6 The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, October 2, 1 957 Pilot Learns to Hurl Bomb In Low Flying Maneuver By GI.KNN STACKMOliHK I "profile tracker," a pair ot pow- I'nited Press Slalf Correspondent j erful binoculars on a power-driv-CIIINA LAKE, Calif. (UP) A en, gun mount with which the op Navy carrier pilot in a F4D Sky- j Cralor can follow the maneuver- i hawk skimmed across the sage- planc Qn cxm m.c , brush of the Mojave Desert at . , ,, , , ... , , i 500 knots, rulled uu into a talf- i '"'orml! ' transmuted to loop and slung a practice bomb SraPn P''Por in tn0 tower. in the general direction of the I Once a pilot has practiced loft nvton. i bombing with the guidance and The young jet jockey was fly- j correction from the tower for ing through the "idiot machine1" ,our davs. he is equipped to do lo learn how io send an l!-bomb wilhout thc machine. With the toward the enemy in a special : ""option of an automalic bomb way. It is known es "loft bombing." It sent the bomb through a three mile arc like a long punt from Ihe 10-yard line. By the time it explodes, the pilot is miles away. , Loft bombinb and another ma neuver known as "over-the-shoul-rier" bombing are the only means of safely delivering a nuclear weapon from low altitude. In the latter technique, a pilot Hies over his target, then zooms up, fling ing his bomb, some 12,000 feet straight Into the air. He then has about 40 seconds to put distance between himself and the target. On Target Until Ihe Invention of (he "idiot machine," however, these tech niques were hit-and-miss maneu vers. Today, after a four-day course at this nave? ordnance test station, .it's a pretty poor pilot who can't "punt" his bomb three miles and deposit it in a target Uie size of a football stadium. The "idiot machine" is a com plex electronic s y s 1 1 m which measures the pilot's speed and draws out the exact profile of his pull-up with an ink line on graph paper. It was devised by three China Lake civilian scientist - en gineers, Dr. Newtown E. Ward, head of aviation ordnance; Rod McClung, Instrumentation expert, mid Dunne Mack, range engi neer. ' Mack, whose crew operates the Instruments from a control tower at the end of China Lake's "Char lie Range," explained that the ma chine consists of two main com ponents. The Components First Is a "sky screen array." j a series 01 pnoio-oicctrlc cells placed at 1.000 -yard Intervals along a 14 - mile approach path. These give the e x ac t ground speed of the plane. The second component Is the release, the entire loft maneuver is strictly a matter of pilot skill. Remains Found After Six Years RAWLINS. Wye 'UP) A sheep herder found the skeleton Tuesday of a man from California who dis appeared during a blizzard more than six years ago. A wristwatch and billfold near the skeleton revealed the man's identity as Fred J. Bectiel, 35, Fresno, Calif. George Cabralas, a shcepherder, . Hvfra mwH i f p mil Desckufes 4-H Competitors In National Contests Listed NKC.RO GIRL TRASSl-KRS CHARLOTTE, NC. (UP)-A 15-year-old Negro girl who withdrew from a newly-integrated sohol be cause of abuse by white class mates is zoins to attend a p.i- Special to The Bulletin Governor Snell cup (girls) for ac- j ,nterraclai sc.hool in subur REDMOND The names of Des- tivity In community affairs, Mavis i ban ' Philadelphia. The Rev Her chutes county 4-H club members Rowley. man L. Counts declined to identify chosen for state competition in na- Leaders Mrs. Neil Davis, who the schoo". where his daughter, tional contests or special awards I neads an HE unit TUmai0; Mrs. ' Dorothy, has been enro'led. were released by the extension of-, Homer Brown Redmand, past 4-H ,ice- ! leader, and Mrs. Rex Dick, Bcid. Selections were made by a three- : who has 4-H garden clubs and HE member committee of leaders and unjt, were th? Judges who reviewed include county winners and others I standard report forms submitted recommended for state comneti-1 Dv 22 county 4-H girls and boys tion. Under the heading of national I competing for these honors, contests these were chosen: ' j A s(llte committee will make fi- National Boys) Agriculture, Mich- j nai selections from candidates ael IAwe. Tumalo. county winner. i amontr all the Oregon counties. It i and Ambers Thornburgh, county 1 should be noted that some of these medal. nemed were county winners only, j Achievement, Mavis Rowley.: The names and records of state , Bend, county medal and state com- ' candidates for national honors will be reviewed by the state commit tee. ' TERMINAL WORK STARTS A ground breaking ceremony preliminary )o the start of work en the new Central Oregon Fast Freight building was held earlier this week. Handling the shovel at found the remains on broad range I left is Mayor W. M. Loy. Left in line from him are Kessler Cannon, Chamber' president; Bernie toumry on me we. e muny, pr;c6i Fast Freight manager; Walter Thompson, c ify manager, and Fred Keiser, contractor. The ranch, about 25 miles soulh of; ,, , . , r- , -n ,7 Rawlins. The man had died only, building will be just northwest of the Central Oregon Mills. (Bend Bulletin Photo) a quarter of a mile from the Mc Carthy house. j Sheriff John Terrill of Carbon County said the discovery closed out the missing persons file in his office. ' j The sheriff said his wife re- i vealed that Bechel had been treat-I WASHINGTON (UPI .. Sen. I is out of the question "if we are ed at a Rawlins hospital .where Harry F. Byi'd accused President I oninir in keen the nmsppnt IpvpI Byrd Raps President for Failing to Cut Spending Text of Ike's Statement Given he was taken after falling ill on Eisenhower today of violating the a pansenger train. He was re leased from the hospital on March 25, 1951, but never boarded an other tram; nor did he claim his Dickson Bound Over to Jury Special to Tho Bulletin MADRAS Bound over to the Jefferson county grand jury Mon day was Edward Owens Dickson, 47. Klamath Falls, who has admit ted taking various plumbing tools from a panel (nick belonging lo C. S. Trout, Madras plumber. Jus tice of the Peace Al Sural! set bail at $1,000. Dickson was laken Into custody September 22 by state highway of ficer. Ken Eldridge, when a report camo that a man was attempting to sell plumbing tools to various Madras business places. Until this weekend, the accused had denied the theft. The case will be heard during the Decemlwr term of court. Jefferson county sheriff S. K. Sunimerfield said Dickson has served three terms In the peniten llary on similar counts. Passing Hunter Sounds Alarm baggage. He was last seen south of Raw lins by shcepherdcrs who said he hitched a ride In their car. A six-day search on foot and horseback and by airplanes failed to locate Bechel. The search was conducted under blizzard condi tions, for the most part. Sheriff Terrill said Bechel had a sister, Mrs. Dennis Pome of Fresno. She last contacted the sheriff's office in November, 1952. Russian People Seen Isolated By Mrs. FDR NEW YORK (UP) Mrs. Elea nor Roosevelt said May that the Russian people live in virtual iso lation from Ihe mainstream of world events and do not gel a fair presentation of foreign news ill their newspapers. Writing in her United Feature syndicate colmn, "Mv Day," the former first lady said she "never felt as cut off from 111" world as I did in the weeks I s . ill in Ihe Soviet Union." Mi s. Rons, veil re turned last week from a 27-day tour or Russia that included nn Interview with Communist parly boss Nikita S. Khrushchev. "It is practically impossible for the people of the U.S. to believe that isnlalion such as exists in the Soviet Union can really exist any wherc in the world May," she nf tnnnrlincr ' . r r- K.. r...:i; " lutein ui uiii tty imiiiiik iu i cut federal spending for the cur-1 Scn Hlll,8m P"mlrc D-is rent Government vear ; said the "enormous" rise in farm The Virginia Democrat, leading spending shown in Ihe report and ' WASHINGTON (UP)- Text of Ihe White House statement issued alter President Eisenhower's meeting with the four Southern ;overnors: "Thp PrpciHnnf tnitav mot with economy advocate and chairman 501 million dollar increase in in- four memoers tne committee of Ihe tax-writing Senate Finance j terest on Ihe national debt "re-' representing the Southern Gover Commiltce, mode the charge after , fleet two of the most shocking j nors Conference. These members publication of the administration s phases of the Eisenhower ndmin- j were gov Leroy Collins of Flori midyear budjet review: istration's economic program." I da, Gov. Luther Hodges of North The review, released Tuesday I The midyear review is a revised . Carolina, Gov. Theodore McKel night, showed that despite heavy ! estimate of federal spending and din of Maryland Gov. Frank Cle congressional appropriation cuts receipts for the government year j ment of Tennessee. beginning last July 1 and extend-, "At the meeting the governors ing through next June 30. It is not informed the President that the the final story however. There will governor of Arkansas had author- be another revision in January. ; lzed them to state that he is pre Final figures will not be known until next summer. and military strength reductions, Ihe fedep.il government now ex- : pects to spend 200 million dollars ' more than Eisenhower estimated last January before all Ihe budget-cutting furor arose. The new estimate of federal spending for the 12 months ending ' next June 30 is 72 billion dollars, instead of the peacetime record $71,800,000,000 predicted by Eisen hower in Juniiary. Government income will slump by 100 million dollars from Ihe Veterinarian Named to Area nvnpclvt t71 fi10 OftO IWt in 71 .500.000.000 for Ihe vear The 1!B7. Dl'- John Schmidt. Salem, has 5S surplus will be cut from $1 - movecl ,0 Re'lmt,nd 0 xrve as SOno.OOn.OriO to 1..500 000 OOO ' I district veterinarian for Deschutes. The disclosure dimmed some-' Crook' ''""son. Klamath, and what hones for a lav eni novi I counties, the stale depart- year, though Democrats may I m' agricullure reports. , press for a reduction anyway. It Dr. Schmidt will supervise work . also foretold a prohible new and done by department agents in j even more vigorous wave of bud- carrying oil' the meat inspection, i "ri.pniiint. wimn rv,,,..,.rte., ,.At.,..n miction market disease control. in Januai-v. I and brucellosis and tuberculosis i in reply to Gov. Orval E. Faubus ot a: Kansas: pared to assume full responsibility for maintaining law and order in Little Rock and in connection therewith will not obstruct the or deis of the federal courts. "The President stated that upon a declaration on the part of the ; governor of Arkansas that he will ' not obstruct the orders of the fed-' eraj courts, and will in connection ! therewith maintain law and order in Little Rock, the President will direct the sec:etary of defense to ' return the command' of the Arkan sas National Guard to the gover j nor. Thereupon, as soon as prac- j I ticable, all federal troops will be withdrawn." petition: Jackie Jo Dick. Bend, county medal: Carol Ann Turner, Bend, and Vivian Lynds. Redmond, county and state competition. Dairy, Carol Ann Turner, county and state: Karen Houston. Red- mond.v county medal winner. Girls Home Economics, Chris tine Hansen, Bend, countv mal winner and state eomoetitlfn: Ma vis Rowley, and Barbara Hansen, both county and state. Bre-d demonstration, a team of Pat Hollenbeck and Ann Westfall. Bnd. county medal and state com petition. Canning. Barbara Hansen. Bend, county medal and state: Mary K. Prichard, Bend, coun. ' medal win ner. Leadershin. Velma Lynds. Red mond, county medal and state. Food preparation, Viola Winegar, Redmond, county medal. Clothing, Velma Lvnds, county and state: Vivian Lynds. county medal and state: Cirol Ann Tur ner, countv and state, j Meat anim"l, With Cyrus, eoun I ty medal and state. I Michael T owe won Ihe county I award, a 4-H summer shool schol- arship, in the Safeway Breeders' ! contest. Carol Ann Turner will en ter state comnetition for Safeway ; Breeders' $100 college scholarship. ; Candidates for state competitive awards only, for the five $300 Standard Oil scholarships, Keith . Cyrus and Christine Hansen: for i Dporth Foundation 'for leder- ! ship, on the county levrl) John J Prichard and Velma l.vnds. the j nrize sought being a book "I Dare You," a treatise of challenge for young people. ! Foley Cokint award. Christine Hansen, for outstanding rookery project; Oregon Bankers' leader ship cup (for girls), Velma Lynds; $10.00 Trade-in For your old shaver on The New . . , BUI-OVA ELECTRIC SHAVER Next lo the Capitol Theatre A. T. Niebergall JEWELER Established in 1926 1019 Wall Ph. EV 2-4671 COMMUNISTS RKS1GN MESSINA. Italy (UP) Eight een xi Communist leaders in a ' half . dozen Sicilian communities ' resigned from the party en masse ' Sunday, charging that the party fails to "understand the needs of I the workers." The chief of Com- ' munist optimizing in Italy, Gior gio Amendola. admitted hst week . that the parly has lost 200.000 members s:nce the Soviet denun ciation of Stalin last February. I Commercial Industrial Residential PLUMBING & HEATING OIL BURNER SERVICE CRANE and AMERICAN-STANDARD Plumbing and Heating Equipment. All Workmanship and Material Guaranteed. McLENNAN PLUMBING & HEATING CO. P O Box 895 Phone EV 2-1172 rut i 0 IV U J FOR EVERY NEED Here h Central Oregon's LOWEST COST Monthly. Installments- Including Interest n A Cash 12 18 . 24 Advanced Months Months Months $ 400 37.82 26.68 2,J 5 S 500 47.28 3j35 26744 750Z 70,92 50.03 39-65 $ 900 85.10 60-03L 47-58 $1000 94.56 66.70 52-88 "$1200 11 3.47 80.04 63.45 IMPORTANT All Loans Covered By Life Insurance AT NO COST TO BORROWER! PORTLAND n, i LOAN CO S3 Oregon Ave. (Ind.) BEND . Phone EV 2-1651 WASHINGTON (UPl- Text cf President Eisenhower's statement Congress nil Eisenhower's ap-1 eradication programs. The perma propvialion requests around five j nenl assignment of stale velerinar billion dollars at ils last session. ians to various districls through I5.rd, who figured Ihe cuts j out Oregon will reduce the costs of amounted to even more around I carrying out these programs. six billion noted he Imd called The first of four veterinarians on the President to reduce spend The statement Issued this even ing by the governor of Arkansas does not constitute in my opinion the assurance that he intends to use his full powers as governor by by Ihe same amount." Byi'd added Ihe failure In cut spending "diminishes Ihe possibil ity of any worthwhile tax reduc tion" at the next congressional session. He said lax cuts "must depend upon expenditure redue- n. H.H nV..I,.Kli- nf II. a to receive permanent assignments . said. The only newspapers mat j(in." U k....Ui in 1?nccin a i-rt lhr . . . Special to The llullelin I ' ...I "' l"" """ '"" r.FlMO Firemen were 1 omm,""s' ' ' ' I"1"1"' "" were more cautious nlwul writ summoned about 4 a.m. Tuesday ' CommmM German papers the inR of, hop(.s f election-year t v.-,,-,,,. home Sivth and Communist French papers and the tax cut in 19s. Ilmise GOP leader t'l;.-U n- tit t',ipbnr " I 1 Birch ownrd by John Vannicp. Kin, which invrsli-'itinn deter mined had started in h davenport and prrstininhly from a cigarette, Kntrlish Daily Worker. Mrs. Roosevelt snid one of the Soviet newspapers she saw ran six patjes of plans for the celebration had caused intense heat and smoke of the l()th anniversary of the Rus- damage throughout the house, and had emcked windows. A pissing motorist, bound for deer minting. Hud Edwards, noticed the smoke and reported to firemen at the hall a few blocks away. The smoldering fire was .fust at the point of burst Ing into flames when firemen ar rived. The house, though unoccu pied, is being shown fop sale. Choice Offered By Committee ORKGOM CITY (VP) The Cv n t ral Com m tttee hn recom rn Mided appointment of Mrs. Hen ia'i Hand of Milwaukie as Ptate ifp''escnta!tve to succeed Rep. Thoiuas Monahan, Milwaukie scNH teacher. M maghan last week resigned li s legislative post after a state S'ipteme Court ruling said he was not eligible to be a teacher and a l.-j slator at th same time, The county court meets Oct. 7 to name a successor. Portland State Notes Increase PORTLAND (IT) Fast grow ing Portland Slate College tntkiy had 2fiH students signed up, near ly -100 more than on the second day of classes Insl year. !.at year's enrollment 1900. Dr. Howard Iinpecoven, registrar, said he doubted if the final en rollment would reach the 3100 on which Ihe schools budget is b4ed. 1 sian Revolution and only two and a half columns of world n ws. She said the only news ahmt the I' S. she read was "that we have re fused to allow our Neni children to go to school Willi our while children in Arkansas and Tennessee." Joseph W. .M.n-tin .Ir. (Mass.l said Congress should look at busi : ness conditions at the end of Ihe ! year and Ihen decide whether to cut taxes. "We're nil fur tax re ductions. ..but not ui the expense j of fiscal stability," he said. Rep. Jamie I.. Whilten (D ! Miss.), a member of the Appro-pi-iations Committee, said the ad ministration should te able to "freeze enough funds to fuslify n i tax cut." Rut he added lax relief district supervisors. Dr. Schmidt came to work for the state department of agriculture in May. lie was formerly in private nraclice in Merrill and Walla Walla. Dr. and Mrs. Schmidt and their Iwo children will live at 3:3 So. 9th, Redmond. MKS. TRI'MiX KIN DIKS DENVER (I'D Fred Wallace. Ti7. brother of Mrs. Bess Tinman, j era I government, to bring about a died Monday, five days after suf- j basis for fie withdrawal ot federal fering a heart attack. Wallace j forces in Little Rork and for the was an adjustor for the Colorado orderly carrying out of Ihe orders Highway Department. I of the district court. trict Court. Under the circumstances the President ot the United States has no recourse at the present time except to maintain federal surveil lance of the situation. I want to commend the gover nors representing the Southern Governors Conference fop the'r co operative attitude at the meel;,ig today. I hope (hat they wi'd con tinue their eflorts, as will the fed- s a i j WEEKEND Support Your BEND Community Concerts Presented In The High School Auditorium THIS 19th SEASON WILL BE THE FINEST EVER Coming March 1 Robert Joffrey Theatre Ballet Intemntlnnnlly Knnnn Dunce Group Tickets Available At Bend Chamber of Commerce or Concert Workers Ticket Sales Close at 5 p.m., Friday, Oct. 4 "Let's Fill The Auditorium" Contributed A A Public Service H.v Niswongor & Winslow FUNERAL HOME Hill at Irving Avenue Phone EV 1MU71 on AUTO INSURANCE up3d-40 ' - ...... ' . .' " ; .'; .;lr-.i' Call iny Farmer agent in p.ione book under . ymhcl cf, fupericr, rrvic CAjtt F. KEITH SHEPARD District Manager Glen l Leagjeld Local Agent ' 51 Oregmi Phone EV 2-1611 LADIES' DEPT. Lovely Fitted CHENILLE Beautiful baby chenille robes with extra large full skirt. Deep side pockets plus well tailored 31 sleeves. This full length robe is Ideal for the chill October days and comes with heniitlful em broidered trim, Many lovely colors to choose from Including aqua, powder blue, mist green, deep rose and pink. ROBES CHILDREN'S Dept. Mezzanint Floor GIRL'S BLOUSES 01 A wnndt-rful assortment eAprclM ly (or the girls wilh slzrs 7 to l;. All daomn blouse with n.vlon nvti trim. Some have short sleeves but most come ith the popular 34 length sleee. Available In blue, pink, uhlte and yellow. Hurry for this value! REG. 2.98 900 WALL