is freedom gate to the nearly 3,000 refugees from Com munism who put a grey past be- hind them and flock each week from Communist East Germany to a hopeful but uncertain future in the West. The sign over the doorway is a last reminder that their flight to freedom is not yet quite over. j Jail Or Worse The East Zone border is only ' minutes away from the Marion-! fold center and the unwary refu-1 gee who is wanted badly enough still can be snatched to a future which has no uncertainties at all. It would be jail or worse. Beyond the gate, Gerda Nusch ke and her two children have passed through interrogation and their medical checkup. The children are a girl of 10 and a boy of 8. She stands now in a room crowded with three double-decker beds and a small table. The room is clean, but after all it is a small room and six people have been assigned here. Her story is one of double trag edy repeated only too often in a world divided by bitterly clashing philosophies. Left behind in East Berlin were her husband and another son of 15. Gcrda Nuschke is a plump, pretty brunette in her early 30's. She wears a neat pleated skirt and red sweater. A New World Does her husband know where she is? He knows now because she left a note for her son who, like his father, is already a dedicated Communist. She fled because she didn't want the two other chil dren brought up the same way. ' The two younger children did not know yet that they probably would not see their father and brother again. She didn't smile much because there was little to smile about. A young man, once an assistant professor at the University of Halle, had come out with his wife, two children, and his 70-year-old mother-in-law. He hoped his father, an Evan gelical minister, would not have trouble. These were only a few of the hundreds who arrive each , day and are processed with machine like yet sympathetic precision. Within 12 days they will be some where else in West Germany. Births and deaths occur here in the days of waiting. In the sunlit nursery, nurses hover over new-born babies who, like their parents, just have en tered a new world. Sweeping search made for plane LISBON, Portugal (UPD U.S. planes from Spain, Morocco and the Azores joined Portuguese air craft today in a sweeping land sea search for a DC3 missing with two Americans aboard. Pilot G. W. Grossoehmc, Walnut Creek, Calif., and co-pilot Thomas Price, Niles, Calif., were ferrying the plane from the United States to Thailand. They were last heard from about six hours after they left the Azores on their way here. That last report, giving the plane's position only as "13 de grees west," said the Americans had decided to bypass Lisbon and try to fly straight through to Madrid. The incomplete position report placed the plane over the Atlantic, several miles short of the Portu guese coast. Because it omitted the plane's latitude, the searchers were uncertain just where it was in a north-south direction. Castro to visit United States NEW ORLEANS (UPIl-Cubnn Premier Fidel Castro will visit the United States April 17 to address the American Society of Newspa per Editors, it was reported here Tuesday night. 11 will be Castro's first trip to this country since he appeared in Miami and Tampa, Fla., in the summer of 1956 to raise money for his relicl forces. George W. Healy Jr., president of the editors' society, said here Tuesday night he had received definite acceptance from Castro to speak at the group's annual meet ing in Washington, D C. Healy is editor of the New Or leans Times-Picayune. Bill to lower school age put on table SALEM (UPI) The House Education Committee Monday ta bled a bill which would ha e low ered tho compulsory school at tendance age in Oregon from 18 to 16 years. The measure was opposed at a hearing last week by school ad ministrators and Labor Commis sioner Norman Nilsen. The committee voted in favor of a bill providing for school dis tricts to set up instruction facili- j ties for retarded children, with state aid, if there are more than i 12 such children in a district. I A bill setting up state scholar-! ships for training teachers to in-' struct retarded children also was approved. Also approved for pas sage was a bill increasing the basic school allotment for the re tarded children program from $118,000 to $356,150 a year to fi nance the district-state plan. CONSIDER TRAINING RANGOON. Burma (LTD The Burmese Chamber of Deputies took under consideration today a bill that provides for compulsory military training for both men and women. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Sl AnpItancps fui.inur 3.VAui:llnn Sales 66-Alwrtments For Kent 57-A pari menu furnished 9'J-Airplanes 96-Au'o Tnrts Service M-Auttn Wanted 93- Autos For Trade 100-Autos Fur Sale 13- Hahy Sitters 2L,-Bulldlng Contracting 11- Itoats & Motors 7f) Huslness Opportunities M-Iiusincss in vest men is 61- liusini'ss sphlv 59-1 Justness Opps. Wanted 5- Card of Thanks 6:t-Conlracts 12- Domestic Services 7-Doath Notices 43-Ooss. Pets. Etc. 4ii-KarniPrs Column 43-Fuel Wanted 50-Fuel. Coal. Wood. Oil 7S-Farms Arreaces 91 Farm Machinery 4- Fiineral Directors 3-1-Fruits & VcjretablM SB-Flowers. Plants. Shrubs 3S-Feeds & Seeds 17- Help Wanted , 18- Help Wanted Mate Ifl-Help Wanted Female 55-Housekeeping Rooms 5S-Houses for Rent 59-Houses Furnished 94- House Trailers 6- In Memoriam 11 -Inst ruction-School 62- Insurance 1- Lejtal Notices 2- Lodges & Societies 10-Lost & Found Sfi-Lnans 39-Uvestork Wanted 77-Lots. Building biles 5- Masunlc Notices 14- Muvlng. Trkn. Storage 37-Money to Loan Miscellaneous tor Kent 30-Mlscellaneous (or Sale 32-Musieal Instruments 50-Machinery for Sale 59- Machinery Wn tiled 2S-Money Wanted 9,1-Motorcvcles lor Sale 9-Personals 42-Poullry. Rahnlts S3-Room. Board 50- Real Estate For Sal 15- Share-A-Ride lfi-Sales People. Agents .. 20- Service Directory 21- Shoc Repair 23- Situations Wanted 24 - Situations Wnl. Male 23-Sltua lions Wld. Female 27-SIale Regulated Loans 45-Snorlsman Column 16 Swap Column 60- Traller Sitae 74 -Timber lands 95- Truck-Trailors 47- Wanted to Huy 48- Warned to Horrow 51- W'anted to Rent 52- Wan led Room. Board PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES 1 Unei fur 2 lines tor 2 Unei tur 4 Unei tur 4 line tor 4 lines tor 8 Unei tor t lines tor 6 lines tor 1 time only SI. 00 4 Umei only SI. 50 It Umei only 11'. 75 1 time only SI M) 4 times wniy JJ.bO If times only U.M 1 time only TJ.U0 times only 8 times only S6.2& for monthly ads. Very SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month . 1.50 9.00 $18.00 Six Months One Year BY Mall In Oregon One year Six Months Three Months One Month . $14.50 7.50 4.00 . 1.50 Member, Audit Bureau ol Circulations FOK CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bend Bulletin, EV 2-1811. In Redmond AI Gordon, Suburban Supervisor, LI 8-2&10. In Prineville Head Newspaper hoy, Larry Mammon. HI 7-52'.)7. The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 11103 11)31. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every After noon except Sunday and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-73S Wall Street. Bend. Oronon. 4-Funeral Directors Niswongor & Winslow Funeral Directors Hill & Irving Phone EV 2-2171 3-Personais As of this date March 2, 19.")!), I will not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Ijoiiglas Canlrell 14-Moving, Trkna, Storaqe MOVE YOURSELF AND SAVE with a U-l)rivo Van from AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK Phone Hend EV 2-21'd or Redmojid LI 8-2332 14-Moving. Trkr.g, Storag , MOVING? DO IT Vuiirselt and save 'i Truck & Trailer rentals. Graffeiv ber:or'4 M.-bil Sin ':v MS l'-Help Wanted DEPENDABLE PERSON f.-r afternoon tvp:i!)rr motor mule in Prmevillo. Inv!ves delivery, collection :md selling. Pays monthly commission and miie ago allow. nice. Must have eco nomical car and live in Prine ville. Experience working with public preferred. Hours involve approximately 4 lo 6 p.m. daily after first month's training, if you need supplemental income and have die above qualifica tions, write. Riving- full details lo: Circulation Manager. The Berel Bulletin, Bend. Ore. WANTED VORMickcr.s73lM Riverside, call EV "J (WIS. iS-Help Wanted Male SALES PERSONNEL Three men with direct or refail selling background or fhe sin cere desire to enter sales field. If you are bondable, have auto, good personality and able to be away from home Monday to Fri day you may qualify. Salary, expense and bonus ar rangement. This is a permanent connection with rapid promotion to the right man. Write to Personnel placement Box 1594, Portland, Ore., give your age, address and past work record. GROCKRY CLERK, male, 21 to 30 years, previous e.)cricnce. Neat appearance, Rood personal ity ami ambition essential. Safe way, Mend. 19-Help Wanted Female PART TIME Women with pleasant and pleas ing voices, wiio enjoy telephone work. Permanent, part time work. Call EV 2-2031 between S:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. only. 20-Service Directory WROUGHT IRON porch rail ing and columns. Custom built. Phone EV 2-2217. We repair electric irons, coffee makers, waffle irons, food mixers, toasters & all appliances, any make. BILL'S ELECTRIC 912 Hill St. HEDEN'S SAW REPAIR Handles put in. Garden tools sharpened. Work guaranteed. EV 2-328-1. Route 2, Box 21. 30 Miscellaneous for Sale CINDERS - TOP SOIL - Fill Dirt Dump Truck Tractor Loader Work. Phone EV 2-5161. ABUNDAVITA Natural Supplement for people. Protein . Hunza Tea Alpha Glo Bob & Wilma Lowe EV 2-1032 1335 Harmon PORK half or whole, top grade, 3.c lb. Cut to your order. Beef half, from 4le lb. Freezers n.s much as $200 oft oilier prices for same sizes. MID- STATE MEAT CO. See The New Styles MINNESOTA WOOLEN CO. ED HALDY KNAPP AEROTRED SHOES Phone EV 2-5143; if busy, EV 2 5131. ROUND WALNUT table 54", call EV 2-1988. DUOTI1ERM OIL healer. 5 room size with tanks and tubing; bookcase, 4 shelves. EV 2-5319 after 5:30. SALE TRADE Used One Man Saws E & H CHAIN SAW 132 E. Franklin PLUMBING SUPPLIES Cast iron and galvanized pipe fittings Bathroom setg Kitchen sinks Medicine cabinets WEST SIDE HDWE. Green Stamps Always Open Daily from 8 to 8 Sundays from 9 to 2 Galveston & Columbia EV 2-4341 REPLACE YOUR Spark plugs with S. A. Fire Injectors. Guar anteed for life ol car, tractor, outboard. More pep, power, mile age. Never need cleaning, ad justing. Central Oregon Dealer. 174 E. Franklin, EV 2-0756. 31-Appliances, Furniture WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Maytag Appliance EV 2-1481 HOME FURNISHINGS for 5 rooms, Phone EV 2-2975, or 535 W. 14th. OR TRADE: 25 cubic foot up right freezer; any or all 7 nnins furniture lor camp trailer, EV 2 2147. 39-Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED Will Pick Up At Ranch L.J. HUSTON EV 2-0158 WILL BUY or contract any class or amount of cattle. Valley Livestock Marketing Assn. Stock ton, Calif. Call or write Fred Hall, 301 W. Cascade, Redmond, Ore.. LI 8-4160. 40-Farmers Column POTATOES $2.50. will cHivi r Monday and Friday or drive out i mile east on Perm from 8th street. Crosswhile, EV 2-1925. 41 -Livestock, Horses CENTRAL OREGON DAIRY BREEDERS ASS'N. Serving the area since 1919 in artificial insemination. B"nd EV 2-2253 Redmond LI 8-2729 nml I.I 8-2133. SHORT HORN bull, milking strain, also several cows coming fre'.h. No Salui'l.iy calls please. LI 8 4134. 41 . Livestock, Horses ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY I FEEDER CATTLE No herd 1ik small, none t,x big. Krom 1 lo 11R) head. Yearling's, Calves, what have '-u. Write Bind Bulletin B.x 33-A. AMERICAN BREEDERS I SERVICE i Frozen Somen from High Index Proved Sues. 6 Dairv Breeds, 4 liii'f Binds. Phone EV 2-3SI1 or Redmond LI 8-2115. FOR SALE I Six top quality Registered Mere- i lord Ratine Hulls, two years old. j Clean pedigrees-no dwarf blood- j ired by top Herd Hulls from Chandler Horofords, Raker. Ore., 1 and Crowe Hereford Ranch at Melville, California. j See at (.liven Valley farms, Smith ; Junction, Oregon, 1- miles from .junelion ol Hiwys 07 and 1117, on Deschutes River. Phone Maupm 23S3. 42-Foultry. Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY Wlto: ESAI.E EGGS, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Mondav onlv. 710 E. First EV 2-10-12 43-Doqs, Pets, Etc. LARGE Assortment of Baby Parakeets. Seed and Gravel Free with purchase of bird. RANCH PET SHOP S. Dalles-Calif. Hwy. EV J 45-Sportsmen's Column FISHING TACKLE . . .NEW 1939 . . .Tackle Items, are now in IN VITATION, conic out and look over the 11)511, Tackle Items. . We meet or beat all PRICES . . . (S&II Green Stamps) Evans Fly Co. South 3rd. EV 2-5711 HARLEV DAVIDSON Motor cycles parls accessories. Full line Boats Trailers etc. FRANKS OUTBOARD SHOP, your local Mercury out- hoard motor dealer. South 3rd at Wilson. For Your SPORTING GOODS NEEDS See BOB'S SPORTING GOODS 51!) E. Third 47-Wanted To Buy WANT GIRI.S 24" bicycle, used. Phone KI S-2342, Sisters. 48-Wanted To Borrow I WANT to borrow $3000.00. Will repay $01.27 per month, 36 months. P. O. Box 21, Bend. 50-Fuel. Coal. Wood. Oil JACKPINE for sale $12.00 cord. Free delivery. EV 2-2S2 5 1 -Wanted To Rent YOUNG ENGINEER desires 3 bedroom lurnislted house. Excel lent references. Hich rent lor good home. EV 2-1551. 54-Boom for Rent NICELY Furnished berlroom. Private bath, outside entrance EV 2-3S76. 56-Apartments for Rent THREE ROOM, unfurnished, by hospital. $10. per month. N. E. Gilbert, EV Z-37a2 or JiV 2 3367. LARGE 2 bedroom apartment above tho Flower Garden. 15 Greenwood, EV 2-5161. RIVER TERRACE Apts. new ly redecorated, 1 and 2 bedroom unfurnished. TV available, mod ern, beautiful location. 1528 W. 5th. EV 2-4691. S7-Aoartments Furnished CASA GRANDE Motel has ex cellent apartments you can af ford. Stay this winter where It is clean and comfortable, llont, water, lights, garbage disposal furnished. Sorry, no phone calls. 1130 South 3rd. DESIRABLE 3'4 and 4 ',4 room duplex. Auto heat, garage, util ites included. TV. Wahee Motel, 1430 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. MODERN 3 room, close In. washing facilities, TV available, inquire 36 Irving, EV 2-4966. ROOM WITH bath, kitchenette. Close in. Phone EV 2-5519. DOWNTOWN SINGLE apart ment. Ground floor, automatic licit, knotty pine interior, view. EV 2-3878, after 4. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Electric range, nice rugs. No children or pels. EV 2- 3S76. TWO BEDROOM. Clean, close in. ;i3. month, lib mil. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Close in. 527 Franklin, EV 2-9971. 58-Houses lor Rent TWO BEDROOM, plumlied for automatic, rnone EV 2-inrei. TWO BEDROOM modern, close in, EV 2-1988. OPTION TO buy: 2 bedroom modern home. EV 2-1818, or in quire 1006 Delaware. TWO BEDROOM, ' near Mar shall School. Hione EV 2-5519. 59 Houses Furnished SMALL 2 bedroom. Large fenced yard. 1224 Union, EV 2- 3682. 60-Trailer Space WOODLAND TRAILER PARK "THE BEST COSTS NO MORE' THE BARN MOTEL EV 2-1074 61-Business Space FOR LEASE: Sireel-level business offieo in premium down-town location. At tractive lease may be had. Avail able February 10th. 135 Oregon Avenue. EV 2-1761. 62-Insurance GILBERTS INSURANCE AGCY. 1015 Wall EV 2-3732 70-Business Opportunities BARGAIN! BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITY! Get set for the centen nial!! Downtown business with $12,500 worth of equipment. Sac rifice for only $3500, terms. Vein Larson Agency 817 So. 3rd. EV 2 1131 80 Real Estate For Sale THREE BEDROOM house F1IA. 512.500. 622 E. 4h. EV 2 21U9 aller 5 p.m. and wteketids LIST WITH I S. We Can S '. It It The PRICE and TERMS Arc RIGHT. DCimEY-HII.TON. Realtors ' 1050 Bond EV 2-2042. TWO BEDROOM home. 31:'. Dell Line. EV 2 -2ii!2. WATER FRONT. :i bedroom house. Electric heat, by owner, 302 Harmon. $3IHUI() down. Lovely oasi side home. 2 large bedrooms, fire place, wall to wall carjiet, ment. double gaivige. 2 lots. a praiscd $12,027. S7S.00 month in cluding insurance. 1135 E. 9th, EV 2-1135. $:;i)0 DOWN. Tluvo bedroom house on 2 well landscaped lots. Eastside. near schools, moun tain view. EH A appraisal, $9430. EV 1-51 15. Midstate Realty Co., Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. Ph. EV 2-1S71 RELIEVE IT OR NOT! A 2-RED-ROO.M. double constructed, frame home on concrete foundation for 3-REDROOM, 1'i story home, basement, automatic forced air he'at, 2 lots, pavement. $11100. FHA ceimnntmcnt. WELL IMPROVED 12(1 acre farm 73 acres COI water, all in alfalfa and irrigated pasture, 2-liedroom, modem home, outbuildings fe'uod. -2,.iuu. with JfaUU. cash. Acreajje, Vi and l.G acres with COf water, close in. VERN LARSON AGENCY NEWLY REMODELED home on Golf Club road, 2 ucrus, 2 acres water. Only $9,550. SMALL HOME, modern, 1 B.R. Onlv $2,100. 1 B. R. on West Side, onlv $275 down, full price $3500, easy terms. We have 2 places with small homes in rear of lot, for rental. Let the little one pay most of the payments. 817 So. 3rd St. Phone EV 2-1132 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor WHY WORRY ABOUT SPRING CLEANING, why not move in to a clean, attractive home on the Eastside and avoid cleaning the same old floors and win dows again. This home has just been listed and is priced at the remarkably low price of only $11,500. This fine two-bedroom features a lovely living room, party room or third bedroom in tho daylight basement, dining room, convenient kilchen, balh wllli both shower and tub. ulil ily porch, and that all important double garage. Only $350 down with normal closing cosls on low-down FHA. Call today. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 822 Wall St. . Ph. EV 2-1761 Nites Arnie 2-4475 Harvey 2-1686 GILBERT'S TV HOOKUP Goes with this at tractive 2 bdrm. home on paved St. Tinted batli fixtures, Lg. kit chen, utiily plumbed, insulated. At tractive asbestos siding, fenced yard. $4700.00, with $500.00 (In. Consider car or pickup. $3700.00, With $750.00 dn. 8c $35. 00 per month for IhLs 2 bdrm. home with lg. garage plus hobby room, i enced yd. corner lot. 4 REDRMS: Lg older home, insu lated, automatic hent, lg. livmg rm, fireplace, oak firs. Appraised at $11,480.00. Sale price $10,000.00. 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 80-Real Estate For Sale THE LAND MART REAL ESTATE Ph. EV 2-5121 INSURANCE FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER Central Ore. headquarters for home, ranch & businesi propertiei WHY YOU SHOULD SEE this 3 bdrm home before you buy. It is well located on rapidly growing K side where properly values definitely enhance in value. A lg 16 x 21 liv rm &. frplc wilii picture window view of mis. A beaulilully landscaped patio with barbeque In selling of stalely pines & junipers with small live stream thru properly. Lg 2 car gar with work bench .it storage. You can't go wrong on this price of $13,250.00. FH A 1ms. IF YOU'RE IN THE MARKET for a heller home on a 100 x 110 ft premium lot in 100', residential area near Drake Park, then let us show you this very livable home. Spacious liv rm wfrp!c & lg picture window, din area, handy pullman kit with breakfast area, nice utility wdbl tubs & extra j balh. 3 lovely bdnns, tile bath with shower, ample wardrolics & storage space. Select oak floors thru out, bsmt with furnace rm. Upstairs spare for 2 additional bdrms or studio. Garage woarporl. Near schl & Drake Park. An exceptional bargain at $15,IHK). FHA terms. WHERE CAN YOU FIND a 3 bdrm home like this one anywhere in Bend for $11,000. on FHA trims. It is located on a beautiful 100 x 110 ft view lot all landscaped & terraced with outside covered patio & fireplace. Ideal for summer living. Liv rm has wall to wall rugs & cor window view of Deschutes Riv & city of Betid. Handy utility plhd & wired. Musi see to appreciate. Call now for appm't. ' LIVE MODERN When we say live modern, we Invite you lo see for yourself a truly beauliful home, located on choice E. side lot adjoining the park. Here is the last word in a mix! home designed for present day living. Live rm wilh frplc richly paneled back wall. Panoramic view of mts K- juniper forest. 3 artistically deco rated bdrms with ample wardrobe space. 2 full lile baths. All elei; kit with range, oven & dishwasher. Peninsular snaek bar separates kit from din area. All formica counter lops & work space. Spacious activity rm w(ireplaee fc sliding glass doors to beautiful lawn k patio, utilily plhd & wired, 2 car garage, many additional extras. Impossible to duplicate this home today for owners selling price of $19.0110. FHA terms. TRADE YOUR ACREAGE FOR HOME Nice 3 bdrm home. 4 rs old, near hi schl. Owner will sell or trade for acreage with city water. Price $13,000. SELDOM CAN WE OFFER YOU an exclusive home on State St. Hero is a verv fine older home with bsmt & oil lurnaep. FHA appraisal $14,250. Loan $I3.7(K). Down $550, Shown by appm't only. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? 80 A 29 A Swalley water. Mod home, small barn, chick hse, completely fenced wilh good fences. Price $8,300. Terms lo reliable buyer. 200 ACRES 70 A CULTIVATED Good 3 bdrm home, plus fair trn. ant hse, new pump hse, small barn, tool died & chick hse. Good fences, cross fenced, paved rd. 4'i mi. out. Price $15,000. Terms lo reliable buver. IT COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK LET US HELP YOU FIND THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT PRICE Jim Lance Salesman Home phone EV 2-57." 1 Joe Tdden Assoc Broker Home phone '.'.V 2-27( 1 Carroll D. Pierce Realtor Home phone EV 2-lS';0 Offices In Bend, Redmond & Sisters Licensed in Ore., Calif., Idaho B0-Real Estate For Sale Russell's Realty 21'! Oregon Ave. Phone EV 2-30.11 CONVKNIKNT LOCATION with in walking distance of town St schools. J ni co Ixlrms. Jure liv. nn. w-frplt. Kit. wiivd fin rano, mil. plmb & wired for ldry, auto t'loc heat, parage & storage. Only $7,:00.(H). KI 1A tonus or as sume existing G.I. loan. Russell's Realty l.arry Keown EV 2-2303 Keith Ramsey EV 2-3103 Mable Foster EV 2-5321 Bud Russell EV 2 1699 94-House Trailers HAVE S2730 equity ,n 45 foot, 1957 model, 2 bulronm mobile dome. Excellent condition. Need furniture or will take other val ue. EV 2-3167. 836 McKinley. STEWART. 1951 . 31 foot, east ern built. Perfect condition. Con sider ramp trailer in trade. Tine Tr.c Trailer Court, EV 2-3137 or 1)131. 100 Autos For Sale PLYMOUTH STATION Wagon. 1931. six. Straight shift, ton con dition. EV 2-32S3. after 6 p.m. T A I. nV'l-'n nivmnnK VIM? Old's Super SS. EV '2-3243. PACKARD SSj cash. Excel lent tires, now battery. EV 2- 0783. JEEP, CANVAS half lop, new condition. EV 2-32S3, after 6 p.m. Don't Let Your Car Be REPOSSESSED Let us lower your monthly pay ments from $90 to $20. Come in today and see how easy It is. GEO & BOB'S USED CARS Redmond LI 8-3215 LESTER HOUR CENTRAL OREGON MOTORS QUALITY USED CARS E. 7th & Greenwood EV 2-2792 Hunnell Motors DODGE PLYMOUTH Phone EV ?-3811 FOR FINE CARS SEE ROBBERSON ' FORD SALES E. 3rd. Across from Bruin Field Ph. EV 2-28-12 MID-OREGON MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN Lowest depreciated car in the world. Bend So. City Limits EV 2-3562 TRAIL RAMBLER INC. Across from Allen School Phone anytime EV 2-5511 DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk S. of Greenwood on 3rd EV 2-2831 1934 FORD 4-dr Sta. Wgn., $1093 1955 FORD 4-dr Sta. Wgn. $1493 1957 C1IEV 2-dr. Sharp. $1695 1955 PLY. Belvedere 4-dr. $1295 OK PICKUPS 57 CHEV '.i Ton, 3-Spd. $1595 57 CHEV 'i Ton, Long box. $1595 57 DODGE ?i Ton, 4-Spd. $1595 Bend Garage Co.