.. THE BEND BULLETIN nd CENTRAL OBEGON PBES8 An Independent Newspaper Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publijher Phil F. Brecon, Auoclate Editor Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation kUri M Ueova Ibui, Jutur t . 117 U Ui. Port Offle. st Bnl, Or gan wular Aat at Urch I, liTO. The Bend Bulletin, Monday, July 18, 1955 A Welcome to Veterans ! VctcranH of a war of another century, men who car ried into dark places of tho world the Htory of American democracy and its ideals of freedom, are guestn of Bund this week. ; They are the United Spanish War Veterans Amer icans youths of the fading yearn of the 19th century whose waving flags over Santiago, Havana, San Juan and Man ilatmarkcd the dawn of this country's leadership in the world. It was these men, now the aging veterans of the Spanish-American war and the Philippine insurrection, whb dramatically ended at Santiago, Cuba, the rule of onij of the world's mightiest empires, that of Spain. ! It was from the battle smoke of Santiago and Manila bn, where the Spanish fleet was annihilated with an American loss of only one man killed and eight wounded, that America emerged as a world power. ;' Engaged In the war with Spain were about 488,000 men. Their losses in deaths from all causes were 4.3 per cent, compared with six tenths of one per cent in Ameri , ca's next big conflict, World War I. - The men who battled Spain and who fought in the Philippine jungles faced an days as the bullet. That enemy was disease. The United Spanish War Veterans has a member ship at present of about 50,000. It is still an imposing fig ure, considering the fact that it represents an organiza tion that is not being bolstered by recruits from other wars. But each year ranks are decimated by some -100 deaths. Oregon members who died in the past year were memorialized at services here Sunday evening. f Bend is proud to serve as host for four days to the veterans who, as soldiers and sailors in the long ago ptyyed such an important part in shaping the destiny of their nation. They are the men who altered the course of empires and made America a leader in world affairs. A Feeder Airline Some months ago United Air Lines, which now servcH the Central Oregon area, landing at tho modern Kedmond airport, asked permission from the appropriate government agencies to discontinue the Central Oregon route. , ". Coincdentally, West Coast Airlines asked for per mission to add the Kedmond airport to the list of stops it.'now makes in Oregon. I Recently we flew a flight, our first, with West Coast. Iljiving flown on feeder lines before, tho trip served to refresh our memory of the type of operation. I . The trip ran from Portland to Lewiston, Idaho, and I'jturn. The plane was boarded in Portland, and until it tiached Yakima there was no diffei 'once between the r)ght and any flown by one of the larger lines, excepting Hat there was a pleasant young mail (o pass out the fltewing gum and pick up tickets instead of the pretty stewardesses you have come automatically to expect on ptanes. . The plane was a Douglas DC-3, the same as used by I'nited in this area. I When you hit the Yakima field, however, it was 'sy to see where the difference lies. We were there for t;n minutes, and during that lime our. baggage was un loaded from one plane, put into another, the passengers mm a cup ol cotfee and were take off. Speed on the ground, and lots of it, was the key tci the operation. ! When we landed at Pasco the speed was even more evident. The starboard, or right, engine of the nlnne nev- ft stopped. The port engine passengers unloaded and new passengers and haggngi pjit on. The port engine was started again and wo rolled ot.nn me runway toward the three-fourths minutes after . ine trip was safe and pleted without incident. ; A passenger would not want to ride a feeder airline oji u trip of more than three or four hours. No meals are served, and the iakeoffs and landings are pretty frequent. 1'jor these, the big planes, with speeds of around UiSO milit per hour, are just the ticket. , But on short hops, the a. day s business or shopping in another city, or to get yju to a major terminal, the feeders seem to be the an swer. And West Coast Apparently runs a good operation. Quotable Quotes People usually come to India in tho winter. Prime AT in inter NVhru's comment on forthcoming visit of Sov jets' Hulganin. i I L !.. ..i ; i Knon i kiii nir ('(inpnHMU io oral .Matviiino. - liijrhl Heavy weight Champ Archie Mooiv. i What is decent on a Marilyn Monroe lie so decent on another type. Chicapt park police .slokt'sman, on hathinp suit censorship. t ; ' I want to tell you (I'.S. Army Maj. William Fife) we don't want war and we know you don't want war. Hut if we have to fitfht, let'a he on the same side. Russia's Nikita Khrushchev at U.S. Kmhassy party in Moscow. ; Land sake.s, it's just like it is on live television. nhjtotiWntt.Bciuinccncy, CO, J'iqttu, 0 spinster visits New York us tfuoyt of her hos. enemy as deadly in those in the other plane ready to was shut off, baggage and takeoff point just three ami the door was first opened. comfortable, and was com kind you want to make to do type may not Of This Much We Can Be Assured, Folks 7v I r"L-F let us have M iijrjtj Edson in Washington Ike Still Likes By I'KTKK KDSON NKA W:t thint ml Cor respondent WASHINCTON (NKA) i'resi- ilenl Kisonhower Ix'licvcs thai the prestige of tlif United Stales is at stake in the development of his atomic peace ship idea. H hits K'veii this relatively minor project a hih priori ly on hit must list" of legislation he wants passed before Congress adjourn? litis year. , Congress turned down his ide;1 in the atomic energy funds autho ruahon legislation lor the current fiscal year. Bui h vole in thf Senate was close 1 lo -M. So Hi. f 'resident isn't taking this for t final answer. lie was Imping he would again he asked a I unit this project at his press conference on .Inly (i. fl.it nobody brought it up and the Pre sident didn't volunteer a state ment. He was ready with some new ar guments in support of his p. t plan, however. And it can he authoritatively stated that the ba sis of his argument is the need to maintain American aloms-for-peace leadership. President Kisenhower is said to feel It would be a severe loss of face to this country if another nn lion were the first lo develop an domic ship. Communist propaganda has at tempted to put over the idea tlvtl the United States was using its a tomic enei'L'.v resources for the de velopment of Ixmihs. atomic artil lery, submarines and guided mis sile warheads. A recent publie oninion poll tak n in western Kurop 1 revealed h belief lhat the Russians Wf re do ng more in developing peaceful uses of atomic energy througi mining mountains and rivers fur nonmilitary pursuits. If some other country were now to develop an atomic powered merchant ship before the Cnited States, the President is said (eel that his atoms -for-peaec plan Wo'lM silff-T a Severe se1ha'k 'I ills uou'd be in spite of AmT "an promotion of the (e-neva con 'crenre on peaceful uses of atom ic energy, and the American of fer to hear half the eosts of re search reactor development in friendly countries. The possihililv of a friendly ouniry developing the atomie ship first, even with American aid s viewed in the s.une li 'ht as tiv llussi ms developing it first, in in iernalion.il rivalry. Canada. Crod 'b i lam. r.i'lmuni. Kranee, Austra lia. In-li i. lasl Cermany and ( Vi'choso akl.i all i.ie access ti. itomic o"s The duttetilt in obiainin infor nation on whit oth'r eoimtrie 'nv be dmii in at nnc energv .hip prpuivion k eitct as anor. r reason for siatiaig the Amen can effort now. The idea that th- re w is tn In 'ern.ilionil riv dry in On aioini' ship plan was not presented I die Congri'ssional Joint Committee m Atomic Knirc. Cnn.rrs iirned it down li.-e.nis' it u ts con idiu-cd liopi iclical and imecono llli1 riesiilenls position is ta it ti- huher imti.il eons; i U'-t roo os!s and hi.;h''r op t tting costs or an alopue slop sli"uM not h-' he d f- rnifMiig fartoi- The a! ie of the ship is said lo le in its nop t.H)-) i an 1 pf. t.:; 1 While Mouse officials s i llv 'resident's idea h is captured imp lar imagination A co-isiderahlr , olnme of m id and phone eal s hs come in suprting the pr i-ct and w anting to knew uh u ould l- done to push it One nv lAvndt ill mt in a iiiiK clink Vi'EUU.MYTSlENR!- Peace Ship Plan to start a fund to build Ihe ship. Needless to say. these develop- ments have not dampened the Pv-1 sident's ardor for his pet idea. He still has hopes Congress will ap prove it this year. While Senator Clinton P. Ander -ion tD-New Mexl, chairman of he congressional Joint Commit tee on Atomic Energy says the President's atomic peace ship idea is dead for this session of Con gress there are still a couple of 'ong chances that the idea will be I revived. Krp. Sterling Cole til-NY) ori dnally an opponent of what he "ailed the "atomic showboat," is reconsidering his position and may introduce a new proposal. His idea how is to take an ex isting hull and install an ntoitt-ie-powered engine which could dsn be used as a floating power plant. It could tour the world and gen erate electric current from its domic boiler and power phmf. This would demonstrate Ihe effec tiveness of the rapidly develop ing atomic power industry. Oiv f the original objections to the . 'resident's proposal was lhat in using an existing atomic engin : like the one in the Nautilus, not ti ng new would be learned or de monstrated. lb p. Herbert C. Ilonner ID-NO hairman of the Hons" M"rdiart Marine Committee, Ivs st ill an ither idea. He has introduced a new hill t i build on- new atom Mowered ship of merchant vessel sie. He has dropped an earlier id"a to build two atomic ships one small museum shin such a the President pniposed, and a larger merchant vessel. Senator Anderson now leans to 'he idoa that eventually two shins should hr built of different designs, to advance experimenta tion mid speed up developments that would put the I'nited States in the lead in a new race for atomic supremacy on the seas. Indonesia is the world's largest consumer of cloves, using the spice in the manufacture of cigarcts. Mindszenty May Still Be Under Watch of Police VIENNA (UP) Communis! secret iveness on the whereabouts of Josef Cardinal Mindszenty indi cated today he still may be under police surveillance in spite of Red Hungary's claim thai he has been freed from prison. The Hungarian Justice Ministry refused to disclose the Cardinal'!; whereabouts. A telephone call to Mindsenly's palace at Budapest hrought the admission from its staff; "We don't know where he is." When the United Press asked to meet or to speak with Mindszenty the Justice Ministry said such a request must go to the Interior Ministry, which controls Hungary's Hcd police network and its prisons. The implication seemed clear t ha t t he Card i nal still was not making his own decisions and was under police control The Interior Ministry switched :dl newmen's injuries from office to office with evasions and contra dictions. Austrian newspapers demanded in headlines: "Where is Cardinal Mindszenty?" The Hungarian gov ernment announced Saturday it had freed the fi3-year-oUi prince of the Roman Catholic Church by suspending his lif" sentence an I Mowing him to live in a "church building." SHflKTKST The Hook of Obadiah is the short est of all the prophetical writings of the Old Testament of the Bible and consists of but 21 verses. Clipper top its class in power, flip, brawny V-H en gines of 24 5 and 2ZS horse power put you out front in any driving situation. B... J k.. "'"ii'i" iiiMn'i'iii uiukixiiju 167 Greenwood Ave. l Transistor, Wee Battery Team Of Mighty Midgets With Bright Futures By JAMKS G. C'KOSSI.KV NKA Staff t'orrenpondenl CLCTfcLANU INUAJ As he obs set bigger the scientific .vorkhorses get smaller. You need a magnifying glass to omfortably get a little gadget ailed a li ansislor out ot the stab!.' ind into harness. Now comes the mercury' battery, its teammate. 11 is almost as small. Yet these two midgets work ra dios. fire shells, run airplanes and iperate mechanical brains. One of these days the entire po pulace may carry in its pockets a battery - operated emergency communication device no bigger than a match box. In case of dis aster everyone could tune in on central communication wave bands such as Conelrad. for instructions, thanks to the two tiny mites. ! The transistor is smaller than a 50-for-a-nickle fire cracker. The mercury power cell is smaller tnan ' a dime. ; Wnen the transistor was oriKi-i nated in Bell Laboratories it op : ened the ay to making electri- cal devices smaller. With this came the opportunity to cut loose from line current as a source ol power when tiny, but powerful bat teries were developed. As the transistor becomes a more satisfactory substitute for 'he vacuum tube, more and mor.' 'rticies appear on the mai'ket, miniature copies of larger useful devices. Since they use current in simple way, they can be pow ered by the mercury batteries such as those being made from dime size to cigarette size by Gen eral Dry Batteries. Inc. Store windows are showing ai; increasing number of miniatur- radios from the size of a cigarette pack on up. The transistor-mercury cell team makes them next to impossible to break or wear out. There's a wire recorder no larg er than a movie camera that you can wear under your coat with a mike strapped to your wrist. An other company makes a paging device for large crowds. Clipped to the lapel it makes audible calls from a central broadcasting cen ter. Doctors carry a similar little box with them. An impulse on a special frequency makes a buzz with the doctor's code signal and the doc knows he should get on the nearest phone. In all situations where electri cal equipment ran be freed from "plugging in," the transistor-mercury pony team takes over. In flight, particularly with rockets where weight is important, they are invaluable. They turn gears, work recording devices, push but tons and broadcast data to listen ers on the ground. Acting as detectives is another growing field. Little boxes includ ed in railroad shipments will de tect delays or rough handling. On trucks, the driver's entire day can be traced including time-out for phone calls to his girl friends. Deep in the earth on the points of gas well drills, the diminutive team broad"as;s what's going o;i to the surfaee. Size, mobility and the elimina tion of the heat of vacuum tubes open wide ivw areas of develop ment. It is onen season for ama teur inventors as well as the pro fessionals. I Office equipment, including j computers of all kinds, can in-! crease us fulness when 'free from I wires. Home communication sys No other automatic transmis sion can match Twin l ltra matic ... its eager, nimble response, silken-smoothness and positive control. 9 - i f.j ft -"-t. r-k.. . - KCJb a m... ri .... - v7; TOWNE MOTORS ut 10 you l mucfc mor. w. terns would consist of a few plas- tic instruments. Walkie - talkies will be most practical, Including the wnst watch type. Right now, it's a cinch to rewire a tiny hearing aid to make it into a receiver. In Wash ington, a theater manager rigged up his equipment so his neighbors with such gadgets couia tune i" on the film's sound. Watch manufacturers are hot on the trail ol an electric wrist watch using the tiny power cells. Thev not only eliminate winding and have fewer parts, but are far more accurate. On an experimen tal model the accuracy ol time was fantastic. Portable TV has been pioneered. ...n nun me IYH l r-i Taking A Vacation Trip with the Kids? By Betty Skflloii, If you're vacationing with the Kicts mis summer, yuu re pro ably wondering how to keep them happy while they re r ding In ti e car. You often have to serve as referee, troubleshooter. and special police lo prevent the little ones from becoming little de- mnHcreaareEmyrr for avoiding nervous break- downs on the part ol tne aauns Of course, with no children of mv own X sound ime me cun- firmed bachelor who tells people how they should bring up their kids. But I know first hand the fortitude above and beyond the n f fiutv that s required on fia trip of this kind. Driving ihe'es the signs along his side of the kids from the po lio warn at Tam pa Municipal hospital in Flor ida gave me my chance to worn out mv tins for trips with the younger genera- Miss Nkelton lion. No Toys Don't bother taking toys along. They usually clutter up the car and provide little entertainment lor excited youngsters. Treats like candy, popcorn. and gum. are a help if stored in the glove compartment and doled out with discretion. To avoid frequent stops for drinks, take along a big thermos of. cold water or carbonated drink, along with plenty of pa per cups. . There are a lot of good ways to divert rfheir attention from the fact that they are con demned to sit in oitc place for hours at a stretch. Little children who haven't traveled much will enjoy having the unusual sights along tne road pointed out to them. And they like to play games like- the one where each child counts the number of cows on his side of the road, and the one who gets the most cows in a certain time gets a prize. If a graveyard comes up on his side of the road, the contest ant's total is wiped out and he has to begin counting all over again. Horses, since they are HUNNELL Your Dodge Uialor 8: Bond SI. Biggest where it counts most, Clipper gives vim more room for heads, shoulders, hips and legs . . more room to relax. .Drive. ..Comport! You'll buy the BUILT fj '-"" - ' T - ... ..-V J., .V II III Mill T - - : I can olfw you (or yaur pnin fw Up as Pair For train control, Industrial and construction time saving the future holds promise. Wartime uses when mobility u paramount would include every, thing needed for air and field units. The mighty midgets would be furiously active setting off fus es and torpedoes. Butterfly fishes often swim in pairs. DR. R. D. KETCHUM Chiropractic Physician Phone 794 Bend We promote natural health by re moving toxins, correcting deficlen. eie. and freeing nerve and blond iupjily. Rely -pen natural method or better health. A" "iTTsr' lfti S? Dodge Test Driver in me utu scarcer count two. The winner could get one of the candy bars in the glove compartment for a prize. School-age children can keep nccunied for hours with the al- phabet game, tuicn cmia waicn- have more than two children. If there are three children m the car, let one be the referee vou're going to need one, any way. The point of the gamp is to . see who can find the letters A through Z the fastest. It sounds simple, but gets complicated when they get down to p's and This Is Recommended There is an alternative to all this that is especially recom mended by couples with very young cheildren. Start by loading suitcases on the floor of the back seat un til they are level with the seat. Then place a crib or youth bed mattress across this area. Arid children dressed in pajamas, pillows, and blankets. Start dviv ing about 7 or 8 p.m. Drive for six hours at 50 miles per hour, and by 1 a.m. you'll have gone aproximately 300 miles while the children slept. Of course, there's always the chance you'll have one of those days when nothing works. When you're a mere 20 miles on your way. they'll start asking, "Are we almost there?" This question will be thrown at you every 5 minutes for the rest of the day each time fhey come up for air. One couple of my acquaint ance had a nerve shattering 500 miles of this. After they arrived at their d e s t i n a t i on thev laughed at the cure it occurred to them they could have used. The Cure? Knock-out drops one to each demon. MOTORS Phone 2i Only Clipper is huilt by Packard craftsmen . . . with outstanding quality, fash ionable good taste through and through. Oipptr 6ffim four-door 20 boritpoutr. iompiff the him, bwotifnt (.Itpprf with inr car in in clit and vou ll quitklr it offcri to tnw.it nor! pJ(2JLh-, BY PACKARD CRAPTtMIN Phone 259