ie Life Infov Hon uuu State Legion Chai j. .-. ; 1 1 ; , r-r. .. . .i ' ! -. j: - i . . ... . 'y.(B) '.,s tilr f rw ffrfitu Mlnrtreinnnr-ir n 1 n SENNA FAMILY TAKES IT EASY Coach, wife, lent tnjoy break t liome Some Read, Some Rest Waiting for Next Game They've won the 1958 Oregon American Legion junior baseball crown. It's been a hard climb, and higher summits loom above them. But, right now, sandwiched in with practice sessions, there is time for a little re laxation. The Murray Brothers Construction team is made up Df individuals with different tastes and different ways of spending spare time. Some of the youngsters on the squad which col lared the title at Salem last weekend like to sit around and loaf when they have an extra moment. Others like to read. Some, refusing to move away from the most important topic, get together and talk baseball. Almost without exception, they are in favor of eat ing and mothers enjoy spreading the food on thick for, their sons. Uniforms need cleaning and there are chores to do around the house. Some of the diamondmen release ten sion by taking in a movie. For Coach Vince Genna, it is a time to think over past games and to look forward to coming action. It's also a time to spend a quiet hour with his family. Oscar Murray, generous sponsor of the aggregation which has brought considerable favorable notice to Bend, has a chance to hang a championship banner above his place of business. But of this you can be sure: Whatever the activity today, wherever the feet take them, members of the Bend Legion team are thinking about and planning for that next step on the ladder which could lead to the national American Legion junior title. (Bulletin Photos by Don Welcome. Text by Bob Barber) u u 111 '. V -if .V ,lt.. -- - THIS IS THE LIFE Book pleases Murrayman Sid Bauer r I it' 51 . I ' "if '''.,' S ( ft 1 m fcU .: LI Puiimiiiiwiw ' T iff w i i 71. t. K V J J ' j-, 3 5 , , T-ry-jyy- .-r . V1' ' 1 1 r a it I w r 1 . 1 ! . --' -riiiintim-i h'i il nrl JT -... UNIFORMS NEED FREQUENT CLEAN1NS Hurler Jim McCarthy sett refurbishing LET'S TELL EVERYONE WE WON IT State Legion Championship banner adorns Murray building TIME OUT FOR READING Pat Connolly looks up 1 book a rJ pc q vim SERIOUS DISCUSSION ABOUT BASEBALL Statistician Jeff Ward, playar Gary Joanit GOING TO THE MOVIES Sid Bauer, Sharon Gumpert chad program BASEBALL PLAYERS NEED TO EAT Wassa Starr, mother, at lunch time