4 The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, August 24. 1955 English Actor By Hollywood I By A LINK MOSIIV I'nitcd I'rvhH II'iIIvhimkI WriliT IIOLLYW(XD IUI'i Kntjli.sii ac , lor Michael Wilding admitted today h?8 "stunrufl" by the nld Holly wood prncticc Hip gossip mills I Story Told l (Continued from Page 1) Irrigatifin Co. eowrivi-d the idea ; of establishing a desert town, lo caled on the main irrigation ditch . leading south from the Deschutes river at Bend. That town would be in the heart pf the largest ingle bodies of ir- rigahle land in the northwest at that time. Chanei DIcIali'H Site ' The exaet location of the new town of Redmond was by chance There happened to he in the area a vacant section of school hind , not included with the tract that was segregated for' reclamation under terms of the Carey net It also happened thai this school I section adjoined the Redmond farm, established in 1905. As an J appropriate tribute to the pioneer- ing qualities of the teachers from ! North Dakota, tin- desert town that was a mere tent In 1905 was 3itm(,d! Redmond. i Central Oregon Irrigation Co leaders organized the Redmond t Townsite Co. When news of the possibilities of i the newly opened land that was to i be watered from the Deschutes be 1 can to spread homesteaders wen attracted. Soon there was a dc- mand for a trading place. Red i mond, being in the center of the rfclmmed acreage in western J Crook county lu'camo the logi- Jcal place. Town Plaited I The new town was platted, and J In the summer and early fall of 190ti the first buildings were erect- ed. They consisted of a general I merchandise store, a hotel, n J hardware store and the Townsite i company's office. .In 1907, a well was drilled and a pump installed that supplied wa- ter for the city. However, only a ' fiw pipe lities were laid and most I rt the people came to the well 4 with pails to get their water. Hy 1910, the ones who had I fcolted forward to seeing Ri'd- tnoud an organized factor in I he ! development ot Central Oregon j saw their dream come Iruemd f fhc City of Jiedmond was incur i porated. Population Snail If ' There wen1 only 'JHi people there i when the incorporation look place. That was about (he same ntim a her that resided In Mend when the I upper Deschutes town was incor- porated in 1005. However, the 216 people were of i Hie progressiva, energetic type. ' They conceived of a town that was i not only to seive their part of a ; big irrigation district, but wnuld he develofied into a city serving ! a large region. divoiui:s sottiitr .Two divorce suits were fih-d at the circuit court last week. They Jre: Victor Hrnwn vs. Hen t rice Hrown and Leigh Rice vs. HanUl W. Rice. At Fair As Lumbermen We Realize The Greatness of Oregon's Forests Just one ol the many vacation spots in Central Otegon that attract thousands of tourists annually. Protect our forests, use common care when vacationing, and you'll have them for years to come. Wc aio proud to be pait of the lum ber industry of Central Oregon. Congratulations, Redmond. On Your 50th Birthdayl BE SURE YOU SEE THE 36th ANNUAL DESCHUTES COUNTY FAIR P0NDER0SA M0ULDK, M. is 'Stunned' Gossip Mills whispering aUmt his niarria',e. As is usual in the film colony, columnists have been speculating whf'lher the marriage of the suave actor lo one of HollywofKl's most beautiful women, KliznhHh Taylor, is on solid ground. Items have fil tered from luscious I,iz' s't of "Giant" at Warn, r Sluiio that all is not well with the Wildings' love nest. Hut the lull, sophisticated Wil ding insisted "the marriage is fine, thank you, just fine." ( "If you have a good marriage you ignore the gossip columns anil just enjoy the marriage, make the most of it," he said in his clipped, fast-talking British way. "We've been married three years iviw, and they slifl say if our marriage cateln s on " Tired of (inssip Wilding sat in the living room of the couple's hilltop home in lien edict Canyon. The house, of ex treme modern design, features a long living room wilh one wall of stone and another of glass. The actor presided over a gin-and-tonic surrounded by three cats, three dogs, a cook and assorted secretaries. He. was surprisingly informal and friendly so informal, in fact, he prefers lo walk over his coffee table and couch instead of around them. "These fan maga'lies!" he went on. "I see titles on the covers like, 'Will Liz Baby Save the Marriage?' nr. 'Will l.iz Lose Her books'? I have to buy the mag azines so I can read them and find out. "Actually, I find those gossip stories immensely dull. They writ about the same people goiw ng hi i ilar gel a divorce, going to get ried, or going lo stay thai way. I am tired of reading about lony i'1-IIiiiir nut nf :iiid .lunol irtti. nK nim , i i lit When he and Liz traveled to Kuropo two years ago, Wilding mi, in niui I m.-i ' limp." One' pk-lun- 'shoivrd h',.r nrrivinK al..m- in onn rily. Onr Irii-nds novcr sind Ihnl nml I wns n Ihc pl;mp wilh l.iz Lul thoy t nu. out. of Ihc picliin-," he laughed ... . Marriage omes Mrst "Liz gels upset over these mese imngs nut I get ipnie a Kiel; .)VU Ol It. One Columnist Said l.lZ was a bore and couldn t grow up. Nothing could be farther from the m u, il(,0 o R.lVngi'ry almost un truth. It' a bit of a rum, y'Unow, ,Piovatile. tn say mat land or tiling, or to say she's behaving badly on the set 01 i iiani . noe s line. Wilding also regarded wilh de- Inched amusement the cry of "fay-December". He is -II, Liz "I'm mentally reiarded so we been burned, cattle by the thou une lo the same age," he grinned, sands- butchered. Hatreds have Wilding was signed by MtJ.M af- In-en inflamed that will take dec r he and the MUM star were hides to' cool. wed. Recently, after ihree picture.. he left the studio "because they Irail no good roles for me." (tribesmen ami their cousins in the "I would like to do some li ;ht j Merit and Kmbu reserves disap comedies," he said. "Noel Coward ! pea red mysteriously. Then, in iso also wants me to do a play in l,nn-lated places, African families were don but I don't think f s good for found butchered in their huts. They a marriage lo be apart. j had refused to join Mau Mau. "And my m i r r I a g e comes The terrorisls were encouraged first oml.' he said. "Acling comes sec-1 Time REDMOND I ' ; v;v J-; X?H T 'i vr ' ; - r-::cV-Sf. ; -Ar J NAME THIS MID-OREGON TOWN Old imerj would hav some difficulty in naming fhis Central Oregon town, as viewed from an airplane. It is Madras, "Green Spot" of Jefferson county. The view is north, and the black "street" down the center is route of U. S. Highway 97. Mau Mau Group Slowly Being Hy IM'DI.KY HAWKINS i in leu rrest iaii l airrcspoiweiu .M)r,T ,, .,.,, . ... .'. ,. - ... ,. .,... ..u in..,, Hi.... I,.... l'l""Kod this once-idyllic British colon-v. ""' h"'c bloody yt'a,s 1S "V" , , . . l "'' ' P!""''', '"':"'"! " r Sl t0 ,i;,y mere are a lew uiousaou mini- eel, (tesperaie outlaws niuing in jh(, ((,ns(! nimint:iin jlinKlcS. I To them now, fooil is fhr more s 1)).,.uU 1han Vet 1 1 i r 1 white set- f (h. Aft-l'n n:itivi wlin f.i.,n ... rhriiUmniiv :n(i invnliv ,,,,t w.n n(,V(,.. 1onvx 0vnr i.nno lnpn. ..-omen and children have been killed. Mori than one hundred million dollars 1iVO n(,PM SM,nt t(l prevent mass murder. Macnifimit mountain I ludces. sernm farm homes have Man Mau began almost un- noticed 10 vears aeo. Kikuvii by the stiff-necked complacency of British eoli inn I alm imstr.it in lamKt&h W WBBTrWIf The Madras High School can be These civil servants still lived in the rosy glow of hunting, incom ing motion picture safaris and whiskey and soda. Trail of Death By 1!)')2 the well-armed terrorist gangs, made nravc ny moonsnine liquor, blood oaths and promises of taking land from the whites, had left a ghastly trail of death through the reserves. Razor-sharp pangas cut down anyone who refused to cooperate. Oath - taking ceremonies incredi bly filthy orgies of sex and super stition to initiate recruits were held openly just outside Nairobi. In October, 195'i, British para troopers landed by air and a state nf emergency was declared. But the barn door was being shirt after the horse was gone. On a pre-ar Serving A Great Agricuttura! Today, electricity is a versatile "chore boy" on the modern farms of Des chutes, Jefferson and Crook counties, helping to get more done in snorter hours. Your Central Electric Cooperative is proud to serve part of the farm homes of this great agricultural area. The county fair which we celebrate here in Redmond this weekend is a won derful testimony of the modern agricultural advances being utilized by our local farmers, for at the Fair will bo lined row upon row of their most prized products. We urge you to attend your fair this weekend and examine the products that make Central Oregonians proud of thoir agricultural industry. CENTRAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE IN OUPOIIATKI) "OWNED BY THE PEOPLE IT SERVES" DESCHUTES JEFFERSON CROOK WW"" n.iJ1. iim Jtn. wuuwllh mm ami , seen in the lower left corner. Beaten Down ranged plan, Mau Mau leaders fled the city, leaving a few unim portant "generals" behind to face the music and leave the impres sion the crisis had ended. In the dense jungles and moun tain country, the Mau Mau organ ized an intricate, efficient system of "cells" on Communist lines which stretched to every Kikuyu, Embu and Mcru tribesman. Among the whites, guns ap- peared on every hip and in every I woman's handbag. On the farm the settlers' homes became fort resses, somo, wilh watchtowers and machineguns. But it was not enough. The Mnu Mau were sworn to kill the whites and they did. James . MacDougall, who came to Kenya in 1906, trusted his native Region (Ilend Bulletin ricture) servants. He never locked his doors and windows. Nine killers broke and surrounded him in his wheelchair. Arthritis prevented his moving. In cold blood, they hacked him and burned his body. Family Killed The Meloncellis, an Italian fam ily, lived in a house surrounded by bush country. Meloncclli was at i the saw mill one morning when 20 Mau Mau attacked the house. His wife was shot and chopped to pieces. The terrorists searched the house and killod their 15-year-1 old daughter and lO-year-old son.l The children had arrived only 10 days before. J Only this April, two schoollmys, Geoffrey Dahy and Christopher Twohey, innocently 'but foolishly strolled through the veld on the outskirts of Nairobi hunting pig eons. Their airgun attracted the Mau Mau. The boys were sur rounded and butchered. V" 1 County Fair Plans Shaped By Veterans A veteran board will again be in charge of Deschutes county's' would adequately be served by IffiB inir in Rorimnnd on Auff. 26.IUw realized that two arterial 27 and a. Fnday, Saturday andj Sunday. R. J. Carpenter, Redmond bank er, is again ciuirnian of the 11 memher Deschutes County fair as sociation, and Roy Newell a n i George McKinnon are co-managers of the fair. M. A. Lynch, who in earlier years was "head man" of the county fair, still remains as a member of the association and is not a mere "elder statesman." He is one of the busiest members ofRcdmond piace mr meals as they the group as fair days near. j rode over the "low desert" were Howard Mavfield, board mem- always welcome, pioneers point ber who will head up the rodeo out but those same pioneers ad program, is not only a member ofimit they did not realize that the the Deschutes fair board. He was! weary travelers of 1905 marked active in the presentation of the; the beginning of an important Crooked River roundup and of a I industry sen-ice for tourists who western show on the other side of! annually bring millions of dollars the Cascades. ' in, Central Oregon. General Contracting 4-M CMJB Atlivitfes Congratulations Redmond on Your 50th Birthday Redmond Fuel & Construction Co. Melvin Cyrus Phone 129 1346 So. Sixth Redmond THEATRE DRIVE-IN Besides the Many Modern Conveniences You'll Find in the Odcm and Mayfair Theatres, the Latest in Air Conditioning Units are Now Installed. Stop In Any Time and Enjoy the Latest Movies in Cool Comfort. Also for the People Who Prefer the Outdoors, the Odem-Medo Drive-In Theatre Offers the Latest Pic tures for You in the Air-Cooled Comfort of Your Car. For The Best in Entertainment GO TO THE MOVIES FINEST FULL LENGTH TXTURES LATEST WORLD NZV3 COLOR CARTOONS COMEDY, FEATURES 0 SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Attend The 36th Annual Deschutes COUNTY FASH FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY PARADE RODEO 4-H BUCKAKOO BREAKFAST EXHIBITS DANCES CARNIVAL Optimists (Continued Irom Page 1) north, aci-oss Crooked river, a Sli.OOO.OOO federal irrigation proj. fcet would bring 50,000 acres of land under water. The Redmond pioneers were confident that their new town - , butew in would cross the center of town. PossMily some of the early day residents who watched the first flimsy planes of a new age cir cle in the mid - Oregon sky dreamed of the time when the city could serve those planes wilh a "landing field" but certainly none pictured a multi-million dollar airport near Redmond's city limits. Those first stockmen and way fnrrc u-hn stoDDcd at the Frank -4 THEATRE III HMOM1 PHONK 1