Thers's A The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, Jan. 17, 1959 7 " wi'iu- in mpijitig ,i . ' Arr;,r '-., . i 'I . 'I v A -. .-111; 3 E " - .- , f CALL TO ORDER Redmond's new Mayor Don Hinrpan presided at his first meeting Tuesday night in city council room. (Bend Bulletin Photo.) Jot 'Working' Yet Jusf Any Day Now, They Should Get Organized By Frank Eleazer , UPI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (UPD-A lot of people apparently got the impres sion that the 8Gth Congress 'started last week. Let's say rather that it convened last week. Any day now j it'll bo organized and can get down to business. i The senators, as usual, encount ered delays. First they had to talk a while. As a matter of fact they talked until Tuesday, settling such j issues as how long to talk about j how long to talk about how long ' to talk before closing debate. They finally got that worked out, with results you have read elsewhere. The agreement roughly was that anytime Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Tex as thinks they have talked long enough, the voting will begin, two thirds of those present assenting. Another problem also has been happily solved. Little Beagle John son, who was missing two days, is back. This relieved widespread con cern among Senate functionaries and brought joy to the hearts of the aforementioned Sen. Johnson: Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson, his wife: and Lucy Baines Johnson and Lynda, Bird Johnson, their daught- Industrial Slock Average Sefs Record in Past Week By Elmer C. Walter j UPI Staff Writer NEW YORK (UPI) -, The; industrial stock average set a new : record high during the past week j and all but scaled the 600 level j which has been something of a j goal for the bullish element. The average closed the week at j 5!)i.75 up 3.03 points on the week. That was a record closing high. The Friday intra-day high was 5911.89. The intra-day high is an average of the highs of the 30 issues used to compile the aver age. It is practically impossible for all the stocks to make their high at the same time and hence such average never is touched in the market, but it is regarded as highly important by the statis ticians. Having for all practical pur poses hit the 6O0 mark, there is a prospect the market mav en counter profit-taking. This figure was something of a goal for the bullish contingent and hence hav ing achieved it they may wish to realize some of the fat profits that have been run up in the past year when the market was in an almost straight line rise. Small Gains Gains in the leading averages were small on the week and also small in the first 11 sessions o( 1959. The railroad group had the best advance percentagewise The rail average closed the week at 167.17 1 up 3.59 points. Thev hit a new j high since 19:fi on Thursday and j closed Friday with a loss of less . than a quarter point. Utilities closed the week at a 20-year high at 92 18 up 0.41 ! points. The composite average ol : these three averages set a record high at the week's close at 208.05. The industrials eased on Monday and had a decline of nearly 2. points on Tuesday. They gained the remainder of the week Hails were off Ti'csday and Friday I Utilities dipped on Tuesday ami! Thursday j The business climate was ai'rop- j able to the market and nothing untoward occurred on foreign fronts to hurl the market'r amounts )f money seemed to lie Home Looking For You To Live In...See The news no doubt will be well received also by Lady Beagle Johnson and little Beagle Johnson Jr., other members of the John son family who reside at a place known as the LBJ Ranch in a town known, somehow, as John son City, Tex. Little Beagle Johnson disap peared from the Johnson home hero Monday.' Somebody turned him in to a vet two days' later. limping from a bruised left shoul der, apparently the victim of an auto mishap. Getting organized hasn't been near so much of a problem in the House, although it did take Speak er Sam Rayburn an hour or two to liquidate a revolt by liberal members wiio wanted to change the rules, and a phone call or two to take care of another recalci trant bloc that had promised to make trouble for a new member named Alford. Old House hands won't stand on as much ceremony as senators, anyway. Already this week vete'r an Rep. Carl Vinson (D - Ga.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee which has not yet been created, went before the Rules Committee, which doesn't exist yet either, and got permission to hire a new staff and start work. available each time prices slipped back although profit-t a k i n g seemed to be gaining headway in. the final session of the week. Steel output reached a new high since June 1937. Electricity pro duction set a new record. Coal output rose sharply on the week as did car loadings although both of these were under a year ago. Retail trade rose above a year ago Auto output was up on. the week and on the Vear, while con struction held high. Individual stocks outperformed the general list. CIT financial and commercial credit got a jolt when it was learned the Ford Motor Co. plans to set up its own financing agency for the purchase of new cars. That would mean a big competitor for these two com panies. Top Gainers American Metal Climax en joyed a spurt when it was learned a method had been found lo cast molybdenum in which the firm specializes. American Motors was whirled up more than 3 points on Wednesday on a sharp rise in its December sales. It fell back from ! the high on realizing. The market leadership lacked the issues Wall Street likes to see in the active spots. The actives included such issues as American Motors, ,1. I. Case, AVCO. United Clgnr-Whelan, CIT Financial, and American Metal Climax. Steels enjoyed a good market late, in the week. The high-priced ones were the best performers. Inland Steel ran up on a stock split proposal. Youngstown Sheet got a lift on hopes for a split in that issue. None of the recog nized leaders except National which is included in the average group mado an outstanding per formance. Sales for the week totaled 21.013.080 slimes, a daily average o f 4.203.01K shares and the most since the four-day Thanks giving Day week of Nov 28. In lite previmiv v.eck sales totaled 20,107,001 shares or 4,167,520 daily Labor Leaders Pleased With Appointments WASHINGTON' (LTD Labor leaders were heartened today by appointment of five liberal Dem- , ocrats to the House Education ; and Labor Committee. I j AFL-CIO officials said the new ! i members ei d the increased Dem-', ocrotic margin over Republicans ; 20 to 10 lire! improved chances for labor-bached legislation. i The House committee often has been a burial ground for union supported bills. Labor sources said major AFL CIO goals at this session of Con gress were an anti-racketeering bill, certain Taft-llartlev Law re visions, and extension of coverage under the federal minimum wage law. Meantime, Rep. Carroll D. Kearns (R-Pa.t, top GOP mem ber of the labor group, announced he will sponsor President Eisen hower's labor program in the House. He said it contained "no union-busting tactics" and should be acceptable to both Democrats and Republicans. Kearns said the proposals would protect union rights, tighten laws on secondary boycotts, protect un ion treasuries against irresponsi ble officials and provide for "true and responsible collective bargain ing." The Democratic Committee on committees, presumably acting with the approval of Speaker Sam Rayburn Tcx.), filled all five Democratic vacancies on the com mittee with newly - elected con gressmen from the northern in dustrial areas. One liberal Democrat predicted that on many issues the new line up would give liberal forces an 18-to-12 edge over the Republican southern Democratic coalition which frequently forced a 15-13 deadlock last session. The new committee Democrats were Reps. Roman C. Pucinski (111.) Dominick V. Daniels. (N.J.); John Brademas, (Ind.); Robert N. Giaimo, (Conn.), and James G. O'Hara, (Minn.). But at the same time that Dem ocrats were loading up the labor committee with liberals, Repub licans made certain that conserv atives will have stronger control over the House Rules Committee which controls the flow of legisla tion to tho House floor. 'Robert Rich' Turns Out to Be Dalton Trumbo HOLLYWOOD (UPI) The iden tity of Oscar winning screen writ er "Robert Rich," the man no body could find two years ago to put a gold statue in his hand, was revealed Friday night. Dalton ' Trumbo, who said he wrote under the pseudonym be: cause he had been blacklisted by the major studios for refusing to .state his political beliefs, unveiled his masquerade as the prize win ning author of the movie "The Brave One." Frank King, producer of the picture,, confirmed Trumbo's claim. The 53-vcar-old writer of such films as "Thirty Seconds over To kyo" and "A Guy Named Joe," made the disclosure Friday night on a local television program. Trumbo was ono of Hollywood's "10 unfriendly witnesses" before the House un-American Activities Committee in 1947. He was an $80,000 a year writer for Mctrd-Goldwyn-Mayer before and was convicted of contempt of Congress May 5, 19)8 for refusing to say whether he was a member of the Communist Party. He was sentenced to pay a $1,000 fine and served a year in jail on the contempt conviction. Trumbo revealed his identity less than a week after the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sci ences repealed a by-law banning Communists and "Fifth Amend ment witnesses from receiving Os- I' FORGETS EYEGLASSES LONDON UPI r Viscount Hail ! sham. Conservative Party leader, t had to scrap his prepared speech i and speak off the cuff to a meet j ing of industrialists here Monday I night. He forgot his eyeglasses and was unable to read his pre pared text. 4-Funeral Directors Niswonger & Winslow Funeral Directors Hill & Irving Phone EV 2-2471 Bend Funeral Home Hill & Grreey Ph. EV 2-5552 9-Personals I WILL not be responsible for any debts ether th;m my own after January 15, 1959. Ernest J. Martin 10-Lost & Found LOST: MODEL 870 Remington shotgun in Vale, Oregon. Re ward. EV 2-5517. LOST: Man's brown wallet, vi cinity Bond Stive I. Send COD, John A. Jejnos, Izee Route, Can yon Citv. Oregon. LOST SHORT haired lirnwn an I black Da.schunel. 316 E. 5th EV 2-1786. 14-Moving. Trkng, Storage Save More . . . Rent Trucks from AVIS. Low Rales include Gas and Oil. AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK Bend KV 2-21M or Redmond LI S-2J32 17-Help Wanted WOOL PUESSER. Good pay, working conditions. Contact Madras Cleaners. Madras. Ore. EXTREMELY VALUABLE EX CLISIVE FRANCHISE AVAIL ABLE. Unlimited potential profits. Small investment required. Write Box 115-A, Bend Bulletin, for full details. 18-Help Wanted. Male BOYS, 11 or older, for Bulletin street sales cr'w. Apply Circula tion Department, The Bend Bul letin I NEED two men who always thought that they would like to sell. To qualify, you m'vst be over 21 and have a car. See me Monday, January 19th, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Room 13, OKane Blelg., Bend. 20-Service Directory Cost too High? See PAGE CABINET AND PANEL Residential Construction, Re modeling, Cabinets and Finish Work. Formica Specialist. Phone EV 2-3S03 CARPENTRY, Paint in?, Han dyman. Reasonable. EV 2-3166. 37 Years Experience In Electronics Home & Car Radio Record Plavers RIES RADIO & TV 612 Franklin Phono EV 2-5621 For Norge Appliances - Tappen Built-in ovens and ranges-kitchen aid dishwashers-all your wiring and heating needs-call BILL'S ELECTRIC today-EV 2-2S21 29-Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT, store building 25x60. with or without living quarters, EV 2-17S7. 30 Miscellaneous for Sale TOP SOIL - (ill dirt - cin ders. Loader work. EV 2-2199. ABUNDAVITA Natural Supplement for people. Protein . Hunza Tea Alpha GIo Bob & Wilma I. owe EV 2-1032 1355 Harmon FOR SALE Used One Man Saws E & II CHAIN SAW 132 E. Franklin S&H GREEN STAMPS. . . At Evan's Fly Co. "Sportsman's Headquarters" Purchase where your money goes the farthest and receive S&H Green Stamps. REPOSSESSED NECCHI SUPER NOVA portable, including Free Winchester .iO-30 Carbine, used only 4 months. Take over bank contract. TED M1KELS' VAC UUM CLEANER & SEWING CENTER. Ill Minn. EV 2-4842. ROLL-A-WAY bed, antique walnut sette, Coldspot refrigera tor. EV 2-5431. CINDERS - TOP SOIL - Fill Dirt Dump Truck Tractor Ixwider Work. Phone EV 2-5161. FEDERAL Enlareer. 2'ix3. like new, $30; Model 52 Winches ter heavy barrel target rule, special trigger, ironsides, scope, Willi case: Model 70 Winchester. super grade 22 Hornet, $125; 2 cot mattresses, $2.50 each. Small saddle, $75; Bench grinder with stand, 540. Phone EV 2-0566. BUILDING?? GALV. IRON ROOFING $10.00 sq. t" Galv. pipe 15c ft.. Vi" 32c rt. i Fireplace Heatforms 34" $60.95 ! Painted Cedar Shakes 1 S9.95 I Bath Tubs complete $59.95 Double Wtcnen sinks complete $39.95 Shower Cnbinets complete $39.95 Genuine Formica 65c sq. ft. Latex Rubber-base paint $2.95 25 lbs Texture paint. $2.95 rloor tile 1 grade, 18 colors 9c each Noils per keg $9.9.' lo lb. felt craft paper $2.25 loose rock wool $1.20 sack Fiberglass blanket 4'ic sq. ft. .Electric heaters Portable & Wall Fencing & steel posts CHEAP Windows aluminum & wood 100's lite fixtures SPECIAL Roofing 215 lb. 8.00 & 8.50 sq. C. G- Long & Sons SALEM 1 ml. N. of Keizer EM 4-5051 FOR EXTRA HEAT For Bathrooms, etc., Portable Electric Heaters Up to 4000 Watts LaSalle-Toastmaster Arvin and Others $6.25 & up S&H Green Stamps WEST SIDE HDWE. Open Daily from 8 to 8 Sundays from 9 to 2 Galveston & Columbia EV 2-4341 31 -Appliances. Furniture BRAND NEW Danish moelern 'sofa; 2 occasional chairs: e-nd, (ce((oe table's; tweed rug. 1511 W. 14th after 5 p.m. YEAR-END BONUS, a new 21 foot freezer, $319 00. A smoked I ham free. Also, 15 and 25 foot (sizes. Meats at wholesale at your freezer supplier for twenty years. MIDSTATE MEAT CO. . Repossessed and Warchemso Damaged Furniture & Appliances Elec. & Gas Ranges, from $19.50 i Elec. Sewing Mch. freim $15 00 i Elec. Refrig. from $69.50 Auto Washers & Dyers $19 .50 Chest of Draw-ers fre.ja $1.95 i Sheiwn bv Appeintme-nt Call EV 2-178U alter a: p.m. 31-Appliances. Furniture WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Mavi ii! Appliance KV 2-HS1 NEW DAVENPORT, Phone EV 2-2.12S. $75.00 38-Feeds & Seeds FIRST CUTTING Alfalfa hay. Phone KV 2-5:'.66. od-Livestock Wanted TOP MONEY paid lor cattle! horses of any kind. M M. Lister EV 2-2811 WILL BUY or contract any class or amount of cattle. Valley Livestock Marketing Assn. Stock ton, Calif. Call or write Fred Hall. 301 W. Cascade. Redmond. Ore.. LI 8-4160. LIVESTOCK WANTED Will Pick Up At Ranch L.J. HUSTON EV 2-0158 40-Farmers Column POTATOES. WiU deliver Mon day and Friday, or drive out from 8th Street, mile east on Penn. H. F. Crosswhite. EV 2- 4925. 41-Livestock, Horses CENTRAL OREGON DAIRY BREEDERS ASS'N. Serving the area since 1919 in artificial insemination. Bond EV 2-2253 Redmond LI 8-2729 and LI S-2435. AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE Frozen Semen from High Index Proved Sires. 6 Dairv Breeds, 4 Beef Breeds. Phone EV 2-3841 or Redmond LI 8-2115. POLLED Hereford Bull, 4 years. Double registered, excel lent blood line. Phone EV 2-5123. OR TRADE: Registered quart er horse gelding. Raced success fully, gooel call ropme horse; 3 year quarter horse, fillv. No pa pers. LI 8-3738, II. Leighton, Ter rebonne. HEREFORD RANGE BULLS ONE HEAD OR CARLOADS 50 head Reg. Hereford bulls, horn ed, two years old, all one breed ing. 15 head Reg. Hereford bulls, horned, yearlings. 10 head Hereford bulls 4 years, polled & horned. Here is your opportunity to buy uniformity and quality in range bulls that have not been fitted, n'cr broke or are too fat. Sell in; in just good growing condi tion. Proud Mixer, Royal Mixer, BD Clyde Triumph bloodlines. CAL-ORE LIVESTOCK CO. R. E. Rhodes TU 4-4032 Klamath Falls, Oregon 42-Poultry. Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHO! ESAI.E EGGS, chickens, turkeys, Custom-poultry killing. Poultry received Monday only. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Doqs, Pets, Etc. TOY POODLE STUD SERVICE. A.K.C. Phone III 7-7160, Prineville. 45-Sportsmen's Column For Your SPORTING GOODS NEEDS See BOB'S SPORTING GOODS 519 E. Franklin Skis Boots Poles Bindings etc. Free installation of bindings with purchase of skis. Skjersaa Ski Shop 714 E. 10th St. Open evenings. SKIS, 6 ft. 9 inches with bind ers. Tapered steel poles, new $25. EV 2-2689. 47-Wanted To ?uy WANTED TO buy 12 ft. alumi num boat, EV 2-1683 after 6 p.m. TRAILER HOUSE. 14 to 18 feet, wanted. Cash. Phone EV 2- 2589. 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood, Oil ROUND AND slab Jackpine, EV 2-1989. DRY JACKPINE. Also green and dry slab wood. EV 2-1283. 5'4 MILL trim ends. Consoli dated pine. EV 2-3291. After 5 p.m. EV 2-1996. We deliver. 56-Apartments For flent RIVER TERRACE Apts. new ly redecorated, 1 and 2 bedroom unfurnished. TV available, mod ern, beautiful location. 1528 W. 5lh. EV 2-1691. UNFURNISHED, $-15 month. Garbage anrl water furnish' d. Phone EV 2-2819 or EV 2-2657. THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment. Heal, water, garbage furnished. Comer Hill & Irving, EV 2-2190. 57-Apartments Furnished DESIRABLE 3',4 and 4 '4 room duplex. Auto heat, garage, utll itrs included. TV. Wahee Motel, 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2-4451. LOW RATES, Apartments or Rooms. Steam hent, garages, 1401 S. 3rd, EV 2-4831. . SMALL FURNISHED apart ment. Close in. 527 Franklin. EV 2-9971. WANTED: YOUNG business woman or teacher to share fur nished apartment. EV 2-4691, aft er 5 p.m. CASA GRANDE Motel has ex cellent apartments you can af ford. Stay this winter where it is clean and comfortable. Heal, water, lights, garbage disposal furnished. Sorry, no phone calls. 1130 South 3rd. MODERN 3 room, close in. Washing facilities, TV available. Inquire 36 Irving, EV 2-4966. FURNISHED CLEAN modern apartments, reasonable rent, in quire 945'a E. 2nd, EV 2-0246. UPTOWN I.OCATION. Clenn, warm. TV. Phone EV 2-1747. TWO ROOMS, everything fur-tvsh'-d. Ijtvn Molel. EV 2:7.'', ONE ROOM apartment close in, private entrance, EV 2-jjI'J. It Listed In Today's S7.Aoartments Furnished , TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment, TV cable. Phone EV 2-0328. I 58-houses tor Rent THREE BEDROOM home, $50 month. S;e Credit Bur. au of Bend for particulars. O'Donnell Building, EV 2-5521. WILL RENT home at 1520 Har mon, near school, nice neighbor hood, to right party. Phone EV 2-5121. TWO BEDROOM, possible 3rd, bjisement, garage, TV, good lo cation. EV 2-5137. ONE BEDROOM, plumbed for washer and dryr. TV cable. Large garage. 1474 Kingston. CLEAN 3 room house. Inquire 1225 Albany. CLOSE IN, paved street, oil heat. Inquire 1003 Harmon. RENT OR sell 2 bedroom house. 425 Columbia, EV 2-3959. WARM, 2 bedrcom. Close in. Available soon. Oil furnace, basement, wired for dryer, nlumbed for washer. EV 2-02(Vl or EV 2-4318. 59-Houses Furnished TWO BEDROOM modern com fortable house, clean. EV 2-1210. MOnKRN 1 mom Autnv.ti heat, newly decorated, neat and clean, inquire c. .11X1. 62-Insurance GILBERTS INSURANCE AGCY. 1015 Wall EV 2-3752 70-Business Opportunities MAJOR OIL Company has moelern service station for lease. Excellent location, paid dealer training. For further informa tion, call EV 2-3624 or write P.O. Box 711. JUNIPER INN Cafe for sale. Bus dinner stop, well equipped. Reasonable terms, bee Elsie Mc Fadden, HI 7-7788, Prineville. 78-Farms & Acreages TWO ACRES with water. 3 bedroom modern home. Plumb ed for washer and diver. New 50 capacity chicken house, gar age, wonoenui IV recention. $5200 with $700 down..EV 2-1920. 80-Real Estate For Sale Watch for "Week's Best Buys" DUDRtY -HILTON KKALTOKS 1050 Bond EV 2-2042 BY OWNER. East side, year old three bedroom. Living, din ing room, kitchen and bath. At tached garage. Terms to suit. EV 2-2701. ONE Bedroom modern house, furnished. On paved street, close in, good start of basement. $4200, $200 down. 215 Broadway, EV 2 2835. TWO BEDROOM moelern, wired for range, nlumbed for washer. 3 lots, $2500. Cash, bal- ance paving. 16-18 Awbivy Road THREE BEDROOM house. Fireplace, large lot, n a v e l street, 3 blocks town. $500 down, $50 month. 5 Irving, EV 2-5676. KERR REALTY CO. Realtor EV 2-2521 EVENINGS EV 2-3009 8th and East Greenwood Russell's Realty "A UNDER MARKET VALUE immaculate 2 bedroom, comforta ble living room separate dining rm new piped furnace at tached garage, paved St. & walk. Only $7500 FHA or GI terms. Russell's Realty Larry Keown EV 2-2395 Keith Ramsey EV 2-3105 Mable Foster EV 2-5324 Bud Russell EV 2-4699 Midstate Realty Co., Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. Ph. EV 2-1871 COUNTRY ESTATE. Large 2-bed-room home with double garage on 14 acres. INCLUDES built-in ran ge and oven, freezer, refrigerator, washer, dryer, sprinklln system, drapes. Only $17,500. Turms. LIKE RENT. 2-beriroom home. West side on two lots garage anel woodshed. $4,000. Chejosc your terms. SUBURBAN HOME SITE. 13 ac res West on Highway 20. 4 acres Swallcy water. $2150. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor THINKING OF A MOTEL SITE? We have just listed an ideal property for a motel, trailer park, service station or auto motive dealership on East Greenwood Ave. Large level lot 110xl60-zoncd commercial. Ve-ry attractive 2 bedroom home now on property can be moved to allow more hiuhway frontage. $15,000. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 155 Oregon Ave. Ph. EV -1761 Niton Arnie 2-1473 Harvey 2-1686 I3J 80-Real Estate For Sale TWO HHDKOOM mod. rn home, double garage, oil circu lator. Or trade It truck, or any thing of value. EV 2-OC37. TO BE MOVED 2 bdrm modern house Small I room modern house Phone EV 2-3372. VERN LARSON REALTOR IN BEND'S FINEST LOCATION on Drake ltd. 3 II R. home, wall to wall carpet, fireplaev, base ment, new kitchen. Medium pric ed for this location, at KHA terms. New listing. Call Vern. F.II.A. says to paint this home to suit you, then they'll loan you 97'!, of their $7,000 appraisal. Less than 5 )00 down. 2 U.K., basement, furnace, hdw. floors, plastered, lawn, paved street, plumbed for washer, on West 3rd. A BUY. Call Vern. GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT on South 3rd. BUILDING, EQUIP MENT. EVERYTHING GOES. Cal Erv. Ilogan. GROCERY STORE id Rend, a MONEY MAKER. Call Erv. 10 acres, 20 ac. wate'r, close in. 3 B.R. home, larire living room, bath. A buy at $8,000. Call, Wall Kittrcdgc. 71 acre's, 45 water, close in. Home is small but BRAND NEW. Pric ed at only $13,250. Call Walt. We have some other real goexl listings on homes, ranches, busi ness opportunities. Call VERN LARSON Agency EV 2-1132 817 So. 3rd St. In the Capitol Cleaners Buileling across from Evans Fly. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor A CITY HOME IN THE COUN TRY. Exceptionally nico three bedroom home on 2'ii acres, close to town on U.S. 97 Seuth. Recently renovated, plastered walls, insulated hardwood floors. All electric heat. 22x12 foot living room with fireplace. $9,500 is the new prim. $1500 down and you may have im mediate possession. Let us show you this suburban property to day. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 135 Oregon Ave. Ph. EV 2 -1761 Niles Arnie 2 -1175 Harvey 2-1686 90-Machinery For Sale New Cutting and Welding Outfit, complete, $118.00. WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 223 E. Franklin EV 2-1778 95-Trucks-Trailers CMC PfCKUP. 1951. Radio, heater, 4-speed, 1000 crane hoist. EV 2-5501. 96-Auto Parts, Service SAFETY CHECK YOUR CAR NOW Brakes Steering Front Lights Horn Rear Lights Tires Glass , Exhaust Rcarview mirror Windshield Swipes Hunnell Motors 835 Bond EV 2-3811 100-Autos tor Sale WANTED: Clean used cars and pickups, TOP PRICES PAID DORN BROTHERS LI 8-2316 148 N. 6th Redmond. Ore. LESTER HOUK-ART KUEHL CENTRAL OREGON MOTORS QUALITY USED CARS E. 7fh & Greenwood EV 2-2792 RAMBLER REBEL, 1957. Ex cellent condition, 255 h.p. Far bc low market price. EV 2-4485, 80-Real Estate For Sale THE LAND MART REAL ESTATE Ph. EV 2-5121 INSURANCE Bll Wall Street, Bend Central Oregon's largest advertiser ANOTHER LAND MART BARGAIN A well located 2 belrm on City sewer. ne'W garage, paved si, 3 bks to down town. Nice lawn wilh shade trees. Ide'al for retiring couple or goeid income property. This properly-is sure lo enhance in value as Bend grows. An exceptional buy at $5,500. Terms. BE $S$5 WISE You just cannot duplicate this neat, well kept 3 bdrm home wilh basement & family room for the price. Ideal for young couple4 starting a family. We sincerely believe it will pay you to see this home lofore you buy. Paved st near shopping & schools, fairly close In. Priced to sell at $6,750. FHA or GI terms. 3 BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOTS 1.50 FEET in choice east side residential with neat 1 bdrm home. These lots are sure to enhance in value & are a gooel investment. Sell for profit in future, rent for in come, or live in this little home until ready to build. Priced right at $5,500. YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT Here is an exceptional 4 bdrm family home locale'd on paved cor lot in good resielentinl area. Nice II v rm, with nearly now wall to wall rugs, 4 nice bdrms, full bsmt with auto oil furnae'e. Plumbed & wired fer auto washer & dryer. Priced lo sell at $10,000. FHA or CI. Terms. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG Here is a wonderful buy in an exceptional 3 belrm home with full bsmt Innox oil pipeel furnace, on cor paved lot. Llv rm with fireplace & view of river & Drake Park. 2 baths, 2 ear gar wilh storage. Beautifully lanelscaped with (lowering Hawthorne, fenced lawn in rear. You can't duplicate tins home anywncre lor the price o $13,(50. Trms. DRASTIC PRICE CUT-ON THIS ACREAGE New 3 belrm home on 3 acres wilh city water. Bire'h kitchen cnbinets. wall to wall rugs in liv rm & hall, hdwd floors In bdrms, Cedar wardrobe closets, Ig tile bath, dining area & picture winelows. Plbd & wheel for washer & elryer, also dishwasher. H finished bsmt with fruit rm, outdoor patio & fireplace. Lg barn sheeted, net wire feiKTs. Owner ri'iluceel prie'e to'$l2,500 for quick sale. IT COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK LET US HELP YOU FIND THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT PRICE Jeie Tilele n Assoc Broker Home phone EV 2-2766 Jim Lfine-e Salesman Home phone EV 2-5756 Carroll I). Pierce Henllnr Home phone EV 2-1S.I0 Of lilt's in Bi'nd, Redmond & Si.ste'ls Liseanseel in Ore., Calif., Idaho Want Ads 100 Autos For Sale MID-OREGON MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN Lowest depreciated car in the world. Bond So. City Limits EV 2-3562 TRAIL RAMBLER INC. Across from Allen School Phone anytime EV 2-5511 OR TRADE: equity jn 1955 Chevrolet station wagon. See at 1254 Hartford. 1952 FORD STATION WAGON. Radio, heater, new tires, perfect throughout. EV 2-3751 or EV 2- 266.1 Al-USEO CARS Al When You Think Of A New-or-Use'd Car Think Of RORBERSON FORD SALES 920 Bond St. EV 2-4521 Hunnell Motors DODGE PLYMOUTH Phone EV 2-3S11 VOLKSWAGEN, 1958. Clean, in perfect shape. LI 8-3310. A UST1N - HEALF.Y, 1957. Wire whcvls. overdrive, healer. White', red interior. EV 2-30OO. 1175 Har mon. OR TRADE equity in 1954 Ford Convertible. Good conelition, neiv top. Innuiro 1309 E. 3rd, Apt. 4, r.v 2-1 (4 1. Don't Let Your Car Be REPOSSESSED Let us lower your monthly pay ments from $90 to $20. Come in today and see how easy it is. GEO'S USED CARS Redmond LI 8-3215 OR TRADE: 1953 Volkswacen sextan. Iiadeel. Take car or truck for equity. EV 2-0637. STUDEBAKER Chamnion. '48. 2-dexir sedan. Five gewd tires, Kiwi eoneution. uest otter taKes. EV 2-5616. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. S. of Greenwood on 3rd EV 2-2831 57 FCRD 2-dr sdn. $1595 56 FORD Ranch Wagon $1595 51 MERC. Sharp. $ 495 55 FORD Pickup $1095 DKW Automobiles BSA Motor cycles Schwinn Bicycles Cush man Scooters Remington Chain Saws. UNDERHILL'S 184 E. Franklin EV 2-5731 HOLIDAY! OLDS calls this gorgeous 4-door hardtop sedan. A 3957 Super S3 Golden Rocket. Has radio, heater, My drama tic, power steering, pow er brakes, rear speaker, etc.', etc? Only 2W5. BEND GARAGE CO Chevrolct-Cadillac-Renault IF YOUR CAR IS " SUFFERING FROM -, MILEAGEI TIS Why Wait Uutil it "knoks out ".?. Trade it in on one of these." 1957 FORD 4-dr. Station Wagon; Clean. $1995 ; 1957 NASH 4-dr. sedAn, fully equipped. $1395 - DYER'S : Auto Service : All Cars Guaranteed Used Car Lol Located At 151 E. Greenwood Next To Oregon Equipment Co., Phone EV 2-5651