p r r r - r -,4 Iv I i ' I i inlaw ce for Regiona ill i til I 1.1 ; . . .it yv j 1 ' " f J V ii r ' " . i n i i - . is f . -' , v v;,-,,: . , J If MIND IF I HELP MYSELF? Riley Allon't dad provides spending money klt Ik CM? THIS HAPPENS SO FREQUENTLY Vine Genna takes off again GENNAMEN GO TO DAILY PRACTICE SESSION '' John Newell, Larry Clark, Wassa Starr schedule workout Murray men Head last to Billings The best American Legion junior baseball team in Oregon left the high desert country today on a trip, which could take the aggregation all the way to nation al finals in mid-September. Coach Vince Genna's nine, with the state title 3 tucked under its collective belt, leaves the boundifries of the home state to play in Northwest Regionals at Ul! victor in tne action, wnicn matcnes tne state dia- j ts to the sectionals at Hastings, J Neb. The top team there goes on to the national tour- t nament, at Colorado Springs, Colo. , It was rough enough going getting that state flag, but the going is to be much tougher- from here on in. Every team which Bend goes against will be a proven champion. There should be no easy victories, no "pushover" opponents. . Bend's best came home Sunday from the Oregon to work on hittinc and fieldine. You have tn work at it 'ZL to stay good! JSr During the first part of the week, players spent , several hours a day on techniques and just plain prao tice sessions. Then it was time for packing, maybe a quick trip y- - s downtown for an extra shirt and then the goodbyes. (Bulletin Photos by Don Welcome. Text by Bob Barber) 1 5 t-K 'V . THIS ISN'T THE UNIFORM Bob Lanzarotta chooses a shirt it Mimiian iiirtiin,W"t'''i'" iii1fflilWiiij;tvj1jl uuu-iii.ajnij iivui wicguil, vv aaiiuigiuu, mull Lclilct, lud- H9 ho and Alaska, moves up title.series at Salem, rested a little, then went right back '05- 'zi0p Z,jF STr ' - l-Mm' -v lit jl l''a-'W ' S 1 ;. W ' - PACKING FOR THE TRJP EAST Larry Clark, Andy Cleveland ready -1.1 ... 1 fitiAMiidWi'lWiWl - i ' i....T- J PITCHERS COMPARE GRIPS Ed Cecil, Jim McCarthy in discussion VETERAN GIVES HITTING POINTERS Riley Allen shows Fred Christensen . 5.1. 3 .T I .... ' - 1 - A ' . -V 4-H -- i 1 ft 4 fcHfc!i1Mt-.OT T Sfjt ' 1 1 UNDER THE WATCHFUL EYE Hurler Mike Riley warms up TIME FOR PRACTICE -. Ace outfielder Dick Lenaburg 0 , - - - - '-" 1