r Tfi V tP Iff f A t-A 4 .'Apr ' , well known sports and news commentator, brings (o (In microphone (wo sure-fire, five minute newscasts, Monday through Friday at 0:15 a.m. and 5:1fS p.m.. lets the chips full where (hey may as he hews Into tin burning issues of today on IiIh News broadcast. Wednesday a( Noon und Sunday ut H:(0 p.m. 0 v "Number ni,M sport st'iister lilKlillKhta liW AMI Itiulto mn-ttM'iitai-y with colorful vignettes rrom hhiml the sports scene. "Sports Today with Is heard Monday through I'rl day n( ft:lf p.m. Ton newscaster . reports world events on Monday Morning Headlines, Siuulnv eve ning at M:(H p.m. The l.Vininute roundup summarizes weekend news willed will make lend stories In the Monday morning press. vet vv Jovial guides Ins sifigur and wwnigin' rnusieul und fun-loving akociutes through an hotir long session of smile und Inspiration on the hreukfust luh Mondaw through Friday H:(HI a.m. to H:0U a.m. The pro gram Is now in lis !ind consec iitive year on the air. , who portravs "Harry Ijuvis in aim s poig nant morning drama, When A (irl .Marries, brings to the part an emotional sincerity liorii out of considerable experience on stage, scn-eu and rudio. When A (irl Marries is heard Monday through Friday ut 10:15 a.m. Veteran flight sportKcaster .... will team up with Jack Irees to handle the comrnenlury on the Blue Kihhon Kouts each VVcduesday at 7:15 p.m. Rhythm Is his business and a generation of Americans has Kting and danced to the strains of Swing and Sway music by The maestro and his orchestra currently en tertained the nation on Serenade Koom", Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at A:& p.m. and Sun day at 6:35 pjn. tuts rewived national recognlzation for his insight and maturity of judg ment bm out of long years of experience as a radio newscast er. Called a "four-star" newsman by his associates, he has gained the loyalty of millions of listen ers. He is heard on many of the Texaco Newscasts every Satur day and Sunday. We're Celebrating The Start of Our 4th Year of Service To Central Oregon Listeners and Advertiser Name The ABC STARS I l.yli- Frank Al l : Ck. . 1 .h,l,-r MiiUh ( tmrf V 1955 Conlan Study of Listening Habits Shows That: KJUN Is The Preferred 5 to 2 By 27,000 Central Oregonians No Wonder More and More Central Oregon and National Radio Advertisers Are Boarding The "1240" Bandwagon time Juhotlok A We'd Like To Meet All of You At Our Open House Thursday, 3 'Til 10 P.M. Lots of Birthday Cake and Coffee for All We Believe KJUN's Popularity For The Past 3 Years Has Been Due To A Happy Com bination Of Famous ABC Network Stars Featured In Entertaining Programs For All The Family; PLUS Livewire Local Programming Like These KJUN Firsts Music "MAHT1N ni.OCK SHOW" "SAMMY KAVK SHUI'.N Aim' "IIKftAIItVAV jMATIMCi:" "IIOIIIIV II MMA( K SHOW" voh'k or i'ihi:stom:" "MKrKOI'OI.ITAN OI'IIHA" " OCO.M'T l.K OIK II." "SAT. DAM'I.V; I'AKTV." Sports lll.I'K KMiHON Vl:l. NICIIT IIOXIMi; IIKAVVUI.IOHT Til I.K HOI 'IS; TII)i:U ATl:l HAS. KKTIIAI.I. AM) IOOI li Al l. SI'OK'l'S ASTS THICK WKHK I.V; K A ST K K.N I'OOTHAI.I, (i.VMU . OK . 'I'll IC DAY; SAT. IIOIiSKKACIMi. News MAHTIN ACiKONSKY, MOIIN .McVANIO, HOB i AUUI I), MI,. I.IAN WINTKK. TAYI.OIt (1KANT. I. UN IIKAKDSI.KY, JOHN AMH:H('(( K, llll. I. STKKN, KIIHIN C. CAMIA.M Drama "SACA" "STHANliK" "MY THll: S'l'OKY" "vnisri:KiN(i stii:i:ts" "UIII:N A t.lKI. MAHItlKS" ";ui : ati :st stoky kvi:k TUMI" "I NSHAI KI.KD" "I'lvOl DI.Y VK HAH." Kid Shows "llll! JOHN ANII SI'AKKV" "MOrCKTS AM) MI I.OIIII S" Comedy "DON MCNEIL'S lilt KAKI 'AST ( l.CII" "IIKNSON S IIIIIICAWAY" AN OPEN LETTER TO CENTRAL OGEGON MERCHANTS: I'ii.- many ninntlu In friKiuonl ails, KKND has asked you lo believe that the resiiHs or a llarromeler survey laken TWO I.ONO VIC A US AGO ill Hie summer of 193.1, are slid an ai-eiinite yardstick of llsleiiership In IH55. To be exact one could hardly rail KIl.ND's "bulled down" version of (he Suney an accurate yardstick of Central On Kim li-.l..i.Tshi) in 1II5S; IIKI'AI.'SK THK KNT1RE MADRAS PORTION OF T1IK I'Ol.'lt CITY SI'RVKY H AS O.MITTKD when the mu-vey was nslured to a "popula-' linn bri'iikdimn by a Bend CPA. Certainly the town of Mudras, where KBND had hill 17.'-! of Hie audience, could not be considered OCTSIDK the "Central Ol-effon Trade Area" Ix-caiisc every iniiorlaiit piililicalion including "Patterns of Income and Retail Trade in OreRon" ilcfines Deschutes, Crook AND Jefferson county as the Cen tral Oregon Trade Area, and Madras has always been represented on the Central Oreiriin C. of C. In fact Kli.ND's average share of audience for Redmond and Prlne ville cnmliini'd was only 27.11 so out of all four cilies, KBND ACTUALLY only had a majority in Bend. Yet by applying Bend's population, which is nearly twice the to till or Redmond and Prlnevllle together, lo K UNO's Bend majority and by the OJ1IS SION of their 17.2 ratilli; in Madras, KBND was able to come up with a "85 of the lilldlenre riKure"vhiih you were lold represented listing preference not only In Bend lint In lti'ilinnnil and Prlnevillc. Naturally in their summary no mention was maiJe of the following statement by Kldon C. llarr who conducted the one-man survey: "A TIIDNDKKSTOHYI (X ( I KHIil) DCRLNG THK MKASl'KKMKNT IN BKND WHICH I.IMITICI) MSH NI ItSIIII' TO STATIONS OUTSIDE BKND DURING THK AFT i:i!NOON AM) KVKNINti;" nor Hie fact that the survey was conducted in each tow n Tor one day only, instead of a week or more as is customary In Conlon and Nell sen and other liellcr known studies. We grant that KBND should have a majority of the audience in Its own hometown. But knowing that most of you would be more than a little curious alioul the ACTUAL listening habits of the other TWO-THIRDS of the Central Oregon Kipulalliin living "OUTSIDK" Bend and the southern end of the county, we purchased copies of the July IBM CONLAN STUDY OF LISTENINW HABITS. The summary apH'iirs Mow in addition to the summary of a Prlnevllle study in III.". I. We will lie happy In show you ill person the complete summary cover ing every n'mrler hour of the broadcast day ior an ENTIRE WKKK. Religion views the news through Hie trained eyes or an eM'rl observer. The dislilu,iiish eil journalist and rorelgn cor respondent, editor or "The Christian Science Monitor", is heard Sunday nights at li: 15. "HOril OF DECISION "( III l( II IN THK HOME" "VOICE OF PROPHECY" 'HER l.l) OF TUI I'll" "RADIO 1IIIII.E SCHOOL" "I'lLliRIMAGE" "LIGHT .V LIFE HOUR" We've often loilnd II Interesting to compare the pii'lures or ABC Network Slurs with Hie men tal Images we form from hearing lliem on KJUN. So we tlii.in;ht you would enjoy living to Identify tlie AIM Stars and KJUN Personal ities on this page w in. in you hear every dav 4111 K.II'N. Arier you've made your guesses luiik in Hie lower right hand corner lo see how lllanv you identified corns. ! ly. 1955 Redmond, Prineville, Madras 1954 Prineville Only ENTIRE ENTIRE A.M. P.JI. Suney A.M. P.M. Survey KJUN -17.7 !i().S BI.S 41.8 30.1 Sfl.O K" SIT 2.S 23.8 32.8 38.6 35.7 KBND III 20.J .0 20.8 24.7 22.5 ""' 1 U SJt B.I 6.8 5.8 Rnttcrt S. r'ohin . halills In Ibis and , ruinous mar- fluim iw..iu,.llj.r lit-l,,.TU 1 1, It.ll V hls reill-iirc ease stories or bus bunds and wives rae'ttg a crisis in their married dives, on "Com. .-..i..,. i.......i i.. ....i i.... fmiiiuii. mvmiii ill iitir t'f 'i.sifiit-n each week, Monday through rrioay at iu;,iu a.m. Asswiales of Kansas City, Missouri have been taking studies of listening id thousands of other markets tliroiiirhmtt lha l'.,li f , v'"rs' ""',r siunies. wiiicii ineiiide. ra-ineldental telephone calls lion-telephone home interviews and oiil of home listening Interviews, are primarily taken for use of national advertisers mid agencies, but isipl.-s of all studies are available for purchase by any radio station or their repn-sentulives. The Conlan Study referred to above is their annual studv or listenerslilp in the Redmond. Prineville and Madras markets, and other small towns and coiiuuiiuities ill these general trading areas, encomna.ssiiii' Al l. nf ih r .i gon trading area evcent the eltv of Bend iK.'lf ,n.,l sm.n,..,-., iw..i,..i.,., .. . liiiiiilv '.: oon ib.pwi.nu i.lsi,.ilinlK- tu.i.ti,i...i ..r i-....i.i m. i.-., ' .. .' .Y . 'V'K .iiuy i:i.i;i ( oniiin uioy, ai't-nrutng iliH'ilrliii; In Sales .Vlanageiiienl s 1 llllstry.l. ili two h ids of tentral o n-gon s population reside in this market area covered by the V . ? ,l,;',rln" "1 ''; "''' flgiinn and l.- (Ity and coimly opulatlon estimated !U. Edition of "survey of Effective Buying Income," (the "Bible" of the advertising I School Sports . FIRST TO ORIGINATE "LIVE" DIRECT BROADCASTS OF ALL REDMOND FOOTBALL & BAS. KETBALL GAMES PLUS DIS. TRICT STATE TITLE PLAY OFFS OF PRINEVILLE, MAD HAS, CULVER Si SISTERS. Local Talent MORE "LIVE" STUDIO PRO GRAMS USING CENTRAL ORE GON TALENT. INCLUDING: WES TITTLE'S TRI-COUNTY BOYS; FRANK SMITH'S "HAP PY HOWDY JAMBOREE:" LEN GORTON'S SQUARE DANCE PARTY. School Radio, FIRST TO ORGANIZE A IUGH SCHOOL RADIO CLUB AND DE VOTE A I, HOUR EACH DAY TO STUDENT BROADCASTERS: "REDMOND HIGH SCHOOL HOUR." AT 4:45 P.M. Hunting News FIRST TO ATTRACT STATE WIDE ATTENTION TO CEN TRAL OREGON'S HUNTING WITH SPECIAL ALL NIGHT PROGRAM FOR HUNTERS ON EVE OF W55 SEASON. Kiddie Shows FIRST TO DEVOTE AN ENTIRE HOUR LOCAL PROGRAM MING DAILY TO KEEP YOUNG STERS ENTERTAINED AND OCCUPIED BEFORK DINNER TIME: 4:15 P.M. 4-H Programs KJUN ANNUALLY DEVOTES MORE THAN TWICE AS MUCH TIME TO 4H DESCHUTES FAIR ACTIVITIES THAN ANY STA TION. Conventions ONLY STATION TO COVER ni.1. .'1MUB HIGHLIGHTS OF 1955 DEPT. OF ORE. AMERI CAN LEGION CONVENTION Oil Drilling - FIRST TO BROADCAST DIRECT FROM THK SCENE OK MAJOR OIL EXPLORATION. vfv !P ,0,Bo,(0J": Bob Garred, Paul nr Ji'. ?i" ?'frnI''" to" :"lpy- Kwln P. Can "V Hi' ,lohn,IK- R'lrht Side, Top to But. torn: Hope Wlnslow, Risa Stevens; Helen ,"r Higby. Fran "Aunt Fannie" McNeil, John Raby, Steve Ellis, Sammy Have, lUir, Bottom. Left to Right: 'Sparky Patricia "Auntie lat" Ueser, Gil Lieser, Frank i'i-.t ""uj riiiiin. 4 (errnide Warner is her real name, but she's known as . nlllhor anil eler, on Whispering Streets, the uaynme urama ueard Monday iiiiuuii iTBw.T Mi :.sj a.m. Wispering Streets presents a new story daily of men and wo men as iney iry lo find happi ness in ineir own walks or lite. , if &SBt. fwwy I lively mezzo-sop ratio of the Metropolitan 0era Comimiiy, whose siietes. ws have ranged from llie con eert stage to the movies, guests on aihj nauios "Voice or Fire- stone", ftionday at 8:30 p.m. She joins Howurd Barlow, with the Firestone Orchestra and chorus. 0S) 5 mff 'i - , Well known radio uc tress. Is frequently tea nireti on rtm-s numan aim ao sorbim? drama. Mv TniA stnrv. Miss .... brings to her various roles a wealth of emo tional understanding born out of K.imurmiiir v NTicnfe on si age and radio. My True Story Is leard Alonday through Fiday i ir.JV a. III. i the , who plays suir ian 01 ",ioan Davis" on A Ill's K)lgnant morning drama, When A Girl .Marries. During Hie past fifteen years she has be come, fpr millions, a nationwide raoio ravorlte. W hen A Girl Mar- ries is heard Monday throiiL'li rriuay ai 10:10 a.m. 1 dials the right number for laughter as featured comedienne on "The Breakfast Club", Monday through Friday mornings at 8:00 . . . liuess liveliest, Peter Pun? Niiie again! He's radio's friendliest little Imp Uig Jon's I'll ! Big Jon Arthur, and , are heard on Satunluys at 8:1X1 a.m. 011 .No School Toilay! talks strictly to the tallies every niorn-o nlng during "Cofrce Rnk" at 1I:IH). Hut at 4:15 p.m. dully, she Is Just plain , the Story Ijuly to hosts of Cell Irul Oregon yoiingiins. has iNjard- cost over J00 Central Oregon sHirts events In S short years, in addition to presiding over SHirt Slants at 8:15 weekday evenings In the winter, and cov erlng scclal events turnout the an-a with the KJUN mike. and his myth ical Frog "Pedro" are Central Oregon's most popular "waker uppers;" as thousands of Central Oregon alarm-clock radios waku their owners up to the strains of western music on "Happy Howdy Jamboree" 6 to 7: 15 a-m. Jlf I s- Lt r- prfirinf BmnnTTHim Mtuf runs a one man radio show with the help of every Important band leader and recording star In show business. Together they add up to - an ABC network feature heard every Monday through Friday from 2 IU 4..HI p.IIU whose evan gelistic crusades have attracted wide attention throughout the worm, is heard each Sunday at 1 1 :00 a-m. on "Hour of Decision",