V -Ay V ". (E Hunan J Sf i4ftM Aie. -V Me u i t Unusual Project Is Accepted By Bismarck Lions if v e L t- V Yew t Ale BOUNDARIES OF PRIMARY DISTRICTS Shown hern are the boundaries of the various primary school areas in Bend. Pupils within each marked lone will attend the school named. For instance, the Allen grade school boundaries are Alden on the south, the railroad tracks on the southwest and west, Rovere on the north and East 8th on the East. All primary students riding the school bus will attond either Yew Lane or Reid-Thompson schools. Those living south of town will attend Yew Lane. Children living north or east of Bend will be transported to Reid-Thompson school. (Chart prepared for The Bulletin by Bend school officials) C'tJti r- Hint" J I f i i b i , r f I I i J a I GRADE SCHOOL ZONES Boundaries of lones for fifth and sixth grado pupils are shown hore. All pupils in the fifth and sixth grados who rido the school bus will attond Allen school. .Twkry Willie Shoemaker, who rides fnvored Swiips in a match race against Nashua: "I expect lo win." Jockey Kiidie Amim, who rides Nashua, against Swaps: "Them will 1 no excuses.' Ralph E. Moody Dies at Salem SAMCM (UP) - Ralph Klmo MiHidy, 90, one of Oii'Kon'K most widely known attorneys, died (n a Salem hospital yesterday after a long illness. t Moftdy seized in the Oregon Lor slalure in the early l!HK)s and was employed in the leal department! of the Southern Pacific Ilailmad for many years, tie was the son of 'A. F. Moody, Oregon governor (ixini 1872 to 1S77. Moody was admitted to the Ore gon har in 1SS8 and was appointed special prosecutor by Gov. Charles II. Martin lo handle the famed "goon" trials on the slate's trou bled lnlwtr scene in the late 1930s. As a rosull of his efforts, several union leaders were convicted and served terms in the Oregon Stale penitentiary. Moody also served as special prosecutor during the Jackson county vole fraud cases nnd also won convictions there. He was born at The Dalles in 1H(5 and re ceived his elementary education there. He was known as the author of Wie Oregon people's utility law. Sinatra Refuses To Comment HOLLYWOOD (UP) Crooner Frank Sinatra refused comment today on a one million dollar break of contract suit which 20th Centmy Kox said it will file against him for quilting work on the film. "Carousel," on location in Boothbay, Maine. "See my lawyers," snapped Sin atra mi his return here yesterday. Sinatra left the location because air scenes were beinc shot iwfrn for separate type cameras. Sinatra said be had no immcdi- aie plans for work nnd ho expected to remain here "for several months. By A IE Til I 'It MeKlmiey I li i ted I'reHN Klaff (Virrekpuiulent BISMARCK. N.D. (UP) Lead ers of the Bismarck Lions Club plucked up their courage today and gave cautious approval to a Senate request that they study 1,- 000 pornographic pictures. The Lions protested the project was out of their line and one said he wanted the wives to take part in the examination, also. But past President Arvid Wik- lund summed up the spirit of the club with tho words "I think we should do it it sounds interest ing." The 150 Bismarck Lions found they had been picked as experts pornography through an an nouncement by Sen. William Lan- ger (R-ND) in Washington Tues day. , Selected By Senators Langer said the Senate Subcom mittee on Juvnile Delinquency had selected the club to make a 30-day study of 1.000 pornographic pictures to determine whether they are "obscene, lewd, lascivious and unfit" to be sold over newsstands. Langer followed up the announce-' ment by sending a packet of 1,000 photographs, films, booklets nnd drawings by registered mail to J. S. Fevold, president of the Bis marck Lions. The pictures were confiscated by the subcommittee during its re cent coast-to-coast hearings. Lan ger said they depict "everything from nudes to flagellation." The Lions can go over the ex hibits for a month and loan them out to other groups if they want to. Langer said it would be all right for the club to "invite guests, including wives," for the show- nmieuit T Say ! Joseph R. kirby, the club's sec- rotary, added "it's difficult to say whether the club will do it diffi cult to tell what some people might think. But it's probably a I good opportunity to do some serv ice for the community 12-Year-Olcl Retires With Her $16,000 By WILLIAM EWAI.D Uniti-d I'reMt Staff CorreNpondent NEW YORK (UP) "I'd rather go away Gloria, the undefeated champ, than Gloria the foolish lit tle girl who last out." r ' With those words, perky Gloria Lockerman, the 12-year-old Negro spelling champ from Baltimore. ; explained her bow-out from CBS-: TV's "The $64,000 Question" and retired $16,000 richer today. Marine Capt. Richard S hem 11 McCutchen. another contestant on the big giveaway show, correctly waded through a food-and-cooking query to reach the $16,000 level and earn a possible shot next week vdt $32,000. Ninth firade Student Gloria, a ninth grade student, had held TV audiences spellbound for three weeks by threading her "av through such orthocrraph" toughies as "belligerent." "astig matic" and "antidisestablishmen tarianism." Tuesday night, Gloria was of fered the chance of doubling her winnings of last week to $32,000. She and her .grandmother, Mrs., Bertha Kev of Baltimore, who has acted as Gloria's guardian on the show, turned the chance down. The Lord has been very, very good to Gloria," said Mrs. Key, "and I've decided we'll stop fight here." .Money Put In Trust Tb producers of the show noun.'ed that $15,500. of Gloria's winnings would be placed in trust fund for her education. The other $500 was given to Gloria to spend as she pleased. She also was presented with TV set, a bicycle, a tape recorder and a subscription to her favorite comic magazine. McCutchen, a career officer, correctly answered a question deal ing with the geographical origin and composition of various breads. They were: tortillas (Mexico or Central America, cornmealt; pum pernickel (Germany, coarse bolted rye); pone (Indian and southern United States, com); graham 4a The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, August 31, 1955 fr;.- -cAri:;;.' E , J" :'- -V(';. J vu-v if ih it, -tmwe i' bred (United States, whole wheat) the study it would be well to "get and bannock (Scotland, wheat, .bar- the reaction of both sides of the family." "The other half would be very valuable in deciding," Kirby said. "If it's not fit for them, it's not fit for us either." One immediate problem faced by the club is what to do with the pictures upon their arrival. ley or oats). Keith Saunders, editor of Nation al eronautics, on the practice of serving cocktails aboard coommer cial airplnnes: "There are grounds for udop ing a sensihlc code under which the practice can be controlled uniform ly on all the airlines." Actor David Wayne on the pro fession of the stage: "No one ever becomes an actor unless he seeks love, love in the broadest sense. When he is suc cessful in getting attention, he is at his happiest." Deficit Shown . In Liquor Fund ' "EUGENE (UP) An OroRon Uq unv Control Commission employe was arrested at Florence, yester day on charges o( converting to his own use jiiore than JUMX) public funds. Scheduled to be arraigned before District Court Judue Kenneth Poole 'lcre this afternoon was Klls-u-nrth Morten, 19. ascnt in charge of the nl.CC agency at Florence since 1949. I-ane County District Attorney Kugene Venn said a three month audit conducted by the liquor com mission showed n deficit of $118l.52 at Morten's one-mun agency. The audit was concluded Juty 12. Stale police marie the mvesl. 68, HE RUNS 360 MILES A 68-year-old marathon runner from Hamilton, Ontario, Dears his destinationthe mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa. Bob Whorwood, right, had no trouble finding Pittsburgh, but got lost trying to find the mayor's office, where ha finally delivered a message from the mayor of Hamilton. He lost 14 pounds during his 360-mile run, made to arouse Interest In wrestling matches staged for the benefit of the Pittsburgh Firemen's Widows Pension Fund. Watching Whorwood s prog ress are Battalion Chief James Hopper, left, and Chief's Aide Ray Elliott. EXCLUSIVE NEA PHOTO. Famous Oregon Flier Succumbs ENTERPRISE (UP) Cof. Gra ham W. West, a flier famous for his World War II exploits, died un expectedly Monday night at Wal lowa hospital here after a brief illness. He was 43. Col. West, a graduate of Grant high school in Portland and the University of Oregon, was- wound ed while fighting in Tunisia in June, 191.1. He lost both his legs. but was fitted with artificial limbs and flew again with fighting Amer ican pilots. The famous Oregon pilot was awarded many medals including the Distinguished Flying Cross from both the United States and Britain. - "t" He was highly praised by corres pondent Ernie Pyle. NO COMPLAINT DEARBORN, Mich. ( UP ) Dearborn officials generally are quite upset when children scribble on freshly poured concrete side walks. But they "didn't get angry when one child was caught in the act. The child had scrawled, "I love you, mommy." Exclusive Big Screen TV Direct from Yankee Stadium i MARCiANO MOORE Championship Fight Tues. 6:30 p.m. Sept. 20 IJBKKTY and ROXY THEATRES PORTLAND All Seals Reserved, ?:i.S0, $S, and $H. Ticket Sale Starts Sept. fi. Mail orders given prompt at tention. Send cheek nr money order with self-addreHsed stamped envelope. Presented by Theatre Network Television, Inc. J have 1kc RIGHT, Answer foryou! Imure With FARMERS it Savlngt Stml-Aniiual r"rmlumi No "P liarlt" for nllto, r buiintil ut Pmmpt Clolml Strvlet. Ynr local Dlitrict )) li rittd t hadlt cUlmt 01 n Ol reported. TMt film. Inatot rod-tapt and dtloy. Tot rafot, can or toe F. Keith Shepard ft6 OrrRon Ave. p limit ;i:t I OISTKKT AliKNT Are Found At BEND REXALL DRUG! N'ninr I in print th! 1 Kl.fc In (inlil! ZIpjMT BINDERS 1.39,2.69, 3.98,4.93 Wide UiMith nve ml I, pint 1.79 VACUUM BOTTLE 1.49 Willi ThcrmiM Itnv UoR'Th LUNCH KIT 2.39 W illi Itl'lltllll Itlltlll llM' ( Oil 2.69 LUNCH KIT 2.29 PENCIL BOXES 27c up MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM BEND REXALL DRUG 953 Wall Phone 4 BKND lM MINNESOTA RKDMOND-GH S. (ith. iniiNKviLLi;-:',!)! w. 3rd. Complete RADIO T.V. SERVICE TV SALES SERVICE SUPPLIES L. M. "Mac" McCORMICK Manager SERVICE Dc.ir Kricnd : I'i you have television yet? If not, please note the following: ( 1 ) Most of Iienil will have TV ealile fai ilities in September. (2) Your hookup will offer perfect reception on channels (Port land) anil i:i (Eutrene) with fair reception on channel 12 (Portland). Channel Pi will be improved when the station boosts power later. Channel 8 or any other two new stations can be added to the cable in the future. C!) If you live outside Hend with a jonrl view of surrounding moun tains, one of the new, more powerful in.!) TV sets may irive you j;ood re ception on a home antenna installation. (W'c have a 70' trailer to test for home anlenna installations.) Tri City TV Service (formeriy Redmond TV Service) now has over 2011 sets operatinj? in Deschutes county. Tri City TV is an authorized dealer for Phili-o UCA Zenith Admiral and Packard l'ell television in one or more of the three stores (l!enil, Kedmond, Prineville). We have TV service contracts available for one year (only on the Hend Cable system) and are equipped to service radio, home radio, or hi fi equipment. any make of television, iuto '.-ill M; t I IS I. Itend. :m. evciy day In .SeptomOer or drop in at 1I Mmnesnl.-t. ( iprn until 10 Vivry truly I,. M. ' m ASK FOR THE COMPLETE KM GRAPHIC 35, FLASH UNIT A LEATHER CARRYING CASE ONLY s89.50 Other Cameras from 3.25 & up Camera Outfits from 14.35 Bell end Howell Movie Equipment Be Sure You Have Plenty of FILM & FLASH BULBS For The Big Lcbor Day Weekend! S & H GREEN STAMPS SYMONS BROS., JEWELERS Mhe House of Beauty" 53